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 * Copyright 2012-2013 inBloom, Inc. and its affiliates.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.slc.sli.dal.repository;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;

import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject;
import com.mongodb.DBCollection;
import com.mongodb.DBObject;
import com.mongodb.WriteConcern;
import com.mongodb.WriteResult;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;

import org.slc.sli.common.util.tenantdb.TenantContext;
import org.slc.sli.dal.convert.IdConverter;
import org.slc.sli.dal.template.MongoEntityTemplate;
import org.slc.sli.domain.AccessibilityCheck;
import org.slc.sli.domain.CascadeResult;
import org.slc.sli.domain.NeutralCriteria;
import org.slc.sli.domain.NeutralQuery;
import org.slc.sli.domain.Repository;

 * mongodb implementation of the repository interface that provides basic CRUD
 * and field query methods for all object classes.
 * @author Thomas Shewchuk 3/2/2012 (PI3 US1226)
public abstract class MongoRepository<T> implements Repository<T> {

    // TODO determine whether this is the best place to have custom entity meta information
    public static final String CUSTOM_ENTITY_COLLECTION = "custom_entities";
    public static final String CUSTOM_ENTITY_CLIENT_ID = "clientId";
    public static final String CUSTOM_ENTITY_ENTITY_ID = "entityId";

    protected static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MongoRepository.class);

    protected MongoEntityTemplate template;

    protected IdConverter idConverter;

    private MongoQueryConverter queryConverter;

     * Collections that are not specific for a tenant.
     * Includes the likes of 'realm', 'application', 'userSession', etc.
    private Set<String> tenantAgnosticCollections;

    MongoQueryConverter getQueryConverter() {
        return queryConverter;

     * The purpose of this method is to add the default parameters to a neutral query. At inception,
     * this method
     * add the Tenant ID to a neutral query.
     * @param origQuery
     *            The query returned is the same as the query passed.
     * @return
     *         The modified neutral query
    protected NeutralQuery addDefaultQueryParams(NeutralQuery origQuery, String collectionName) {
        NeutralQuery query = origQuery == null ? new NeutralQuery() : origQuery;

        // TODO: this is assuming that the staging db is the only non-sli db. remove all of this
        // eventually.
        if (template.getDb().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("is")) {
            return query;

        // Add tenant ID
        if (!isTenantAgnostic(collectionName)) {
            String tenantId = TenantContext.getTenantId();
            // We decided that if tenantId is null then we will query on blank string.
            // This may need to be revisited.
            if (tenantId == null) {
                return query;

            // make sure a criterion for tenantId has not already been added to this query
            // boolean addCrit = true;
            // List<NeutralCriteria> criteria = query.getCriteria();
            // if (criteria != null) {
            // ListIterator<NeutralCriteria> li = criteria.listIterator();
            // while (li.hasNext()) {
            // if ("metaData.tenantId".equalsIgnoreCase( {
            // addCrit = false;
            // break;
            // }
            // }
            // }
            // // add the tenant ID if it's not already there
            // if (addCrit) {
            // query.prependCriteria(new NeutralCriteria("metaData.tenantId", "=", tenantId,
            // false));
            // }
        return query;

     * Constructs a Criteria for tenantId. Will return null if collectionName is not restricted by
     * tenantId.
     * @param collectionName
     *            The collection to which the Criteria is to be applied.
     * @return null if the collection is not restricted. Otherwise a Criteria that restricts by
     *         tenant id.
    protected Criteria createTenantCriteria(String collectionName) {
        if (isTenantAgnostic(collectionName)) {
            return null;
        String tenantId = TenantContext.getTenantId();

        // We decided that if tenantId is null then we will query on blank string.
        // This may need to be revisited.
        if (tenantId == null) {
            return null;
        return new Criteria();

    public void setTemplate(MongoEntityTemplate template) {
        this.template = template;

    public MongoEntityTemplate getTemplate() {
        return template;

    public void setidConverter(IdConverter idConverter) {
        this.idConverter = idConverter;

    public T create(String type, Map<String, Object> body) {
        return create(type, body, type);

    public T create(String type, Map<String, Object> body, String collectionName) {
        return create(type, body, new HashMap<String, Object>(), collectionName);

    public abstract T create(String type, Map<String, Object> body, Map<String, Object> metaData,
            String collectionName);

     * Makes call to mongo template insert() function, and not save (which performs upsert).
     * @param record
     *            Database record to be inserted.
     * @param collectionName
     *            Name of collection to insert record in.
     * @return Successfully inserted record.
    public T insert(T record, String collectionName) {
        template.insert(record, collectionName);
        LOG.debug("Insert a record in collection {} with id {}",
                new Object[] { collectionName, getRecordId(record) });
        return record;

     * Makes call to mongo template insert() function, and not save (which performs upsert).
     * Leverages batch insert functionality.
     * @param records
     *            Database records to be inserted.
     * @param collectionName
     *            Name of collection to insert record in.
     * @return Successfully inserted record.
    public List<T> insert(List<T> records, String collectionName) {
        template.insert(records, collectionName);
        LOG.debug("Insert {} records into collection: {}", new Object[] { records.size(), collectionName });
        return records;

    public T findById(String collectionName, String id) {
        return findById(collectionName, id, false);

    public T findById(String collectionName, String id, boolean allFields) {
        Object databaseId = idConverter.toDatabaseId(id);
        LOG.debug("find a record in collection {} with id {}", new Object[] { collectionName, id });

        // Enforcing the tenantId query. The rationale for this is all CRUD
        // Operations should be restricted based on tenant.
        NeutralQuery neutralQuery = new NeutralQuery();
        neutralQuery.addCriteria(new NeutralCriteria("_id", NeutralCriteria.OPERATOR_EQUAL, databaseId));
        this.addDefaultQueryParams(neutralQuery, collectionName);

        // convert the neutral query into a mongo query
        Query mongoQuery = this.queryConverter.convert(collectionName, neutralQuery, allFields);

        try {
            if (allFields) {
                // When getting "all fields" we want the full document, including any subdoc data.
                // In that case, we want not to do any subdoc conversions, but rather retrieve
                // the data "raw", so use the template directly here.
                return template.findOne(mongoQuery, getRecordClass(), collectionName);
            } else {
                return findOne(collectionName, mongoQuery);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOG.error("Exception occurred", e);
            return null;

    public boolean exists(String collectionName, String id) {
        Object databaseId = idConverter.toDatabaseId(id);
        LOG.debug("find a record in collection {} with id {}", new Object[] { collectionName, id });

        // We need to restrict counts by tenantId as well. So if the tenantId
        // exist, then we append.
        try {
            String tenantId = TenantContext.getTenantId();
            BasicDBObject obj = new BasicDBObject("_id", databaseId);

            return getCollection(collectionName).getCount(obj) != 0L;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOG.error("Exception occurred", e);
            return false;

    public T findOne(String collectionName, NeutralQuery neutralQuery) {
        return findOne(collectionName, neutralQuery, false);

    public T findOne(String collectionName, NeutralQuery neutralQuery, boolean allFields) {

        // Enforcing the tenantId query. The rationale for this is all CRUD
        // Operations should be restricted based on tenant.
        this.addDefaultQueryParams(neutralQuery, collectionName);

        // convert the neutral query into a mongo query
        Query mongoQuery = this.queryConverter.convert(collectionName, neutralQuery, allFields);

        // find and return an entity
        return findOne(collectionName, mongoQuery);

    public T findOne(String collectionName, Query query) {
        return template.findOne(query, getRecordClass(), collectionName);

    public Iterable<T> findAll(String collectionName, NeutralQuery origNeutralQuery) {

        NeutralQuery neutralQuery = origNeutralQuery == null ? new NeutralQuery() : origNeutralQuery;

        // Enforcing the tenantId query. The rationale for this is all CRUD
        // Operations should be restricted based on tenant.
        this.addDefaultQueryParams(neutralQuery, collectionName);

        // convert the neutral query into a mongo query
        Query mongoQuery = this.queryConverter.convert(collectionName, neutralQuery);

        // always call guideIfTenantAgnostic - this sets threadlocal flag
        if (!guideIfTenantAgnostic(collectionName) && TenantContext.getTenantId() == null) {

            return findAllAcrossTenants(collectionName, mongoQuery);
        } else {
            // find and return an instance
            return findAll(mongoQuery, collectionName);

    private Iterable<T> findAll(Query query, String collectionName) {
        return template.find(query, getRecordClass(), collectionName);

    protected abstract Iterable<T> findAllAcrossTenants(String collectionName, Query mongoQuery);

    public Iterable<String> findAllIds(String collectionName, NeutralQuery origNeutralQuery) {
        NeutralQuery neutralQuery = origNeutralQuery == null ? new NeutralQuery() : origNeutralQuery;

        // Enforcing the tenantId query. The rationale for this is all CRUD
        // Operations should be restricted based on tenant.
        this.addDefaultQueryParams(neutralQuery, collectionName);

        List<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (T t : findAll(collectionName, neutralQuery)) {
        return ids;

    public Iterable<T> findAllByPaths(String collectionName, Map<String, String> paths, NeutralQuery neutralQuery) {

        // Enforcing the tenantId query. The rationale for this is all CRUD
        // Operations should be restricted based on tenant.
        this.addDefaultQueryParams(neutralQuery, collectionName);

        for (Map.Entry<String, String> field : paths.entrySet()) {
            neutralQuery.addCriteria(new NeutralCriteria(field.getKey(), "=", field.getValue(), false));

        // find and return an entity
        Query mongoQuery = this.queryConverter.convert(collectionName, neutralQuery);
        return template.find(mongoQuery, getRecordClass(), collectionName);

    public long count(String collectionName, NeutralQuery neutralQuery) {
        return this.count(collectionName,
                this.queryConverter.convert(collectionName, neutralQuery).getQueryObject());

    public long count(String collectionName, Query query) {
        return count(collectionName, query.getQueryObject());

    private long count(String collectionName, DBObject queryObject) {
        DBCollection collection = getCollection(collectionName);
        if (collection == null) {
            return 0;
        return collection.count(queryObject);

    public DBCollection getCollection(String collectionName) {
        return template.getCollection(collectionName);

    public abstract boolean update(String collection, T record, boolean isSuperdoc);

     * Updates the document inside of Mongo. MongoTemplate will upsert the given
     * document, however since we are specifying IDs in the DAL instead of
     * letting Mongo create the document IDs, this method will check for the
     * existence of a document ID before saving the document.
     * @param collection
     * @param record
     * @param body
     * @return True if the document was saved
    protected boolean update(String collection, T record, Map<String, Object> body, boolean isSuperdoc) {
        Assert.notNull(record, "The given record must not be null!");
        String id = getRecordId(record);
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(id)) {
            return false;

        Query query = getUpdateQuery(record);
        Criteria crit = this.createTenantCriteria(collection);
        if (crit != null) {

        T encryptedRecord = getEncryptedRecord(record);
        Update update = getUpdateCommand(encryptedRecord, isSuperdoc);

        // attempt upsert
        WriteResult result = upsert(query, update, collection);
        // insert goes through the encryption pipeline, so use the unencrypted record
        if (result.getError() != null) {
            LOG.error("Update/upsert on collection {} failed with error: {}", collection, result.getError());
            return false;

        return true;

    public WriteResult updateFirst(NeutralQuery query, Map<String, Object> update, String collectionName) {
        // Enforcing the tenantId query. The rationale for this is all CRUD
        // Operations should be restricted based on tenant.
        this.addDefaultQueryParams(query, collectionName);

        Query convertedQuery = this.queryConverter.convert(collectionName, query);
        Update convertedUpdate = new Update();

        for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : update.entrySet()) {
            String operation = entry.getKey();
            Map<String, Object> operands = (Map<String, Object>) entry.getValue();

            if (operation.equals("push")) {
                for (Map.Entry<String, Object> fieldValues : operands.entrySet()) {
                    convertedUpdate.push(fieldValues.getKey(), fieldValues.getValue());
            } else if (operation.equals("pushAll")) {
                for (Map.Entry<String, Object> fieldValues : operands.entrySet()) {
                    convertedUpdate.pushAll(fieldValues.getKey(), (Object[]) fieldValues.getValue());
            } else if (operation.equals("addToSet")) {
                for (Map.Entry<String, Object> fieldValues : operands.entrySet()) {
                    convertedUpdate.addToSet(fieldValues.getKey(), fieldValues.getValue());

        return updateFirst(convertedQuery, convertedUpdate, collectionName);

    private WriteResult updateFirst(Query query, Update update, String collectionName) {
        return template.updateFirst(query, update, collectionName);

    private WriteResult upsert(Query query, Update update, String collectionName) {
        return template.upsert(query, update, collectionName);

    public WriteResult updateMulti(NeutralQuery query, Map<String, Object> update, String collectionName) {
        // Enforcing the tenantId query. The rationale for this is all CRUD
        // Operations should be restricted based on tenant.
        this.addDefaultQueryParams(query, collectionName);

        Query convertedQuery = this.queryConverter.convert(collectionName, query);
        Update convertedUpdate = new Update();

        for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : update.entrySet()) {
            String operation = entry.getKey();
            Map<String, Object> operands = (Map<String, Object>) entry.getValue();

            if (operation.equals("push")) {
                for (Map.Entry<String, Object> fieldValues : operands.entrySet()) {
                    convertedUpdate.push(fieldValues.getKey(), fieldValues.getValue());
            } else if (operation.equals("pushAll")) {
                for (Map.Entry<String, Object> fieldValues : operands.entrySet()) {
                    convertedUpdate.pushAll(fieldValues.getKey(), (Object[]) fieldValues.getValue());
            } else if (operation.equals("addToSet")) {
                for (Map.Entry<String, Object> fieldValues : operands.entrySet()) {
                    convertedUpdate.addToSet(fieldValues.getKey(), fieldValues.getValue());
        return template.updateMulti(convertedQuery, convertedUpdate, collectionName);

    public boolean doUpdate(String collection, NeutralQuery query, Update update) {
        return updateFirst(queryConverter.convert(collection, query), update, collection).getLastError().ok();

    protected abstract Query getUpdateQuery(T entity);

    protected abstract T getEncryptedRecord(T entity);

    protected abstract Update getUpdateCommand(T entity, boolean isSuperdoc);

    public CascadeResult safeDelete(String entityType, String id, boolean cascade, boolean dryrun, boolean forced,
            boolean logViolations, Integer maxObjects, AccessibilityCheck access) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("safeDelete is not implemented at the "
                + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ", perhaps you should be using MongoEntityRepository");

    public boolean delete(String collectionName, String id) {
        if (id.equals("")) {
            return false;

        Query query = null;
        Criteria idCrit = Criteria.where("_id").is(idConverter.toDatabaseId(id));
        Criteria tenantCrit = createTenantCriteria(collectionName);

        if (tenantCrit != null) {
            query = new Query(tenantCrit);
        } else {
            query = new Query(idCrit);

        T deleted = template.findAndRemove(query, getRecordClass(), collectionName);
        LOG.debug("delete a entity in collection {} with id {}", new Object[] { collectionName, id });
        return deleted != null;

    protected void logResults(String collectioName, List<T> results) {
        if (results == null) {
            LOG.debug("find objects in collection {} with total numbers is {}", new Object[] { collectioName, 0 });
        } else {
            LOG.debug("find objects in collection {} with total numbers is {}",
                    new Object[] { collectioName, results.size() });

    public void deleteAll(String collectionName, NeutralQuery query) {
        this.addDefaultQueryParams(query, collectionName);
        Query convertedQuery = this.queryConverter.convert(collectionName, query);
        template.remove(convertedQuery, collectionName);


    protected abstract String getRecordId(T record);

    protected abstract Class<T> getRecordClass();

    protected Iterable<T> findByQuery(String collectionName, Query query) {
        Iterable<T> results = findAll(query, collectionName);

        return results;

     * @Deprecated
     *             "This is a deprecated method that should only be used by the ingestion ID
     *             Normalization code.
     *             It is not tenant-safe meaning clients of this method must include tenantId in the
     *             metaData block"
    public Iterable<T> findByQuery(String collectionName, Query origQuery, int skip, int max) {
        Query query = origQuery == null ? new Query() : origQuery;


        return findByQuery(collectionName, query);

    /**The existing collections have been cached
     * to avoid unnecessary DB queries.
    public boolean collectionExists(String collection) {
        return template.collectionExists(collection);

    public boolean patch(String type, String collectionName, String id, Map<String, Object> newValues) {

        if (id.equals("")) {
            return false;

        // prepare to find desired record to be patched
        Query query = new Query();
        // prepare update operation for record to be patched
        Update update = new Update();
        for (Entry<String, Object> patch : newValues.entrySet()) {
            update.set("body." + patch.getKey(), patch.getValue());

        WriteResult result = updateFirst(query, update, collectionName);

        return (result.getN() == 1);

     * Sets the write concern of the template. Support options defined in Mongo's WriteConcern
     * class.
     * @see com.mongodb.WriteConcern
    public void setWriteConcern(String writeConcern) {
        try {
            WriteConcern concern = WriteConcern.valueOf(writeConcern);
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            LOG.warn("Unknown write concern", writeConcern);
            // When in doubt, play it (Replicas) safe.

    protected Set<String> getCollectionNames() {
        return template.getCollectionNames();

    public List<DBCollection> getCollections(boolean includeSystemCollections) {
        List<DBCollection> collections = new ArrayList<DBCollection>();

        for (String name : getCollectionNames()) {

            if (!includeSystemCollections && name.startsWith("system.")) {
        return collections;

    public void setTenantAgnosticCollections(Set<String> tenantAgnosticCollections) {
        this.tenantAgnosticCollections = tenantAgnosticCollections;

     * Checks if this is a tenant-specific collection based on a set provided in spring
     * configuration.
     * @param collectionName
     * @return <code>true</code> if the collection is in the non-tenant-specific set.
    protected boolean isTenantAgnostic(String collectionName) {
        return tenantAgnosticCollections.contains(collectionName);

     * Set a boolean value in TenantContext threadlocal store which signals whether this collection
     * is tenant-specific. The method should be used before MongoTemplate calls to ensure that the
     * correct database is used.
     * @param collectionName
     * @return <code>true</code> if this collection is tenant agnostic.
    protected boolean guideIfTenantAgnostic(String collectionName) {
        boolean isTenantAgnostic = isTenantAgnostic(collectionName);
        return isTenantAgnostic;

    public T findAndUpdate(String collectionName, NeutralQuery neutralQuery, Update update) {
        return null;
