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 * Copyright 2012-2019 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web.reactive.error;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.template.TemplateAvailabilityProviders;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web.ResourceProperties;
import org.springframework.boot.web.reactive.error.ErrorAttributes;
import org.springframework.boot.web.reactive.error.ErrorWebExceptionHandler;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.core.NestedExceptionUtils;
import org.springframework.http.HttpLogging;
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
import org.springframework.http.codec.HttpMessageReader;
import org.springframework.http.codec.HttpMessageWriter;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.CollectionUtils;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
import org.springframework.web.reactive.function.BodyInserters;
import org.springframework.web.reactive.function.server.RouterFunction;
import org.springframework.web.reactive.function.server.ServerRequest;
import org.springframework.web.reactive.function.server.ServerResponse;
import org.springframework.web.reactive.result.view.ViewResolver;
import org.springframework.web.server.ServerWebExchange;
import org.springframework.web.util.HtmlUtils;

 * Abstract base class for {@link ErrorWebExceptionHandler} implementations.
 * @author Brian Clozel
 * @since 2.0.0
 * @see ErrorAttributes
public abstract class AbstractErrorWebExceptionHandler implements ErrorWebExceptionHandler, InitializingBean {

     * Currently duplicated from Spring WebFlux HttpWebHandlerAdapter.
    private static final Set<String> DISCONNECTED_CLIENT_EXCEPTIONS;
    static {
        Set<String> exceptions = new HashSet<>();
        DISCONNECTED_CLIENT_EXCEPTIONS = Collections.unmodifiableSet(exceptions);

    private static final Log logger = HttpLogging.forLogName(AbstractErrorWebExceptionHandler.class);

    private final ApplicationContext applicationContext;

    private final ErrorAttributes errorAttributes;

    private final ResourceProperties resourceProperties;

    private final TemplateAvailabilityProviders templateAvailabilityProviders;

    private List<HttpMessageReader<?>> messageReaders = Collections.emptyList();

    private List<HttpMessageWriter<?>> messageWriters = Collections.emptyList();

    private List<ViewResolver> viewResolvers = Collections.emptyList();

    public AbstractErrorWebExceptionHandler(ErrorAttributes errorAttributes, ResourceProperties resourceProperties,
            ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
        Assert.notNull(errorAttributes, "ErrorAttributes must not be null");
        Assert.notNull(resourceProperties, "ResourceProperties must not be null");
        Assert.notNull(applicationContext, "ApplicationContext must not be null");
        this.errorAttributes = errorAttributes;
        this.resourceProperties = resourceProperties;
        this.applicationContext = applicationContext;
        this.templateAvailabilityProviders = new TemplateAvailabilityProviders(applicationContext);

     * Configure HTTP message writers to serialize the response body with.
     * @param messageWriters the {@link HttpMessageWriter}s to use
    public void setMessageWriters(List<HttpMessageWriter<?>> messageWriters) {
        Assert.notNull(messageWriters, "'messageWriters' must not be null");
        this.messageWriters = messageWriters;

     * Configure HTTP message readers to deserialize the request body with.
     * @param messageReaders the {@link HttpMessageReader}s to use
    public void setMessageReaders(List<HttpMessageReader<?>> messageReaders) {
        Assert.notNull(messageReaders, "'messageReaders' must not be null");
        this.messageReaders = messageReaders;

     * Configure the {@link ViewResolver} to use for rendering views.
     * @param viewResolvers the list of {@link ViewResolver}s to use
    public void setViewResolvers(List<ViewResolver> viewResolvers) {
        this.viewResolvers = viewResolvers;

     * Extract the error attributes from the current request, to be used to populate error
     * views or JSON payloads.
     * @param request the source request
     * @param includeStackTrace whether to include the error stacktrace information
     * @return the error attributes as a Map.
    protected Map<String, Object> getErrorAttributes(ServerRequest request, boolean includeStackTrace) {
        return this.errorAttributes.getErrorAttributes(request, includeStackTrace);

     * Extract the original error from the current request.
     * @param request the source request
     * @return the error
    protected Throwable getError(ServerRequest request) {
        return this.errorAttributes.getError(request);

     * Check whether the trace attribute has been set on the given request.
     * @param request the source request
     * @return {@code true} if the error trace has been requested, {@code false} otherwise
    protected boolean isTraceEnabled(ServerRequest request) {
        String parameter = request.queryParam("trace").orElse("false");
        return !"false".equalsIgnoreCase(parameter);

     * Render the given error data as a view, using a template view if available or a
     * static HTML file if available otherwise. This will return an empty
     * {@code Publisher} if none of the above are available.
     * @param viewName the view name
     * @param responseBody the error response being built
     * @param error the error data as a map
     * @return a Publisher of the {@link ServerResponse}
    protected Mono<ServerResponse> renderErrorView(String viewName, ServerResponse.BodyBuilder responseBody,
            Map<String, Object> error) {
        if (isTemplateAvailable(viewName)) {
            return responseBody.render(viewName, error);
        Resource resource = resolveResource(viewName);
        if (resource != null) {
            return responseBody.body(BodyInserters.fromResource(resource));
        return Mono.empty();

    private boolean isTemplateAvailable(String viewName) {
        return this.templateAvailabilityProviders.getProvider(viewName, this.applicationContext) != null;

    private Resource resolveResource(String viewName) {
        for (String location : this.resourceProperties.getStaticLocations()) {
            try {
                Resource resource = this.applicationContext.getResource(location);
                resource = resource.createRelative(viewName + ".html");
                if (resource.exists()) {
                    return resource;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                // Ignore
        return null;

     * Render a default HTML "Whitelabel Error Page".
     * <p>
     * Useful when no other error view is available in the application.
     * @param responseBody the error response being built
     * @param error the error data as a map
     * @return a Publisher of the {@link ServerResponse}
    protected Mono<ServerResponse> renderDefaultErrorView(ServerResponse.BodyBuilder responseBody,
            Map<String, Object> error) {
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
        Date timestamp = (Date) error.get("timestamp");
        Object message = error.get("message");
        Object trace = error.get("trace");
        Object requestId = error.get("requestId");
        builder.append("<html><body><h1>Whitelabel Error Page</h1>").append(
                "<p>This application has no configured error view, so you are seeing this as a fallback.</p>")
                .append("<div id='created'>").append(timestamp).append("</div>").append("<div>[").append(requestId)
                .append("] There was an unexpected error (type=").append(htmlEscape(error.get("error")))
                .append(", status=").append(htmlEscape(error.get("status"))).append(").</div>");
        if (message != null) {
        if (trace != null) {
            builder.append("<div style='white-space:pre-wrap;'>").append(htmlEscape(trace)).append("</div>");
        return responseBody.syncBody(builder.toString());

    private String htmlEscape(Object input) {
        return (input != null) ? HtmlUtils.htmlEscape(input.toString()) : null;

    public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
        if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(this.messageWriters)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Property 'messageWriters' is required");

     * Create a {@link RouterFunction} that can route and handle errors as JSON responses
     * or HTML views.
     * <p>
     * If the returned {@link RouterFunction} doesn't route to a {@code HandlerFunction},
     * the original exception is propagated in the pipeline and can be processed by other
     * {@link org.springframework.web.server.WebExceptionHandler}s.
     * @param errorAttributes the {@code ErrorAttributes} instance to use to extract error
     * information
     * @return a {@link RouterFunction} that routes and handles errors
    protected abstract RouterFunction<ServerResponse> getRoutingFunction(ErrorAttributes errorAttributes);

    public Mono<Void> handle(ServerWebExchange exchange, Throwable throwable) {
        if (exchange.getResponse().isCommitted() || isDisconnectedClientError(throwable)) {
            return Mono.error(throwable);
        this.errorAttributes.storeErrorInformation(throwable, exchange);
        ServerRequest request = ServerRequest.create(exchange, this.messageReaders);
        return getRoutingFunction(this.errorAttributes).route(request).switchIfEmpty(Mono.error(throwable))
                .flatMap((handler) -> handler.handle(request))
                .doOnNext((response) -> logError(request, response, throwable))
                .flatMap((response) -> write(exchange, response));

    private boolean isDisconnectedClientError(Throwable ex) {
        return DISCONNECTED_CLIENT_EXCEPTIONS.contains(ex.getClass().getSimpleName())
                || isDisconnectedClientErrorMessage(NestedExceptionUtils.getMostSpecificCause(ex).getMessage());

    private boolean isDisconnectedClientErrorMessage(String message) {
        message = (message != null) ? message.toLowerCase() : "";
        return (message.contains("broken pipe") || message.contains("connection reset by peer"));

    private void logError(ServerRequest request, ServerResponse response, Throwable throwable) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug( + formatError(throwable, request));
        if (response.statusCode().equals(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)) {
            logger.error( + "500 Server Error for " + formatRequest(request),

    private String formatError(Throwable ex, ServerRequest request) {
        String reason = ex.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + ex.getMessage();
        return "Resolved [" + reason + "] for HTTP " + request.methodName() + " " + request.path();

    private String formatRequest(ServerRequest request) {
        String rawQuery = request.uri().getRawQuery();
        String query = StringUtils.hasText(rawQuery) ? "?" + rawQuery : "";
        return "HTTP " + request.methodName() + " \"" + request.path() + query + "\"";

    private Mono<? extends Void> write(ServerWebExchange exchange, ServerResponse response) {
        // force content-type since writeTo won't overwrite response header values
        return response.writeTo(exchange, new ResponseContext());

    private class ResponseContext implements ServerResponse.Context {

        public List<HttpMessageWriter<?>> messageWriters() {
            return AbstractErrorWebExceptionHandler.this.messageWriters;

        public List<ViewResolver> viewResolvers() {
            return AbstractErrorWebExceptionHandler.this.viewResolvers;

