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 * Copyright 2015-2019 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.springframework.statemachine.config.model;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.function.Function;

import org.springframework.statemachine.StateContext;
import org.springframework.statemachine.StateMachine;
import org.springframework.statemachine.action.Action;
import org.springframework.statemachine.config.StateMachineFactory;
import org.springframework.statemachine.state.PseudoStateKind;
import org.springframework.statemachine.state.State;

import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;

 * {@code StateData} is a data representation of a {@link State} used as an
 * abstraction between a {@link StateMachineFactory} and a state machine
 * configuration.
 * @author Janne Valkealahti
 * @param <S> the type of state
 * @param <E> the type of event
public class StateData<S, E> {

    private Object parent;
    private Object region;
    private S state;
    private Collection<StateData<S, E>> submachineStateData;
    private StateMachine<S, E> submachine;
    private StateMachineFactory<S, E> submachineFactory;
    private Collection<E> deferred;
    private Collection<Function<StateContext<S, E>, Mono<Void>>> entryActions;
    private Collection<Function<StateContext<S, E>, Mono<Void>>> exitActions;
    private Collection<Function<StateContext<S, E>, Mono<Void>>> stateActions;
    private boolean initial = false;
    private Action<S, E> initialAction;
    private boolean end = false;
    private PseudoStateKind pseudoStateKind;

     * Instantiates a new state data.
     * @param state the state
    public StateData(S state) {
        this(state, false);

     * Instantiates a new state data.
     * @param state the state
     * @param initial the initial
    public StateData(S state, boolean initial) {
        this(null, null, state, null, null, null, initial);

     * Instantiates a new state data.
     * @param parent the parent
     * @param region the region
     * @param state the state
     * @param initial the initial
    public StateData(Object parent, Object region, S state, boolean initial) {
        this(parent, region, state, null, null, null, initial);

     * Instantiates a new state data.
     * @param parent the parent
     * @param region the region
     * @param state the state
     * @param deferred the deferred
     * @param entryActions the entry actions
     * @param exitActions the exit actions
    public StateData(Object parent, Object region, S state, Collection<E> deferred,
            Collection<Function<StateContext<S, E>, Mono<Void>>> entryActions,
            Collection<Function<StateContext<S, E>, Mono<Void>>> exitActions) {
        this(parent, region, state, deferred, entryActions, exitActions, false);

     * Instantiates a new state data.
     * @param parent the parent
     * @param region the region
     * @param state the state
     * @param deferred the deferred
     * @param entryActions the entry actions
     * @param exitActions the exit actions
     * @param initial the initial
    public StateData(Object parent, Object region, S state, Collection<E> deferred,
            Collection<Function<StateContext<S, E>, Mono<Void>>> entryActions,
            Collection<Function<StateContext<S, E>, Mono<Void>>> exitActions, boolean initial) {
        this(parent, region, state, deferred, entryActions, exitActions, initial, null);

     * Instantiates a new state data.
     * @param parent the parent
     * @param region the region
     * @param state the state
     * @param deferred the deferred
     * @param entryActions the entry actions
     * @param exitActions the exit actions
     * @param initial the initial
     * @param initialAction the initial action
    public StateData(Object parent, Object region, S state, Collection<E> deferred,
            Collection<Function<StateContext<S, E>, Mono<Void>>> entryActions,
            Collection<Function<StateContext<S, E>, Mono<Void>>> exitActions, boolean initial,
            Action<S, E> initialAction) {
        this.state = state;
        this.deferred = deferred;
        this.entryActions = entryActions;
        this.exitActions = exitActions;
        this.parent = parent;
        this.region = region;
        this.initial = initial;
        this.initialAction = initialAction;

     * Gets the state.
     * @return the state
    public S getState() {
        return state;

     * Gets the submachine state data.
     * @return the submachine state data
    public Collection<StateData<S, E>> getSubmachineStateData() {
        return submachineStateData;

     * Sets the submachine state data.
     * @param submachineStateData the submachine state data
    public void setSubmachineStateData(Collection<StateData<S, E>> submachineStateData) {
        this.submachineStateData = submachineStateData;

     * Gets the submachine.
     * @return the submachine
    public StateMachine<S, E> getSubmachine() {
        return submachine;

     * Sets the submachine.
     * @param submachine the submachine
    public void setSubmachine(StateMachine<S, E> submachine) {
        this.submachine = submachine;

     * Gets the submachine factory.
     * @return the submachine factory
    public StateMachineFactory<S, E> getSubmachineFactory() {
        return submachineFactory;

     * Sets the submachine factory.
     * @param submachineFactory the submachine factory
    public void setSubmachineFactory(StateMachineFactory<S, E> submachineFactory) {
        this.submachineFactory = submachineFactory;

     * Sets the submachine factory.
     * @param submachineFactory the submachine factory
    public void setSubmachine(StateMachineFactory<S, E> submachineFactory) {
        this.submachineFactory = submachineFactory;

     * Gets the deferred.
     * @return the deferred
    public Collection<E> getDeferred() {
        return deferred;

     * Sets the deferred.
     * @param deferred the new deferred
    public void setDeferred(Collection<E> deferred) {
        this.deferred = deferred;

     * Gets the entry actions.
     * @return the entry actions
    public Collection<Function<StateContext<S, E>, Mono<Void>>> getEntryActions() {
        return entryActions;

     * Sets the entry actions.
     * @param entryActions the entry actions
    public void setEntryActions(Collection<Function<StateContext<S, E>, Mono<Void>>> entryActions) {
        this.entryActions = entryActions;

     * Gets the exit actions.
     * @return the exit actions
    public Collection<Function<StateContext<S, E>, Mono<Void>>> getExitActions() {
        return exitActions;

     * Sets the exit actions.
     * @param exitActions the exit actions
    public void setExitActions(Collection<Function<StateContext<S, E>, Mono<Void>>> exitActions) {
        this.exitActions = exitActions;

     * Gets the state actions.
     * @return the state actions
    public Collection<Function<StateContext<S, E>, Mono<Void>>> getStateActions() {
        return stateActions;

     * Sets the state actions.
     * @param stateActions the state actions
    public void setStateActions(Collection<Function<StateContext<S, E>, Mono<Void>>> stateActions) {
        this.stateActions = stateActions;

     * Gets the parent.
     * @return the parent
    public Object getParent() {
        return parent;

     * Sets the parent.
     * @param parent the new parent
    public void setParent(Object parent) {
        this.parent = parent;

     * Gets the region.
     * @return the region
    public Object getRegion() {
        return region;

     * Sets the region.
     * @param region the new region
    public void setRegion(Object region) {
        this.region = region;

     * Checks if is initial.
     * @return true, if is initial
    public boolean isInitial() {
        return initial;

     * Sets the initial.
     * @param initial the new initial
    public void setInitial(boolean initial) {
        this.initial = initial;

     * Sets the initial action.
     * @param action the action
    public void setInitialAction(Action<S, E> action) {
        this.initialAction = action;

    public Action<S, E> getInitialAction() {
        return initialAction;

     * Checks if is end.
     * @return true, if is end
    public boolean isEnd() {
        return end;

     * Sets the end.
     * @param end the new end
    public void setEnd(boolean end) {
        this.end = end;

     * Gets the pseudo state kind.
     * @return the pseudo state kind
    public PseudoStateKind getPseudoStateKind() {
        return pseudoStateKind;

     * Sets the pseudo state kind.
     * @param pseudoStateKind the new pseudo state kind
    public void setPseudoStateKind(PseudoStateKind pseudoStateKind) {
        this.pseudoStateKind = pseudoStateKind;

    public String toString() {
        return "StateData [parent=" + parent + ", region=" + region + ", state=" + state + ", deferred=" + deferred
                + ", entryActions=" + entryActions + ", exitActions=" + exitActions + ", initial=" + initial
                + ", initialAction=" + initialAction + ", end=" + end + ", pseudoStateKind=" + pseudoStateKind
                + "]";
