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package org.switchyard.component.test.mixins.http;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.commons.httpclient.Header;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpConnectionManager;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethod;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.URIException;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.DeleteMethod;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.FileRequestEntity;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.HeadMethod;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.InputStreamRequestEntity;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.OptionsMethod;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PutMethod;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.StringRequestEntity;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.switchyard.test.SwitchYardTestKit;
import org.switchyard.test.mixins.AbstractTestMixIn;

 * HTTP Test Mix In.
 * @author <a href=""></a>
public class HTTPMixIn extends AbstractTestMixIn {
    private static Logger _logger = Logger.getLogger(HTTPMixIn.class);

     * Constant representing HTTP DELETE method.
    public static final String HTTP_DELETE = "DELETE";

     * Constant representing HTTP GET method.
    public static final String HTTP_GET = "GET";

     * Constant representing HTTP HEAD method.
    public static final String HTTP_HEAD = "HEAD";

     * Constant representing HTTP POST method.
    public static final String HTTP_POST = "POST";

     * Constant representing HTTP PUT method.
    public static final String HTTP_PUT = "PUT";

     * Constant representing HTTP OPTIONS method.
    public static final String HTTP_OPTIONS = "OPTIONS";

    private HttpClient _httpClient;
    private String _contentType = "text/xml;charset=UTF-8";
    private HashMap<String, String> _requestHeaders = new HashMap<String, String>();
    private HashMap<String, String> _expectedHeaders = new HashMap<String, String>();
    private boolean _dumpMessages = false;

     * Set the content type.
     * <p/>
     * Default content type is "text/xml".
     * @param contentType The content type.
     * @return This HTTPMixIn instance.
    public HTTPMixIn setContentType(String contentType) {
        this._contentType = contentType;
        return this;

    public void initialize() {
        _httpClient = new HttpClient();

     * Send the specified request payload to the specified HTTP endpoint using the method specified.
     * @param endpointURL The HTTP endpoint URL.
     * @param request The request payload.
     * @param method The request method.
     * @return The HTTP response code.
    public int sendStringAndGetStatus(String endpointURL, String request, String method) {
        HttpMethod httpMethod = sendStringAndGetMethod(endpointURL, request, method);
        int status = httpMethod.getStatusCode();
        return status;

     * Send the specified request payload to the specified HTTP endpoint using the method specified.
     * @param endpointURL The HTTP endpoint URL.
     * @param request The request payload.
     * @param method The request method.
     * @return The HTTP response payload.
    public String sendString(String endpointURL, String request, String method) {
        String response = null;
        try {
            HttpMethod httpMethod = sendStringAndGetMethod(endpointURL, request, method);
            response = httpMethod.getResponseBodyAsString();
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            _logger.error("Unable to get response", ioe);
        return response;

     * Send the specified request payload to the specified HTTP endpoint using the method specified.
     * @param endpointURL The HTTP endpoint URL.
     * @param request The request payload.
     * @param method The request method.
     * @return The HttpMethod object.
    public HttpMethod sendStringAndGetMethod(String endpointURL, String request, String method) {
        if (_dumpMessages) {
  "Sending a " + method + " request to [" + endpointURL + "]");
  "Request body:[" + request + "]");
        HttpMethod httpMethod = null;
        try {
            if (method.equals(HTTP_PUT)) {
                httpMethod = new PutMethod(endpointURL);
                ((PutMethod) httpMethod).setRequestEntity(new StringRequestEntity(request, _contentType, "UTF-8"));
            } else if (method.equals(HTTP_POST)) {
                httpMethod = new PostMethod(endpointURL);
                ((PostMethod) httpMethod).setRequestEntity(new StringRequestEntity(request, _contentType, "UTF-8"));
            } else if (method.equals(HTTP_DELETE)) {
                httpMethod = new DeleteMethod(endpointURL);
            } else if (method.equals(HTTP_OPTIONS)) {
                httpMethod = new OptionsMethod(endpointURL);
            } else if (method.equals(HTTP_HEAD)) {
                httpMethod = new HeadMethod(endpointURL);
            } else {
                httpMethod = new GetMethod(endpointURL);
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            _logger.error("Unable to set request entity", e);
        return httpMethod;

     * POST the specified request payload to the specified HTTP endpoint.
     * @param endpointURL The HTTP endpoint URL.
     * @param request The request payload.
     * @return The HTTP response payload.
    public String postString(String endpointURL, String request) {
        if (_dumpMessages) {
  "Sending a POST request to [" + endpointURL + "]");
  "Request body:[" + request + "]");

        PostMethod postMethod = new PostMethod(endpointURL);
        try {
            postMethod.setRequestEntity(new StringRequestEntity(request, _contentType, "UTF-8"));
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            _logger.error("Unable to set request entity", e);
        try {
            return execute(postMethod);
        } finally {

     * POST the specified request payload to the specified HTTP endpoint.
     * @param endpointURL The HTTP endpoint URL.
     * @param request The file resource containing the request payload.
     * @return The HTTP response payload.
    public String postFile(String endpointURL, String request) {

        FileRequestEntity requestEntity = new FileRequestEntity(new File(request), "text/xml; charset=utf-8");

        if (_dumpMessages) {
  "Sending a POST request to [" + endpointURL + "]");
            ByteArrayOutputStream target = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            try {
      "Request body:[" + target.toString() + "]");
            } catch (IOException e) {
                _logger.error("Unable to write FileRequestEntity to stream", e);

        PostMethod postMethod = new PostMethod(endpointURL);
        try {
            return execute(postMethod);
        } finally {

     * POST the specified String request to the specified HTTP endpoint and perform an XML compare
     * between the HTTP response and the specified expected response String.
     * @param endpointURL The HTTP endpoint URL.
     * @param request The classpath resource to be posted to the endpoint.
     * @param expectedResponse The String to use to perform the XML test on the response.
     * @return The HTTP response payload.
    public String postStringAndTestXML(String endpointURL, String request, String expectedResponse) {
        String response = postString(endpointURL, request);
        SwitchYardTestKit.compareXMLToString(response, expectedResponse);
        return response;

     * POST the specified classpath resource to the specified HTTP endpoint.
     * @param endpointURL The HTTP endpoint URL.
     * @param requestResource The classpath resource to be posted to the endpoint.
     * @return The HTTP method.
    public HttpMethod postResourceAndGetMethod(String endpointURL, String requestResource) {
        if (_dumpMessages) {
  "Sending a POST request to [" + endpointURL + "]");
            InputStream input = getTestKit().getResourceAsStream(requestResource);
            ByteArrayOutputStream tmp = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            byte[] data = new byte[4096];
            int l = 0;
            try {
                while ((l = >= 0) {
                    tmp.write(data, 0, l);
      "Request body:[" + new String(tmp.toByteArray()) + "]");
            } catch (IOException e) {
                _logger.error("Unexpected Exception while reading request resource", e);

        PostMethod postMethod = new PostMethod(endpointURL);
        InputStream requestStream = getTestKit().getResourceAsStream(requestResource);

        try {
                    new InputStreamRequestEntity(requestStream, _contentType + "; charset=utf-8"));
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
      "Unexpected exception closing HTTP request resource stream.");
        return postMethod;

     * POST the specified classpath resource to the specified HTTP endpoint.
     * @param endpointURL The HTTP endpoint URL.
     * @param requestResource The classpath resource to be posted to the endpoint.
     * @return The HTTP response payload.
    public String postResource(String endpointURL, String requestResource) {
        String response = null;
        try {
            HttpMethod httpMethod = postResourceAndGetMethod(endpointURL, requestResource);
            response = httpMethod.getResponseBodyAsString();
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            _logger.error("Unable to get response", ioe);
        return response;

     * POST the specified classpath resource to the specified HTTP endpoint and perform an XML compare
     * between the HTTP response and the specified expected classpath response resource.
     * @param endpointURL The HTTP endpoint URL.
     * @param requestResource The classpath resource to be posted to the endpoint.
     * @param expectedResponseResource The classpath resource to use to perform the XML test on the response.
     * @return The HTTP response payload.
    public String postResourceAndTestXML(String endpointURL, String requestResource,
            String expectedResponseResource) {
        String response = postResource(endpointURL, requestResource);
        getTestKit().compareXMLToResource(response, expectedResponseResource);
        return response;

     * POST the specified classpath resource to the specified HTTP endpoint.
     * @param endpointURL The HTTP endpoint URL.
     * @param requestResource The classpath resource to be posted to the endpoint.
     * @return The HTTP status code.
    public int postResourceAndGetStatus(String endpointURL, String requestResource) {
        HttpMethod httpMethod = postResourceAndGetMethod(endpointURL, requestResource);
        int status = httpMethod.getStatusCode();
        return status;

     * Execute the supplied HTTP Method.
     * <p/>
     * Does not release the {@link org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethod#releaseConnection() HttpMethod connection}.
     * @param method The HTTP Method.
     * @return The HTTP Response.
    public String execute(HttpMethod method) {
        if (_httpClient == null) {
                    "HTTPMixIn not initialized.  You must call the initialize() method before using this MixIn");

        for (String key : _requestHeaders.keySet()) {
            method.setRequestHeader(key, _requestHeaders.get(key));

        if (_dumpMessages) {
            for (Header header : method.getRequestHeaders()) {
      "Request header:[" + header.getName() + "=" + header.getValue() + "]");

        String response = null;
        try {
            response = method.getResponseBodyAsString();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            try {
      "Exception invoking HTTP endpoint '" + method.getURI() + "': " + e.getMessage());
            } catch (URIException e1) {
                _logger.error("Unexpected error", e1);
                return null;

        if (_dumpMessages) {
            for (Header header : method.getResponseHeaders()) {
      "Received response header:[" + header.getName() + "=" + header.getValue() + "]");
  "Received response body:[" + response + "]");

        for (String key : _expectedHeaders.keySet()) {
            Header actual = method.getResponseHeader(key);
            Assert.assertNotNull("Checking response header:[" + key + "]", actual);
            Assert.assertEquals("Checking response header:[" + key + "]", _expectedHeaders.get(key),

        return response;

     * Set a request header.
     * @param name header name
     * @param value header value
     * @return this instance
    public HTTPMixIn setRequestHeader(String name, String value) {
        _requestHeaders.put(name, value);
        return this;

     * Set the list of request headers.
     * @param headers request headers in HashMap
     * @return this instance
    public HTTPMixIn setRequestHeaders(Map<String, String> headers) {
        return this;

     * Set a expected response header.
     * @param name header name
     * @param value header value
     * @return this instance
    public HTTPMixIn setExpectedHeader(String name, String value) {
        _expectedHeaders.put(name, value);
        return this;

     * Set the list of expected response headers.
     * @param headers expected response headers in HashMap
     * @return this instance
    public HTTPMixIn setExpectedHeaders(Map<String, String> headers) {
        return this;

     * Whether to dump the request/response message into log or not.
     * @param dumpMessages Whether to dump the request/response message into log or not
     * @return this instance
    public HTTPMixIn setDumpMessages(boolean dumpMessages) {
        _dumpMessages = dumpMessages;
        return this;

    public void uninitialize() {
        if (_httpClient != null) {
            final HttpConnectionManager connectionManager = _httpClient.getHttpConnectionManager();
            if (connectionManager instanceof MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager) {
                final MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager multiThreadedHttpConnectionManager = (MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager) connectionManager;