Source code

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 * Copyright 2002-2019 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.springframework.web.servlet.view;

import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils;
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.ObjectUtils;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
import org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.HandlerMapping;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.SmartView;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.View;
import org.springframework.web.util.UriComponentsBuilder;
import org.springframework.web.util.UriUtils;
import org.springframework.web.util.WebUtils;

 * View that redirects to an absolute, context relative, or current request
 * relative URL. The URL may be a URI template in which case the URI template
 * variables will be replaced with values available in the model. By default
 * all primitive model attributes (or collections thereof) are exposed as HTTP
 * query parameters (assuming they've not been used as URI template variables),
 * but this behavior can be changed by overriding the
 * {@link #isEligibleProperty(String, Object)} method.
 * <p>A URL for this view is supposed to be a HTTP redirect URL, i.e.
 * suitable for HttpServletResponse's {@code sendRedirect} method, which
 * is what actually does the redirect if the HTTP 1.0 flag is on, or via sending
 * back an HTTP 303 code - if the HTTP 1.0 compatibility flag is off.
 * <p>Note that while the default value for the "contextRelative" flag is off,
 * you will probably want to almost always set it to true. With the flag off,
 * URLs starting with "/" are considered relative to the web server root, while
 * with the flag on, they are considered relative to the web application root.
 * Since most web applications will never know or care what their context path
 * actually is, they are much better off setting this flag to true, and submitting
 * paths which are to be considered relative to the web application root.
 * <p><b>NOTE when using this redirect view in a Portlet environment:</b> Make sure
 * that your controller respects the Portlet {@code sendRedirect} constraints.
 * @author Rod Johnson
 * @author Juergen Hoeller
 * @author Colin Sampaleanu
 * @author Sam Brannen
 * @author Arjen Poutsma
 * @author Rossen Stoyanchev
 * @see #setContextRelative
 * @see #setHttp10Compatible
 * @see #setExposeModelAttributes
 * @see javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse#sendRedirect
public class RedirectView extends AbstractUrlBasedView implements SmartView {

    private static final Pattern URI_TEMPLATE_VARIABLE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\{([^/]+?)\\}");

    private boolean contextRelative = false;

    private boolean http10Compatible = true;

    private boolean exposeModelAttributes = true;

    private String encodingScheme;

    private HttpStatus statusCode;

    private boolean expandUriTemplateVariables = true;

    private boolean propagateQueryParams = false;

    private String[] hosts;

     * Constructor for use as a bean.
    public RedirectView() {

     * Create a new RedirectView with the given URL.
     * <p>The given URL will be considered as relative to the web server,
     * not as relative to the current ServletContext.
     * @param url the URL to redirect to
     * @see #RedirectView(String, boolean)
    public RedirectView(String url) {

     * Create a new RedirectView with the given URL.
     * @param url the URL to redirect to
     * @param contextRelative whether to interpret the given URL as
     * relative to the current ServletContext
    public RedirectView(String url, boolean contextRelative) {
        this.contextRelative = contextRelative;

     * Create a new RedirectView with the given URL.
     * @param url the URL to redirect to
     * @param contextRelative whether to interpret the given URL as
     * relative to the current ServletContext
     * @param http10Compatible whether to stay compatible with HTTP 1.0 clients
    public RedirectView(String url, boolean contextRelative, boolean http10Compatible) {
        this.contextRelative = contextRelative;
        this.http10Compatible = http10Compatible;

     * Create a new RedirectView with the given URL.
     * @param url the URL to redirect to
     * @param contextRelative whether to interpret the given URL as
     * relative to the current ServletContext
     * @param http10Compatible whether to stay compatible with HTTP 1.0 clients
     * @param exposeModelAttributes whether or not model attributes should be
     * exposed as query parameters
    public RedirectView(String url, boolean contextRelative, boolean http10Compatible,
            boolean exposeModelAttributes) {
        this.contextRelative = contextRelative;
        this.http10Compatible = http10Compatible;
        this.exposeModelAttributes = exposeModelAttributes;

     * Set whether to interpret a given URL that starts with a slash ("/")
     * as relative to the current ServletContext, i.e. as relative to the
     * web application root.
     * <p>Default is "false": A URL that starts with a slash will be interpreted
     * as absolute, i.e. taken as-is. If "true", the context path will be
     * prepended to the URL in such a case.
     * @see javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest#getContextPath
    public void setContextRelative(boolean contextRelative) {
        this.contextRelative = contextRelative;

     * Set whether to stay compatible with HTTP 1.0 clients.
     * <p>In the default implementation, this will enforce HTTP status code 302
     * in any case, i.e. delegate to {@code HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect}.
     * Turning this off will send HTTP status code 303, which is the correct
     * code for HTTP 1.1 clients, but not understood by HTTP 1.0 clients.
     * <p>Many HTTP 1.1 clients treat 302 just like 303, not making any
     * difference. However, some clients depend on 303 when redirecting
     * after a POST request; turn this flag off in such a scenario.
     * @see javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse#sendRedirect
    public void setHttp10Compatible(boolean http10Compatible) {
        this.http10Compatible = http10Compatible;

     * Set the {@code exposeModelAttributes} flag which denotes whether
     * or not model attributes should be exposed as HTTP query parameters.
     * <p>Defaults to {@code true}.
    public void setExposeModelAttributes(final boolean exposeModelAttributes) {
        this.exposeModelAttributes = exposeModelAttributes;

     * Set the encoding scheme for this view.
     * <p>Default is the request's encoding scheme
     * (which is ISO-8859-1 if not specified otherwise).
    public void setEncodingScheme(String encodingScheme) {
        this.encodingScheme = encodingScheme;

     * Set the status code for this view.
     * <p>Default is to send 302/303, depending on the value of the
     * {@link #setHttp10Compatible(boolean) http10Compatible} flag.
    public void setStatusCode(HttpStatus statusCode) {
        this.statusCode = statusCode;

     * Whether to treat the redirect URL as a URI template.
     * Set this flag to {@code false} if the redirect URL contains open
     * and close curly braces "{", "}" and you don't want them interpreted
     * as URI variables.
     * <p>Defaults to {@code true}.
    public void setExpandUriTemplateVariables(boolean expandUriTemplateVariables) {
        this.expandUriTemplateVariables = expandUriTemplateVariables;

     * When set to {@code true} the query string of the current URL is appended
     * and thus propagated through to the redirected URL.
     * <p>Defaults to {@code false}.
     * @since 4.1
    public void setPropagateQueryParams(boolean propagateQueryParams) {
        this.propagateQueryParams = propagateQueryParams;

     * Whether to propagate the query params of the current URL.
     * @since 4.1
    public boolean isPropagateQueryProperties() {
        return this.propagateQueryParams;

     * Configure one or more hosts associated with the application.
     * All other hosts will be considered external hosts.
     * <p>In effect, this property provides a way turn off encoding via
     * {@link HttpServletResponse#encodeRedirectURL} for URLs that have a
     * host and that host is not listed as a known host.
     * <p>If not set (the default) all URLs are encoded through the response.
     * @param hosts one or more application hosts
     * @since 4.3
    public void setHosts(@Nullable String... hosts) {
        this.hosts = hosts;

     * Return the configured application hosts.
     * @since 4.3
    public String[] getHosts() {
        return this.hosts;

     * Returns "true" indicating this view performs a redirect.
    public boolean isRedirectView() {
        return true;

     * An ApplicationContext is not strictly required for RedirectView.
    protected boolean isContextRequired() {
        return false;

     * Convert model to request parameters and redirect to the given URL.
     * @see #appendQueryProperties
     * @see #sendRedirect
    protected void renderMergedOutputModel(Map<String, Object> model, HttpServletRequest request,
            HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {

        String targetUrl = createTargetUrl(model, request);
        targetUrl = updateTargetUrl(targetUrl, model, request, response);

        // Save flash attributes
        RequestContextUtils.saveOutputFlashMap(targetUrl, request, response);

        // Redirect
        sendRedirect(request, response, targetUrl, this.http10Compatible);

     * Create the target URL by checking if the redirect string is a URI template first,
     * expanding it with the given model, and then optionally appending simple type model
     * attributes as query String parameters.
    protected final String createTargetUrl(Map<String, Object> model, HttpServletRequest request)
            throws UnsupportedEncodingException {

        // Prepare target URL.
        StringBuilder targetUrl = new StringBuilder();
        String url = getUrl();
        Assert.state(url != null, "'url' not set");

        if (this.contextRelative && getUrl().startsWith("/")) {
            // Do not apply context path to relative URLs.

        String enc = this.encodingScheme;
        if (enc == null) {
            enc = request.getCharacterEncoding();
        if (enc == null) {
            enc = WebUtils.DEFAULT_CHARACTER_ENCODING;

        if (this.expandUriTemplateVariables && StringUtils.hasText(targetUrl)) {
            Map<String, String> variables = getCurrentRequestUriVariables(request);
            targetUrl = replaceUriTemplateVariables(targetUrl.toString(), model, variables, enc);
        if (isPropagateQueryProperties()) {
            appendCurrentQueryParams(targetUrl, request);
        if (this.exposeModelAttributes) {
            appendQueryProperties(targetUrl, model, enc);

        return targetUrl.toString();

    private String getContextPath(HttpServletRequest request) {
        String contextPath = request.getContextPath();
        while (contextPath.startsWith("//")) {
            contextPath = contextPath.substring(1);
        return contextPath;

     * Replace URI template variables in the target URL with encoded model
     * attributes or URI variables from the current request. Model attributes
     * referenced in the URL are removed from the model.
     * @param targetUrl the redirect URL
     * @param model a Map that contains model attributes
     * @param currentUriVariables current request URI variables to use
     * @param encodingScheme the encoding scheme to use
     * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException if string encoding failed
    protected StringBuilder replaceUriTemplateVariables(String targetUrl, Map<String, Object> model,
            Map<String, String> currentUriVariables, String encodingScheme) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {

        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
        Matcher matcher = URI_TEMPLATE_VARIABLE_PATTERN.matcher(targetUrl);
        int endLastMatch = 0;
        while (matcher.find()) {
            String name =;
            Object value = (model.containsKey(name) ? model.remove(name) : currentUriVariables.get(name));
            if (value == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Model has no value for key '" + name + "'");
            result.append(targetUrl.substring(endLastMatch, matcher.start()));
            result.append(UriUtils.encodePathSegment(value.toString(), encodingScheme));
            endLastMatch = matcher.end();
        return result;

    private Map<String, String> getCurrentRequestUriVariables(HttpServletRequest request) {
        String name = HandlerMapping.URI_TEMPLATE_VARIABLES_ATTRIBUTE;
        Map<String, String> uriVars = (Map<String, String>) request.getAttribute(name);
        return (uriVars != null) ? uriVars : Collections.<String, String>emptyMap();

     * Append the query string of the current request to the target redirect URL.
     * @param targetUrl the StringBuilder to append the properties to
     * @param request the current request
     * @since 4.1
    protected void appendCurrentQueryParams(StringBuilder targetUrl, HttpServletRequest request) {
        String query = request.getQueryString();
        if (StringUtils.hasText(query)) {
            // Extract anchor fragment, if any.
            String fragment = null;
            int anchorIndex = targetUrl.indexOf("#");
            if (anchorIndex > -1) {
                fragment = targetUrl.substring(anchorIndex);
                targetUrl.delete(anchorIndex, targetUrl.length());

            if (targetUrl.toString().indexOf('?') < 0) {
            } else {
            // Append anchor fragment, if any, to end of URL.
            if (fragment != null) {

     * Append query properties to the redirect URL.
     * Stringifies, URL-encodes and formats model attributes as query properties.
     * @param targetUrl the StringBuilder to append the properties to
     * @param model a Map that contains model attributes
     * @param encodingScheme the encoding scheme to use
     * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException if string encoding failed
     * @see #queryProperties
    protected void appendQueryProperties(StringBuilder targetUrl, Map<String, Object> model, String encodingScheme)
            throws UnsupportedEncodingException {

        // Extract anchor fragment, if any.
        String fragment = null;
        int anchorIndex = targetUrl.indexOf("#");
        if (anchorIndex > -1) {
            fragment = targetUrl.substring(anchorIndex);
            targetUrl.delete(anchorIndex, targetUrl.length());

        // If there aren't already some parameters, we need a "?".
        boolean first = (targetUrl.toString().indexOf('?') < 0);
        for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : queryProperties(model).entrySet()) {
            Object rawValue = entry.getValue();
            Collection<Object> values;
            if (rawValue != null && rawValue.getClass().isArray()) {
                values = Arrays.asList(ObjectUtils.toObjectArray(rawValue));
            } else if (rawValue instanceof Collection) {
                values = ((Collection<Object>) rawValue);
            } else {
                values = Collections.singleton(rawValue);
            for (Object value : values) {
                if (first) {
                    first = false;
                } else {
                String encodedKey = urlEncode(entry.getKey(), encodingScheme);
                String encodedValue = (value != null ? urlEncode(value.toString(), encodingScheme) : "");

        // Append anchor fragment, if any, to end of URL.
        if (fragment != null) {

     * Determine name-value pairs for query strings, which will be stringified,
     * URL-encoded and formatted by {@link #appendQueryProperties}.
     * <p>This implementation filters the model through checking
     * {@link #isEligibleProperty(String, Object)} for each element,
     * by default accepting Strings, primitives and primitive wrappers only.
     * @param model the original model Map
     * @return the filtered Map of eligible query properties
     * @see #isEligibleProperty(String, Object)
    protected Map<String, Object> queryProperties(Map<String, Object> model) {
        Map<String, Object> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        model.forEach((name, value) -> {
            if (isEligibleProperty(name, value)) {
                result.put(name, value);
        return result;

     * Determine whether the given model element should be exposed
     * as a query property.
     * <p>The default implementation considers Strings and primitives
     * as eligible, and also arrays and Collections/Iterables with
     * corresponding elements. This can be overridden in subclasses.
     * @param key the key of the model element
     * @param value the value of the model element
     * @return whether the element is eligible as query property
    protected boolean isEligibleProperty(String key, @Nullable Object value) {
        if (value == null) {
            return false;
        if (isEligibleValue(value)) {
            return true;
        if (value.getClass().isArray()) {
            int length = Array.getLength(value);
            if (length == 0) {
                return false;
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                Object element = Array.get(value, i);
                if (!isEligibleValue(element)) {
                    return false;
            return true;
        if (value instanceof Collection) {
            Collection<?> coll = (Collection<?>) value;
            if (coll.isEmpty()) {
                return false;
            for (Object element : coll) {
                if (!isEligibleValue(element)) {
                    return false;
            return true;
        return false;

     * Determine whether the given model element value is eligible for exposure.
     * <p>The default implementation considers primitives, strings, numbers, dates,
     * URIs, URLs etc as eligible, according to {@link BeanUtils#isSimpleValueType}.
     * This can be overridden in subclasses.
     * @param value the model element value
     * @return whether the element value is eligible
     * @see BeanUtils#isSimpleValueType
    protected boolean isEligibleValue(@Nullable Object value) {
        return (value != null && BeanUtils.isSimpleValueType(value.getClass()));

     * URL-encode the given input String with the given encoding scheme.
     * <p>The default implementation uses {@code URLEncoder.encode(input, enc)}.
     * @param input the unencoded input String
     * @param encodingScheme the encoding scheme
     * @return the encoded output String
     * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException if thrown by the JDK URLEncoder
     * @see, String)
    protected String urlEncode(String input, String encodingScheme) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
        return URLEncoder.encode(input, encodingScheme);

     * Find the registered {@link RequestDataValueProcessor}, if any, and allow
     * it to update the redirect target URL.
     * @param targetUrl the given redirect URL
     * @return the updated URL or the same as URL as the one passed in
    protected String updateTargetUrl(String targetUrl, Map<String, Object> model, HttpServletRequest request,
            HttpServletResponse response) {

        WebApplicationContext wac = getWebApplicationContext();
        if (wac == null) {
            wac = RequestContextUtils.findWebApplicationContext(request, getServletContext());

        if (wac != null && wac.containsBean(RequestContextUtils.REQUEST_DATA_VALUE_PROCESSOR_BEAN_NAME)) {
            RequestDataValueProcessor processor = wac.getBean(
                    RequestContextUtils.REQUEST_DATA_VALUE_PROCESSOR_BEAN_NAME, RequestDataValueProcessor.class);
            return processor.processUrl(request, targetUrl);

        return targetUrl;

     * Send a redirect back to the HTTP client.
     * @param request current HTTP request (allows for reacting to request method)
     * @param response current HTTP response (for sending response headers)
     * @param targetUrl the target URL to redirect to
     * @param http10Compatible whether to stay compatible with HTTP 1.0 clients
     * @throws IOException if thrown by response methods
    protected void sendRedirect(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String targetUrl,
            boolean http10Compatible) throws IOException {

        String encodedURL = (isRemoteHost(targetUrl) ? targetUrl : response.encodeRedirectURL(targetUrl));
        if (http10Compatible) {
            HttpStatus attributeStatusCode = (HttpStatus) request.getAttribute(View.RESPONSE_STATUS_ATTRIBUTE);
            if (this.statusCode != null) {
                response.setHeader("Location", encodedURL);
            } else if (attributeStatusCode != null) {
                response.setHeader("Location", encodedURL);
            } else {
                // Send status code 302 by default.
        } else {
            HttpStatus statusCode = getHttp11StatusCode(request, response, targetUrl);
            response.setHeader("Location", encodedURL);

     * Whether the given targetUrl has a host that is a "foreign" system in which
     * case {@link HttpServletResponse#encodeRedirectURL} will not be applied.
     * This method returns {@code true} if the {@link #setHosts(String[])}
     * property is configured and the target URL has a host that does not match.
     * @param targetUrl the target redirect URL
     * @return {@code true} the target URL has a remote host, {@code false} if it
     * the URL does not have a host or the "host" property is not configured.
     * @since 4.3
    protected boolean isRemoteHost(String targetUrl) {
        if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(getHosts())) {
            return false;
        String targetHost = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUriString(targetUrl).build().getHost();
        if (!StringUtils.hasLength(targetHost)) {
            return false;
        for (String host : getHosts()) {
            if (targetHost.equals(host)) {
                return false;
        return true;

     * Determines the status code to use for HTTP 1.1 compatible requests.
     * <p>The default implementation returns the {@link #setStatusCode(HttpStatus) statusCode}
     * property if set, or the value of the {@link #RESPONSE_STATUS_ATTRIBUTE} attribute.
     * If neither are set, it defaults to {@link HttpStatus#SEE_OTHER} (303).
     * @param request the request to inspect
     * @param response the servlet response
     * @param targetUrl the target URL
     * @return the response status
    protected HttpStatus getHttp11StatusCode(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
            String targetUrl) {

        if (this.statusCode != null) {
            return this.statusCode;
        HttpStatus attributeStatusCode = (HttpStatus) request.getAttribute(View.RESPONSE_STATUS_ATTRIBUTE);
        if (attributeStatusCode != null) {
            return attributeStatusCode;
        return HttpStatus.SEE_OTHER;
