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 * Copyright 2014-2018 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.springframework.restdocs.restassured3;

import org.springframework.restdocs.RestDocumentationContextProvider;
import org.springframework.restdocs.generate.RestDocumentationGenerator;
import org.springframework.restdocs.operation.preprocess.OperationRequestPreprocessor;
import org.springframework.restdocs.operation.preprocess.OperationResponsePreprocessor;
import org.springframework.restdocs.snippet.Snippet;

 * Static factory methods for documenting RESTful APIs using REST Assured 3.
 * @author Andy Wilkinson
 * @since 1.2.0
public abstract class RestAssuredRestDocumentation {

    private static final RestAssuredRequestConverter REQUEST_CONVERTER = new RestAssuredRequestConverter();

    private static final RestAssuredResponseConverter RESPONSE_CONVERTER = new RestAssuredResponseConverter();

    private RestAssuredRestDocumentation() {


     * Documents the API call with the given {@code identifier} using the given
     * {@code snippets}.
     * @param identifier an identifier for the API call that is being documented
     * @param snippets the snippets that will document the API call
     * @return a {@link RestDocumentationFilter} that will produce the documentation
    public static RestDocumentationFilter document(String identifier, Snippet... snippets) {
        return new RestDocumentationFilter(
                new RestDocumentationGenerator<>(identifier, REQUEST_CONVERTER, RESPONSE_CONVERTER, snippets));

     * Documents the API call with the given {@code identifier} using the given
     * {@code snippets} in addition to any default snippets. The given
     * {@code requestPreprocessor} is applied to the request before it is documented.
     * @param identifier an identifier for the API call that is being documented
     * @param requestPreprocessor the request preprocessor
     * @param snippets the snippets
     * @return a {@link RestDocumentationFilter} that will produce the documentation
    public static RestDocumentationFilter document(String identifier,
            OperationRequestPreprocessor requestPreprocessor, Snippet... snippets) {
        return new RestDocumentationFilter(new RestDocumentationGenerator<>(identifier, REQUEST_CONVERTER,
                RESPONSE_CONVERTER, requestPreprocessor, snippets));

     * Documents the API call with the given {@code identifier} using the given
     * {@code snippets} in addition to any default snippets. The given
     * {@code responsePreprocessor} is applied to the request before it is documented.
     * @param identifier an identifier for the API call that is being documented
     * @param responsePreprocessor the response preprocessor
     * @param snippets the snippets
     * @return a {@link RestDocumentationFilter} that will produce the documentation
    public static RestDocumentationFilter document(String identifier,
            OperationResponsePreprocessor responsePreprocessor, Snippet... snippets) {
        return new RestDocumentationFilter(new RestDocumentationGenerator<>(identifier, REQUEST_CONVERTER,
                RESPONSE_CONVERTER, responsePreprocessor, snippets));

     * Documents the API call with the given {@code identifier} using the given
     * {@code snippets} in addition to any default snippets. The given
     * {@code requestPreprocessor} and {@code responsePreprocessor} are applied to the
     * request and response respectively before they are documented.
     * @param identifier an identifier for the API call that is being documented
     * @param requestPreprocessor the request preprocessor
     * @param responsePreprocessor the response preprocessor
     * @param snippets the snippets
     * @return a {@link RestDocumentationFilter} that will produce the documentation
    public static RestDocumentationFilter document(String identifier,
            OperationRequestPreprocessor requestPreprocessor, OperationResponsePreprocessor responsePreprocessor,
            Snippet... snippets) {
        return new RestDocumentationFilter(new RestDocumentationGenerator<>(identifier, REQUEST_CONVERTER,
                RESPONSE_CONVERTER, requestPreprocessor, responsePreprocessor, snippets));

     * Provides access to a {@link RestAssuredRestDocumentationConfigurer} that can be
     * used to configure Spring REST Docs using the given {@code contextProvider}.
     * @param contextProvider the context provider
     * @return the configurer
    public static RestAssuredRestDocumentationConfigurer documentationConfiguration(
            RestDocumentationContextProvider contextProvider) {
        return new RestAssuredRestDocumentationConfigurer(contextProvider);
