Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2008-2010, Squale Project -
 * This file is part of Squale.
 * Squale is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
 * License, or any later version.
 * Squale is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with Squale.  If not, see <>.
package org.squale.squaleweb.applicationlayer.action;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;

import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessages;
import org.jfree.chart.ChartRenderingInfo;
import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart;
import org.jfree.chart.entity.StandardEntityCollection;
import org.jfree.chart.servlet.ServletUtilities;

import org.squale.jraf.commons.exception.JrafEnterpriseException;
import org.squale.jraf.helper.AccessDelegateHelper;
import org.squale.jraf.spi.accessdelegate.IApplicationComponent;
import org.squale.squalecommon.datatransfertobject.component.AuditDTO;
import org.squale.squalecommon.datatransfertobject.component.ComponentDTO;
import org.squale.squalecommon.datatransfertobject.component.UserDTO;
import org.squale.squalecommon.datatransfertobject.config.web.HomepageComponentDTO;
import org.squale.squalecommon.datatransfertobject.result.ResultsDTO;
import org.squale.squalecommon.enterpriselayer.businessobject.component.AuditBO;
import org.squale.squaleweb.applicationlayer.action.accessRights.DefaultAction;
import org.squale.squaleweb.applicationlayer.action.message.AdminNewsAction;
import org.squale.squaleweb.applicationlayer.formbean.HomepageForm;
import org.squale.squaleweb.applicationlayer.formbean.LogonBean;
import org.squale.squaleweb.applicationlayer.formbean.component.ApplicationForm;
import org.squale.squaleweb.applicationlayer.formbean.component.ApplicationListForm;
import org.squale.squaleweb.applicationlayer.formbean.component.SplitAuditsListForm;
import org.squale.squaleweb.comparator.ComponentComparator;
import org.squale.squaleweb.homepage.Stat;
import org.squale.squaleweb.resources.WebMessages;
import org.squale.squaleweb.transformer.ApplicationListTransformer;
import org.squale.squaleweb.transformer.FactorsResultListTransformer;
import org.squale.squaleweb.transformer.SplitAuditsListTransformer;
import org.squale.squaleweb.util.graph.GraphMaker;
import org.squale.squaleweb.util.graph.KiviatMaker;
import org.squale.welcom.struts.bean.WActionForm;
import org.squale.welcom.struts.transformer.WTransformerException;
import org.squale.welcom.struts.transformer.WTransformerFactory;
import org.squale.welcom.struts.util.WConstants;

 * Action class for the homepage.jsp
public class IndexAction extends DefaultAction {
    /** Default Number of days for displaying in initUserSession for portlet */
    public static final int NUMBER_OF_DAYS_FOR_NEWS = 15;

    /** Use default page */
    private boolean defaultConfig;

    /** Display introduction ? */
    private boolean isDisplayIntroduction;

    /** Display the news ? */
    private boolean isDisplayNews;

    /** Display the motion chart ? */
    private boolean isDisplayMotionChart;

    /** Display the audits */
    private boolean isDisplayAudits;

    /** Display the results ? */
    private boolean isDisplayResults;

    /** Display the statistics ? */
    private boolean isDisplayStatistics;

    /** Display the audit done ? */
    private boolean isDisplayAuditDone;

    /** Display the audit scheduled ? */
    private boolean isDisplayAuditScheduled;

    /** Display the audit successful */
    private boolean isDisplayAuditSuccessful;

    /** Display the partial audit ? */
    private boolean isDisplayAuditPartial;

    /** Display the failed audit ? */
    private boolean isDisplayAuditFailed;

    /** Display audit done and audit scheduled separately ? */
    private boolean isDisplaySeparately;

    /** Display result by grid ? */
    private boolean isDisplayResultByGrid;

    /** Display Kiviat ? */
    private boolean isDisplayResultKiviat;

    /** The number of days for search audit */
    private int nbJours;

    /** The widtg of one kiviat */
    private int kiviatWidth;

    /** Display Kiviat With All Factors ? */
    private boolean isDisplayResultKiviatAllFactors;

     * Action to execute before reach the homepage.jsp
     * @param mapping The mapping
     * @param form The form
     * @param request The http request
     * @param response The servlet response
     * @return The forward value for the redirection
    public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request,
            HttpServletResponse response) {

        ActionMessages errors = new ActionMessages();
        ActionForward forward = null;

        try {
            HttpSession session = request.getSession();

            // Recovery of the user id
            LogonBean userLogonBean = (LogonBean) session.getAttribute(WConstants.USER_KEY);
            UserDTO user = new UserDTO();

            // Recovery of the homepage configuration (list of HomepageComponentDTO)
            Object[] paramIn = { user };
            IApplicationComponent ac = AccessDelegateHelper.getInstance("Homepage");
            List<HomepageComponentDTO> list = (List<HomepageComponentDTO>) ac.execute("getHomepageConfig", paramIn);

            // If the user has no profile, we use the default profile
            defaultConfig = false;
            if (list.size() == 0) {
                list = new ArrayList<HomepageComponentDTO>();


            // Creation of a map based on the list
            String[] elementToDisplay = new String[HomepageComponentDTO.ELEMENT];
            HashMap<String, HomepageComponentDTO> compoList = new HashMap<String, HomepageComponentDTO>();
            for (HomepageComponentDTO compo : list) {
                compoList.put(compo.getComponentName(), compo);

            // Set the value for the private attribute

            // Selection of the jsp to display and does the related action and set informations needed in the form
            jspAndAction(mapping, form, request, response, compoList, elementToDisplay);

            // Set in the form the list of element to display and flag on the use of the default configuration of the
            // homepage
            HomepageForm currentform = (HomepageForm) form;

            forward = mapping.findForward("success");
        } catch (JrafEnterpriseException e) {

            handleException(e, errors, request);
            saveMessages(request, errors);
            // Forward to the error jsp
            forward = mapping.findForward("failure");
        return forward;

     * This method set the value to the element to display
     * @param compoList The list of componentDTO
    private void setDisplayValue(HashMap<String, HomepageComponentDTO> compoList) {

        isDisplayIntroduction = compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.INTRO) != null
                ? Boolean.parseBoolean(compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.INTRO).getComponentValue())
                : false;

        isDisplayNews = compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.NEWS) != null
                ? Boolean.parseBoolean(compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.NEWS).getComponentValue())
                : false;

        isDisplayMotionChart = compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.MOTION_CHART) != null
                ? Boolean.parseBoolean(compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.MOTION_CHART).getComponentValue())
                : false;

        isDisplayAudits = compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.AUDIT) != null
                ? Boolean.parseBoolean(compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.AUDIT).getComponentValue())
                : false;
        if (isDisplayAudits) {

        isDisplayResults = compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.RESULT) != null
                ? Boolean.parseBoolean(compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.RESULT).getComponentValue())
                : false;
        if (isDisplayResults) {

        isDisplayStatistics = compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.STAT) != null
                ? Boolean.parseBoolean(compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.STAT).getComponentValue())
                : false;


     * This method set the value of the audit element to display
     * @param compoList The list of componentDTO
    private void setAuditDisplayValue(HashMap<String, HomepageComponentDTO> compoList) {
        isDisplaySeparately = compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.AUDIT_SHOW_SEPARETELY) != null ? Boolean
                : false;

        isDisplayAuditDone = compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.AUDIT_DONE) != null
                ? Boolean.parseBoolean(compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.AUDIT_DONE).getComponentValue())
                : false;

        isDisplayAuditScheduled = compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.AUDIT_SCHEDULED) != null
                ? Boolean.parseBoolean(compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.AUDIT_SCHEDULED).getComponentValue())
                : false;

        isDisplayAuditSuccessful = compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.AUDIT_SUCCESSFUL) != null
                ? Boolean.parseBoolean(compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.AUDIT_SUCCESSFUL).getComponentValue())
                : false;

        isDisplayAuditPartial = compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.AUDIT_PARTIAL) != null
                ? Boolean.parseBoolean(compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.AUDIT_PARTIAL).getComponentValue())
                : false;

        isDisplayAuditFailed = compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.AUDIT_FAILED) != null
                ? Boolean.parseBoolean(compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.AUDIT_FAILED).getComponentValue())
                : false;

        nbJours = compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.AUDIT_NB_JOURS) != null
                ? Integer.parseInt(compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.AUDIT_NB_JOURS).getComponentValue())
                : Integer.parseInt(HomepageComponentDTO.DEFAULT_AUDIT_NB_JOURS);


     * This method set the value of the result element to display
     * @param compoList The list of componentDTO
    private void setResultDisplayValue(HashMap<String, HomepageComponentDTO> compoList) {
        isDisplayResultByGrid = compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.RESULT_BY_GRID) != null
                ? Boolean.parseBoolean(compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.RESULT_BY_GRID).getComponentValue())
                : false;

        isDisplayResultKiviat = compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.RESULT_KIVIAT) != null
                ? Boolean.parseBoolean(compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.RESULT_KIVIAT).getComponentValue())
                : false;

        kiviatWidth = compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.KIVIAT_WIDTH) != null
                ? Integer.parseInt(compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.KIVIAT_WIDTH).getComponentValue())
                : Integer.parseInt(HomepageComponentDTO.DEFAULT_KIVIAT_WIDTH);

        isDisplayResultKiviatAllFactors = compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.KIVIAT_ALL_FACTORS) != null
                ? Boolean.parseBoolean(compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.KIVIAT_ALL_FACTORS).getComponentValue())
                : false;


     * This method put in an array the jsp to display and launch the related action
     * @param mapping The mapping
     * @param form The form
     * @param request The http request
     * @param response The servlet response
     * @param compoList The list of HomepageComponent
     * @param elementToDisplay The list of jsp to display
     * @throws JrafEnterpriseException Exception happened during one of the linked action
    private void jspAndAction(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request,
            HttpServletResponse response, HashMap<String, HomepageComponentDTO> compoList,
            String[] elementToDisplay) throws JrafEnterpriseException {
         * For each element which are displayable, if its related boolean is set to true then that mean it should be
         * display so we add its jsp name to the list of element to display

        // For the introduction part
        HomepageComponentDTO temporCompo;
        if (isDisplayIntroduction) {
            temporCompo = compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.INTRO);
            elementToDisplay[temporCompo.getComponentPosition() - 1] = "/jsp/homepage/"
                    + temporCompo.getComponentName() + ".jsp";

        // For the news part
        if (isDisplayNews) {
            temporCompo = compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.NEWS);
            elementToDisplay[temporCompo.getComponentPosition() - 1] = "/jsp/homepage/"
                    + temporCompo.getComponentName() + ".jsp";
            news(mapping, form, request, response);

        // For the motion chart part
        if (isDisplayMotionChart) {
            temporCompo = compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.MOTION_CHART);
            elementToDisplay[temporCompo.getComponentPosition() - 1] = "/jsp/homepage/"
                    + temporCompo.getComponentName() + ".jsp";
            news(mapping, form, request, response);

        // For the audit part
        if (isDisplayAudits) {
            temporCompo = compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.AUDIT);
            elementToDisplay[temporCompo.getComponentPosition() - 1] = "/jsp/homepage/"
                    + temporCompo.getComponentName() + ".jsp";
            audit(request, compoList, form);

        // For the results parts
        if (isDisplayResults) {
            temporCompo = compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.RESULT);
            elementToDisplay[temporCompo.getComponentPosition() - 1] = "/jsp/homepage/"
                    + temporCompo.getComponentName() + ".jsp";
            result(request, form, compoList);

        // For the statistics part
        if (isDisplayStatistics) {
            temporCompo = compoList.get(HomepageComponentDTO.STAT);
            elementToDisplay[temporCompo.getComponentPosition() - 1] = "/jsp/homepage/"
                    + temporCompo.getComponentName() + ".jsp";
            stat(form, request);


     * This method do the action needed for display the news part in the homepage.jsp
     * @param mapping The mapping
     * @param form The form
     * @param request The http request
     * @param response The servlet response
    private void news(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request,
            HttpServletResponse response) {

        // Flag for the valid news
        request.setAttribute("which", "current");
        // Flag for the language
        request.setAttribute("lang", request.getLocale().getLanguage());

        // Recover the news list and set them in session
        AdminNewsAction newsAction = new AdminNewsAction();
        newsAction.listNews(mapping, form, request, response);

     * Action to do if the audit part is present in the homepage
     * @param request The http request
     * @param form The form
     * @param compoList The list of HomepageComponent of the user
     * @throws JrafEnterpriseException Exception happen during the action
    private void audit(HttpServletRequest request, HashMap<String, HomepageComponentDTO> compoList, ActionForm form)
            throws JrafEnterpriseException {

        try {
            // List of the applications for which the current user is define as manager or reader
            ArrayList<ApplicationForm> applications = (ArrayList<ApplicationForm>) getUserNotPublicApplicationList(

            // If the list of application is not empty
            if (!applications.isEmpty()) {
                // Transform the list of applicationForm contain inside an applicationListForm into a list of
                // componentDTO
                ApplicationListForm appliForm = new ApplicationListForm();
                ArrayList<ComponentDTO> userApplicationsDTO = (ArrayList<ComponentDTO>) WTransformerFactory
                        .formToObj(ApplicationListTransformer.class, appliForm)[0];

                // The limit date for the search the audits
                Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
                cal.add(Calendar.DATE, -nbJours);

                // Definition of the list of excluded status. That means it's the list of the status of audits to not
                // display
                ArrayList<Integer> statusId = new ArrayList<Integer>();

                // Modify the list statusId according to what should be show for the audit done

                // if auditDone and auditScheduled should be show separately, then a second audit collection is needed
                Collection separateAudits = new ArrayList();

                // ApplicationComponent for "component"
                IApplicationComponent ac = AccessDelegateHelper.getInstance("Component");

                // If auditDone and auditScheduled should be show separately
                if (isDisplayAuditDone && isDisplayAuditScheduled && isDisplaySeparately) {
                    separateAudits = auditShowSeparetely(statusId, userApplicationsDTO, cal, ac);
                // If auditDone and auditScheduled shouldn't be show separately
                else {
                    // if the scheduled audits shouldn't be displayed
                    if (!isDisplayAuditScheduled) {

                // Creation of the first audit collection
                Integer[] status = new Integer[statusId.size()];
                Object[] paramIn = { userApplicationsDTO, cal.getTime(), status };
                Collection audits = (Collection) ac.execute("getAllAuditsAfterDate", paramIn);

                // Transform object to form
                SplitAuditsListForm temporaryForm = new SplitAuditsListForm();
                WTransformerFactory.objToForm(SplitAuditsListTransformer.class, (WActionForm) temporaryForm,
                        separateAudits, audits);
                HomepageForm currentForm = (HomepageForm) form;
        } catch (WTransformerException e) {
            throw new JrafEnterpriseException("WTransformerException", e);


     * Action to do if the audit part is present in the holmepage
     * @param request The http request
     * @param form The page form
     * @param compoList The list of HomepageComponentDTO
     * @throws JrafEnterpriseException Exception happened during the action
    private void result(HttpServletRequest request, ActionForm form,
            HashMap<String, HomepageComponentDTO> compoList) throws JrafEnterpriseException {
        try {

            // List of the applications which have results and for which the current user is define as manager or reader
            ApplicationListForm applicationListForm = new ApplicationListForm();
            List applicationsList = new ArrayList();

            // Transform a list of ApplicationForm to a list of componentDTO
            List<ComponentDTO> applications = (List<ComponentDTO>) (WTransformerFactory
                    .formToObj(ApplicationListTransformer.class, applicationListForm)[0]);
            Collections.sort(applications, new ComponentComparator());

            HomepageForm currentForm = (HomepageForm) form;
            currentForm.setList(new ArrayList());
            currentForm.setGraphMakerMap(new HashMap<Long, GraphMaker>());

            // If the result by grid should be displayed
            if (isDisplayResultByGrid) {
                // Recovering the results for each applications
                IApplicationComponent ac = AccessDelegateHelper.getInstance("Results");
                Object[] paramIn = { applications, null };
                List applicationResults = ((List) ac.execute("getApplicationResults", paramIn));

                // Transform the list of applications and results and set them into the form
                WTransformerFactory.objToForm(FactorsResultListTransformer.class, (WActionForm) form,
                        new Object[] { applications, applicationResults });

            // If the kiviat should be displayed
            if (isDisplayResultKiviat) {
                resultKiviat(applications, request, form);
        } catch (WTransformerException e) {
            throw new JrafEnterpriseException("WTransformerException", e);


     * Action to do if statistics part is present in the homepage
     * @param form The page form
     * @param request The http request
     * @throws JrafEnterpriseException Exception happened during the action
    private void stat(ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request) throws JrafEnterpriseException {
        try {
            HomepageForm currentForm = (HomepageForm) form;
            ApplicationListForm applicationListForm = new ApplicationListForm();

            // recovery of the application which have results and for which the user is reader or manager
            ArrayList<ApplicationForm> applicationsList = (ArrayList<ApplicationForm>) getUserApplicationWithResultsList(

            // Creation of a list of componentDTO
            List<ComponentDTO> applicationsDTO = (List<ComponentDTO>) (WTransformerFactory
                    .formToObj(ApplicationListTransformer.class, applicationListForm)[0]);
            // sort of the list
            Collections.sort(applicationsDTO, new ComponentComparator());

            // for each application, filling of volumetry list
            List<Stat> volumetry = new ArrayList<Stat>();
            Iterator<ComponentDTO> itApplicationsDTO = applicationsDTO.iterator();
            while (itApplicationsDTO.hasNext()) {
                ComponentDTO application =;
                fillVolumetry(application, volumetry);
                if (itApplicationsDTO.hasNext()) {
                    Stat vide = new Stat();

        } catch (WTransformerException e) {
            throw new JrafEnterpriseException("WTransformerException", e);


     * This method fill the volumetry list by using the result of each application
     * @param application The applicatioon on which we want recovery statistics
     * @param volumetry The list of lines of Stat
     * @throws JrafEnterpriseException Exception occur during the action
    private void fillVolumetry(ComponentDTO application, List<Stat> volumetry) throws JrafEnterpriseException {
        // initialization
        Integer nbLigne = new Integer(1);
        Integer indexDepart = new Integer(0);
        Integer status = new Integer(AuditBO.TERMINATED);
        boolean missingApplicationData = false;
        List<Stat> applicationVolumetry = new ArrayList<Stat>();

        IApplicationComponent ac1 = AccessDelegateHelper.getInstance("Component");

        // Recovery of the audit last sucessfull audit of the application
        Object[] paramIn = { application, nbLigne, indexDepart, status };
        List<AuditDTO> auditsDTO = (List<AuditDTO>) ac1.execute("getLastAllAudits", paramIn);
        AuditDTO auditDTO = auditsDTO.get(0);

        // Recovery of the project linked to the audit found
        Object[] paramIn2 = { application, null, auditDTO, null };
        List<ComponentDTO> projectDTOList = (List<ComponentDTO>) ac1.execute("getChildren", paramIn2);

        // Sort of the project
        Collections.sort(projectDTOList, new ComponentComparator());

        int[] applicationStat = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
        // For each project creation of the line Stat, and addition of this stat line to the volumetry list
        for (ComponentDTO project : projectDTOList) {
            Stat projectStat = statLine(auditDTO, application, project, applicationStat);
            if (projectStat == null) {
                missingApplicationData = true;

        if (!missingApplicationData) {

            // if the application has more than one project then we add a line of the stat on the application
            if (projectDTOList.size() > 1) {
                Stat statline = new Stat(application.getName(), "", String.valueOf(applicationStat[2]),
                        String.valueOf(applicationStat[3]), String.valueOf(applicationStat[0]),


     * This method create a line of Stat for a project
     * @param auditDTO The audits which contains the information of the project
     * @param application The application which contains the project
     * @param project The project for which we recover the statistics
     * @param applicationStat Table for the statistics on an application
     * @return a full line of stat
     * @throws JrafEnterpriseException exception occur during the action
    private Stat statLine(AuditDTO auditDTO, ComponentDTO application, ComponentDTO project, int[] applicationStat)
            throws JrafEnterpriseException {
        // recovery of the resultDTO link to the project and the audit
        Long currentAuditId = new Long(auditDTO.getID());
        Object[] paramIn3 = { currentAuditId, project };
        IApplicationComponent ac2 = AccessDelegateHelper.getInstance("Results");
        ResultsDTO resultDTO = ((ResultsDTO) ac2.execute("getProjectVolumetry", paramIn3));

        Stat projectStat = null;

        if (resultDTO != null) {
            // Recovery of the statistics
            Map volumetries = resultDTO.getResultMap();
            if ((volumetries != null) && (!volumetries.isEmpty())) {
                List<Integer> measureValues = (List<Integer>) volumetries.get(project);
                if ((measureValues != null) && (measureValues.size() >= 4)) {
                    Integer nbMethods = measureValues.get(2);
                    Integer nbClasses = measureValues.get(1);
                    Integer nbCommentsLines = measureValues.get(0);
                    Integer nbCodesLines = measureValues.get(3);

                    // Creation of the staistics line
                    projectStat = new Stat(application.getName(), project.getName(), nbCodesLines.toString(),
                            nbCommentsLines.toString(), nbMethods.toString(), nbClasses.toString());

                    // Set the information for the application statistics
                    applicationStat[0] = applicationStat[0] + nbMethods;
                    applicationStat[1] = applicationStat[1] + nbClasses;
                    applicationStat[2] = applicationStat[2] + nbCodesLines;
                    applicationStat[3] = applicationStat[3] + nbCommentsLines;


        return projectStat;

     * Action to do for display kiviat
     * @param applicationList The list of component
     * @param request The http request
     * @param form The page form
     * @throws JrafEnterpriseException Exception happened during the action
    private void resultKiviat(List<ComponentDTO> applicationList, HttpServletRequest request, ActionForm form)
            throws JrafEnterpriseException {
        try {
            IApplicationComponent ac1 = AccessDelegateHelper.getInstance("Component");
            IApplicationComponent ac2 = AccessDelegateHelper.getInstance("Graph");

            HomepageForm currentForm = (HomepageForm) form;
            HashMap<Long, GraphMaker> graphMakerMap = new HashMap<Long, GraphMaker>();
            for (ComponentDTO application : applicationList) {
                // Recovering of the last audit successful for the application
                Integer nbLigne = new Integer(1);
                Integer indexDepart = new Integer(0);
                Integer status = new Integer(AuditBO.TERMINATED);
                Object[] paramIn = { application, nbLigne, indexDepart, status };
                List<AuditDTO> auditsDTO = (List<AuditDTO>) ac1.execute("getLastAllAudits", paramIn);

                // Instanciation of the kiviat graph
                String appli = WebMessages.getString("homepage.result.kiviatApplication");
                KiviatMaker maker = new KiviatMaker(appli + application.getName());

                // Recovering the list of values needed for built the graph
                Long pCurrentAuditId = new Long(auditsDTO.get(0).getID());

                Boolean allFactors = new Boolean(isDisplayResultKiviatAllFactors);
                Object[] paramAuditId = { pCurrentAuditId, String.valueOf(allFactors) };
                Map projectsValues = (Map) ac2.execute("getApplicationKiviatGraph", paramAuditId);
                Set keysSet = projectsValues.keySet();
                Iterator it = keysSet.iterator();

                // For each series of values we add them
                while (it.hasNext()) {
                    String key = (String);
                    maker.addValues(key, (SortedMap) projectsValues.get(key), request);

                // Create the JfreChart object
                JFreeChart chartKiviat = maker.getChart(false, false);

                // Calculation of the height of the graph based on the width of the graph choose by the user
                int kiviatHeight = Math.round(kiviatWidth * 2.0f / 3);

                // Create the picture
                ChartRenderingInfo infoKiviat = new ChartRenderingInfo(new StandardEntityCollection());
                String fileNameKiviat = ServletUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(chartKiviat, kiviatWidth, kiviatHeight,
                        infoKiviat, request.getSession());

                // For a clickable picture
                GraphMaker applicationKiviatChart = new GraphMaker(request, fileNameKiviat, infoKiviat);

                graphMakerMap.put(pCurrentAuditId, applicationKiviatChart);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new JrafEnterpriseException("IOException", e);

     * This method put in the satusId list, the status id which should be exclude according to the value of the
     * HomepageComponent link to the audit done
     * @param statusId The list of statusId
    private void statudIdForAuditDone(ArrayList<Integer> statusId) {
        // If the audit done shouldn't be displayed
        if (!isDisplayAuditDone) {
        // If the audit done should be displayed
        else {
            // If the successful audits shouldn't be displayed
            if (!isDisplayAuditSuccessful) {
            // If the partial audits shouldn't be displayed
            if (!isDisplayAuditPartial) {
            // If the failed audits shouldn't be displayed
            if (!isDisplayAuditFailed) {

     * This method return the second collection of audits when audit done and audit scheduled should be display
     * separately.
     * @param statusId The list of statusId for the first collection
     * @param userApplicationsDTO The of the application accessible to the user
     * @param cal The calendar
     * @param ac The application component
     * @return a collection of audit
     * @throws JrafEnterpriseException Exception happened during the creation of the separetAudit collection
    private Collection auditShowSeparetely(ArrayList<Integer> statusId, ArrayList userApplicationsDTO, Calendar cal,
            IApplicationComponent ac) throws JrafEnterpriseException {
        Collection separateAudits = new ArrayList();

        // Creation of the second status list
        ArrayList<Integer> statusScheduledId = new ArrayList<Integer>();

        // The scheduled audit shouldn't be selected in the first collection

        Integer[] status = new Integer[statusScheduledId.size()];
        Object[] paramIn = { userApplicationsDTO, cal.getTime(), status };

        // Creation of the second audit collection
        separateAudits = (Collection) ac.execute("getAllAuditsAfterDate", paramIn);

        return separateAudits;


     * This method create a default set of HomepageComponent
     * @param list The list of HomepageComponent to fill
    private void defaultHomepage(List<HomepageComponentDTO> list) {
         * If the user has no homepage configured in his profile, then we used the default profile. This default profile
         * display the introduction block and the news block.

        HomepageComponentDTO component;

        component = new HomepageComponentDTO(HomepageComponentDTO.INTRO, "true");

        component = new HomepageComponentDTO(HomepageComponentDTO.NEWS, "true");

         * We set the attribute defaultConfig to true, then in the homepage.jsp a paragraph which explain how have its
         * own homepage will be displayed
        defaultConfig = true;

     * Enregistre l'utilisateur en session
     * @param pForm le formulaire
     * @param pRequest la requte
     * @return true si l'utilisateur a pu tre mis en session
    public boolean initUserSession(ActionForm pForm, HttpServletRequest pRequest) {
        boolean sessionOk;

        ActionMessages errors = new ActionMessages();

        try {
            SplitAuditsListForm auditList = (SplitAuditsListForm) pForm;
            // On rcupre les applications non publiques appartenant  l'utilisateur
            Collection applications = getUserNotPublicApplicationList(pRequest);
            // On rcupre les publiques
            Collection publics = getUserPublicApplicationList(pRequest);
            // Recherche des audits des 15 derniers jours
            // Calcul de la date d'anciennet d'audit
            Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
            cal.add(Calendar.DATE, -NUMBER_OF_DAYS_FOR_NEWS);
            IApplicationComponent ac = AccessDelegateHelper.getInstance("Component");
            boolean displayAllAudits = auditList.isAllAudits();
            ApplicationListForm appliForm = new ApplicationListForm();
            appliForm.setList((ArrayList) applications);
            Object[] paramIn = {
                    (ArrayList) WTransformerFactory.formToObj(ApplicationListTransformer.class, appliForm)[0],
                    cal.getTime(), new Boolean(true) };
            if (displayAllAudits) {
                paramIn[1] = null;
            Collection audits = (Collection) ac.execute("getAllAuditsAfterDate", paramIn);
            appliForm.setList((ArrayList) publics);
            paramIn[0] = (ArrayList) WTransformerFactory.formToObj(ApplicationListTransformer.class, appliForm)[0];
            Collection publicAudits = (Collection) ac.execute("getAllAuditsAfterDate", paramIn);
            // On transforme les listes en formulaire
            WTransformerFactory.objToForm(SplitAuditsListTransformer.class, (WActionForm) pForm, publicAudits,
            sessionOk = true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Traitement factoris des exceptions et transfert vers la page d'erreur
            handleException(e, errors, pRequest);
            saveMessages(pRequest, errors);
            sessionOk = false;
        return sessionOk;