Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package org.tacografo.file;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;

import org.tacografo.file.cardblockdriver.CardBlock;
import org.tacografo.file.cardblockdriver.CardCertificate;
import org.tacografo.file.cardblockdriver.CardChipIdentification;
import org.tacografo.file.cardblockdriver.CardControlActivityDataRecord;
import org.tacografo.file.cardblockdriver.CardCurrentUse;
import org.tacografo.file.cardblockdriver.CardDriverActivity;
import org.tacografo.file.cardblockdriver.CardDrivingLicenceInformation;
import org.tacografo.file.cardblockdriver.CardEventData;
import org.tacografo.file.cardblockdriver.CardFaultData;
import org.tacografo.file.cardblockdriver.CardIccIdentification;
import org.tacografo.file.cardblockdriver.CardIdentification;
import org.tacografo.file.cardblockdriver.CardPlaceDailyWorkPeriod;
import org.tacografo.file.cardblockdriver.CardVehiclesUsed;
import org.tacografo.file.cardblockdriver.DriverCardApplicationIdentification;
import org.tacografo.file.cardblockdriver.Fid;
import org.tacografo.file.cardblockdriver.LastCardDownload;
import org.tacografo.file.cardblockdriver.MemberStateCertificate;
import org.tacografo.file.cardblockdriver.SpecificConditionRecord;
import org.tacografo.file.error.ErrorFile;
import org.tacografo.tiposdatos.Number;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;

 * Clase encargada de interpretar los bytes de los ficheros de una tarjeta del tacografo
 * he interpretarlo segun REGLAMENTO (CE) No 1360/2002 DE LA COMISIN de 13 de junio de 2002
 * en los diferentes bloques de datos segun dicho reglamento.
 * Nota:Donde podemos obtener directamente los bloques de memoria como propiedades de esta clase
 * para la devolucion de json sera igual que FileTGD solo devuelve nombre de fichero y la lista de bloque
 * en jormato json de la propiedad getJson().
 * @author Andres Carmona Gil
 * @version 0.0.1
public class FileBlockTGD {

    private String nameFile = null;
    // block file of driver card
    private CardIccIdentification icc = null;
    private CardChipIdentification ic = null;
    private DriverCardApplicationIdentification application_identification = null;
    private CardCertificate card_certificate = null;
    private MemberStateCertificate ca_certificate = null;
    private CardIdentification identification = null;
    private LastCardDownload card_download = null;
    private CardDrivingLicenceInformation driving_lincense_info = null;
    private CardEventData event_data = null;
    private CardFaultData fault_data = null;
    private CardDriverActivity driver_activity_data = null;
    private CardVehiclesUsed vehicles_used = null;
    private CardPlaceDailyWorkPeriod places = null;
    private CardCurrentUse current_usage = null;
    private CardControlActivityDataRecord control_activity_data = null;
    private SpecificConditionRecord specific_conditions = null;

    private boolean sid = false;
     * Listado de <key,value> donde key=fid, value=cardBlock
    private HashMap<String, CardBlock> lista_bloque;

    public FileBlockTGD() {


     * Constructor que leera los bytes del fichero pasado para interpretar los
     * datos y asignarlo a los bloque correspondientes
     * @throws ErrorFile 
    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
    public FileBlockTGD(String nombre_fichero) throws ErrorFile {
        this.nameFile = nombre_fichero;
        this.lista_bloque = new HashMap();
        if (this.getLista_bloque().isEmpty()) {
            throw new ErrorFile("error archivo no tgd");

     * Constructor que leera los bytes del fichero pasado como un inpurtStream para interpretar los
     * datos y asignarlo a los bloque correspondientes
    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
    public FileBlockTGD(InputStream is, int sizeFile, String filename) throws ErrorFile {
        this.nameFile = filename;
        this.lista_bloque = new HashMap();
        factorizar_bloques(is, sizeFile);
        if (this.getLista_bloque().isEmpty()) {
            throw new ErrorFile("error archivo no tgd");


     * Constructor que leera los bytes del fichero pasado como array de bytes para interpretar los
     * datos y asignarlo a los bloque correspondientes
    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
    public FileBlockTGD(byte[] bytes) {
        this.lista_bloque = new HashMap();

        this.lista_bloque = factorizar_bloques(bytes);

     * Metodo encargado de asignar a cada propiedad que seran los diferentes bloques que 
     * componen la estructura de fichero de una tarjeta(por ahora sin uso tanto de las propiedades
     * como del metodo, posibles usos futuros) 
    private void asignarBloques() {

        this.icc = (CardIccIdentification) this.lista_bloque.get(Fid.EF_ICC.toString());
        this.ic = (CardChipIdentification) this.lista_bloque.get(Fid.EF_IC.toString());
        this.application_identification = (DriverCardApplicationIdentification) this.lista_bloque
        this.card_certificate = (CardCertificate) this.lista_bloque.get(Fid.EF_CARD_CERTIFICATE.toString());
        this.ca_certificate = (MemberStateCertificate) this.lista_bloque.get(Fid.EF_CA_CERTIFICATE.toString());
        this.identification = (CardIdentification) this.lista_bloque.get(Fid.EF_IDENTIFICATION.toString());
        this.card_download = (LastCardDownload) this.lista_bloque.get(Fid.EF_CARD_DOWNLOAD.toString());
        this.driving_lincense_info = (CardDrivingLicenceInformation) this.lista_bloque
        this.event_data = (CardEventData) this.lista_bloque.get(Fid.EF_EVENTS_DATA.toString());
        this.fault_data = (CardFaultData) this.lista_bloque.get(Fid.EF_FAULTS_DATA.toString());
        this.driver_activity_data = (CardDriverActivity) this.lista_bloque
        this.vehicles_used = (CardVehiclesUsed) this.lista_bloque.get(Fid.EF_VEHICLES_USED.toString());
        if (this.application_identification != null)
        this.places = (CardPlaceDailyWorkPeriod) this.lista_bloque.get(Fid.EF_PLACES.toString());
        if (this.places != null)
        this.current_usage = (CardCurrentUse) this.lista_bloque.get(Fid.EF_CURRENT_USAGE.toString());
        this.control_activity_data = (CardControlActivityDataRecord) this.lista_bloque
        this.specific_conditions = (SpecificConditionRecord) this.lista_bloque


     * Lectura de los bloques con formato :tag(fid)-longitud-value
     * @param entrada
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws ErrorFile ocurrido cuando no es un fichero tgd o falla en la lectura de algun bloque
     * porque no encuentre el tag(fid)
    private void lectura_bloque(DataInputStream entrada) throws IOException, ErrorFile {
        boolean existe_fid = true;
        while (existe_fid) {
            // la lectura tiene que ser con readUnsignedShort debido a que
            // los fid c108 y c100
            // los detecta con signo y me los rellenas como ffffc108 y
            // ffffc100
            int fid = entrada.readUnsignedShort();

            existe_fid = this.existe_Fid(fid);
            if (existe_fid) {
                // tipo de archivo 0 = bloque de dato -- 1 = certificado
                byte tipo = entrada.readByte();
                Integer longitud = Integer.valueOf(entrada.readChar());
                byte[] datos = new byte[longitud];

      , 0, longitud);
                // tipo de bloque
                if (tipo == 0) {
                    CardBlock block = FactoriaBloques.getFactoria(fid, datos);
                    if (block != null) {
                        this.lista_bloque.put(block.getFID(), block);

            } else {
                throw new ErrorFile();

     * Se encarga de leer los bytes del fichero he introducirlo en un
     * hasmap<FID,array bytes> los bloques bienen formado por TLV =
     * tag(FID)-longitud-value
     * @throws ErrorFile ocurrido cuando no es un fichero tgd o falla en la lectura de algun bloque
     * porque no encuentre el tag(fid)
    private void factorizar_bloques(String nombre_fichero) throws ErrorFile {
        FileInputStream fis = null;
        DataInputStream entrada = null;
        try {
            fis = new FileInputStream(nombre_fichero);
            entrada = new DataInputStream(fis);
            //lectura de bloques siempre y cuando la lectura del fid exista

        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        } catch (EOFException e) {
            // se produce cuando se llega al final del fichero
        } catch (IOException e) {
        } finally {
            try {
                if (fis != null) {
                if (entrada != null) {
            } catch (IOException e) {


     * Se encarga de leer los bytes del fichero he introducirlo en un
     * hasmap<FID,array bytes> los bloques bienen formado por TLV =
     * tag-longitud-value
     * @throws ErrorFile 
    private void factorizar_bloques(InputStream is, int sizeFile) throws ErrorFile {

        DataInputStream entrada = null;
        @SuppressWarnings({ "unused", "rawtypes" })
        HashMap<String, CardBlock> lista = new HashMap();

        try {
            entrada = new DataInputStream(is);

        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        } catch (EOFException e) {

        } catch (IOException e) {


     * Comprueba si el identificador de fichero existe
     * @param fid
     * @return the boolean
    private boolean existe_Fid(int fid) {
        Fid[] list_fid = Fid.values();
        boolean ok = false;

        for (int i = 0; i < list_fid.length; i++) {
            if (list_fid[i].getId() == fid) {
                ok = true;
                i = list_fid.length;

        return ok;

     * Se encarga de leer los bytes del fichero he introducirlo en un
     * hasmap<FID,array bytes> los bloques bienen formado por TLV =
     * tag-longitud-value
    private HashMap factorizar_bloques(byte[] bytes) {
        HashMap<String, CardBlock> lista = new HashMap();

        try {

            int start = 0;
            while (start < bytes.length) {

                // la lectura tiene que ser con readUnsignedShort debido a que
                // los fid c108 y c100
                // los detecta con signo y me los rellenas como ffffc108 y
                // ffffc100

                int fid = Number.getShort_16(Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes, start, start += 2));
                // tipo de archivo 0 = bloque de dato -- 1 = certificado

                byte tipo = bytes[start];
                start += 1;

                Integer longitud = (int) Number.getShort_16(Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes, start, start += 2));
                if (longitud < 0) {
                    start = bytes.length;
                } else {
                    byte[] datos = new byte[longitud];
                    if (start + longitud <= bytes.length) {
                        datos = Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes, start, start += longitud);
                        if (tipo == 0) {
                            CardBlock block = FactoriaBloques.getFactoria(fid, datos);
                            if (block != null) {
                                lista.put(block.getFID(), block);
                    } else {
                        start = bytes.length;



        } catch (IOException e) {
        return lista;

     * @return the icc
    public CardIccIdentification getIcc() {
        return icc;

     * @param icc
     *            the icc to set
    public void setIcc(CardIccIdentification icc) {
        this.icc = icc;

     * @return the ic
    public CardChipIdentification getIc() {
        return ic;

     * @param ic
     *            the ic to set
    public void setIc(CardChipIdentification ic) {
        this.ic = ic;

     * @return the application_identification
    public DriverCardApplicationIdentification getApplication_identification() {
        return application_identification;

     * @param application_identification
     *            the application_identification to set
    public void setApplication_identification(DriverCardApplicationIdentification application_identification) {
        this.application_identification = application_identification;

     * @return the card_certificate
    public CardCertificate getCard_certificate() {
        return card_certificate;

     * @param card_certificate
     *            the card_certificate to set
    public void setCard_certificate(CardCertificate card_certificate) {
        this.card_certificate = card_certificate;

     * @return the ca_certificate
    public MemberStateCertificate getCa_certificate() {
        return ca_certificate;

     * @param ca_certificate
     *            the ca_certificate to set
    public void setCa_certificate(MemberStateCertificate ca_certificate) {
        this.ca_certificate = ca_certificate;

     * @return the identification
    public CardIdentification getIdentification() {
        return identification;

     * @param identification
     *            the identification to set
    public void setIdentification(CardIdentification identification) {
        this.identification = identification;

     * @return the card_download
    public LastCardDownload getCard_download() {
        return card_download;

     * @param card_download
     *            the card_download to set
    public void setCard_download(LastCardDownload card_download) {
        this.card_download = card_download;

     * @return the driving_lincense_info
    public CardDrivingLicenceInformation getDriving_lincense_info() {
        return driving_lincense_info;

     * @param driving_lincense_info
     *            the driving_lincense_info to set
    public void setDriving_lincense_info(CardDrivingLicenceInformation driving_lincense_info) {
        this.driving_lincense_info = driving_lincense_info;

     * @return the event_data
    public CardEventData getEvent_data() {
        return event_data;

     * @param event_data
     *            the event_data to set
    public void setEvent_data(CardEventData event_data) {
        this.event_data = event_data;

     * @return the fault_data
    public CardFaultData getFault_data() {
        return fault_data;

     * @param fault_data
     *            the fault_data to set
    public void setFault_data(CardFaultData fault_data) {
        this.fault_data = fault_data;

     * @return the driver_activity_data
    public CardDriverActivity getDriver_activity_data() {
        return driver_activity_data;

     * @param driver_activity_data
     *            the driver_activity_data to set
    public void setDriver_activity_data(CardDriverActivity driver_activity_data) {
        this.driver_activity_data = driver_activity_data;

     * @return the vehicles_used
    public CardVehiclesUsed getVehicles_used() {
        return vehicles_used;

     * @param vehicles_used
     *            the vehicles_used to set
    public void setVehicles_used(CardVehiclesUsed vehicles_used) {
        this.vehicles_used = vehicles_used;

     * @return the places
    public CardPlaceDailyWorkPeriod getPlaces() {
        return places;

     * @param places
     *            the places to set
    public void setPlaces(CardPlaceDailyWorkPeriod places) {
        this.places = places;

     * @return the current_usage
    public CardCurrentUse getCurrent_usage() {
        return current_usage;

     * @param current_usage
     *            the current_usage to set
    public void setCurrent_usage(CardCurrentUse current_usage) {
        this.current_usage = current_usage;

     * @return the control_activity_data
    public CardControlActivityDataRecord getControl_activity_data() {
        return control_activity_data;

     * @param control_activity_data
     *            the control_activity_data to set
    public void setControl_activity_data(CardControlActivityDataRecord control_activity_data) {
        this.control_activity_data = control_activity_data;

     * @return the specific_conditions
    public SpecificConditionRecord getSpecific_conditions() {
        return specific_conditions;

     * @param specific_conditions
     *            the specific_conditions to set
    public void setSpecific_conditions(SpecificConditionRecord specific_conditions) {
        this.specific_conditions = specific_conditions;

     * Devuelve la lista_bloque <fid, cardblock>
     * @return the lista_bloque
    public HashMap<String, CardBlock> getLista_bloque() {
        return lista_bloque;

     * Asigna lista_bloque <fid,cardblock>
     * @param lista_bloque
     *            the lista_bloque to set
    public void setLista_bloque(HashMap<String, CardBlock> lista_bloque) {
        this.lista_bloque = lista_bloque;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
    public String toString() {
        return "FileTGD [icc=" + icc + ", ic=" + ic + ", application_identification=" + application_identification
                + ", card_certificate=" + card_certificate + ", ca_certificate=" + ca_certificate
                + ", identification=" + identification + ", card_download=" + card_download
                + ", driving_lincense_info=" + driving_lincense_info + ", event_data=" + event_data
                + ", fault_data=" + fault_data + ", driver_activity_data=" + driver_activity_data
                + ", vehicles_used=" + vehicles_used + ", places=" + places + ", current_usage=" + current_usage
                + ", control_activity_data=" + control_activity_data + ", specific_conditions="
                + specific_conditions + "]";

     * Devuelve el Nombre de fichero
     * @return the nameFile

    public String getNameFile() {
        return nameFile;

     * Asignamos el nombre del fichero
     * @param nameFile the nameFile to set
    public void setNameFile(String nameFile) {
        this.nameFile = nameFile;

     * Mapeamos la clase fileTGD a json solo con las propiedades nameFile y lista_bloque
     * @return the string json
    public String getJson() {
        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
        String str = "";
        try {
            str = mapper.writeValueAsString(this);
        } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
        return str;
