Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright (c) 2003-2017 The Apereo Foundation
 * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.sakaiproject.gradebookng.tool.panels;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils;
import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics;
import org.apache.wicket.AttributeModifier;
import org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxEventBehavior;
import org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget;
import org.apache.wicket.ajax.form.AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebMarkupContainer;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.basic.Label;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.ChoiceRenderer;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.DropDownChoice;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.IFormModelUpdateListener;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.TextField;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.list.ListItem;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.list.ListView;
import org.apache.wicket.model.IModel;
import org.apache.wicket.model.Model;
import org.apache.wicket.model.PropertyModel;
import org.apache.wicket.model.ResourceModel;
import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory;
import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart;
import org.jfree.chart.axis.AxisLocation;
import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberTickUnitSource;
import org.jfree.chart.labels.StandardCategoryToolTipGenerator;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation;
import org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.BarRenderer;
import org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.StandardBarPainter;
import org.sakaiproject.gradebookng.tool.component.JFreeChartImageWithToolTip;
import org.sakaiproject.gradebookng.tool.model.GbGradingSchemaEntry;
import org.sakaiproject.gradebookng.tool.model.GbSettings;
import org.sakaiproject.service.gradebook.shared.CourseGrade;
import org.sakaiproject.service.gradebook.shared.GradeMappingDefinition;
import org.sakaiproject.tool.gradebook.GradebookArchive;
import org.sakaiproject.user.api.User;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class SettingsGradingSchemaPanel extends BasePanel implements IFormModelUpdateListener {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SettingsGradingSchemaPanel.class);

    IModel<GbSettings> model;

    WebMarkupContainer schemaWrap;
    ListView<GbGradingSchemaEntry> schemaView;
    List<GradeMappingDefinition> gradeMappings;
    private boolean expanded;
    String gradingSchemaName;

     * This is the currently PERSISTED grade mapping id that is persisted for this gradebook
    String configuredGradeMappingId;

     * This is the currently SELECTED grade mapping, from the dropdown
    String currentGradeMappingId;

     * List of {@link CourseGrade} cached here as it is used by a few components
    Map<String, CourseGrade> courseGradeMap;

     * Count of grades for the chart
    int total;

    public SettingsGradingSchemaPanel(final String id, final IModel<GbSettings> model, final boolean expanded) {
        super(id, model);
        this.model = model;
        this.expanded = expanded;

    public void onInitialize() {

        // get all mappings available for this gradebook
        this.gradeMappings = this.model.getObject().getGradebookInformation().getGradeMappings();

        // get current one
        this.configuredGradeMappingId = this.model.getObject().getGradebookInformation()

        // set the value for the dropdown
        this.currentGradeMappingId = this.configuredGradeMappingId;

        // setup the grading scale schema entries

        // create map of grading scales to use for the dropdown
        final Map<String, String> gradeMappingMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        for (final GradeMappingDefinition gradeMapping : this.gradeMappings) {
            gradeMappingMap.put(gradeMapping.getId(), gradeMapping.getName());

        final WebMarkupContainer settingsGradingSchemaPanel = new WebMarkupContainer("settingsGradingSchemaPanel");
        // Preserve the expand/collapse state of the panel
        settingsGradingSchemaPanel.add(new AjaxEventBehavior("") {
            protected void onEvent(final AjaxRequestTarget ajaxRequestTarget) {
                settingsGradingSchemaPanel.add(new AttributeModifier("class", "panel-collapse collapse in"));
                SettingsGradingSchemaPanel.this.expanded = true;
        settingsGradingSchemaPanel.add(new AjaxEventBehavior("") {
            protected void onEvent(final AjaxRequestTarget ajaxRequestTarget) {
                settingsGradingSchemaPanel.add(new AttributeModifier("class", "panel-collapse collapse"));
                SettingsGradingSchemaPanel.this.expanded = false;
        if (this.expanded) {
            settingsGradingSchemaPanel.add(new AttributeModifier("class", "panel-collapse collapse in"));

        // grading scale type chooser
        final List<String> gradingSchemaList = new ArrayList<String>(gradeMappingMap.keySet());
        final DropDownChoice<String> typeChooser = new DropDownChoice<String>("type",
                new PropertyModel<String>(this.model, "gradebookInformation.selectedGradeMappingId"),
                gradingSchemaList, new ChoiceRenderer<String>() {
                    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

                    public Object getDisplayValue(final String gradeMappingId) {
                        return gradeMappingMap.get(gradeMappingId);

                    public String getIdValue(final String gradeMappingId, final int index) {
                        return gradeMappingId;

        // render the grading schema table
        this.schemaWrap = new WebMarkupContainer("schemaWrap");
        this.schemaView = new ListView<GbGradingSchemaEntry>("schemaView",
                new PropertyModel<List<GbGradingSchemaEntry>>(this.model, "gradingSchemaEntries")) {

            private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

            protected void populateItem(final ListItem<GbGradingSchemaEntry> item) {

                final GbGradingSchemaEntry entry = item.getModelObject();

                // grade
                final Label grade = new Label("grade", new PropertyModel<String>(entry, "grade"));

                // minpercent
                final TextField<Double> minPercent = new TextField<Double>("minPercent",
                        new PropertyModel<Double>(entry, "minPercent"));

                // if grade is F or NP, set disabled
                if (ArrayUtils.contains(new String[] { "F", "NP", "F (0)" }, entry.getGrade())) {


        // handle updates on the schema type chooser, to repaint the table
        typeChooser.add(new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior("onchange") {
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

            protected void onUpdate(final AjaxRequestTarget target) {

                // set current selection
                SettingsGradingSchemaPanel.this.currentGradeMappingId = (String) typeChooser

                // refresh data

                // repaint

        // get the course grade map as we are about to use it a lot
        this.courseGradeMap = getCourseGrades();

        // chart
        final JFreeChart chartData = getChartData();
        final JFreeChartImageWithToolTip chart = new JFreeChartImageWithToolTip("chart", Model.of(chartData),
                "tooltip", 700, 400);

        // chart is only visible if there are grades
        chart.setVisible( > 0);

        // if there are no grades, display message instead of chart
        settingsGradingSchemaPanel.add(new Label("noStudentsWithGradesMessage",
                new ResourceModel("settingspage.gradingschema.emptychart")) {
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

            public boolean isVisible() {
                return == 0;

        // other stats
        // TODO this could be in a panel/fragment of its own
        final DescriptiveStatistics stats = calculateStatistics();

        settingsGradingSchemaPanel.add(new Label("averagegpa", getAverageGPA()) {
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

            public boolean isVisible() {
                return StringUtils.equals(gradingSchemaName, "Grade Points");
        settingsGradingSchemaPanel.add(new Label("average", getMean(stats)));
        settingsGradingSchemaPanel.add(new Label("median", getMedian(stats)));
        settingsGradingSchemaPanel.add(new Label("lowest", getMin(stats)));
        settingsGradingSchemaPanel.add(new Label("highest", getMax(stats)));
        settingsGradingSchemaPanel.add(new Label("deviation", getStandardDeviation(stats)));
        settingsGradingSchemaPanel.add(new Label("graded", String.valueOf(;

        // if there are course grade overrides, add the list of students
        final List<GbUser> usersWithOverrides = getStudentsWithCourseGradeOverrides();
                new ListView<GbUser>("studentsWithCourseGradeOverrides", getStudentsWithCourseGradeOverrides()) {
                    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

                    protected void populateItem(final ListItem<GbUser> item) {
                        item.add(new Label("name", new PropertyModel<String>(item.getModel(), "displayName")));

                    public boolean isVisible() {
                        return !usersWithOverrides.isEmpty();


     * Helper to sort the bottom percents maps. Caters for both letter grade and P/NP types
     * @param gradingScaleName name of the grading schema so we know how to sort.
     * @param percents
     * @return
    private Map<String, Double> sortBottomPercents(final String gradingScaleName,
            final Map<String, Double> percents) {

        Map<String, Double> rval = null;

        if (StringUtils.equals(gradingScaleName, "Pass / Not Pass")) {
            rval = new TreeMap<>(Collections.reverseOrder()); // P before NP.
        } else if (StringUtils.contains(gradingScaleName, "Letter Grades")
                || StringUtils.contains(gradingScaleName, "Grade Points")) {
            rval = new TreeMap<>(new LetterGradeComparator()); // letter grade mappings
        } else {
            // Order by percent.
            DoubleComparator doubleComparator = new DoubleComparator(percents);
            rval = new TreeMap<String, Double>(doubleComparator);

        return rval;

     * Sync up the custom list we are using for the list view, back into the GradebookInformation object
    public void updateModel() {

        final List<GbGradingSchemaEntry> schemaEntries = this.schemaView.getModelObject();

        final Map<String, Double> bottomPercents = new HashMap<>();
        for (final GbGradingSchemaEntry schemaEntry : schemaEntries) {
            bottomPercents.put(schemaEntry.getGrade(), schemaEntry.getMinPercent());


        this.configuredGradeMappingId = this.currentGradeMappingId;

     * Helper to determine and return the applicable grading schema entries, depending on current state
     * @return the list of {@link GbGradingSchemaEntry} for the currently selected grading schema id
    private List<GbGradingSchemaEntry> getGradingSchemaEntries() {

        // get configured values or defaults
        // need to retain insertion order
        Map<String, Double> bottomPercents = new LinkedHashMap<>();

        // note that we sort based on name so we need to pull the right name out of the list of mappings, for both cases
        this.gradingSchemaName =
                .filter(gradeMapping -> StringUtils.equals(gradeMapping.getId(), this.currentGradeMappingId))

        if (StringUtils.equals(this.currentGradeMappingId, this.configuredGradeMappingId)) {
            // get the values from the configured grading scale in this gradebook and sort accordingly
            bottomPercents = sortBottomPercents(gradingSchemaName,
        } else {
            // get the default values for the chosen grading scale and sort accordingly
            bottomPercents = sortBottomPercents(gradingSchemaName,
                    .filter(gradeMapping -> StringUtils.equals(gradeMapping.getId(), this.currentGradeMappingId))

        // convert map into list of objects which is easier to work with in the views
        final List<GbGradingSchemaEntry> rval = new ArrayList<>();
        for (final Map.Entry<String, Double> entry : bottomPercents.entrySet()) {
            rval.add(new GbGradingSchemaEntry(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));

        return rval;

    public boolean isExpanded() {
        return this.expanded;

     * Build the data for the chart
     * @return
    private JFreeChart getChartData() {

        // just need the list
        final List<CourseGrade> courseGrades = this.courseGradeMap.values().stream().collect(Collectors.toList());

        // get current grading schema (from model so that it reflects current state)
        final List<GbGradingSchemaEntry> gradingSchemaEntries = this.model.getObject().getGradingSchemaEntries();

        final DefaultCategoryDataset data = new DefaultCategoryDataset();
        final Map<String, Integer> counts = new LinkedHashMap<>(); // must retain order so graph can be printed correctly

        // add all schema entries (these will be sorted according to {@link LetterGradeComparator})
        gradingSchemaEntries.forEach(e -> {
            counts.put(e.getGrade(), 0);

        // now add the count of each course grade for those schema entries = 0;
        for (final CourseGrade g : courseGrades) {

            // course grade may not be released so we have to skip it
            if (StringUtils.isBlank(g.getMappedGrade())) {

            counts.put(g.getMappedGrade(), counts.get(g.getMappedGrade()) + 1);

        // build the data
        final ListIterator<String> iter = new ArrayList<>(counts.keySet()).listIterator(0);
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            final String c =;
            data.addValue(counts.get(c), "count", c);

        final JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart(null, // the chart title
                getString("settingspage.gradingschema.chart.xaxis"), // the label for the category (x) axis
                getString("label.statistics.chart.yaxis"), // the label for the value (y) axis
                data, // the dataset for the chart
                PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL, // the plot orientation
                false, // show legend
                true, // show tooltips
                false); // show urls


        final CategoryPlot plot = chart.getCategoryPlot();
        final BarRenderer br = (BarRenderer) plot.getRenderer();

        br.setSeriesPaint(0, new Color(51, 122, 183));
        br.setBarPainter(new StandardBarPainter());
        br.setShadowPaint(new Color(220, 220, 220));

        br.setBaseToolTipGenerator(new StandardCategoryToolTipGenerator(getString("label.statistics.chart.tooltip"),


        // show only integers in the count axis
        plot.getRangeAxis().setStandardTickUnits(new NumberTickUnitSource(true));

        // make x-axis wide enough so we don't get ... suffix



        return chart;

     * Get a List of {@link GbUser}'s with course grade overrides.
     * @return
    private List<GbUser> getStudentsWithCourseGradeOverrides() {

        // get all users with course grade overrides
        final List<String> userUuids = this.courseGradeMap.entrySet().stream()
                .filter(c -> StringUtils.isNotBlank(c.getValue().getEnteredGrade())).map(c -> c.getKey())

        final List<User> users = this.businessService.getUsers(userUuids);
        Collections.sort(users, new FirstNameComparator());

        final List<GbUser> rval = new ArrayList<>();
        users.forEach(u -> {
            rval.add(new GbUser(u));

        return rval;

     * Get the map of userId to {@link CourseGrade} for the students in this gradebook
     * @return
    private Map<String, CourseGrade> getCourseGrades() {

        final List<String> studentUuids = this.businessService.getGradeableUsers();
        final Map<String, CourseGrade> rval = this.businessService.getCourseGrades(studentUuids);
        return rval;

     * Calculates stats based on the calculated course grade values
     * @return
    private DescriptiveStatistics calculateStatistics() {

        final List<Double> grades = this.courseGradeMap.values().stream()
                .map(c -> NumberUtils.toDouble(c.getCalculatedGrade())).collect(Collectors.toList());

        final DescriptiveStatistics stats = new DescriptiveStatistics();

        grades.forEach(g -> {

        return stats;

     * Calculates the average GPA for the course
     * @return String average GPA
    private String getAverageGPA() {

        if ( < 1 && StringUtils.equals(this.gradingSchemaName, "Grade Points")) {
            return "-";
        } else if (StringUtils.equals(this.gradingSchemaName, "Grade Points")) {
            Map<String, Double> gpaScoresMap = getGPAScoresMap();

            // get all of the non null mapped grades
            // mapped grades will be null if the student doesn't have a course grade yet.
            final List<String> mappedGrades = this.courseGradeMap.values().stream()
                    .filter(c -> c.getMappedGrade() != null).map(c -> (c.getMappedGrade()))
            Double averageGPA = 0.0;
            for (String mappedGrade : mappedGrades) {
                // Note to developers. If you changed GradePointsMapping without changing gpaScoresMap, the average will be incorrect.
                // As per GradePointsMapping, both must be kept in sync
                Double grade = gpaScoresMap.get(mappedGrade);
                if (grade != null) {
                    averageGPA += grade;
                } else {
                    logger.debug("Grade skipped when calculating course average GPA: " + mappedGrade
                            + ". Calculated value will be incorrect.");
            averageGPA /= mappedGrades.size();

            return String.format("%.2f", averageGPA);
        } else {
            return null;

     * Calculates the mean grade for the course
     * @return String mean grade
    private String getMean(DescriptiveStatistics stats) {
        return > 0 ? String.format("%.2f", stats.getMean()) : "-";

     * Calculates the median grade for the course
     * @return String median grade
    private String getMedian(DescriptiveStatistics stats) {
        return > 0 ? String.format("%.2f", stats.getPercentile(50)) : "-";

     * Calculates the min grade for the course
     * @return String min grade
    private String getMin(DescriptiveStatistics stats) {
        return > 0 ? String.format("%.2f", stats.getMin()) : "-";

     * Calculates the max grade for the course
     * @return String max grade
    private String getMax(DescriptiveStatistics stats) {
        return > 0 ? String.format("%.2f", stats.getMax()) : "-";

     * Calculates the standard deviation for the course
     * @return String standard deviation
    private String getStandardDeviation(DescriptiveStatistics stats) {
        return > 0 ? String.format("%.2f", stats.getStandardDeviation()) : "-";

    private Map<String, Double> getGPAScoresMap() {
        Map<String, Double> gpaScoresMap = new HashMap<>();
        gpaScoresMap.put("A (4.0)", Double.valueOf("4.0"));
        gpaScoresMap.put("A- (3.67)", Double.valueOf("3.67"));
        gpaScoresMap.put("B+ (3.33)", Double.valueOf("3.33"));
        gpaScoresMap.put("B (3.0)", Double.valueOf("3.0"));
        gpaScoresMap.put("B- (2.67)", Double.valueOf("2.67"));
        gpaScoresMap.put("C+ (2.33)", Double.valueOf("2.33"));
        gpaScoresMap.put("C (2.0)", Double.valueOf("2.0"));
        gpaScoresMap.put("C- (1.67)", Double.valueOf("1.67"));
        gpaScoresMap.put("D (1.0)", Double.valueOf("1.0"));
        gpaScoresMap.put("F (0)", Double.valueOf("0"));

        return gpaScoresMap;