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 * Copyright 2011-2019 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;

 * Interface that specified a basic set of Redis operations, implemented by {@link RedisTemplate}. Not often used but a
 * useful option for extensibility and testability (as it can be easily mocked or stubbed).
 * @author Costin Leau
 * @author Christoph Strobl
 * @author Ninad Divadkar
 * @author Mark Paluch
public interface RedisOperations<K, V> {

     * Executes the given action within a Redis connection. Application exceptions thrown by the action object get
     * propagated to the caller (can only be unchecked) whenever possible. Redis exceptions are transformed into
     * appropriate DAO ones. Allows for returning a result object, that is a domain object or a collection of domain
     * objects. Performs automatic serialization/deserialization for the given objects to and from binary data suitable
     * for the Redis storage. Note: Callback code is not supposed to handle transactions itself! Use an appropriate
     * transaction manager. Generally, callback code must not touch any Connection lifecycle methods, like close, to let
     * the template do its work.
     * @param <T> return type
     * @param action callback object that specifies the Redis action. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return a result object returned by the action or <tt>null</tt>
    <T> T execute(RedisCallback<T> action);

     * Executes a Redis session. Allows multiple operations to be executed in the same session enabling 'transactional'
     * capabilities through {@link #multi()} and {@link #watch(Collection)} operations.
     * @param <T> return type
     * @param session session callback. Must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return result object returned by the action or <tt>null</tt>
    <T> T execute(SessionCallback<T> session);

     * Executes the given action object on a pipelined connection, returning the results. Note that the callback
     * <b>cannot</b> return a non-null value as it gets overwritten by the pipeline. This method will use the default
     * serializers to deserialize results
     * @param action callback object to execute
     * @return list of objects returned by the pipeline
    List<Object> executePipelined(RedisCallback<?> action);

     * Executes the given action object on a pipelined connection, returning the results using a dedicated serializer.
     * Note that the callback <b>cannot</b> return a non-null value as it gets overwritten by the pipeline.
     * @param action callback object to execute
     * @param resultSerializer The Serializer to use for individual values or Collections of values. If any returned
     *          values are hashes, this serializer will be used to deserialize both the key and value
     * @return list of objects returned by the pipeline
    List<Object> executePipelined(final RedisCallback<?> action, final RedisSerializer<?> resultSerializer);

     * Executes the given Redis session on a pipelined connection. Allows transactions to be pipelined. Note that the
     * callback <b>cannot</b> return a non-null value as it gets overwritten by the pipeline.
     * @param session Session callback
     * @return list of objects returned by the pipeline
    List<Object> executePipelined(final SessionCallback<?> session);

     * Executes the given Redis session on a pipelined connection, returning the results using a dedicated serializer.
     * Allows transactions to be pipelined. Note that the callback <b>cannot</b> return a non-null value as it gets
     * overwritten by the pipeline.
     * @param session Session callback
     * @param resultSerializer
     * @return list of objects returned by the pipeline
    List<Object> executePipelined(final SessionCallback<?> session, final RedisSerializer<?> resultSerializer);

     * Executes the given {@link RedisScript}
     * @param script The script to execute
     * @param keys Any keys that need to be passed to the script
     * @param args Any args that need to be passed to the script
     * @return The return value of the script or null if {@link RedisScript#getResultType()} is null, likely indicating a
     *         throw-away status reply (i.e. "OK")
    <T> T execute(RedisScript<T> script, List<K> keys, Object... args);

     * Executes the given {@link RedisScript}, using the provided {@link RedisSerializer}s to serialize the script
     * arguments and result.
     * @param script The script to execute
     * @param argsSerializer The {@link RedisSerializer} to use for serializing args
     * @param resultSerializer The {@link RedisSerializer} to use for serializing the script return value
     * @param keys Any keys that need to be passed to the script
     * @param args Any args that need to be passed to the script
     * @return The return value of the script or null if {@link RedisScript#getResultType()} is null, likely indicating a
     *         throw-away status reply (i.e. "OK")
    <T> T execute(RedisScript<T> script, RedisSerializer<?> argsSerializer, RedisSerializer<T> resultSerializer,
            List<K> keys, Object... args);

     * Allocates and binds a new {@link RedisConnection} to the actual return type of the method. It is up to the caller
     * to free resources after use.
     * @param callback must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return
     * @since 1.8
    <T extends Closeable> T executeWithStickyConnection(RedisCallback<T> callback);

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Methods dealing with Redis Keys
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Determine if given {@code key} exists.
     * @param key must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return
     * @see <a href="">Redis Documentation: EXISTS</a>
    Boolean hasKey(K key);

     * Count the number of {@code keys} that exist.
     * @param keys must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return The number of keys existing among the ones specified as arguments. Keys mentioned multiple times and
     *         existing are counted multiple times.
     * @see <a href="">Redis Documentation: EXISTS</a>
     * @since 2.1
    Long countExistingKeys(Collection<K> keys);

     * Delete given {@code key}.
     * @param key must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return {@literal true} if the key was removed.
     * @see <a href="">Redis Documentation: DEL</a>
    Boolean delete(K key);

     * Delete given {@code keys}.
     * @param keys must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return The number of keys that were removed. {@literal null} when used in pipeline / transaction.
     * @see <a href="">Redis Documentation: DEL</a>
    Long delete(Collection<K> keys);

     * Unlink the {@code key} from the keyspace. Unlike with {@link #delete(Object)} the actual memory reclaiming here
     * happens asynchronously.
     * @param key must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return The number of keys that were removed. {@literal null} when used in pipeline / transaction.
     * @see <a href="">Redis Documentation: UNLINK</a>
     * @since 2.1
    Boolean unlink(K key);

     * Unlink the {@code keys} from the keyspace. Unlike with {@link #delete(Collection)} the actual memory reclaiming
     * here happens asynchronously.
     * @param keys must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return The number of keys that were removed. {@literal null} when used in pipeline / transaction.
     * @see <a href="">Redis Documentation: UNLINK</a>
     * @since 2.1
    Long unlink(Collection<K> keys);

     * Determine the type stored at {@code key}.
     * @param key must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return {@literal null} when used in pipeline / transaction.
     * @see <a href="">Redis Documentation: TYPE</a>
    DataType type(K key);

     * Find all keys matching the given {@code pattern}.
     * @param pattern must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return {@literal null} when used in pipeline / transaction.
     * @see <a href="">Redis Documentation: KEYS</a>
    Set<K> keys(K pattern);

     * Return a random key from the keyspace.
     * @return {@literal null} no keys exist or when used in pipeline / transaction.
     * @see <a href="">Redis Documentation: RANDOMKEY</a>
    K randomKey();

     * Rename key {@code oldKey} to {@code newKey}.
     * @param oldKey must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param newKey must not be {@literal null}.
     * @see <a href="">Redis Documentation: RENAME</a>
    void rename(K oldKey, K newKey);

     * Rename key {@code oleName} to {@code newKey} only if {@code newKey} does not exist.
     * @param oldKey must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param newKey must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return {@literal null} when used in pipeline / transaction.
     * @see <a href="">Redis Documentation: RENAMENX</a>
    Boolean renameIfAbsent(K oldKey, K newKey);

     * Set time to live for given {@code key}..
     * @param key must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param timeout
     * @param unit must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return {@literal null} when used in pipeline / transaction.
    Boolean expire(K key, long timeout, TimeUnit unit);

     * Set the expiration for given {@code key} as a {@literal date} timestamp.
     * @param key must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param date must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return {@literal null} when used in pipeline / transaction.
    Boolean expireAt(K key, Date date);

     * Remove the expiration from given {@code key}.
     * @param key must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return {@literal null} when used in pipeline / transaction.
     * @see <a href="">Redis Documentation: PERSIST</a>
    Boolean persist(K key);

     * Move given {@code key} to database with {@code index}.
     * @param key must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param dbIndex
     * @return {@literal null} when used in pipeline / transaction.
     * @see <a href="">Redis Documentation: MOVE</a>
    Boolean move(K key, int dbIndex);

     * Retrieve serialized version of the value stored at {@code key}.
     * @param key must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return {@literal null} when used in pipeline / transaction.
     * @see <a href="">Redis Documentation: DUMP</a>
    byte[] dump(K key);

     * Create {@code key} using the {@code serializedValue}, previously obtained using {@link #dump(Object)}.
     * @param key must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param value must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param timeToLive
     * @param unit must not be {@literal null}.
     * @see <a href="">Redis Documentation: RESTORE</a>
    default void restore(K key, byte[] value, long timeToLive, TimeUnit unit) {
        restore(key, value, timeToLive, unit, false);

     * Create {@code key} using the {@code serializedValue}, previously obtained using {@link #dump(Object)}.
     * @param key must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param value must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param timeToLive
     * @param unit must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param replace use {@literal true} to replace a potentially existing value instead of erroring.
     * @since 2.1
     * @see <a href="">Redis Documentation: RESTORE</a>
    void restore(K key, byte[] value, long timeToLive, TimeUnit unit, boolean replace);

     * Get the time to live for {@code key} in seconds.
     * @param key must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return {@literal null} when used in pipeline / transaction.
     * @see <a href="">Redis Documentation: TTL</a>
    Long getExpire(K key);

     * Get the time to live for {@code key} in and convert it to the given {@link TimeUnit}.
     * @param key must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param timeUnit must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return {@literal null} when used in pipeline / transaction.
     * @since 1.8
    Long getExpire(K key, TimeUnit timeUnit);

     * Sort the elements for {@code query}.
     * @param query must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return the results of sort. {@literal null} when used in pipeline / transaction.
     * @see <a href="">Redis Documentation: SORT</a>
    List<V> sort(SortQuery<K> query);

     * Sort the elements for {@code query} applying {@link RedisSerializer}.
     * @param query must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return the deserialized results of sort. {@literal null} when used in pipeline / transaction.
     * @see <a href="">Redis Documentation: SORT</a>
    <T> List<T> sort(SortQuery<K> query, RedisSerializer<T> resultSerializer);

     * Sort the elements for {@code query} applying {@link BulkMapper}.
     * @param query must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return the deserialized results of sort. {@literal null} when used in pipeline / transaction.
     * @see <a href="">Redis Documentation: SORT</a>
    <T> List<T> sort(SortQuery<K> query, BulkMapper<T, V> bulkMapper);

     * Sort the elements for {@code query} applying {@link BulkMapper} and {@link RedisSerializer}.
     * @param query must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return the deserialized results of sort. {@literal null} when used in pipeline / transaction.
     * @see <a href="">Redis Documentation: SORT</a>
    <T, S> List<T> sort(SortQuery<K> query, BulkMapper<T, S> bulkMapper, RedisSerializer<S> resultSerializer);

     * Sort the elements for {@code query} and store result in {@code storeKey}.
     * @param query must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param storeKey must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return number of values. {@literal null} when used in pipeline / transaction.
     * @see <a href="">Redis Documentation: SORT</a>
    Long sort(SortQuery<K> query, K storeKey);

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Methods dealing with Redis Transactions
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Watch given {@code key} for modifications during transaction started with {@link #multi()}.
     * @param key must not be {@literal null}.
     * @see <a href="">Redis Documentation: WATCH</a>
    void watch(K key);

     * Watch given {@code keys} for modifications during transaction started with {@link #multi()}.
     * @param keys must not be {@literal null}.
     * @see <a href="">Redis Documentation: WATCH</a>
    void watch(Collection<K> keys);

     * Flushes all the previously {@link #watch(Object)} keys.
     * @see <a href="">Redis Documentation: UNWATCH</a>
    void unwatch();

     * Mark the start of a transaction block. <br>
     * Commands will be queued and can then be executed by calling {@link #exec()} or rolled back using {@link #discard()}
     * <p>
     * @see <a href="">Redis Documentation: MULTI</a>
    void multi();

     * Discard all commands issued after {@link #multi()}.
     * @see <a href="">Redis Documentation: DISCARD</a>
    void discard();

     * Executes all queued commands in a transaction started with {@link #multi()}. <br>
     * If used along with {@link #watch(Object)} the operation will fail if any of watched keys has been modified.
     * @return List of replies for each executed command.
     * @see <a href="">Redis Documentation: EXEC</a>
    List<Object> exec();

     * Execute a transaction, using the provided {@link RedisSerializer} to deserialize any results that are byte[]s or
     * Collections of byte[]s. If a result is a Map, the provided {@link RedisSerializer} will be used for both the keys
     * and values. Other result types (Long, Boolean, etc) are left as-is in the converted results. Tuple results are
     * automatically converted to TypedTuples.
     * @param valueSerializer The {@link RedisSerializer} to use for deserializing the results of transaction exec
     * @return The deserialized results of transaction exec
    List<Object> exec(RedisSerializer<?> valueSerializer);

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Methods dealing with Redis Server Commands
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Request information and statistics about connected clients.
     * @return {@link List} of {@link RedisClientInfo} objects.
     * @since 1.3
    List<RedisClientInfo> getClientList();

     * Closes a given client connection identified by {@literal ip:port} given in {@code client}.
     * @param host of connection to close.
     * @param port of connection to close
     * @since 1.3
    void killClient(String host, int port);

     * Change redis replication setting to new master.
     * @param host must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param port
     * @since 1.3
     * @see <a href="">Redis Documentation: SLAVEOF</a>
    void slaveOf(String host, int port);

     * Change server into master.
     * @since 1.3
     * @see <a href="">Redis Documentation: SLAVEOF</a>
    void slaveOfNoOne();

     * Publishes the given message to the given channel.
     * @param destination the channel to publish to, must not be {@literal null}.
     * @param message message to publish
     * @return the number of clients that received the message
     * @see <a href="">Redis Documentation: PUBLISH</a>
    void convertAndSend(String destination, Object message);

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Methods to obtain specific operations interface objects.
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // operation types

     * Returns the cluster specific operations interface.
     * @return never {@literal null}.
     * @since 1.7
    ClusterOperations<K, V> opsForCluster();

     * Returns geospatial specific operations interface.
     * @return never {@literal null}.
     * @since 1.8
    GeoOperations<K, V> opsForGeo();

     * Returns geospatial specific operations interface bound to the given key.
     * @param key must not be {@literal null}.
     * @return never {@literal null}.
     * @since 1.8
    BoundGeoOperations<K, V> boundGeoOps(K key);

     * Returns the operations performed on hash values.
     * @param <HK> hash key (or field) type
     * @param <HV> hash value type
     * @return hash operations
    <HK, HV> HashOperations<K, HK, HV> opsForHash();

     * Returns the operations performed on hash values bound to the given key. * @param <HK> hash key (or field) type
     * @param <HV> hash value type
     * @param key Redis key
     * @return hash operations bound to the given key.
    <HK, HV> BoundHashOperations<K, HK, HV> boundHashOps(K key);

     * @return
     * @since 1.5
    HyperLogLogOperations<K, V> opsForHyperLogLog();

     * Returns the operations performed on list values.
     * @return list operations
    ListOperations<K, V> opsForList();

     * Returns the operations performed on list values bound to the given key.
     * @param key Redis key
     * @return list operations bound to the given key
    BoundListOperations<K, V> boundListOps(K key);

     * Returns the operations performed on set values.
     * @return set operations
    SetOperations<K, V> opsForSet();

     * Returns the operations performed on set values bound to the given key.
     * @param key Redis key
     * @return set operations bound to the given key
    BoundSetOperations<K, V> boundSetOps(K key);

     * Returns the operations performed on Streams.
     * @return stream operations.
     * @since 2.2
    <HK, HV> StreamOperations<K, HK, HV> opsForStream();

     * Returns the operations performed on Streams.
     * @param hashMapper the {@link HashMapper} to use when converting {@link ObjectRecord}.
     * @return stream operations.
     * @since 2.2
    <HK, HV> StreamOperations<K, HK, HV> opsForStream(HashMapper<? super K, ? super HK, ? super HV> hashMapper);

     * Returns the operations performed on Streams bound to the given key.
     * @return stream operations.
     * @since 2.2
    <HK, HV> BoundStreamOperations<K, HK, HV> boundStreamOps(K key);

     * Returns the operations performed on simple values (or Strings in Redis terminology).
     * @return value operations
    ValueOperations<K, V> opsForValue();

     * Returns the operations performed on simple values (or Strings in Redis terminology) bound to the given key.
     * @param key Redis key
     * @return value operations bound to the given key
    BoundValueOperations<K, V> boundValueOps(K key);

     * Returns the operations performed on zset values (also known as sorted sets).
     * @return zset operations
    ZSetOperations<K, V> opsForZSet();

     * Returns the operations performed on zset values (also known as sorted sets) bound to the given key.
     * @param key Redis key
     * @return zset operations bound to the given key.
    BoundZSetOperations<K, V> boundZSetOps(K key);

     * @return the key {@link RedisSerializer}.
    RedisSerializer<?> getKeySerializer();

     * @return the value {@link RedisSerializer}.
    RedisSerializer<?> getValueSerializer();

     * @return the hash key {@link RedisSerializer}.
    RedisSerializer<?> getHashKeySerializer();

     * @return the hash value {@link RedisSerializer}.
    RedisSerializer<?> getHashValueSerializer();
