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 * Created on Nov 26, 2005
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.
 * Copyright @2005 the original author or authors.
package org.springmodules.util;

import junit.framework.TestCase;

import org.springframework.util.ObjectUtils;

 * <p>
 * Unit Tests for <code>{@link Objects}</code>.
 * </p>
 * @author Alex Ruiz
public class ObjectsTests extends TestCase {

    public ObjectsTests(String name) {

    public void testHashCodeWithBooleanFalse() {
        int expected = Boolean.FALSE.hashCode();
        assertEquals(expected, Objects.hashCode(false));

    public void testHashCodeWithBooleanTrue() {
        int expected = Boolean.TRUE.hashCode();
        assertEquals(expected, Objects.hashCode(true));

    public void testHashCodeWithDouble() {
        double dbl = 9830.43;
        int expected = (new Double(dbl)).hashCode();
        assertEquals(expected, Objects.hashCode(dbl));

    public void testHashCodeWithFloat() {
        float flt = 34.8f;
        int expected = (new Float(flt)).hashCode();
        assertEquals(expected, Objects.hashCode(flt));

    public void testHashCodeWithLong() {
        long lng = 883l;
        int expected = (new Long(lng)).hashCode();
        assertEquals(expected, Objects.hashCode(lng));

     * Verifies that the method
     * <code>{@link Objects#identityToString(Object)}</code> returns a
     * <code>StringBuffer</code> containing the class name of the given object,
     * the "@" symbol and the hex string form of the object's identity hash code.
    public void testIdentityToString() {
        Object obj = new Object();

        StringBuffer expected = new StringBuffer(obj.getClass().getName());
        expected.append("@" + ObjectUtils.getIdentityHexString(obj));

        StringBuffer actual = Objects.identityToString(obj);

        assertEquals(expected.toString(), actual.toString());

     * Verifies that the method
     * <code>{@link Objects#identityToString(Object)}</code> returns an empty
     * <code>StringBuffer</code> if the given object is <code>null</code>.
    public void testIdentityToStringWithNullObject() {
        assertEquals("", Objects.identityToString(null).toString());

    public void testIsArrayOfPrimitivesWithBooleanArray() {
        assertTrue(Objects.isArrayOfPrimitives(new boolean[] { true, false }));

    public void testIsArrayOfPrimitivesWithObjectArray() {
        assertFalse(Objects.isArrayOfPrimitives(new Object[] { "Darth Vader " }));

    public void testIsArrayOfPrimitivesWithObjectEqualToNull() {

    public void testIsArrayOfPrimitivesWithObjectNotBeingArray() {
        assertFalse(Objects.isArrayOfPrimitives("Han Solo"));

    public void testIsPrimitiveOrWrapperWithBooleanPrimitiveClass() {

    public void testIsPrimitiveOrWrapperWithBooleanWrapperClass() {

    public void testIsPrimitiveOrWrapperWithBytePrimitiveClass() {

    public void testIsPrimitiveOrWrapperWithByteWrapperClass() {

    public void testIsPrimitiveOrWrapperWithCharacterClass() {

    public void testIsPrimitiveOrWrapperWithCharClass() {

    public void testIsPrimitiveOrWrapperWithDoublePrimitiveClass() {

    public void testIsPrimitiveOrWrapperWithDoubleWrapperClass() {

    public void testIsPrimitiveOrWrapperWithFloatPrimitiveClass() {

    public void testIsPrimitiveOrWrapperWithFloatWrapperClass() {

    public void testIsPrimitiveOrWrapperWithIntClass() {

    public void testIsPrimitiveOrWrapperWithIntegerClass() {

    public void testIsPrimitiveOrWrapperWithLongPrimitiveClass() {

    public void testIsPrimitiveOrWrapperWithLongWrapperClass() {

    public void testIsPrimitiveOrWrapperWithNonPrimitiveOrWrapperClass() {

    public void testIsPrimitiveOrWrapperWithShortPrimitiveClass() {

    public void testIsPrimitiveOrWrapperWithShortWrapperClass() {

    public void testNullSafeHashCodeWithBooleanArray() {
        int expected = 31 * 7 + Boolean.TRUE.hashCode();
        expected = 31 * expected + Boolean.FALSE.hashCode();

        boolean[] array = { true, false };
        int actual = Objects.nullSafeHashCode(array);

        assertEquals(expected, actual);

    public void testNullSafeHashCodeWithBooleanArrayEqualToNull() {
        assertEquals(0, Objects.nullSafeHashCode((boolean[]) null));

    public void testNullSafeHashCodeWithByteArray() {
        int expected = 31 * 7 + 8;
        expected = 31 * expected + 10;

        byte[] array = { 8, 10 };
        int actual = Objects.nullSafeHashCode(array);

        assertEquals(expected, actual);

    public void testNullSafeHashCodeWithByteArrayEqualToNull() {
        assertEquals(0, Objects.nullSafeHashCode((byte[]) null));

    public void testNullSafeHashCodeWithCharArray() {
        int expected = 31 * 7 + 'a';
        expected = 31 * expected + 'E';

        char[] array = { 'a', 'E' };
        int actual = Objects.nullSafeHashCode(array);

        assertEquals(expected, actual);

    public void testNullSafeHashCodeWithCharArrayEqualToNull() {
        assertEquals(0, Objects.nullSafeHashCode((char[]) null));

    public void testNullSafeHashCodeWithDoubleArray() {
        long bits = Double.doubleToLongBits(8449.65);
        int expected = 31 * 7 + (int) (bits ^ (bits >>> 32));
        bits = Double.doubleToLongBits(9944.923);
        expected = 31 * expected + (int) (bits ^ (bits >>> 32));

        double[] array = { 8449.65, 9944.923 };
        int actual = Objects.nullSafeHashCode(array);

        assertEquals(expected, actual);

    public void testNullSafeHashCodeWithDoubleArrayEqualToNull() {
        assertEquals(0, Objects.nullSafeHashCode((double[]) null));

    public void testNullSafeHashCodeWithFloatArray() {
        int expected = 31 * 7 + Float.floatToIntBits(9.6f);
        expected = 31 * expected + Float.floatToIntBits(7.4f);

        float[] array = { 9.6f, 7.4f };
        int actual = Objects.nullSafeHashCode(array);

        assertEquals(expected, actual);

    public void testNullSafeHashCodeWithFloatArrayEqualToNull() {
        assertEquals(0, Objects.nullSafeHashCode((float[]) null));

    public void testNullSafeHashCodeWithIntArray() {
        int expected = 31 * 7 + 884;
        expected = 31 * expected + 340;

        int[] array = { 884, 340 };
        int actual = Objects.nullSafeHashCode(array);

        assertEquals(expected, actual);

    public void testNullSafeHashCodeWithIntArrayEqualToNull() {
        assertEquals(0, Objects.nullSafeHashCode((int[]) null));

    public void testNullSafeHashCodeWithLongArray() {
        long lng = 7993l;
        int expected = 31 * 7 + (int) (lng ^ (lng >>> 32));
        lng = 84320l;
        expected = 31 * expected + (int) (lng ^ (lng >>> 32));

        long[] array = { 7993l, 84320l };
        int actual = Objects.nullSafeHashCode(array);

        assertEquals(expected, actual);

    public void testNullSafeHashCodeWithLongArrayEqualToNull() {
        assertEquals(0, Objects.nullSafeHashCode((long[]) null));

    public void testNullSafeHashCodeWithObject() {
        String str = "Luke";
        assertEquals(str.hashCode(), Objects.nullSafeHashCode(str));

    public void testNullSafeHashCodeWithObjectArray() {
        int expected = 31 * 7 + "Leia".hashCode();
        expected = 31 * expected + "Han".hashCode();

        Object[] array = { "Leia", "Han" };
        int actual = Objects.nullSafeHashCode(array);

        assertEquals(expected, actual);

    public void testNullSafeHashCodeWithObjectArrayEqualToNull() {
        assertEquals(0, Objects.nullSafeHashCode((Object[]) null));

     * Verifies that the method
     * <code>{@link Objects#nullSafeHashCode(Object)}</code> calls
     * <code>{@link Objects#nullSafeHashCode(boolean[])}</code> is the given
     * object is an array of <code>boolean</code>.
    public void testNullSafeHashCodeWithObjectBeingBooleanArray() {
        Object array = new boolean[] { true, false };
        int expected = Objects.nullSafeHashCode((boolean[]) array);
        assertEqualHashCodes(expected, array);

     * Verifies that the method
     * <code>{@link Objects#nullSafeHashCode(Object)}</code> calls
     * <code>{@link Objects#nullSafeHashCode(byte[])}</code> is the given object
     * is an array of <code>byte</code>.
    public void testNullSafeHashCodeWithObjectBeingByteArray() {
        Object array = new byte[] { 6, 39 };
        int expected = Objects.nullSafeHashCode((byte[]) array);
        assertEqualHashCodes(expected, array);

     * Verifies that the method
     * <code>{@link Objects#nullSafeHashCode(Object)}</code> calls
     * <code>{@link Objects#nullSafeHashCode(char[])}</code> is the given object
     * is an array of <code>char</code>.
    public void testNullSafeHashCodeWithObjectBeingCharArray() {
        Object array = new char[] { 'l', 'M' };
        int expected = Objects.nullSafeHashCode((char[]) array);
        assertEqualHashCodes(expected, array);

     * Verifies that the method
     * <code>{@link Objects#nullSafeHashCode(Object)}</code> calls
     * <code>{@link Objects#nullSafeHashCode(double[])}</code> is the given
     * object is an array of <code>double</code>.
    public void testNullSafeHashCodeWithObjectBeingDoubleArray() {
        Object array = new double[] { 68930.993, 9022.009 };
        int expected = Objects.nullSafeHashCode((double[]) array);
        assertEqualHashCodes(expected, array);

     * Verifies that the method
     * <code>{@link Objects#nullSafeHashCode(Object)}</code> calls
     * <code>{@link Objects#nullSafeHashCode(float[])}</code> is the given
     * object is an array of <code>float</code>.
    public void testNullSafeHashCodeWithObjectBeingFloatArray() {
        Object array = new float[] { 9.9f, 9.54f };
        int expected = Objects.nullSafeHashCode((float[]) array);
        assertEqualHashCodes(expected, array);

     * Verifies that the method
     * <code>{@link Objects#nullSafeHashCode(Object)}</code> calls
     * <code>{@link Objects#nullSafeHashCode(int[])}</code> is the given object
     * is an array of <code>int</code>.
    public void testNullSafeHashCodeWithObjectBeingIntArray() {
        Object array = new int[] { 89, 32 };
        int expected = Objects.nullSafeHashCode((int[]) array);
        assertEqualHashCodes(expected, array);

     * Verifies that the method
     * <code>{@link Objects#nullSafeHashCode(Object)}</code> calls
     * <code>{@link Objects#nullSafeHashCode(long[])}</code> is the given object
     * is an array of <code>long</code>.
    public void testNullSafeHashCodeWithObjectBeingLongArray() {
        Object array = new long[] { 4389, 320 };
        int expected = Objects.nullSafeHashCode((long[]) array);
        assertEqualHashCodes(expected, array);

     * Verifies that the method
     * <code>{@link Objects#nullSafeHashCode(Object)}</code> calls
     * <code>{@link Objects#nullSafeHashCode(Object[])}</code> is the given
     * object is an array of <code>Object</code>.
    public void testNullSafeHashCodeWithObjectBeingObjectArray() {
        Object array = new Object[] { "Luke", "Anakin" };
        int expected = Objects.nullSafeHashCode((Object[]) array);
        assertEqualHashCodes(expected, array);

     * Verifies that the method
     * <code>{@link Objects#nullSafeHashCode(Object)}</code> calls
     * <code>{@link Objects#nullSafeHashCode(short[])}</code> is the given
     * object is an array of <code>short</code>.
    public void testNullSafeHashCodeWithObjectBeingShortArray() {
        Object array = new short[] { 5, 3 };
        int expected = Objects.nullSafeHashCode((short[]) array);
        assertEqualHashCodes(expected, array);

    public void testNullSafeHashCodeWithObjectEqualToNull() {
        assertEquals(0, Objects.nullSafeHashCode((Object) null));

    public void testNullSafeHashCodeWithShortArray() {
        int expected = 31 * 7 + 70;
        expected = 31 * expected + 8;

        short[] array = { 70, 8 };
        int actual = Objects.nullSafeHashCode(array);

        assertEquals(expected, actual);

    public void testNullSafeHashCodeWithShortArrayEqualToNull() {
        assertEquals(0, Objects.nullSafeHashCode((short[]) null));

    public void testNullSafeToStringWithBooleanArray() {
        boolean[] array = { true, false };
        assertEquals("{true, false}", Objects.nullSafeToString(array));

    public void testNullSafeToStringWithBooleanArrayBeingEmpty() {
        boolean[] array = {};
        assertEquals("{}", Objects.nullSafeToString(array));

    public void testNullSafeToStringWithBooleanArrayEqualToNull() {
        assertEquals("null", Objects.nullSafeToString((boolean[]) null));

    public void testNullSafeToStringWithByteArray() {
        byte[] array = { 5, 8 };
        assertEquals("{5, 8}", Objects.nullSafeToString(array));

    public void testNullSafeToStringWithByteArrayBeingEmpty() {
        byte[] array = {};
        assertEquals("{}", Objects.nullSafeToString(array));

    public void testNullSafeToStringWithByteArrayEqualToNull() {
        assertEquals("null", Objects.nullSafeToString((byte[]) null));

    public void testNullSafeToStringWithCharArray() {
        char[] array = { 'A', 'B' };
        assertEquals("{'A', 'B'}", Objects.nullSafeToString(array));

    public void testNullSafeToStringWithCharArrayBeingEmpty() {
        char[] array = {};
        assertEquals("{}", Objects.nullSafeToString(array));

    public void testNullSafeToStringWithCharArrayEqualToNull() {
        assertEquals("null", Objects.nullSafeToString((char[]) null));

    public void testNullSafeToStringWithDoubleArray() {
        double[] array = { 8594.93, 8594023.95 };
        assertEquals("{8594.93, 8594023.95}", Objects.nullSafeToString(array));

    public void testNullSafeToStringWithDoubleArrayBeingEmpty() {
        double[] array = {};
        assertEquals("{}", Objects.nullSafeToString(array));

    public void testNullSafeToStringWithDoubleArrayEqualToNull() {
        assertEquals("null", Objects.nullSafeToString((double[]) null));

    public void testNullSafeToStringWithFloatArray() {
        float[] array = { 8.6f, 43.8f };
        assertEquals("{8.6, 43.8}", Objects.nullSafeToString(array));

    public void testNullSafeToStringWithFloatArrayBeingEmpty() {
        float[] array = {};
        assertEquals("{}", Objects.nullSafeToString(array));

    public void testNullSafeToStringWithFloatArrayEqualToNull() {
        assertEquals("null", Objects.nullSafeToString((float[]) null));

    public void testNullSafeToStringWithIntArray() {
        int[] array = { 9, 64 };
        assertEquals("{9, 64}", Objects.nullSafeToString(array));

    public void testNullSafeToStringWithIntArrayBeingEmpty() {
        int[] array = {};
        assertEquals("{}", Objects.nullSafeToString(array));

    public void testNullSafeToStringWithIntArrayEqualToNull() {
        assertEquals("null", Objects.nullSafeToString((int[]) null));

    public void testNullSafeToStringWithLongArray() {
        long[] array = { 434l, 23423l };
        assertEquals("{434, 23423}", Objects.nullSafeToString(array));

    public void testNullSafeToStringWithLongArrayBeingEmpty() {
        long[] array = {};
        assertEquals("{}", Objects.nullSafeToString(array));

    public void testNullSafeToStringWithLongArrayEqualToNull() {
        assertEquals("null", Objects.nullSafeToString((long[]) null));

    public void testNullSafeToStringWithObjectArray() {
        Object[] array = { "Han", new Long(43) };
        assertEquals("{'Han', 43}", Objects.nullSafeToString(array));

    public void testNullSafeToStringWithObjectArrayBeingEmpty() {
        Object[] array = {};
        assertEquals("{}", Objects.nullSafeToString(array));

    public void testNullSafeToStringWithObjectArrayEqualToNull() {
        assertEquals("null", Objects.nullSafeToString((Object[]) null));

    public void testNullSafeToStringWithShortArray() {
        short[] array = { 7, 9 };
        assertEquals("{7, 9}", Objects.nullSafeToString(array));

    public void testNullSafeToStringWithShortArrayBeingEmpty() {
        short[] array = {};
        assertEquals("{}", Objects.nullSafeToString(array));

    public void testNullSafeToStringWithShortArrayEqualToNull() {
        assertEquals("null", Objects.nullSafeToString((short[]) null));

    public void testNullSafeToStringWithStringArray() {
        String[] array = { "Luke", "Anakin" };
        assertEquals("{'Luke', 'Anakin'}", Objects.nullSafeToString(array));

    public void testNullSafeToStringWithStringArrayBeingEmpty() {
        String[] array = {};
        assertEquals("{}", Objects.nullSafeToString(array));

    public void testNullSafeToStringWithStringArrayEqualToNull() {
        assertEquals("null", Objects.nullSafeToString((String[]) null));

     * Asserts that the given hash code is equal to the one obtained from
     * <code>{@link Objects#nullSafeHashCode(Object)}</code>.
     * @param expected
     *          the expected hash code.
     * @param array
     *          the array of primitives.
    private void assertEqualHashCodes(int expected, Object array) {
        int actual = Objects.nullSafeHashCode(array);

        assertEquals(expected, actual);
        assertTrue(array.hashCode() != actual);
