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 * Copyright 2014 MovingBlocks
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.terasology.commonworld.heightmap;

import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.util.List;

import org.terasology.commonworld.array.IntArray2D;
import org.terasology.commonworld.symmetry.Symmetry;


 * Provides access to different height maps
 * @author Martin Steiger
public final class HeightMaps {

    private HeightMaps() {
        // avoid instantiation

     * @param hm the height to use
     * @param area the area to cache
     * @param scale the scale level (should be a divisor of area.width and area.height)
     * @return An height map based on the given constant value
    public static HeightMap caching(HeightMap hm, Rectangle area, int scale) {
        if (scale == 1) {
            return new CachingHeightMap(area, hm);
        } else {
            return new CachingLerpHeightMap(area, hm, scale);

     * @param height the height to use
     * @return An height map based on the given constant value
    public static HeightMap constant(int height) {
        return new ConstantHeightMap(height);

     * @param hm the backing height map
     * @param offset the height offset to use
     * @return An height map that returns all values with +offset
    public static HeightMap offset(HeightMap hm, int offset) {
        return new OffsetHeightMap(hm, offset);

     * @param hm the backing height map
     * @param scale the scale factor to use
     * @return An height map that returns values at (x * scale, z * scale)
    public static HeightMap scalingArea(final HeightMap hm, final int scale) {
        return new HeightMapAdapter() {

            public int apply(int x, int z) {
                return hm.apply(x * scale, z * scale);

     * @param hm the backing height map
     * @param scale the scale factor to use
     * @return An height map that returns y * scale
    public static HeightMap scalingHeight(final HeightMap hm, final int scale) {
        return new HeightMapAdapter() {

            public int apply(int x, int z) {
                return hm.apply(x, z) * scale;

     * @param data the data
     * @return An height map that returns the content of the string list
    public static HeightMap stringBased(List<String> data) {
        return new StringHeightMap(data);

     * @param hm the height map
     * @param sym the symmetry
     * @return a symmetric height map
    public static HeightMap symmetric(final HeightMap hm, final Symmetry sym) {
        return new HeightMapAdapter() {
            public int apply(int x, int z) {
                if (sym.isMirrored(x, z)) {
                    return hm.apply(sym.getMirrored(x, z));
                } else {
                    return hm.apply(x, z);


     * @param array the underlying array
     * @return a height map that is mirror along the diagonal (1, -1)
    public static HeightMap fromArray2D(final IntArray2D array) {
        return new HeightMapAdapter() {

            public int apply(int x, int z) {
                int lx = IntMath.mod(x, array.getWidth());
                int lz = IntMath.mod(z, array.getHeight());
                return array.get(lx, lz);