Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2012 - 2015 Signal Iduna Corporation and others.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 * Signal Iduna Corporation - initial API and implementation
 * akquinet AG
package org.testeditor.ui.uiscanner.webscanner;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import javax.inject.Inject;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptExecutor;
import org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchWindowException;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.htmlunit.HtmlUnitDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities;
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.SessionNotFoundException;
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.UnreachableBrowserException;
import org.testeditor.ui.uiscanner.ui.UiScannerTranslationService;

 * This scanner.
 * @author dkuhlmann
public abstract class Scanner {
    private static final String LINUX = "Linux";
    private static final String MAC_OS = "Mac OS";
    private static final String WINDOWS = "Windows";

    private WebDriver webDriver;
    private boolean webDriverAktive = false;

    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(Scanner.class);

    private UiScannerTranslationService translate;

     * Checks if the webDriver is still aktive.
     * @return True if the webdriver is opend else false.
    public boolean isWebDriverAktive() {
        if (webDriver != null) {
            try {
            } catch (UnreachableBrowserException e1) {
                webDriverAktive = false;
            } catch (NoSuchWindowException e1) {
                webDriverAktive = false;
            } catch (SessionNotFoundException e1) {
                webDriverAktive = false;
        } else {
            webDriverAktive = false;
        return webDriverAktive;

     * Open the browser and a webDriver session. Navigate to the URL.
     * @param browserName
     *            Browser to open.
     * @param url
     *            URL to the Site that should be opened.
    public void openBrowser(String browserName, String url) {

        String osName = System.getProperty("");
        LOGGER.debug("open browser IN PROCESS - operating System: " + osName + ", browserName: " + browserName);

        if ((webDriver != null) && webDriverAktive) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e1) {
                webDriverAktive = false;
                openBrowser(browserName, url);
        } else {
            if (UiScannerConstants.BROWSER_FIREFOX.equalsIgnoreCase(browserName)) {
            } else if (UiScannerConstants.BROWSER_IE.equalsIgnoreCase(browserName)) {
            } else if ("chrome".equalsIgnoreCase(browserName)) {
            } else if (UiScannerConstants.BROWSER_HTMLUNIT.equals(browserName)) {
                HtmlUnitDriver driver = new HtmlUnitDriver();
                webDriver = driver;
                webDriverAktive = true;

            try {
            } catch (Exception e1) {
                webDriverAktive = false;
                throw e1;


     * Helper method for openBrowser which handles the specifics to open IE.
     * @param osName
     *            the name of the OS (should contain "Windows", "Mac OS" or
     *            "Linux")
    private void openIE(String osName) {
        String webDriverServerPropertyPath = "SLIM_CMD_VAR_IEWEBDRIVERSERVER";
        String ieWebDriverServerPath = System.getProperty(webDriverServerPropertyPath);
        if (ieWebDriverServerPath != null && !(ieWebDriverServerPath.isEmpty())) {
            System.setProperty("", ieWebDriverServerPath);
        DesiredCapabilities cap = DesiredCapabilities.internetExplorer();
        cap.setCapability(InternetExplorerDriver.INTRODUCE_FLAKINESS_BY_IGNORING_SECURITY_DOMAINS, "true");
        webDriver = new InternetExplorerDriver(cap);
        webDriverAktive = true;

     * Helper method for openBrowser which handles the specifics to open Chrome.
     * @param osName
     *            the name of the OS (should contain "Windows", "Mac OS" or
     *            "Linux")
    private void openChrome(String osName) {
        String driverPath = System.getProperty("SLIM_CMD_VAR_CHROMEWEBDRIVERSERVER");
        if (!(new File(driverPath)).exists()) {
            String logMessage = "driverPath: '" + driverPath + " does not exist";
            MessageDialog.openError(Display.getDefault().getActiveShell(), "UiScanner - No Chrome Driver",
        } else {
            System.setProperty("", driverPath);
            webDriver = new ChromeDriver();
            webDriverAktive = true;

     * Helper method for openBrowser which handles the specifics to open
     * Firefox.
     * @param osName
     *            the name of the OS (should contain "Windows", "Mac OS" or
     *            "Linux")
    private void openFirefox(String osName) {
        String browserPath = System.getProperty("path.browser");
        if (!(new File(browserPath).exists())) {
            if (!(new File(System.getProperty("webdriver.firefox.bin"))).exists()) {
                String logMessage = "browserPath: '" + browserPath + " does not exist";
                MessageDialog.openError(Display.getDefault().getActiveShell(), "UiScanner - No Browser",
        } else {
            if (osName.contains(WINDOWS)) {
                System.setProperty("webdriver.firefox.bin", browserPath);
            } else if (osName.contains(LINUX)) {
                System.setProperty("webdriver.firefox.bin", browserPath);
                System.setProperty("webdriver.firefox.profile", "testing");
            } else if (osName.contains(MAC_OS)) {
                System.setProperty("webdriver.firefox.bin", browserPath);
        webDriver = new FirefoxDriver();
        webDriverAktive = true;

     /** Navigate to the given URl.
     * @param url
     *            String url from the Website.
     * @throws UnreachableBrowserException
     *             UnreachableBrowserException
    public void navigateToURL(String url) throws UnreachableBrowserException {
        if (url.toLowerCase().startsWith("http://") || url.toLowerCase().startsWith("https://")
                || url.toLowerCase().startsWith("file:")) {
        } else {
            webDriver.get("http://" + url);

     * quite and close the running webDriver.
    public void quit() {
        try {
            if (webDriver != null) {
                webDriverAktive = false;
        } catch (Exception e1) {
            webDriverAktive = false;

     * returns the current url of the webDriver. if the webdriver is not active
     * its will return null.
     * @return String current URL
    public String getcurrentURL() {
        if (isWebDriverAktive()) {
            return webDriver.getCurrentUrl();
        return null;

     * Search all available values of the given WebElement.
     * @param elem
     *            WebElement
     * @return List<String> values of the given WebElement
    protected List<String> getValuesOfElement(WebElement elem) {
        List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (String value : elem.getText().split("\n")) {
        return values;

     * Set the argument from the WebElement with the ID into the chosen color.
     * @param id
     *            ID from WebElement.
     * @param styleArgument
     *            argument for the style of the WebElement to be set (outline,
     *            border, background).
     * @param width
     *            width for the outline.
     * @param style
     *            style for the outline (bsp: solid, none, dotted, double)
     * @param color
     *            color for the outline.
    public void setWebElementArgument(String id, String styleArgument, int width, String style, String color) {
        try {
            if (webDriver != null && webDriverAktive) {
                WebElement webElement = webDriver.findElement(;
                if (webElement != null) {
                    ((JavascriptExecutor) webDriver).executeScript("document.getElementById('" + id + "').style."
                            + styleArgument + " = '" + width + "px " + style + " " + color + "';");
        } catch (UnreachableBrowserException e) {
            webDriverAktive = false;

     * Set the argument from the WebElement with the ID into the chosen color.
     * @param id
     *            ID from WebElement.
     * @param styleArgument
     *            argument for the style of the WebElement to be set (outline,
     *            border, background).
     * @param value
     *            String Value for the argument.
    public void setWebElementArgument(String id, String styleArgument, String value) {
        try {
            if (webDriver != null && webDriverAktive) {
                WebElement webElement = webDriver.findElement(;
                if (webElement != null) {
                    ((JavascriptExecutor) webDriver).executeScript(
                            "document.getElementById('" + id + "').style." + styleArgument + " = '" + value + "';");
        } catch (UnreachableBrowserException e) {
            webDriverAktive = false;

     * Set the argument from the WebElement with the ID into the chosen color.
     * @param id
     *            ID from WebElement.
     * @param argument
     *            argument from WebElement to be set (outline, border,
     *            background).
     * @return String value of the argument
    public String getWebElementArgument(String id, String argument) {
        String result = null;
        try {
            if (webDriver != null && webDriverAktive) {
                WebElement webElement = webDriver.findElement(;
                if (webElement != null) {
                    result = webElement.getAttribute(argument);
        } catch (UnreachableBrowserException e) {
            webDriverAktive = false;
        return result;

     * Set the outline from the WebElement with the ID into the chosen color.
     * @param id
     *            ID from WebElement.
     * @param value
     *            String Value for the argument.
    public void setWebElemntOutlineValue(String id, String value) {
        setWebElementArgument(id, "outline", value);

     * Set the outline from the WebElement with the ID into the chosen color.
     * @param id
     *            ID from WebElement.
     * @param width
     *            width for the outline.
     * @param style
     *            style for the outline (bsp: solid, none, dotted, double)
     * @param color
     *            color for the outline.
    public void setWebElemntOutline(String id, int width, String style, String color) {
        setWebElementArgument(id, "outline", width, style, color);

     * returns the created WebDriver.
     * @return WebDriver
    protected WebDriver getWebDriver() {
        return webDriver;

     * switch the WebDriver to the given iFrame.
     * @param elem
     *            WebElement (iFrame).
    protected void switchToIframe(WebElement elem) {

     * switch back to the defaultContent.
    protected void switchToDefaultContent() {

     * Find and return all checkbox WebElement on the website.
     * @return List<WebElement> List of all founded checkbox Elements
    protected abstract List<WebElement> findCheckbox();

     * Find and return all radiobuttons on the website.
     * @return List<WebElement> founded radiobuttons.
    protected abstract List<WebElement> findRadioElement();

     * Find and return all input WebElements on the website. That includes the
     * inputs, textarea and fieldset.
     * @return List<WebElement> List of all founded input Elements
    protected abstract List<WebElement> findInputs();

     * Find and return all button WebElements on the website. That includes the
     * submits, rests, div buttons and normal buttons.
     * @return List<WebElement> List of all founded Button Elements
    protected abstract List<WebElement> findButtons();

     * Finds and return all Select WebElements on the Website.
     * @return List<WebElement>
    protected abstract List<WebElement> findSelects();

     * Finds and return all WebElements with an ID on the Website.
     * @return List<WebElement>
    protected abstract List<WebElement> findAll();

     * Finds and return all WebElements with the given xPath on the Website.
     * @param xPath
     *            String for the xPath search.
     * @return List<WebElement>
    protected abstract List<WebElement> findXpath(String xPath);

     * Finds and return all iFrame WebElements.
     * @return List<WebElement>
    protected abstract List<WebElement> findIframes();
