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// @formatter:off
* This file is part of tensorics.
* Copyright (c) 2008-2011, CERN. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// @formatter:on

package org.tensorics.core.tensor;

import static java.lang.String.format;
import static org.tensorics.core.util.MoreMultisets.containsNonUniqueElements;
import static org.tensorics.core.util.MoreMultisets.nonUniqueElementsOf;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import org.tensorics.core.util.Classes;


 * Utility methods to handle coordinates
 * @author kfuchsbe
public final class Coordinates {

    private Coordinates() {
        /* only static methods */

     * Creates a class to instance map, from the given coordinates. The map will contain the classes of the coordinates
     * as keys and the coordinates themselves as values. Duplicate keys (dimensions) are not allowed and will result in
     * an {@link IllegalArgumentException}.
     * @param coordinates the coordinates to be added to the map
     * @return an immutable map from dimensions (coordinate classes) to coordinate
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if more than one coordinate per dimension are provided
     * @deprecated
    public static <C> ClassToInstanceMap<C> mapOf(Iterable<? extends C> coordinates) {
        ImmutableClassToInstanceMap.Builder<C> coordinateBuilder = ImmutableClassToInstanceMap.builder();
        for (C coordinate : coordinates) {
            Class<C> coordinateClass = (Class<C>) coordinate.getClass();
            coordinateBuilder.put(coordinateClass, coordinate);

     * Validates dependence between given classes (interfaces) such that two interfaces in the same inheritance line are
     * not given.
     * @param coordinates
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException when any of the given classes are linked by the inheritance line.
    public static void checkClassesRelations(Iterable<Class<?>> coordinates) {
        for (Class<?> one : coordinates) {
            initialCheckForClassRelations(one, coordinates);

     * Validates dependence between given class (interface) such that NONE of the classes can be assignable from it.
     * @param classToCheck a class to verify
     * @param coordinates available coordinates classes
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException when any of the given classes are linked by the inheritance line.
    public static void initialCheckForClassRelations(Class<?> classToCheck, Iterable<Class<?>> coordinates) {
        for (Class<?> oneToCompare : coordinates) {
            if (classToCheck.equals(oneToCompare)) {

            if (oneToCompare.isAssignableFrom(classToCheck)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "Cannot use given coordinates class!'" + classToCheck.getCanonicalName()
                                + "' is assignable from '" + oneToCompare.getName() + "'");

     * Validates dependence between given class (interface) such that ANY o the given coordinates is assignable from it.
     * @param classToCheck a class to verify
     * @param dimensions available coordinates classes
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException when any of the given classes are linked by the inheritance line.
    public static void checkClassRelations(Class<?> classToCheck, Iterable<Class<?>> dimensions) {
        // XXX find better names
        mapToAnEntry(classToCheck, dimensions);

    public static <C> Class<? super C> mapToAnEntry(Class<C> classToCheck, Iterable<Class<?>> dimensions) {
        for (Class<?> dimension : dimensions) {
            if (classToCheck.equals(dimension)) {
                Class<? super C> toReturn = (Class<? super C>) dimension;
                return toReturn;
            if (dimension.isAssignableFrom(classToCheck)) {
                Class<? super C> toReturn = (Class<? super C>) dimension;
                return toReturn;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot use given coordinates class! '" + classToCheck.getCanonicalName()
                + "' is not assignable from any of the avaliable dimensions '" + dimensions + "'");

     * Finds the intersection of the two dimension sets, taking correctly into account the class hierarchy of the set
     * dimensions.
     * <p>
     * example: If class A inherits from class B and one set contains A and the other B, then B will be returned.
     * @param left one set of dimensions
     * @param right the other set of dimensions
     * @return the intersection of the two sets, considering the class hierarchy
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if a combination of elements of the two sets would result in duplicated entries
     *             (e.g. the sets are not disjunct in hierarchy)
    public static Set<Class<?>> parentClassIntersection(Set<Class<?>> left, Set<Class<?>> right) {
        Set<Class<?>> toReturn = new HashSet<>();
        for (Class<?> leftDim : left) {
            for (Class<?> rightDim : right) {
                Optional<Class<?>> higher = higherOf(leftDim, rightDim);
                if (higher.isPresent()) {
                    boolean wasAdded = toReturn.add(higher.get());
                    if (!wasAdded) {
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException(format(
                                "A combination of dimensions from %s and %s resulted twice in dimension %s."
                                        + "Probably the set of dimensions are not disjunct?",
                                left, right, higher.get()));
        return toReturn;

    private static Optional<Class<?>> higherOf(Class<?> leftDim, Class<?> rightDim) {
        if (leftDim.isAssignableFrom(rightDim)) {
            return Optional.of(leftDim);
        if (rightDim.isAssignableFrom(leftDim)) {
            return Optional.of(rightDim);
        return Optional.absent();

     * Provides the way to reduce long classpath names of the coordinates classes to only short Class names. It produces
     * a combination of the tensor and it's context result.
     * @param tensor to extract the dimension set and reduce their length of the output string
     * @return a reduced string
    public static String dimensionsWithoutClassPath(Tensor<?> tensor) {
        String dimensions = dimensionsWithoutClassPath(tensor.shape().dimensionSet());
        String dimensionsContext = dimensionsWithoutClassPath(tensor.context());
        return "Tensor:" + dimensions + ", Context:" + dimensionsContext;

     * Provides the way to reduce long classpath names of the coordinates classes to only short Class names.
     * @param position to extract the dimension set and reduce their ength of the output string
     * @return a reduced string
    public static String dimensionsWithoutClassPath(Position position) {
        return dimensionsWithoutClassPath(position.dimensionSet());

     * Provides the way to reduce long classpath names of the coordinates classes to only short Class names.
     * @param dimensionSet to reduce length of the output string
     * @return a reduced string
    public static String dimensionsWithoutClassPath(Set<Class<?>> dimensionSet) {
        List<String> classNames = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (Class<?> oneClass : dimensionSet) {
        return classNames.toString();

    public static Set<?> requireValidCoordinates(Iterable<?> coordinates) {
        return ImmutableSet.copyOf(coordinates);

    public static Set<Class<?>> requireValidDimensions(Multiset<Class<?>> dimensions) {
        if (containsNonUniqueElements(dimensions)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Only unique dimensions are allowed. The following dimensions are not unique: "
                            + nonUniqueElementsOf(dimensions));
        return ImmutableSet.copyOf(dimensions.elementSet());

     * Extracts from a set of coordinates, the coordinate which corresponds to the given dimension. Hereby
     * 'corresponding' means that the cooridnate is an instance of the given dimension (class).
     * @param coordinates the set of coordinates from which to extract the coordinate
     * @param dimension the dimension for which to find the coordinate.
     * @return the (first) coordinate which is an instance of the given dimension or {@code null} if none is contained
     *         in the set.
     * TODO: Probably we should check, that there are not two mathing coordinates in the set and throw in case?
    public static <C> C firstCoordinateOfTyp(Set<?> coordinates, Class<C> dimension) {
        for (Object positionCoordinate : coordinates) {
            if (dimension.isAssignableFrom(positionCoordinate.getClass())) {
                return (C) positionCoordinate;
        return null;

     * Utility method that extract the final classes of the given coordinates instances.
     * @param coordinates to scan
     * @return classes of the coordinates
    public static Set<Class<?>> getDimensionsFrom(Set<?> coordinates) {
        Set<Class<?>> classes = new HashSet<>();
        for (Object one : coordinates) {
        return classes;

     * Returns the difference of two sets of coordinates, by removing the dimensionToStrip set from the
     * originalDimensions. This method correctly considers the class hierarchy: subclasses of the classes specified in
     * dimensionsToStrip are also removed from originalDimensions.
     * @param originalDimensions the original set of dimensions
     * @param dimensionsToStrip the dimensions to remove
     * @return the original dimension set minus the dimensions to strip
    public static Set<Class<?>> parentClassDifference(Set<Class<?>> originalDimensions,
            Set<? extends Class<?>> dimensionsToStrip) {
        Set<Class<?>> toReturn = new HashSet<>(originalDimensions);
        for (Class<?> original : originalDimensions) {
            for (Class<?> toStrip : dimensionsToStrip) {
                if (toStrip.isAssignableFrom(original)) {
        return toReturn;
