Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright 2013-2019 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.springframework.batch.core.jsr.launch;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
import javax.batch.operations.BatchRuntimeException;
import javax.batch.operations.JobExecutionAlreadyCompleteException;
import javax.batch.operations.JobExecutionIsRunningException;
import javax.batch.operations.JobExecutionNotMostRecentException;
import javax.batch.operations.JobExecutionNotRunningException;
import javax.batch.operations.JobOperator;
import javax.batch.operations.JobRestartException;
import javax.batch.operations.JobSecurityException;
import javax.batch.operations.JobStartException;
import javax.batch.operations.NoSuchJobException;
import javax.batch.operations.NoSuchJobExecutionException;
import javax.batch.operations.NoSuchJobInstanceException;
import javax.batch.runtime.BatchRuntime;
import javax.batch.runtime.JobExecution;
import javax.batch.runtime.JobInstance;
import javax.batch.runtime.StepExecution;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import org.springframework.batch.core.BatchStatus;
import org.springframework.batch.core.ExitStatus;
import org.springframework.batch.core.Job;
import org.springframework.batch.core.JobParameters;
import org.springframework.batch.core.Step;
import org.springframework.batch.core.configuration.DuplicateJobException;
import org.springframework.batch.core.converter.JobParametersConverter;
import org.springframework.batch.core.explore.JobExplorer;
import org.springframework.batch.core.jsr.JsrJobContextFactoryBean;
import org.springframework.batch.core.jsr.JsrJobExecution;
import org.springframework.batch.core.jsr.JsrJobParametersConverter;
import org.springframework.batch.core.jsr.JsrStepExecution;
import org.springframework.batch.core.jsr.configuration.xml.JsrXmlApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.batch.core.repository.JobRepository;
import org.springframework.batch.core.scope.context.StepSynchronizationManager;
import org.springframework.batch.core.step.NoSuchStepException;
import org.springframework.batch.core.step.StepLocator;
import org.springframework.batch.core.step.tasklet.StoppableTasklet;
import org.springframework.batch.core.step.tasklet.Tasklet;
import org.springframework.batch.core.step.tasklet.TaskletStep;
import org.springframework.beans.BeansException;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.AutowireCapableBeanFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.BeanDefinition;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware;
import org.springframework.core.convert.converter.Converter;
import org.springframework.core.task.SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor;
import org.springframework.core.task.TaskExecutor;
import org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;

 * The entrance for executing batch jobs as defined by JSR-352.  This class provides
 * a single base {@link ApplicationContext} that is the equivalent to the following:
 * <beans>
 *    <batch:job-repository id="jobRepository" ... />
 *     <bean id="jobLauncher" class="">
 *        ...
 *     </bean>
 *     <bean id="batchJobOperator" class="">
 *        ...
 *     </bean>
 *    <bean id="jobExplorer" class="">
 *       ...
 *    </bean>
 *    <bean id="dataSource"
 *       class="org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSource">
 *       ...
 *    </bean>
 *    <bean id="transactionManager"
 *       class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceTransactionManager">
 *       ...
 *    </bean>
 *    <bean id="jobParametersConverter" class="org.springframework.batch.core.jsr.JsrJobParametersConverter"/>
 *    <bean id="jobRegistry" class=""/>
 *    <bean id="placeholderProperties" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
 *       ...
 *    </bean>
 * </beans>
 * A custom configuration of the above components can be specified by providing a system property JSR-352-BASE-CONTEXT.
 * The location that is provided by this system property will override any beans as defined in baseContext.xml.
 * Calls to {@link JobOperator#start(String, Properties)} will provide a child context to the above context
 * using the job definition and batch.xml if provided.
 * By default, calls to start/restart will result in asynchronous execution of the batch job (via an asynchronous {@link TaskExecutor}.
 * For synchronous behavior or customization of thread behavior, a different {@link TaskExecutor} implementation is required to
 * be provided.
 * <em>Note</em>: This class is intended to only be used for JSR-352 configured jobs. Use of
 * this {@link JobOperator} to start/stop/restart Spring Batch jobs may result in unexpected behaviors due to
 * how job instances are identified differently.
 * @author Michael Minella
 * @author Chris Schaefer
 * @author Mahmoud Ben Hassine
 * @since 3.0
public class JsrJobOperator implements JobOperator, ApplicationContextAware, InitializingBean {
    private static final String JSR_JOB_CONTEXT_BEAN_NAME = "jsr_jobContext";
    private final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());

    private JobExplorer jobExplorer;
    private JobRepository jobRepository;
    private TaskExecutor taskExecutor;
    private JobParametersConverter jobParametersConverter;
    private ApplicationContext baseContext;
    private PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager;
    private static ExecutingJobRegistry jobRegistry = new ExecutingJobRegistry();

     * Public constructor used by {@link BatchRuntime#getJobOperator()}.  This will bootstrap a
     * singleton ApplicationContext if one has not already been created (and will utilize the existing
     * one if it has) to populate itself.
    public JsrJobOperator() {

        this.baseContext = BaseContextHolder.getInstance().getContext();

                AutowireCapableBeanFactory.AUTOWIRE_BY_TYPE, false);

        if (taskExecutor == null) {
            taskExecutor = new SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor();

     * The no-arg constructor is used by the {@link BatchRuntime#getJobOperator()} and so bootstraps
     * an {@link ApplicationContext}.  This constructor does not and is therefore dependency injection
     * friendly.  Also useful for unit testing.
     * @param jobExplorer an instance of Spring Batch's {@link JobExplorer}.
     * @param jobRepository an instance of Spring Batch's {@link JobOperator}.
     * @param jobParametersConverter an instance of Spring Batch's {@link JobParametersConverter}.
     * @param transactionManager a {@link PlatformTransactionManager}.
    public JsrJobOperator(JobExplorer jobExplorer, JobRepository jobRepository,
            JobParametersConverter jobParametersConverter, PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager) {
        Assert.notNull(jobExplorer, "A JobExplorer is required");
        Assert.notNull(jobRepository, "A JobRepository is required");
        Assert.notNull(jobParametersConverter, "A ParametersConverter is required");
        Assert.notNull(transactionManager, "A PlatformTransactionManager is required");

        this.jobExplorer = jobExplorer;
        this.jobRepository = jobRepository;
        this.jobParametersConverter = jobParametersConverter;
        this.transactionManager = transactionManager;

    public void setJobExplorer(JobExplorer jobExplorer) {
        Assert.notNull(jobExplorer, "A JobExplorer is required");

        this.jobExplorer = jobExplorer;

    public void setJobRepository(JobRepository jobRepository) {
        Assert.notNull(jobRepository, "A JobRepository is required");

        this.jobRepository = jobRepository;

    public void setTransactionManager(PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager) {
        Assert.notNull(transactionManager, "A PlatformTransactionManager is required");

        this.transactionManager = transactionManager;

    public void setTaskExecutor(TaskExecutor taskExecutor) {
        this.taskExecutor = taskExecutor;

    protected TaskExecutor getTaskExecutor() {
        return taskExecutor;

    public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
        if (this.taskExecutor == null) {
            this.taskExecutor = new SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor();

     * Used to convert the {@link Properties} objects used by JSR-352 to the {@link JobParameters}
     * objects used in Spring Batch.  The default implementation used will configure all parameters
     * to be non-identifying (per the JSR).
     * @param converter A {@link Converter} implementation used to convert {@link Properties} to
     * {@link JobParameters}
    public void setJobParametersConverter(JobParametersConverter converter) {
        Assert.notNull(converter, "A Converter is required");

        this.jobParametersConverter = converter;

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see javax.batch.operations.JobOperator#abandon(long)
    public void abandon(long jobExecutionId)
            throws NoSuchJobExecutionException, JobExecutionIsRunningException, JobSecurityException {
        org.springframework.batch.core.JobExecution jobExecution = jobExplorer.getJobExecution(jobExecutionId);

        if (jobExecution == null) {
            throw new NoSuchJobExecutionException("Unable to retrieve JobExecution for id " + jobExecutionId);

        if (jobExecution.isRunning()) {
            throw new JobExecutionIsRunningException("Unable to abandon a job that is currently running");


    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see javax.batch.operations.JobOperator#getJobExecution(long)
    public JobExecution getJobExecution(long executionId) throws NoSuchJobExecutionException, JobSecurityException {
        org.springframework.batch.core.JobExecution jobExecution = jobExplorer.getJobExecution(executionId);

        if (jobExecution == null) {
            throw new NoSuchJobExecutionException("No execution was found for executionId " + executionId);

        return new JsrJobExecution(jobExecution, jobParametersConverter);

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see javax.batch.operations.JobOperator#getJobExecutions(javax.batch.runtime.JobInstance)
    public List<JobExecution> getJobExecutions(JobInstance jobInstance)
            throws NoSuchJobInstanceException, JobSecurityException {
        if (jobInstance == null) {
            throw new NoSuchJobInstanceException("A null JobInstance was provided");

        org.springframework.batch.core.JobInstance instance = (org.springframework.batch.core.JobInstance) jobInstance;
        List<org.springframework.batch.core.JobExecution> batchExecutions = jobExplorer.getJobExecutions(instance);

        if (batchExecutions == null || batchExecutions.size() == 0) {
            throw new NoSuchJobInstanceException("Unable to find JobInstance " + jobInstance.getInstanceId());

        List<JobExecution> results = new ArrayList<>(batchExecutions.size());
        for (org.springframework.batch.core.JobExecution jobExecution : batchExecutions) {
            results.add(new JsrJobExecution(jobExecution, jobParametersConverter));

        return results;

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see javax.batch.operations.JobOperator#getJobInstance(long)
    public JobInstance getJobInstance(long executionId) throws NoSuchJobExecutionException, JobSecurityException {
        org.springframework.batch.core.JobExecution execution = jobExplorer.getJobExecution(executionId);

        if (execution == null) {
            throw new NoSuchJobExecutionException("The JobExecution was not found");

        return jobExplorer.getJobInstance(execution.getJobInstance().getId());

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see javax.batch.operations.JobOperator#getJobInstanceCount(java.lang.String)
    public int getJobInstanceCount(String jobName) throws NoSuchJobException, JobSecurityException {
        try {
            int count = jobExplorer.getJobInstanceCount(jobName);

            if (count <= 0) {
                throw new NoSuchJobException("No job instances were found for job name " + jobName);
            } else {
                return count;
        } catch (org.springframework.batch.core.launch.NoSuchJobException e) {
            throw new NoSuchJobException("No job instances were found for job name " + jobName);

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see javax.batch.operations.JobOperator#getJobInstances(java.lang.String, int, int)
    public List<JobInstance> getJobInstances(String jobName, int start, int count)
            throws NoSuchJobException, JobSecurityException {
        List<org.springframework.batch.core.JobInstance> jobInstances = jobExplorer.getJobInstances(jobName, start,

        if (jobInstances == null || jobInstances.size() == 0) {
            throw new NoSuchJobException("The job was not found");

        return new ArrayList<>(jobInstances);

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see javax.batch.operations.JobOperator#getJobNames()
    public Set<String> getJobNames() throws JobSecurityException {
        return new HashSet<>(jobExplorer.getJobNames());

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see javax.batch.operations.JobOperator#getParameters(long)
    public Properties getParameters(long executionId) throws NoSuchJobExecutionException, JobSecurityException {
        org.springframework.batch.core.JobExecution execution = jobExplorer.getJobExecution(executionId);

        if (execution == null) {
            throw new NoSuchJobExecutionException("Unable to find the JobExecution for id " + executionId);

        Properties properties = jobParametersConverter.getProperties(execution.getJobParameters());

        return properties;

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see javax.batch.operations.JobOperator#getRunningExecutions(java.lang.String)
    public List<Long> getRunningExecutions(String name) throws NoSuchJobException, JobSecurityException {
        Set<org.springframework.batch.core.JobExecution> findRunningJobExecutions = jobExplorer

        if (findRunningJobExecutions.isEmpty()) {
            throw new NoSuchJobException("Job name: " + name + " not found.");

        List<Long> results = new ArrayList<>(findRunningJobExecutions.size());

        for (org.springframework.batch.core.JobExecution jobExecution : findRunningJobExecutions) {

        return results;

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see javax.batch.operations.JobOperator#getStepExecutions(long)
    public List<StepExecution> getStepExecutions(long executionId)
            throws NoSuchJobExecutionException, JobSecurityException {
        org.springframework.batch.core.JobExecution execution = jobExplorer.getJobExecution(executionId);

        if (execution == null) {
            throw new NoSuchJobException("JobExecution with the id " + executionId + " was not found");

        Collection<org.springframework.batch.core.StepExecution> executions = execution.getStepExecutions();

        List<StepExecution> batchExecutions = new ArrayList<>();

        if (executions != null) {
            for (org.springframework.batch.core.StepExecution stepExecution : executions) {
                if (!stepExecution.getStepName().contains(":partition")) {
                            new JsrStepExecution(jobExplorer.getStepExecution(executionId, stepExecution.getId())));

        return batchExecutions;

     * Creates a child {@link ApplicationContext} for the job being requested based upon
     * the /META-INF/batch.xml (if exists) and the /META-INF/batch-jobs/&lt;jobName&gt;.xml
     * configuration and restart the job.
     * @param executionId the database id of the job execution to be restarted.
     * @param params any job parameters to be used during the execution of this job.
     * @throws JobExecutionAlreadyCompleteException thrown if the requested job execution has
     * a status of COMPLETE
     * @throws NoSuchJobExecutionException throw if the requested job execution does not exist
     * in the repository
     * @throws JobExecutionNotMostRecentException thrown if the requested job execution is not
     * the most recent attempt for the job instance it's related to.
     * @throws JobRestartException thrown for any general errors during the job restart process
    public long restart(long executionId, Properties params)
            throws JobExecutionAlreadyCompleteException, NoSuchJobExecutionException,
            JobExecutionNotMostRecentException, JobRestartException, JobSecurityException {
        org.springframework.batch.core.JobExecution previousJobExecution = jobExplorer.getJobExecution(executionId);

        if (previousJobExecution == null) {
            throw new NoSuchJobExecutionException("No JobExecution found for id: [" + executionId + "]");
        } else if (previousJobExecution.getStatus().equals(BatchStatus.COMPLETED)) {
            throw new JobExecutionAlreadyCompleteException("The requested job has already completed");

        List<org.springframework.batch.core.JobExecution> previousExecutions = jobExplorer

        for (org.springframework.batch.core.JobExecution jobExecution : previousExecutions) {
            if (jobExecution.getCreateTime().compareTo(previousJobExecution.getCreateTime()) > 0) {
                throw new JobExecutionNotMostRecentException(
                        "The requested JobExecution to restart was not the most recently run");

            if (jobExecution.getStatus().equals(BatchStatus.ABANDONED)) {
                throw new JobRestartException("JobExecution ID: " + jobExecution.getId()
                        + " is abandoned and attempted to be restarted.");

        final String jobName = previousJobExecution.getJobInstance().getJobName();

        Properties jobRestartProperties = getJobRestartProperties(params, previousJobExecution);

        final JsrXmlApplicationContext batchContext = new JsrXmlApplicationContext(jobRestartProperties);

        Resource batchXml = new ClassPathResource("/META-INF/batch.xml");
        Resource jobXml = new ClassPathResource(previousJobExecution.getJobConfigurationName());

        if (batchXml.exists()) {

        if (jobXml.exists()) {

        AbstractBeanDefinition beanDefinition = BeanDefinitionBuilder
        batchContext.registerBeanDefinition(JSR_JOB_CONTEXT_BEAN_NAME, beanDefinition);


        try {
        } catch (BeanCreationException e) {
            throw new JobRestartException(e);

        final org.springframework.batch.core.JobExecution jobExecution;

        try {
            JobParameters jobParameters = jobParametersConverter.getJobParameters(jobRestartProperties);
            jobExecution = jobRepository.createJobExecution(previousJobExecution.getJobInstance(), jobParameters,
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new JobRestartException(e);

        try {
            final Semaphore semaphore = new Semaphore(1);
            final List<Exception> exceptionHolder = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>());

            taskExecutor.execute(new Runnable() {

                public void run() {
                    JsrJobContextFactoryBean factoryBean = null;
                    try {
                        factoryBean = (JsrJobContextFactoryBean) batchContext
                                .getBean("&" + JSR_JOB_CONTEXT_BEAN_NAME);
                        final Job job = batchContext.getBean(Job.class);

                        if (!job.isRestartable()) {
                            throw new JobRestartException("Job " + jobName + " is not restartable");

                        // Initialization of the JobExecution for job level dependencies
                        jobRegistry.register(job, jobExecution);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                    } finally {
                        if (factoryBean != null) {


                        if (semaphore.availablePermits() == 0) {

            if (exceptionHolder.size() > 0) {
                throw new JobRestartException(exceptionHolder.get(0));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (jobExecution.getExitStatus().equals(ExitStatus.UNKNOWN)) {


            if (batchContext.isActive()) {

            throw new JobRestartException(e);

        return jobExecution.getId();

    protected Properties getJobRestartProperties(Properties params,
            org.springframework.batch.core.JobExecution previousJobExecution) {
        Properties jobRestartProperties = new Properties();

        if (previousJobExecution != null) {
            JobParameters previousJobParameters = previousJobExecution.getJobParameters();

            if (previousJobParameters != null && !previousJobParameters.isEmpty()) {

        if (params != null) {
            Enumeration<?> propertyNames = params.propertyNames();

            while (propertyNames.hasMoreElements()) {
                String curName = (String) propertyNames.nextElement();
                jobRestartProperties.setProperty(curName, params.getProperty(curName));

        return jobRestartProperties;

     * Creates a child {@link ApplicationContext} for the job being requested based upon
     * the /META-INF/batch.xml (if exists) and the /META-INF/batch-jobs/&lt;jobName&gt;.xml
     * configuration and launches the job.  Per JSR-352, calls to this method will always
     * create a new {@link JobInstance} (and related {@link JobExecution}).
     * @param jobName the name of the job XML file without the .xml that is located within the
     * /META-INF/batch-jobs directory.
     * @param params any job parameters to be used during the execution of this job.
    public long start(String jobName, Properties params) throws JobStartException, JobSecurityException {
        final JsrXmlApplicationContext batchContext = new JsrXmlApplicationContext(params);

        Resource batchXml = new ClassPathResource("/META-INF/batch.xml");
        String jobConfigurationLocation = "/META-INF/batch-jobs/" + jobName + ".xml";
        Resource jobXml = new ClassPathResource(jobConfigurationLocation);

        if (batchXml.exists()) {

        if (jobXml.exists()) {

        AbstractBeanDefinition beanDefinition = BeanDefinitionBuilder
        batchContext.registerBeanDefinition(JSR_JOB_CONTEXT_BEAN_NAME, beanDefinition);

        if (baseContext != null) {
        } else {
            batchContext.getBeanFactory().registerSingleton("jobExplorer", jobExplorer);
            batchContext.getBeanFactory().registerSingleton("jobRepository", jobRepository);
            batchContext.getBeanFactory().registerSingleton("jobParametersConverter", jobParametersConverter);
            batchContext.getBeanFactory().registerSingleton("transactionManager", transactionManager);

        try {
        } catch (BeanCreationException e) {
            throw new JobStartException(e);

        Assert.notNull(jobName, "The job name must not be null.");

        final org.springframework.batch.core.JobExecution jobExecution;

        try {
            JobParameters jobParameters = jobParametersConverter.getJobParameters(params);
            String[] jobNames = batchContext.getBeanNamesForType(Job.class);

            if (jobNames == null || jobNames.length <= 0) {
                throw new BatchRuntimeException("No Job defined in current context");

            org.springframework.batch.core.JobInstance jobInstance = jobRepository.createJobInstance(jobNames[0],
            jobExecution = jobRepository.createJobExecution(jobInstance, jobParameters, jobConfigurationLocation);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new JobStartException(e);

        try {
            final Semaphore semaphore = new Semaphore(1);
            final List<Exception> exceptionHolder = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>());

            taskExecutor.execute(new Runnable() {

                public void run() {
                    JsrJobContextFactoryBean factoryBean = null;
                    try {
                        factoryBean = (JsrJobContextFactoryBean) batchContext
                                .getBean("&" + JSR_JOB_CONTEXT_BEAN_NAME);
                        final Job job = batchContext.getBean(Job.class);
                        // Initialization of the JobExecution for job level dependencies
                        jobRegistry.register(job, jobExecution);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                    } finally {
                        if (factoryBean != null) {


                        if (semaphore.availablePermits() == 0) {

            if (exceptionHolder.size() > 0) {
                throw new JobStartException(exceptionHolder.get(0));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (jobRegistry.exists(jobExecution.getId())) {
            if (jobExecution.getExitStatus().equals(ExitStatus.UNKNOWN)) {

            if (batchContext.isActive()) {

            throw new JobStartException(e);
        return jobExecution.getId();

     * Stops the running job execution if it is currently running.
     * @param executionId the database id for the {@link JobExecution} to be stopped.
     * @throws NoSuchJobExecutionException thrown if {@link JobExecution} instance does not exist.
     * @throws JobExecutionNotRunningException thrown if {@link JobExecution} is not running.
    public void stop(long executionId)
            throws NoSuchJobExecutionException, JobExecutionNotRunningException, JobSecurityException {
        org.springframework.batch.core.JobExecution jobExecution = jobExplorer.getJobExecution(executionId);
        // Indicate the execution should be stopped by setting it's status to
        // 'STOPPING'. It is assumed that
        // the step implementation will check this status at chunk boundaries.
        BatchStatus status = jobExecution.getStatus();
        if (!(status == BatchStatus.STARTED || status == BatchStatus.STARTING)) {
            throw new JobExecutionNotRunningException(
                    "JobExecution must be running so that it can be stopped: " + jobExecution);

        try {
            Job job = jobRegistry.getJob(jobExecution.getId());
            if (job instanceof StepLocator) {//can only process as StepLocator is the only way to get the step object
                //get the current stepExecution
                for (org.springframework.batch.core.StepExecution stepExecution : jobExecution
                        .getStepExecutions()) {
                    if (stepExecution.getStatus().isRunning()) {
                        try {
                            //have the step execution that's running -> need to 'stop' it
                            Step step = ((StepLocator) job).getStep(stepExecution.getStepName());
                            if (step instanceof TaskletStep) {
                                Tasklet tasklet = ((TaskletStep) step).getTasklet();
                                if (tasklet instanceof StoppableTasklet) {
                                    ((StoppableTasklet) tasklet).stop();
                        } catch (NoSuchStepException e) {
                            logger.warn("Step not found", e);
        } catch (NoSuchJobException e) {
            logger.warn("Cannot find Job object", e);

    public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException {
        baseContext = applicationContext;

    private static class ExecutingJobRegistry {

        private Map<Long, Job> registry = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

        public void register(Job job, org.springframework.batch.core.JobExecution jobExecution)
                throws DuplicateJobException {

            if (registry.containsKey(jobExecution.getId())) {
                throw new DuplicateJobException("This job execution has already been registered");
            } else {
                registry.put(jobExecution.getId(), job);

        public void remove(org.springframework.batch.core.JobExecution jobExecution) {
            if (!registry.containsKey(jobExecution.getId())) {
                throw new NoSuchJobExecutionException(
                        "The job execution " + jobExecution.getId() + " was not found");
            } else {

        public boolean exists(long jobExecutionId) {
            return registry.containsKey(jobExecutionId);

        public Job getJob(long jobExecutionId) {
            if (!registry.containsKey(jobExecutionId)) {
                throw new NoSuchJobExecutionException("The job execution " + jobExecutionId + " was not found");
            } else {
                return registry.get(jobExecutionId);

     * A singleton holder used to lazily bootstrap the base context used in JSR-352.
    protected static class BaseContextHolder {

        private ApplicationContext context;

        private static BaseContextHolder instance;

        private BaseContextHolder() {
            synchronized (BaseContextHolder.class) {
                if (this.context == null) {
                    String overrideContextLocation = System.getProperty("JSR-352-BASE-CONTEXT");

                    List<String> contextLocations = new ArrayList<>();


                    if (overrideContextLocation != null) {

                    this.context = new GenericXmlApplicationContext(
                            contextLocations.toArray(new String[contextLocations.size()]));

        public static BaseContextHolder getInstance() {
            synchronized (BaseContextHolder.class) {
                if (instance == null) {
                    instance = new BaseContextHolder();

            return instance;

        public ApplicationContext getContext() {
            return this.context;