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 *  CPAchecker is a tool for configurable software verification.
 *  This file is part of CPAchecker.
 *  Copyright (C) 2007-2014  Dirk Beyer
 *  All rights reserved.
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.
 *  CPAchecker web page:
package org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.util;

import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.util.CFAUtils.*;

import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NavigableSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;

import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.exceptions.CParserException;
import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.exceptions.JParserException;
import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.exceptions.ParserException;


 * Class collecting and containing information about all loops in a CFA.
public final class LoopStructure {

     * Class representing one loop in a CFA.
     * A loop is a subset of CFA nodes which are strongly connected,
     * i.e., it is possible to find infinite paths within this subset.
     * Note that this definition is based on the structure of the CFA,
     * not on the syntax of the program.
     * This means that loops created with "goto" (without and "while" or "for" keyword)
     * are considered loops, while something like "while (1) { break; }" is not.
     * Loops represented by this class do not span across several functions,
     * i.e., if there is a function call inside a loop,
     * the called function is not considered part of the loop.
     * For finding all loops in a CFA, use {@link LoopStructure#getLoopStructure(MutableCFA)}.
     * However, when you already have a {@link} object
     * (as you have inside any analysis),
     * use {@link}.
     * Usual loop-detection algorithms for graphs
     * do not distinguish between nested loops,
     * but as this is a somewhat important concept at source code level,
     * the algorithm we use to find loops tries to do so.
     * A loop is nested in another loop if the outer loop contains all
     * incoming and outgoing edges of the inner loop
     * (this also means that the outer loop has a super-set of inner edges
     * and loop nodes of the inner loop).
     * The loop-head nodes of two nested nodes are usually not related.
     * This definition works quite well for "typical" nested loops,
     * i.e., two nested "while" statements,
     * but may not cover some edge-cases
     * (for example, when there is an edge from the inner loop
     * directly leaving both loops).
     * In such cases, both loops are considered only one loop
     * (which is legal according to the definition above).
    public static class Loop {
        // Technically not immutable, but all modifying methods are private
        // and never called after the LoopStructure information has been collected.

        // loopHeads is a sub-set of nodes such that all infinite paths through
        // the set nodes will pass through at least one node in loopHeads infinitively often
        // i.e. you will have to pass through at least one loop head in every iteration
        private ImmutableSet<CFANode> loopHeads;

        private ImmutableSortedSet<CFANode> nodes;

        // the following sets are computed lazily by calling {@link #computeSets()}
        private ImmutableSet<CFAEdge> innerLoopEdges;
        private ImmutableSet<CFAEdge> incomingEdges;
        private ImmutableSet<CFAEdge> outgoingEdges;

        private Loop(CFANode loopHead, Set<CFANode> pNodes) {
            loopHeads = ImmutableSet.of(loopHead);
            nodes = ImmutableSortedSet.<CFANode>naturalOrder().addAll(pNodes).add(loopHead).build();

        private void computeSets() {
            if (innerLoopEdges != null) {
                assert incomingEdges != null;
                assert outgoingEdges != null;

            Set<CFAEdge> incomingEdges = new HashSet<>();
            Set<CFAEdge> outgoingEdges = new HashSet<>();

            for (CFANode n : nodes) {

            innerLoopEdges = Sets.intersection(incomingEdges, outgoingEdges).immutableCopy();

            assert !incomingEdges.isEmpty() : "Unreachable loop?";

            this.incomingEdges = ImmutableSet.copyOf(incomingEdges);
            this.outgoingEdges = ImmutableSet.copyOf(outgoingEdges);

        private void addNodes(Loop l) {
            nodes = ImmutableSortedSet.<CFANode>naturalOrder().addAll(nodes).addAll(l.nodes).build();

            innerLoopEdges = null;
            incomingEdges = null;
            outgoingEdges = null;

        private void mergeWith(Loop l) {
            loopHeads = Sets.union(loopHeads, l.loopHeads).immutableCopy();

        private boolean intersectsWith(Loop l) {
            return !Sets.intersection(nodes, l.nodes).isEmpty();

         * Check if this loop is an outer loop of a given one
         * according to the above definition (c.f. {@link Loop}).
        public boolean isOuterLoopOf(Loop other) {

            return this.innerLoopEdges.containsAll(other.incomingEdges)
                    && this.innerLoopEdges.containsAll(other.outgoingEdges);

         * Get the set of all CFA nodes that are part of this loop.
         * This also contains the nodes of any inner nested loops.
         * @return a non-empty set of CFA nodes (sorted according to the natural ordering of CFANodes)
        public ImmutableSortedSet<CFANode> getLoopNodes() {
            return nodes;

         * Get the set of all CFA edges that are inside the loop,
         * i.e., which connect two CFA nodes of the loop.
         * This also contains the edges of any inner nested loops.
         * @return a non-empty set of CFA edges
        public ImmutableSet<CFAEdge> getInnerLoopEdges() {
            return innerLoopEdges;

         * Get the set of loop-head nodes of this loop.
         * Important: The definition of loop head is not related to the syntax
         * of the program, i.e., a loop head is not necessarily related
         * to the first node after a "which" statement.
         * The set of loop heads is a subset of the set of all loop nodes
         * such that all infinite paths inside the loop
         * visit at least one of the loop-head nodes infinitely often.
         * (In practice, this means there is at least one loop head visited
         * in every loop iteration.)
         * The heuristic that selects loop heads tries to
         * - select as few nodes as possible,
         * - select nodes close to the beginning of the loop,
         * - select nodes that are visited even on paths with zero loop iterations, and
         * - select nodes that are also syntactic loop heads if possible.
         * However, all of this is not guaranteed for strange loops created with gotos.
         * @return non-empty subset of {@link #getLoopNodes()}
        public ImmutableSet<CFANode> getLoopHeads() {
            return loopHeads;

         * Get the set of all incoming CFA edges,
         * i.e., edges which connect a non-loop CFA node inside the same function with a loop node.
         * Although called functions are not considered loop nodes,
         * this set does not contain any edges from called functions to inside the loop.
         * @return a non-empty set of CFA edges
        public ImmutableSet<CFAEdge> getIncomingEdges() {
            return incomingEdges;

         * Get the set of all incoming CFA edges,
         * i.e., edges which connect a loop node with a non-loop CFA node inside the same function.
         * Although called functions are not considered loop nodes,
         * this set does not contain any edges from inside the loop to called functions.
         * @return a possibly empty (if the loop does never terminate) set of CFA edges
        public ImmutableSet<CFAEdge> getOutgoingEdges() {
            return outgoingEdges;

        public String toString() {
            return "Loop with heads " + loopHeads + "\n" + "  incoming: " + incomingEdges + "\n" + "  outgoing: "
                    + outgoingEdges + "\n" + "  nodes:    " + nodes;

    private final ImmutableMultimap<String, Loop> loops;

    private @Nullable ImmutableSet<CFANode> loopHeads = null; // computed lazily

    // computed lazily
    private @Nullable ImmutableSet<String> loopExitConditionVariables;
    private @Nullable ImmutableSet<String> loopIncDecVariables;

    private LoopStructure(ImmutableMultimap<String, Loop> pLoops) {
        loops = pLoops;

     * Get the total number of loops in the program.
    public int getCount() {
        return loops.size();

     * Get all {@link Loop}s in one function.
    public ImmutableCollection<Loop> getLoopsForFunction(String function) {
        return loops.get(checkNotNull(function));

     * Get all {@link Loop}s in the program.
    public ImmutableCollection<Loop> getAllLoops() {
        return loops.values();

     * Get all loop head nodes (as returned by {@link Loop#getLoopHeads()})
     * for all loops in the program.
    public ImmutableSet<CFANode> getAllLoopHeads() {
        if (loopHeads == null) {
            loopHeads = from(loops.values()).transformAndConcat(new Function<Loop, Iterable<CFANode>>() {
                public Iterable<CFANode> apply(Loop loop) {
                    return loop.getLoopHeads();
        return loopHeads;

     * Return all variables appearing in loop exit conditions.
     * The variable names are scoped in the same way as {@link VariableClassification}
     * does.
    public Set<String> getLoopExitConditionVariables() {
        if (loopExitConditionVariables == null) {
            loopExitConditionVariables = collectLoopCondVars();
        return loopExitConditionVariables;

    private ImmutableSet<String> collectLoopCondVars() {
        ImmutableSet.Builder<String> result = ImmutableSet.builder();
        for (Loop l : loops.values()) {
            // Get all variables that are used in exit-conditions
            for (CFAEdge e : l.getOutgoingEdges()) {
                if (e instanceof CAssumeEdge) {
                    CExpression expr = ((CAssumeEdge) e).getExpression();

     * Return all variables that are incremented or decremented by a fixed constant
     * inside loops.
     * The variable names are scoped in the same way as {@link VariableClassification}
     * does.
    public Set<String> getLoopIncDecVariables() {
        if (loopIncDecVariables == null) {
            loopIncDecVariables = collectLoopIncDecVariables();
        return loopIncDecVariables;

    private ImmutableSet<String> collectLoopIncDecVariables() {
        ImmutableSet.Builder<String> result = ImmutableSet.builder();
        for (Loop l : loops.values()) {
            // Get all variables that are incremented or decrement by literal values
            for (CFAEdge e : l.getInnerLoopEdges()) {
                if (e instanceof MultiEdge) {
                    for (CFAEdge singleEdge : ((MultiEdge) e).getEdges()) {
                        String var = obtainIncDecVariable(singleEdge);
                        if (var != null) {

                } else {
                    String var = obtainIncDecVariable(e);
                    if (var != null) {

     * This method obtains a variable referenced in this edge that are incremented or decremented by a constant
     * (if there is one such variable).
     * @param e the edge from which to obtain variables
     * @return a variable name or null
    private static String obtainIncDecVariable(CFAEdge e) {
        if (e instanceof CStatementEdge) {
            CStatementEdge stmtEdge = (CStatementEdge) e;
            if (stmtEdge.getStatement() instanceof CAssignment) {
                CAssignment assign = (CAssignment) stmtEdge.getStatement();

                if (assign.getLeftHandSide() instanceof CIdExpression) {
                    CIdExpression assignementToId = (CIdExpression) assign.getLeftHandSide();
                    String assignToVar = assignementToId.getDeclaration().getQualifiedName();

                    if (assign.getRightHandSide() instanceof CBinaryExpression) {
                        CBinaryExpression binExpr = (CBinaryExpression) assign.getRightHandSide();
                        BinaryOperator op = binExpr.getOperator();

                        if (op == BinaryOperator.PLUS || op == BinaryOperator.MINUS) {

                            if (binExpr.getOperand1() instanceof CLiteralExpression
                                    || binExpr.getOperand2() instanceof CLiteralExpression) {
                                CIdExpression operandId = null;

                                if (binExpr.getOperand1() instanceof CIdExpression) {
                                    operandId = (CIdExpression) binExpr.getOperand1();
                                if (binExpr.getOperand2() instanceof CIdExpression) {
                                    operandId = (CIdExpression) binExpr.getOperand2();

                                if (operandId != null) {
                                    String operandVar = operandId.getDeclaration().getQualifiedName();
                                    if (assignToVar.equals(operandVar)) {
                                        return assignToVar;
        return null;

     * Gets the loop structure of a control flow automaton with one single loop.
     * Do not call this method outside of the frontend,
     * use {@link} instead.
     * @param pSingleLoopHead the loop head of the single loop.
     * @return the loop structure of the control flow automaton.
    public static LoopStructure getLoopStructureForSingleLoop(CFANode pSingleLoopHead) throws InterruptedException {
        Predicate<CFAEdge> noFunctionReturnEdge = not(edgeHasType(FunctionReturnEdge));

        // First, find all nodes reachable via the loop head
        Deque<CFANode> waitlist = new ArrayDeque<>();
        Set<CFANode> reachableSuccessors = new HashSet<>();
        Set<CFANode> visited = new HashSet<>();
        boolean firstIteration = true;
        while (!waitlist.isEmpty()) {
            CFANode current = waitlist.pop();
            for (CFAEdge leavingEdge : CFAUtils.allLeavingEdges(current).filter(noFunctionReturnEdge)) {
                CFANode successor = leavingEdge.getSuccessor();
                if (visited.add(successor)) {
            if (firstIteration) {
                firstIteration = false;
            } else {

        // If the loop head cannot reach itself, there is no loop
        if (!reachableSuccessors.contains(pSingleLoopHead)) {
            return new LoopStructure(ImmutableMultimap.<String, Loop>of());

         * Now, Find all loop nodes by checking which of the nodes reachable via
         * the loop head, the loop head itself is reachable from.
        Set<CFANode> loopNodes = new HashSet<>();
        while (!waitlist.isEmpty()) {
            CFANode current = waitlist.poll();
            if (reachableSuccessors.contains(current)) {
                for (CFAEdge enteringEdge : CFAUtils.allEnteringEdges(current)) {
                    CFANode predecessor = enteringEdge.getPredecessor();
                    if (visited.add(predecessor)) {
        String loopFunction = pSingleLoopHead.getFunctionName();
        // A size of one means only the loop head is contained
        if (loopNodes.isEmpty() || loopNodes.size() == 1 && !pSingleLoopHead.hasEdgeTo(pSingleLoopHead)) {
            return new LoopStructure(ImmutableMultimap.<String, Loop>of());

        return new LoopStructure(ImmutableMultimap.of(loopFunction, new Loop(pSingleLoopHead, loopNodes)));

    // -------- Code related to retrieving LoopStructure information in gneral case --------

    // wrapper class for Set<CFANode> because Java arrays don't like generics
    private static class Edge {
        private final Set<CFANode> nodes = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(1);

        private void add(Edge n) {

        private void add(CFANode n) {

        private Set<CFANode> asNodeSet() {
            return nodes;

     * Build loop-structure information for a CFA.
     * Do not call this method outside of the frontend,
     * use {@link} instead.
     * @throws ParserException If the structure of the CFA is too complex for determining loops.
    public static LoopStructure getLoopStructure(MutableCFA cfa) throws ParserException {
        ImmutableMultimap.Builder<String, Loop> loops = ImmutableMultimap.builder();
        for (String functionName : cfa.getAllFunctionNames()) {
            SortedSet<CFANode> nodes = cfa.getFunctionNodes(functionName);
            loops.putAll(functionName, findLoops(nodes, cfa.getLanguage()));
        return new LoopStructure(;

     * Find all loops inside a given set of CFA nodes.
     * The nodes in the given set may not be connected
     * with any nodes outside of this set.
     * This method tries to differentiate nested loops.
     * @param nodes The set of nodes to look for loops in.
     * @param language The source language.
     * @return A collection of found loops.
     * @throws ParserException
    private static Collection<Loop> findLoops(SortedSet<CFANode> nodes, Language language) throws ParserException {

        // if there are no backwards directed edges, there are no loops, so we do
        // not need to search for them
            CFANode functionExitNode = nodes.first(); // The function exit node is always the first
            if (functionExitNode instanceof FunctionExitNode) {
                CFANode functionEntryNode = ((FunctionExitNode) functionExitNode).getEntryNode();

                if (!hasBackWardsEdges(functionEntryNode)) {
                    return ImmutableList.of();

        nodes = new TreeSet<>(nodes); // copy nodes because we change it

        // We need to store some information per pair of CFANodes.
        // We could use Map<Pair<CFANode, CFANode>> but it would be very memory
        // inefficient. Instead we use some arrays.
        // We use the reverse post-order id of each node as the array index for that node,
        // because this id is unique, without gaps, and its minimum is 0.
        // It's important to not use the node number because it has large gaps.
        final Function<CFANode, Integer> arrayIndexForNode = new Function<CFANode, Integer>() {
            public Integer apply(CFANode n) {
                return n.getReversePostorderId();
        // this is the size of the arrays
        int size = nodes.size();

        // all nodes of the graph
        // forall i : arrayIndexForNode.apply(nodes[i]) == i
        final CFANode[] nodesArray = new CFANode[size];

        // all edges of the graph
        // Iff there is an edge from nodes[i] to nodes[j], edges[i][j] is not null.
        // The set edges[i][j].nodes contains all nodes that were eliminated and merged into this edge.
        final Edge[][] edges = new Edge[size][size];

        List<Loop> loops = new ArrayList<>();

        // FIRST step: initialize arrays
        for (CFANode n : nodes) {
            int i = arrayIndexForNode.apply(n);
            assert nodesArray[i] == null : "reverse post-order id is not unique, " + i
                    + " occurs twice in function " + n.getFunctionName() + " at " + n + " and " + nodesArray[i];
            nodesArray[i] = n;

            for (CFAEdge edge : leavingEdges(n)) {
                CFANode succ = edge.getSuccessor();
                int j = arrayIndexForNode.apply(succ);
                edges[i][j] = new Edge();

                if (i == j) {
                    // self-edge
                    handleLoop(succ, i, edges, loops);

        // SECOND step: simplify graph and identify loops
        boolean changed;
        do {
            // first try without the "reverse merge" strategy
            // this strategy may eliminate real loop heads too early so that the
            // algorithm would propose another node of the loop has loop head
            // (which is counter-intuitive to the user)
            changed = identifyLoops(false, nodes, arrayIndexForNode, nodesArray, edges, loops);

            if (!changed && !nodes.isEmpty()) {
                // but if we have to, try and use this strategy
                changed = identifyLoops(true, nodes, arrayIndexForNode, nodesArray, edges, loops);

            if (!changed && !nodes.isEmpty()) {
                // This is a very complex loop structure.
                // We just pick a node randomly and merge it into others.
                // This is imprecise, but not wrong.

                CFANode currentNode = nodes.last();
                final int current = arrayIndexForNode.apply(currentNode);

                // Mark this node as a loop head
                if (edges[current][current] == null) {
                    edges[current][current] = new Edge();
                handleLoop(currentNode, current, edges, loops);

                // Now merge current into all its successors
                mergeNodeIntoSuccessors(currentNode, current, nodesArray, edges, loops);
                changed = true;

        } while (changed && !nodes.isEmpty()); // stop if nothing has changed or nodes is empty

        // check that the complete graph has collapsed
        if (!nodes.isEmpty()) {
            switch (language) {
            case C:
                throw new CParserException("Code structure is too complex, could not detect all loops!");
            case JAVA:
                throw new JParserException("Code structure is too complex, could not detect all loops!");
                throw new AssertionError("unknown language");

        // THIRD step:
        // check all pairs of loops if one is an inner loop of the other
        // the check is symmetric, so we need to check only (i1, i2) with i1 < i2
        NavigableSet<Integer> toRemove = new TreeSet<>();
        do {
            for (int i1 = 0; i1 < loops.size(); i1++) {
                Loop l1 = loops.get(i1);

                for (int i2 = i1 + 1; i2 < loops.size(); i2++) {
                    Loop l2 = loops.get(i2);

                    if (!l1.intersectsWith(l2)) {
                        // loops have nothing in common

                    if (l1.isOuterLoopOf(l2)) {

                        // l2 is an inner loop
                        // add it's nodes to l1

                    } else if (l2.isOuterLoopOf(l1)) {

                        // l1 is an inner loop
                        // add it's nodes to l2

                    } else {
                        // strange goto loop, merge the two together


            for (int i : toRemove.descendingSet()) { // need to iterate in reverse order!
        } while (!toRemove.isEmpty());

        return loops;

    private static boolean identifyLoops(boolean reverseMerge, SortedSet<CFANode> nodes,
            final Function<CFANode, Integer> arrayIndexForNode, final CFANode[] nodesArray, final Edge[][] edges,
            List<Loop> loops) {

        boolean changed = false;

        // merge nodes with their neighbors, if possible
        Iterator<CFANode> it = nodes.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            final CFANode currentNode =;
            final int current = arrayIndexForNode.apply(currentNode);

            // find edges of current
            final int predecessor = findSingleIncomingEdgeOfNode(current, edges);
            final int successor = findSingleOutgoingEdgeOfNode(current, edges);

            if ((predecessor == -1) && (successor == -1)) {
                // no edges, eliminate node
                it.remove(); // delete currentNode

            } else if ((predecessor == -1) && (successor > -1)) {
                // no incoming edges, one outgoing edge
                final int successor2 = findSingleOutgoingEdgeOfNode(successor, edges);
                if (successor2 == -1) {
                    // the current node is a source that is only connected with a sink
                    // we can remove it
                    edges[current][successor] = null;
                    it.remove(); // delete currentNode

            } else if ((successor == -1) && (predecessor > -1)) {
                // one incoming edge, no outgoing edges
                final int predecessor2 = findSingleIncomingEdgeOfNode(predecessor, edges);
                if (predecessor2 == -1) {
                    // the current node is a sink that is only connected with a source
                    // we can remove it
                    edges[predecessor][current] = null;
                    it.remove(); // delete currentNode

            } else if ((predecessor > -1) && (successor != -1)) {
                // current has a single incoming edge from predecessor and is no sink, eliminate current
                changed = true;

                // copy all outgoing edges (current,j) to (predecessor,j)
                moveOutgoingEdges(currentNode, current, predecessor, edges);

                // delete from graph
                edges[predecessor][current] = null;
                it.remove(); // delete currentNode

                // now predecessor node might have gained a self-edge
                if (edges[predecessor][predecessor] != null) {
                    CFANode pred = nodesArray[predecessor];
                    handleLoop(pred, predecessor, edges, loops);

            } else if (reverseMerge && (successor > -1) && (predecessor != -1)) {
                // current has a single outgoing edge to successor and is no source, eliminate current
                changed = true;

                // copy all incoming edges (j,current) to (j,successor)
                moveIncomingEdges(currentNode, current, successor, edges);

                // delete from graph
                edges[current][successor] = null;
                it.remove(); // delete currentNode

                // now successor node might have gained a self-edge
                if (edges[successor][successor] != null) {
                    CFANode succ = nodesArray[successor];
                    handleLoop(succ, successor, edges, loops);

        return changed;

    private static void moveIncomingEdges(final CFANode fromNode, final int from, final int to,
            final Edge[][] edges) {
        Edge edgeFromTo = edges[from][to];

        for (int j = 0; j < edges.length; j++) {
            if (edges[j][from] != null) {
                // combine three edges (j,current) (current,successor) and (j,successor)
                // into a single edge (j,successor)
                Edge targetEdge = getEdge(j, to, edges);
                if (edgeFromTo != null) {
                edges[j][from] = null;

     * Copy all outgoing edges of "from" to "to", and delete them from "from" afterwards.
    private static void moveOutgoingEdges(final CFANode fromNode, final int from, final int to,
            final Edge[][] edges) {
        Edge edgeToFrom = edges[to][from];

        for (int j = 0; j < edges.length; j++) {
            if (edges[from][j] != null) {
                // combine three edges (predecessor,current) (current,j) and (predecessor,j)
                // into a single edge (predecessor,j)
                Edge targetEdge = getEdge(to, j, edges);
                if (edgeToFrom != null) {
                edges[from][j] = null;

    private static void mergeNodeIntoSuccessors(CFANode currentNode, final int current, final CFANode[] nodesArray,
            final Edge[][] edges, List<Loop> loops) {
        List<Integer> predecessors = new ArrayList<>();
        List<Integer> successors = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) {
            if (edges[i][current] != null) {
            if (edges[current][i] != null) {

        for (int successor : successors) {
            for (int predecessor : predecessors) {
                // create edge (pred, succ) from (pred, current) and (current, succ)
                Edge targetEdge = getEdge(predecessor, successor, edges);

            if (edges[successor][successor] != null) {
                CFANode succ = nodesArray[successor];
                handleLoop(succ, successor, edges, loops);

        for (int predecessor : predecessors) {
            edges[predecessor][current] = null;
        for (int successor : successors) {
            edges[current][successor] = null;

    // get edge from edges array, ensuring that it is added if it does not exist yet
    private static Edge getEdge(int i, int j, Edge[][] edges) {
        Edge result = edges[i][j];
        if (edges[i][j] == null) {
            result = new Edge();
            edges[i][j] = result;
        return result;

    // create a loop from a node with a self-edge
    private static void handleLoop(final CFANode loopHead, int loopHeadIndex, final Edge[][] edges,
            Collection<Loop> loops) {
        assert loopHead != null;

        // store loop
        Loop loop = new Loop(loopHead, edges[loopHeadIndex][loopHeadIndex].asNodeSet());

        // remove this loop from the graph
        edges[loopHeadIndex][loopHeadIndex] = null;

    // find index of single predecessor of node i
    // if there is no successor, -1 is returned
    // if there are several successor, -2 is returned
    private static int findSingleIncomingEdgeOfNode(int i, Edge[][] edges) {
        final int size = edges.length;

        int predecessor = -1;
        for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
            if (edges[j][i] != null) {
                // i has incoming edge from j

                if (predecessor > -1) {
                    // not the only incoming edge
                    return -2;
                } else {
                    predecessor = j;
        return predecessor;

    // find index of single successor of node i
    // if there is no successor, -1 is returned
    // if there are several successors, -2 is returned
    private static int findSingleOutgoingEdgeOfNode(int i, Edge[][] edges) {
        final int size = edges.length;

        int successor = -1;
        for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
            if (edges[i][j] != null) {
                // i has outgoing edge to j

                if (successor > -1) {
                    // not the only outgoing edge
                    return -2;
                } else {
                    successor = j;
        return successor;