Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * TeleStax, Open Source Cloud Communications
 * Copyright 2011-2016, Telestax Inc and individual contributors
 * by the @authors tag.
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>
 * For questions related to commercial use licensing, please contact


import android.content.Context;
import android.location.Location;
import android.preference.PreferenceManager;
import android.telephony.ServiceState;


import org.json.JSONObject;

 * This class represents an event that can occur in the MMC Service class. 
 * The class comes with its own duration and timestamp variables.
 * @author abhin
public class EventObj {
     * Private variables
    private EventType eventType;
    //private Time eventTimestamp;
    private long eventTimestamp;
    protected long duration, eventIndex, extraLong;
    protected int connectTime, numSatellites;
    protected int latency, downloadSpeed, uploadSpeed, downloadSize, uploadSize;
    private String cause = ""; // cause of a dropped call
    private String app = null;
    private long stageTimestamp; //when the event gets staged
    private long eventid = 0;
    private boolean isUploaded; //whether the event has been uploaded to the server
    private Uri uri; //This is the uri of this event in the sqlite table
    private int localId = 0;
    private int flags = 0, battery = 0;
    private int tier = 0;
    private int signalFieldsMask = 0;
    private int band = 0;
    private long tx = 0, rx = 0;
    private TcpStats tcpstats;
    private Location location = null;
    private SignalEx signal = null;
    private CellLocationEx cell = null;
    private ServiceState service = null;
    private WifiInfo wifiinfo = null;
    private WifiConfiguration wificonfig = null;
    private JSONObject activeTest = null;
    public GpsListener gpsListener = null;
    public boolean isCheckin = false; // is the event a 3hr update
    private Runnable onUnstage; //this callback will be called when the event gets unstaged
    //This callback is very important because if the event gets unstaged unexpectedly, 
    //it needs to unregister its listener with the GpsManager to avoid data being
    //written to the database twice.

    //Used for APP_MONITORING event
    private String appData = null;

    private long lookupid1 = 0;
    private long lookupid2 = 0;

    public static final int DISABLE_LOST2G = (1 << 0); // 1 disable 2G outage events
    public static final int DISABLE_LOST3G = (1 << 1); // 2 disable 3G outage events
    public static final int DISABLE_LOST4G = (1 << 2); // 4 disable LTE outage events
    public static final int DISABLE_LOSTSVC = (1 << 3); // 8 disable Service outage events
    public static final int DISABLE_LONGCALL = (1 << 4); // 16 only record 30 seconds of coverage on calls
    public static final int DISABLE_DROPCALL = (1 << 5); // 32 disable dropped call events
    public static final int DISABLE_ALLCALL = (1 << 6); // 64 disable all call events
    public static final int DISABLE_NONDROPCALL = (1 << 7); // 128 disable all call events, except to send dropped and failed calls
    public static final int DISABLE_AUTOCONNTEST = (1 << 8); // 256 disable all call events
    public static final int DISABLE_TRAVEL = (1 << 9); // 512 disable travel detection
    public static final int DISABLE_FILLINS = (1 << 10); // 1024 disable fill-ins
    public static final int DISABLE_SCREENON = (1 << 11); // 2048 disable turning the screen on during events
    public static final int DISABLE_RILREADER = (1 << 12); // 4096 disable trying to read ril or logcat for rooted or system
    public static final int DISABLE_ROAMUPDATE = (1 << 13); // 8192 disable sending update event when roaming changes

    public static final int DISABLESTAT_APPS = (1 << 0); // 1 Disable app monitoring
    public static final int DISABLESTAT_CPUTCP = (1 << 1); // 2 Disable cpu and tcp error monitoring, which requires reading linux files
    public static final int DISABLESTAT_APPS_FORETIME = (1 << 2); // 4 Disable monitoring for foreground time of apps, which causes wakeups
    public static final int DISABLESTAT_APPS_THROUGHPUT = (1 << 3); // 8 Disable measuring the throughput of foreground apps
    public static final int DISABLESTAT_SMS = (1 << 4); // 16 Disable SMS send and received stats
    public static final int DISABLESTAT_APPDATAUSAGE = (1 << 5); // 32 Disable data usage stats for apps
    public static final int DISABLESTAT_DATAUSAGE = (1 << 6); // 64 Disable overall data usage stats
    public static final int DISABLESTAT_PHONE = (1 << 7); // 128 Disable overall phone stats, keeping only the apps stats

    public static final int SERVICE_VOICE = 1; // If 
    public static final int SERVICE_DATA = 2;
    public static final int SERVICE_3G = 4;
    public static final int SERVICE_4G = 8;
    public static final int SERVICE_WIFI = 16;
    public static final int SERVICE_UMA = 32;
    public static final int SERVER_READY = 64;
    public static final int SERVER_SENT = 128;
    //public static final int SERVER_CANCELLED = 256;
    public static final int SERVER_ERROR = 512;
    //public static final int SERVER_SENDING = 1024;
    //public static final int SERVER_FAILED = 2048;
    public static final int AUTOMATED = 4096; //1;
    public static final int RECORDING = 8192; // 2;
    public static final int PHONE_INUSE = 16384;
    public static final int SERVER_NODATA = 32768;
    public static final int SERVICE_WIMAX = 65536;
    public static final int TRANSIT_SAMPLES = (1 << 23);
    public static final int MANUAL_SAMPLES = (1 << 24);
    public static final int CALL_LOGCAT = (1 << 25);
    public static final int CALL_PRECISE = (1 << 26);
    public static final int CALL_CSFB = (1 << 27);
    public static final int CALL_CONF = (1 << 28);
    public static final int CALL_INCOMING = 256;
    //public static final int CALL_PROXIMITY = 2048;  // Call ended with proximity sensor against face, which could indicate call was dropped
    //public static final int CALL_RECORDING = 131072;
    public static final int CALL_VOLTE = 2048;
    public static final int CALL_OFFNET = 1024; // Call was not on the cell network, like wifi

    public static final int SIG_SIGNAL = 0;
    public static final int SIG_ECI0 = 1;
    public static final int SIG_SNR = 2;
    public static final int SIG_BER = 3;
    public static final int SIG_RSCP = 4;
    public static final int SIG_SIGNAL2G = 5;
    public static final int SIG_LTE = 6;
    public static final int SIG_LTERSRP = 7;
    public static final int SIG_LTERSRQ = 8;
    public static final int SIG_LTESNR = 9;
    public static final int SIG_LTECQI = 10;
    public static final int SIG_SIGNALBARS = 11;
    public static final int SIG_ECN0 = 12;
    public static final int SIG_WIFISIG = 13;
    public static final int SIG_COVERAGE = 14;

    * Constructors
    public EventObj(EventType eventType, long eventTimestamp, long duration, Uri uri, Runnable onUnstage) {
        this.eventType = eventType;
        this.eventTimestamp = eventTimestamp;
        this.duration = duration;
        this.uri = uri;
        this.stageTimestamp = -1L;
        this.onUnstage = onUnstage;
        this.isUploaded = false;
        this.rx = TrafficStats.getTotalRxBytes();
        this.tx = TrafficStats.getTotalTxBytes();
        this.tcpstats = new TcpStats();

    public EventObj(EventType eventType, long eventTimestamp, long duration) {
        this(eventType, eventTimestamp, duration, null, null);

    public EventObj(EventType eventType, long duration) {
        this(eventType, System.currentTimeMillis(), duration);

    public EventObj(EventType eventType, Uri uri) {
        this(eventType, 0);
        this.uri = uri;

    public EventObj(EventType eventType, Uri uri, long timestamp) {
        this(eventType, timestamp, 0);
        this.uri = uri;

    public EventObj(EventType eventType) {
        this(eventType, 0);

    public EventObj(String newAppData) {

     * Getters/Setters

    public String getAppData() {
        return appData;

    public void setAppData(String newAppData) {
        this.appData = newAppData;

    public long getLookupid1() {
        return lookupid1;

    public void setLookupid1(long lookupid1) {
        this.lookupid1 = lookupid1;

    public long getLookupid2() {
        return lookupid2;

    public void setLookupid2(long lookupid2) {
        this.lookupid2 = lookupid2;

    public EventType getEventType() {
        return eventType;

    public int getIEventType() {
        return eventType.getIntValue();

    public void setEventType(EventType eventType) {
        this.eventType = eventType;

    public void setEventType(int evtType) {
        EventType eventType = EventType.get(evtType);
        this.eventType = eventType;

    public int getLocalID() {
        return localId;

    public void setLocalID(int id) {
        this.localId = id;

    public long getEventTimestamp() {
        return eventTimestamp;

    public void setEventTimestamp(long eventTimestamp) {
        this.eventTimestamp = eventTimestamp;

    public long getDuration() {
        return duration;

    public void setDuration(long duration) {
        this.duration = duration;

    public void setBuildingID(long id) {
        this.extraLong = id;

    public long getBuildingID() {
        return this.extraLong;

    public int getConnectTime() {
        return connectTime;

    public void setConnectTime(int connect) {
        this.connectTime = connect;

    public int getSatellites() {
        return numSatellites;

    public void setSatellites(int sats) {
        this.numSatellites = sats;

    public long getEventIndex() {
        return eventIndex;

    public void setEventIndex(long val) {
        this.eventIndex = val;

    public int getBattery() {
        return battery;

    public void setBattery(int battery) {
        this.battery = battery;

    public String getCause() {
        return cause;

    public void setCause(String _cause) {
        this.cause = _cause;

    public String getAppName() {
        return app;

    public void setAppName(String _app) { = _app;

    public long getRX() {
        return this.rx;

    public long getTX() {
        return this.tx;

    public TcpStats getTcpStats() {
        return this.tcpstats;

    public WifiInfo getWifiInfo() {
        return wifiinfo;

    public WifiConfiguration getWifiConfig() {
        return wificonfig;

    public void setWifi(WifiInfo wifiInfo, WifiConfiguration wifiConfig) {
        this.wifiinfo = wifiInfo;
        this.wificonfig = wifiConfig;

    public boolean isUploaded() {
        return isUploaded;

     * Sets the flag indicating whether the event has been uploaded to the server yet.
     * @param isUploaded
    public void setUploaded(boolean isUploaded) {
        this.isUploaded = isUploaded;

    public Uri getUri() {
        return uri;

    public void setUri(Uri uri) {
        this.uri = uri;

    public long getStageTimestamp() {
        return stageTimestamp;

    public void setStageTimestamp(long stageTimestamp) {
        this.stageTimestamp = stageTimestamp;

    public Runnable getOnUnstage() {
        return onUnstage;

    public void setOnUnstage(Runnable onUnstage) {
        this.onUnstage = onUnstage;

    public void setServiceState(ServiceState serviceState) {
        service = serviceState;

    public ServiceState getServiceState() {
        return service;

    public void setHasSignal(int i) {
        signalFieldsMask |= (1 << i);

    public boolean hasSignal(int i) {
        if ((signalFieldsMask & (1 << i)) > 0)
            return true;
            return false;

    public void setTier(int t) {
        tier = t;

    public int getTier() {
        return tier;

    public void setFlag(int flag, boolean bSet) {
        if (bSet == false)
            flags = flags & (~flag);
        else if (bSet == true)
            flags = flags | (flag);

    public int getFlags() {
        return flags;

    public void setEventId(long id) {
        eventid = id;

    public long getEventID() {
        return eventid;

     * Other public methods
     * Sets the timestamp of the event to the current system time.
    public void setEventTimestampToNow() {
        this.eventTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); // .setToNow();

    public void setStageTimestampToNow() {
        this.stageTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();

    public void setSpeedResult(int _latency, int _downloadSpeed, int _uploadSpeed, int _downloadSize,
            int _uploadSize) {
        this.latency = _latency;
        this.downloadSpeed = _downloadSpeed / 8;
        this.uploadSpeed = _uploadSpeed / 8;
        this.downloadSize = _downloadSize;
        this.uploadSize = _uploadSize;
        this.duration = 1;

    public void setVideoResult(int playDelay, int accessDelay, int videoBytes, int _stalls, int _stallTime,
            String videoUrl, int videoHeight, int downloadDuration, int bufferPercent, int error,
            JSONObject resolutions) {
        this.latency = playDelay;
        //this.downloadSpeed = _stalls; // number of stalls ends up in the event index field (via downloadSpeed)
        if (((downloadDuration + accessDelay) / 1000) > 0) // careful with div by zero
            downloadSpeed = videoBytes * 1000 / ((downloadDuration + accessDelay) / 1000);
        this.uploadSpeed = _stalls;
        this.downloadSize = videoBytes;
        this.uploadSize = videoHeight;
        //this.eventIndex = _stalls;
        this.cause = videoUrl;
        //this.duration = _stallTime;
        //this.lookupid2 = downloadDuration;
        this.lookupid1 = bufferPercent;
        //this.extraLong = videoId;

        try {
            activeTest = new JSONObject();
            activeTest.put("play_delay", playDelay);
            activeTest.put("access_delay", accessDelay);
            activeTest.put("rxbytes", videoBytes);
            activeTest.put("stalls", _stalls);
            activeTest.put("stall_time", _stallTime);
            activeTest.put("duration", downloadDuration);
            activeTest.put("progress", bufferPercent);
            activeTest.put("vid_height", videoHeight);
            activeTest.put("error", error);
            activeTest.put("resolutions", resolutions);
            this.duration = downloadDuration;
            this.cause = videoUrl;
            this.eventIndex = _stalls;
        } catch (Exception e) {


    public void setSMSResult(int avgDuration, int deliveryTime, JSONObject smsTest, int num_tests) {
        this.latency = deliveryTime;
        activeTest = smsTest;
        this.duration = avgDuration;

    public void setTcpStatsToJSON() {
        try {
            if (activeTest != null) {
                activeTest.put("tcpInSegs", tcpstats.numIn);
                activeTest.put("tcpResets", tcpstats.numResets);
                activeTest.put("tcpErrs", tcpstats.numErrors);
                activeTest.put("tcpRetrans", tcpstats.numRetrans);
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public String getJSONResult() {
        if (activeTest != null) {
            return activeTest.toString();
        return null;

    public void setLatency(int latency) {
        this.latency = latency;

    public int getLatency() {
        return latency;

    public void setDownloadSpeed(int downloadSpeed) {
        this.downloadSpeed = downloadSpeed;

    public int getDownloadSpeed() {
        return downloadSpeed;

    public int getUploadSpeed() {
        return uploadSpeed;

    public int getDownloadSize() {
        return downloadSize;

    public int getUploadSize() {
        return uploadSize;

    public SignalEx getSignal() {
        return signal;

    public void setSignal(SignalEx signal) {
        this.signal = signal;

    public CellLocationEx getCell() {
        return cell;

    public void setCell(CellLocationEx cell) {
        this.cell = cell;

    public Location getLocation() {
        return location;

    public void setLocation(Location location, int satellites) {
        this.location = location;
        this.numSatellites = satellites;

    public int getTierFromFlags() {
        if ((flags & 15) == 15)
            return 5;
        else if ((flags & 7) == 7)
            return 3;
        else if ((flags & 3) == 3)
            return 2;
        else if ((flags & 3) > 0)
            return 1;
        return 0;

    public boolean isGPSFinished() {
        if (gpsListener == null)
            return true;
        return gpsListener.isFirstFixReceived();

    public Location getLastLocation() {
        if (gpsListener == null)
            return null;
        return gpsListener.getLastLocation();

    public static Integer disabledEvents;
    public static Integer disabledStats;

    public static void setDisabledEvents(Context context, int disabled) {
                .putInt(PreferenceKeys.Miscellaneous.DISABLED_EVENTS, disabled).commit();
        disabledEvents = disabled;

    public static void setDisabledStats(Context context, int disabledstats) {
                .putInt(PreferenceKeys.Miscellaneous.DISABLED_STATS, disabledstats).commit();
        disabledStats = disabledstats;

    public static boolean isDisabledEvent(Context context, int checkEvent) {
        disabledEvents = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context)
                .getInt(PreferenceKeys.Miscellaneous.DISABLED_EVENTS, 0);
        if ((disabledEvents & checkEvent) > 0)
            return true;
        return false;

    public static boolean isDisabledStat(Context context, int checkStat) {
        disabledStats = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context)
                .getInt(PreferenceKeys.Miscellaneous.DISABLED_STATS, 0);
        if ((disabledStats & checkStat) > 0)
            return true;
        return false;