Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2000,2005 wingS development team.
 * This file is part of wingS (
 * wingS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * Please see COPYING for the complete licence.
package org.wings.externalizer;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.wings.util.StringUtil;
import org.wings.resource.ResourceNotFoundException;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.util.*;

 * @author <a href="">Armin Haaf</a>
public abstract class AbstractExternalizeManager {
    protected final static Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(AbstractExternalizeManager.class);

     * The identifier generated, if the {@link ExternalizeManager} did not find
     * an apropriate {@link Externalizer}.
    public static final String NOT_FOUND_IDENTIFIER = "0";

     * The externalized ID is just a counter start starts with zero. This
     * happens with each start of the server, and thus generates the same
     * ID if we restart the application (especially, if we are in the
     * development phase). Since we externalize the resource with a long
     * caching timeout, the browser might not refetch a resource externalized
     * in a fresh instance of the web-application, since the browser has cached
     * it already.
     * Thus, we need a unique prefix for each externalized resource, that
     * changes with each start of the server.
     * These static variables create a new ID every UNIQUE_TIMESLICE, which
     * means, that, if we use a 2-character prefix, can offer the browser
     * the timeframe of FINAL_EXPIRES for this resource to be cached (since
     * after that time, we have an roll-over of the ID's).

     * in seconds
    public final int UNIQUE_TIMESLICE = 20;

     * in seconds; Computed from UNIQUE_TIMESLICE; do not change.
    public final long FINAL_EXPIRES = (StringUtil.MAX_RADIX * StringUtil.MAX_RADIX - 1) * UNIQUE_TIMESLICE;

     * Prefix for the externalized ID; long. Computed, do not change.
    protected final long PREFIX_TIMESLICE = ((System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) % FINAL_EXPIRES)
            / UNIQUE_TIMESLICE;

    // Flags

     * for an externalized object with the final flag on the expired date
     * header is set to a big value. If the final flag is off, the browser
     * or proxy does not cache the object.
    public static final int FINAL = 8;

     * for an externalized object with the request flag on, the externalized
     * object is removed from the {@link ExternalizeManager} after one request
     * of the object.
    public static final int REQUEST = 1;

     * for an externalized object with the session flag on, the externalized
     * object only available to requests within the session which created the
     * object. The object is not accessible anymore after the session is
     * destroyed (it is garbage collected after the session is garbage
     * collected)
    public static final int SESSION = 2;

     * for an externalized object with the gobal flag on, the externalized
     * object is available to all requests. Also it is never garbage collected
     * and available for the lifecycle of the servlet container.
    public static final int GLOBAL = 4;

     * To generate the identifier for a externalized object.
    private long counter = 0;

     * To search for an already externalized object. This performs way better
     * than search in the value set of the
     * identifier-{@link ExternalizedResource} map.
    protected final Map<ExternalizedResource, String> reverseExternalized;

     * To support Session local externalizing, the {@link ExternalizeManager}
     * needs to encode the session identifier of the servlet container in the
     * URL of the externalized object. This is set in the constructor
     * and should work (I hope so) with all servlet containers.
    protected String sessionEncoding = "";

     * String prefixed to every created externlizer identifier via {@link #createIdentifier()}
    private String prefix;
    private static final String FOO = "http://foo/foo";

    public AbstractExternalizeManager() {
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("Externalizer scope using prefix" + prefix + "expires in " + FINAL_EXPIRES + " seconds ");

        reverseExternalized = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<ExternalizedResource, String>());
        setPrefix(StringUtil.toShortestAlphaNumericString(PREFIX_TIMESLICE, 2));

    public void setResponse(HttpServletResponse response) {
        if (response != null) {
            sessionEncoding = response.encodeURL(FOO).substring(FOO.length());

    protected final synchronized long getNextIdentifier() {
        return ++counter;

     * String prefixed to every created externlizer identifier via {@link #createIdentifier()}
    public String getPrefix() {
        return prefix;

     * String prefixed to every created externlizer identifier via {@link #createIdentifier()}
    public void setPrefix(final String prefix) {
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
            LOG.debug("Externalizer prefix changed from " + this.prefix + " to " + prefix);
        this.prefix = prefix;

    protected final String createIdentifier() {
        return getPrefix() + StringUtil.toShortestAlphaNumericString(getNextIdentifier());

     * store the {@link ExternalizedResource} in a map.
     * The {@link ExternalizedResource} should later on accessible by the
     * identifier {@link #getExternalizedResource}, {@link #removeExternalizedResource}
    protected abstract void storeExternalizedResource(String identifier, ExternalizedResource extInfo);

     * get the {@link ExternalizedResource} by identifier.
     * @return null, if not found!!
    public abstract ExternalizedResource getExternalizedResource(String identifier);

     * removes the {@link ExternalizedResource} by identifier.
    public abstract void removeExternalizedResource(String identifier);

     * externalizes (make a java object available for a browser) an object with
     * the given {@link Externalizer}. The object is externalized in the
     * {@link #SESSION} scope.
     * @return a URL for accessing the object relative to the base URL.
    public String externalize(Object obj, Externalizer externalizer) {
        return externalize(obj, externalizer, SESSION);

     * externalizes (make a java object available for a browser) an object with
     * the given {@link Externalizer}. If the given headers are !=null the
     * headers overwrite the headers from the {@link Externalizer}.
     * The object is externalized in the
     * {@link #SESSION} scope.
     * @return a URL for accessing the object relative to the base URL.
    public String externalize(Object obj, Externalizer externalizer, Collection headers) {
        return externalize(obj, externalizer, headers, SESSION);

     * externalizes (make a java object available for a browser) an object with
     * the given {@link Externalizer}. Valid flags are (this may change, look
     * also in the static variable section)
     * <ul>
     * <li>{@link #FINAL}</li>
     * <li>{@link #REQUEST}</li>
     * <li>{@link #SESSION}</li>
     * <li>{@link #GLOBAL}</li>
     * </ul>
     * @return a URL for accessing the object relative to the base URL.
    public String externalize(Object obj, Externalizer externalizer, int flags) {
        if (obj == null || externalizer == null)
            throw new IllegalStateException("no externalizer");

        return externalize(obj, externalizer, null, null, flags);

     * externalizes (make a java object available for a browser) an object with
     * the given {@link Externalizer}. If the given headers are !=null the
     * headers overwrite the headers from the {@link Externalizer}.
     * Valid flags are (this may change, look
     * also in the static variable section)
     * <ul>
     * <li>{@link #FINAL}</li>
     * <li>{@link #REQUEST}</li>
     * <li>{@link #SESSION}</li>
     * <li>{@link #GLOBAL}</li>
     * </ul>
     * @return a URL for accessing the object relative to the base URL.
    public String externalize(Object obj, Externalizer externalizer, Collection headers, int flags) {
        if (obj == null || externalizer == null)
            throw new IllegalStateException("no externalizer");

        return externalize(obj, externalizer, null, headers, flags);

     * externalizes (make a java object available for a browser) an object with
     * the given {@link Externalizer}.
     * If the mimeType!=null, mimeType overwrites the mimeType of the
     * {@link Externalizer}.
     * The object is externalized in the
     * {@link #SESSION} scope.
     * @return a URL for accessing the object relative to the base URL.
    public String externalize(Object obj, Externalizer externalizer, String mimeType) {
        return externalize(obj, externalizer, mimeType, null, SESSION);

     * externalizes (make a java object available for a browser) an object with
     * the given {@link Externalizer}.
     * If the mimeType!=null, mimeType overwrites the mimeType of the
     * {@link Externalizer}.
     * If the given headers are !=null the
     * headers overwrite the headers from the {@link Externalizer}.
     * @return a URL for accessing the object relative to the base URL.
    public String externalize(Object obj, Externalizer externalizer, String mimeType, Collection headers) {
        return externalize(obj, externalizer, mimeType, headers, SESSION);

     * externalizes (make a java object available for a browser) an object with
     * the given {@link Externalizer}.
     * If the mimeType!=null, mimeType overwrites the mimeType of the
     * {@link Externalizer}.
     * If the given headers are !=null the
     * headers overwrite the headers from the {@link Externalizer}.
     * Valid flags are (this may change, look
     * also in the static variable section)
     * <ul>
     * <li>{@link #FINAL}</li>
     * <li>{@link #REQUEST}</li>
     * <li>{@link #SESSION}</li>
     * <li>{@link #GLOBAL}</li>
     * </ul>
     * @return a URL for accessing the object relative to the base URL.
    public String externalize(Object obj, Externalizer externalizer, String mimeType, Collection headers,
            int flags) {
        if (externalizer == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("no externalizer");
        ExternalizedResource extInfo = new ExternalizedResource(obj, externalizer, mimeType, headers, flags);

        if ((flags & GLOBAL) > 0) {
            // session encoding is not necessary here
            return SystemExternalizeManager.getSharedInstance().externalize(extInfo);
        } else {
            return externalize(extInfo);

     * externalizes (make a java object available for a browser) the object in
     * extInfo.
     * @return a URL for accessing the externalized object relative to the base URL.
    public String externalize(ExternalizedResource extInfo) {
        String identifier = (String) reverseExternalized.get(extInfo);

        if (identifier == null) {
            identifier = extInfo.getId();
            if (identifier != null) {
                if (this == SystemExternalizeManager.getSharedInstance()) {
                    identifier = "-" + identifier;
                } else {
                    // do nothing
            } else {
                identifier = createIdentifier();

            String extension = extInfo.getExtension();
            if (extension != null)
                identifier += ("." + extension);

            storeExternalizedResource(identifier, extInfo);
            reverseExternalized.put(extInfo, identifier);

        return identifier + sessionEncoding;

     * externalizes (make a java object available for a browser) the object in
     * extInfo.
     * @return a URL for accessing the externalized object relative to the base URL.
    public String getId(String url) {
        if (url == null || url.length() == 0) {
            return url;
        String result;
        if (url.charAt(0) == '-') {
            result = url;
        } else {
            result = url.substring(0, url.length() - sessionEncoding.length());
        return result;

     * delivers a externalized object identfied with the given identifier to a
     * client.
     * It sends an error (404), if the identifier is not registered.
    public void deliver(String identifier, HttpServletResponse response, Device out) throws IOException {
        ExternalizedResource extInfo = getExternalizedResource(identifier);

        if (extInfo == null) {
            LOG.warn("identifier " + identifier + " not found");
        deliver(extInfo, response, out);

    public void deliver(ExternalizedResource extInfo, HttpServletResponse response, Device out) throws IOException {
        /* FIXME: re-implement.
        if ( extInfo.deliverOnce() ) {

        if (extInfo.getMimeType() != null) {

        // FIXME find out, if this is correct: if the content length
        // is not size preserving (like a gzip-device), then we must not
        // send the content size we know..
        if (out.isSizePreserving()) {
            int resourceLen = extInfo.getExternalizer().getLength(extInfo.getObject());
            if (resourceLen > 0) {
                LOG.debug(extInfo.getMimeType() + ": " + resourceLen);

        Collection headers = extInfo.getHeaders();
        if (headers != null) {
            for (Object header : headers) {
                Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) header;
                if (entry.getValue() instanceof String) {
                    response.addHeader((String) entry.getKey(), (String) entry.getValue());
                } else if (entry.getValue() instanceof Date) {
                    response.addDateHeader((String) entry.getKey(), ((Date) entry.getValue()).getTime());

                } else if (entry.getValue() instanceof Integer) {
                    response.addIntHeader((String) entry.getKey(), ((Integer) entry.getValue()).intValue());

                } // end of if ()

        if (!response.containsHeader("Expires")) {
            * This would be the correct way to do it; alas, that means, that
            * for static resources, after a day or so, no caching could take
            * place, since the last modification was at the first time, the
            * resource was externalized (since it doesn't change).
            * .. have to think about it.
            //                      (1000*FINAL_EXPIRES)
            //                       + extInfo.getLastModified());
            // .. so do this for now, which is the best approximation of what
            // we want.
            response.setDateHeader("Expires", System.currentTimeMillis() + (1000 * FINAL_EXPIRES));

        try {
            extInfo.getExternalizer().write(extInfo.getObject(), out);
        } catch (ResourceNotFoundException e) {
            LOG.debug("Unable to deliver resource due to:  " + e.getMessage() + ". Sending 404!");
            response.sendError(404, e.getMessage());

    public void clear() {