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 * Copyright (C) 2000 - 2018 Silverpeas
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * As a special exception to the terms and conditions of version 3.0 of
 * the GPL, you may redistribute this Program in connection with Free/Libre
 * Open Source Software ("FLOSS") applications as described in Silverpeas's
 * FLOSS exception.  You should have received a copy of the text describing
 * the FLOSS exception, and it is also available here:
 * ""
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
package org.silverpeas.core.notification.user.client;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.silverpeas.core.notification.sse.ServerEvent;
import org.silverpeas.core.notification.user.client.constant.NotifChannel;
import org.silverpeas.core.notification.user.delayed.constant.DelayedNotificationFrequency;
import org.silverpeas.core.util.ResourceLocator;
import org.silverpeas.core.util.SettingBundle;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;

 * Centralizing the access to the settings associated to the management of notifications.
 * @author Yohann Chastagnier
public class NotificationManagerSettings {

    private static final int DEFAULT_SSE_JOB_TRIGGER = 45;
    private static final int DEFAULT_SSE_ASYNC_TIMEOUT = 180;
    private static final int DEFAULT_SSE_STORE_EVENT_LIFETIME = 40;
    private static final int MS = 1000;
    private static SettingBundle settings = ResourceLocator

    private static SettingBundle silvermailIconsSettings = ResourceLocator

     * Hidden constructor.
    private NotificationManagerSettings() {

     * Gets the default delayed notification frequency of the server.
     * @return the default delayed notification frequency of the server.
    public static DelayedNotificationFrequency getDefaultDelayedNotificationFrequency() {
        DelayedNotificationFrequency defaultFrequency = DelayedNotificationFrequency
                .decode(settings.getString("DEFAULT_DELAYED_NOTIFICATION_FREQUENCY", null));
        if (defaultFrequency == null) {
            defaultFrequency = DelayedNotificationFrequency.NONE;
        return defaultFrequency;

     * The ordered frequency choice set associated to the delayed notification mechanism.
     * @return the ordered set of available frequencies.
    public static Set<DelayedNotificationFrequency> getDelayedNotificationFrequencyChoiceList() {

        // Initialization
        final Set<DelayedNotificationFrequency> possibleFrequencies = new HashSet<>();

        // The parameter value
        final String frequencyChoiceList = settings.getString("DELAYED_NOTIFICATION_FREQUENCY_CHOICE_LIST", "")
                .replaceAll("[ ]+", ",");

        // The possible frequencies
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(frequencyChoiceList)) {
            for (final String frequencyCode : frequencyChoiceList.split("[,;|]")) {
                if ("*".equals(frequencyCode)) {
                } else {

        // Eliminating wrong frequencies
        return new TreeSet<>(possibleFrequencies);

     * Indicates if the limitation of maximum number of recipient is enabled.
     * @return true if enabled, false otherwise.
    public static boolean isUserManualNotificationRecipientLimitEnabled() {
        return getUserManualNotificationRecipientLimit() > 0;

     * Gets the maximum number of recipient for manual user notification.
     * @return the maximum number of recipient for manual user notification.
    public static int getUserManualNotificationRecipientLimit() {
        return settings.getInteger("notif.manual.receiver.limit", 0);

     * Gets the receiver threshold after that the user list is replaced by the group name into which
     * the user is associated.
     * @return an integer value, 0 = no threshold.
    public static int getReceiverThresholdAfterThatReplaceUserNameListByGroupName() {
        return settings.getInteger("notif.receiver.displayUser.threshold", 0);

     * Indicates if group name must be displayed instead of user names of group.
     * @return true if enabled, false otherwise.
    public static boolean isDisplayingUserNameListInsteadOfGroupEnabled() {
        return settings.getBoolean("notif.receiver.displayGroup", false);

     * Indicates if the feature of displaying receivers in the notification message is enabled.
     * @return true if enabled, false otherwise.
    public static boolean isDisplayingReceiversInNotificationMessageEnabled() {
        return settings.getBoolean("addReceiversInBody", false);

     * Gets the cron configuration of the delayed notification sending.
     * @return the cron configuration of the delayed notification sending.
    public static String getCronOfDelayedNotificationSending() {
        return settings.getString("cronDelayedNotificationSending", "");

     * Indicates if the multi channel for user notification is enabled.
     * @return true if enabled, false otherwise.
    public static boolean isMultiChannelNotificationEnabled() {
        return settings.getBoolean("multiChannelNotification", false);

     * Gets the addresses as default notification channels. If the multi channel isn't supported,
     * then
     * returns only one among the channels set up as default. In the case no default channels are set
     * up, then the previous behaviour is used; the SMTP is used as default channel.
     * @return a set of default notification channels.
    static List<NotifChannel> getDefaultChannels() {
        final String defaultChannelSetting = settings.getString("notif.defaultChannels", "");
        final boolean isMultiChannelSupported = isMultiChannelNotificationEnabled();
        final String[] defaultChannels = defaultChannelSetting.replaceAll("[ ]{2,}", " ").split(" ");
        final List<NotifChannel> channels;
        final Stream<NotifChannel> streamOfChannels = Stream.of(defaultChannels).map(NotifChannel::decode)
        if (!isMultiChannelSupported) {
            channels = new ArrayList<>(1);
        } else {
            channels = streamOfChannels.distinct().collect(Collectors.toList());
        if (channels.isEmpty()) {
        return channels;

     * Indicates if the sender must be removed from the list of receivers of a subscription
     * notification.
     * @return true if enabled, false otherwise.
    public static boolean isRemoveSenderFromSubscriptionNotificationReceiversEnabled() {
        return settings.getBoolean("notification.subscription.removeSenderFromReceivers.enabled", true);

     * Indicates if the the confirmation of subscription notification is enabled.
     * @return true if enabled (default value), false otherwise.
    public static boolean isSubscriptionNotificationConfirmationEnabled() {
        return settings.getBoolean("notification.subscription.confirmation.enabled", true);

     * Gets the trigger of SSE communication jobs.
     * @return the timeout as long (seconds).
    public static int getSseAsyncJobTrigger() {
        return settings.getInteger("notification.sse.job.trigger", DEFAULT_SSE_JOB_TRIGGER);

     * Gets the timeout of asynchronous context cleanup of SSE communication.
     * @return the timeout as long (milliseconds).
    public static int getSseAsyncTimeout() {
        return settings.getInteger("notification.sse.async.timeout", DEFAULT_SSE_ASYNC_TIMEOUT) * MS;

     * Gets the number of thread used to perform the send of a server event.
     * @return the maximum number of thread for send thread pool.
    public static int getSseSendMaxThreadPool() {
        return settings.getInteger("notification.sse.send.thread.pool.max", 8);

     * Gets The lifetime of an event stored into memory of SSE communication.
     * @return the timeout as long (milliseconds).
    public static int getSseStoreEventLifeTime() {
        return settings.getInteger("", DEFAULT_SSE_STORE_EVENT_LIFETIME) * MS;

     * Indicates if the server event feature is enabled.
     * @return true in order to enable, false otherwise.
    public static boolean isSseEnabled() {
        return settings.getBoolean("notification.sse.enabled", true);

     * Indicates if the server event has to be handled.
     * @return true in order to handle, false otherwise.
    public static boolean isSseEnabledFor(final ServerEvent serverEvent) {
        return isSseEnabled() && settings
                .getBoolean("notification.sse.event." + serverEvent.getName().asString() + ".enabled", true);

     * Gets the icon url of desktop user notification.
     * @return url as string without the application context.
    public static String getUserNotificationDesktopIconUrl() {
        return silvermailIconsSettings.getString("silvermail.desktop.url",

     * Is the space label should be set in the source of a notification when this property isn't set
     * explicitly.
     * @return true if the space label should be set in the notification source. False otherwise.
    public static boolean isSpaceLabelInNotificationSource() {
        return settings.getBoolean("notification.source.spaceLabel");

     * Is the component instance label should be set in the source of a notification when this
     * property isn't set explicitly.
     * @return true if the component instance label should be set in the notification source. False
     * otherwise.
    public static boolean isComponentInstanceLabelInNotificationSource() {
        return settings.getBoolean("notification.source.componentLabel");
