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 * Copyright 2011-2016 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 * limitations under the License.


 * Factory for commonly used encryptors. Defines the public API for constructing
 * {@link BytesEncryptor} and {@link TextEncryptor} implementations.
 * @author Keith Donald
public class Encryptors {

     * Creates a standard password-based bytes encryptor using 256 bit AES encryption with
     * Galois Counter Mode (GCM). Derives the secret key using PKCS #5's PBKDF2
     * (Password-Based Key Derivation Function #2). Salts the password to prevent
     * dictionary attacks against the key. The provided salt is expected to be
     * hex-encoded; it should be random and at least 8 bytes in length. Also applies a
     * random 16 byte initialization vector to ensure each encrypted message will be
     * unique. Requires Java 6.
     * @param password the password used to generate the encryptor's secret key; should
     * not be shared
     * @param salt a hex-encoded, random, site-global salt value to use to generate the
     * key
     * @see #standard(CharSequence, CharSequence) which uses the slightly weaker CBC mode
     * (instead of GCM)
    public static BytesEncryptor stronger(CharSequence password, CharSequence salt) {
        return new AesBytesEncryptor(password.toString(), salt, KeyGenerators.secureRandom(16),

     * Creates a standard password-based bytes encryptor using 256 bit AES encryption.
     * Derives the secret key using PKCS #5's PBKDF2 (Password-Based Key Derivation
     * Function #2). Salts the password to prevent dictionary attacks against the key. The
     * provided salt is expected to be hex-encoded; it should be random and at least 8
     * bytes in length. Also applies a random 16 byte initialization vector to ensure each
     * encrypted message will be unique. Requires Java 6.
     * @param password the password used to generate the encryptor's secret key; should
     * not be shared
     * @param salt a hex-encoded, random, site-global salt value to use to generate the
     * key
    public static BytesEncryptor standard(CharSequence password, CharSequence salt) {
        return new AesBytesEncryptor(password.toString(), salt, KeyGenerators.secureRandom(16));

     * Creates a text encryptor that uses "stronger" password-based encryption. Encrypted
     * text is hex-encoded.
     * @param password the password used to generate the encryptor's secret key; should
     * not be shared
     * @see Encryptors#stronger(CharSequence, CharSequence)
    public static TextEncryptor delux(CharSequence password, CharSequence salt) {
        return new HexEncodingTextEncryptor(stronger(password, salt));

     * Creates a text encryptor that uses "standard" password-based encryption. Encrypted
     * text is hex-encoded.
     * @param password the password used to generate the encryptor's secret key; should
     * not be shared
     * @see Encryptors#standard(CharSequence, CharSequence)
    public static TextEncryptor text(CharSequence password, CharSequence salt) {
        return new HexEncodingTextEncryptor(standard(password, salt));

     * Creates an encryptor for queryable text strings that uses standard password-based
     * encryption. Uses a 16-byte all-zero initialization vector so encrypting the same
     * data results in the same encryption result. This is done to allow encrypted data to
     * be queried against. Encrypted text is hex-encoded.
     * @param password the password used to generate the encryptor's secret key; should
     * not be shared
     * @param salt a hex-encoded, random, site-global salt value to use to generate the
     * secret key
    public static TextEncryptor queryableText(CharSequence password, CharSequence salt) {
        return new HexEncodingTextEncryptor(new AesBytesEncryptor(password.toString(), salt));

     * Creates a text encryptor that performs no encryption. Useful for developer testing
     * environments where working with plain text strings is desired for simplicity.
    public static TextEncryptor noOpText() {
        return NO_OP_TEXT_INSTANCE;

    private Encryptors() {

    private static final TextEncryptor NO_OP_TEXT_INSTANCE = new NoOpTextEncryptor();

    private static final class NoOpTextEncryptor implements TextEncryptor {

        public String encrypt(String text) {
            return text;

        public String decrypt(String encryptedText) {
            return encryptedText;

