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 * Copyright 2002-2019 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.springframework.messaging.simp;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Consumer;

import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.messaging.Message;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.CollectionUtils;

 * A base class for working with message headers in simple messaging protocols that
 * support basic messaging patterns. Provides uniform access to specific values common
 * across protocols such as a destination, message type (e.g. publish, subscribe, etc),
 * session id, and others.
 * <p>Use one of the static factory method in this class, then call getters and setters,
 * and at the end if necessary call {@link #toMap()} to obtain the updated headers.
 * @author Rossen Stoyanchev
 * @since 4.0
public class SimpMessageHeaderAccessor extends NativeMessageHeaderAccessor {

    private static final IdTimestampMessageHeaderInitializer headerInitializer;

    static {
        headerInitializer = new IdTimestampMessageHeaderInitializer();

    // SiMP header names

    public static final String DESTINATION_HEADER = "simpDestination";

    public static final String MESSAGE_TYPE_HEADER = "simpMessageType";

    public static final String SESSION_ID_HEADER = "simpSessionId";

    public static final String SESSION_ATTRIBUTES = "simpSessionAttributes";

    public static final String SUBSCRIPTION_ID_HEADER = "simpSubscriptionId";

    public static final String USER_HEADER = "simpUser";

    public static final String CONNECT_MESSAGE_HEADER = "simpConnectMessage";

    public static final String DISCONNECT_MESSAGE_HEADER = "simpDisconnectMessage";

    public static final String HEART_BEAT_HEADER = "simpHeartbeat";

     * A header for internal use with "user" destinations where we need to
     * restore the destination prior to sending messages to clients.
    public static final String ORIGINAL_DESTINATION = "simpOrigDestination";

     * A header that indicates to the broker that the sender will ignore errors.
     * The header is simply checked for presence or absence.
    public static final String IGNORE_ERROR = "simpIgnoreError";

    private Consumer<Principal> userCallback;

     * A constructor for creating new message headers.
     * This constructor is protected. See factory methods in this and sub-classes.
    protected SimpMessageHeaderAccessor(SimpMessageType messageType,
            @Nullable Map<String, List<String>> externalSourceHeaders) {

        Assert.notNull(messageType, "MessageType must not be null");
        setHeader(MESSAGE_TYPE_HEADER, messageType);

     * A constructor for accessing and modifying existing message headers. This
     * constructor is protected. See factory methods in this and sub-classes.
    protected SimpMessageHeaderAccessor(Message<?> message) {

    protected MessageHeaderAccessor createAccessor(Message<?> message) {
        return wrap(message);

    public void setMessageTypeIfNotSet(SimpMessageType messageType) {
        if (getMessageType() == null) {
            setHeader(MESSAGE_TYPE_HEADER, messageType);

    public SimpMessageType getMessageType() {
        return (SimpMessageType) getHeader(MESSAGE_TYPE_HEADER);

    public void setDestination(@Nullable String destination) {
        setHeader(DESTINATION_HEADER, destination);

    public String getDestination() {
        return (String) getHeader(DESTINATION_HEADER);

    public void setSubscriptionId(@Nullable String subscriptionId) {
        setHeader(SUBSCRIPTION_ID_HEADER, subscriptionId);

    public String getSubscriptionId() {
        return (String) getHeader(SUBSCRIPTION_ID_HEADER);

    public void setSessionId(@Nullable String sessionId) {
        setHeader(SESSION_ID_HEADER, sessionId);

     * Return the id of the current session.
    public String getSessionId() {
        return (String) getHeader(SESSION_ID_HEADER);

     * A static alternative for access to the session attributes header.
    public void setSessionAttributes(@Nullable Map<String, Object> attributes) {
        setHeader(SESSION_ATTRIBUTES, attributes);

     * Return the attributes associated with the current session.
    public Map<String, Object> getSessionAttributes() {
        return (Map<String, Object>) getHeader(SESSION_ATTRIBUTES);

    public void setUser(@Nullable Principal principal) {
        setHeader(USER_HEADER, principal);
        if (this.userCallback != null) {

     * Return the user associated with the current session.
    public Principal getUser() {
        return (Principal) getHeader(USER_HEADER);

     * Provide a callback to be invoked if and when {@link #setUser(Principal)}
     * is called. This is used internally on the inbound channel to detect
     * token-based authentications through an interceptor.
     * @param callback the callback to invoke
     * @since 5.1.9
    public void setUserChangeCallback(Consumer<Principal> callback) {
        Assert.notNull(callback, "'callback' is required");
        this.userCallback = this.userCallback != null ? this.userCallback.andThen(callback) : callback;

    public String getShortLogMessage(Object payload) {
        if (getMessageType() == null) {
            return super.getDetailedLogMessage(payload);
        StringBuilder sb = getBaseLogMessage();
        if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(getSessionAttributes())) {
            sb.append(" attributes[").append(getSessionAttributes().size()).append("]");
        return sb.toString();

    public String getDetailedLogMessage(@Nullable Object payload) {
        if (getMessageType() == null) {
            return super.getDetailedLogMessage(payload);
        StringBuilder sb = getBaseLogMessage();
        if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(getSessionAttributes())) {
            sb.append(" attributes=").append(getSessionAttributes());
        if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty((Map<String, List<String>>) getHeader(NATIVE_HEADERS))) {
            sb.append(" nativeHeaders=").append(getHeader(NATIVE_HEADERS));
        return sb.toString();

    private StringBuilder getBaseLogMessage() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        SimpMessageType messageType = getMessageType();
        sb.append(messageType != null ? : SimpMessageType.OTHER);
        String destination = getDestination();
        if (destination != null) {
            sb.append(" destination=").append(destination);
        String subscriptionId = getSubscriptionId();
        if (subscriptionId != null) {
            sb.append(" subscriptionId=").append(subscriptionId);
        sb.append(" session=").append(getSessionId());
        Principal user = getUser();
        if (user != null) {
            sb.append(" user=").append(user.getName());
        return sb;

    // Static factory methods and accessors

     * Create an instance with
     * {@link org.springframework.messaging.simp.SimpMessageType} {@code MESSAGE}.
    public static SimpMessageHeaderAccessor create() {
        return new SimpMessageHeaderAccessor(SimpMessageType.MESSAGE, null);

     * Create an instance with the given
     * {@link org.springframework.messaging.simp.SimpMessageType}.
    public static SimpMessageHeaderAccessor create(SimpMessageType messageType) {
        return new SimpMessageHeaderAccessor(messageType, null);

     * Create an instance from the payload and headers of the given Message.
    public static SimpMessageHeaderAccessor wrap(Message<?> message) {
        return new SimpMessageHeaderAccessor(message);

    public static SimpMessageType getMessageType(Map<String, Object> headers) {
        return (SimpMessageType) headers.get(MESSAGE_TYPE_HEADER);

    public static String getDestination(Map<String, Object> headers) {
        return (String) headers.get(DESTINATION_HEADER);

    public static String getSubscriptionId(Map<String, Object> headers) {
        return (String) headers.get(SUBSCRIPTION_ID_HEADER);

    public static String getSessionId(Map<String, Object> headers) {
        return (String) headers.get(SESSION_ID_HEADER);

    public static Map<String, Object> getSessionAttributes(Map<String, Object> headers) {
        return (Map<String, Object>) headers.get(SESSION_ATTRIBUTES);

    public static Principal getUser(Map<String, Object> headers) {
        return (Principal) headers.get(USER_HEADER);

    public static long[] getHeartbeat(Map<String, Object> headers) {
        return (long[]) headers.get(HEART_BEAT_HEADER);
