Source code

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Here is the source code for


 * Terrier - Terabyte Retriever 
 * Webpage:
 * Contact: terrier{a.}
 * University of Glasgow - School of Computing Science
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
 * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
 * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
 * the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
 * under the License.
 * The Original Code is
 * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2004-2014 the University of Glasgow.
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s):
 *   Craig Macdonald <craigm{a.}> (original contributor)
package org.terrier.structures.collections;

import java.util.AbstractCollection;
import java.util.AbstractSet;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import org.terrier.structures.IndexOnDisk;
import org.terrier.structures.IndexUtil;
import org.terrier.structures.Skipable;
import org.terrier.structures.seralization.FixedSizeWriteableFactory;
import org.terrier.structures.seralization.WriteableFactory;
import org.terrier.utility.Files;

/** An implementation of java.util.Map that can be accessed from disk.
 * Key and value types are assumed to have a fixed size. Their factories
 * must be passed to the constructor. In the name, FSOrderedMapFile,
 * FS stands for Fixed Size.
 * @author Craig Macdonald
 * @since 3.0
 * @param <K> Type of the keys
 * @param <V> Type of the values
//unchecked warnings are suppressed because WritableComparable should be parameterised. I have no idea how though.
public class FSOrderedMapFile<K extends WritableComparable, V extends Writable> extends ReadOnlyMap<K, V>
        implements OrderedMap<K, V>, Closeable, SortedMap<K, V> {
    public static final String USUAL_EXTENSION = ".fsomapfile";

    /** The logger used for this class */
    protected static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(FSOrderedMapFile.class);

    /** This is a file lock used to stop multiple threads from attempting to traverse the underlying file at once */
    Object fileAccessLock = new Object();

    /** interface FSOMapFileBSearchShortcut */
    public interface FSOMapFileBSearchShortcut<KEY> {
         * Returns bounds of a given key
         * @param key
         * @return bounds
         * @throws IOException
        int[] searchBounds(KEY key) throws IOException;

    interface OrderedMapEntry<K, V> extends Entry<K, V> {
        int getIndex();

    class DefaultMapFileBSearchShortcut<KEY> implements FSOMapFileBSearchShortcut<KEY> {
        final int[] defaultBounds = new int[] { 0, numberOfEntries };

        public int[] searchBounds(KEY key) {
            return defaultBounds;

    /** MapFileInMemory class */
    public static class MapFileInMemory<IK extends Writable, IV extends Writable> extends TreeMap<IK, IV>
            implements Map<IK, IV> {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        public void clear() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

        /** constructor
         * @param filename
         * @param _keyFactory
         * @param _valueFactory
         * @throws IOException
        public MapFileInMemory(String filename, FixedSizeWriteableFactory<IK> _keyFactory,
                FixedSizeWriteableFactory<IV> _valueFactory) throws IOException {
            this(new DataInputStream(Files.openFileStream(filename)),
                    (int) (Files.length(filename) / (_keyFactory.getSize() + _valueFactory.getSize())), _keyFactory,

        /** constructor
         * @param dataInputStream
         * @param length
         * @param keyfactory
         * @param valuefactory
         * @throws IOException
        public MapFileInMemory(DataInputStream dataInputStream, int length,
                FixedSizeWriteableFactory<IK> keyfactory, FixedSizeWriteableFactory<IV> valuefactory)
                throws IOException {
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                IK key = keyfactory.newInstance();
                IV value = valuefactory.newInstance();
                this.put(key, value);

    /** an iterator for entries. */
    public static class EntryIterator<IK extends Writable, IV extends Writable>
            implements Iterator<Entry<IK, IV>>,, Skipable {
        protected DataInput di;
        protected int numEntries;
        protected int counter = 0;
        protected FixedSizeWriteableFactory<IK> keyFactory;
        protected FixedSizeWriteableFactory<IV> valueFactory;

         * constructor
         * @param filename
         * @param _keyFactory
         * @param _valueFactory
         * @throws IOException
        public EntryIterator(String filename, FixedSizeWriteableFactory<IK> _keyFactory,
                FixedSizeWriteableFactory<IV> _valueFactory) throws IOException {
            this(new DataInputStream(Files.openFileStream(filename)),
                    (int) (Files.length(filename) / (_keyFactory.getSize() + _valueFactory.getSize())), _keyFactory,

        EntryIterator(DataInput _di, int _numEntries, FixedSizeWriteableFactory<IK> _keyFactory,
                FixedSizeWriteableFactory<IV> _valueFactory) {
            di = _di;
            numEntries = _numEntries;
            this.keyFactory = _keyFactory;
            this.valueFactory = _valueFactory;

         * {@inheritDoc} 
        public void close() throws IOException {
            ((Closeable) di).close();

         * {@inheritDoc} 
        public boolean hasNext() {
            //System.err.println(this.toString()+"check:"+(counter < numEntries)+" counter="+counter + " numEntries="+numEntries);
            //new Exception().printStackTrace();
            return counter < numEntries;

         * {@inheritDoc} 
        public Entry<IK, IV> next() {
            //System.err.println(this.toString()+"counter="+counter + " numEntries="+numEntries);
            if (counter >= numEntries) {
                //System.err.println(this.toString()+"ERROR counter="+counter + " numEntries="+numEntries);
                throw new NoSuchElementException();
            IK key = keyFactory.newInstance();
            IV value = valueFactory.newInstance();
            try {
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                logger.error("IOException while iterating", ioe);
                throw new NoSuchElementException("IOException while iterating");
            if ((counter == numEntries) && di instanceof Closeable)
                try {
                    ((Closeable) di).close();
                } catch (IOException ioe) {
                    logger.error("Could not close input file", ioe);
            return new MapFileEntry<IK, IV>(key, value, counter - 1);

         * {@inheritDoc} 
        public void remove() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

         * {@inheritDoc} 
        public void skip(int _numEntries) throws IOException {
            if (_numEntries == 0)
            int entrySize = keyFactory.getSize() + valueFactory.getSize();
            long targetSkipped = (long) _numEntries * (long) entrySize;
            long actualSkipped = 0;
            while (actualSkipped < targetSkipped) {
                int toSkip = targetSkipped - actualSkipped > (long) Integer.MAX_VALUE ? Integer.MAX_VALUE
                        : (int) (targetSkipped - actualSkipped);
                actualSkipped += di.skipBytes(toSkip);
            counter += _numEntries;

    /** an iterator for entries. */
    class valueIterator implements Iterator<V>, Skipable {
        DataInput di;
        int numEntries;
        int count = 0;
        K uselessKey;

        valueIterator(DataInput _di, int _numEntries) {
            di = _di;
            numEntries = _numEntries;
            uselessKey = keyFactory.newInstance();

        public boolean hasNext() {
            return count < numEntries;

        public V next() {
            if (count++ >= numEntries)
                throw new NoSuchElementException();
            V value = valueFactory.newInstance();
            try {
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                logger.error("IOException while iterating", ioe);
                throw new NoSuchElementException("IOException while iterating");
            if ((count == numEntries) && di instanceof Closeable)
                try {
                    ((Closeable) di).close();
                } catch (IOException ioe) {
            return value;

        public void remove() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

        public void skip(int _numEntries) throws IOException {
            if (_numEntries == 0)
            int entrySize = keyFactory.getSize() + valueFactory.getSize();
            long targetSkipped = (long) _numEntries * (long) entrySize;
            long actualSkipped = 0;
            while (actualSkipped < targetSkipped) {
                int toSkip = targetSkipped - actualSkipped > (long) Integer.MAX_VALUE ? Integer.MAX_VALUE
                        : (int) (targetSkipped - actualSkipped);
                actualSkipped += di.skipBytes(toSkip);
            count += _numEntries;

    /** an iterator for entries. */
    class keyIterator implements Iterator<K>, Closeable, Skipable {
        DataInput di;
        int numEntries;
        int count = 0;
        V uselessValue;

        keyIterator(DataInput _di, int _numEntries) {
            di = _di;
            numEntries = _numEntries;
            uselessValue = valueFactory.newInstance();

        public void skip(int _numEntries) throws IOException {
            if (_numEntries == 0)
            int entrySize = keyFactory.getSize() + valueFactory.getSize();
            long targetSkipped = (long) _numEntries * (long) entrySize;
            long actualSkipped = 0;
            while (actualSkipped < targetSkipped) {
                int toSkip = targetSkipped - actualSkipped > (long) Integer.MAX_VALUE ? Integer.MAX_VALUE
                        : (int) (targetSkipped - actualSkipped);
                actualSkipped += di.skipBytes(toSkip);
            count += _numEntries;

        public boolean hasNext() {
            return count < numEntries;

        public K next() {
            if (count++ >= numEntries)
                throw new NoSuchElementException();
            K key = keyFactory.newInstance();
            try {
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                logger.error("IOException while iterating", ioe);
                throw new NoSuchElementException("IOException while iterating");
            if ((count == numEntries) && di instanceof Closeable)
                try {
                    ((Closeable) di).close();
                } catch (IOException ioe) {
            return key;

        public void remove() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

        public void close() throws IOException {
            if (di instanceof Closeable)
                ((Closeable) di).close();

    class MapFileEntrySet extends AbstractSet<Entry<K, V>> {
        int first = 0;
        int last = numberOfEntries - 1;

        public MapFileEntrySet() {

        public MapFileEntrySet(int _first, int _last) {
            this.first = _first;
            this.last = _last;

        @edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings(value = "DMI_UNSUPPORTED_METHOD", justification = "May be implemented in future release")
        public boolean add(Map.Entry<K, V> e) {
            put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
            return true;

        public int size() {
            return last - first + 1;

        public boolean isEmpty() {
            return size() == 0;

        public Iterator<Map.Entry<K, V>> iterator() {
            try {
                EntryIterator<K, V> ei = new EntryIterator<K, V>(
                        new DataInputStream(Files.openFileStream(dataFilename)), last + 1, keyFactory,
                if (first > 0)
                return ei;
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                return null;

        public boolean contains(Object o) {
            K key = (K) o;
            if (get(key) == null)
                return false;
            return true;

        public boolean remove(Map.Entry<K, V> e) {
            return true;

        public void clear() {

    class MapFileKeySet extends AbstractSet<K> {
        int first = 0;
        int last = numberOfEntries - 1;

        public MapFileKeySet() {

        public MapFileKeySet(int _first, int _last) {
            this.first = _first;
            this.last = _last;

        public int size() {
            return last - first + 1;

        public boolean isEmpty() {
            return size() == 0;

        public Iterator<K> iterator() {
            try {
                keyIterator k = new keyIterator(new DataInputStream(Files.openFileStream(dataFilename)), last + 1);
                if (first > 0)
                return k;
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                return null;

        public boolean contains(Object o) {
            K key = (K) o;
            if (get(key) == null)
                return false;
            return true;

    class SubMap extends ReadOnlyMap<K, V> implements SortedMap<K, V> {
        final FSOrderedMapFile<K, V> parent;
        K headKey;
        int headKeyIndex;
        K tailKey;
        int tailKeyIndex;

        public SubMap(FSOrderedMapFile<K, V> _parent, K _headKey, K _tailKey) {
            this.parent = _parent;
            if (_headKey != null) {
                this.headKey = _headKey;
                this.headKeyIndex = parent.getEntry(headKey).index;
                if (this.headKeyIndex < 0) {
                    this.headKeyIndex = -this.headKeyIndex - 1;
            } else {
                this.headKeyIndex = 0;
                this.headKey = parent.get(this.headKeyIndex).getKey();
            if (_tailKey != null) {
                this.tailKey = _tailKey;
                this.tailKeyIndex = parent.getEntry(tailKey).index;
                if (this.tailKeyIndex < 0) {
                    this.tailKeyIndex = -this.tailKeyIndex - 2;
                    this.tailKey = parent.get(this.tailKeyIndex).getKey();
                } else {
                    this.tailKeyIndex = this.tailKeyIndex - 1;
                    this.tailKey = parent.get(this.tailKeyIndex).getKey();
            } else {
                this.tailKeyIndex = parent.size() - 1;
                assert this.tailKeyIndex >= 0;
                this.tailKey = parent.get(this.tailKeyIndex).getKey();
            //         System.err.println("sumap: " + this.headKeyIndex +"("+parent.get(headKeyIndex)+")" + " - " + this.tailKeyIndex +"("+parent.get(tailKeyIndex)+")");

        public SubMap(FSOrderedMapFile<K, V> _parent, K _headKey, int _headKeyIndex, K _tailKey,
                int _tailKeyIndex) {
            this.parent = _parent;
            this.headKey = _headKey;
            this.headKeyIndex = _headKeyIndex;
            this.tailKey = _tailKey;
            this.tailKeyIndex = _tailKeyIndex;

        public void clear() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

        public boolean containsKey(Object k) {
            if (headKey != null && (headKey.compareTo(k) > 0)) {
                //System.err.println("testKey " + k.toString() + " is too early compared to headkey " + headKey.toString());
                return false;
            if (tailKey != null && (tailKey.compareTo(k) < 0)) {
                //System.err.println("testKey " + k.toString() + " is too late compared to tailkey " + tailKey.toString());
                return false;
            //System.err.println("checking parent for " + k.toString());
            return parent.containsKey(k);

        public boolean containsValue(Object arg0) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

        public V get(Object k) {
            if (headKey != null && (headKey.compareTo(k) > 0)) {
                //System.err.println("testKey " + arg0.toString() + " is too early compared to headkey " + headKey.toString());
                return null;
            if (tailKey != null && (tailKey.compareTo(k) < 0)) {
                //System.err.println("testKey " + arg0.toString() + " is too late compared to tailkey " + tailKey.toString());
                return null;
            //System.err.println("checking parent for " + arg0.toString());
            return parent.get(k);

        public boolean isEmpty() {
            return headKeyIndex < tailKeyIndex;

        public V put(K arg0, V arg1) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

        public void putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> arg0) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

        public V remove(Object arg0) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

        public int size() {
            return this.tailKeyIndex - this.headKeyIndex + 1;

        public Comparator<? super K> comparator() {
            return null;

        public Set<java.util.Map.Entry<K, V>> entrySet() {
            return new MapFileEntrySet(this.headKeyIndex, this.tailKeyIndex);

        public K firstKey() {
            return parent.get(headKeyIndex).getKey();

        public Set<K> keySet() {
            return new MapFileKeySet(this.headKeyIndex, this.tailKeyIndex);

        public K lastKey() {
            return parent.get(tailKeyIndex).getKey();

        public SortedMap<K, V> headMap(K to) {
            return new SubMap(parent, headKey, to);

        public SortedMap<K, V> subMap(K from, K to) {
            return new SubMap(parent, from, to);

        public SortedMap<K, V> tailMap(K from) {
            return new SubMap(parent, from, tailKey);

        public Collection<V> values() {
            return new MapFileValueCollection(headKeyIndex, tailKeyIndex);


    static class MapFileEntry<EK, EV> extends MapEntry<EK, EV> implements OrderedMapEntry<EK, EV> {
        int index;

        MapFileEntry(EK _key, EV _value, int _index) {
            super(_key, _value);
            index = _index;

        public int getIndex() {
            return index;

        public EV setValue(EV value) {
            //TODO why does this cause exception?
            //put(this.key, value);
            return null;

        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            return super.equals(o);

        public int hashCode() {
            return index;


    class MapFileValueCollection extends AbstractCollection<V> implements Collection<V> {
        int first = 0;
        int last = numberOfEntries - 1;

        public MapFileValueCollection() {

        public MapFileValueCollection(int _first, int _last) {
            this.first = _first;
            this.last = _last;

        public int size() {
            return last - first + 1;

        public Iterator<V> iterator() {
            try {
                valueIterator v = new valueIterator(new DataInputStream(Files.openFileStream(dataFilename)),
                        last + 1);
                if (first > 0)
                return v;
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                logger.error("Problem reading FSOrderedMapFile " + dataFilename + " as stream", ioe);
                return null;

    /** actual underlying data file */
    protected RandomDataInput dataFile = null;
    /** filename of the underlying file */
    protected String dataFilename;

    /** The number of entries in the file.*/
    protected int numberOfEntries;
    /** total size of one key,value pair */
    protected int entrySize;

    protected FSOMapFileBSearchShortcut<K> shortcut;

    protected FixedSizeWriteableFactory<K> keyFactory;
    protected FixedSizeWriteableFactory<V> valueFactory;

    protected RandomDataOutput write() {
        if (!(dataFile instanceof RandomDataOutput))
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        return (RandomDataOutput) dataFile;

    /** Return number of entries
     * @param filename
     * @param _keyFactory
     * @param _valueFactory
     * @return number of entries
    public static int numberOfEntries(String filename, FixedSizeWriteableFactory<?> _keyFactory,
            FixedSizeWriteableFactory<?> _valueFactory) {
        long length = Files.length(filename);
        long entrySize = _keyFactory.getSize() + _valueFactory.getSize();
        return (int) (length / entrySize);

     * constructor
     * @param index
     * @param structureName
     * @throws IOException
    public FSOrderedMapFile(IndexOnDisk index, String structureName) throws IOException {
        this(index.getPath() + "/" + index.getPrefix() + "." + structureName + FSOrderedMapFile.USUAL_EXTENSION,
                false, (FixedSizeWriteableFactory<K>) index.getIndexStructure(structureName + "-keyfactory"),
                (FixedSizeWriteableFactory<V>) index.getIndexStructure(structureName + "-valuefactory"));

    /** Construct a new object to access the underlying file data structure
     * @param filename Filename of the file containing the structure
     * @param updateable Whether the file can be updated in this JVM
     * @param _keyFactory factory object for keys
     * @param _valueFactory factory object for values
     * @throws IOException thrown if an IO problem occurs
    public FSOrderedMapFile(String filename, boolean updateable, FixedSizeWriteableFactory<K> _keyFactory,
            FixedSizeWriteableFactory<V> _valueFactory) throws IOException {
        this.dataFile = updateable ? Files.writeFileRandom(this.dataFilename = filename)
                : Files.openFileRandom(this.dataFilename = filename);
        this.keyFactory = _keyFactory;
        this.valueFactory = _valueFactory;
        this.entrySize = _keyFactory.getSize() + _valueFactory.getSize();
        //System.err.println("FSOrderedMapFile entrySize is "+ this.entrySize);
        this.numberOfEntries = (int) (dataFile.length() / (long) entrySize);
        this.shortcut = new DefaultMapFileBSearchShortcut<K>();

     * constructor
     * @param file
     * @param filename
     * @param _keyFactory
     * @param _valueFactory
     * @throws IOException
    public FSOrderedMapFile(RandomDataInput file, String filename, FixedSizeWriteableFactory<K> _keyFactory,
            FixedSizeWriteableFactory<V> _valueFactory) throws IOException {
        this.dataFile = file;
        this.dataFilename = filename;
        this.keyFactory = _keyFactory;
        this.valueFactory = _valueFactory;
        this.entrySize = _keyFactory.getSize() + _valueFactory.getSize();
        this.numberOfEntries = (int) (dataFile.length() / (long) entrySize);
        this.shortcut = new DefaultMapFileBSearchShortcut<K>();

     * Get the key factory 
    public WriteableFactory<K> getKeyFactory() {
        return this.keyFactory;

     * Get the value factory
    public WriteableFactory<V> getValueFactory() {
        return this.valueFactory;

    /** Remove all entries from this map */
    public void clear() {

     * {@inheritDoc} 
    @edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings(value = "DMI_UNSUPPORTED_METHOD", justification = "May be implemented in future release")
    public void putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> m) {
        for (Map.Entry<? extends K, ? extends V> e : m.entrySet())
            put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());

    //renamed so that inner classes can access
    protected void _clear() {
        RandomDataOutput _dataFile = write();
        try {
            numberOfEntries = 0;
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            logger.warn("Could not clear FSOrderedMapFile", ioe);

     * {@inheritDoc} 
    public Set<Entry<K, V>> entrySet() {
        return new MapFileEntrySet();

     * {@inheritDoc} 
    public Set<K> keySet() {
        return new MapFileKeySet();

     * {@inheritDoc} 
    public Collection<V> values() {
        return new MapFileValueCollection();

    /** Returns the number of entries in this map */
    public int size() {
        return numberOfEntries;

     * {@inheritDoc} 
    public boolean containsValue(Object o) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

     * {@inheritDoc} 
    public boolean containsKey(Object o) {
        return getEntry((K) o).index >= 0;

     * {@inheritDoc} 
    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return numberOfEntries == 0;

     * Set the FSOMapFileBSearchShortcut
    public void setBSearchShortcut(FSOMapFileBSearchShortcut<K> _shortcut) {
        this.shortcut = _shortcut;

    /** this method is the one which does the actual disk lookup of entries.
     * If an entry is not found, then a MapFileEntry is returned
     * where the index field indicates the (-(insertion point) -1)
     * of the specified key. See also Arrays.binarySearch() */
    protected MapFileEntry<K, V> getEntry(K key) {
        synchronized (fileAccessLock) {

            int[] bounds;
            try {
                bounds = shortcut.searchBounds(key);
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                bounds = new int[] { 0, numberOfEntries };
            int low = bounds[0];
            int high = bounds[1];

            int i;
            int compareEntry;

            K testKey = keyFactory.newInstance();
            V value = valueFactory.newInstance();

            try {

                while (low < high) {
                    //System.err.println("high="+high + " low="+low);
                    i = (low + high) >>> 1;
           i * entrySize);
                    //System.err.println("Checking "+testKey.toString() + " cmp="+key.compareTo(testKey));
                    if ((compareEntry = testKey.compareTo(key)) < 0)
                        low = i + 1;
                    else if (compareEntry > 0)
                        high = i /*- 1*/;
                    else {
                        //read the rest and return the data
                        return new MapFileEntry<K, V>(testKey, value, i);
                    //System.err.println("high="+high + " low="+low);

                if (high == numberOfEntries)
                    return new MapFileEntry<K, V>(testKey, null, -(numberOfEntries) - 1);

                if (high == 0) {
                    i = 0;
                } else {
                    i = high;
           high * entrySize);

                if (key.compareTo(testKey) == 0) {
                    return new MapFileEntry<K, V>(testKey, value, i);
                return new MapFileEntry<K, V>(testKey, null, -(i) - 1);
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                logger.error("IOException reading FSOrderedMapFile", ioe);
                return new MapFileEntry<K, V>(testKey, null, Integer.MIN_VALUE);


    * {@inheritDoc}
    public K firstKey() {
        return this.get(0).getKey();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public K lastKey() {
        return this.get(this.size() - 1).getKey();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public SortedMap<K, V> headMap(K to) {
        return new SubMap(this, null, to);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public SortedMap<K, V> subMap(K from, K to) {
        return new SubMap(this, from, to);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public SortedMap<K, V> tailMap(K from) {
        return new SubMap(this, from, null);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * Always returns null, as keys for FSOMapFile are
     * always Comparable, and their Comparable implementation are
     * used.
    public final Comparator<? super K> comparator() {
        return null;

     * {@inheritDoc} 
    public V get(Object _key) {
        K key = (K) _key;
        MapFileEntry<K, V> entry = getEntry(key);
        if (entry.index < 0)
            return null;
        return entry.getValue();

     * {@inheritDoc} 
    public Entry<K, V> get(int entryNumber) {
        synchronized (fileAccessLock) {

            K key = keyFactory.newInstance();
            V value = valueFactory.newInstance();
            if (entryNumber >= numberOfEntries)
                throw new NoSuchElementException(
                        "Entry number " + entryNumber + " is larger than map size of " + numberOfEntries);

            try {
       entryNumber * entrySize);
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                throw new NoSuchElementException(
                        "IOException reading FSOrderedMapFile for entry number " + entryNumber + " : " + ioe);
            return new MapFileEntry<K, V>(key, value, entryNumber);


     * {@inheritDoc} 
    public void close() throws IOException {

    /** writes an entire map FSOrderedMapFile at once, to the specified filename,
      * and using the data contained in the specified iterator
    public static void mapFileWrite(String filename, Iterable<Entry<WritableComparable, Writable>> t)
            throws IOException {
        mapFileWrite(filename, t.iterator());

    /** writes an entire map FSOrderedMapFile at once, to the specified filename,
     * and using the data contained in the specified iterator
    public static void mapFileWrite(String filename, Iterator<Entry<WritableComparable, Writable>> ti)
            throws IOException {
        DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(Files.writeFileStream(filename));
        while (ti.hasNext()) {
            Entry<WritableComparable, Writable> e =;

    /** returns a utility class which can be used to write a FSOrderedMapFile. 
     * Input data MUST be sorted by key. */
    public static MapFileWriter mapFileWrite(final String filename) throws IOException {
        return new MapFileWriter() {
            DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(Files.writeFileStream(filename));

            public void write(WritableComparable key, Writable value) throws IOException {
                //System.err.println("writing key "+ key.toString());
                //System.err.println("writing value "+ value.toString());

            public void close() throws IOException {

    /** Interface for writing a FSOMapFile */
    static public interface MapFileWriter extends Closeable {
        /** Add this (key, value) tuple to the MapFile */
        void write(WritableComparable key, Writable value) throws IOException;

    /** Writes out a FSOMapFile, but assumes that input data need not be sorted by key. */
    public static class MultiFSOMapWriter implements MapFileWriter, Flushable {
        final String targetFilename;
        Map<WritableComparable, Writable> cache;
        int maxCacheSize;
        int flushCount = 0;
        boolean allowdups = false;

        protected FixedSizeWriteableFactory keyFactory;
        protected FixedSizeWriteableFactory valueFactory;

         * Constructs an instance of the MultiFSOMapWriter.
         * @param filename
         * @param numberOfValuesInMemory
         * @param _keyFactory
         * @param _valueFactory
        public MultiFSOMapWriter(String filename, int numberOfValuesInMemory, FixedSizeWriteableFactory _keyFactory,
                FixedSizeWriteableFactory _valueFactory) {
            this.cache = new TreeMap<WritableComparable, Writable>();
            this.maxCacheSize = numberOfValuesInMemory;
            this.targetFilename = filename;
            this.keyFactory = _keyFactory;
            this.valueFactory = _valueFactory;
            this.allowdups = false;

         * Constructs an instance of the MultiFSOMapWriter.
         * @param filename
         * @param numberOfValuesInMemory
         * @param _keyFactory
         * @param _valueFactory
         * @param dupsAllows are duplicates allowed
        public MultiFSOMapWriter(String filename, int numberOfValuesInMemory, FixedSizeWriteableFactory _keyFactory,
                FixedSizeWriteableFactory _valueFactory, boolean dupsAllows) {
            this.cache = new TreeMap<WritableComparable, Writable>();
            this.maxCacheSize = numberOfValuesInMemory;
            this.targetFilename = filename;
            this.keyFactory = _keyFactory;
            this.valueFactory = _valueFactory;
            this.allowdups = dupsAllows;

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public void write(WritableComparable key, Writable value) throws IOException {
            cache.put(key, value);
            if (cache.size() == maxCacheSize) {
                //"Max cache size hit ("+maxCacheSize+"), having a flush");

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public void flush() throws IOException {
  "Flush forced");

        protected void flushCache() throws IOException {
            MapFileWriter writer = FSOrderedMapFile.mapFileWrite(targetFilename + "." + flushCount);
            for (Map.Entry<WritableComparable, Writable> entry : cache.entrySet()) {
                writer.write(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

         * {@inheritDoc} 
        public void close() throws IOException {
            //"MultiFSOMapWriter.close called for file "+ targetFilename, new Exception());
            //If the object is already closed then invoking this method has no effect. 
            if (cache == null)
            //flush and close the cache
            if (cache.size() > 0)
            cache = null;
            //deal with the single flush case
            if (flushCount == 1) {
                Files.rename(targetFilename + ".0", targetFilename);

            int mergeTmp = -1;
            LinkedList<Integer> mergeTodo = new LinkedList<Integer>();
            for (int i = 0; i < flushCount; i++)
            while (mergeTodo.size() > 1) {
                int id1 = mergeTodo.removeFirst();
                int id2 = mergeTodo.removeFirst();
                String mergeTo;
                if (mergeTodo.size() == 0) {
                    mergeTo = this.targetFilename;
                } else {
                    mergeTo = this.targetFilename + "." + mergeTmp;
                mergeTwo(id1, id2, mergeTo);
                Files.delete(this.targetFilename + "." + id1);
                Files.delete(this.targetFilename + "." + id2);
            if (mergeTodo.size() == 1) {
                Files.rename(targetFilename + "." + mergeTodo.removeFirst(), this.targetFilename);

        @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
        protected void mergeTwo(int id1, int id2, String filename) throws IOException {
            Iterator<Map.Entry<WritableComparable, Writable>> i1 = new FSOrderedMapFile.EntryIterator<WritableComparable, Writable>(
                    targetFilename + "." + id1, keyFactory, valueFactory);
            Iterator<Map.Entry<WritableComparable, Writable>> i2 = new FSOrderedMapFile.EntryIterator<WritableComparable, Writable>(
                    targetFilename + "." + id2, keyFactory, valueFactory);
            MapFileWriter writer = FSOrderedMapFile.mapFileWrite(filename);
            boolean hasMore1 = i1.hasNext();
            boolean hasMore2 = i2.hasNext();
            Map.Entry<WritableComparable, Writable> e1 = null;
            Map.Entry<WritableComparable, Writable> e2 = null;
            if (hasMore1) {
                e1 =;
            if (hasMore2) {
                e2 =;

            while (hasMore1 && hasMore2) {
                int compare = e1.getKey().compareTo(e2.getKey());
                if (compare < 0) {
                    writer.write(e1.getKey(), e1.getValue());
                    hasMore1 = i1.hasNext();
                    if (hasMore1)
                        e1 =;
                } else if (compare > 0) {
                    writer.write(e2.getKey(), e2.getValue());
                    hasMore2 = i2.hasNext();
                    if (hasMore2)
                        e2 =;
                } else //compare = 0
                    if (this.allowdups) {
                        logger.warn("Key " + e1.getKey() + " is not unique: " + e2.getValue().toString() + ","
                                + e1.getValue().toString() + " - keeping " + e2.getValue().toString());
                        writer.write(e2.getKey(), e2.getValue());
                        hasMore1 = i1.hasNext();
                        if (hasMore1)
                            e1 =;
                        hasMore2 = i2.hasNext();
                        if (hasMore2)
                            e2 =;
                    } else
                        throw new IOException("Key " + e1.getKey() + " is not unique: " + e2.getValue().toString()
                                + "," + e1.getValue().toString() + "\n"
                                + "For MetaIndex, to suppress, set metaindex.compressed.reverse.allow.duplicates=true");
            while (hasMore1) {
                writer.write(e1.getKey(), e1.getValue());
                hasMore1 = i1.hasNext();
                if (hasMore1)
                    e1 =;
            while (hasMore2) {
                writer.write(e2.getKey(), e2.getValue());
                hasMore2 = i2.hasNext();
                if (hasMore2)
                    e2 =;
