Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 *     This file is part of the Squashtest platform.
 *     Copyright (C) 2010 - 2016 Henix,
 *     See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional
 *     information regarding copyright ownership.
 *     This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *     it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 *     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *     (at your option) any later version.
 *     this software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *     GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 *     along with this software.  If not, see <>.

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Named;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.core.annotation.AnnotationUtils;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

 * This {@link ObjectIdentityRetrievalStrategy} checks if an entity should inherit ACLs from another entity. If so, the
 * object identity will be retrieved from the "constrained" object.
 * @author Gregory Fouquet
public class InheritableAclsObjectIdentityRetrievalStrategy implements ObjectIdentityRetrievalStrategy {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory

    private static final class Key {
        public final Class<?> constrained; // NOSONAR final immutable field
        public final Class<?> heir; // NOSONAR final immutable field

        private Key(Class<?> constrained, Class<?> heir) {
            this.constrained = constrained;
            this.heir = heir;

        public int hashCode() {
            final int prime = 31;
            int result = 17;
            result = prime * result + (heir == null ? 0 : heir.hashCode());
            result = prime * result + (constrained == null ? 0 : constrained.hashCode());
            return result;
        // GENERATED:END

        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if (this == obj) {
                return true;
            if (obj == null) {
                return false;
            if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
                return false;
            Key other = (Key) obj;
            if (heir == null) {
                if (other.heir != null) {
                    return false;
            } else if (!heir.equals(other.heir)) {
                return false;
            if (constrained == null) {
                if (other.constrained != null) {
                    return false;
            } else if (!constrained.equals(other.constrained)) {
                return false;
            return true;
        // GENERATED:END


     * Strategy responsible for actually retrieving the object identities.
    private ObjectIdentityRetrievalStrategy delegate;
     * Session factory, used to retrieve constrained objects.
    private EntityManager em;
     * Cache of hql queries used to retrieved constrained objects.
    private final Map<InheritableAclsObjectIdentityRetrievalStrategy.Key, String> hqlCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

     * If the domain object is annotated with {@link InheritsAcls}, will return an {@link ObjectIdentity} according to
     * the annotation rules. Otherwise, simple delegates the retrieval.
    public ObjectIdentity getObjectIdentity(Object domainObject) {
        InheritsAcls inherits = AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(domainObject.getClass(), InheritsAcls.class);

        Object identityHolder;

        if (inherits == null) {
            identityHolder = domainObject;

            LOGGER.trace("Will use domain object for OID retrieval of {}", identityHolder);
        } else {
            identityHolder = findAclHolder(domainObject, inherits);

            LOGGER.trace("Will use constrained object {} for OID retrieval of {}", identityHolder, domainObject);


        return delegate.getObjectIdentity(identityHolder);

    private Object findAclHolder(Object domainObject, InheritsAcls inherits) {
        LOGGER.trace("Looking for constrained object for OID retrieval of {}", domainObject);

        String hql;

        hql = previouslyBuildQuery(domainObject, inherits);

        if (hql == null) {
            hql = buildQuery(domainObject, inherits);
            cacheQuery(domainObject, inherits, hql);

        Query query = em.unwrap(Session.class).createQuery(hql);
        query.setParameter("heir", domainObject);

        return query.uniqueResult();

    private void cacheQuery(Object domainObject, InheritsAcls inherits, String hql) {
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOGGER.debug("Caching query : [{},{}] -> '{}'", new Object[] {
                    inherits.constrainedClass().getSimpleName(), domainObject.getClass().getSimpleName(), hql });
        hqlCache.put(new Key(inherits.constrainedClass(), domainObject.getClass()), hql);


    private String buildQuery(Object domainObject, InheritsAcls inherits) {
        String hql;
        checkAnnotation(inherits, domainObject.getClass());

        String entityName = inherits.constrainedClass().getSimpleName();

        if (isSingleValuedAssociation(inherits)) {
            // should be cached
            hql = "select constrained from " + entityName + " constrained where constrained."
                    + inherits.propertyName() + " = :heir";
        } else {
            // should be cached
            hql = "select constrained from " + entityName + " constrained where :heir in elements(constrained."
                    + inherits.collectionName() + ")";
        return hql;

    private String previouslyBuildQuery(Object domainObject, InheritsAcls inherits) {
        String hql;
        hql = hqlCache.get(new Key(inherits.constrainedClass(), domainObject.getClass()));

        if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) {
            LOGGER.trace("Cache returned query '" + hql + "' for [" + inherits.constrainedClass().getSimpleName()
                    + ',' + domainObject.getClass().getSimpleName() + ']');

        return hql;

    private boolean isSingleValuedAssociation(InheritsAcls annotation) {
        return StringUtils.isNotBlank(annotation.propertyName());

    private void checkAnnotation(InheritsAcls annotation, Class<?> targetClass) {
        if (annotation.constrainedClass() == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "Property constrainedClass of annotation InheritsAcls should not be null. Target class: "
                            + targetClass);

        boolean singleValuedCandidate = StringUtils.isNotBlank(annotation.propertyName());
        boolean multiValuedCandidate = StringUtils.isNotBlank(annotation.collectionName());

        if (singleValuedCandidate && multiValuedCandidate) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "Only one of 'propertyName' and 'collectionName' property of annotation InheritsAcls should be set. Target class: "
                            + targetClass);

        if (!singleValuedCandidate && !multiValuedCandidate) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "At least one of 'propertyName' and 'collectionName' properties of annotation InheritsAcls should be set. Target class: "
                            + targetClass);

