Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 *  Created:   August 7, 2008
 *  Project:   RiFidi Emulator - A Software Simulation Tool for RFID Devices
 *  Copyright:   Pramari LLC and the Rifidi Project
 *  License:   Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL)
package org.rifidi.emulator.reader.thingmagic.database.impl.row;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.rifidi.emulator.reader.thingmagic.database.IDBRow;
import org.rifidi.emulator.reader.thingmagic.database.impl.DBTagID;
import org.rifidi.tags.enums.TagGen;
import org.rifidi.tags.impl.RifidiTag;

 * @author Jerry Maine -
//TODO implement this better.
public class DBTagIDRow implements IDBRow {
    private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(DBTagID.class);

    static private String ID = "id";
    static private String ANTENNA_ID = "antenna_id";
    static private String READ_COUNT = "read_count";
    static private String PROTOCOL_ID = "protocol_id";
    static private String KILLED = "killed";
    static private String PASSWORD = "password";
    static private String LOCKED = "locked";
    static private String FREQUENCY = "frequency";
    static private String DSPMICROS = "dspmicros";
    static private String TIMESTAMP = "timestamp";

    static private Set<String> columns = new HashSet<String>();
    static private Set<String> readable = new HashSet<String>();
    static private Set<String> writable = new HashSet<String>();

    private static boolean initialized = false;

     * Here is a list of real frequency data returned from the thing magic
     * reader. When the user requests frequency data... we just return one of
     * these at random. Note: Some times the reader will return the same
     * frequency data for two tags of the same Gen type... but this is not
     * implemented.
     * This is an 8x8 block of numbers--should provide "random" enough numbers
     * for the casual user.
    // TODO Possibly add more numbers to this list.
    private static int FREQUENCIES[] = { 914750, 918250, 915250, 926750, 904250, 925250, 917250, 909750, 907250,
            909250, 910250, 910250, 908250, 906750, 908750, 912750, 926250, 921750, 913750, 910750, 911750, 914750,
            919250, 914250, 922750, 912750, 911250, 925250, 903750, 922250, 907250, 909250,

            916750, 903250, 907750, 917750, 912250, 926250, 905750, 913750, 910750, 906250, 914750, 918250, 916750,
            924250, 902750, 905250, 911250, 913750, 923250, 903750, 919750, 906250, 914750, 908250, 912250, 908750,
            913250, 915250, 913750, 904250, 910750, 903750 };

     * Here are the lowest and highest values of dspmicros (the number of
     * microseconds to read one tag) from 28 tries with 5 tags in front of the
     * reader antenna. The idea is that we fake this number by picking a random
     * number between the highest and the lowest and return it.
    private static int DSPMICROS_LOW = 8798;
    private static int DSPMICROS_HIGH = 73132;

    private RifidiTag tag;

    private Random random = new Random();

     * This creates a map of tag data keys (based on the way the Mercury 4,
     * ThingMagic reader defines them) and their respective values.
     * @param tag
     *            The RFID tag to get the tag data from
    public DBTagIDRow(RifidiTag tag) {
        logger.debug("Creating tag row data");
        this.tag = tag;


    /* we only need to do this once... and be done with it. */
    private static void initialize() {
        if (!initialized) {


            // TODO: Add the writables.

            initialized = true;

    public RifidiTag getTag() {
        return this.tag;

    public boolean containsColumn(String key) {
        return columns.contains(key);

    public String get(String key) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        if (key.equals(ID)) {
            return "0x" + tag.toString().replace(" ", "");

        //TODO Match this with what is displayed on the gui (antenna_id is 1 to 4, inclusive)
        if (key.equals(ANTENNA_ID)) {
            Integer antenna = tag.getAntennaLastSeen();
            return antenna.toString();

        if (key.equals(READ_COUNT)) {
             * For the Mercury 4, Thing Magic reader, the read count is how many
             * times from the start of a command to the end of it that it has
             * read it in the antenna field of view. Which for this emulator is
             * once and only once.
            return "1";

        if (key.equals(PROTOCOL_ID)) {
            String protocolID = "0";
            if (tag.getTagGen() == TagGen.GEN1) {
                protocolID = "1";
            if (tag.getTagGen() == TagGen.GEN2) {
                protocolID = "12";
            return protocolID;

        if (key.equals(TIMESTAMP)) {
             * timestamp Time stamp is 'seconds from epoc'.'microseconds' 1) Get
             * the current time in milliseconds and convert it to a String. 2)
             * Insert the period to make it seconds from epoc--not milliseconds
             * from epoc. 3) Append three '0's to fake microseconds. And now we
             * have a passable thingmagic timestamp.
            StringBuilder timeStamp = new StringBuilder(Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis()));
            timeStamp.insert(timeStamp.length() - 3, '.');

            return timeStamp.toString();

        if (key.equals(FREQUENCY)) {
             * pick a random number from the list of frequencies. Note:
             * Random.nextInt(value) returns a value from a range of [0, value)
             * -- perfect for selecting a random number from an array in Java.
             * :)
            return Integer.toString(FREQUENCIES[random.nextInt(FREQUENCIES.length)]);

        if (key.equals(DSPMICROS)) {
             * grab the number of integers from low and high dspmicros numbers.
             * We add one to make sure we get the numbers inclusive on both ends
             * of the range.
            int range = (DSPMICROS_HIGH - DSPMICROS_LOW) + 1;
             * now we pick a random number from that range. -- [0, range-1)
            int rand = random.nextInt(range);

             * Then we add the offset (dspmicrosLow) to the range, convert it to
             * a string, and return the result.
            return Integer.toString(DSPMICROS_LOW + rand);

        if (key.equals(LOCKED)) {
             * return "1" for always locked.
            // TODO: This is related to the DBTagDataRow.... which is not
            // implemented.
            return "1";

         * Best effort to complete the command... If it is not readable or not
         * there, we return an empty String.
        return "";

    public String put(String key, String value) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        return null;

    public boolean isReadable(String column) {
         * this method must be called if get(column) can be called
        return readable.contains(column);

    public boolean isWritable(String column) {
         * this method must be called if put(column, value) can be called
        return writable.contains(column);

     * On the next two methods we simple call the equivalent method of the
     * internal tag object.

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (o instanceof DBTagIDRow) {
            return tag.equals(((DBTagIDRow) o).getTag());

        return false;

    public int hashCode() {
        return tag.hashCode();

    public int compareToValue(String key, String testValue) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        //TODO add a check to see if the format is correct for ID.
        if (key.equals(ID)) {
            BigInteger id = new BigInteger(tag.toString().replace(" ", ""), 16);

            BigInteger id2 = new BigInteger(testValue.substring(2), 16);

            return id.compareTo(id2);

        if (key.equals(PROTOCOL_ID)) {
            int protocolID = 0;
            switch (tag.getTag().getTagGeneration()) {
            case GEN1:
                protocolID = 1;
            case GEN2:
                protocolID = 12;

            int protocolIDTest = 0;
            if (testValue.equalsIgnoreCase("'GEN2'")) {
                protocolIDTest = 12;
            } else if (testValue.equalsIgnoreCase("'EPC1'")) {
                protocolIDTest = 1;
            } else {
                //TODO: Deal with when this fails
                try {
                    protocolIDTest = Integer.valueOf(testValue);
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    //TODO Deal with this.

            return protocolID - protocolIDTest;

        logger.debug("Value: " + get(key));
        logger.debug("Test Value: " + testValue);

        return Integer.valueOf(get(key)) - Integer.valueOf(testValue);