Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2002-2005 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.

import javax.swing.Icon;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.springframework.binding.form.FieldFace;
import org.springframework.binding.form.FormModel;
import org.springframework.context.NoSuchMessageException;
import org.springframework.core.ReflectiveVisitorHelper;
import org.springframework.richclient.application.ApplicationServices;
import org.springframework.richclient.application.ApplicationServicesLocator;
import org.springframework.richclient.core.LabelInfo;
import org.springframework.richclient.image.IconSource;

 * An implementation of FieldFaceSource that resolves the FieldFace from the <code>MessageSourceAccessor</code>
 * provided to the setMessageSourceAccessor method or from the {@link ApplicationServices} singleton if none is
 * provided.
 * <p>
 * The various properties of the FieldFace are resolved from a message source using message codes. These codes where
 * generated by a {@link MessageCodeStrategy}. If no other {@link MessageCodeStrategy} is defined an instance of
 * {@link DefaultMessageCodeStrategy} will be used
 * @author Oliver Hutchison
 * @author Mathias Broekelmann
public class MessageSourceFieldFaceSource extends CachingFieldFaceSource {

    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(MessageSourceFieldFaceSource.class);

     * Name for the FieldFace's <code>displayName</code> property.
    private static final String[] DISPLAY_NAME_PROPERTY = { "displayName" };

     * Name for the FieldFace's <code>caption</code> property.
    private static final String[] CAPTION_PROPERTY = { "caption" };

     * Name for the FieldFace's <code>description</code> property.
    private static final String[] DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY = { "description" };

     * Name for the FieldFace's <code>labelInfo</code> property.
    private static final String[] ENCODED_LABEL_PROPERTY = { "label", "" };

     * Name for the FieldFace's <code>icon</code> property.
    private static final String[] ICON_PROPERTY = { "icon" };

    private MessageSourceAccessor messageSourceAccessor;

    private MessageCodeStrategy messageKeyStrategy;

    private IconSource iconSource;

    private final ReflectiveVisitorHelper visitorHelper = new ReflectiveVisitorHelper();

     * Constructs a new MessageSourcePropertyFaceDescriptorSource.
    public MessageSourceFieldFaceSource() {

     * Set the message source that will be used to resolve the FieldFace's properties.
    public void setMessageSourceAccessor(MessageSourceAccessor messageSourceAccessor) {
        this.messageSourceAccessor = messageSourceAccessor;

     * If a message source was provided to the setMessageSourceAccessor method returns that otherwise returns the
     * default message source located using the {@link ApplicationServices} singleton
    protected MessageSourceAccessor getMessageSourceAccessor() {
        if (messageSourceAccessor == null) {
            messageSourceAccessor = (MessageSourceAccessor)
        return messageSourceAccessor;

     * Set the icon source that will be used to resolve the FieldFace's icon property.
    public void setIconSource(IconSource iconSource) {
        this.iconSource = iconSource;

    protected IconSource getIconSource() {
        if (iconSource == null) {
            iconSource = (IconSource);
        return iconSource;

     * Returns the value of the required property of the FieldFace. Delegates to the getMessageKeys for the message key
     * generation strategy. This method uses </code>[contextId + "." + ] fieldPath [ + "." + faceDescriptorProperty[0]]</code>
     * for the default value
    protected String getMessage(String contextId, String fieldPath, String[] faceDescriptorProperty) {
        String[] keys = getMessageKeys(contextId, fieldPath, faceDescriptorProperty);
        return getMessageSourceAccessor().getMessage(new DefaultMessageSourceResolvable(keys, null, keys[0]));

     * Returns the value of the required property of the FieldFace. Delegates to the getMessageKeys for the message key
     * generation strategy.
    protected String getMessage(String contextId, String fieldPath, String[] faceDescriptorProperties,
            String defaultValue) {
        String[] keys = getMessageKeys(contextId, fieldPath, faceDescriptorProperties);
        try {
            return getMessageSourceAccessor()
                    .getMessage(new DefaultMessageSourceResolvable(keys, null, defaultValue));
        } catch (NoSuchMessageException e) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            return null;

     * Returns an array of message keys that are used to resolve the required property of the FieldFace. The property
     * will be resolved from the message source using the returned message keys in order.
     * <p>
     * Subclasses my override this method to provide an alternative to the default message key generation strategy.
    protected String[] getMessageKeys(String contextId, String fieldPath, String[] faceDescriptorProperties) {
        return getMessageKeyStrategy().getMessageCodes(contextId, fieldPath, faceDescriptorProperties);

    protected FieldFace loadFieldFace(String field, String contextId) {
        String caption = getMessage(contextId, field, CAPTION_PROPERTY, null);
        String description = getMessage(contextId, field, DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY, null);
        String encodedLabel = getMessage(contextId, field, ENCODED_LABEL_PROPERTY);
        if (encodedLabel == null) {
            // try loading the default value
            encodedLabel = getMessage(contextId, field, null);
        String iconName = getMessage(contextId, field, ICON_PROPERTY, null);
        Icon icon = null;
        if (iconName != null) {
            icon = getIconSource().getIcon(iconName);
        LabelInfo labelInfo = LabelInfo.valueOf(encodedLabel);
        String displayName = getMessage(contextId, field, DISPLAY_NAME_PROPERTY, labelInfo.getText());
        return new DefaultFieldFace(displayName, caption, description, labelInfo, icon);

    protected FieldFace loadFieldFace(String field, Object context) {
        String contextId = (String) visitorHelper.invokeVisit(this, context);
        return loadFieldFace(field, contextId);

    public MessageCodeStrategy getMessageKeyStrategy() {
        if (messageKeyStrategy == null) {
            messageKeyStrategy = new DefaultMessageCodeStrategy();
        return messageKeyStrategy;

    public void setMessageKeyStrategy(MessageCodeStrategy messageKeyStrategy) {
        this.messageKeyStrategy = messageKeyStrategy;

    // visit methods for getting a context id from various context instances

    String visit(FormModel formModel) {
        return formModel.getId();

    String visit(CharSequence contextId) {
        return contextId.toString();

    String visitNull() {
        return null;