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 * Copyright 2018-2019 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.springframework.integration.dsl.context;

import java.util.Map;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactoryAware;
import org.springframework.integration.core.MessagingTemplate;
import org.springframework.integration.dsl.IntegrationFlow;
import org.springframework.messaging.MessageChannel;

 * A public API for dynamic (manual) registration of {@link IntegrationFlow}s,
 * not via standard bean registration phase.
 * <p>
 * The bean of this component is provided via framework automatically.
 * A bean name is based on the decapitalized class name.
 * It must be injected to the target service before use.
 * <p>
 * The typical use-case, and, therefore algorithm, is:
 * <ul>
 * <li> create an {@link IntegrationFlow} instance depending of the business logic
 * <li> register that {@link IntegrationFlow} in this {@link IntegrationFlowContext},
 * with optional {@code id} and {@code autoStartup} flag
 * <li> obtain a {@link MessagingTemplate} for that {@link IntegrationFlow}
 * (if it is started from the {@link MessageChannel}) and send (or send-and-receive)
 * messages to the {@link IntegrationFlow}
 * <li> remove the {@link IntegrationFlow} by its {@code id} from this {@link IntegrationFlowContext}
 * </ul>
 * <p>
 * For convenience an associated {@link IntegrationFlowRegistration} is returned after registration.
 * It can be used for access to the target {@link IntegrationFlow} or for manipulation with its lifecycle.
 * @author Artem Bilan
 * @author Gary Russell
 * @since 5.0
 * @see IntegrationFlowRegistration
public interface IntegrationFlowContext {

     * Associate provided {@link IntegrationFlow} with an {@link IntegrationFlowRegistrationBuilder}
     * for additional options and farther registration in the application context.
     * @param integrationFlow the {@link IntegrationFlow} to register
     * @return the IntegrationFlowRegistrationBuilder associated with the provided {@link IntegrationFlow}
    IntegrationFlowRegistrationBuilder registration(IntegrationFlow integrationFlow);

     * Obtain an {@link IntegrationFlowRegistration} for the {@link IntegrationFlow}
     * associated with the provided {@code flowId}.
     * @param flowId the bean name to obtain
     * @return the IntegrationFlowRegistration for provided {@code id} or {@code null}
    IntegrationFlowRegistration getRegistrationById(String flowId);

     * Destroy an {@link IntegrationFlow} bean (as well as all its dependant beans)
     * for provided {@code flowId} and clean up all the local cache for it.
     * @param flowId the bean name to destroy from
    void remove(String flowId);

     * Obtain a {@link MessagingTemplate} with its default destination set to the input channel
     * of the {@link IntegrationFlow} for provided {@code flowId}.
     * <p> Any {@link IntegrationFlow} bean (not only manually registered) can be used for this method.
     * <p> If {@link IntegrationFlow} doesn't start with the {@link MessageChannel}, the
     * {@link IllegalStateException} is thrown.
     * @param flowId the bean name to obtain the input channel from
     * @return the {@link MessagingTemplate} instance
    MessagingTemplate messagingTemplateFor(String flowId);

     * Provide the state of the mapping of integration flow names to their
     * {@link IntegrationFlowRegistration} instances.
     * @return the registry of flow ids and their registration.
    Map<String, IntegrationFlowRegistration> getRegistry();

     * Return true to prefix flow bean names with the flow id and a period.
     * @param flowId the flow id.
     * @return true to use as a prefix.
     * @since 5.0.6
    default boolean isUseIdAsPrefix(String flowId) {
        return false;

     * @author Gary Russell
     * @since 5.1
    interface IntegrationFlowRegistration extends BeanFactoryAware {

         * Return the flow id.
         * @return the id.
        String getId();

         * Set the flow id.
         * @param id the id.
        void setId(String id);

         * Return the flow.
         * @return the flow.
        IntegrationFlow getIntegrationFlow();

         * Set the integration flow.
         * @param integrationFlow the flow.
        void setIntegrationFlow(IntegrationFlow integrationFlow);

         * Return the flow input channel.
         * @return the channel.
        MessageChannel getInputChannel();

         * Set the flow context.
         * @param integrationFlowContext the context.
        void setIntegrationFlowContext(IntegrationFlowContext integrationFlowContext);

         * Obtain a {@link MessagingTemplate} with its default destination set to the input channel
         * of the {@link IntegrationFlow}.
         * <p> Any {@link IntegrationFlow} bean (not only manually registered) can be used for this method.
         * <p> If {@link IntegrationFlow} doesn't start with the {@link MessageChannel}, the
         * {@link IllegalStateException} is thrown.
         * @return the {@link MessagingTemplate} instance
        MessagingTemplate getMessagingTemplate();

         * Start the registration.
        void start();

         * Stop the registration.
        void stop();

         * Destroy the {@link IntegrationFlow} bean (as well as all its dependent beans)
         * and clean up all the local cache for it.
        void destroy();


     * A Builder pattern implementation for the options to register {@link IntegrationFlow}
     * in the application context.
    interface IntegrationFlowRegistrationBuilder {

         * Specify an {@code id} for the {@link IntegrationFlow} to register.
         * Must be unique per context.
         * The registration with this {@code id} must be destroyed before reusing for
         * a new {@link IntegrationFlow} instance.
         * @param id the id for the {@link IntegrationFlow} to register
         * @return the current builder instance
        IntegrationFlowRegistrationBuilder id(String id);

         * The {@code boolean} flag to indication if an {@link IntegrationFlow} must be started
         * automatically after registration. Defaults to {@code true}.
         * @param autoStartup start or not the {@link IntegrationFlow} automatically after registration.
         * @return the current builder instance
        IntegrationFlowRegistrationBuilder autoStartup(boolean autoStartup);

         * Add an object which will be registered as an {@link IntegrationFlow} dependant bean in the
         * application context. Usually it is some support component, which needs an application context.
         * For example dynamically created connection factories or header mappers for AMQP, JMS, TCP etc.
         * @param bean an additional arbitrary bean to register into the application context.
         * @return the current builder instance
        IntegrationFlowRegistrationBuilder addBean(Object bean);

         * Add an object which will be registered as an {@link IntegrationFlow} dependant bean in the
         * application context. Usually it is some support component, which needs an application context.
         * For example dynamically created connection factories or header mappers for AMQP, JMS, TCP etc.
         * @param name the name for the bean to register.
         * @param bean an additional arbitrary bean to register into the application context.
         * @return the current builder instance
        IntegrationFlowRegistrationBuilder addBean(String name, Object bean);

         * Set the configuration source {@code Object} for this manual Integration flow definition.
         * Can be any arbitrary object which could easily lead to a source code for the flow when
         * a messaging exception happens at runtime.
         * @param source the configuration source representation.
         * @return the current builder instance
         * @since 5.2
        IntegrationFlowRegistrationBuilder setSource(Object source);

         * Invoke this method to prefix bean names in the flow with the (required) flow id
         * and a period. This is useful if you wish to register the same flow multiple times
         * while retaining the ability to reference beans within the flow; adding the unique
         * flow id to the bean name makes the name unique.
         * @return the current builder instance.
         * @see #id(String)
         * @since 5.0.6
        default IntegrationFlowRegistrationBuilder useFlowIdAsPrefix() {
            return this;

         * Register an {@link IntegrationFlow} and all the dependant and support components
         * in the application context and return an associated {@link IntegrationFlowRegistration}
         * control object.
         * @return the {@link IntegrationFlowRegistration} instance.
        IntegrationFlowRegistration register();

