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 * Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.springframework.batch.item.xml.builder;

import java.util.Map;

import org.springframework.batch.item.xml.StaxEventItemWriter;
import org.springframework.batch.item.xml.StaxWriterCallback;
import org.springframework.oxm.Marshaller;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;

 * A builder for the {@link StaxEventItemWriter}.
 * @author Michael Minella
 * @since 4.0
 * @see StaxEventItemWriter
public class StaxEventItemWriterBuilder<T> {

    private Resource resource;

    private Marshaller marshaller;

    private StaxWriterCallback headerCallback;

    private StaxWriterCallback footerCallback;

    private boolean transactional = true;

    private boolean forceSync = false;

    private boolean shouldDeleteIfEmpty = false;

    private String encoding = StaxEventItemWriter.DEFAULT_ENCODING;

    private String version = StaxEventItemWriter.DEFAULT_XML_VERSION;

    private String rootTagName = StaxEventItemWriter.DEFAULT_ROOT_TAG_NAME;

    private Map<String, String> rootElementAttributes;

    private boolean overwriteOutput = true;

    private boolean saveState = true;

    private String name;

     * The name used to calculate the key within the
     * {@link org.springframework.batch.item.ExecutionContext}.  Required if
     * {@link StaxEventItemWriterBuilder#saveState(boolean)} is set to true.
     * @param name name of the reader instance
     * @return The current instance of the builder.
     * @see StaxEventItemWriter#setName(String)
    public StaxEventItemWriterBuilder<T> name(String name) { = name;

        return this;

     * The {@link Resource} to be used as output.
     * @param resource the output from the writer
     * @return the current instance of the builder.
     * @see StaxEventItemWriter#setResource(Resource)
    public StaxEventItemWriterBuilder<T> resource(Resource resource) {
        this.resource = resource;

        return this;

     * The {@link Marshaller} implementation responsible for the serialization of the
     * items to XML.  This field is required.
     * @param marshaller the component used to generate XML
     * @return the current instance of the builder.
     * @see StaxEventItemWriter#setMarshaller(Marshaller)
    public StaxEventItemWriterBuilder<T> marshaller(Marshaller marshaller) {
        this.marshaller = marshaller;

        return this;

     * A {@link StaxWriterCallback} to provide any header elements
     * @param headerCallback a {@link StaxWriterCallback}
     * @return the current instance of the builder.
     * @see StaxEventItemWriter#setHeaderCallback(StaxWriterCallback)
    public StaxEventItemWriterBuilder<T> headerCallback(StaxWriterCallback headerCallback) {
        this.headerCallback = headerCallback;

        return this;

     * A {@link StaxWriterCallback} to provide any footer elements
     * @param footerCallback a {@link StaxWriterCallback}
     * @return the current instance of the builder.
     * @see StaxEventItemWriter#setFooterCallback(StaxWriterCallback)
    public StaxEventItemWriterBuilder<T> footerCallback(StaxWriterCallback footerCallback) {
        this.footerCallback = footerCallback;

        return this;

     * The resulting writer is participating in a transaction and writes should be delayed
     * as late as possible.
     * @param transactional indicates that the writer is transactional.  Defaults to false.
     * @return the current instance of the builder
     * @see StaxEventItemWriter#setTransactional(boolean)
    public StaxEventItemWriterBuilder<T> transactional(boolean transactional) {
        this.transactional = transactional;

        return this;

     * Flag to indicate that changes should be force-synced to disk on flush.
     * @param forceSync indicates if force sync should occur.  Defaults to false.
     * @return the current instance of the builder
     * @see StaxEventItemWriter#setForceSync(boolean)
    public StaxEventItemWriterBuilder<T> forceSync(boolean forceSync) {
        this.forceSync = forceSync;

        return this;

     * Flag to indicate that the output file should be deleted if no results were written
     * to it.  Defaults to false.
     * @param shouldDelete indicator
     * @return the current instance of the builder
     * @see StaxEventItemWriter#setShouldDeleteIfEmpty(boolean)
    public StaxEventItemWriterBuilder<T> shouldDeleteIfEmpty(boolean shouldDelete) {
        this.shouldDeleteIfEmpty = shouldDelete;

        return this;

     * Encoding for the file.  Defaults to UTF-8.
     * @param encoding String encoding algorithm
     * @return the current instance of the builder
     * @see StaxEventItemWriter#setEncoding(String)
    public StaxEventItemWriterBuilder<T> encoding(String encoding) {
        this.encoding = encoding;

        return this;

     * Version of XML to be generated.  Must be supported by the {@link Marshaller}
     * provided.
     * @param version XML version
     * @return the current instance of the builder
     * @see StaxEventItemWriter#version
    public StaxEventItemWriterBuilder<T> version(String version) {
        this.version = version;

        return this;

     * The name of the root tag for the output document.
     * @param rootTagName tag name
     * @return the current instance of the builder
     * @see StaxEventItemWriter#setRootTagName(String)
    public StaxEventItemWriterBuilder<T> rootTagName(String rootTagName) {
        this.rootTagName = rootTagName;

        return this;

     * A Map of attributes to be included in the document's root element.
     * @param rootElementAttributes map fo attributes
     * @return the current instance of the builder.
     * @see StaxEventItemWriter#setRootElementAttributes(Map)
    public StaxEventItemWriterBuilder<T> rootElementAttributes(Map<String, String> rootElementAttributes) {
        this.rootElementAttributes = rootElementAttributes;

        return this;

     * Indicates if an existing file should be overwritten if found. Defaults to true.
     * @param overwriteOutput indicator
     * @return the current instance of the builder.
     * @see StaxEventItemWriter#setOverwriteOutput(boolean)
    public StaxEventItemWriterBuilder<T> overwriteOutput(boolean overwriteOutput) {
        this.overwriteOutput = overwriteOutput;

        return this;

     * Indicates if the state of the writer should be saved in the
     * {@link org.springframework.batch.item.ExecutionContext}.  Setting this to false
     * will impact restartability.  Defaults to true.
     * @param saveState indicator
     * @return the current instance of the builder
     * @see StaxEventItemWriter#setSaveState(boolean)
    public StaxEventItemWriterBuilder<T> saveState(boolean saveState) {
        this.saveState = saveState;

        return this;

     * Returns a configured {@link StaxEventItemWriter}
     * @return a StaxEventItemWriter
    public StaxEventItemWriter<T> build() {
        Assert.notNull(this.marshaller, "A marshaller is required");

        if (this.saveState) {
            Assert.notNull(, "A name is required");

        StaxEventItemWriter<T> writer = new StaxEventItemWriter<>();


        return writer;
