Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * RHQ Management Platform
 * Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Red Hat, Inc.
 * All rights reserved.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

package org.rhq.core.pc.upgrade;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import org.rhq.core.clientapi.agent.PluginContainerException;
import org.rhq.core.clientapi.agent.upgrade.ResourceUpgradeRequest;
import org.rhq.core.domain.resource.Resource;
import org.rhq.core.domain.resource.ResourceType;
import org.rhq.core.domain.resource.ResourceUpgradeReport;
import org.rhq.core.pc.PluginContainer;
import org.rhq.core.pc.inventory.InventoryManager;
import org.rhq.core.pc.inventory.ResourceContainer;
import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.inventory.InvalidPluginConfigurationException;
import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.inventory.ResourceComponent;
import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.inventory.ResourceContext;
import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.inventory.ResourceDiscoveryComponent;
import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.upgrade.ResourceUpgradeContext;
import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.upgrade.ResourceUpgradeFacet;

 * This is a helper class to {@link InventoryManager} that takes care of resource upgrade.
 * Note that this class is not thread-safe in any manner.
 * This class must not call (explicitly or implicitly anywhere in its outgoing call chain)
 * any other plugin container manager other than the InventoryManager.  This is because
 * this delegate is called within the Inventory Manager's initialize method and hence
 * many other managers are not yet initialized themselves yet.
 * @author Lukas Krejci
public class ResourceUpgradeDelegate {

    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ResourceUpgradeDelegate.class);

    private boolean enabled = true;

    private Set<ResourceUpgradeRequest> requests = new HashSet<ResourceUpgradeRequest>();
    private Set<ResourceUpgradeRequest> originalResourceData = new HashSet<ResourceUpgradeRequest>();
    private InventoryManager inventoryManager;
    private Set<Resource> failedResources = new HashSet<Resource>();
    private Map<Resource, Set<ResourceType>> failedResourceTypesPerParent = new HashMap<Resource, Set<ResourceType>>();
    private boolean mergeFailed;

    public ResourceUpgradeDelegate(InventoryManager inventoryManager) {
        this.inventoryManager = inventoryManager;

     * Is the delegate enabled? In another words has the resource upgrade phase finished in the {@link IventoryManager#initialize()}
     * method?
    public boolean enabled() {
        return enabled;

     * Disables all future operations of the delegate.
    public void disable() {
        enabled = false;

     * Asks the resource's discovery component to upgrade the resource.
     * The resource will be updated with the data from the upgrade. I.e. when the resource
     * is activated after it was queued for upgrade, it will actually start with the upgraded
     * data.
     * <p>
     * If later on the upgrade fails to finish due to communication error with server or the
     * server doesn't approve some upgrades for whatever reason, the resources will be restarted
     * with the original data.
     * @param resourceContainer
     * @return true if the resource was queued for upgrade with no problems,
     * false if there was some problem upgrading and the resource container was deactivated as
     * a results of that.
     * @throws PluginContainerException on error
    public boolean processAndQueue(ResourceContainer resourceContainer) throws PluginContainerException {
        if (enabled) {
            return executeResourceUpgradeFacetAndStoreRequest(resourceContainer);

        return true;

     * @return true if {@link #sendRequests()} threw an exception, false otherwise
    public boolean hasUpgradeMergeFailed() {
        return mergeFailed;

     * Tells whether given resource had a upgrade failure during the {@link #processAndQueue(ResourceContainer)} invocation.
     * @param resource the resource to test
     * @return true if there was an error upgrading this resource, false otherwise
    public boolean hasUpgradeFailed(Resource resource) {
        return mergeFailed || failedResources.contains(resource);

     * Tells whether at least one of the children with given resource type of the given parent resource
     * had an upgrade failure during {@link #processAndQueue(ResourceContainer)} invocation.
     * @return true if at least one of the children of given type failed to upgrade, false otherwise
    public boolean hasUpgradeFailedInChildren(Resource parentResource, ResourceType childrenResourceType) {
        if (mergeFailed) {
            return true;

        Set<ResourceType> failedTypes = failedResourceTypesPerParent.get(parentResource);

        return failedTypes != null && failedTypes.contains(childrenResourceType);

    public void sendRequests() throws Throwable {
        if (enabled && requests.size() > 0) {
            try {
                //check the validity of the upgrades now that we have a complete picture
                //about the changes and the inventory looks like it was already upgraded.
                for (ResourceUpgradeRequest request : requests) {
                    ResourceContainer container = inventoryManager.getResourceContainer(request.getResourceId());
                    if (container != null) {
                        Resource resource = container.getResource();
                        String upgradeErrors = null;
                        if ((upgradeErrors = checkUpgradeValid(resource, request)) != null) {
                            //the resource is in its upgraded state but it's going to get reverted back to the original state
                            //in the code below. Let's use the original resource for the error message so that we don't confuse
                            //the user.  
                            ResourceUpgradeRequest orig = findOriginal(request);

                            //orig should never be null, but let's be paranoid
                            if (orig != null) {

                            String errorString = "Upgrading the resource [" + resource + "] using these updates ["
                                    + request
                                    + "] would render the inventory invalid because of the following reasons: "
                                    + upgradeErrors;

                            //now switch the resource back to the upgraded state for the rest of the code below again


                            IllegalStateException ex = new IllegalStateException(errorString);

                            //set the error and clear out everything else, so that we send the error
                            //to the server and locally roll back to the previous state.

                            if (request.getUpgradeErrorMessage() != null) {


                //now before we talk to server and sync up the upgraded data,
                //reset the resources to their original values so that any changes
                //the server makes to the upgrade data are applied to the "vanilla" state 
                //of the resources. i.e we only want to make changes the server approves.
                for (ResourceUpgradeRequest request : originalResourceData) {
                    ResourceContainer container = inventoryManager.getResourceContainer(request.getResourceId());
                    if (container != null) {
                        Resource resource = container.getResource();

                //merge the resources with the data as received from the server
                //(this can differ from what the upgrade "wants" because the server is
                //free to disallow some changes, e.g. resource name change)

                //and now restart all the "touched" resources with the true intended
                for (ResourceUpgradeRequest request : requests) {
                    ResourceContainer container = inventoryManager.getResourceContainer(request.getResourceId());
                    if (container != null) {
                        Resource resource = container.getResource();
                        try {
                            inventoryManager.activateResource(resource, container, true);
                        } catch (InvalidPluginConfigurationException e) {
                            log.debug("Resource [" + resource + "] failed to start up after upgrade.", e);
                            inventoryManager.handleInvalidPluginConfigurationResourceError(resource, e);
                        } catch (Throwable t) {
                            log.error("Failed to activate the resource [" + resource + "] after upgrade.", t);
                            inventoryManager.handleInvalidPluginConfigurationResourceError(resource, t);
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                mergeFailed = true;

                //deactivate all the resources to be upgraded. We might have a problem
                //because they have not been upgraded because the merge failed.
                for (ResourceUpgradeRequest request : requests) {
                    ResourceContainer container = inventoryManager.getResourceContainer(request.getResourceId());
                    if (container != null) {

                throw t;

    private <T extends ResourceComponent<?>> boolean executeResourceUpgradeFacetAndStoreRequest(
            ResourceContainer resourceContainer) throws PluginContainerException {

        ResourceComponent<T> parentResourceComponent = resourceContainer.getResourceContext()

        Resource parentResource = resourceContainer.getResource().getParentResource();

        ResourceContainer parentResourceContainer = (parentResource != null)
                ? inventoryManager.getResourceContainer(resourceContainer.getResource().getParentResource())
                : null;

        ResourceContext<?> parentResourceContext = parentResourceContainer == null ? null
                : parentResourceContainer.getResourceContext();

        Resource resource = resourceContainer.getResource();

        ResourceDiscoveryComponent<ResourceComponent<T>> discoveryComponent = PluginContainer.getInstance()
                .getDiscoveryComponent(resource.getResourceType(), parentResourceContainer);

        if (!(discoveryComponent instanceof ResourceUpgradeFacet)) {
            //well, there's no point in continuing if the resource doesn't support the facet
            return true;

        ResourceUpgradeContext<ResourceComponent<T>> upgradeContext = inventoryManager.createResourceUpgradeContext(
                resource, parentResourceContext, parentResourceComponent, discoveryComponent);

        ResourceUpgradeRequest request = new ResourceUpgradeRequest(resource.getId());


        ResourceUpgradeReport upgradeReport = null;
        try {
            upgradeReport = inventoryManager.invokeDiscoveryComponentResourceUpgradeFacet(
                    resource.getResourceType(), discoveryComponent, upgradeContext, parentResourceContainer);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            log.error("ResourceUpgradeFacet threw an exception while upgrading resource [" + resource + "]", t);

        if (upgradeReport != null && upgradeReport.hasSomethingToUpgrade()) {

        if (request.hasSomethingToUpgrade()) {

        if (request.getUpgradeErrorMessage() != null) {
            return false;

        //alright, everything went fine with the upgrade. Let's update the data of the resource
        //right now so that it starts up as if it was already upgraded. This is to ensure that
        //its children will use a parent component that behaves like the upgraded one.
        //We are going to roll back the upgraded data if the upgrade fails to sync with the server
        //later on.

        //remember the original values
        ResourceUpgradeRequest original = new ResourceUpgradeRequest(resource.getId());

        //update the resource

        return true;

    private String checkUpgradeValid(Resource resource, ResourceUpgradeReport upgradeReport) {
        StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();

        Set<Resource> duplicitSiblings = findDuplicitSiblingResources(resource, upgradeReport);
        if (!duplicitSiblings.isEmpty()) {
                    "After the upgrade, the following resources would have the same resource key which is illegal. This is an issue of either the old or the new version of the plugin '"
                            + resource.getResourceType().getPlugin()
                            + "'. Please consult the documentation of the plugin to see what are the recommended steps to resolve this situation:\n");

            //ok, this is a little tricky
            //this method is called when the inventory is in the state as it would look after a
            //successful upgrade.
            //but just now, we found out that the upgrade won't succeed because we found some
            //conflicting resources. These resources won't be upgraded but right now, we see
            //them as if they were.
            //For each resource, we therefore need to find the corresponding "original" and report
            //that instead of how the resource looks like right now.
            for (Resource r : duplicitSiblings) {
                ResourceUpgradeRequest fakeRequest = new ResourceUpgradeRequest(r.getId());

                ResourceUpgradeRequest orig = findOriginal(fakeRequest);

                //we might not find the original, because this resource might not need an upgrade.
                //in that case, the reporting will be accurate because upgrade didn't touch the resource.
                if (orig != null) {

                //now we have the resource as it looked before the upgrade kicked in (which is in this
                //case also what it will look like after the upgrade finishes, because we're failing it).

                //and revert the resource back to what it looked like (i.e. back to the upgraded state so
                //that we don't introduce side-effects in this method).
                if (orig != null) {

            //remove the trailing ",\n"
            s.replace(s.length() - 2, s.length(), "");

        return s.length() > 0 ? s.toString() : null;

    private Set<Resource> findDuplicitSiblingResources(Resource resource, ResourceUpgradeReport upgradeReport) {
        Resource parent = resource.getParentResource();
        if (parent == null) {
            //there is only a single platform resource on an agent
            return Collections.emptySet();

        Set<Resource> ret = new HashSet<Resource>();

        for (Resource sibling : parent.getChildResources()) {
            //we'd have a resource key conflict if there was a resource
            //of the same type under the same parent that would have the same
            //resource key.
            if (upgradeReport.getNewResourceKey() != null
                    && sibling.getResourceType().equals(resource.getResourceType())
                    && !sibling.getUuid().equals(resource.getUuid())) {

                if (sibling.getResourceKey().equals(upgradeReport.getNewResourceKey())) {

        return ret;

    private void rememberFailure(Resource resource) {
        Resource parentResource = resource.getParentResource();

        Set<ResourceType> failedResourceTypesInParent = failedResourceTypesPerParent.get(parentResource);
        if (failedResourceTypesInParent == null) {
            failedResourceTypesInParent = new HashSet<ResourceType>();
            failedResourceTypesPerParent.put(parentResource, failedResourceTypesInParent);


    private ResourceUpgradeRequest findOriginal(ResourceUpgradeRequest request) {
        for (ResourceUpgradeRequest original : originalResourceData) {
            if (original.equals(request)) {
                return original;

        return null;