Source code

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* Copyright 2013 Andrey Sapegin
* Licensed under the "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike" Vizsage
* Public License (the "License"). You may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. Roughly speaking, non-commercial
* users may share and modify this code, but must give credit and 
* share improvements. However, for proper details please 
* read the full License, available at
* and the handy reference for understanding the full license at 
* Please contact the author for any other kinds of use.
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, any
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an 
* either express or implied. See the License for the specific 
* language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package org.sapegin.bgp.analyse.spikes;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.commons.math.random.RandomDataImpl;

 * @author Andrey Sapegin
 *         This class represents collection of preselected spikes and allows to
 *         get specific spikes (e.g., defined number of random spikes) from this
 *         collection
public class SelectedSpikes extends SpikeCollection {

    protected SelectedSpikes() {

    public SelectedSpikes(Map<MonitoredAS, SingleASspikes> spikes) {
        this.allUpdates = spikes;

    public SelectedSpikes(SpikeCollection collection) {
        this.allUpdates = collection.allUpdates;

    public int numberOfSpikes() {
        int num = 0;

        for (SingleASspikes spikes : this.allUpdates.values()) {
            num = num + spikes.getNumberOfSpikes();

        return num;

    public long numberOfUpdates() {
        long num = 0;

        for (SingleASspikes spikes : this.allUpdates.values()) {
            num = num + spikes.getCurrentUpdateSum();

        return num;

    // get spikes with order number in the defined interval
    public SpikeCollection getSpikes(int min, int max) {
        SpikeCollection result = new SpikeCollection();

        int cursor = 0;

        // go through sets of spikes for each monitored AS
        for (MonitoredAS as : this.allUpdates.keySet()) {

            // calculate starting number for spike set for current monitored AS.
            int asMin = min - cursor;
            if (asMin < 1) { // if cursor position is after min, start from 1st
                             // element in set
                asMin = 1;

            // calculate last number for spike set for current monitored AS
            int asMax = max - cursor;

            if (asMax < 1) { // if position of cursor is greater then max - all
                             // elements were already selected

            // set the cursor to the last element in spike set for current
            // monitored AS
            cursor = cursor + this.allUpdates.get(as).getNumberOfSpikes();

            if (cursor >= min) { // if the absolute number of the last spike in
                                 // set is bigger than min
                if (cursor <= max) { // if the absolute number is less than max
                    // select the elements up to the last in the set for current
                    // AS
                    asMax = this.allUpdates.get(as).getNumberOfSpikes();

                HashMap<Long, Spike> spikes = this.allUpdates.get(as).getSpikes(asMin, asMax);
                for (Long time : spikes.keySet()) {
                    result.addSpike(time, spikes.get(time), as);

        return result;

     * get <numberOfRandomSpikesToAnalyse> random spikes from spike collection
     * @param numberOfRandomSpikesToAnalyse
     * @return
    public SpikeCollection getRandom(int numberOfRandomSpikesToAnalyse) {

        SpikeCollection randomSpikes = new SpikeCollection();

        RandomDataImpl generator = new RandomDataImpl();

        // find total number of spikes
        int total = 0;
        for (SingleASspikes asSpikes : allUpdates.values()) {
            total = total + asSpikes.getNumberOfSpikes();

        // check if I have enough spikes
        if (numberOfRandomSpikesToAnalyse > total) {
            numberOfRandomSpikesToAnalyse = total;

        // get needed number of random spikes
        int selected = 0;
        ArrayList<MonitoredAS> monitoredASs = new ArrayList<MonitoredAS>(allUpdates.keySet());

        while (selected < numberOfRandomSpikesToAnalyse) {
            // get random key
            MonitoredAS as;
            if (monitoredASs.size() > 1) {
                as = monitoredASs.get(generator.nextInt(0, monitoredASs.size() - 1));
            } else {
                as = monitoredASs.get(0);

            // get random spike
            SingleASspikes oneASspikes = allUpdates.get(as);
            // ArrayList<Long> seconds = new
            // ArrayList<Long>(oneASspikes.keySet());

            long time;
            long minTime = oneASspikes.getCurrentMinTime();
            long maxTime = oneASspikes.getCurrentMaxTime();
            if (minTime < maxTime) {
                time = generator.nextLong(oneASspikes.getCurrentMinTime(), oneASspikes.getCurrentMaxTime());
            } else {
                time = minTime;

            if (oneASspikes.hasSpikeAtTime(time)) {
                Spike randomSpike = new Spike(oneASspikes.getSpikeAtTime(time).copyPrefixSet());

                // add it to map with all random spikes
                if (randomSpikes.addSpike(time, randomSpike, as)) {

        return randomSpikes;