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 * Copyright 2002-2018 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.springframework.web.servlet.tags.form;

import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.Deque;
import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException;
import javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext;

import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;

 * Utility class for writing HTML content to a {@link Writer} instance.
 * <p>Intended to support output from JSP tag libraries.
 * @author Rob Harrop
 * @author Juergen Hoeller
 * @since 2.0
public class TagWriter {

     * The {@link SafeWriter} to write to.
    private final SafeWriter writer;

     * Stores {@link TagStateEntry tag state}. Stack model naturally supports tag nesting.
    private final Deque<TagStateEntry> tagState = new ArrayDeque<>();

     * Create a new instance of the {@link TagWriter} class that writes to
     * the supplied {@link PageContext}.
     * @param pageContext the JSP PageContext to obtain the {@link Writer} from
    public TagWriter(PageContext pageContext) {
        Assert.notNull(pageContext, "PageContext must not be null");
        this.writer = new SafeWriter(pageContext);

     * Create a new instance of the {@link TagWriter} class that writes to
     * the supplied {@link Writer}.
     * @param writer the {@link Writer} to write tag content to
    public TagWriter(Writer writer) {
        Assert.notNull(writer, "Writer must not be null");
        this.writer = new SafeWriter(writer);

     * Start a new tag with the supplied name. Leaves the tag open so
     * that attributes, inner text or nested tags can be written into it.
     * @see #endTag()
    public void startTag(String tagName) throws JspException {
        if (inTag()) {

     * Write an HTML attribute with the specified name and value.
     * <p>Be sure to write all attributes <strong>before</strong> writing
     * any inner text or nested tags.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the opening tag is closed
    public void writeAttribute(String attributeName, String attributeValue) throws JspException {
        if (currentState().isBlockTag()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot write attributes after opening tag is closed.");
        this.writer.append(" ").append(attributeName).append("=\"").append(attributeValue).append("\"");

     * Write an HTML attribute if the supplied value is not {@code null}
     * or zero length.
     * @see #writeAttribute(String, String)
    public void writeOptionalAttributeValue(String attributeName, @Nullable String attributeValue)
            throws JspException {
        if (StringUtils.hasText(attributeValue)) {
            writeAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue);

     * Close the current opening tag (if necessary) and appends the
     * supplied value as inner text.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if no tag is open
    public void appendValue(String value) throws JspException {
        if (!inTag()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot write tag value. No open tag available.");

     * Indicate that the currently open tag should be closed and marked
     * as a block level element.
     * <p>Useful when you plan to write additional content in the body
     * outside the context of the current {@link TagWriter}.
    public void forceBlock() throws JspException {
        if (currentState().isBlockTag()) {
            return; // just ignore since we are already in the block

     * Close the current tag.
     * <p>Correctly writes an empty tag if no inner text or nested tags
     * have been written.
    public void endTag() throws JspException {

     * Close the current tag, allowing to enforce a full closing tag.
     * <p>Correctly writes an empty tag if no inner text or nested tags
     * have been written.
     * @param enforceClosingTag whether a full closing tag should be
     * rendered in any case, even in case of a non-block tag
    public void endTag(boolean enforceClosingTag) throws JspException {
        if (!inTag()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot write end of tag. No open tag available.");
        boolean renderClosingTag = true;
        if (!currentState().isBlockTag()) {
            // Opening tag still needs to be closed...
            if (enforceClosingTag) {
            } else {
                renderClosingTag = false;
        if (renderClosingTag) {

     * Adds the supplied tag name to the {@link #tagState tag state}.
    private void push(String tagName) {
        this.tagState.push(new TagStateEntry(tagName));

     * Closes the current opening tag and marks it as a block tag.
    private void closeTagAndMarkAsBlock() throws JspException {
        if (!currentState().isBlockTag()) {

    private boolean inTag() {
        return !this.tagState.isEmpty();

    private TagStateEntry currentState() {
        return this.tagState.element();

     * Holds state about a tag and its rendered behavior.
    private static class TagStateEntry {

        private final String tagName;

        private boolean blockTag;

        public TagStateEntry(String tagName) {
            this.tagName = tagName;

        public String getTagName() {
            return this.tagName;

        public void markAsBlockTag() {
            this.blockTag = true;

        public boolean isBlockTag() {
            return this.blockTag;

     * Simple {@link Writer} wrapper that wraps all
     * {@link IOException IOExceptions} in {@link JspException JspExceptions}.
    private static final class SafeWriter {

        private PageContext pageContext;

        private Writer writer;

        public SafeWriter(PageContext pageContext) {
            this.pageContext = pageContext;

        public SafeWriter(Writer writer) {
            this.writer = writer;

        public SafeWriter append(String value) throws JspException {
            try {
                return this;
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                throw new JspException("Unable to write to JspWriter", ex);

        private Writer getWriterToUse() {
            Writer writer = (this.pageContext != null ? this.pageContext.getOut() : this.writer);
            Assert.state(writer != null, "No Writer available");
            return writer;
