Source code

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 * Copyright 2002-2013 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.springframework.integration.core;

import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactoryAware;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean;
import org.springframework.integration.Message;
import org.springframework.integration.MessageChannel;
import org.springframework.integration.MessageDeliveryException;
import org.springframework.integration.MessageHeaders;
import org.springframework.integration.MessagingException;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;

 * This is the central class for invoking message exchange operations across
 * {@link MessageChannel}s. It supports one-way send and receive calls as well
 * as request/reply.
 * @author Mark Fisher
 * @author Oleg Zhurakousky
 * @author Gary Russell
public class MessagingTemplate implements MessagingOperations, BeanFactoryAware, InitializingBean {

    protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass());

    private volatile MessageChannel defaultChannel;

    private volatile ChannelResolver channelResolver;

    private volatile MessageConverter messageConverter = new SimpleMessageConverter();

    private volatile long sendTimeout = -1;

    private volatile long receiveTimeout = -1;

    private volatile boolean initialized;

    private final Object initializationMonitor = new Object();

    private volatile boolean throwExceptionOnLateReply = false;

     * Create a MessagingTemplate with no default channel. Note, that one
     * may be provided by invoking {@link #setDefaultChannel(MessageChannel)}.
    public MessagingTemplate() {

     * Create a MessagingTemplate with the given default channel.
    public MessagingTemplate(MessageChannel defaultChannel) {
        this.defaultChannel = defaultChannel;

     * Specify the default MessageChannel to use when invoking the send and/or
     * receive methods that do not expect a channel parameter.
    public void setDefaultChannel(MessageChannel defaultChannel) {
        this.defaultChannel = defaultChannel;

     * Set the {@link ChannelResolver} that is to be used to resolve
     * {@link MessageChannel} references for this template.
     * <p>When running within an application context, the default resolver is a
     * {@link BeanFactoryChannelResolver}.
    public void setChannelResolver(ChannelResolver channelResolver) {
        Assert.notNull(channelResolver, "'channelResolver' must not be null");
        this.channelResolver = channelResolver;

     * Set the {@link MessageConverter} that is to be used to convert
     * between Messages and objects for this template.
     * <p>The default is {@link SimpleMessageConverter}.
    public void setMessageConverter(MessageConverter messageConverter) {
        Assert.notNull(messageConverter, "'messageConverter' must not be null");
        this.messageConverter = messageConverter;

     * Specify the timeout value to use for send operations.
     * @param sendTimeout the send timeout in milliseconds
    public void setSendTimeout(long sendTimeout) {
        this.sendTimeout = sendTimeout;

     * Specify the timeout value to use for receive operations.
     * @param receiveTimeout the receive timeout in milliseconds
    public void setReceiveTimeout(long receiveTimeout) {
        this.receiveTimeout = receiveTimeout;

    public void setBeanFactory(BeanFactory beanFactory) {
        if (this.channelResolver == null && beanFactory != null) {
            this.channelResolver = new BeanFactoryChannelResolver(beanFactory);

     * Specify whether or not an attempt to send on the reply channel throws an exception
     * if no receiving thread will actually receive the reply. This can occur
     * if the receiving thread has already timed out, or will never call receive()
     * because it caught an exception, or has already received a reply.
     * (default false - just a WARN log is emitted in these cases).
     * @param throwExceptionOnLateReply TRUE or FALSE.
    public void setThrowExceptionOnLateReply(boolean throwExceptionOnLateReply) {
        this.throwExceptionOnLateReply = throwExceptionOnLateReply;

    public void afterPropertiesSet() {
        synchronized (this.initializationMonitor) {
            if (this.initialized) {
            this.initialized = true;

    public <P> void send(final Message<P> message) {
        this.send(this.getRequiredDefaultChannel(), message);

    public <P> void send(final MessageChannel channel, final Message<P> message) {
        this.doSend(channel, message);

    public <P> void send(final String channelName, final Message<P> message) {
        this.send(this.resolveChannelName(channelName), message);

    public <T> void convertAndSend(T object) {
        Message<?> message = this.messageConverter.toMessage(object);
        if (message != null) {

    public <T> void convertAndSend(MessageChannel channel, T object) {
        Message<?> message = this.messageConverter.toMessage(object);
        if (message != null) {
            this.send(channel, message);

    public <T> void convertAndSend(String channelName, T object) {
        Message<?> message = this.messageConverter.toMessage(object);
        if (message != null) {
            this.send(channelName, message);

    public <T> void convertAndSend(T object, MessagePostProcessor postProcessor) {
        Message<?> message = this.messageConverter.toMessage(object);
        message = postProcessor.postProcessMessage(message);
        if (message != null) {

    public <T> void convertAndSend(MessageChannel channel, T object, MessagePostProcessor postProcessor) {
        Message<?> message = this.messageConverter.toMessage(object);
        message = postProcessor.postProcessMessage(message);
        if (message != null) {
            this.send(channel, message);

    public <T> void convertAndSend(String channelName, T object, MessagePostProcessor postProcessor) {
        Message<?> message = this.messageConverter.toMessage(object);
        message = postProcessor.postProcessMessage(message);
        if (message != null) {
            this.send(channelName, message);

    public <P> Message<P> receive() {
        MessageChannel channel = this.getRequiredDefaultChannel();
        Assert.state(channel instanceof PollableChannel,
                "The 'defaultChannel' must be a PollableChannel for receive operations.");
        return this.receive((PollableChannel) channel);

    public <P> Message<P> receive(final PollableChannel channel) {
        return this.doReceive(channel);

    public <P> Message<P> receive(String channelName) {
        MessageChannel channel = this.resolveChannelName(channelName);
        Assert.isInstanceOf(PollableChannel.class, channel,
                "A PollableChannel is required for receive operations. ");
        return this.receive((PollableChannel) channel);

    public Object receiveAndConvert() throws MessagingException {
        Message<?> message = this.receive();
        return (message != null) ? this.messageConverter.fromMessage(message) : null;

    public Object receiveAndConvert(PollableChannel channel) throws MessagingException {
        Message<?> message = this.receive(channel);
        return (message != null) ? this.messageConverter.fromMessage(message) : null;

    public Object receiveAndConvert(String channelName) throws MessagingException {
        Message<?> message = this.receive(channelName);
        return (message != null) ? this.messageConverter.fromMessage(message) : null;

    public Message<?> sendAndReceive(final Message<?> requestMessage) {
        return this.sendAndReceive(this.getRequiredDefaultChannel(), requestMessage);

    public Message<?> sendAndReceive(final MessageChannel channel, final Message<?> requestMessage) {
        return this.doSendAndReceive(channel, requestMessage);

    public Message<?> sendAndReceive(final String channelName, final Message<?> requestMessage) {
        return this.sendAndReceive(this.resolveChannelName(channelName), requestMessage);

    public Object convertSendAndReceive(final Object request) {
        Message<?> requestMessage = this.messageConverter.toMessage(request);
        Message<?> replyMessage = this.sendAndReceive(requestMessage);
        return this.messageConverter.fromMessage(replyMessage);

    public Object convertSendAndReceive(final MessageChannel channel, final Object request) {
        Message<?> requestMessage = this.messageConverter.toMessage(request);
        Message<?> replyMessage = this.sendAndReceive(channel, requestMessage);
        return this.messageConverter.fromMessage(replyMessage);

    public Object convertSendAndReceive(final String channelName, final Object request) {
        Message<?> requestMessage = this.messageConverter.toMessage(request);
        Message<?> replyMessage = this.sendAndReceive(channelName, requestMessage);
        return this.messageConverter.fromMessage(replyMessage);

    public Object convertSendAndReceive(final Object request, MessagePostProcessor requestPostProcessor) {
        Message<?> requestMessage = this.messageConverter.toMessage(request);
        requestMessage = requestPostProcessor.postProcessMessage(requestMessage);
        Message<?> replyMessage = this.sendAndReceive(requestMessage);
        return this.messageConverter.fromMessage(replyMessage);

    public Object convertSendAndReceive(final MessageChannel channel, final Object request,
            MessagePostProcessor requestPostProcessor) {
        Message<?> requestMessage = this.messageConverter.toMessage(request);
        requestMessage = requestPostProcessor.postProcessMessage(requestMessage);
        Message<?> replyMessage = this.sendAndReceive(channel, requestMessage);
        return this.messageConverter.fromMessage(replyMessage);

    public Object convertSendAndReceive(final String channelName, final Object request,
            MessagePostProcessor requestPostProcessor) {
        Message<?> requestMessage = this.messageConverter.toMessage(request);
        requestMessage = requestPostProcessor.postProcessMessage(requestMessage);
        Message<?> replyMessage = this.sendAndReceive(channelName, requestMessage);
        return this.messageConverter.fromMessage(replyMessage);

    private void doSend(MessageChannel channel, Message<?> message) {
        Assert.notNull(channel, "channel must not be null");
        long timeout = this.sendTimeout;
        boolean sent = (timeout >= 0) ? channel.send(message, timeout) : channel.send(message);
        if (!sent) {
            throw new MessageDeliveryException(message,
                    "failed to send message to channel '" + channel + "' within timeout: " + timeout);

    private <P> Message<P> doReceive(PollableChannel channel) {
        Assert.notNull(channel, "channel must not be null");
        long timeout = this.receiveTimeout;
        Message<?> message = (timeout >= 0) ? channel.receive(timeout) : channel.receive();
        if (message == null && this.logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    .trace("failed to receive message from channel '" + channel + "' within timeout: " + timeout);
        return (Message<P>) message;

    private <S, R> Message<R> doSendAndReceive(MessageChannel channel, Message<S> requestMessage) {
        Object originalReplyChannelHeader = requestMessage.getHeaders().getReplyChannel();
        Object originalErrorChannelHeader = requestMessage.getHeaders().getErrorChannel();
        TemporaryReplyChannel replyChannel = new TemporaryReplyChannel(this.receiveTimeout,
        requestMessage = MessageBuilder.fromMessage(requestMessage).setReplyChannel(replyChannel)
        try {
            this.doSend(channel, requestMessage);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            throw e;
        Message<R> reply = this.doReceive(replyChannel);
        if (reply != null) {
            reply = MessageBuilder.fromMessage(reply)
                    .setHeader(MessageHeaders.REPLY_CHANNEL, originalReplyChannelHeader)
                    .setHeader(MessageHeaders.ERROR_CHANNEL, originalErrorChannelHeader).build();
        return reply;

    private MessageChannel getRequiredDefaultChannel() {
        Assert.state(this.defaultChannel != null, "No 'defaultChannel' specified for MessagingTemplate. "
                + "Unable to invoke methods without an explicit channel argument.");
        return this.defaultChannel;

    private ChannelResolver getRequiredChannelResolver() {
        Assert.state(this.channelResolver != null, "No 'channelResolver' specified for MessagingTemplate. "
                + "Unable to invoke methods with a channel name argument.");
        return this.channelResolver;

     * Resolve the given channel name into a {@link MessageChannel},
     * via this template's {@link ChannelResolver} if available.
     * @param channelName the name of the channel
     * @return the resolved {@link MessageChannel}
     * @throws IllegalStateException if this template does not have a ChannelResolver
     * @throws ChannelResolutionException if the channel name cannot be resolved
     * @see #setChannelResolver
    protected MessageChannel resolveChannelName(String channelName) {
        return getRequiredChannelResolver().resolveChannelName(channelName);

    private static class TemporaryReplyChannel implements PollableChannel {

        private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(TemporaryReplyChannel.class);

        private volatile Message<?> message;

        private final long receiveTimeout;

        private final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);

        private final boolean throwExceptionOnLateReply;

        private volatile boolean clientTimedOut;

        private volatile boolean clientWontReceive;

        private volatile boolean clientHasReceived;

        public TemporaryReplyChannel(long receiveTimeout, boolean throwExceptionOnLateReply) {
            this.receiveTimeout = receiveTimeout;
            this.throwExceptionOnLateReply = throwExceptionOnLateReply;

        public void setClientWontReceive(boolean clientWontReceive) {
            this.clientWontReceive = clientWontReceive;

        public Message<?> receive() {
            return this.receive(-1);

        public Message<?> receive(long timeout) {
            try {
                if (this.receiveTimeout < 0) {
                    this.clientHasReceived = true;
                } else {
                    if (this.latch.await(this.receiveTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) {
                        this.clientHasReceived = true;
                    } else {
                        this.clientTimedOut = true;
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            return this.message;

        public boolean send(Message<?> message) {
            return this.send(message, -1);

        public boolean send(Message<?> message, long timeout) {
            this.message = message;
            if (this.clientTimedOut || this.clientHasReceived || this.clientWontReceive) {
                String exceptionMessage = "";
                if (this.clientTimedOut) {
                    exceptionMessage = "Reply message being sent, but the receiving thread has already timed out";
                } else if (this.clientHasReceived) {
                    exceptionMessage = "Reply message being sent, but the receiving thread has already received a reply";
                } else if (this.clientWontReceive) {
                    exceptionMessage = "Reply message being sent, but the receiving thread has already caught an exception and won't receive";

                if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
                    logger.warn(exceptionMessage + ":" + message);
                if (this.throwExceptionOnLateReply) {
                    throw new MessageDeliveryException(message, exceptionMessage);
            return true;