Source code

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 * Copyright 2005-2010 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Collection;

import javax.naming.CompositeName;
import javax.naming.ldap.LdapContext;

import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.springframework.ldap.NamingException;
import org.springframework.ldap.NoSuchAttributeException;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;

 * Generic utility methods for working with LDAP. Mainly for internal use within
 * the framework, but also useful for custom code.
 * @author Ulrik Sandberg
 * @since 1.2
public final class LdapUtils {

    private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(LdapUtils.class);

     * Not to be instantiated.
    private LdapUtils() {


     * Close the given JNDI Context and ignore any thrown exception. This is
     * useful for typical <code>finally</code> blocks in JNDI code.
     * @param context the JNDI Context to close (may be <code>null</code>)
    public static void closeContext(DirContext context) {
        if (context != null) {
            try {
            } catch (NamingException ex) {
                logger.debug("Could not close JNDI DirContext", ex);
            } catch (Throwable ex) {
                // We don't trust the JNDI provider: It might throw
                // RuntimeException or Error.
                logger.debug("Unexpected exception on closing JNDI DirContext", ex);

     * Convert the specified checked {@link javax.naming.NamingException
     * NamingException} to a Spring LDAP runtime
     * {@link org.springframework.ldap.NamingException NamingException}
     * equivalent.
     * @param ex the original checked NamingException to convert
     * @return the Spring LDAP runtime NamingException wrapping the given
     * exception
    public static NamingException convertLdapException(javax.naming.NamingException ex) {
        Assert.notNull(ex, "NamingException must not be null");

        if (ex.getClass().equals( {
            return new org.springframework.ldap.AttributeInUseException(
                    ( ex);
        if (ex.getClass().equals( {
            return new org.springframework.ldap.AttributeModificationException(
                    ( ex);
        if (ex.getClass().equals(javax.naming.CannotProceedException.class)) {
            return new org.springframework.ldap.CannotProceedException((javax.naming.CannotProceedException) ex);
        if (ex.getClass().equals(javax.naming.CommunicationException.class)) {
            return new org.springframework.ldap.CommunicationException((javax.naming.CommunicationException) ex);
        if (ex.getClass().equals(javax.naming.ConfigurationException.class)) {
            return new org.springframework.ldap.ConfigurationException((javax.naming.ConfigurationException) ex);
        if (ex.getClass().equals(javax.naming.ContextNotEmptyException.class)) {
            return new org.springframework.ldap.ContextNotEmptyException(
                    (javax.naming.ContextNotEmptyException) ex);
        if (ex.getClass().equals(javax.naming.InsufficientResourcesException.class)) {
            return new org.springframework.ldap.InsufficientResourcesException(
                    (javax.naming.InsufficientResourcesException) ex);
        if (ex.getClass().equals(javax.naming.InterruptedNamingException.class)) {
            return new org.springframework.ldap.InterruptedNamingException(
                    (javax.naming.InterruptedNamingException) ex);
        if (ex.getClass().equals( {
            return new org.springframework.ldap.InvalidAttributeIdentifierException(
                    ( ex);
        if (ex.getClass().equals( {
            return new org.springframework.ldap.InvalidAttributesException(
                    ( ex);
        if (ex.getClass().equals( {
            return new org.springframework.ldap.InvalidAttributeValueException(
                    ( ex);
        if (ex.getClass().equals(javax.naming.InvalidNameException.class)) {
            return new org.springframework.ldap.InvalidNameException((javax.naming.InvalidNameException) ex);
        if (ex.getClass().equals( {
            return new org.springframework.ldap.InvalidSearchControlsException(
                    ( ex);
        if (ex.getClass().equals( {
            return new org.springframework.ldap.InvalidSearchFilterException(
                    ( ex);

        // this class is abstract, so it can never be of exactly this class;
        // using instanceof
        if (ex instanceof javax.naming.ldap.LdapReferralException) {
            return new org.springframework.ldap.LdapReferralException((javax.naming.ldap.LdapReferralException) ex);
        // Skipping the abstract superclass javax.naming.ReferralException

        // LimitExceededException hierarchy
        if (ex.getClass().equals(javax.naming.SizeLimitExceededException.class)) {
            return new org.springframework.ldap.SizeLimitExceededException(
                    (javax.naming.SizeLimitExceededException) ex);
        if (ex.getClass().equals(javax.naming.TimeLimitExceededException.class)) {
            return new org.springframework.ldap.TimeLimitExceededException(
                    (javax.naming.TimeLimitExceededException) ex);
        // this class is the superclass of the two above
        if (ex.getClass().equals(javax.naming.LimitExceededException.class)) {
            return new org.springframework.ldap.LimitExceededException((javax.naming.LimitExceededException) ex);

        // LinkException hierarchy
        if (ex.getClass().equals(javax.naming.LinkLoopException.class)) {
            return new org.springframework.ldap.LinkLoopException((javax.naming.LinkLoopException) ex);
        if (ex.getClass().equals(javax.naming.MalformedLinkException.class)) {
            return new org.springframework.ldap.MalformedLinkException((javax.naming.MalformedLinkException) ex);
        // this class is the superclass of the two above
        if (ex.getClass().equals(javax.naming.LinkException.class)) {
            return new org.springframework.ldap.LinkException((javax.naming.LinkException) ex);

        if (ex.getClass().equals(javax.naming.NameAlreadyBoundException.class)) {
            return new org.springframework.ldap.NameAlreadyBoundException(
                    (javax.naming.NameAlreadyBoundException) ex);
        if (ex.getClass().equals(javax.naming.NameNotFoundException.class)) {
            return new org.springframework.ldap.NameNotFoundException((javax.naming.NameNotFoundException) ex);

        // NamingSecurityException hierarchy
        if (ex.getClass().equals(javax.naming.NoPermissionException.class)) {
            return new org.springframework.ldap.NoPermissionException((javax.naming.NoPermissionException) ex);
        if (ex.getClass().equals(javax.naming.AuthenticationException.class)) {
            return new org.springframework.ldap.AuthenticationException((javax.naming.AuthenticationException) ex);
        if (ex.getClass().equals(javax.naming.AuthenticationNotSupportedException.class)) {
            return new org.springframework.ldap.AuthenticationNotSupportedException(
                    (javax.naming.AuthenticationNotSupportedException) ex);
        // Skipping the abstract superclass javax.naming.NamingSecurityException

        if (ex.getClass().equals(javax.naming.NoInitialContextException.class)) {
            return new org.springframework.ldap.NoInitialContextException(
                    (javax.naming.NoInitialContextException) ex);
        if (ex.getClass().equals( {
            return new org.springframework.ldap.NoSuchAttributeException(
                    ( ex);
        if (ex.getClass().equals(javax.naming.NotContextException.class)) {
            return new org.springframework.ldap.NotContextException((javax.naming.NotContextException) ex);
        if (ex.getClass().equals(javax.naming.OperationNotSupportedException.class)) {
            return new org.springframework.ldap.OperationNotSupportedException(
                    (javax.naming.OperationNotSupportedException) ex);
        if (ex.getClass().equals(javax.naming.PartialResultException.class)) {
            return new org.springframework.ldap.PartialResultException((javax.naming.PartialResultException) ex);
        if (ex.getClass().equals( {
            return new org.springframework.ldap.SchemaViolationException(
                    ( ex);
        if (ex.getClass().equals(javax.naming.ServiceUnavailableException.class)) {
            return new org.springframework.ldap.ServiceUnavailableException(
                    (javax.naming.ServiceUnavailableException) ex);

        // fallback
        return new org.springframework.ldap.UncategorizedLdapException(ex);

     * Get the actual class of the supplied DirContext instance; LdapContext or
     * DirContext.
     * @param context the DirContext instance to check.
     * @return LdapContext.class if context is an LdapContext, DirContext.class
     * otherwise.
    public static Class getActualTargetClass(DirContext context) {
        if (context instanceof LdapContext) {
            return LdapContext.class;

        return DirContext.class;

     * Collect all the values of a the specified attribute from the supplied
     * Attributes.
     * @param attributes The Attributes; not <code>null</code>.
     * @param name The name of the Attribute to get values for.
     * @param collection the collection to collect the values in.
     * @throws NoSuchAttributeException if no attribute with the specified name
     * exists.
     * @since 1.3
    public static void collectAttributeValues(Attributes attributes, String name, Collection collection) {
        Assert.notNull(attributes, "Attributes must not be null");
        Attribute attribute = attributes.get(name);
        if (attribute == null) {
            throw new NoSuchAttributeException("No attribute with name '" + name + "'");

        iterateAttributeValues(attribute, new CollectingAttributeValueCallbackHandler(collection));

     * Iterate through all the values of the specified Attribute calling back to
     * the specified callbackHandler.
     * @param attribute the Attribute to work with; not <code>null</code>.
     * @param callbackHandler the callbackHandler; not <code>null</code>.
     * @since 1.3
    public static void iterateAttributeValues(Attribute attribute, AttributeValueCallbackHandler callbackHandler) {
        Assert.notNull(attribute, "Attribute must not be null");
        Assert.notNull(callbackHandler, "callbackHandler must not be null");

        for (int i = 0; i < attribute.size(); i++) {
            try {
                callbackHandler.handleAttributeValue(attribute.getID(), attribute.get(i), i);
            } catch (javax.naming.NamingException e) {
                throw LdapUtils.convertLdapException(e);

     * An {@link AttributeValueCallbackHandler} to collect values in a supplied
     * collection.
     * @author Mattias Hellborg Arthursson
    private final static class CollectingAttributeValueCallbackHandler implements AttributeValueCallbackHandler {
        private final Collection collection;

        public CollectingAttributeValueCallbackHandler(Collection collection) {
            Assert.notNull(collection, "Collection must not be null");
            this.collection = collection;

        public final void handleAttributeValue(String attributeName, Object attributeValue, int index) {

     * Converts a CompositeName to a String in a way that avoids escaping
     * problems, such as the dreaded "triple backslash" problem.
     * @param compositeName The CompositeName to convert
     * @return String containing the String representation of <code>name</code>
    public static String convertCompositeNameToString(CompositeName compositeName) {
        if (compositeName.size() > 0) {
            // A lookup with an empty String seems to produce an empty
            // compositeName here; need to take this into account.
            return compositeName.get(0);
        } else {
            return "";

     * Converts a binary SID to its String representation, according to the
     * algorithm described <a
     * href=""
     * >here</a>. Thanks to <a href=
     * "">Eyal
     * Lupu</a> for algorithmic inspiration.
     * <pre>
     * If you have a SID like S-a-b-c-d-e-f-g-...
     * Then the bytes are
     * a   (revision)
     * N   (number of dashes minus two)
     * bbbbbb   (six bytes of &quot;b&quot; treated as a 48-bit number in big-endian format)
     * cccc   (four bytes of &quot;c&quot; treated as a 32-bit number in little-endian format)
     * dddd   (four bytes of &quot;d&quot; treated as a 32-bit number in little-endian format)
     * eeee   (four bytes of &quot;e&quot; treated as a 32-bit number in little-endian format)
     * ffff   (four bytes of &quot;f&quot; treated as a 32-bit number in little-endian format)
     * etc.   
     * So for example, if your SID is S-1-5-21-2127521184-1604012920-1887927527-72713, then your raw hex SID is
     * 010500000000000515000000A065CF7E784B9B5FE77C8770091C0100
     * This breaks down as follows:
     * 01   S-1
     * 05   (seven dashes, seven minus two = 5)
     * 000000000005   (5 = 0x000000000005, big-endian)
     * 15000000   (21 = 0x00000015, little-endian)
     * A065CF7E   (2127521184 = 0x7ECF65A0, little-endian)
     * 784B9B5F   (1604012920 = 0x5F9B4B78, little-endian)
     * E77C8770   (1887927527 = 0X70877CE7, little-endian)
     * 091C0100   (72713 = 0x00011c09, little-endian)
     * S-1-   version number (SID_REVISION)
     * -...-...-...-   these identify the machine that issued the SID
     * 72713   unique user id on the machine
     * </pre>
     * @param sid binary SID in byte array format
     * @return String version of the given sid
     * @since 1.3.1
    public static String convertBinarySidToString(byte[] sid) {
        // Add the 'S' prefix
        StringBuffer sidAsString = new StringBuffer("S-");

        // bytes[0] : in the array is the version (must be 1 but might
        // change in the future)

        // bytes[2..7] : the Authority
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        for (int t = 2; t <= 7; t++) {
            String hexString = Integer.toHexString(sid[t] & 0xFF);
        sidAsString.append(Long.parseLong(sb.toString(), 16));

        // bytes[1] : the sub authorities count
        int count = sid[1];

        // bytes[8..end] : the sub authorities (these are Integers - notice
        // the endian)
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            int currSubAuthOffset = i * 4;
            sb.append(toHexString((byte) (sid[11 + currSubAuthOffset] & 0xFF)));
            sb.append(toHexString((byte) (sid[10 + currSubAuthOffset] & 0xFF)));
            sb.append(toHexString((byte) (sid[9 + currSubAuthOffset] & 0xFF)));
            sb.append(toHexString((byte) (sid[8 + currSubAuthOffset] & 0xFF)));

            sidAsString.append('-').append(Long.parseLong(sb.toString(), 16));

        // That's it - we have the SID
        return sidAsString.toString();

     * Converts a String SID to its binary representation, according to the
     * algorithm described <a
     * href=""
     * >here</a>. 
     * @param string SID in readable format
     * @return Binary version of the given sid
     * @see LdapUtils#convertBinarySidToString(byte[])
     * @since 1.3.1
    public static byte[] convertStringSidToBinary(String string) {
        String[] parts = string.split("-");
        byte sidRevision = (byte) Integer.parseInt(parts[1]);
        int subAuthCount = parts.length - 3;

        byte[] sid = new byte[] { sidRevision, (byte) subAuthCount };
        sid = ArrayUtils.addAll(sid, numberToBytes(parts[2], 6, true));
        for (int i = 0; i < subAuthCount; i++) {
            sid = ArrayUtils.addAll(sid, numberToBytes(parts[3 + i], 4, false));
        return sid;

     * Converts the given number to a binary representation of the specified
     * length and "endian-ness".
     * @param number String with number to convert
     * @param length How long the resulting binary array should be
     * @param bigEndian <code>true</code> if big endian (5=0005), or
     * <code>false</code> if little endian (5=5000)
     * @return byte array containing the binary result in the given order
    static byte[] numberToBytes(String number, int length, boolean bigEndian) {
        BigInteger bi = new BigInteger(number);
        byte[] bytes = bi.toByteArray();
        int remaining = length - bytes.length;
        if (remaining < 0) {
            bytes = ArrayUtils.subarray(bytes, -remaining, bytes.length);
        } else {
            byte[] fill = new byte[remaining];
            bytes = ArrayUtils.addAll(fill, bytes);
        if (!bigEndian) {
        return bytes;

     * Converts a byte into its hexadecimal representation, padding with a
     * leading zero to get an even number of characters.
     * @param b value to convert
     * @return hex string, possibly padded with a zero
    static String toHexString(final byte b) {
        String hexString = Integer.toHexString(b & 0xFF);
        if (hexString.length() % 2 != 0) {
            // Pad with 0
            hexString = "0" + hexString;
        return hexString;

     * Converts a byte array into its hexadecimal representation, padding each
     * with a leading zero to get an even number of characters.
     * @param b values to convert
     * @return hex string, possibly with elements padded with a zero
    static String toHexString(final byte[] b) {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("{");
        for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
            if (i < b.length - 1) {
        return sb.toString();