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 * Copyright 2002-2018 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.springframework.messaging.simp.stomp;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.LinkedMultiValueMap;
import org.springframework.util.MimeType;
import org.springframework.util.MimeTypeUtils;
import org.springframework.util.MultiValueMap;
import org.springframework.util.ObjectUtils;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;

 * Represents STOMP frame headers.
 * <p>In addition to the normal methods defined by {@link Map}, this class offers
 * the following convenience methods:
 * <ul>
 * <li>{@link #getFirst(String)} return the first value for a header name</li>
 * <li>{@link #add(String, String)} add to the list of values for a header name</li>
 * <li>{@link #set(String, String)} set a header name to a single string value</li>
 * </ul>
 * @author Rossen Stoyanchev
 * @since 4.2
 * @see <a href="">
public class StompHeaders implements MultiValueMap<String, String>, Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 7514642206528452544L;

    // Standard headers (as defined in the spec)

    public static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "content-type"; // SEND, MESSAGE, ERROR

    public static final String CONTENT_LENGTH = "content-length"; // SEND, MESSAGE, ERROR

    public static final String RECEIPT = "receipt"; // any client frame other than CONNECT

    // CONNECT

    public static final String HOST = "host";

    public static final String ACCEPT_VERSION = "accept-version";

    public static final String LOGIN = "login";

    public static final String PASSCODE = "passcode";

    public static final String HEARTBEAT = "heart-beat";


    public static final String SESSION = "session";

    public static final String SERVER = "server";

    // SEND

    public static final String DESTINATION = "destination";


    public static final String ID = "id";

    public static final String ACK = "ack";

    // MESSAGE

    public static final String SUBSCRIPTION = "subscription";

    public static final String MESSAGE_ID = "message-id";

    // RECEIPT

    public static final String RECEIPT_ID = "receipt-id";

    private final Map<String, List<String>> headers;

     * Create a new instance to be populated with new header values.
    public StompHeaders() {
        this(new LinkedMultiValueMap<>(4), false);

    private StompHeaders(Map<String, List<String>> headers, boolean readOnly) {
        Assert.notNull(headers, "'headers' must not be null");
        if (readOnly) {
            Map<String, List<String>> map = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>(headers.size());
            headers.forEach((key, value) -> map.put(key, Collections.unmodifiableList(value)));
            this.headers = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map);
        } else {
            this.headers = headers;

     * Set the content-type header.
     * Applies to the SEND, MESSAGE, and ERROR frames.
    public void setContentType(@Nullable MimeType mimeType) {
        if (mimeType != null) {
            Assert.isTrue(!mimeType.isWildcardType(), "'Content-Type' cannot contain wildcard type '*'");
            Assert.isTrue(!mimeType.isWildcardSubtype(), "'Content-Type' cannot contain wildcard subtype '*'");
            set(CONTENT_TYPE, mimeType.toString());
        } else {
            set(CONTENT_TYPE, null);

     * Return the content-type header value.
    public MimeType getContentType() {
        String value = getFirst(CONTENT_TYPE);
        return (StringUtils.hasLength(value) ? MimeTypeUtils.parseMimeType(value) : null);

     * Set the content-length header.
     * Applies to the SEND, MESSAGE, and ERROR frames.
    public void setContentLength(long contentLength) {
        set(CONTENT_LENGTH, Long.toString(contentLength));

     * Return the content-length header or -1 if unknown.
    public long getContentLength() {
        String value = getFirst(CONTENT_LENGTH);
        return (value != null ? Long.parseLong(value) : -1);

     * Set the receipt header.
     * Applies to any client frame other than CONNECT.
    public void setReceipt(@Nullable String receipt) {
        set(RECEIPT, receipt);

     * Get the receipt header.
    public String getReceipt() {
        return getFirst(RECEIPT);

     * Set the host header.
     * Applies to the CONNECT frame.
    public void setHost(@Nullable String host) {
        set(HOST, host);

     * Get the host header.
    public String getHost() {
        return getFirst(HOST);

     * Set the accept-version header. Must be one of "1.1", "1.2", or both.
     * Applies to the CONNECT frame.
     * @since 5.0.7
    public void setAcceptVersion(@Nullable String... acceptVersions) {
        if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(acceptVersions)) {
            set(ACCEPT_VERSION, null);
                .forEach(version -> Assert.isTrue(
                        version != null && (version.equals("1.1") || version.equals("1.2")),
                        "Invalid version: " + version));
        set(ACCEPT_VERSION, StringUtils.arrayToCommaDelimitedString(acceptVersions));

     * Get the accept-version header.
     * @since 5.0.7
    public String[] getAcceptVersion() {
        String value = getFirst(ACCEPT_VERSION);
        return value != null ? StringUtils.commaDelimitedListToStringArray(value) : null;

     * Set the login header.
     * Applies to the CONNECT frame.
    public void setLogin(@Nullable String login) {
        set(LOGIN, login);

     * Get the login header.
    public String getLogin() {
        return getFirst(LOGIN);

     * Set the passcode header.
     * Applies to the CONNECT frame.
    public void setPasscode(@Nullable String passcode) {
        set(PASSCODE, passcode);

     * Get the passcode header.
    public String getPasscode() {
        return getFirst(PASSCODE);

     * Set the heartbeat header.
     * Applies to the CONNECT and CONNECTED frames.
    public void setHeartbeat(@Nullable long[] heartbeat) {
        if (heartbeat == null || heartbeat.length != 2) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Heart-beat array must be of length 2, not " + (heartbeat != null ? heartbeat.length : "null"));
        String value = heartbeat[0] + "," + heartbeat[1];
        if (heartbeat[0] < 0 || heartbeat[1] < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Heart-beat values cannot be negative: " + value);
        set(HEARTBEAT, value);

     * Get the heartbeat header.
    public long[] getHeartbeat() {
        String rawValue = getFirst(HEARTBEAT);
        String[] rawValues = StringUtils.split(rawValue, ",");
        if (rawValues == null) {
            return null;
        return new long[] { Long.parseLong(rawValues[0]), Long.parseLong(rawValues[1]) };

     * Whether heartbeats are enabled. Returns {@code false} if
     * {@link #setHeartbeat} is set to "0,0", and {@code true} otherwise.
    public boolean isHeartbeatEnabled() {
        long[] heartbeat = getHeartbeat();
        return (heartbeat != null && heartbeat[0] != 0 && heartbeat[1] != 0);

     * Set the session header.
     * Applies to the CONNECTED frame.
    public void setSession(@Nullable String session) {
        set(SESSION, session);

     * Get the session header.
    public String getSession() {
        return getFirst(SESSION);

     * Set the server header.
     * Applies to the CONNECTED frame.
    public void setServer(@Nullable String server) {
        set(SERVER, server);

     * Get the server header.
     * Applies to the CONNECTED frame.
    public String getServer() {
        return getFirst(SERVER);

     * Set the destination header.
    public void setDestination(@Nullable String destination) {
        set(DESTINATION, destination);

     * Get the destination header.
     * Applies to the SEND, SUBSCRIBE, and MESSAGE frames.
    public String getDestination() {
        return getFirst(DESTINATION);

     * Set the id header.
     * Applies to the SUBSCR0BE, UNSUBSCRIBE, and ACK or NACK frames.
    public void setId(@Nullable String id) {
        set(ID, id);

     * Get the id header.
    public String getId() {
        return getFirst(ID);

     * Set the ack header to one of "auto", "client", or "client-individual".
     * Applies to the SUBSCRIBE and MESSAGE frames.
    public void setAck(@Nullable String ack) {
        set(ACK, ack);

     * Get the ack header.
    public String getAck() {
        return getFirst(ACK);

     * Set the login header.
     * Applies to the MESSAGE frame.
    public void setSubscription(@Nullable String subscription) {
        set(SUBSCRIPTION, subscription);

     * Get the subscription header.
    public String getSubscription() {
        return getFirst(SUBSCRIPTION);

     * Set the message-id header.
     * Applies to the MESSAGE frame.
    public void setMessageId(@Nullable String messageId) {
        set(MESSAGE_ID, messageId);

     * Get the message-id header.
    public String getMessageId() {
        return getFirst(MESSAGE_ID);

     * Set the receipt-id header.
     * Applies to the RECEIPT frame.
    public void setReceiptId(@Nullable String receiptId) {
        set(RECEIPT_ID, receiptId);

     * Get the receipt header.
    public String getReceiptId() {
        return getFirst(RECEIPT_ID);

     * Return the first header value for the given header name, if any.
     * @param headerName the header name
     * @return the first header value, or {@code null} if none
    public String getFirst(String headerName) {
        List<String> headerValues = this.headers.get(headerName);
        return headerValues != null ? headerValues.get(0) : null;

     * Add the given, single header value under the given name.
     * @param headerName the header name
     * @param headerValue the header value
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if adding headers is not supported
     * @see #put(String, List)
     * @see #set(String, String)
    public void add(String headerName, @Nullable String headerValue) {
        List<String> headerValues = this.headers.computeIfAbsent(headerName, k -> new LinkedList<>());

    public void addAll(String headerName, List<? extends String> headerValues) {
        List<String> currentValues = this.headers.computeIfAbsent(headerName, k -> new LinkedList<>());

    public void addAll(MultiValueMap<String, String> values) {

     * Set the given, single header value under the given name.
     * @param headerName the header name
     * @param headerValue the header value
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if adding headers is not supported
     * @see #put(String, List)
     * @see #add(String, String)
    public void set(String headerName, @Nullable String headerValue) {
        List<String> headerValues = new LinkedList<>();
        this.headers.put(headerName, headerValues);

    public void setAll(Map<String, String> values) {

    public Map<String, String> toSingleValueMap() {
        LinkedHashMap<String, String> singleValueMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(this.headers.size());
        this.headers.forEach((key, value) -> singleValueMap.put(key, value.get(0)));
        return singleValueMap;

    // Map implementation

    public int size() {
        return this.headers.size();

    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return this.headers.isEmpty();

    public boolean containsKey(Object key) {
        return this.headers.containsKey(key);

    public boolean containsValue(Object value) {
        return this.headers.containsValue(value);

    public List<String> get(Object key) {
        return this.headers.get(key);

    public List<String> put(String key, List<String> value) {
        return this.headers.put(key, value);

    public List<String> remove(Object key) {
        return this.headers.remove(key);

    public void putAll(Map<? extends String, ? extends List<String>> map) {

    public void clear() {

    public Set<String> keySet() {
        return this.headers.keySet();

    public Collection<List<String>> values() {
        return this.headers.values();

    public Set<Entry<String, List<String>>> entrySet() {
        return this.headers.entrySet();

    public boolean equals(@Nullable Object other) {
        return (this == other
                || (other instanceof StompHeaders && this.headers.equals(((StompHeaders) other).headers)));

    public int hashCode() {
        return this.headers.hashCode();

    public String toString() {
        return this.headers.toString();

     * Return a {@code StompHeaders} object that can only be read, not written to.
    public static StompHeaders readOnlyStompHeaders(@Nullable Map<String, List<String>> headers) {
        return new StompHeaders((headers != null ? headers : Collections.emptyMap()), true);
