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*  Copyright (c) 2005-2011, WSO2 Inc. ( All Rights Reserved.
*  WSO2 Inc. licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
*  Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
*  in compliance with the License.
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.

package org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.utils;


import org.apache.axis2.Constants;
import org.apache.axis2.client.Options;
import org.apache.axis2.client.ServiceClient;
import org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContext;
import org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisConfiguration;
import org.apache.axis2.transport.http.HTTPConstants;
import org.apache.axis2.util.JavaUtils;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.http.HttpHeaders;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.PlainSocketFactory;
import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.Scheme;
import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.SchemeRegistry;
import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLSocketFactory;
import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.X509HostnameVerifier;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.impl.conn.tsccm.ThreadSafeClientConnManager;
import org.apache.http.params.BasicHttpParams;
import org.apache.http.params.HttpParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocumentList;
import org.apache.woden.WSDLException;
import org.apache.woden.WSDLFactory;
import org.apache.woden.WSDLReader;
import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser;
import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.wso2.carbon.CarbonConstants;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.APIManagementException;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.doc.model.APIDefinition;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.doc.model.APIResource;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.doc.model.Operation;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.doc.model.Parameter;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.model.*;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.model.policy.*;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.*;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.clients.ApplicationManagementServiceClient;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.clients.OAuthAdminClient;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.dao.ApiMgtDAO;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.dto.APIKeyValidationInfoDTO;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.dto.Environment;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.dto.ThrottleProperties;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.factory.KeyManagerHolder;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.internal.APIManagerComponent;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.internal.ServiceReferenceHolder;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.template.APITemplateException;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.template.ThrottlePolicyTemplateBuilder;
import org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.keymgt.client.SubscriberKeyMgtClient;
import org.wso2.carbon.base.MultitenantConstants;
import org.wso2.carbon.base.ServerConfiguration;
import org.wso2.carbon.context.CarbonContext;
import org.wso2.carbon.context.PrivilegedCarbonContext;
import org.wso2.carbon.core.commons.stub.loggeduserinfo.ExceptionException;
import org.wso2.carbon.core.commons.stub.loggeduserinfo.LoggedUserInfo;
import org.wso2.carbon.core.commons.stub.loggeduserinfo.LoggedUserInfoAdminStub;
import org.wso2.carbon.core.multitenancy.utils.TenantAxisUtils;
import org.wso2.carbon.core.util.CryptoException;
import org.wso2.carbon.core.util.CryptoUtil;
import org.wso2.carbon.core.util.PermissionUpdateUtil;
import org.wso2.carbon.governance.api.common.dataobjects.GovernanceArtifact;
import org.wso2.carbon.governance.api.endpoints.EndpointManager;
import org.wso2.carbon.governance.api.endpoints.dataobjects.Endpoint;
import org.wso2.carbon.governance.api.exception.GovernanceException;
import org.wso2.carbon.governance.api.generic.GenericArtifactManager;
import org.wso2.carbon.governance.api.generic.dataobjects.GenericArtifact;
import org.wso2.carbon.governance.api.util.GovernanceConstants;
import org.wso2.carbon.governance.api.util.GovernanceUtils;
import org.wso2.carbon.governance.lcm.util.CommonUtil;
import org.wso2.carbon.identity.oauth.config.OAuthServerConfiguration;
import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.*;
import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.Tag;
import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.config.Mount;
import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.config.RegistryContext;
import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.exceptions.RegistryException;
import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.jdbc.realm.RegistryAuthorizationManager;
import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.pagination.PaginationContext;
import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.service.RegistryService;
import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.service.TenantRegistryLoader;
import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.session.UserRegistry;
import org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.utils.RegistryUtils;
import org.wso2.carbon.registry.indexing.indexer.IndexerException;
import org.wso2.carbon.registry.indexing.solr.SolrClient;
import org.wso2.carbon.user.api.*;
import org.wso2.carbon.user.core.UserCoreConstants;
import org.wso2.carbon.user.core.UserRealm;
import org.wso2.carbon.user.core.config.RealmConfigXMLProcessor;
import org.wso2.carbon.user.core.service.RealmService;
import org.wso2.carbon.user.mgt.UserMgtConstants;
import org.wso2.carbon.utils.CarbonUtils;
import org.wso2.carbon.utils.ConfigurationContextService;
import org.wso2.carbon.utils.FileUtil;
import org.wso2.carbon.utils.NetworkUtils;
import org.wso2.carbon.utils.multitenancy.MultitenantUtils;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.apache.xerces.util.SecurityManager;

import javax.cache.Cache;
import javax.cache.CacheConfiguration;
import javax.cache.CacheManager;
import javax.cache.Caching;
import javax.xml.XMLConstants;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

 * This class contains the utility methods used by the implementations of APIManager, APIProvider
 * and APIConsumer interfaces.
public final class APIUtil {

    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(APIUtil.class);

    private static final Log audit = CarbonConstants.AUDIT_LOG;

    private static boolean isContextCacheInitialized = false;

    private static final int ENTITY_EXPANSION_LIMIT = 0;

    private static final String DESCRIPTION = "Allows [1] request(s) per minute.";

    private static final int DEFAULT_TENANT_IDLE_MINS = 30;
    private static long tenantIdleTimeMillis;
    private static Set<String> currentLoadingTenants = new HashSet<String>();

    private static volatile Set<String> whiteListedScopes;

    //Need tenantIdleTime to check whether the tenant is in idle state in loadTenantConfig method
    static {
        tenantIdleTimeMillis = Long.parseLong(
                * 60 * 1000;

    private static String hostAddress = null;

     * This method used to get API from governance artifact
     * @param artifact API artifact
     * @param registry Registry
     * @return API
     * @throws APIManagementException if failed to get API from artifact
    public static API getAPI(GovernanceArtifact artifact, Registry registry) throws APIManagementException {

        API api;
        try {
            String providerName = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_PROVIDER);
            String apiName = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_NAME);
            String apiVersion = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_VERSION);
            APIIdentifier apiIdentifier = new APIIdentifier(providerName, apiName, apiVersion);
            int apiId = ApiMgtDAO.getInstance().getAPIID(apiIdentifier, null);

            if (apiId == -1) {
                return null;
            api = new API(apiIdentifier);
            // set rating
            String artifactPath = GovernanceUtils.getArtifactPath(registry, artifact.getId());

            //set description
            //set last access time
            //set uuid
            // set url

            int cacheTimeout = APIConstants.API_RESPONSE_CACHE_TIMEOUT;
            try {
                cacheTimeout = Integer.parseInt(artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_CACHE_TIMEOUT));
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {





            String tenantDomainName = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(replaceEmailDomainBack(providerName));
            int tenantId = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService().getTenantManager()

            boolean isGlobalThrottlingEnabled = APIUtil.isAdvanceThrottlingEnabled();

            if (isGlobalThrottlingEnabled) {
                String apiLevelTier = ApiMgtDAO.getInstance().getAPILevelTier(apiId);

            String tiers = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_TIER);
            Map<String, Tier> definedTiers = getTiers(tenantId);
            Set<Tier> availableTier = getAvailableTiers(definedTiers, tiers, apiName);
            api.setMonetizationCategory(getAPIMonetizationCategory(availableTier, tenantDomainName));

            // We set the context template here

            Set<URITemplate> uriTemplates = new LinkedHashSet<URITemplate>();
            List<String> uriTemplateNames = new ArrayList<String>();

            Set<Scope> scopes = ApiMgtDAO.getInstance().getAPIScopes(api.getId());

            HashMap<String, String> urlPatternsSet;
            urlPatternsSet = ApiMgtDAO.getInstance().getURITemplatesPerAPIAsString(api.getId());

            HashMap<String, String> resourceScopesMap;
            resourceScopesMap = ApiMgtDAO.getInstance().getResourceToScopeMapping(api.getId());

            Set<String> urlPatternsKeySet = urlPatternsSet.keySet();
            String resourceScopeKey;
            for (String urlPattern : urlPatternsKeySet) {
                URITemplate uriTemplate = new URITemplate();
                String[] urlPatternComponents = urlPattern.split("::");
                String uTemplate = (urlPatternComponents.length >= 1) ? urlPatternComponents[0] : null;
                String method = (urlPatternComponents.length >= 2) ? urlPatternComponents[1] : null;
                String authType = (urlPatternComponents.length >= 3) ? urlPatternComponents[2] : null;
                String throttlingTier = (urlPatternComponents.length >= 4) ? urlPatternComponents[3] : null;
                String mediationScript = (urlPatternComponents.length >= 5) ? urlPatternComponents[4] : null;
                resourceScopeKey = APIUtil.getResourceKey(api.getContext(), apiVersion, uTemplate, method);
                uriTemplate.setScopes(findScopeByKey(scopes, resourceScopesMap.get(resourceScopeKey)));
                //Checking for duplicate uri template names
                if (uriTemplateNames.contains(uTemplate)) {
                    for (URITemplate tmp : uriTemplates) {
                        if (uTemplate.equals(tmp.getUriTemplate())) {
                            resourceScopeKey = APIUtil.getResourceKey(api.getContext(), apiVersion, uTemplate,
                            tmp.setScopes(findScopeByKey(scopes, resourceScopesMap.get(resourceScopeKey)));
                } else {
            Set<String> tags = new HashSet<String>();
            Tag[] tag = registry.getTags(artifactPath);
            for (Tag tag1 : tag) {
            String environments = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_ENVIRONMENTS);

        } catch (GovernanceException e) {
            String msg = "Failed to get API for artifact ";
            throw new APIManagementException(msg, e);
        } catch (RegistryException e) {
            String msg = "Failed to get LastAccess time or Rating";
            throw new APIManagementException(msg, e);
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            String msg = "Failed to get User Realm of API Provider";
            throw new APIManagementException(msg, e);
        return api;

     * This Method is different from getAPI method, as this one returns
     * URLTemplates without aggregating duplicates. This is to be used for building synapse config.
     * @param artifact
     * @param registry
     * @return API
     * @throws org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.APIManagementException
    public static API getAPIForPublishing(GovernanceArtifact artifact, Registry registry)
            throws APIManagementException {

        API api;
        try {
            String providerName = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_PROVIDER);
            String apiName = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_NAME);
            String apiVersion = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_VERSION);
            APIIdentifier apiIdentifier = new APIIdentifier(providerName, apiName, apiVersion);
            int apiId = ApiMgtDAO.getInstance().getAPIID(apiIdentifier, null);

            if (apiId == -1) {
                return null;

            api = new API(apiIdentifier);
            //set uuid
            // set rating
            String artifactPath = GovernanceUtils.getArtifactPath(registry, artifact.getId());

            //set description
            //set last access time
            // set url


            int cacheTimeout = APIConstants.API_RESPONSE_CACHE_TIMEOUT;
            try {
                String strCacheTimeout = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_CACHE_TIMEOUT);
                if (strCacheTimeout != null && !strCacheTimeout.isEmpty()) {
                    cacheTimeout = Integer.parseInt(strCacheTimeout);
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                if (log.isWarnEnabled()) {
                    log.warn("Error while retrieving cache timeout from the registry for " + apiIdentifier);
                // ignore the exception and use default cache timeout value





            String tenantDomainName = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(replaceEmailDomainBack(providerName));
            int tenantId = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService().getTenantManager()

            APIManagerConfiguration config = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance()
            boolean isGlobalThrottlingEnabled = APIUtil.isAdvanceThrottlingEnabled();

            if (isGlobalThrottlingEnabled) {
                String apiLevelTier = ApiMgtDAO.getInstance().getAPILevelTier(apiId);

            String tiers = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_TIER);
            Map<String, Tier> definedTiers = getTiers(tenantId);
            Set<Tier> availableTier = getAvailableTiers(definedTiers, tiers, apiName);

            // This contains the resolved context
            // We set the context template here

            Set<URITemplate> uriTemplates = new LinkedHashSet<URITemplate>();
            List<String> uriTemplateNames = new ArrayList<String>();

            Set<Scope> scopes = ApiMgtDAO.getInstance().getAPIScopes(api.getId());

            HashMap<String, String> urlPatternsSet;
            urlPatternsSet = ApiMgtDAO.getInstance().getURITemplatesPerAPIAsString(api.getId());
            HashMap<String, String> resourceScopes;
            resourceScopes = ApiMgtDAO.getInstance().getResourceToScopeMapping(api.getId());

            Set<String> urlPatternsKeySet = urlPatternsSet.keySet();
            String resourceScopeKey;
            for (String urlPattern : urlPatternsKeySet) {
                URITemplate uriTemplate = new URITemplate();
                String[] urlPatternComponents = urlPattern.split("::");
                String uTemplate = (urlPatternComponents.length >= 1) ? urlPatternComponents[0] : null;
                String method = (urlPatternComponents.length >= 2) ? urlPatternComponents[1] : null;
                String authType = (urlPatternComponents.length >= 3) ? urlPatternComponents[2] : null;
                String throttlingTier = (urlPatternComponents.length >= 4) ? urlPatternComponents[3] : null;
                String mediationScript = (urlPatternComponents.length >= 5) ? urlPatternComponents[4] : null;
                uriTemplate.setMediationScripts(method, mediationScript);
                resourceScopeKey = APIUtil.getResourceKey(api.getContext(), apiVersion, uTemplate, method);
                uriTemplate.setScopes(findScopeByKey(scopes, resourceScopes.get(resourceScopeKey)));
                //Checking for duplicate uri template names

                if (uriTemplateNames.contains(uTemplate)) {
                    for (URITemplate tmp : uriTemplates) {
                        if (uTemplate.equals(tmp.getUriTemplate())) {
                            tmp.setMediationScripts(method, mediationScript);
                            resourceScopeKey = APIUtil.getResourceKey(api.getContext(), apiVersion, uTemplate,
                            tmp.setScopes(findScopeByKey(scopes, resourceScopes.get(resourceScopeKey)));
                } else {

            if (APIConstants.IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE_INLINE.equalsIgnoreCase(api.getImplementation())) {
                for (URITemplate template : uriTemplates) {

            Set<String> tags = new HashSet<String>();
            Tag[] tag = registry.getTags(artifactPath);
            for (Tag tag1 : tag) {
            String environments = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_ENVIRONMENTS);

        } catch (GovernanceException e) {
            String msg = "Failed to get API for artifact ";
            throw new APIManagementException(msg, e);
        } catch (RegistryException e) {
            String msg = "Failed to get LastAccess time or Rating";
            throw new APIManagementException(msg, e);
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            String msg = "Failed to get User Realm of API Provider";
            throw new APIManagementException(msg, e);
        return api;

    public static API getAPI(GovernanceArtifact artifact) throws APIManagementException {

        API api;
        try {
            String providerName = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_PROVIDER);
            String apiName = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_NAME);
            String apiVersion = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_VERSION);
            APIIdentifier apiIdentifier = new APIIdentifier(providerName, apiName, apiVersion);
            api = new API(apiIdentifier);
            int apiId = ApiMgtDAO.getInstance().getAPIID(apiIdentifier, null);
            if (apiId == -1) {
                return null;
            //set uuid

            int cacheTimeout = APIConstants.API_RESPONSE_CACHE_TIMEOUT;
            try {
                cacheTimeout = Integer.parseInt(artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_CACHE_TIMEOUT));
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {

            boolean isGlobalThrottlingEnabled = APIUtil.isAdvanceThrottlingEnabled();

            if (isGlobalThrottlingEnabled) {
                String apiLevelTier = ApiMgtDAO.getInstance().getAPILevelTier(apiId);

                Set<Tier> availablePolicy = new HashSet<Tier>();
                String[] subscriptionPolicy = ApiMgtDAO.getInstance()
                        .getPolicyNames(PolicyConstants.POLICY_LEVEL_SUB, replaceEmailDomainBack(providerName));
                List<String> definedPolicyNames = Arrays.asList(subscriptionPolicy);
                String policies = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_TIER);
                if (policies != null && !"".equals(policies)) {
                    String[] policyNames = policies.split("\\|\\|");
                    for (String policyName : policyNames) {
                        if (definedPolicyNames.contains(policyName)
                                || APIConstants.UNLIMITED_TIER.equals(policyName)) {
                            Tier p = new Tier(policyName);
                        } else {
                            log.warn("Unknown policy: " + policyName + " found on API: " + apiName);

                String tenantDomainName = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(replaceEmailDomainBack(providerName));
                api.setMonetizationCategory(getAPIMonetizationCategory(availablePolicy, tenantDomainName));
            } else {
                //deprecated throttling method
                Set<Tier> availableTier = new HashSet<Tier>();
                String tiers = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_TIER);
                if (tiers != null) {
                    String[] tierNames = tiers.split("\\|\\|");
                    for (String tierName : tierNames) {
                        Tier tier = new Tier(tierName);


                    String tenantDomainName = MultitenantUtils
                    api.setMonetizationCategory(getAPIMonetizationCategory(availableTier, tenantDomainName));





            ArrayList<URITemplate> urlPatternsList;
            urlPatternsList = ApiMgtDAO.getInstance().getAllURITemplates(api.getContext(),
            Set<URITemplate> uriTemplates = new HashSet<URITemplate>(urlPatternsList);

            for (URITemplate uriTemplate : uriTemplates) {

            String environments = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_ENVIRONMENTS);
        } catch (GovernanceException e) {
            String msg = "Failed to get API from artifact ";
            throw new APIManagementException(msg, e);
        return api;

     * This method used to get Provider from provider artifact
     * @param artifact provider artifact
     * @return Provider
     * @throws APIManagementException if failed to get Provider from provider artifact.
    public static Provider getProvider(GenericArtifact artifact) throws APIManagementException {
        Provider provider;
        try {
            provider = new Provider(artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.PROVIDER_OVERVIEW_NAME));

        } catch (GovernanceException e) {
            String msg = "Failed to get provider ";
            log.error(msg, e);
            throw new APIManagementException(msg, e);
        return provider;

     * Returns a list of scopes when passed the Provider Name and Scope Key
     * @param scopeKey
     * @param provider
     * @return
     * @throws APIManagementException
    public static Set<Scope> getScopeByScopeKey(String scopeKey, String provider) throws APIManagementException {
        Set<Scope> scopeSet = null;
        String tenantDomainName = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(replaceEmailDomainBack(provider));
        try {
            int tenantId = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService().getTenantManager()
            scopeSet = ApiMgtDAO.getInstance().getAPIScopesByScopeKey(scopeKey, tenantId);
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            String msg = "Error while retrieving Scopes";
            log.error(msg, e);
        return scopeSet;

     * Create Governance artifact from given attributes
     * @param artifact initial governance artifact
     * @param api      API object with the attributes value
     * @return GenericArtifact
     * @throws org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.APIManagementException if failed to create API
    public static GenericArtifact createAPIArtifactContent(GenericArtifact artifact, API api)
            throws APIManagementException {
        try {
            String apiStatus = api.getStatus().getStatus();
            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_NAME, api.getId().getApiName());
            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_VERSION, api.getId().getVersion());


            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_CONTEXT, api.getContext());
            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_PROVIDER, api.getId().getProviderName());
            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_DESCRIPTION, api.getDescription());
            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_WSDL, api.getWsdlUrl());
            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_WADL, api.getWadlUrl());
            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_THUMBNAIL_URL, api.getThumbnailUrl());
            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_STATUS, apiStatus);
            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_TEC_OWNER, api.getTechnicalOwner());
            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_TEC_OWNER_EMAIL, api.getTechnicalOwnerEmail());
            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_BUSS_OWNER, api.getBusinessOwner());
            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_BUSS_OWNER_EMAIL, api.getBusinessOwnerEmail());
            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_VISIBILITY, api.getVisibility());
            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_VISIBLE_ROLES, api.getVisibleRoles());
            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_VISIBLE_TENANTS, api.getVisibleTenants());
            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_ENDPOINT_USERNAME, api.getEndpointUTUsername());
            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_ENDPOINT_PASSWORD, api.getEndpointUTPassword());
            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_TRANSPORTS, api.getTransports());
            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_INSEQUENCE, api.getInSequence());
            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_OUTSEQUENCE, api.getOutSequence());
            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_FAULTSEQUENCE, api.getFaultSequence());
            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_RESPONSE_CACHING, api.getResponseCache());
            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_CACHE_TIMEOUT, Integer.toString(api.getCacheTimeout()));

            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_REDIRECT_URL, api.getRedirectURL());
            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_OWNER, api.getApiOwner());

            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_ENDPOINT_CONFIG, api.getEndpointConfig());


            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.PROTOTYPE_OVERVIEW_IMPLEMENTATION, api.getImplementation());

            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.API_PRODUCTION_THROTTLE_MAXTPS, api.getProductionMaxTps());
            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.API_SANDBOX_THROTTLE_MAXTPS, api.getSandboxMaxTps());

            // This is to support the pluggable version strategy.
            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_CONTEXT_TEMPLATE, api.getContextTemplate());
            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_VERSION_TYPE, "context");

            APIManagerConfiguration config = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance()

            StringBuilder policyBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            for (Tier tier : api.getAvailableTiers()) {

            String policies = policyBuilder.toString();

            if (!"".equals(policies)) {
                policies = policies.substring(0, policies.length() - 2);
                artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_TIER, policies);

            StringBuilder tiersBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            for (Tier tier : api.getAvailableTiers()) {

            String tiers = tiersBuilder.toString();

            if (!"".equals(tiers)) {
                tiers = tiers.substring(0, tiers.length() - 2);
                artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_TIER, tiers);

            if (APIConstants.PUBLISHED.equals(apiStatus)) {
                artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_IS_LATEST, "true");
            String[] keys = artifact.getAttributeKeys();
            for (String key : keys) {
                if (key.contains("URITemplate")) {

            Set<URITemplate> uriTemplateSet = api.getUriTemplates();
            int i = 0;
            for (URITemplate uriTemplate : uriTemplateSet) {
                artifact.addAttribute(APIConstants.API_URI_PATTERN + i, uriTemplate.getUriTemplate());
                artifact.addAttribute(APIConstants.API_URI_HTTP_METHOD + i, uriTemplate.getHTTPVerb());
                artifact.addAttribute(APIConstants.API_URI_AUTH_TYPE + i, uriTemplate.getAuthType());


            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_ENVIRONMENTS, writeEnvironmentsToArtifact(api));


        } catch (GovernanceException e) {
            String msg = "Failed to create API for : " + api.getId().getApiName();
            log.error(msg, e);
            throw new APIManagementException(msg, e);
        return artifact;

     * Create the Documentation from artifact
     * @param artifact Documentation artifact
     * @return Documentation
     * @throws APIManagementException if failed to create Documentation from artifact
    public static Documentation getDocumentation(GenericArtifact artifact) throws APIManagementException {

        Documentation documentation;

        try {
            DocumentationType type;
            String docType = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.DOC_TYPE);

            if (docType.equalsIgnoreCase(DocumentationType.HOWTO.getType())) {
                type = DocumentationType.HOWTO;
            } else if (docType.equalsIgnoreCase(DocumentationType.PUBLIC_FORUM.getType())) {
                type = DocumentationType.PUBLIC_FORUM;
            } else if (docType.equalsIgnoreCase(DocumentationType.SUPPORT_FORUM.getType())) {
                type = DocumentationType.SUPPORT_FORUM;
            } else if (docType.equalsIgnoreCase(DocumentationType.API_MESSAGE_FORMAT.getType())) {
                type = DocumentationType.API_MESSAGE_FORMAT;
            } else if (docType.equalsIgnoreCase(DocumentationType.SAMPLES.getType())) {
                type = DocumentationType.SAMPLES;
            } else {
                type = DocumentationType.OTHER;
            documentation = new Documentation(type, artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.DOC_NAME));
            String visibilityAttr = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.DOC_VISIBILITY);
            Documentation.DocumentVisibility documentVisibility = Documentation.DocumentVisibility.API_LEVEL;

            if (visibilityAttr != null) {
                if (visibilityAttr.equals( {
                    documentVisibility = Documentation.DocumentVisibility.API_LEVEL;
                } else if (visibilityAttr.equals( {
                    documentVisibility = Documentation.DocumentVisibility.PRIVATE;
                } else if (visibilityAttr.equals( {
                    documentVisibility = Documentation.DocumentVisibility.OWNER_ONLY;

            Documentation.DocumentSourceType docSourceType = Documentation.DocumentSourceType.INLINE;
            String artifactAttribute = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.DOC_SOURCE_TYPE);

            if (artifactAttribute.equals( {
                docSourceType = Documentation.DocumentSourceType.URL;
            } else if (artifactAttribute.equals( {
                docSourceType = Documentation.DocumentSourceType.FILE;

            if ("URL".equals(artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.DOC_SOURCE_TYPE))) {

            if (docSourceType == Documentation.DocumentSourceType.FILE) {

            if (documentation.getType() == DocumentationType.OTHER) {

        } catch (GovernanceException e) {
            throw new APIManagementException("Failed to get documentation from artifact", e);
        return documentation;

     * Create the Documentation from artifact
     * @param artifact Documentation artifact
     * @return Documentation
     * @throws APIManagementException if failed to create Documentation from artifact
    public static Documentation getDocumentation(GenericArtifact artifact, String docCreatorName)
            throws APIManagementException {

        Documentation documentation;

        try {
            DocumentationType type;
            String docType = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.DOC_TYPE);

            if (docType.equalsIgnoreCase(DocumentationType.HOWTO.getType())) {
                type = DocumentationType.HOWTO;
            } else if (docType.equalsIgnoreCase(DocumentationType.PUBLIC_FORUM.getType())) {
                type = DocumentationType.PUBLIC_FORUM;
            } else if (docType.equalsIgnoreCase(DocumentationType.SUPPORT_FORUM.getType())) {
                type = DocumentationType.SUPPORT_FORUM;
            } else if (docType.equalsIgnoreCase(DocumentationType.API_MESSAGE_FORMAT.getType())) {
                type = DocumentationType.API_MESSAGE_FORMAT;
            } else if (docType.equalsIgnoreCase(DocumentationType.SAMPLES.getType())) {
                type = DocumentationType.SAMPLES;
            } else {
                type = DocumentationType.OTHER;
            documentation = new Documentation(type, artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.DOC_NAME));

            Documentation.DocumentSourceType docSourceType = Documentation.DocumentSourceType.INLINE;
            String artifactAttribute = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.DOC_SOURCE_TYPE);

            if (artifactAttribute.equals( {
                docSourceType = Documentation.DocumentSourceType.URL;
            } else if (artifactAttribute.equals( {
                docSourceType = Documentation.DocumentSourceType.FILE;

            if ("URL".equals(artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.DOC_SOURCE_TYPE))) {

            if (docSourceType == Documentation.DocumentSourceType.FILE) {
                String filePath = prependTenantPrefix(artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.DOC_FILE_PATH),

            if (documentation.getType() == DocumentationType.OTHER) {

        } catch (GovernanceException e) {
            throw new APIManagementException("Failed to get documentation from artifact", e);
        return documentation;

    public static APIStatus getApiStatus(String status) throws APIManagementException {
        APIStatus apiStatus = null;
        for (APIStatus aStatus : APIStatus.values()) {
            if (aStatus.getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase(status)) {
                apiStatus = aStatus;
        return apiStatus;


     * Prepends the Tenant Prefix to a registry path. ex: /t/
     * @param postfixUrl path to be prepended.
     * @return Path prepended with he Tenant domain prefix.
    public static String prependTenantPrefix(String postfixUrl, String username) {
        String tenantDomain = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(replaceEmailDomainBack(username));
        if (!(MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME.equals(tenantDomain))) {
            String tenantPrefix = "/t/";
            postfixUrl = tenantPrefix + tenantDomain + postfixUrl;

        return postfixUrl;

     * Prepends the webcontextroot to a registry path.
     * @param postfixUrl path to be prepended.
     * @return Path prepended with he WebContext root.
    public static String prependWebContextRoot(String postfixUrl) {
        String webContext = CarbonUtils.getServerConfiguration().getFirstProperty("WebContextRoot");
        if (webContext != null && !"/".equals(webContext)) {
            postfixUrl = webContext + postfixUrl;
        return postfixUrl;

     * Utility method for creating storage path for an icon.
     * @param identifier APIIdentifier
     * @return Icon storage path.
    public static String getIconPath(APIIdentifier identifier) {
        String artifactPath = APIConstants.API_IMAGE_LOCATION + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR
                + identifier.getProviderName() + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + identifier.getApiName()
                + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + identifier.getVersion();
        return artifactPath + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + APIConstants.API_ICON_IMAGE;

     * Utility method to generate the path for a file.
     * @param identifier APIIdentifier
     * @return Generated path.
     * @fileName File name.
    public static String getDocumentationFilePath(APIIdentifier identifier, String fileName) {
        return APIUtil.getAPIDocPath(identifier) + APIConstants.DOCUMENT_FILE_DIR + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR
                + fileName;

    //remove getSwagger12DefinitionFilePath once getSwagger20DefinitionFilePath operates
    public static String getSwagger12DefinitionFilePath(String apiName, String apiVersion, String apiProvider) {
        return APIConstants.API_DOC_LOCATION + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + apiName + '-' + apiVersion + '-'
                + apiProvider + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + APIConstants.API_DOC_1_2_LOCATION;

    public static String getSwagger20DefinitionFilePath(String apiName, String apiVersion, String apiProvider) {
        return APIConstants.API_ROOT_LOCATION + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + apiProvider
                + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + apiName + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + apiVersion
                + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR;

     * Utility method to get api path from APIIdentifier
     * @param identifier APIIdentifier
     * @return API path
    public static String getAPIPath(APIIdentifier identifier) {
        return APIConstants.API_ROOT_LOCATION + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + identifier.getProviderName()
                + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + identifier.getApiName() + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR
                + identifier.getVersion() + APIConstants.API_RESOURCE_NAME;

     * Utility method to get API provider path
     * @param identifier APIIdentifier
     * @return API provider path
    public static String getAPIProviderPath(APIIdentifier identifier) {
        return APIConstants.API_LOCATION + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + identifier.getProviderName();

     * Utility method to get documentation path
     * @param apiId APIIdentifier
     * @return Doc path
    public static String getAPIDocPath(APIIdentifier apiId) {
        return APIConstants.API_LOCATION + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + apiId.getProviderName()
                + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + apiId.getApiName() + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR
                + apiId.getVersion() + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + APIConstants.DOC_DIR
                + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR;

     * Utility method to get documentation content file path
     * @param apiId             APIIdentifier
     * @param documentationName String
     * @return Doc content path
    public static String getAPIDocContentPath(APIIdentifier apiId, String documentationName) {
        return getAPIDocPath(apiId) + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + documentationName;

     * This utility method used to create documentation artifact content
     * @param artifact      GovernanceArtifact
     * @param apiId         APIIdentifier
     * @param documentation Documentation
     * @return GenericArtifact
     * @throws APIManagementException if failed to get GovernanceArtifact from Documentation
    public static GenericArtifact createDocArtifactContent(GenericArtifact artifact, APIIdentifier apiId,
            Documentation documentation) throws APIManagementException {
        try {
            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.DOC_NAME, documentation.getName());
            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.DOC_SUMMARY, documentation.getSummary());
            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.DOC_TYPE, documentation.getType().getType());
            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.DOC_VISIBILITY, documentation.getVisibility().name());

            Documentation.DocumentSourceType sourceType = documentation.getSourceType();

            switch (sourceType) {
            case INLINE:
                sourceType = Documentation.DocumentSourceType.INLINE;
            case URL:
                sourceType = Documentation.DocumentSourceType.URL;
            case FILE: {
                sourceType = Documentation.DocumentSourceType.FILE;
                throw new APIManagementException(
                        "Unknown sourceType " + sourceType + " provided for documentation");
            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.DOC_SOURCE_URL, documentation.getSourceUrl());
            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.DOC_FILE_PATH, documentation.getFilePath());
            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.DOC_OTHER_TYPE_NAME, documentation.getOtherTypeName());
            String basePath = apiId.getProviderName() + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + apiId.getApiName()
                    + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + apiId.getVersion();
            artifact.setAttribute(APIConstants.DOC_API_BASE_PATH, basePath);
        } catch (GovernanceException e) {
            String msg = "Filed to create doc artifact content from :" + documentation.getName();
            log.error(msg, e);
            throw new APIManagementException(msg, e);
        return artifact;

     * this method used to initialized the ArtifactManager
     * @param registry Registry
     * @param key      , key name of the key
     * @return GenericArtifactManager
     * @throws APIManagementException if failed to initialized GenericArtifactManager
    public static GenericArtifactManager getArtifactManager(Registry registry, String key)
            throws APIManagementException {
        GenericArtifactManager artifactManager = null;

        try {
            GovernanceUtils.loadGovernanceArtifacts((UserRegistry) registry);
            if (GovernanceUtils.findGovernanceArtifactConfiguration(key, registry) != null) {
                artifactManager = new GenericArtifactManager(registry, key);
            } else {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("Couldn't find GovernanceArtifactConfiguration of RXT: " + key
                            + ". Tenant id set in registry : " + ((UserRegistry) registry).getTenantId()
                            + ", Tenant domain set in PrivilegedCarbonContext: "
                            + PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().getTenantId());
        } catch (RegistryException e) {
            String msg = "Failed to initialize GenericArtifactManager";
            log.error(msg, e);
            throw new APIManagementException(msg, e);
        return artifactManager;

    private static void handleException(String msg) throws APIManagementException {
        throw new APIManagementException(msg);

    public static void handleException(String msg, Throwable t) throws APIManagementException {
        log.error(msg, t);
        throw new APIManagementException(msg, t);

    public static SubscriberKeyMgtClient getKeyManagementClient() throws APIManagementException {

        KeyManagerConfiguration configuration = KeyManagerHolder.getKeyManagerInstance()
        String serverURL = configuration.getParameter(APIConstants.AUTHSERVER_URL);
        String username = configuration.getParameter(APIConstants.KEY_MANAGER_USERNAME);
        String password = configuration.getParameter(APIConstants.KEY_MANAGER_PASSWORD);

        if (serverURL == null) {
            handleException("API key manager URL unspecified");

        if (username == null || password == null) {
            handleException("Authentication credentials for API key manager unspecified");

        try {
            return new SubscriberKeyMgtClient(serverURL, username, password);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            handleException("Error while initializing the subscriber key management client", e);
            return null;

    public static OAuthAdminClient getOauthAdminClient() throws APIManagementException {

        try {
            return new OAuthAdminClient();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            handleException("Error while initializing the OAuth admin client", e);
            return null;

    public static ApplicationManagementServiceClient getApplicationManagementServiceClient()
            throws APIManagementException {
        try {
            return new ApplicationManagementServiceClient();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            handleException("Error while initializing the Application Management Service client", e);
            return null;

     * Crate an WSDL from given wsdl url. Reset the endpoint details to gateway node
     * *
     * @param registry - Governance Registry space to save the WSDL
     * @param api      -API instance
     * @return Path of the created resource
     * @throws APIManagementException If an error occurs while adding the WSDL

    public static String createWSDL(Registry registry, API api) throws RegistryException, APIManagementException {

        try {
            String wsdlResourcePath = APIConstants.API_WSDL_RESOURCE_LOCATION + api.getId().getProviderName() + "--"
                    + api.getId().getApiName() + api.getId().getVersion() + ".wsdl";

            String absoluteWSDLResourcePath = RegistryUtils.getAbsolutePath(RegistryContext.getBaseInstance(),
                    RegistryConstants.GOVERNANCE_REGISTRY_BASE_PATH) + wsdlResourcePath;

            APIMWSDLReader wsdlReader = new APIMWSDLReader(api.getWsdlUrl());
            OMElement wsdlContentEle;
            String wsdRegistryPath;

            String tenantDomain = PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().getTenantDomain();
            if (org.wso2.carbon.utils.multitenancy.MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME
                    .equalsIgnoreCase(tenantDomain)) {
                wsdRegistryPath = RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + "registry" + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR
                        + "resource" + absoluteWSDLResourcePath;
            } else {
                wsdRegistryPath = "/t/" + tenantDomain + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + "registry"
                        + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + "resource" + absoluteWSDLResourcePath;

            Resource wsdlResource = registry.newResource();
            if (!api.getWsdlUrl().matches(wsdRegistryPath)) {
                if (isWSDL2Document(api.getWsdlUrl())) {
                    wsdlContentEle = wsdlReader.readAndCleanWsdl2(api);
                } else {
                    wsdlContentEle = wsdlReader.readAndCleanWsdl(api);

                registry.put(wsdlResourcePath, wsdlResource);
                //set the anonymous role for wsld resource to avoid basicauth security.
                String[] visibleRoles = null;
                if (api.getVisibleRoles() != null) {
                    visibleRoles = api.getVisibleRoles().split(",");
                setResourcePermissions(api.getId().getProviderName(), api.getVisibility(), visibleRoles,

            //set the wsdl resource permlink as the wsdlURL.

            return wsdlResourcePath;

        } catch (RegistryException e) {
            String msg = "Failed to add WSDL " + api.getWsdlUrl() + " to the registry";
            log.error(msg, e);
            throw new RegistryException(msg, e);
        } catch (APIManagementException e) {
            String msg = "Failed to process the WSDL : " + api.getWsdlUrl();
            log.error(msg, e);
            throw new APIManagementException(msg, e);

     * Given a URL, this method checks if the underlying document is a WSDL2
     * @param url
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public static boolean isWSDL2Document(String url) throws APIManagementException {
        URL wsdl = null;
        boolean isWsdl2 = false;
        try {
            wsdl = new URL(url);
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
            throw new APIManagementException("Malformed URL encountered", e);
        BufferedReader in = null;
        try {
            in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(wsdl.openStream(), Charset.defaultCharset()));

            String inputLine;
            StringBuilder urlContent = new StringBuilder();
            while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {
                String wsdl2NameSpace = "";
                isWsdl2 = urlContent.indexOf(wsdl2NameSpace) > 0;
            if (isWsdl2) {
                WSDLReader wsdlReader20 = null;
                wsdlReader20 = WSDLFactory.newInstance().newWSDLReader();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new APIManagementException("Error Reading Input from Stream from " + url, e);
        } catch (WSDLException e) {
            throw new APIManagementException("Error while reading WSDL Document from " + url, e);
        } finally {
            if (in != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    log.error("Error when closing input stream", e);
        return isWsdl2;

     * Read the GateWay Endpoint from the APIConfiguration. If multiple Gateway
     * environments defined,
     * take only the production node's Endpoint.
     * Else, pick what is available as the gateway node.
     * @return {@link String} - Gateway URL

    public static String getGatewayendpoint(String transports) {

        String gatewayURLs;
        String gatewayURL = null;

        Map<String, Environment> gatewayEnvironments = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance()
        if (gatewayEnvironments.size() > 1) {
            for (Environment environment : gatewayEnvironments.values()) {
                if (APIConstants.GATEWAY_ENV_TYPE_PRODUCTION.equals(environment.getType())) {
                    gatewayURLs = environment.getApiGatewayEndpoint(); // This might have http,https
                    // endpoints
                    gatewayURL = APIUtil.extractHTTPSEndpoint(gatewayURLs, transports);
        } else {
            gatewayURLs = ((Environment) gatewayEnvironments.values().toArray()[0]).getApiGatewayEndpoint();
            gatewayURL = extractHTTPSEndpoint(gatewayURLs, transports);

        return gatewayURL;

     * Gateway endpoint  has HTTP and HTTPS endpoints.
     * If both are defined pick HTTPS only. Else, pick whatever available.
     * eg: <GatewayEndpoint>http://${carbon.local.ip}:${http.nio.port},
     * https://${carbon.local.ip}:${https.nio.port}</GatewayEndpoint>
     * @param gatewayURLs - String contains comma separated gateway urls.
     * @return {@link String} - Returns HTTPS gateway endpoint

    private static String extractHTTPSEndpoint(String gatewayURLs, String transports) {
        String gatewayURL;
        String gatewayHTTPURL = null;
        String gatewayHTTPSURL = null;
        boolean httpsEnabled = false;
        String[] gatewayURLsArray = gatewayURLs.split(",");
        String[] transportsArray = transports.split(",");

        for (String transport : transportsArray) {
            if (transport.startsWith(APIConstants.HTTPS_PROTOCOL)) {
                httpsEnabled = true;
        if (gatewayURLsArray.length > 1) {
            for (String url : gatewayURLsArray) {
                if (url.startsWith("https:")) {
                    gatewayHTTPSURL = url;
                } else {
                    gatewayHTTPURL = url;

            if (httpsEnabled) {
                gatewayURL = gatewayHTTPSURL;
            } else {
                gatewayURL = gatewayHTTPURL;
        } else {
            gatewayURL = gatewayURLs;
        return gatewayURL;

     * Create an Endpoint
     * @param endpointUrl Endpoint url
     * @param registry    Registry space to save the endpoint
     * @return Path of the created resource
     * @throws APIManagementException If an error occurs while adding the endpoint
    public static String createEndpoint(String endpointUrl, Registry registry) throws APIManagementException {
        try {
            EndpointManager endpointManager = new EndpointManager(registry);
            Endpoint endpoint = endpointManager.newEndpoint(endpointUrl);
            return GovernanceUtils.getArtifactPath(registry, endpoint.getId());
        } catch (RegistryException e) {
            String msg = "Failed to import endpoint " + endpointUrl + " to registry ";
            log.error(msg, e);
            throw new APIManagementException(msg, e);

     * Sorts the list of tiers according to the number of requests allowed per minute in each tier in descending order.
     * @param tiers - The list of tiers to be sorted
     * @return - The sorted list.
    public static List<Tier> sortTiers(Set<Tier> tiers) {
        List<Tier> tierList = new ArrayList<Tier>();
        return tierList;

     * Returns a set of External API Stores as defined in the underlying governance
     * registry.
     * @return a Map of tier names and Tier objects - possibly empty
     * @throws APIManagementException if an error occurs when loading tiers from the registry
    public static Set<APIStore> getExternalStores(int tenantId) throws APIManagementException {
        // First checking if ExternalStores are defined in api-manager.xml
        Set<APIStore> externalAPIStores = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getAPIManagerConfigurationService()
        // If defined, return Store Config provided there.
        if (externalAPIStores != null && !externalAPIStores.isEmpty()) {
            return externalAPIStores;
        // Else Read the config from Tenant's Registry.
        externalAPIStores = new HashSet<APIStore>();
        try {
            UserRegistry registry = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRegistryService()
            if (registry.resourceExists(APIConstants.EXTERNAL_API_STORES_LOCATION)) {
                Resource resource = registry.get(APIConstants.EXTERNAL_API_STORES_LOCATION);
                String content = new String((byte[]) resource.getContent(), Charset.defaultCharset());
                OMElement element = AXIOMUtil.stringToOM(content);
                Iterator apistoreIterator = element.getChildrenWithLocalName("ExternalAPIStore");

                while (apistoreIterator.hasNext()) {
                    APIStore store = new APIStore();
                    OMElement storeElem = (OMElement);
                    String type = storeElem.getAttributeValue(new QName(APIConstants.EXTERNAL_API_STORE_TYPE));
                    String className = storeElem
                            .getAttributeValue(new QName(APIConstants.EXTERNAL_API_STORE_CLASS_NAME));
                    store.setPublisher((APIPublisher) getClassForName(className).newInstance());
                    store.setType(type); //Set Store type [eg:wso2]
                    String name = storeElem.getAttributeValue(new QName(APIConstants.EXTERNAL_API_STORE_ID));
                    if (name == null) {
                        log.error("The ExternalAPIStore name attribute is not defined in api-manager.xml.");
                    store.setName(name); //Set store name
                    OMElement configDisplayName = storeElem
                            .getFirstChildWithName(new QName(APIConstants.EXTERNAL_API_STORE_DISPLAY_NAME));
                    String displayName = (configDisplayName != null)
                            ? replaceSystemProperty(configDisplayName.getText())
                            : name;
                    store.setDisplayName(displayName);//Set store display name
                            .getFirstChildWithName(new QName(APIConstants.EXTERNAL_API_STORE_ENDPOINT)).getText()));
                    //Set store endpoint, which is used to publish APIs
                    if (APIConstants.WSO2_API_STORE_TYPE.equals(type)) {
                        OMElement password = storeElem
                                .getFirstChildWithName(new QName(APIConstants.EXTERNAL_API_STORE_PASSWORD));
                        if (password != null) {

                            String value = password.getText();

                                    .getFirstChildWithName(new QName(APIConstants.EXTERNAL_API_STORE_USERNAME))
                            //Set store login username
                        } else {
                                    "The user-credentials of API Publisher is not defined in the <ExternalAPIStore> "
                                            + "config of api-manager.xml.");

        } catch (RegistryException e) {
            String msg = "Error while retrieving External Stores Configuration from registry";
            log.error(msg, e);
            throw new APIManagementException(msg, e);
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            String msg = "Malformed XML found in the External Stores Configuration resource";
            log.error(msg, e);
            throw new APIManagementException(msg, e);
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            String msg = "One or more classes defined in APIConstants.EXTERNAL_API_STORE_CLASS_NAME cannot be found";
            log.error(msg, e);
            throw new APIManagementException(msg, e);
        } catch (InstantiationException e) {
            String msg = "One or more classes defined in APIConstants.EXTERNAL_API_STORE_CLASS_NAME cannot be load";
            log.error(msg, e);
            throw new APIManagementException(msg, e);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            String msg = "One or more classes defined in APIConstants.EXTERNAL_API_STORE_CLASS_NAME cannot be access";
            log.error(msg, e);
            throw new APIManagementException(msg, e);
        return externalAPIStores;

     * Returns the External API Store Configuration with the given Store Name
     * @param apiStoreName
     * @return
     * @throws APIManagementException
    public static APIStore getExternalAPIStore(String apiStoreName, int tenantId) throws APIManagementException {
        Set<APIStore> externalAPIStoresConfig = APIUtil.getExternalStores(tenantId);
        for (APIStore apiStoreConfig : externalAPIStoresConfig) {
            if (apiStoreConfig.getName().equals(apiStoreName)) {
                return apiStoreConfig;
        return null;

     * Returns an unfiltered map of API availability tiers as defined in the underlying governance
     * registry.
     * @return Map<String, Tier> an unfiltered Map of tier names and Tier objects - possibly empty
     * @throws APIManagementException if an error occurs when loading tiers from the registry
    public static Map<String, Tier> getAllTiers() throws APIManagementException {
        if (!APIUtil.isAdvanceThrottlingEnabled()) {
            try {
                Registry registry = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRegistryService()

                return getAllTiers(registry, APIConstants.API_TIER_LOCATION);
            } catch (RegistryException e) {
                log.error(APIConstants.MSG_TIER_RET_ERROR, e);
                throw new APIManagementException(APIConstants.MSG_TIER_RET_ERROR, e);
            } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
                log.error(APIConstants.MSG_MALFORMED_XML_ERROR, e);
                throw new APIManagementException(APIConstants.MSG_MALFORMED_XML_ERROR, e);
        } else {
            return getTiersFromPolicies(PolicyConstants.POLICY_LEVEL_SUB, MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_ID);

     * Returns an unfiltered map of API availability tiers of the tenant as defined in the underlying governance
     * registry.
     * @return Map<String, Tier> an unfiltered Map of tier names and Tier objects - possibly empty
     * @throws APIManagementException if an error occurs when loading tiers from the registry
    public static Map<String, Tier> getAllTiers(int tenantId) throws APIManagementException {
        if (!APIUtil.isAdvanceThrottlingEnabled()) {
            try {
                Registry registry = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRegistryService()

                return getAllTiers(registry, APIConstants.API_TIER_LOCATION);
            } catch (RegistryException e) {
                log.error(APIConstants.MSG_TIER_RET_ERROR, e);
                throw new APIManagementException(APIConstants.MSG_TIER_RET_ERROR, e);
            } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
                log.error(APIConstants.MSG_MALFORMED_XML_ERROR, e);
                throw new APIManagementException(APIConstants.MSG_MALFORMED_XML_ERROR, e);
        } else {
            return getTiersFromPolicies(PolicyConstants.POLICY_LEVEL_SUB, tenantId);

     * Returns a map of API availability tiers as defined in the underlying governance
     * registry.
     * @return a Map of tier names and Tier objects - possibly empty
     * @throws APIManagementException if an error occurs when loading tiers from the registry
    public static Map<String, Tier> getTiers() throws APIManagementException {
        if (!APIUtil.isAdvanceThrottlingEnabled()) {
            try {
                Registry registry = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRegistryService()
                return getTiers(registry, APIConstants.API_TIER_LOCATION);
            } catch (RegistryException e) {
                log.error(APIConstants.MSG_TIER_RET_ERROR, e);
                throw new APIManagementException(APIConstants.MSG_TIER_RET_ERROR, e);
        } else {
            return getTiersFromPolicies(PolicyConstants.POLICY_LEVEL_SUB, MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_ID);

     * Returns a map of API availability tiers as defined in the underlying governance
     * registry.
     * @return a Map of tier names and Tier objects - possibly empty
     * @throws APIManagementException if an error occurs when loading tiers from the registry
    public static Map<String, Tier> getAdvancedSubsriptionTiers() throws APIManagementException {
        return getAdvancedSubsriptionTiers(MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_ID);

     * Returns a map of API subscription tiers of the tenant as defined in database
     * registry.
     * @return a Map of tier names and Tier objects - possibly empty
     * @throws APIManagementException if an error occurs when loading tiers from the registry
    public static Map<String, Tier> getAdvancedSubsriptionTiers(int tenantId) throws APIManagementException {
        return APIUtil.getTiersFromPolicies(PolicyConstants.POLICY_LEVEL_SUB, tenantId);

     * Returns a map of API availability tiers of the tenant as defined in the underlying governance
     * registry.
     * @return a Map of tier names and Tier objects - possibly empty
     * @throws APIManagementException if an error occurs when loading tiers from the registry
    public static Map<String, Tier> getTiers(int tenantId) throws APIManagementException {
        if (!APIUtil.isAdvanceThrottlingEnabled()) {
            try {
                Registry registry = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRegistryService()
                return getTiers(registry, APIConstants.API_TIER_LOCATION);
            } catch (RegistryException e) {
                log.error(APIConstants.MSG_TIER_RET_ERROR, e);
                throw new APIManagementException(APIConstants.MSG_TIER_RET_ERROR, e);
        } else {
            return getTiersFromPolicies(PolicyConstants.POLICY_LEVEL_SUB, tenantId);

     * Returns a map of API availability tiers of the tenant as defined in the underlying governance
     * registry.
     * @return a Map of tier names and Tier objects - possibly empty
     * @throws APIManagementException if an error occurs when loading tiers from the registry
    public static Map<String, Tier> getTiers(int tierType, String tenantDomain) throws APIManagementException {
        if (!APIUtil.isAdvanceThrottlingEnabled()) {
            boolean isTenantFlowStarted = false;
            try {
                isTenantFlowStarted = true;

                PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().setTenantDomain(tenantDomain, true);
                int tenantId = PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().getTenantId();

                Registry registry = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRegistryService()

                if (tierType == APIConstants.TIER_API_TYPE) {
                    return getTiers(registry, APIConstants.API_TIER_LOCATION);
                } else if (tierType == APIConstants.TIER_RESOURCE_TYPE) {
                    return getTiers(registry, APIConstants.RES_TIER_LOCATION);
                } else if (tierType == APIConstants.TIER_APPLICATION_TYPE) {
                    return getTiers(registry, APIConstants.APP_TIER_LOCATION);
                } else {
                    throw new APIManagementException("No such a tier type : " + tierType);
            } catch (RegistryException e) {
                log.error(APIConstants.MSG_TIER_RET_ERROR, e);
                throw new APIManagementException(APIConstants.MSG_TIER_RET_ERROR, e);
            } finally {
                if (isTenantFlowStarted) {
        } else {
            boolean isTenantFlowStarted = false;
            try {
                isTenantFlowStarted = true;
                PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().setTenantDomain(tenantDomain, true);
                int tenantId = PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().getTenantId();
                if (tierType == APIConstants.TIER_API_TYPE) {
                    return getTiersFromPolicies(PolicyConstants.POLICY_LEVEL_SUB, tenantId);
                } else if (tierType == APIConstants.TIER_RESOURCE_TYPE) {
                    return getTiersFromPolicies(PolicyConstants.POLICY_LEVEL_API, tenantId);
                } else if (tierType == APIConstants.TIER_APPLICATION_TYPE) {
                    return getTiersFromPolicies(PolicyConstants.POLICY_LEVEL_APP, tenantId);
                } else {
                    throw new APIManagementException("No such a tier type : " + tierType);
            } finally {
                if (isTenantFlowStarted) {

     * Retrieves unfiltered list of all available tiers from registry.
     * Result will contains all the tiers including unauthenticated tier which is
     * filtered out in {@link #getTiers(Registry, String)}  getTiers}
     * @param registry     registry to access tiers config
     * @param tierLocation registry location of tiers config
     * @return Map<String, Tier> containing all available tiers
     * @throws RegistryException      when registry action fails
     * @throws XMLStreamException     when xml parsing fails
     * @throws APIManagementException when fails to retrieve tier attributes
    private static Map<String, Tier> getAllTiers(Registry registry, String tierLocation)
            throws RegistryException, XMLStreamException, APIManagementException {
        // We use a treeMap here to keep the order
        Map<String, Tier> tiers = new TreeMap<String, Tier>();

        if (registry.resourceExists(tierLocation)) {
            Resource resource = registry.get(tierLocation);
            String content = new String((byte[]) resource.getContent(), Charset.defaultCharset());

            OMElement element = AXIOMUtil.stringToOM(content);
            OMElement assertion = element.getFirstChildWithName(APIConstants.ASSERTION_ELEMENT);
            Iterator policies = assertion.getChildrenWithName(APIConstants.POLICY_ELEMENT);

            while (policies.hasNext()) {
                OMElement policy = (OMElement);
                OMElement id = policy.getFirstChildWithName(APIConstants.THROTTLE_ID_ELEMENT);

                String tierName = id.getText();

                // Constructing the tier object
                Tier tier = new Tier(tierName);

                if (id.getAttribute(APIConstants.THROTTLE_ID_DISPLAY_NAME_ELEMENT) != null) {
                } else {
                String desc;
                try {
                    long requestPerMin = APIDescriptionGenUtil.getAllowedCountPerMinute(policy);

                    long requestCount = APIDescriptionGenUtil.getAllowedRequestCount(policy);

                    long unitTime = APIDescriptionGenUtil.getTimeDuration(policy);

                    if (requestPerMin >= 1) {
                        desc = DESCRIPTION.replaceAll("\\[1\\]", Long.toString(requestPerMin));
                    } else {
                        desc = DESCRIPTION;

                } catch (APIManagementException ex) {
                    // If there is any issue in getting the request counts or the time duration, that means this tier
                    // information can not be used for throttling. Hence we log this exception and continue the flow
                    // to the next tier.
                    log.warn("Unable to get the request count/time duration information for : " + tier.getName()
                            + ". " + ex.getMessage());

                // Get all the attributes of the tier.
                Map<String, Object> tierAttributes = APIDescriptionGenUtil.getTierAttributes(policy);
                if (!tierAttributes.isEmpty()) {
                    // The description, billing plan and the stop on quota reach properties are also stored as attributes
                    // of the tier attributes. Hence we extract them from the above attributes map.
                    Iterator<Entry<String, Object>> attributeIterator = tierAttributes.entrySet().iterator();
                    while (attributeIterator.hasNext()) {
                        Entry<String, Object> entry =;

                        if (APIConstants.THROTTLE_TIER_DESCRIPTION_ATTRIBUTE.equals(entry.getKey())
                                && entry.getValue() instanceof String) {

                            tier.setDescription((String) entry.getValue());

                            // We remove the attribute from the map

                        if (APIConstants.THROTTLE_TIER_PLAN_ATTRIBUTE.equals(entry.getKey())
                                && entry.getValue() instanceof String) {

                            tier.setTierPlan((String) entry.getValue());

                            // We remove the attribute from the map

                        if (APIConstants.THROTTLE_TIER_QUOTA_ACTION_ATTRIBUTE.equals(entry.getKey())
                                && entry.getValue() instanceof String) {

                            tier.setStopOnQuotaReached(Boolean.parseBoolean((String) entry.getValue()));

                            // We remove the attribute from the map
                            // We do not need a continue since this is the last statement.

                tiers.put(tierName, tier);

        if (isEnabledUnlimitedTier()) {
            Tier tier = new Tier(APIConstants.UNLIMITED_TIER);
            tiers.put(tier.getName(), tier);

        return tiers;

     * Retrieves filtered list of available tiers from registry. This method will not return Unauthenticated
     * tier in the list. Use {@link #getAllTiers(Registry, String) getAllTiers} to retrieve all tiers without
     * any filtering.
     * @param registry     registry to access tiers config
     * @param tierLocation registry location of tiers config
     * @return map containing available tiers
     * @throws APIManagementException when fails to retrieve tier attributes
    private static Map<String, Tier> getTiers(Registry registry, String tierLocation)
            throws APIManagementException {
        Map<String, Tier> tiers = null;
        try {
            tiers = getAllTiers(registry, tierLocation);
        } catch (RegistryException e) {
            handleException(APIConstants.MSG_TIER_RET_ERROR, e);
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            handleException(APIConstants.MSG_MALFORMED_XML_ERROR, e);
        } catch (APIManagementException e) {
            handleException("Unable to get tier attributes", e);
        } catch (Exception e) {

            // generic exception is caught to catch exceptions thrown from map remove method
            handleException("Unable to remove Unauthenticated tier from tiers list", e);
        return tiers;

     * This method deletes a given tier from tier xml file, for a given tenant
     * @param tier     tier to be deleted
     * @param tenantId id of the tenant
     * @throws APIManagementException if error occurs while getting registry resource or processing XML
    public static void deleteTier(Tier tier, int tenantId) throws APIManagementException {
        try {
            Registry registry = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRegistryService()
            if (registry.resourceExists(APIConstants.API_TIER_LOCATION)) {
                Resource resource = registry.get(APIConstants.API_TIER_LOCATION);
                String content = new String((byte[]) resource.getContent(), Charset.defaultCharset());
                OMElement element = AXIOMUtil.stringToOM(content);
                OMElement assertion = element.getFirstChildWithName(APIConstants.ASSERTION_ELEMENT);
                Iterator policies = assertion.getChildrenWithName(APIConstants.POLICY_ELEMENT);
                boolean foundTier = false;

                String tierName = null;
                while (policies.hasNext()) {
                    OMElement policy = (OMElement);
                    OMElement id = policy.getFirstChildWithName(APIConstants.THROTTLE_ID_ELEMENT);
                    tierName = tier.getName();
                    if (tierName != null && tierName.equalsIgnoreCase(id.getText())) {
                        foundTier = true;
                if (!foundTier) {
                    log.error("Tier doesn't exist : " + tierName);
                    throw new APIManagementException("Tier doesn't exist : " + tierName);
                registry.put(APIConstants.API_TIER_LOCATION, resource);
        } catch (RegistryException e) {
            log.error(APIConstants.MSG_TIER_RET_ERROR, e);
            throw new APIManagementException(e.getMessage());
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            log.error(APIConstants.MSG_MALFORMED_XML_ERROR, e);
            throw new APIManagementException(e.getMessage());

     * Returns the tier display name for a particular tier
     * @return the relevant tier display name
     * @throws APIManagementException if an error occurs when loading tiers from the registry
    public static String getTierDisplayName(int tenantId, String tierName) throws APIManagementException {
        String displayName = null;
        if (APIConstants.UNLIMITED_TIER.equals(tierName)) {
            return APIConstants.UNLIMITED_TIER;
        try {
            Registry registry = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRegistryService()
            if (registry.resourceExists(APIConstants.API_TIER_LOCATION)) {
                Resource resource = registry.get(APIConstants.API_TIER_LOCATION);
                String content = new String((byte[]) resource.getContent(), Charset.defaultCharset());
                OMElement element = AXIOMUtil.stringToOM(content);
                OMElement assertion = element.getFirstChildWithName(APIConstants.ASSERTION_ELEMENT);
                Iterator policies = assertion.getChildrenWithName(APIConstants.POLICY_ELEMENT);

                while (policies.hasNext()) {
                    OMElement policy = (OMElement);
                    OMElement id = policy.getFirstChildWithName(APIConstants.THROTTLE_ID_ELEMENT);
                    if (id.getText().equals(tierName)) {
                        if (id.getAttribute(APIConstants.THROTTLE_ID_DISPLAY_NAME_ELEMENT) != null) {
                            displayName = id.getAttributeValue(APIConstants.THROTTLE_ID_DISPLAY_NAME_ELEMENT);
                        } else if (displayName == null) {
                            displayName = id.getText();
        } catch (RegistryException e) {
            log.error(APIConstants.MSG_TIER_RET_ERROR, e);
            throw new APIManagementException(APIConstants.MSG_TIER_RET_ERROR, e);
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            log.error(APIConstants.MSG_MALFORMED_XML_ERROR, e);
            throw new APIManagementException(APIConstants.MSG_MALFORMED_XML_ERROR, e);
        return displayName;

     * Checks whether the specified user has the specified permission.
     * @param username   A username
     * @param permission A valid Carbon permission
     * @throws APIManagementException If the user does not have the specified permission or if an error occurs
    public static void checkPermission(String username, String permission) throws APIManagementException {
        if (username == null) {
            throw new APIManagementException("Attempt to execute privileged operation as" + " the anonymous user");

        if (isPermissionCheckDisabled()) {
            log.debug("Permission verification is disabled by APIStore configuration");

        String tenantDomain = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(username);
        PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().setTenantDomain(tenantDomain, true);

        boolean authorized;
        try {
            int tenantId = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService().getTenantManager()

            if (!org.wso2.carbon.utils.multitenancy.MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME
                    .equals(tenantDomain)) {
                org.wso2.carbon.user.api.AuthorizationManager manager = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance()
                authorized = manager.isUserAuthorized(MultitenantUtils.getTenantAwareUsername(username), permission,
            } else {
                // On the first login attempt to publisher (without browsing the
                // store), the user realm will be null.
                if (ServiceReferenceHolder.getUserRealm() == null) {
                    ServiceReferenceHolder.setUserRealm((UserRealm) ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance()
                authorized = AuthorizationManager.getInstance()
                        .isUserAuthorized(MultitenantUtils.getTenantAwareUsername(username), permission);
            if (!authorized) {
                throw new APIManagementException(
                        "User '" + username + "' does not have the " + "required permission: " + permission);
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            throw new APIManagementException("Error while checking the user:" + username + " authorized or not", e);
        } finally {

     * Checks whether the specified user has the specified permission.
     * @param userNameWithoutChange   A username
     * @param permission A valid Carbon permission
     * @throws APIManagementException If the user does not have the specified permission or if an error occurs
    public static boolean hasPermission(String userNameWithoutChange, String permission)
            throws APIManagementException {
        boolean authorized = false;
        if (userNameWithoutChange == null) {
            throw new APIManagementException("Attempt to execute privileged operation as" + " the anonymous user");

        if (isPermissionCheckDisabled()) {
            log.debug("Permission verification is disabled by APIStore configuration");
            authorized = true;
            return authorized;

        String tenantDomain = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(userNameWithoutChange);
        PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().setTenantDomain(tenantDomain, true);

        try {
            int tenantId = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService().getTenantManager()

            if (!org.wso2.carbon.utils.multitenancy.MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME
                    .equals(tenantDomain)) {
                org.wso2.carbon.user.api.AuthorizationManager manager = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance()
                authorized = manager.isUserAuthorized(
                        MultitenantUtils.getTenantAwareUsername(userNameWithoutChange), permission,
            } else {
                // On the first login attempt to publisher (without browsing the
                // store), the user realm will be null.
                if (ServiceReferenceHolder.getUserRealm() == null) {
                    ServiceReferenceHolder.setUserRealm((UserRealm) ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance()
                authorized = AuthorizationManager.getInstance().isUserAuthorized(
                        MultitenantUtils.getTenantAwareUsername(userNameWithoutChange), permission);

        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            throw new APIManagementException(
                    "Error while checking the user:" + userNameWithoutChange + " authorized or not", e);
        } finally {

        return authorized;

     * Checks whether the disablePermissionCheck parameter enabled
     * @return boolean
    public static boolean isPermissionCheckDisabled() {
        APIManagerConfiguration config = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getAPIManagerConfigurationService()
        String disablePermissionCheck = config.getFirstProperty(APIConstants.API_STORE_DISABLE_PERMISSION_CHECK);
        if (disablePermissionCheck == null) {
            return false;

        return Boolean.parseBoolean(disablePermissionCheck);

     * Checks whether the specified user has the specified permission without throwing
     * any exceptions.
     * @param username   A username
     * @param permission A valid Carbon permission
     * @return true if the user has the specified permission and false otherwise
    public static boolean checkPermissionQuietly(String username, String permission) {
        try {
            checkPermission(username, permission);
            return true;
        } catch (APIManagementException ignore) {
            // Ignore the exception.
            // Logging it on debug mode so if needed we can see the exception stacktrace.
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("User does not have permission", ignore);
            return false;

     * Gets the information of the logged in User.
     * @param cookie     Cookie of the previously logged in session.
     * @param serviceUrl Url of the authentication service.
     * @return LoggedUserInfo object containing details of the logged in user.
     * @throws ExceptionException 
     * @throws RemoteException 
    public static LoggedUserInfo getLoggedInUserInfo(String cookie, String serviceUrl)
            throws RemoteException, ExceptionException {
        LoggedUserInfoAdminStub stub = new LoggedUserInfoAdminStub(null, serviceUrl + "LoggedUserInfoAdmin");
        ServiceClient client = stub._getServiceClient();
        Options options = client.getOptions();
        options.setProperty(HTTPConstants.COOKIE_STRING, cookie);
        return stub.getUserInfo();

     * Retrieves the role list of a user
     * @param username A username
     * @throws APIManagementException If an error occurs
    public static String[] getListOfRoles(String username) throws APIManagementException {
        if (username == null) {
            throw new APIManagementException("Attempt to execute privileged operation as" + " the anonymous user");

        return AuthorizationManager.getInstance().getRolesOfUser(username);

     * Retrieves the list of user roles without throwing any exceptions.
     * @param username A username
     * @return the list of roles to which the user belongs to.
    public static String[] getListOfRolesQuietly(String username) {
        try {
            return getListOfRoles(username);
        } catch (APIManagementException e) {
            return new String[0];

     * Sets permission for uploaded file resource.
     * @param filePath Registry path for the uploaded file
     * @throws APIManagementException

    public static void setFilePermission(String filePath) throws APIManagementException {
        try {
            String filePathString = filePath.replaceFirst("/registry/resource/", "");
            org.wso2.carbon.user.api.AuthorizationManager accessControlAdmin = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance()
            if (!accessControlAdmin.isRoleAuthorized(CarbonConstants.REGISTRY_ANONNYMOUS_ROLE_NAME, filePathString,
                    ActionConstants.GET)) {
                accessControlAdmin.authorizeRole(CarbonConstants.REGISTRY_ANONNYMOUS_ROLE_NAME, filePathString,
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            throw new APIManagementException("Error while setting up permissions for file location", e);

     * This method used to get API from governance artifact specific to copyAPI
     * @param artifact API artifact
     * @param registry Registry
     * @return API
     * @throws APIManagementException if failed to get API from artifact
    public static API getAPI(GovernanceArtifact artifact, Registry registry, APIIdentifier oldId, String oldContext)
            throws APIManagementException {

        API api;
        try {
            String providerName = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_PROVIDER);
            String apiName = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_NAME);
            String apiVersion = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_VERSION);
            api = new API(new APIIdentifier(providerName, apiName, apiVersion));
            int apiId = ApiMgtDAO.getInstance().getAPIID(oldId, null);
            if (apiId == -1) {
                return null;
            // set rating
            String artifactPath = GovernanceUtils.getArtifactPath(registry, artifact.getId());
            BigDecimal bigDecimal = BigDecimal.valueOf(registry.getAverageRating(artifactPath));
            BigDecimal res = bigDecimal.setScale(1, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
            //set description
            //set last access time
            //set uuid
            // set url





            String tenantDomainName = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(replaceEmailDomainBack(providerName));
            int tenantId = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService().getTenantManager()

            boolean isGlobalThrottlingEnabled = APIUtil.isAdvanceThrottlingEnabled();

            if (isGlobalThrottlingEnabled) {
                String apiLevelTier = ApiMgtDAO.getInstance().getAPILevelTier(apiId);

            String tiers = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_TIER);
            Map<String, Tier> definedTiers = getTiers(tenantId);
            Set<Tier> availableTier = getAvailableTiers(definedTiers, tiers, apiName);

            ArrayList<URITemplate> urlPatternsList;

            Set<Scope> scopes = ApiMgtDAO.getInstance().getAPIScopes(oldId);

            HashMap<String, String> resourceScopes;
            resourceScopes = ApiMgtDAO.getInstance().getResourceToScopeMapping(oldId);

            urlPatternsList = ApiMgtDAO.getInstance().getAllURITemplates(oldContext, oldId.getVersion());
            Set<URITemplate> uriTemplates = new HashSet<URITemplate>(urlPatternsList);

            for (URITemplate uriTemplate : uriTemplates) {
                String resourceScopeKey = APIUtil.getResourceKey(oldContext, oldId.getVersion(),
                        uriTemplate.getUriTemplate(), uriTemplate.getHTTPVerb());
                uriTemplate.setScope(findScopeByKey(scopes, resourceScopes.get(resourceScopeKey)));


            Set<String> tags = new HashSet<String>();
            Tag[] tag = registry.getTags(artifactPath);
            for (Tag tag1 : tag) {

            String environments = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_ENVIRONMENTS);

        } catch (GovernanceException e) {
            String msg = "Failed to get API fro artifact ";
            throw new APIManagementException(msg, e);
        } catch (RegistryException e) {
            String msg = "Failed to get LastAccess time or Rating";
            throw new APIManagementException(msg, e);
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            String msg = "Failed to get User Realm of API Provider";
            throw new APIManagementException(msg, e);
        return api;

    public static boolean checkAccessTokenPartitioningEnabled() {
        return OAuthServerConfiguration.getInstance().isAccessTokenPartitioningEnabled();

    public static boolean checkUserNameAssertionEnabled() {
        return OAuthServerConfiguration.getInstance().isUserNameAssertionEnabled();

    public static String[] getAvailableKeyStoreTables() throws APIManagementException {
        String[] keyStoreTables = new String[0];
        Map<String, String> domainMappings = getAvailableUserStoreDomainMappings();
        if (domainMappings != null) {
            keyStoreTables = new String[domainMappings.size()];
            int i = 0;
            for (Entry<String, String> e : domainMappings.entrySet()) {
                String value = e.getValue();
                keyStoreTables[i] = APIConstants.ACCESS_TOKEN_STORE_TABLE + "_" + value.trim();
        return keyStoreTables;

    public static Map<String, String> getAvailableUserStoreDomainMappings() throws APIManagementException {
        Map<String, String> userStoreDomainMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
        String domainsStr = OAuthServerConfiguration.getInstance().getAccessTokenPartitioningDomains();
        if (domainsStr != null) {
            String[] userStoreDomainsArr = domainsStr.split(",");
            for (String anUserStoreDomainsArr : userStoreDomainsArr) {
                String[] mapping = anUserStoreDomainsArr.trim().split(":"); // ,
                if (mapping.length < 2) {
                    throw new APIManagementException("Domain mapping has not defined");
                userStoreDomainMap.put(mapping[1].trim(), mapping[0].trim()); //key=domain & value=mapping
        return userStoreDomainMap;

    public static String getAccessTokenStoreTableFromUserId(String userId) throws APIManagementException {
        String accessTokenStoreTable = APIConstants.ACCESS_TOKEN_STORE_TABLE;
        String userStore;
        if (userId != null) {
            String[] strArr = userId.split("/");
            if (strArr.length > 1) {
                userStore = strArr[0];
                Map<String, String> availableDomainMappings = getAvailableUserStoreDomainMappings();
                if (availableDomainMappings != null && availableDomainMappings.containsKey(userStore)) {
                    accessTokenStoreTable = accessTokenStoreTable + "_" + availableDomainMappings.get(userStore);
        return accessTokenStoreTable;

    public static String getAccessTokenStoreTableFromAccessToken(String apiKey) throws APIManagementException {
        String userId = getUserIdFromAccessToken(apiKey); //i.e: '' or 'admin'
        return getAccessTokenStoreTableFromUserId(userId);

    public static String getUserIdFromAccessToken(String apiKey) {
        String userId = null;
        String decodedKey = new String(Base64.decodeBase64(apiKey.getBytes(Charset.defaultCharset())),
        String[] tmpArr = decodedKey.split(":");
        if (tmpArr.length == 2) { //tmpArr[0]= userStoreDomain & tmpArr[1] = userId
            userId = tmpArr[1];
        return userId;

     * validates if an accessToken has expired or not
     * @param accessTokenDO
     * @return true if token has expired else false
    public static boolean isAccessTokenExpired(APIKeyValidationInfoDTO accessTokenDO) {
        long validityPeriod = accessTokenDO.getValidityPeriod();
        long issuedTime = accessTokenDO.getIssuedTime();
        long timestampSkew = OAuthServerConfiguration.getInstance().getTimeStampSkewInSeconds() * 1000;
        long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

        //If the validity period is not an never expiring value
        if (validityPeriod != Long.MAX_VALUE &&
        // For cases where validityPeriod is closer to Long.MAX_VALUE (then issuedTime + validityPeriod would spill
        // over and would produce a negative value)
                (currentTime - timestampSkew) > validityPeriod) {
            //check the validity of cached OAuth2AccessToken Response

            if ((currentTime - timestampSkew) > (issuedTime + validityPeriod)) {
                return true;

        return false;

     * When an input is having '@',replace it with '-AT-' [This is required to persist API data in registry,as registry
     *  paths don't allow '@' sign.]
     * @param input inputString
     * @return String modifiedString
    public static String replaceEmailDomain(String input) {
        if (input != null && input.contains(APIConstants.EMAIL_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR)) {
            input = input.replace(APIConstants.EMAIL_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR,
        return input;

     * When an input is having '-AT-',replace it with @ [This is required to persist API data between registry and database]
     * @param input inputString
     * @return String modifiedString
    public static String replaceEmailDomainBack(String input) {
        if (input != null && input.contains(APIConstants.EMAIL_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR_REPLACEMENT)) {
            input = input.replace(APIConstants.EMAIL_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR_REPLACEMENT,
        return input;

    public static void copyResourcePermissions(String username, String sourceArtifactPath,
            String targetArtifactPath) throws APIManagementException {
        String sourceResourcePath = RegistryUtils.getAbsolutePath(RegistryContext.getBaseInstance(),
                        RegistryConstants.GOVERNANCE_REGISTRY_BASE_PATH) + sourceArtifactPath);

        String targetResourcePath = RegistryUtils.getAbsolutePath(RegistryContext.getBaseInstance(),
                        RegistryConstants.GOVERNANCE_REGISTRY_BASE_PATH) + targetArtifactPath);

        String tenantDomain = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(APIUtil.replaceEmailDomainBack(username));

        try {
            int tenantId = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService().getTenantManager()
            org.wso2.carbon.user.api.AuthorizationManager authManager = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance()
            String[] allowedRoles = authManager.getAllowedRolesForResource(sourceResourcePath, ActionConstants.GET);

            if (allowedRoles != null) {

                for (String allowedRole : allowedRoles) {
                    authManager.authorizeRole(allowedRole, targetResourcePath, ActionConstants.GET);

        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            throw new APIManagementException("Error while adding role permissions to API", e);

     * This function is to set resource permissions based on its visibility
     * @param visibility   API visibility
     * @param roles        Authorized roles
     * @param artifactPath API resource path
     * @throws APIManagementException Throwing exception
    public static void setResourcePermissions(String username, String visibility, String[] roles,
            String artifactPath) throws APIManagementException {
        try {
            String resourcePath = RegistryUtils.getAbsolutePath(RegistryContext.getBaseInstance(),
                            RegistryConstants.GOVERNANCE_REGISTRY_BASE_PATH) + artifactPath);

            String tenantDomain = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(APIUtil.replaceEmailDomainBack(username));
            if (!org.wso2.carbon.utils.multitenancy.MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME
                    .equals(tenantDomain)) {
                int tenantId = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService().getTenantManager()
                // calculate resource path
                RegistryAuthorizationManager authorizationManager = new RegistryAuthorizationManager(
                resourcePath = authorizationManager.computePathOnMount(resourcePath);
                org.wso2.carbon.user.api.AuthorizationManager authManager = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance()
                if (visibility != null && APIConstants.API_RESTRICTED_VISIBILITY.equalsIgnoreCase(visibility)) {
                    boolean isRoleEveryOne = false;
                    /*If no roles have defined, authorize for everyone role */
                    if (roles != null) {
                        if (roles.length == 1 && "".equals(roles[0])) {
                            authManager.authorizeRole(APIConstants.EVERYONE_ROLE, resourcePath,
                            isRoleEveryOne = true;
                        } else {
                            for (String role : roles) {
                                if (APIConstants.EVERYONE_ROLE.equalsIgnoreCase(role)) {
                                    isRoleEveryOne = true;
                                authManager.authorizeRole(role, resourcePath, ActionConstants.GET);

                    if (!isRoleEveryOne) {
                        authManager.denyRole(APIConstants.EVERYONE_ROLE, resourcePath, ActionConstants.GET);
                    authManager.denyRole(APIConstants.ANONYMOUS_ROLE, resourcePath, ActionConstants.GET);
                } else if (visibility != null && APIConstants.API_PRIVATE_VISIBILITY.equalsIgnoreCase(visibility)) {
                    authManager.authorizeRole(APIConstants.EVERYONE_ROLE, resourcePath, ActionConstants.GET);
                    authManager.denyRole(APIConstants.ANONYMOUS_ROLE, resourcePath, ActionConstants.GET);
                } else if (visibility != null && APIConstants.DOC_OWNER_VISIBILITY.equalsIgnoreCase(visibility)) {

                    /*If no roles have defined, deny access for everyone & anonymous role */
                    if (roles == null) {
                        authManager.denyRole(APIConstants.EVERYONE_ROLE, resourcePath, ActionConstants.GET);
                        authManager.denyRole(APIConstants.ANONYMOUS_ROLE, resourcePath, ActionConstants.GET);
                    } else {
                        for (String role : roles) {
                            authManager.denyRole(role, resourcePath, ActionConstants.GET);

                } else {
                    authManager.authorizeRole(APIConstants.EVERYONE_ROLE, resourcePath, ActionConstants.GET);
                    authManager.authorizeRole(APIConstants.ANONYMOUS_ROLE, resourcePath, ActionConstants.GET);
            } else {
                RegistryAuthorizationManager authorizationManager = new RegistryAuthorizationManager(

                if (visibility != null && APIConstants.API_RESTRICTED_VISIBILITY.equalsIgnoreCase(visibility)) {
                    boolean isRoleEveryOne = false;
                    if (roles != null) {
                        for (String role : roles) {
                            if (APIConstants.EVERYONE_ROLE.equalsIgnoreCase(role)) {
                                isRoleEveryOne = true;
                            authorizationManager.authorizeRole(role, resourcePath, ActionConstants.GET);

                    if (!isRoleEveryOne) {
                        authorizationManager.denyRole(APIConstants.EVERYONE_ROLE, resourcePath,
                    authorizationManager.denyRole(APIConstants.ANONYMOUS_ROLE, resourcePath, ActionConstants.GET);

                } else if (visibility != null && APIConstants.API_PRIVATE_VISIBILITY.equalsIgnoreCase(visibility)) {
                    authorizationManager.authorizeRole(APIConstants.EVERYONE_ROLE, resourcePath,
                    authorizationManager.denyRole(APIConstants.ANONYMOUS_ROLE, resourcePath, ActionConstants.GET);
                } else if (visibility != null && APIConstants.DOC_OWNER_VISIBILITY.equalsIgnoreCase(visibility)) {
                    /*If no roles have defined, deny access for everyone & anonymous role */
                    if (roles == null) {
                        authorizationManager.denyRole(APIConstants.EVERYONE_ROLE, resourcePath,
                        authorizationManager.denyRole(APIConstants.ANONYMOUS_ROLE, resourcePath,
                    } else {
                        for (String role : roles) {
                            authorizationManager.denyRole(role, resourcePath, ActionConstants.GET);

                } else {
                    authorizationManager.authorizeRole(APIConstants.EVERYONE_ROLE, resourcePath,
                    authorizationManager.authorizeRole(APIConstants.ANONYMOUS_ROLE, resourcePath,

        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            throw new APIManagementException("Error while adding role permissions to API", e);

    public static void loadTenantAPIPolicy(String tenant, int tenantID) throws APIManagementException {

        String tierBasePath = CarbonUtils.getCarbonHome() + File.separator + "repository" + File.separator
                + "resources" + File.separator + "default-tiers" + File.separator;

        String apiTierFilePath = tierBasePath + APIConstants.DEFAULT_API_TIER_FILE_NAME;
        String appTierFilePath = tierBasePath + APIConstants.DEFAULT_APP_TIER_FILE_NAME;
        String resTierFilePath = tierBasePath + APIConstants.DEFAULT_RES_TIER_FILE_NAME;

        loadTenantAPIPolicy(tenantID, APIConstants.API_TIER_LOCATION, apiTierFilePath);
        loadTenantAPIPolicy(tenantID, APIConstants.APP_TIER_LOCATION, appTierFilePath);
        loadTenantAPIPolicy(tenantID, APIConstants.RES_TIER_LOCATION, resTierFilePath);

     * Load the throttling policy  to the registry for tenants
     * @param tenantID
     * @param location
     * @param fileName
     * @throws APIManagementException
    private static void loadTenantAPIPolicy(int tenantID, String location, String fileName)
            throws APIManagementException {
        InputStream inputStream = null;

        try {
            RegistryService registryService = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRegistryService();

            UserRegistry govRegistry = registryService.getGovernanceSystemRegistry(tenantID);

            if (govRegistry.resourceExists(location)) {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("Tier policies already uploaded to the tenant's registry space");
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("Adding API tier policies to the tenant's registry");
            File defaultTiers = new File(fileName);
            if (!defaultTiers.exists()) {
      "Default tier policies not found in : " + fileName);
            inputStream = FileUtils.openInputStream(defaultTiers);
            byte[] data = IOUtils.toByteArray(inputStream);
            Resource resource = govRegistry.newResource();
            govRegistry.put(location, resource);

        } catch (RegistryException e) {
            throw new APIManagementException("Error while saving policy information to the registry", e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new APIManagementException("Error while reading policy file content", e);
        } finally {
            if (inputStream != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    log.error("Error when closing input stream", e);

     * Load the External API Store Configuration  to the registry
     * @param tenantID
     * @throws org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.APIManagementException

    public static void loadTenantExternalStoreConfig(int tenantID) throws APIManagementException {
        try {
            RegistryService registryService = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRegistryService();

            UserRegistry govRegistry = registryService.getGovernanceSystemRegistry(tenantID);

            if (govRegistry.resourceExists(APIConstants.EXTERNAL_API_STORES_LOCATION)) {
                log.debug("External Stores configuration already uploaded to the registry");
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("Adding External Stores configuration to the tenant's registry");
            InputStream inputStream = APIManagerComponent.class
            byte[] data = IOUtils.toByteArray(inputStream);
            Resource resource = govRegistry.newResource();
            govRegistry.put(APIConstants.EXTERNAL_API_STORES_LOCATION, resource);

            /*set resource permission*/
            org.wso2.carbon.user.api.AuthorizationManager authManager = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance()
            String resourcePath = RegistryUtils.getAbsolutePath(RegistryContext.getBaseInstance(),
                            + APIConstants.EXTERNAL_API_STORES_LOCATION);
            authManager.denyRole(APIConstants.EVERYONE_ROLE, resourcePath, ActionConstants.GET);

        } catch (RegistryException e) {
            throw new APIManagementException(
                    "Error while saving External Stores configuration information to the " + "registry", e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new APIManagementException("Error while reading External Stores configuration file content", e);
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            throw new APIManagementException("Error while setting permission to External Stores configuration file",

     * Load the Google Analytics Configuration  to the registry
     * @param tenantID
     * @throws APIManagementException

    public static void loadTenantGAConfig(int tenantID) throws APIManagementException {
        InputStream inputStream = null;
        try {
            RegistryService registryService = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRegistryService();

            UserRegistry govRegistry = registryService.getGovernanceSystemRegistry(tenantID);

            if (govRegistry.resourceExists(APIConstants.GA_CONFIGURATION_LOCATION)) {
                log.debug("Google Analytics configuration already uploaded to the registry");
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("Adding Google Analytics configuration to the tenant's registry");
            inputStream = APIManagerComponent.class.getResourceAsStream("/statistics/default-ga-config.xml");
            byte[] data = IOUtils.toByteArray(inputStream);
            Resource resource = govRegistry.newResource();
            govRegistry.put(APIConstants.GA_CONFIGURATION_LOCATION, resource);

            /*set resource permission*/
            org.wso2.carbon.user.api.AuthorizationManager authManager = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance()
            String resourcePath = RegistryUtils.getAbsolutePath(RegistryContext.getBaseInstance(),
                            + APIConstants.GA_CONFIGURATION_LOCATION);
            authManager.denyRole(APIConstants.EVERYONE_ROLE, resourcePath, ActionConstants.GET);

        } catch (RegistryException e) {
            throw new APIManagementException(
                    "Error while saving Google Analytics configuration information to the registry", e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new APIManagementException("Error while reading Google Analytics configuration file content", e);
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            throw new APIManagementException(
                    "Error while setting permission to Google Analytics configuration file", e);
        } finally {
            try {
                if (inputStream != null) {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                if (log.isWarnEnabled()) {
                    log.warn("Error while closing the input stream", e);

    public static void loadTenantWorkFlowExtensions(int tenantID) throws APIManagementException {
        // TODO: Merge different resource loading methods and create a single method.
        try {
            RegistryService registryService = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRegistryService();

            UserRegistry govRegistry = registryService.getGovernanceSystemRegistry(tenantID);

            if (govRegistry.resourceExists(APIConstants.WORKFLOW_EXECUTOR_LOCATION)) {
                log.debug("External Stores configuration already uploaded to the registry");
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("Adding External Stores configuration to the tenant's registry");
            InputStream inputStream = APIManagerComponent.class
            byte[] data = IOUtils.toByteArray(inputStream);
            Resource resource = govRegistry.newResource();
            govRegistry.put(APIConstants.WORKFLOW_EXECUTOR_LOCATION, resource);

        } catch (RegistryException e) {
            throw new APIManagementException(
                    "Error while saving External Stores configuration information to the registry", e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new APIManagementException("Error while reading External Stores configuration file content", e);

     * @param tenantId
     * @throws APIManagementException
    public static void loadTenantSelfSignUpConfigurations(int tenantId) throws APIManagementException {
        try {
            RegistryService registryService = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRegistryService();
            UserRegistry govRegistry = registryService.getGovernanceSystemRegistry(tenantId);

            if (govRegistry.resourceExists(APIConstants.SELF_SIGN_UP_CONFIG_LOCATION)) {
                log.debug("Self signup configuration already uploaded to the registry");
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("Adding Self signup configuration to the tenant's registry");
            InputStream inputStream;
            if (tenantId == org.wso2.carbon.utils.multitenancy.MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_ID) {
                inputStream = APIManagerComponent.class
            } else {
                inputStream = APIManagerComponent.class
            byte[] data = IOUtils.toByteArray(inputStream);
            Resource resource = govRegistry.newResource();
            govRegistry.put(APIConstants.SELF_SIGN_UP_CONFIG_LOCATION, resource);

        } catch (RegistryException e) {
            throw new APIManagementException(
                    "Error while saving Self signup configuration information to the registry", e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new APIManagementException("Error while reading Self signup configuration file content", e);

    public static void loadTenantConf(int tenantID) throws APIManagementException {
        RegistryService registryService = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRegistryService();
        try {
            UserRegistry registry = registryService.getConfigSystemRegistry(tenantID);
            if (registry.resourceExists(APIConstants.API_TENANT_CONF_LOCATION)) {
                log.debug("Tenant conf already uploaded to the registry");

            String tenantConfLocation = CarbonUtils.getCarbonHome() + File.separator
                    + APIConstants.RESOURCE_FOLDER_LOCATION + File.separator + APIConstants.API_TENANT_CONF;

            File tenantConfFile = new File(tenantConfLocation);

            byte[] data;

            if (tenantConfFile.exists()) { // Load conf from resources directory in pack if it exists
                FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(tenantConfFile);
                data = IOUtils.toByteArray(fileInputStream);
            } else { // Fallback to loading the conf that is stored at jar level if file does not exist in pack
                InputStream inputStream = APIManagerComponent.class
                        .getResourceAsStream("/tenant/" + APIConstants.API_TENANT_CONF);
                data = IOUtils.toByteArray(inputStream);

            log.debug("Adding tenant config to the registry");
            Resource resource = registry.newResource();

            registry.put(APIConstants.API_TENANT_CONF_LOCATION, resource);
        } catch (RegistryException e) {
            throw new APIManagementException("Error while saving tenant conf to the registry", e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new APIManagementException("Error while reading tenant conf file content", e);

     * @param tenantId
     * @throws APIManagementException
    public static void createSelfSignUpRoles(int tenantId) throws APIManagementException {
        try {
            RegistryService registryService = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRegistryService();
            UserRegistry govRegistry = registryService.getGovernanceSystemRegistry(tenantId);
            if (govRegistry.resourceExists(APIConstants.SELF_SIGN_UP_CONFIG_LOCATION)) {
                Resource resource = govRegistry.get(APIConstants.SELF_SIGN_UP_CONFIG_LOCATION);
                InputStream content = resource.getContentStream();
                DocumentBuilderFactory factory = getSecuredDocumentBuilder();
                factory.setFeature(XMLConstants.FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING, true);
                DocumentBuilder parser = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
                Document dc = parser.parse(content);
                boolean enableSignup = Boolean
                String signUpDomain = dc.getElementsByTagName(APIConstants.SELF_SIGN_UP_REG_DOMAIN_ELEM).item(0)

                if (enableSignup) {
                    int roleLength = dc.getElementsByTagName(APIConstants.SELF_SIGN_UP_REG_ROLE_NAME_ELEMENT)

                    for (int i = 0; i < roleLength; i++) {
                        String roleName = dc.getElementsByTagName(APIConstants.SELF_SIGN_UP_REG_ROLE_NAME_ELEMENT)
                        boolean isExternalRole = Boolean.parseBoolean(
                        if (roleName != null) {
                            // If isExternalRole==false ;create the subscriber role as an internal role
                            if (isExternalRole && signUpDomain != null) {
                                roleName = signUpDomain.toUpperCase() + CarbonConstants.DOMAIN_SEPARATOR + roleName;
                            } else {
                                roleName = UserCoreConstants.INTERNAL_DOMAIN + CarbonConstants.DOMAIN_SEPARATOR
                                        + roleName;
                            createSubscriberRole(roleName, tenantId);
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("Adding Self signup configuration to the tenant's registry");

        } catch (RegistryException e) {
            throw new APIManagementException("Error while getting Self signup role information from the registry",
        } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
            throw new APIManagementException("Error while getting Self signup role information from the registry",
        } catch (SAXException e) {
            throw new APIManagementException("Error while getting Self signup role information from the registry",
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new APIManagementException("Error while getting Self signup role information from the registry",

    public static boolean isAnalyticsEnabled() {
        return APIManagerAnalyticsConfiguration.getInstance().isAnalyticsEnabled();

     * Add all the custom sequences of given type to registry 
     * @param registry Registry instance
     * @param customSequenceType Custom sequence type which is in/out or fault
     * @throws APIManagementException
    public static void addDefinedAllSequencesToRegistry(UserRegistry registry, String customSequenceType)
            throws APIManagementException {

        InputStream inSeqStream = null;
        String seqFolderLocation = APIConstants.API_CUSTOM_SEQUENCES_FOLDER_LOCATION + File.separator
                + customSequenceType;

        try {
            File inSequenceDir = new File(seqFolderLocation);
            File[] sequences;
            sequences = inSequenceDir.listFiles();

            if (sequences != null) {
                for (File sequenceFile : sequences) {
                    String sequenceFileName = sequenceFile.getName();
                    String regResourcePath = APIConstants.API_CUSTOM_SEQUENCE_LOCATION + '/' + customSequenceType
                            + '/' + sequenceFileName;
                    if (registry.resourceExists(regResourcePath)) {
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            log.debug("The sequence file with the name " + sequenceFileName
                                    + " already exists in the registry path " + regResourcePath);
                    } else {
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            log.debug("Adding sequence file with the name " + sequenceFileName
                                    + " to the registry path " + regResourcePath);

                        inSeqStream = new FileInputStream(sequenceFile);
                        byte[] inSeqData = IOUtils.toByteArray(inSeqStream);
                        Resource inSeqResource = registry.newResource();

                        registry.put(regResourcePath, inSeqResource);
            } else {
                log.error("Custom sequence template location unavailable for custom sequence type "
                        + customSequenceType + " : " + seqFolderLocation);

        } catch (RegistryException e) {
            throw new APIManagementException("Error while saving defined sequences to the registry ", e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new APIManagementException("Error while reading defined sequence ", e);
        } finally {


     * Adds the sequences defined in repository/resources/customsequences folder to tenant registry
     * @param tenantID tenant Id
     * @throws APIManagementException
    public static void writeDefinedSequencesToTenantRegistry(int tenantID) throws APIManagementException {
        try {

            RegistryService registryService = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRegistryService();
            UserRegistry govRegistry = registryService.getGovernanceSystemRegistry(tenantID);

            //Add all custom in,out and fault sequences to tenant registry
            APIUtil.addDefinedAllSequencesToRegistry(govRegistry, APIConstants.API_CUSTOM_SEQUENCE_TYPE_IN);
            APIUtil.addDefinedAllSequencesToRegistry(govRegistry, APIConstants.API_CUSTOM_SEQUENCE_TYPE_OUT);
            APIUtil.addDefinedAllSequencesToRegistry(govRegistry, APIConstants.API_CUSTOM_SEQUENCE_TYPE_FAULT);

        } catch (RegistryException e) {
            throw new APIManagementException(
                    "Error while saving defined sequences to the registry of tenant with id " + tenantID, e);

     * Load the  API RXT to the registry for tenants
     * @param tenant
     * @param tenantID
     * @throws APIManagementException

    public static void loadloadTenantAPIRXT(String tenant, int tenantID) throws APIManagementException {
        RegistryService registryService = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRegistryService();
        UserRegistry registry = null;
        try {

            registry = registryService.getGovernanceSystemRegistry(tenantID);
        } catch (RegistryException e) {
            throw new APIManagementException("Error when create registry instance ", e);

        String rxtDir = CarbonUtils.getCarbonHome() + File.separator + "repository" + File.separator + "resources"
                + File.separator + "rxts";
        File file = new File(rxtDir);
        FilenameFilter filenameFilter = new FilenameFilter() {
            public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
                // if the file extension is .rxt return true, else false
                return name.endsWith(".rxt");
        String[] rxtFilePaths = file.list(filenameFilter);

        if (rxtFilePaths == null) {
            throw new APIManagementException("rxt files not found in directory " + rxtDir);

        for (String rxtPath : rxtFilePaths) {
            String resourcePath = GovernanceConstants.RXT_CONFIGS_PATH + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + rxtPath;

            //This is  "registry" is a governance registry instance, therefore calculate the relative path to governance.
            String govRelativePath = RegistryUtils.getRelativePathToOriginal(resourcePath, APIUtil.getMountedPath(
                    RegistryContext.getBaseInstance(), RegistryConstants.GOVERNANCE_REGISTRY_BASE_PATH));
            try {
                // calculate resource path
                RegistryAuthorizationManager authorizationManager = new RegistryAuthorizationManager(
                resourcePath = authorizationManager.computePathOnMount(resourcePath);

                org.wso2.carbon.user.api.AuthorizationManager authManager = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance()

                if (registry.resourceExists(govRelativePath)) {
                    // set anonymous user permission to RXTs
                    authManager.authorizeRole(APIConstants.ANONYMOUS_ROLE, resourcePath, ActionConstants.GET);

                String rxt = FileUtil.readFileToString(rxtDir + File.separator + rxtPath);
                Resource resource = registry.newResource();
                registry.put(govRelativePath, resource);

                authManager.authorizeRole(APIConstants.ANONYMOUS_ROLE, resourcePath, ActionConstants.GET);

            } catch (UserStoreException e) {
                throw new APIManagementException("Error while adding role permissions to API", e);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                String msg = "Failed to read rxt files";
                throw new APIManagementException(msg, e);
            } catch (RegistryException e) {
                String msg = "Failed to add rxt to registry ";
                throw new APIManagementException(msg, e);


     * Converting the user store domain name to uppercase.
     * @param username Username to be modified
     * @return Username with domain name set to uppercase.
    public static String setDomainNameToUppercase(String username) {
        String modifiedName = username;
        if (username != null) {
            String[] nameParts = username.split(CarbonConstants.DOMAIN_SEPARATOR);
            if (nameParts.length > 1) {
                modifiedName = nameParts[0].toUpperCase() + CarbonConstants.DOMAIN_SEPARATOR + nameParts[1];

        return modifiedName;

    public static void createSubscriberRole(String roleName, int tenantId) throws APIManagementException {
        try {
            RealmService realmService = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService();
            UserRealm realm;
            org.wso2.carbon.user.api.UserRealm tenantRealm;
            UserStoreManager manager;

            if (tenantId < 0) {
                realm = realmService.getBootstrapRealm();
                manager = realm.getUserStoreManager();
            } else {
                tenantRealm = realmService.getTenantUserRealm(tenantId);
                manager = tenantRealm.getUserStoreManager();
            if (!manager.isExistingRole(roleName)) {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("Creating subscriber role: " + roleName);
                Permission[] subscriberPermissions = new Permission[] {
                        new Permission("/permission/admin/login", UserMgtConstants.EXECUTE_ACTION),
                        new Permission(APIConstants.Permissions.API_SUBSCRIBE, UserMgtConstants.EXECUTE_ACTION) };
                String tenantAdminName = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService()
                String[] userList = new String[] { tenantAdminName };
                manager.addRole(roleName, userList, subscriberPermissions);
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            throw new APIManagementException("Error while creating subscriber role: " + roleName + " - "
                    + "Self registration might not function properly.", e);

    public void setupSelfRegistration(APIManagerConfiguration config, int tenantId) throws APIManagementException {
        boolean enabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(config.getFirstProperty(APIConstants.SELF_SIGN_UP_ENABLED));
        if (!enabled) {
        // Create the subscriber role as an internal role
        String role = UserCoreConstants.INTERNAL_DOMAIN + CarbonConstants.DOMAIN_SEPARATOR
                + config.getFirstProperty(APIConstants.SELF_SIGN_UP_ROLE);
        if ((UserCoreConstants.INTERNAL_DOMAIN + CarbonConstants.DOMAIN_SEPARATOR).equals(role)) {
            // Required parameter missing - Throw an exception and interrupt startup
            throw new APIManagementException(
                    "Required subscriber role parameter missing " + "in the self sign up configuration");

        try {
            RealmService realmService = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService();
            UserRealm realm;
            org.wso2.carbon.user.api.UserRealm tenantRealm;
            UserStoreManager manager;

            if (tenantId < 0) {
                realm = realmService.getBootstrapRealm();
                manager = realm.getUserStoreManager();
            } else {
                tenantRealm = realmService.getTenantUserRealm(tenantId);
                manager = tenantRealm.getUserStoreManager();
            if (!manager.isExistingRole(role)) {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("Creating subscriber role: " + role);
                Permission[] subscriberPermissions = new Permission[] {
                        new Permission("/permission/admin/login", UserMgtConstants.EXECUTE_ACTION),
                        new Permission(APIConstants.Permissions.API_SUBSCRIBE, UserMgtConstants.EXECUTE_ACTION) };
                String tenantAdminName = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService()
                String[] userList = new String[] { tenantAdminName };
                manager.addRole(role, userList, subscriberPermissions);
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            throw new APIManagementException("Error while creating subscriber role: " + role + " - "
                    + "Self registration might not function properly.", e);

    public static String removeAnySymbolFromUriTempate(String uriTemplate) {
        if (uriTemplate != null) {
            int anySymbolIndex = uriTemplate.indexOf("/*");
            if (anySymbolIndex != -1) {
                return uriTemplate.substring(0, anySymbolIndex);
        return uriTemplate;

    public static float getAverageRating(APIIdentifier apiId) throws APIManagementException {
        return ApiMgtDAO.getInstance().getAverageRating(apiId);

    public static float getAverageRating(int apiId) throws APIManagementException {
        return ApiMgtDAO.getInstance().getAverageRating(apiId);

    public static List<Tenant> getAllTenantsWithSuperTenant() throws UserStoreException {
        Tenant[] tenants = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService().getTenantManager()
        ArrayList<Tenant> tenantArrayList = new ArrayList<Tenant>();
        Collections.addAll(tenantArrayList, tenants);
        Tenant superAdminTenant = new Tenant();
        return tenantArrayList;

     * In multi tenant environment, publishers should allow only to revoke the tokens generated within his domain.
     * Super tenant should not see the tenant created tokens and vise versa. This method is used to check the logged in
     * user have permissions to revoke a given users tokens.
     * @param loggedInUser   current logged in user to publisher
     * @param authorizedUser access token owner
     * @return
    public static boolean isLoggedInUserAuthorizedToRevokeToken(String loggedInUser, String authorizedUser) {
        String loggedUserTenantDomain = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(loggedInUser);
        String authorizedUserTenantDomain = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(authorizedUser);

        if (MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME.equals(loggedUserTenantDomain)
                && MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME.equals(authorizedUserTenantDomain)) {
            return true;
        } else if (authorizedUserTenantDomain.equals(loggedUserTenantDomain)) {
            return true;

        return false;

    public static int getApplicationId(String appName, String userId) throws APIManagementException {
        return ApiMgtDAO.getInstance().getApplicationId(appName, userId);

    public static boolean isAPIManagementEnabled() {
        return Boolean.parseBoolean(CarbonUtils.getServerConfiguration().getFirstProperty("APIManagement.Enabled"));

    public static boolean isLoadAPIContextsAtStartup() {
        return Boolean.parseBoolean(CarbonUtils.getServerConfiguration()

    public static Set<APIStore> getExternalAPIStores(int tenantId) throws APIManagementException {
        SortedSet<APIStore> apistoreSet = new TreeSet<APIStore>(new APIStoreNameComparator());
        return apistoreSet;


    public static boolean isAllowDisplayAPIsWithMultipleStatus() {
        APIManagerConfiguration config = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getAPIManagerConfigurationService()
        String displayAllAPIs = config.getFirstProperty(APIConstants.API_STORE_DISPLAY_ALL_APIS);
        if (displayAllAPIs == null) {
            log.warn("The configurations related to show deprecated APIs in APIStore "
                    + "are missing in api-manager.xml.");
            return false;
        return Boolean.parseBoolean(displayAllAPIs);

    public static boolean isAllowDisplayMultipleVersions() {
        APIManagerConfiguration config = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getAPIManagerConfigurationService()

        String displayMultiVersions = config.getFirstProperty(APIConstants.API_STORE_DISPLAY_MULTIPLE_VERSIONS);
        if (displayMultiVersions == null) {
            log.warn("The configurations related to show multiple versions of API in APIStore "
                    + "are missing in api-manager.xml.");
            return false;
        return Boolean.parseBoolean(displayMultiVersions);

    public static Set<APIStore> getExternalAPIStores(Set<APIStore> inputStores, int tenantId)
            throws APIManagementException {
        SortedSet<APIStore> apiStores = new TreeSet<APIStore>(new APIStoreNameComparator());
        //Retains only the stores that contained in configuration
        boolean exists = false;
        if (!apiStores.isEmpty()) {
            for (APIStore store : apiStores) {
                for (APIStore inputStore : inputStores) {
                    if (inputStore.getName().equals(store.getName())) { // If the configured apistore already stored in
                                                                        // db,ignore adding it again
                        exists = true;
                if (!exists) {
                exists = false;
        return inputStores;

    public static boolean isAPIsPublishToExternalAPIStores(int tenantId) throws APIManagementException {
        return !getExternalStores(tenantId).isEmpty();

    public static boolean isAPIGatewayKeyCacheEnabled() {
        try {
            APIManagerConfiguration config = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance()
            String serviceURL = config.getFirstProperty(APIConstants.GATEWAY_TOKEN_CACHE_ENABLED);
            return Boolean.parseBoolean(serviceURL);
        } catch (Exception e) {
                    "Did not found valid API Validation Information cache configuration. Use default configuration"
                            + e);
        return true;

    public static Cache getAPIContextCache() {
        CacheManager contextCacheManager = Caching.getCacheManager(APIConstants.API_CONTEXT_CACHE_MANAGER)
        if (!isContextCacheInitialized) {
            isContextCacheInitialized = true;
            return contextCacheManager.<String, Boolean>createCacheBuilder(APIConstants.API_CONTEXT_CACHE_MANAGER)
                            new CacheConfiguration.Duration(TimeUnit.DAYS,
        } else {
            return Caching.getCacheManager(APIConstants.API_CONTEXT_CACHE_MANAGER)

     * Get active tenant domains
     * @return
     * @throws UserStoreException
    public static Set<String> getActiveTenantDomains() throws UserStoreException {
        Set<String> tenantDomains;
        Tenant[] tenants = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService().getTenantManager()
        if (tenants == null || tenants.length == 0) {
            tenantDomains = Collections.<String>emptySet();
        } else {
            tenantDomains = new HashSet<String>();
            for (Tenant tenant : tenants) {
                if (tenant.isActive()) {
            if (!tenantDomains.isEmpty()) {
        return tenantDomains;

     * Retrieves the role list of system
     * @throws APIManagementException If an error occurs
    public static String[] getRoleNames(String username) throws APIManagementException {

        String tenantDomain = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(username);
        try {
            if (!org.wso2.carbon.utils.multitenancy.MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME
                    .equals(tenantDomain)) {
                int tenantId = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService().getTenantManager()
                UserStoreManager manager = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService()

                return manager.getRoleNames();
            } else {
                return AuthorizationManager.getInstance().getRoleNames();
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            log.error("Error while getting all the roles", e);
            return new String[0];


     * check whether given role is exist
     * @param userName logged user
     * @param roleName role name need to check
     * @return true if exist and false if not
     * @throws APIManagementException If an error occurs
    public static boolean isRoleNameExist(String userName, String roleName) throws APIManagementException {
        if (roleName == null || StringUtils.isEmpty(roleName.trim())) {
            return true;
        org.wso2.carbon.user.api.UserStoreManager userStoreManager;
        try {
            RealmService realmService = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService();
            int tenantId = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService().getTenantManager()
            userStoreManager = realmService.getTenantUserRealm(tenantId).getUserStoreManager();

            String[] roles = roleName.split(",");
            for (String role : roles) {
                if (!userStoreManager.isExistingRole(role)) {
                    return false;
        } catch (org.wso2.carbon.user.api.UserStoreException e) {
            log.error("Error when getting the list of roles", e);
        return true;

     * Create API Definition in JSON
     * @param api API
     * @throws org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.APIManagementException if failed to generate the content and save
     * @deprecated

    public static String createSwaggerJSONContent(API api) throws APIManagementException {
        APIIdentifier identifier = api.getId();

        APIManagerConfiguration config = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getAPIManagerConfigurationService()

        Environment environment = (Environment) config.getApiGatewayEnvironments().values().toArray()[0];
        String endpoints = environment.getApiGatewayEndpoint();
        String[] endpointsSet = endpoints.split(",");
        String apiContext = api.getContext();
        String version = identifier.getVersion();
        Set<URITemplate> uriTemplates = api.getUriTemplates();
        String description = api.getDescription();

        // With the new context version strategy, the URL prefix is the apiContext. the verison will be embedded in
        // the apiContext.
        String urlPrefix = apiContext;

        if (endpointsSet.length < 1) {
            throw new APIManagementException(
                    "Error in creating JSON representation of the API" + identifier.getApiName());
        if (description == null || "".equals(description)) {
            description = "";
        } else {
            description = description.trim();

        Map<String, List<Operation>> uriTemplateDefinitions = new HashMap<String, List<Operation>>();
        List<APIResource> apis = new ArrayList<APIResource>();
        for (URITemplate template : uriTemplates) {
            List<Operation> ops;
            List<Parameter> parameters;
            String path = urlPrefix + APIUtil.removeAnySymbolFromUriTempate(template.getUriTemplate());
            /* path exists in uriTemplateDefinitions */
            if (uriTemplateDefinitions.get(path) != null) {
                ops = uriTemplateDefinitions.get(path);
                parameters = new ArrayList<Parameter>();

                String httpVerb = template.getHTTPVerb();
                /* For GET and DELETE Parameter name - Query Parameters */
                if (Constants.Configuration.HTTP_METHOD_GET.equals(httpVerb)
                        || Constants.Configuration.HTTP_METHOD_DELETE.equals(httpVerb)) {
                    Parameter queryParam = new Parameter(APIConstants.OperationParameter.QUERY_PARAM_NAME,
                            APIConstants.OperationParameter.PAYLOAD_PARAM_TYPE, false, false, "String");
                } else {/* For POST, PUT and PATCH Parameter name - Payload */
                    Parameter payLoadParam = new Parameter(APIConstants.OperationParameter.PAYLOAD_PARAM_NAME,
                            APIConstants.OperationParameter.PAYLOAD_PARAM_TYPE, false, false, "String");

                Parameter authParam = new Parameter(APIConstants.OperationParameter.AUTH_PARAM_NAME,
                        APIConstants.OperationParameter.AUTH_PARAM_TYPE, false, false, "String");
                if (!"OPTIONS".equals(httpVerb)) {
                    Operation op = new Operation(httpVerb, description, description, parameters);
            } else {/* path not exists in uriTemplateDefinitions */
                ops = new ArrayList<Operation>();
                parameters = new ArrayList<Parameter>();

                String httpVerb = template.getHTTPVerb();
                /* For GET and DELETE Parameter name - Query Parameters */
                if (Constants.Configuration.HTTP_METHOD_GET.equals(httpVerb)
                        || Constants.Configuration.HTTP_METHOD_DELETE.equals(httpVerb)) {
                    Parameter queryParam = new Parameter(APIConstants.OperationParameter.QUERY_PARAM_NAME,
                            APIConstants.OperationParameter.PAYLOAD_PARAM_TYPE, false, false, "String");
                } else {/* For POST,PUT and PATCH Parameter name - Payload */
                    Parameter payLoadParam = new Parameter(APIConstants.OperationParameter.PAYLOAD_PARAM_NAME,
                            APIConstants.OperationParameter.PAYLOAD_PARAM_TYPE, false, false, "String");
                Parameter authParam = new Parameter(APIConstants.OperationParameter.AUTH_PARAM_NAME,
                        APIConstants.OperationParameter.AUTH_PARAM_TYPE, false, false, "String");
                if (!"OPTIONS".equals(httpVerb)) {
                    Operation op = new Operation(httpVerb, description, description, parameters);
                uriTemplateDefinitions.put(path, ops);

        final Set<Entry<String, List<Operation>>> entries = uriTemplateDefinitions.entrySet();

        for (Entry entry : entries) {
            APIResource apiResource = new APIResource((String) entry.getKey(), description,
                    (List<Operation>) entry.getValue());
        APIDefinition apidefinition = new APIDefinition(version, APIConstants.SWAGGER_VERSION, endpointsSet[0],
                apiContext, apis);

        Gson gson = new Gson();
        return gson.toJson(apidefinition);

     * Helper method to get tenantId from userName
     * @param userName user name
     * @return tenantId
    public static int getTenantId(String userName) {
        //get tenant domain from user name
        String tenantDomain = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(userName);
        return getTenantIdFromTenantDomain(tenantDomain);

     * Helper method to get tenantId from tenantDomain
     * @param tenantDomain tenant Domain
     * @return tenantId
    public static int getTenantIdFromTenantDomain(String tenantDomain) {
        RealmService realmService = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService();

        if (realmService == null) {
            return MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_ID;

        try {
            return realmService.getTenantManager().getTenantId(tenantDomain);
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            log.error(e.getMessage(), e);

        return -1;

     * Helper method to get tenantDomain from tenantId
     * @param tenantId tenant Id
     * @return tenantId
    public static String getTenantDomainFromTenantId(int tenantId) {
        RealmService realmService = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService();

        if (realmService == null) {
            return MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME;

        try {
            return realmService.getTenantManager().getDomain(tenantId);
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        return null;

    public static int getSuperTenantId() {
        return MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_ID;

     * Helper method to get username with tenant domain.
     * @param userName
     * @return userName with tenant domain
    public static String getUserNameWithTenantSuffix(String userName) {
        String userNameWithTenantPrefix = userName;
        String tenantDomain = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(userName);
        if (userName != null && !userName.contains("@")
                && MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME.equals(tenantDomain)) {
            userNameWithTenantPrefix = userName + "@" + tenantDomain;

        return userNameWithTenantPrefix;

     * Build OMElement from inputstream
     * @param inputStream
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public static OMElement buildOMElement(InputStream inputStream) throws Exception {
        XMLStreamReader parser;
        StAXOMBuilder builder;
        try {
            parser = XMLInputFactory.newInstance().createXMLStreamReader(inputStream);
            builder = new StAXOMBuilder(parser);
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            String msg = "Error in initializing the parser.";
            log.error(msg, e);
            throw new Exception(msg, e);

        return builder.getDocumentElement();

     * Get stored in sequences, out sequences and fault sequences from the governanceSystem registry
     * @param sequenceName -The sequence to be retrieved
     * @param tenantId
     * @param direction    - Direction indicates which sequences to fetch. Values would be
     *                     "in", "out" or "fault"
     * @return
     * @throws APIManagementException
    public static OMElement getCustomSequence(String sequenceName, int tenantId, String direction,
            APIIdentifier identifier) throws APIManagementException {
        org.wso2.carbon.registry.api.Collection seqCollection = null;

        try {
            UserRegistry registry = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRegistryService()

            if ("in".equals(direction)) {
                seqCollection = (org.wso2.carbon.registry.api.Collection) registry
            } else if ("out".equals(direction)) {
                seqCollection = (org.wso2.carbon.registry.api.Collection) registry
            } else if ("fault".equals(direction)) {
                seqCollection = (org.wso2.carbon.registry.api.Collection) registry

            if (seqCollection == null) {
                seqCollection = (org.wso2.carbon.registry.api.Collection) registry
                        .get(getSequencePath(identifier, direction));


            if (seqCollection != null) {
                String[] childPaths = seqCollection.getChildren();

                for (String childPath : childPaths) {
                    Resource sequence = registry.get(childPath);
                    OMElement seqElment = APIUtil.buildOMElement(sequence.getContentStream());
                    if (sequenceName.equals(seqElment.getAttributeValue(new QName("name")))) {
                        return seqElment;

            // If the sequence not found the default sequences, check in custom sequences

            seqCollection = (org.wso2.carbon.registry.api.Collection) registry
                    .get(getSequencePath(identifier, direction));
            if (seqCollection != null) {
                String[] childPaths = seqCollection.getChildren();

                for (String childPath : childPaths) {
                    Resource sequence = registry.get(childPath);
                    OMElement seqElment = APIUtil.buildOMElement(sequence.getContentStream());
                    if (sequenceName.equals(seqElment.getAttributeValue(new QName("name")))) {
                        return seqElment;

        } catch (Exception e) {
            String msg = "Issue is in accessing the Registry";
            throw new APIManagementException(msg, e);
        return null;

     * Returns true if the sequence is a per API one
     * @param sequenceName
     * @param tenantId
     * @param identifier API identifier
     * @param sequenceType in/out/fault
     * @return true/false
     * @throws APIManagementException
    public static boolean isPerAPISequence(String sequenceName, int tenantId, APIIdentifier identifier,
            String sequenceType) throws APIManagementException {
        org.wso2.carbon.registry.api.Collection seqCollection = null;
        try {
            UserRegistry registry = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRegistryService()

            // If the sequence not found the default sequences, check in custom sequences

            if (registry.resourceExists(getSequencePath(identifier, sequenceType))) {

                seqCollection = (org.wso2.carbon.registry.api.Collection) registry
                        .get(getSequencePath(identifier, sequenceType));
                if (seqCollection != null) {
                    String[] childPaths = seqCollection.getChildren();

                    for (String childPath : childPaths) {
                        Resource sequence = registry.get(childPath);
                        OMElement seqElment = APIUtil.buildOMElement(sequence.getContentStream());
                        if (sequenceName.equals(seqElment.getAttributeValue(new QName("name")))) {
                            return true;

        } catch (RegistryException e) {
            String msg = "Error while retrieving registry for tenant " + tenantId;
            throw new APIManagementException(msg, e);
        } catch (org.wso2.carbon.registry.api.RegistryException e) {
            String msg = "Error while processing the " + sequenceType + " sequences of " + identifier
                    + " in the registry";
            throw new APIManagementException(msg, e);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new APIManagementException(e.getMessage(), e);
        return false;

     * Returns true if sequence is set
     * @param sequence
     * @return
    public static boolean isSequenceDefined(String sequence) {
        return sequence != null && !"none".equals(sequence);

     * Return the sequence extension name.
     * eg: admin--testAPi--v1.00
     * @param api
     * @return
    public static String getSequenceExtensionName(API api) {
        return api.getId().getProviderName() + "--" + api.getId().getApiName() + ":v" + api.getId().getVersion();

     * @param token
     * @return
    public static String decryptToken(String token) throws CryptoException {
        APIManagerConfiguration config = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getAPIManagerConfigurationService()

        if (Boolean.parseBoolean(config.getFirstProperty(APIConstants.ENCRYPT_TOKENS_ON_PERSISTENCE))) {
            return new String(CryptoUtil.getDefaultCryptoUtil().base64DecodeAndDecrypt(token),
        return token;

     * @param token
     * @return
    public static String encryptToken(String token) throws CryptoException {
        APIManagerConfiguration config = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getAPIManagerConfigurationService()

        if (Boolean.parseBoolean(config.getFirstProperty(APIConstants.ENCRYPT_TOKENS_ON_PERSISTENCE))) {
            return CryptoUtil.getDefaultCryptoUtil()
        return token;

    public static void loadTenantRegistry(int tenantId) throws RegistryException {
        TenantRegistryLoader tenantRegistryLoader = APIManagerComponent.getTenantRegistryLoader();

     * This is to get the registry resource's HTTP permlink path.
     * Once this issue is fixed (,
     * we can remove this method, and get permlink from the resource.
     * @param path - Registry resource path
     * @return {@link String} -HTTP permlink
    public static String getRegistryResourceHTTPPermlink(String path) {
        String schemeHttp = APIConstants.HTTP_PROTOCOL;
        String schemeHttps = APIConstants.HTTPS_PROTOCOL;

        ConfigurationContextService contetxservice = ServiceReferenceHolder.getContextService();
        //First we will try to generate http permalink and if its disabled then only we will consider https
        int port = CarbonUtils.getTransportProxyPort(contetxservice.getServerConfigContext(), schemeHttp);
        if (port == -1) {
            port = CarbonUtils.getTransportPort(contetxservice.getServerConfigContext(), schemeHttp);
        //getting https parameters if http is disabled. If proxy port is not present we will go for default port
        if (port == -1) {
            port = CarbonUtils.getTransportProxyPort(contetxservice.getServerConfigContext(), schemeHttps);
        if (port == -1) {
            port = CarbonUtils.getTransportPort(contetxservice.getServerConfigContext(), schemeHttps);

        String webContext = ServerConfiguration.getInstance().getFirstProperty("WebContextRoot");

        if (webContext == null || "/".equals(webContext)) {
            webContext = "";
        RegistryService registryService = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRegistryService();
        String version = "";
        if (registryService == null) {
            log.error("Registry Service has not been set.");
        } else if (path != null) {
            try {
                String[] versions = registryService.getRegistry(CarbonConstants.REGISTRY_SYSTEM_USERNAME,
                if (versions != null && versions.length > 0) {
                    version = versions[0].substring(versions[0].lastIndexOf(";version:"));
            } catch (RegistryException e) {
                log.error("An error occurred while determining the latest version of the "
                        + "resource at the given path: " + path, e);
        if (port != -1 && path != null) {
            String tenantDomain = PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().getTenantDomain(true);
            return webContext
                    + ((tenantDomain != null && !MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME.equals(tenantDomain))
                            ? "/" + MultitenantConstants.TENANT_AWARE_URL_PREFIX + "/" + tenantDomain
                            : "")
                    + "/registry/resource" + + version;
        return null;

    public static boolean isSandboxEndpointsExists(API api) {
        JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
        JSONObject config = null;
        try {
            config = (JSONObject) parser.parse(api.getEndpointConfig());

            if (config.containsKey("sandbox_endpoints")) {
                return true;
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            log.error(APIConstants.MSG_JSON_PARSE_ERROR, e);
        } catch (ClassCastException e) {
            log.error(APIConstants.MSG_JSON_PARSE_ERROR, e);
        return false;

    public static boolean isProductionEndpointsExists(API api) {
        JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
        JSONObject config = null;
        try {
            config = (JSONObject) parser.parse(api.getEndpointConfig());

            if (config.containsKey("production_endpoints")) {
                return true;
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            log.error(APIConstants.MSG_JSON_PARSE_ERROR, e);
        } catch (ClassCastException e) {
            log.error(APIConstants.MSG_JSON_PARSE_ERROR, e);
        return false;

     * This method used to get API minimum information from governance artifact
     * @param artifact API artifact
     * @param registry Registry
     * @return API
     * @throws APIManagementException if failed to get API from artifact
    public static API getAPIInformation(GovernanceArtifact artifact, Registry registry)
            throws APIManagementException {
        API api;
        try {
            String providerName = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_PROVIDER);
            String apiName = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_NAME);
            String apiVersion = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_VERSION);
            api = new API(new APIIdentifier(providerName, apiName, apiVersion));
            //set uuid
            String environments = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_ENVIRONMENTS);

        } catch (GovernanceException e) {
            String msg = "Failed to get API fro artifact ";
            throw new APIManagementException(msg, e);
        return api;

     * Get the cache key of the ResourceInfoDTO
     * @param apiContext  - Context of the API
     * @param apiVersion  - API Version
     * @param resourceUri - The resource uri Ex: /name/version
     * @param httpMethod  - The http method. Ex: GET, POST
     * @return - The cache key
    public static String getResourceInfoDTOCacheKey(String apiContext, String apiVersion, String resourceUri,
            String httpMethod) {
        return apiContext + "/" + apiVersion + resourceUri + ":" + httpMethod;

     * Get the key of the Resource ( used in scopes)
     * @param api      - API
     * @param template - URI Template
     * @return - The resource key
    public static String getResourceKey(API api, URITemplate template) {
        return APIUtil.getResourceKey(api.getContext(), api.getId().getVersion(), template.getUriTemplate(),

     * Get the key of the Resource ( used in scopes)
     * @param apiContext  - Context of the API
     * @param apiVersion  - API Version
     * @param resourceUri - The resource uri Ex: /name/version
     * @param httpMethod  - The http method. Ex: GET, POST
     * @return - The resource key
    public static String getResourceKey(String apiContext, String apiVersion, String resourceUri,
            String httpMethod) {
        return apiContext + "/" + apiVersion + resourceUri + ":" + httpMethod;

     * Find scope object in a set based on the key
     * @param scopes - Set of scopes
     * @param key    - Key to search with
     * @return Scope - scope object
    public static Scope findScopeByKey(Set<Scope> scopes, String key) {
        for (Scope scope : scopes) {
            if (scope.getKey().equals(key)) {
                return scope;
        return null;

     * Get the cache key of the APIInfoDTO
     * @param apiContext - Context of the API
     * @param apiVersion - API Version
     * @return - The cache key of the APIInfoDTO
    public static String getAPIInfoDTOCacheKey(String apiContext, String apiVersion) {
        return apiContext + "/" + apiVersion;

     * Get the cache key of the Access Token
     * @param accessToken - The access token which is cached
     * @param apiContext  - The context of the API
     * @param apiVersion  - The version of the API
     * @param resourceUri - The value of the resource url
     * @param httpVerb    - The http method. Ex: GET, POST
     * @param authLevel   - Required Authentication level. Ex: Application/Application User
     * @return - The Key which will be used to cache the access token
    public static String getAccessTokenCacheKey(String accessToken, String apiContext, String apiVersion,
            String resourceUri, String httpVerb, String authLevel) {
        return accessToken + ':' + apiContext + '/' + apiVersion + resourceUri + ':' + httpVerb + ':' + authLevel;

     * Resolves system properties and replaces in given in text
     * @param text
     * @return System properties resolved text
    public static String replaceSystemProperty(String text) {
        int indexOfStartingChars = -1;
        int indexOfClosingBrace;

        // The following condition deals with properties.
        // Properties are specified as ${},
        // and are assumed to be System properties
        while (indexOfStartingChars < text.indexOf("${") && (indexOfStartingChars = text.indexOf("${")) != -1
                && (indexOfClosingBrace = text.indexOf('}')) != -1) { // Is a
            // property
            // used?
            String sysProp = text.substring(indexOfStartingChars + 2, indexOfClosingBrace);
            String propValue = System.getProperty(sysProp);

            if (propValue == null) {
                if ("carbon.context".equals(sysProp)) {
                    propValue = ServiceReferenceHolder.getContextService().getServerConfigContext()
                } else if ("admin.username".equals(sysProp) || "admin.password".equals(sysProp)) {
                    try {
                        RealmConfiguration realmConfig = new RealmConfigXMLProcessor()
                        if ("admin.username".equals(sysProp)) {
                            propValue = realmConfig.getAdminUserName();
                        } else {
                            propValue = realmConfig.getAdminPassword();
                    } catch (UserStoreException e) {
                        // Can't throw an exception because the server is
                        // starting and can't be halted.
                        log.error("Unable to build the Realm Configuration", e);
                        return null;
            //Derive original text value with resolved system property value
            if (propValue != null) {
                text = text.substring(0, indexOfStartingChars) + propValue
                        + text.substring(indexOfClosingBrace + 1);
            if ("carbon.home".equals(sysProp) && propValue != null && ".".equals(propValue)) {
                text = new File(".").getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + text;
        return text;

    public static String encryptPassword(String plainTextPassword) throws APIManagementException {
        try {
            return CryptoUtil.getDefaultCryptoUtil()
        } catch (CryptoException e) {
            String errorMsg = "Error while encrypting the password. " + e.getMessage();
            throw new APIManagementException(errorMsg, e);

     * Search Apis by Doc Content
     * @param registry - Registry which is searched
     * @param tenantID - Tenant id of logged in domain
     * @param username - Logged in username
     * @param searchTerm - Search value for doc
     * @param searchClient - Search client
     * @return - Documentation to APIs map
     * @throws APIManagementException - If failed to get ArtifactManager for given tenant
    public static Map<Documentation, API> searchAPIsByDoc(Registry registry, int tenantID, String username,
            String searchTerm, String searchClient) throws APIManagementException {
        Map<Documentation, API> apiDocMap = new HashMap<Documentation, API>();

        try {
            GenericArtifactManager artifactManager = APIUtil.getArtifactManager(registry, APIConstants.API_KEY);
            GenericArtifactManager docArtifactManager = APIUtil.getArtifactManager(registry,
            SolrClient client = SolrClient.getInstance();
            Map<String, String> fields = new HashMap<String, String>();
            fields.put(APIConstants.DOCUMENTATION_SEARCH_PATH_FIELD, "*" + APIConstants.API_ROOT_LOCATION + "*");
            fields.put(APIConstants.DOCUMENTATION_SEARCH_MEDIA_TYPE_FIELD, "*");

            if (tenantID == -1) {
                tenantID = MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_ID;
            //PaginationContext.init(0, 10000, "ASC", APIConstants.DOCUMENTATION_SEARCH_PATH_FIELD, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
            SolrDocumentList documentList = client.query(searchTerm, tenantID, fields);

            org.wso2.carbon.user.api.AuthorizationManager manager = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance()

            username = MultitenantUtils.getTenantAwareUsername(username);

            for (SolrDocument document : documentList) {
                String filePath = (String) document.getFieldValue("path_s");
                int index = filePath.indexOf(APIConstants.APIMGT_REGISTRY_LOCATION);
                filePath = filePath.substring(index);
                Association[] associations = registry.getAllAssociations(filePath);
                API api = null;
                Documentation doc = null;
                for (Association association : associations) {
                    boolean isAuthorized;
                    String documentationPath = association.getSourcePath();
                    String path = RegistryUtils.getAbsolutePath(RegistryContext.getBaseInstance(),
                                    RegistryConstants.GOVERNANCE_REGISTRY_BASE_PATH) + documentationPath);
                    if (CarbonConstants.REGISTRY_ANONNYMOUS_USERNAME.equalsIgnoreCase(username)) {
                        isAuthorized = manager.isRoleAuthorized(APIConstants.ANONYMOUS_ROLE, path,
                    } else {
                        isAuthorized = manager.isUserAuthorized(username, path, ActionConstants.GET);

                    if (isAuthorized) {
                        Resource docResource = registry.get(documentationPath);
                        String docArtifactId = docResource.getUUID();
                        if (docArtifactId != null) {
                            GenericArtifact docArtifact = docArtifactManager.getGenericArtifact(docArtifactId);
                            doc = APIUtil.getDocumentation(docArtifact);

                        Association[] docAssociations = registry.getAssociations(documentationPath,
                        /* There will be only one document association, for a document path which is by its owner API*/
                        if (docAssociations.length > 0) {

                            String apiPath = docAssociations[0].getSourcePath();
                            path = RegistryUtils.getAbsolutePath(RegistryContext.getBaseInstance(),
                                            RegistryConstants.GOVERNANCE_REGISTRY_BASE_PATH) + apiPath);
                            if (CarbonConstants.REGISTRY_ANONNYMOUS_USERNAME.equalsIgnoreCase(username)) {
                                isAuthorized = manager.isRoleAuthorized(APIConstants.ANONYMOUS_ROLE, path,
                            } else {
                                isAuthorized = manager.isUserAuthorized(username, path, ActionConstants.GET);

                            if (isAuthorized) {
                                Resource resource = registry.get(apiPath);
                                String apiArtifactId = resource.getUUID();
                                if (apiArtifactId != null) {
                                    GenericArtifact apiArtifact = artifactManager.getGenericArtifact(apiArtifactId);
                                    api = APIUtil.getAPI(apiArtifact, registry);
                                } else {
                                    throw new GovernanceException("artifact id is null of " + apiPath);

                    if (doc != null && api != null) {
                        if (APIConstants.STORE_CLIENT.equals(searchClient)) {
                            if (api.getStatus().equals(getApiStatus(APIConstants.PUBLISHED))
                                    || api.getStatus().equals(getApiStatus(APIConstants.PROTOTYPED))) {
                                apiDocMap.put(doc, api);
                        } else {
                            apiDocMap.put(doc, api);
        } catch (IndexerException e) {
            handleException("Failed to search APIs with type Doc", e);
        } catch (RegistryException e) {
            handleException("Failed to search APIs with type Doc", e);
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            handleException("Failed to search APIs with type Doc", e);
        return apiDocMap;

    public static Map<String, Object> searchAPIsByURLPattern(Registry registry, String searchTerm, int start,
            int end) throws APIManagementException {
        SortedSet<API> apiSet = new TreeSet<API>(new APINameComparator());
        List<API> apiList = new ArrayList<API>();
        final String searchValue = searchTerm.trim();
        Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        int totalLength = 0;
        String criteria;
        Map<String, List<String>> listMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
        GenericArtifact[] genericArtifacts = new GenericArtifact[0];
        GenericArtifactManager artifactManager = null;
        try {
            artifactManager = APIUtil.getArtifactManager(registry, APIConstants.API_KEY);
            PaginationContext.init(0, 10000, "ASC", APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_NAME, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
            if (artifactManager != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { //This need to fix in future.We don't have a way to get max value of
                    // "url_template" entry stores in registry,unless we search in each API
                    criteria = APIConstants.API_URI_PATTERN + i;
                    listMap.put(criteria, new ArrayList<String>() {
                    genericArtifacts = (GenericArtifact[]) ArrayUtils.addAll(genericArtifacts,
                if (genericArtifacts == null || genericArtifacts.length == 0) {
                    result.put("apis", apiSet);
                    result.put("length", 0);
                    return result;
                totalLength = genericArtifacts.length;
                StringBuilder apiNames = new StringBuilder();
                for (GenericArtifact artifact : genericArtifacts) {
                    if (apiNames.indexOf(artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_NAME)) < 0) {
                        String status = artifact.getAttribute(APIConstants.API_OVERVIEW_STATUS);
                        if (isAllowDisplayAPIsWithMultipleStatus()) {
                            if (APIConstants.PUBLISHED.equals(status) || APIConstants.DEPRECATED.equals(status)) {
                                API api = APIUtil.getAPI(artifact, registry);
                                if (api != null) {
                        } else {
                            if (APIConstants.PUBLISHED.equals(status)) {
                                API api = APIUtil.getAPI(artifact, registry);
                                if (api != null) {
                    totalLength = apiList.size();
                if (totalLength <= ((start + end) - 1)) {
                    end = totalLength;
                for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
        } catch (APIManagementException e) {
            handleException("Failed to search APIs with input url-pattern", e);
        } catch (GovernanceException e) {
            handleException("Failed to search APIs with input url-pattern", e);
        result.put("apis", apiSet);
        result.put("length", totalLength);
        return result;

     * This method will check the validity of given url. WSDL url should be
     * contain http, https or file system patch
     * otherwise we will mark it as invalid wsdl url. How ever here we do not
     * validate wsdl content.
     * @param wsdlURL wsdl url tobe tested
     * @return true if its valid url else fale
    public static boolean isValidWSDLURL(String wsdlURL, boolean required) {
        if (wsdlURL != null && !"".equals(wsdlURL)) {
            if (wsdlURL.contains("http:") || wsdlURL.contains("https:") || wsdlURL.contains("file:")) {
                return true;
        } else if (!required) {
            // If the WSDL in not required and URL is empty, then we don't need
            // to add debug log.
            // Hence returning.
            return false;

        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("WSDL url validation failed. Provided wsdl url is not valid url: " + wsdlURL);
        return false;

     * load tenant axis configurations.
     * @param tenantDomain
    public static void loadTenantConfig(String tenantDomain) {
        final String finalTenantDomain = tenantDomain;
        ConfigurationContext ctx = ServiceReferenceHolder.getContextService().getServerConfigContext();

        //Cannot use the tenantDomain directly because it's getting locked in createTenantConfigurationContext()
        // method in TenantAxisUtils
        String accessFlag = tenantDomain + "@WSO2";

        long lastAccessed = TenantAxisUtils.getLastAccessed(tenantDomain, ctx);
        //Only if the tenant is in unloaded state, we do the loading
        if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastAccessed >= tenantIdleTimeMillis) {
            synchronized (accessFlag.intern()) {
                // Currently loading tenants are added to a set.
                // If a tenant domain is in the set it implies that particular tenant is being loaded.
                // Therefore if and only if the set does not contain the tenant.
                if (!currentLoadingTenants.contains(tenantDomain)) {
                    //Only one concurrent request is allowed to add to the currentLoadingTenants
                    ctx.getThreadPool().execute(new Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
                            try {
                                ConfigurationContext ctx = ServiceReferenceHolder.getContextService()
                                TenantAxisUtils.getTenantAxisConfiguration(finalTenantDomain, ctx);
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                log.error("Error while creating axis configuration for tenant " + finalTenantDomain,
                            } finally {
                                //only after the tenant is loaded completely, the tenant domain is removed from the set

     * load tenant axis configurations.
     * @param tenantDomain
    public static void loadTenantConfigBlockingMode(String tenantDomain) {

        try {
            ConfigurationContext ctx = ServiceReferenceHolder.getContextService().getServerConfigContext();
            TenantAxisUtils.getTenantAxisConfiguration(tenantDomain, ctx);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Error while creating axis configuration for tenant " + tenantDomain, e);

    public static String extractCustomerKeyFromAuthHeader(Map headersMap) {

        //From 1.0.7 version of this component onwards remove the OAuth authorization header from
        // the message is configurable. So we dont need to remove headers at this point.
        String authHeader = (String) headersMap.get(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION);
        if (authHeader == null) {
            return null;

        if (authHeader.startsWith("OAuth ") || authHeader.startsWith("oauth ")) {
            authHeader = authHeader.substring(authHeader.indexOf("o"));

        String[] headers = authHeader.split(APIConstants.OAUTH_HEADER_SPLITTER);
        for (String header : headers) {
            String[] elements = header.split(APIConstants.CONSUMER_KEY_SEGMENT_DELIMITER);
            if (elements.length > 1) {
                int j = 0;
                boolean isConsumerKeyHeaderAvailable = false;
                for (String element : elements) {
                    if (!"".equals(element.trim())) {
                        if (APIConstants.CONSUMER_KEY_SEGMENT.equals(elements[j].trim())) {
                            isConsumerKeyHeaderAvailable = true;
                        } else if (isConsumerKeyHeaderAvailable) {
                            return removeLeadingAndTrailing(elements[j].trim());
        return null;

    private static String removeLeadingAndTrailing(String base) {
        String result = base;

        if (base.startsWith("\"") || base.endsWith("\"")) {
            result = base.replace("\"", "");
        return result.trim();

     * This method will return mounted path of the path if the path
     * is mounted. Else path will be returned.
     * @param registryContext Registry Context instance which holds path mappings
     * @param path            default path of the registry
     * @return mounted path or path
    public static String getMountedPath(RegistryContext registryContext, String path) {
        if (registryContext != null && path != null) {
            List<Mount> mounts = registryContext.getMounts();
            if (mounts != null) {
                for (Mount mount : mounts) {
                    if (path.equals(mount.getPath())) {
                        return mount.getTargetPath();
        return path;

     * Returns a map of gateway / store domains for the tenant
     * @return a Map of domain names for tenant
     * @throws org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.api.APIManagementException if an error occurs when loading tiers from the registry
    public static Map<String, String> getDomainMappings(String tenantDomain, String appType)
            throws APIManagementException {
        Map<String, String> domains = new HashMap<String, String>();
        String resourcePath;
        try {
            Registry registry = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRegistryService()
            resourcePath = APIConstants.API_DOMAIN_MAPPINGS.replace("<tenant-id>", tenantDomain);
            if (registry.resourceExists(resourcePath)) {
                Resource resource = registry.get(resourcePath);
                String content = new String((byte[]) resource.getContent(), Charset.defaultCharset());
                JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
                JSONObject mappings = (JSONObject) parser.parse(content);
                if (mappings.get(appType) != null) {
                    mappings = (JSONObject) mappings.get(appType);
                    for (Object o : mappings.entrySet()) {
                        Entry thisEntry = (Entry) o;
                        String key = (String) thisEntry.getKey();
                        String value = (String) thisEntry.getValue();
                        domains.put(key, value);
        } catch (RegistryException e) {
            String msg = "Error while retrieving gateway domain mappings from registry";
            log.error(msg, e);
            throw new APIManagementException(msg, e);
        } catch (ClassCastException e) {
            String msg = "Invalid JSON found in the gateway tenant domain mappings";
            log.error(msg, e);
            throw new APIManagementException(msg, e);
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            String msg = "Malformed JSON found in the gateway tenant domain mappings";
            log.error(msg, e);
            throw new APIManagementException(msg, e);
        return domains;

     * This method used to Downloaded Uploaded Documents from publisher
     * @param userName     logged in username
     * @param resourceUrl  resource want to download
     * @param tenantDomain loggedUserTenantDomain
     * @return map that contains Data of the resource
     * @throws APIManagementException
    public static Map<String, Object> getDocument(String userName, String resourceUrl, String tenantDomain)
            throws APIManagementException {
        Map<String, Object> documentMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();

        InputStream inStream = null;
        String[] resourceSplitPath = resourceUrl.split(RegistryConstants.GOVERNANCE_REGISTRY_BASE_PATH);
        if (resourceSplitPath.length == 2) {
            resourceUrl = resourceSplitPath[1];
        } else {
            handleException("Invalid resource Path " + resourceUrl);
        Resource apiDocResource;
        Registry registryType = null;
        boolean isTenantFlowStarted = false;
        try {
            int tenantId;
            if (tenantDomain != null && !MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME.equals(tenantDomain)) {
                isTenantFlowStarted = true;

                PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().setTenantDomain(tenantDomain, true);
                tenantId = PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().getTenantId();
            } else {
                tenantId = MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_ID;

            userName = MultitenantUtils.getTenantAwareUsername(userName);
            registryType = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRegistryService()
                    .getGovernanceUserRegistry(userName, tenantId);
            if (registryType.resourceExists(resourceUrl)) {
                apiDocResource = registryType.get(resourceUrl);
                inStream = apiDocResource.getContentStream();
                documentMap.put("Data", inStream);
                documentMap.put("contentType", apiDocResource.getMediaType());
                String[] content = apiDocResource.getPath().split("/");
                documentMap.put("name", content[content.length - 1]);
        } catch (RegistryException e) {
            String msg = "Couldn't retrieve registry for User " + userName + " Tenant " + tenantDomain;
            log.error(msg, e);
            handleException(msg, e);
        } finally {
            if (isTenantFlowStarted) {
        return documentMap;

     * this method used to set environments values to api object.
     * @param environments environments values in json format
     * @return set of environments that Published
    public static Set<String> extractEnvironmentsForAPI(String environments) {
        Set<String> environmentStringSet = null;
        if (environments == null) {
            environmentStringSet = new HashSet<String>(
        } else {
            //handle not to publish to any of the gateways
            if (APIConstants.API_GATEWAY_NONE.equals(environments)) {
                environmentStringSet = new HashSet<String>();
            //handle to set published gateways nto api object
            else if (!"".equals(environments)) {
                String[] publishEnvironmentArray = environments.split(",");
                environmentStringSet = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(publishEnvironmentArray));
            //handle to publish to any of the gateways when api creating stage
            else if ("".equals(environments)) {
                environmentStringSet = new HashSet<String>(
        return environmentStringSet;

     * This method used to set environment values to governance artifact of API .
     * @param api API object with the attributes value
    public static String writeEnvironmentsToArtifact(API api) {
        StringBuilder publishedEnvironments = new StringBuilder();
        Set<String> apiEnvironments = api.getEnvironments();
        if (apiEnvironments != null) {
            for (String environmentName : apiEnvironments) {

            if (apiEnvironments.isEmpty()) {

            if (!publishedEnvironments.toString().isEmpty()) {
                publishedEnvironments.deleteCharAt(publishedEnvironments.length() - 1);
        return publishedEnvironments.toString();

     * This method used to get the currently published gateway environments of an API .
     * @param api API object with the attributes value
    public static List<Environment> getEnvironmentsOfAPI(API api) {
        Map<String, Environment> gatewayEnvironments = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance()
        Set<String> apiEnvironments = api.getEnvironments();
        List<Environment> returnEnvironments = new ArrayList<Environment>();

        for (Environment environment : gatewayEnvironments.values()) {
            for (String apiEnvironment : apiEnvironments) {
                if (environment.getName().equals(apiEnvironment)) {
        return returnEnvironments;

     * Given the apps and the application name to check for, it will check if the application already exists.
     * @param apps The collection of applications
     * @param name The application to be checked if exists
     * @return true - if an application of the name <name> already exists in the collection <apps>
     * false-  if an application of the name <name>  does not already exists in the collection <apps>
    public static boolean doesApplicationExist(Application[] apps, String name) {
        boolean doesApplicationExist = false;
        if (apps != null) {
            for (Application app : apps) {
                if (app.getName().equals(name)) {
                    doesApplicationExist = true;
        return doesApplicationExist;

     * Read the group id extractor class reference from api-manager.xml.
     * @return group id extractor class reference.
    public static String getGroupingExtractorImplementation() {
        APIManagerConfiguration config = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getAPIManagerConfigurationService()
        return config.getFirstProperty(APIConstants.API_STORE_GROUP_EXTRACTOR_IMPLEMENTATION);

     * This method will update the permission cache of the tenant which is related to the given usename
     * @param username User name to find the relevant tenant
     * @throws UserStoreException if the permission update failed
    public static void updatePermissionCache(String username) throws UserStoreException {
        String tenantDomain = MultitenantUtils.getTenantDomain(username);
        int tenantId = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService().getTenantManager()

     * Check whether given application name is available under current subscriber or group
     * @param subscriber      subscriber name
     * @param applicationName application name
     * @param groupId         group of the subscriber
     * @return true if application is available for the subscriber
     * @throws APIManagementException if failed to get applications for given subscriber
    public static boolean isApplicationExist(String subscriber, String applicationName, String groupId)
            throws APIManagementException {
        return ApiMgtDAO.getInstance().isApplicationExist(applicationName, subscriber, groupId);

    public static String getHostAddress() {

        if (hostAddress != null) {
            return hostAddress;
        hostAddress = ServerConfiguration.getInstance().getFirstProperty(APIConstants.API_MANAGER_HOSTNAME);
        if (null == hostAddress) {
            if (getLocalAddress() != null) {
                hostAddress = getLocalAddress().getHostName();
            if (hostAddress == null) {
                hostAddress = APIConstants.API_MANAGER_HOSTNAME_UNKNOWN;
            return hostAddress;
        } else {
            return hostAddress;

    private static InetAddress getLocalAddress() {
        Enumeration<NetworkInterface> ifaces = null;
        try {
            ifaces = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces();
        } catch (SocketException e) {
            log.error("Failed to get host address", e);
        if (ifaces != null) {
            while (ifaces.hasMoreElements()) {
                NetworkInterface iface = ifaces.nextElement();
                Enumeration<InetAddress> addresses = iface.getInetAddresses();

                while (addresses.hasMoreElements()) {
                    InetAddress addr = addresses.nextElement();
                    if (addr instanceof Inet4Address && !addr.isLoopbackAddress()) {
                        return addr;

        return null;

    public static boolean isStringArray(Object[] args) {

        for (Object arg : args) {
            if (!(arg instanceof String)) {
                return false;
        return true;

    public static String appendDomainWithUser(String username, String domain) {
        if (username.contains(APIConstants.EMAIL_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR)
                || username.contains(APIConstants.EMAIL_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR_REPLACEMENT)
                || MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(username)) {
            return username;
        return username + APIConstants.EMAIL_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR + domain;

    *  Util method to convert a java object to a json object
    public static String convertToString(Object obj) {
        Gson gson = new Gson();
        return gson.toJson(obj);

    public static String getSequencePath(APIIdentifier identifier, String pathFlow) {
        String artifactPath = APIConstants.API_ROOT_LOCATION + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR
                + identifier.getProviderName() + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + identifier.getApiName()
                + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + identifier.getVersion();
        return artifactPath + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR + pathFlow + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR;

    private static String getAPIMonetizationCategory(Set<Tier> tiers, String tenantDomain)
            throws APIManagementException {
        boolean isPaidFound = false;
        boolean isFreeFound = false;
        for (Tier tier : tiers) {
            if (isTierPaid(tier.getName(), tenantDomain)) {
                isPaidFound = true;
            } else {
                isFreeFound = true;

                if (isPaidFound) {

        if (!isPaidFound) {
            return APIConstants.API_CATEGORY_FREE;
        } else if (!isFreeFound) {
            return APIConstants.API_CATEGORY_PAID;
        } else {
            return APIConstants.API_CATEGORY_FREEMIUM;

    private static boolean isTierPaid(String tierName, String tenantDomainName) throws APIManagementException {
        String tenantDomain = tenantDomainName;
        if (tenantDomain == null) {
            tenantDomain = MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME;
        if (APIConstants.UNLIMITED_TIER.equalsIgnoreCase(tierName)) {
            return isUnlimitedTierPaid(tenantDomain);

        boolean isPaid = false;
        Tier tier = getTierFromCache(tierName, tenantDomain);

        if (tier != null) {
            final Map<String, Object> tierAttributes = tier.getTierAttributes();

            if (tierAttributes != null) {
                String isPaidValue = tier.getTierPlan();

                if (isPaidValue != null && APIConstants.COMMERCIAL_TIER_PLAN.equals(isPaidValue)) {
                    isPaid = true;
        } else {
            throw new APIManagementException("Tier " + tierName + "cannot be found");
        return isPaid;

    private static boolean isUnlimitedTierPaid(String tenantDomain) throws APIManagementException {
        JSONObject apiTenantConfig = null;
        try {
            String content = null;

            PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().setTenantDomain(tenantDomain, true);

            int tenantId = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRealmService().getTenantManager()
            Registry registry = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getRegistryService()

            if (registry.resourceExists(APIConstants.API_TENANT_CONF_LOCATION)) {
                Resource resource = registry.get(APIConstants.API_TENANT_CONF_LOCATION);
                content = new String((byte[]) resource.getContent(), Charset.defaultCharset());

            if (content != null) {
                JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
                apiTenantConfig = (JSONObject) parser.parse(content);
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            handleException("UserStoreException thrown when getting API tenant config from registry", e);
        } catch (RegistryException e) {
            handleException("RegistryException thrown when getting API tenant config from registry", e);
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            handleException("ParseException thrown when passing API tenant config from registry", e);
        } finally {

        if (apiTenantConfig != null) {
            Object value = apiTenantConfig.get(APIConstants.API_TENANT_CONF_IS_UNLIMITED_TIER_PAID);

            if (value != null) {
                return Boolean.parseBoolean(value.toString());
            } else {
                throw new APIManagementException(APIConstants.API_TENANT_CONF_IS_UNLIMITED_TIER_PAID
                        + " config does not exist for tenant " + tenantDomain);

        return false;

    public static Tier getTierFromCache(String tierName, String tenantDomain) throws APIManagementException {
        Map<String, Tier> tierMap = null;

        try {
            PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().setTenantDomain(tenantDomain, true);

            if (getTiersCache().containsKey(tierName)) {
                tierMap = (Map<String, Tier>) getTiersCache().get(tierName);
            } else {
                int requestedTenantId = PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().getTenantId();
                if (!APIUtil.isAdvanceThrottlingEnabled()) {
                    if (requestedTenantId == 0) {
                        tierMap = APIUtil.getTiers();
                    } else {
                        tierMap = APIUtil.getTiers(requestedTenantId);
                } else {
                    if (requestedTenantId == 0) {
                        tierMap = APIUtil.getAdvancedSubsriptionTiers();
                    } else {
                        tierMap = APIUtil.getAdvancedSubsriptionTiers(requestedTenantId);
                getTiersCache().put(tierName, tierMap);
        } finally {

        return tierMap.get(tierName);

    public static void clearTiersCache(String tenantDomain) {
        try {
            PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().setTenantDomain(tenantDomain, true);

        } finally {

    private static Cache getTiersCache() {
        return Caching.getCacheManager(APIConstants.API_MANAGER_CACHE_MANAGER).getCache(APIConstants.TIERS_CACHE);

     * Util method to return the artifact from a registry resource path
     * @param apiIdentifier
     * @param registry
     * @return
     * @throws APIManagementException
    public static GenericArtifact getAPIArtifact(APIIdentifier apiIdentifier, Registry registry)
            throws APIManagementException {
        String apiPath = APIUtil.getAPIPath(apiIdentifier);
        GenericArtifactManager artifactManager = APIUtil.getArtifactManager(registry, APIConstants.API_KEY);
        try {
            Resource apiResource = registry.get(apiPath);
            String artifactId = apiResource.getUUID();
            if (artifactId == null) {
                throw new APIManagementException("artifact id is null for : " + apiPath);
            return artifactManager.getGenericArtifact(artifactId);
        } catch (RegistryException e) {
            handleException("Failed to get API artifact from : " + apiPath, e);
            return null;

     * Return a http client instance
     * @param port      - server port
     * @param protocol- service endpoint protocol http/https
     * @return
    public static HttpClient getHttpClient(int port, String protocol) {
        SchemeRegistry registry = new SchemeRegistry();
        SSLSocketFactory socketFactory = SSLSocketFactory.getSocketFactory();
        String ignoreHostnameVerification = System.getProperty("org.wso2.ignoreHostnameVerification");
        if (ignoreHostnameVerification != null && "true".equalsIgnoreCase(ignoreHostnameVerification)) {
            X509HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier = SSLSocketFactory.ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER;
        if (APIConstants.HTTPS_PROTOCOL.equals(protocol)) {
            if (port >= 0) {
                registry.register(new Scheme(APIConstants.HTTPS_PROTOCOL, port, socketFactory));
            } else {
                registry.register(new Scheme(APIConstants.HTTPS_PROTOCOL, 443, socketFactory));
        } else if (APIConstants.HTTP_PROTOCOL.equals(protocol)) {
            if (port >= 0) {
                        new Scheme(APIConstants.HTTP_PROTOCOL, port, PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory()));
            } else {
                        new Scheme(APIConstants.HTTP_PROTOCOL, 80, PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory()));
        HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams();
        ThreadSafeClientConnManager tcm = new ThreadSafeClientConnManager(registry);
        return new DefaultHttpClient(tcm, params);


     * This method will return a relative URL for given registry resource which we can used to retrieve the resource
     * from the web UI. For example, URI for a thumbnail icon of a tag can be generated from this method.
     * @param resourceType Type of the registry resource. Based on this value the way URL is generate can be changed.
     * @param tenantDomain tenant domain of the resource
     * @param resourcePath path of the resource
     * @return relative path of the registry resource from the web context level
    public static String getRegistryResourcePathForUI(APIConstants.RegistryResourceTypesForUI resourceType,
            String tenantDomain, String resourcePath) {
        StringBuilder resourcePathBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        if (APIConstants.RegistryResourceTypesForUI.TAG_THUMBNAIL.equals(resourceType)) {
            if (tenantDomain != null && !"".equals(tenantDomain)
                    && !MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME.equals(tenantDomain)) {
                // The compiler will concatenate the 2 constants. If we use the builder to append the 2 constants, then
                // it will happen during the runtime.
                        + MultitenantConstants.TENANT_AWARE_URL_PREFIX + RegistryConstants.PATH_SEPARATOR)
            // The compiler will concatenate the 2 constants. If we use the builder to append the 2 constants, then
            // it will happen during the runtime.
                    APIConstants.REGISTRY_RESOURCE_PREFIX + RegistryConstants.GOVERNANCE_REGISTRY_BASE_PATH);
        return resourcePathBuilder.toString();

     * Gets the  class given the class name.
     * @param className the fully qualified name of the class.
     * @return an instance of the class with the given name
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
     * @throws IllegalAccessException
     * @throws InstantiationException

    public static Class getClassForName(String className)
            throws ClassNotFoundException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException {
        return Class.forName(className);

     * This method will check the validity of given url.
     * otherwise we will mark it as invalid url.
     * @param url url tobe tested
     * @return true if its valid url else fale
    public static boolean isValidURL(String url) {

        if (url == null) {
            return false;
        try {
            URL urlVal = new URL(url);
            // If there are no issues, then this is a valid URL. Hence returning true.
            return true;
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
            return false;

     * @param tenantDomain Tenant domain to be used to get configurations for REST API scopes
     * @return JSON object which contains configuration for REST API scopes
     * @throws APIManagementException
    public static JSONObject getTenantRESTAPIScopesConfig(String tenantDomain) throws APIManagementException {
        JSONObject apiTenantConfig = null;
        JSONObject restAPIConfigJSON = null;
        try {
            String content = new APIMRegistryServiceImpl().getConfigRegistryResourceContent(tenantDomain,

            if (content != null) {
                JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
                apiTenantConfig = (JSONObject) parser.parse(content);
                if (apiTenantConfig != null) {
                    Object value = apiTenantConfig.get(APIConstants.REST_API_SCOPES_CONFIG);
                    if (value != null) {
                        restAPIConfigJSON = (JSONObject) value;
                    } else {
                        throw new APIManagementException(
                                "RESTAPIScopes" + " config does not exist for tenant " + tenantDomain);
        } catch (UserStoreException e) {
            handleException("UserStoreException thrown when getting API tenant config from registry", e);
        } catch (RegistryException e) {
            handleException("RegistryException thrown when getting API tenant config from registry", e);
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            handleException("ParseException thrown when passing API tenant config from registry", e);
        return restAPIConfigJSON;

     * @param config JSON configuration object with scopes and associated roles
     * @return Map of scopes which contains scope names and associated role list
    public static Map<String, String> getRESTAPIScopesFromConfig(JSONObject config) {
        Map<String, String> scopes = new HashMap<String, String>();
        JSONArray scopesArray = (JSONArray) config.get("Scope");
        for (Object scopeObj : scopesArray) {
            JSONObject scope = (JSONObject) scopeObj;
            String scopeName = scope.get(APIConstants.REST_API_SCOPE_NAME).toString();
            String scopeRoles = scope.get(APIConstants.REST_API_SCOPE_ROLE).toString();
            scopes.put(scopeName, scopeRoles);
        return scopes;

     * Determines if the scope is specified in the whitelist.
     * @param scope - The scope key to check
     * @return - 'true' if the scope is white listed. 'false' if not.
    public static boolean isWhiteListedScope(String scope) {

        if (whiteListedScopes == null) {
            APIManagerConfiguration configuration = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance()

            // Read scope whitelist from Configuration.
            List<String> whitelist = configuration.getProperty(APIConstants.WHITELISTED_SCOPES);

            // If whitelist is null, default scopes will be put.
            if (whitelist == null) {
                whitelist = new ArrayList<String>();

            whiteListedScopes = new HashSet<String>(whitelist);

        for (String scopeTobeSkipped : whiteListedScopes) {
            if (scope.matches(scopeTobeSkipped)) {
                return true;
        return false;

    public static String getServerURL() throws APIManagementException {
        String hostName = ServerConfiguration.getInstance().getFirstProperty(APIConstants.HOST_NAME);

        try {
            if (hostName == null) {
                hostName = NetworkUtils.getLocalHostname();
        } catch (SocketException e) {
            throw new APIManagementException("Error while trying to read hostname.", e);

        String mgtTransport = CarbonUtils.getManagementTransport();
        AxisConfiguration axisConfiguration = ServiceReferenceHolder.getContextService().getServerConfigContext()
        int mgtTransportPort = CarbonUtils.getTransportProxyPort(axisConfiguration, mgtTransport);
        if (mgtTransportPort <= 0) {
            mgtTransportPort = CarbonUtils.getTransportPort(axisConfiguration, mgtTransport);
        String serverUrl = mgtTransport + "://" + hostName.toLowerCase();
        // If it's well known HTTPS port, skip adding port
        if (mgtTransportPort != APIConstants.DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT) {
            serverUrl += ":" + mgtTransportPort;
        // If ProxyContextPath is defined then append it
        String proxyContextPath = ServerConfiguration.getInstance()
        if (proxyContextPath != null && !proxyContextPath.trim().isEmpty()) {
            if (proxyContextPath.charAt(0) == '/') {
                serverUrl += proxyContextPath;
            } else {
                serverUrl += "/" + proxyContextPath;

        return serverUrl;

     * Extract the provider of the API from name
     * @param apiVersion - API Name with version
     * @param tenantDomain - tenant domain of the API
     * @return API publisher name
    public static String getAPIProviderFromRESTAPI(String apiVersion, String tenantDomain) {
        int index = apiVersion.indexOf("--");
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(tenantDomain)) {
            tenantDomain = org.wso2.carbon.utils.multitenancy.MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_DOMAIN_NAME;
        String apiProvider;
        if (index != -1) {
            apiProvider = apiVersion.substring(0, index);
            if (apiProvider.contains(APIConstants.EMAIL_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR_REPLACEMENT)) {
                apiProvider = apiProvider.replace(APIConstants.EMAIL_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR_REPLACEMENT,
            if (!apiProvider.endsWith(tenantDomain)) {
                apiProvider = apiProvider + '@' + tenantDomain;
            return apiProvider;
        return null;

     * Used to generate CORS Configuration object from CORS Configuration Json
     * @param jsonString json representation of CORS configuration
     * @return CORSConfiguration Object
    public static CORSConfiguration getCorsConfigurationDtoFromJson(String jsonString) {
        return new Gson().fromJson(jsonString, CORSConfiguration.class);


     * Used to generate Json string from CORS Configuration object
     * @param corsConfiguration CORSConfiguration Object
     * @return Json string according to CORSConfiguration Object
    public static String getCorsConfigurationJsonFromDto(CORSConfiguration corsConfiguration) {
        return new Gson().toJson(corsConfiguration);

     * Used to get access control allowed headers according to the api-manager.xml
     * @return access control allowed headers string
    public static String getAllowedHeaders() {
        return ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getAPIManagerConfigurationService().getAPIManagerConfiguration()

     * Used to get access control allowed methods define in api-manager.xml
     * @return access control allowed methods string
    public static String getAllowedMethods() {
        return ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getAPIManagerConfigurationService().getAPIManagerConfiguration()

     * Used to get access control allowed credential define in api-manager.xml
     * @return true if access control allow credential enabled
    public static boolean isAllowCredentials() {
        String allowCredentials = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getAPIManagerConfigurationService()
        return Boolean.parseBoolean(allowCredentials);

     * Used to get CORS Configuration enabled from api-manager.xml
     * @return true if CORS-Configuration is enabled in api-manager.xml
    public static boolean isCORSEnabled() {
        String corsEnabled = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getAPIManagerConfigurationService()

        return Boolean.parseBoolean(corsEnabled);

     * Used to get access control allowed origins define in api-manager.xml
     * @return allow origins list defined in api-manager.xml
    public static String getAllowedOrigins() {
        return ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getAPIManagerConfigurationService().getAPIManagerConfiguration()


     * Used to get CORSConfiguration according to the API artifact
     * @param artifact registry artifact for the API
     * @return CORS Configuration object extract from the artifact
     * @throws GovernanceException if attribute couldn't fetch from the artifact.
    public static CORSConfiguration getCorsConfigurationFromArtifact(GovernanceArtifact artifact)
            throws GovernanceException {
        CORSConfiguration corsConfiguration = APIUtil.getCorsConfigurationDtoFromJson(
        if (corsConfiguration == null) {
            corsConfiguration = getDefaultCorsConfiguration();
        return corsConfiguration;

     * Used to get Default CORS Configuration object according to configuration define in api-manager.xml
     * @return CORSConfiguration object accordine to the defined values in api-manager.xml
    public static CORSConfiguration getDefaultCorsConfiguration() {
        List<String> allowHeadersStringSet = Arrays.asList(getAllowedHeaders().split(","));
        List<String> allowMethodsStringSet = Arrays.asList(getAllowedMethods().split(","));
        List<String> allowOriginsStringSet = Arrays.asList(getAllowedOrigins().split(","));
        return new CORSConfiguration(false, allowOriginsStringSet, false, allowHeadersStringSet,

     * Used to get API name from synapse API Name
     * @param api_version API name from synapse configuration
     * @return api name according to the tenant
    public static String getAPINamefromRESTAPI(String api_version) {
        int index = api_version.indexOf("--");
        String api;
        if (index != -1) {
            api_version = api_version.substring(index + 2);
        api = api_version.split(":")[0];
        index = api.indexOf("--");
        if (index != -1) {
            api = api.substring(index + 2);
        return api;

     * @param stakeHolder value "publisher" for publisher value "subscriber" for subscriber value "admin-dashboard" for admin
     * Return all alert types.
     * @return Hashmap of alert types.
     * @throws APIManagementException
    public static HashMap<Integer, String> getAllAlertTypeByStakeHolder(String stakeHolder)
            throws APIManagementException {
        HashMap<Integer, String> map;
        map = ApiMgtDAO.getInstance().getAllAlertTypesByStakeHolder(stakeHolder);
        return map;

     * @param userName user name with tenant domain ex: admin@carbon.super
     * @param stakeHolder value "p" for publisher value "s" for subscriber value "a" for admin
     * @return map of saved values of alert types.
     * @throws APIManagementException
    public static List<Integer> getSavedAlertTypesIdsByUserNameAndStakeHolder(String userName, String stakeHolder)
            throws APIManagementException {

        List<Integer> list;
        list = ApiMgtDAO.getInstance().getSavedAlertTypesIdsByUserNameAndStakeHolder(userName, stakeHolder);
        return list;


     * This util method retrieves saved email list by user and stakeHolder name
     * @param userName user name with tenant ID.
     * @param stakeHolder if its publisher values should "p", if it is store value is "s" if admin dashboard value is "a"
     * @return List of eamil list.
     * @throws APIManagementException
    public static List<String> retrieveSavedEmailList(String userName, String stakeHolder)
            throws APIManagementException {

        List<String> list;
        list = ApiMgtDAO.getInstance().retrieveSavedEmailList(userName, stakeHolder);

        return list;

     * check whether policy is content aware
     * @param policy
     * @return
    public static boolean isContentAwarePolicy(Policy policy) {
        boolean status = false;
        if (policy instanceof APIPolicy) {
            APIPolicy apiPolicy = (APIPolicy) policy;
            status = isDefaultQuotaPolicyContentAware(apiPolicy);
            if (!status) {
                //only go and check the pipelines if default quota is not content aware
                //check if atleast one pipeline is content aware
                for (Pipeline pipeline : apiPolicy.getPipelines()) { // add each pipeline data to AM_CONDITION table
                    if (PolicyConstants.BANDWIDTH_TYPE.equals(pipeline.getQuotaPolicy().getType())) {
                        status = true;
        } else if (policy instanceof ApplicationPolicy) {
            ApplicationPolicy appPolicy = (ApplicationPolicy) policy;
            status = isDefaultQuotaPolicyContentAware(appPolicy);
        } else if (policy instanceof SubscriptionPolicy) {
            SubscriptionPolicy subPolicy = (SubscriptionPolicy) policy;
            status = isDefaultQuotaPolicyContentAware(subPolicy);
        } else if (policy instanceof GlobalPolicy) {
            status = false;
        return status;

    private static boolean isDefaultQuotaPolicyContentAware(Policy policy) {
        if (PolicyConstants.BANDWIDTH_TYPE.equalsIgnoreCase(policy.getDefaultQuotaPolicy().getType())) {
            return true;
        return false;

    public static void addDefaultSuperTenantAdvancedThrottlePolicies() throws APIManagementException {
        int tenantId = MultitenantConstants.SUPER_TENANT_ID;
        long[] requestCount = new long[] { 50, 20, 10, Integer.MAX_VALUE };
        //Adding application level throttle policies
        String[] appPolicies = new String[] { APIConstants.DEFAULT_APP_POLICY_FIFTY_REQ_PER_MIN,
                APIConstants.DEFAULT_APP_POLICY_UNLIMITED };
        String[] appPolicyDecs = new String[] { APIConstants.DEFAULT_APP_POLICY_LARGE_DESC,
        ApiMgtDAO apiMgtDAO = ApiMgtDAO.getInstance();
        String policyName;
        //Add application level throttle policies
        for (int i = 0; i < appPolicies.length; i++) {
            policyName = appPolicies[i];
            if (!apiMgtDAO.isPolicyExist(PolicyConstants.POLICY_LEVEL_APP, tenantId, policyName)) {
                ApplicationPolicy applicationPolicy = new ApplicationPolicy(policyName);
                QuotaPolicy defaultQuotaPolicy = new QuotaPolicy();
                RequestCountLimit requestCountLimit = new RequestCountLimit();

        //Adding Subscription level policies
        long[] requestCountSubPolicies = new long[] { 5000, 2000, 1000, 500, Integer.MAX_VALUE };
        String[] subPolicies = new String[] { APIConstants.DEFAULT_SUB_POLICY_GOLD,
        String[] subPolicyDecs = new String[] { APIConstants.DEFAULT_SUB_POLICY_GOLD_DESC,
        for (int i = 0; i < subPolicies.length; i++) {
            policyName = subPolicies[i];
            if (!apiMgtDAO.isPolicyExist(PolicyConstants.POLICY_LEVEL_SUB, tenantId, policyName)) {
                SubscriptionPolicy subscriptionPolicy = new SubscriptionPolicy(policyName);
                QuotaPolicy defaultQuotaPolicy = new QuotaPolicy();
                RequestCountLimit requestCountLimit = new RequestCountLimit();

        //Adding Resource level policies
        String[] apiPolicies = new String[] { APIConstants.DEFAULT_API_POLICY_FIFTY_THOUSAND_REQ_PER_MIN,
                APIConstants.DEFAULT_API_POLICY_UNLIMITED };
        String[] apiPolicyDecs = new String[] { APIConstants.DEFAULT_API_POLICY_ULTIMATE_DESC,
        long[] requestCountApiPolicies = new long[] { 50000, 20000, 10000, Integer.MAX_VALUE };
        for (int i = 0; i < apiPolicies.length; i++) {
            policyName = apiPolicies[i];
            if (!apiMgtDAO.isPolicyExist(PolicyConstants.POLICY_LEVEL_API, tenantId, policyName)) {
                APIPolicy apiPolicy = new APIPolicy(policyName);
                QuotaPolicy defaultQuotaPolicy = new QuotaPolicy();
                RequestCountLimit requestCountLimit = new RequestCountLimit();

    public static void addDefaultTenantAdvancedThrottlePolicies(String tenantDomain, int tenantId)
            throws APIManagementException {
        ThrottlePolicyDeploymentManager deploymentManager = ThrottlePolicyDeploymentManager.getInstance();
        ThrottlePolicyTemplateBuilder policyBuilder = new ThrottlePolicyTemplateBuilder();
        Map<String, Long> defualtLimits = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getAPIManagerConfigurationService()
        long tenPerMinTier = defualtLimits.containsKey(APIConstants.DEFAULT_APP_POLICY_TEN_REQ_PER_MIN)
                ? defualtLimits.get(APIConstants.DEFAULT_APP_POLICY_TEN_REQ_PER_MIN)
                : 10;
        long twentyPerMinTier = defualtLimits.containsKey(APIConstants.DEFAULT_APP_POLICY_TWENTY_REQ_PER_MIN)
                ? defualtLimits.get(APIConstants.DEFAULT_APP_POLICY_TWENTY_REQ_PER_MIN)
                : 20;
        long fiftyPerMinTier = defualtLimits.containsKey(APIConstants.DEFAULT_APP_POLICY_FIFTY_REQ_PER_MIN)
                ? defualtLimits.get(APIConstants.DEFAULT_APP_POLICY_FIFTY_REQ_PER_MIN)
                : 50;
        long[] requestCount = new long[] { fiftyPerMinTier, twentyPerMinTier, tenPerMinTier, Integer.MAX_VALUE };
        //Adding application level throttle policies
        String[] appPolicies = new String[] { APIConstants.DEFAULT_APP_POLICY_FIFTY_REQ_PER_MIN,
                APIConstants.DEFAULT_APP_POLICY_UNLIMITED };
        String[] appPolicyDecs = new String[] { APIConstants.DEFAULT_APP_POLICY_LARGE_DESC,
        ApiMgtDAO apiMgtDAO = ApiMgtDAO.getInstance();
        String policyName;
        //Add application level throttle policies
        for (int i = 0; i < appPolicies.length; i++) {
            policyName = appPolicies[i];
            boolean needDeployment = false;
            ApplicationPolicy applicationPolicy = new ApplicationPolicy(policyName);
            QuotaPolicy defaultQuotaPolicy = new QuotaPolicy();
            RequestCountLimit requestCountLimit = new RequestCountLimit();

            if (!apiMgtDAO.isPolicyExist(PolicyConstants.POLICY_LEVEL_APP, tenantId, policyName)) {
                needDeployment = true;

            if (!apiMgtDAO.isPolicyDeployed(PolicyConstants.POLICY_LEVEL_APP, tenantId, policyName)) {
                needDeployment = true;

            if (needDeployment) {
                String policyString;
                try {
                    policyString = policyBuilder.getThrottlePolicyForAppLevel(applicationPolicy);
                    String policyFile = applicationPolicy.getTenantDomain() + "_" + PolicyConstants.POLICY_LEVEL_APP
                            + "_" + applicationPolicy.getPolicyName();
                    if (!APIConstants.DEFAULT_APP_POLICY_UNLIMITED.equalsIgnoreCase(policyName)) {
                        deploymentManager.deployPolicyToGlobalCEP(policyFile, policyString);
                            applicationPolicy.getPolicyName(), applicationPolicy.getTenantId(), true);
                } catch (APITemplateException e) {
                    throw new APIManagementException(
                            "Error while adding default subscription policy" + applicationPolicy.getPolicyName(),

        long bronzeTierLimit = defualtLimits.containsKey(APIConstants.DEFAULT_SUB_POLICY_BRONZE)
                ? defualtLimits.get(APIConstants.DEFAULT_SUB_POLICY_BRONZE)
                : 1000;
        long silverTierLimit = defualtLimits.containsKey(APIConstants.DEFAULT_SUB_POLICY_SILVER)
                ? defualtLimits.get(APIConstants.DEFAULT_SUB_POLICY_SILVER)
                : 2000;
        long goldTierLimit = defualtLimits.containsKey(APIConstants.DEFAULT_SUB_POLICY_GOLD)
                ? defualtLimits.get(APIConstants.DEFAULT_SUB_POLICY_GOLD)
                : 5000;
        long unauthenticatedTierLimit = defualtLimits.containsKey(APIConstants.DEFAULT_APP_POLICY_FIFTY_REQ_PER_MIN)
                ? defualtLimits.get(APIConstants.DEFAULT_SUB_POLICY_UNAUTHENTICATED)
                : 500;
        //Adding Subscription level policies
        long[] requestCountSubPolicies = new long[] { goldTierLimit, silverTierLimit, bronzeTierLimit,
                unauthenticatedTierLimit, Integer.MAX_VALUE };
        String[] subPolicies = new String[] { APIConstants.DEFAULT_SUB_POLICY_GOLD,
        String[] subPolicyDecs = new String[] { APIConstants.DEFAULT_SUB_POLICY_GOLD_DESC,
        for (int i = 0; i < subPolicies.length; i++) {
            policyName = subPolicies[i];
            boolean needDeployment = false;
            SubscriptionPolicy subscriptionPolicy = new SubscriptionPolicy(policyName);
            QuotaPolicy defaultQuotaPolicy = new QuotaPolicy();
            RequestCountLimit requestCountLimit = new RequestCountLimit();

            if (!apiMgtDAO.isPolicyExist(PolicyConstants.POLICY_LEVEL_SUB, tenantId, policyName)) {
                needDeployment = true;

            if (!apiMgtDAO.isPolicyDeployed(PolicyConstants.POLICY_LEVEL_SUB, tenantId, policyName)) {
                needDeployment = true;

            if (needDeployment) {
                String policyString;
                try {
                    policyString = policyBuilder.getThrottlePolicyForSubscriptionLevel(subscriptionPolicy);
                    String policyFile = subscriptionPolicy.getTenantDomain() + "_"
                            + PolicyConstants.POLICY_LEVEL_SUB + "_" + subscriptionPolicy.getPolicyName();
                    if (!APIConstants.DEFAULT_SUB_POLICY_UNLIMITED.equalsIgnoreCase(policyName)) {
                        deploymentManager.deployPolicyToGlobalCEP(policyFile, policyString);
                            subscriptionPolicy.getPolicyName(), subscriptionPolicy.getTenantId(), true);
                } catch (APITemplateException e) {
                    throw new APIManagementException(
                            "Error while adding default application policy " + subscriptionPolicy.getPolicyName(),

        long tenThousandPerMinTier = defualtLimits
                        ? defualtLimits.get(APIConstants.DEFAULT_API_POLICY_TEN_THOUSAND_REQ_PER_MIN)
                        : 10000;
        long twentyThousandPerMinTier = defualtLimits
                        ? defualtLimits.get(APIConstants.DEFAULT_API_POLICY_TWENTY_THOUSAND_REQ_PER_MIN)
                        : 20000;
        long fiftyThousandPerMinTier = defualtLimits
                        ? defualtLimits.get(APIConstants.DEFAULT_API_POLICY_FIFTY_THOUSAND_REQ_PER_MIN)
                        : 50000;
        long[] requestCountAPIPolicies = new long[] { fiftyThousandPerMinTier, twentyThousandPerMinTier,
                tenThousandPerMinTier, Integer.MAX_VALUE };

        //Adding Resource level policies
        String[] apiPolicies = new String[] { APIConstants.DEFAULT_API_POLICY_FIFTY_THOUSAND_REQ_PER_MIN,
                APIConstants.DEFAULT_API_POLICY_UNLIMITED };
        String[] apiPolicyDecs = new String[] { APIConstants.DEFAULT_API_POLICY_ULTIMATE_DESC,
        for (int i = 0; i < apiPolicies.length; i++) {
            boolean needDeployment = false;
            policyName = apiPolicies[i];
            APIPolicy apiPolicy = new APIPolicy(policyName);
            QuotaPolicy defaultQuotaPolicy = new QuotaPolicy();
            RequestCountLimit requestCountLimit = new RequestCountLimit();

            if (!apiMgtDAO.isPolicyExist(PolicyConstants.POLICY_LEVEL_API, tenantId, policyName)) {

            if (!apiMgtDAO.isPolicyDeployed(PolicyConstants.POLICY_LEVEL_API, tenantId, policyName)) {
                needDeployment = true;

            if (needDeployment) {
                String policyString;
                try {
                    policyString = policyBuilder.getThrottlePolicyForAPILevelDefault(apiPolicy);
                    String policyFile = apiPolicy.getTenantDomain() + "_" + PolicyConstants.POLICY_LEVEL_API + "_"
                            + apiPolicy.getPolicyName() + "_default";
                    if (!APIConstants.DEFAULT_API_POLICY_UNLIMITED.equalsIgnoreCase(policyName)) {
                        deploymentManager.deployPolicyToGlobalCEP(policyFile, policyString);
                    apiMgtDAO.setPolicyDeploymentStatus(PolicyConstants.POLICY_LEVEL_API, apiPolicy.getPolicyName(),
                            apiPolicy.getTenantId(), true);
                } catch (APITemplateException e) {
                    throw new APIManagementException(
                            "Error while adding default api policy " + apiPolicy.getPolicyName(), e);

     * Used to get advence throttling is enable
     * @return condition of advance throttling
    public static boolean isAdvanceThrottlingEnabled() {
        return ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getAPIManagerConfigurationService().getAPIManagerConfiguration()

     * Used to get unlimited throttling tier is enable
     * @return condition of enable unlimited tier
    public static boolean isEnabledUnlimitedTier() {
        ThrottleProperties throttleProperties = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance()
        if (throttleProperties.isEnabled()) {
            return throttleProperties.isEnableUnlimitedTier();
        } else {
            APIManagerConfiguration config = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance()
            return JavaUtils.isTrueExplicitly(config.getFirstProperty(APIConstants.ENABLE_UNLIMITED_TIER));

     * Used to get subscription Spike arrest Enable
     * @return condition of Subscription Spike arrest configuration
    public static boolean isEnabledSubscriptionSpikeArrest() {
        ThrottleProperties throttleProperties = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance()
        return throttleProperties.isEnabledSubscriptionLevelSpikeArrest();

    public static Map<String, Tier> getTiersFromPolicies(String policyLevel, int tenantId)
            throws APIManagementException {
        Map<String, Tier> tierMap = new HashMap<String, Tier>();
        ApiMgtDAO apiMgtDAO = ApiMgtDAO.getInstance();
        Policy[] policies;
        if (PolicyConstants.POLICY_LEVEL_SUB.equalsIgnoreCase(policyLevel)) {
            policies = apiMgtDAO.getSubscriptionPolicies(tenantId);
        } else if (PolicyConstants.POLICY_LEVEL_API.equalsIgnoreCase(policyLevel)) {
            policies = apiMgtDAO.getAPIPolicies(tenantId);
        } else if (PolicyConstants.POLICY_LEVEL_APP.equalsIgnoreCase(policyLevel)) {
            policies = apiMgtDAO.getApplicationPolicies(tenantId);
        } else {
            throw new APIManagementException("No such a policy type : " + policyLevel);

        for (Policy policy : policies) {
            if (!APIConstants.UNLIMITED_TIER.equalsIgnoreCase(policy.getPolicyName())) {
                Tier tier = new Tier(policy.getPolicyName());
                Limit limit = policy.getDefaultQuotaPolicy().getLimit();
                if (limit instanceof RequestCountLimit) {
                    RequestCountLimit countLimit = (RequestCountLimit) limit;
                } else {
                    BandwidthLimit bandwidthLimit = (BandwidthLimit) limit;
                tierMap.put(policy.getPolicyName(), tier);
            } else {
                if (APIUtil.isEnabledUnlimitedTier()) {
                    Tier tier = new Tier(policy.getPolicyName());
                    tierMap.put(policy.getPolicyName(), tier);

        if (PolicyConstants.POLICY_LEVEL_SUB.equalsIgnoreCase(policyLevel)) {
        return tierMap;

    public static Set<Tier> getAvailableTiers(Map<String, Tier> definedTiers, String tiers, String apiName) {
        Set<Tier> availableTier = new HashSet<Tier>();
        if (tiers != null && !"".equals(tiers)) {
            String[] tierNames = tiers.split("\\|\\|");
            for (String tierName : tierNames) {
                Tier definedTier = definedTiers.get(tierName);
                if (definedTier != null) {
                } else {
                    log.warn("Unknown tier: " + tierName + " found on API: " + apiName);
        return availableTier;

    public static byte[] toByteArray(InputStream is) throws IOException {
        return IOUtils.toByteArray(is);

    public static long ipToLong(String ipAddress) {
        long result = 0;
        String[] ipAddressInArray = ipAddress.split("\\.");
        for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--) {
            long ip = Long.parseLong(ipAddressInArray[3 - i]);
            //left shifting 24,16,8,0 and bitwise OR
            //1. 192 << 24
            //1. 168 << 16
            //1. 1   << 8
            //1. 2   << 0
            result |= ip << (i * 8);

        return result;

    public String getFullLifeCycleData(Registry registry) throws XMLStreamException, RegistryException {
        return CommonUtil.getLifecycleConfiguration(APIConstants.API_LIFE_CYCLE, registry);


     * Composes OR based search criteria from provided array of values
     * @param values
     * @return
    public static String getORBasedSearchCriteria(String[] values) {
        String criteria = "(";
        if (values != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
                criteria = criteria + values[i];
                if (i != values.length - 1) {
                    criteria = criteria + " OR ";
                } else {
                    criteria = criteria + ")";
            return criteria;
        return null;

     * Generates solr compatible search criteria synatax from user entered query criteria. 
     * Ex: From version:1.0.0, this returns version=*1.0.0*
     * @param criteria
     * @return solar compatible criteria 
     * @throws APIManagementException
    public static String getSingleSearchCriteria(String criteria) throws APIManagementException {
        criteria = criteria.trim();
        String searchValue = criteria;
        String searchKey = APIConstants.NAME_TYPE_PREFIX;

        if (criteria.contains(":")) {
            if (criteria.split(":").length > 1) {
                searchKey = criteria.split(":")[0].trim();
                searchValue = criteria.split(":")[1];
                if (!APIConstants.DOCUMENTATION_SEARCH_TYPE_PREFIX.equalsIgnoreCase(searchKey)
                        && !APIConstants.TAG_SEARCH_TYPE_PREFIX.equalsIgnoreCase(searchKey)) {
                    if (!searchValue.endsWith("*")) {
                        searchValue = searchValue + "*";
                    if (!searchValue.startsWith("*")) {
                        searchValue = "*" + searchValue;

            } else {
                throw new APIManagementException("Search term is missing. Try again with valid search query.");
        } else {
            if (!searchValue.endsWith("*")) {
                searchValue = searchValue + "*";
            if (!searchValue.startsWith("*")) {
                searchValue = "*" + searchValue;
        if (APIConstants.API_PROVIDER.equalsIgnoreCase(searchKey)) {
            searchValue = searchValue.replaceAll("@", "-AT-");
        return searchKey + "=" + searchValue;

     * return whether store forum feature is enabled
     * @return true or false indicating enable or not
    public static boolean isStoreForumEnabled() {
        APIManagerConfiguration config = ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getAPIManagerConfigurationService()
        String forumEnabled = config.getFirstProperty(APIConstants.API_STORE_FORUM_ENABLED);
        if (forumEnabled == null) {
            return true;
        return Boolean.parseBoolean(forumEnabled);

     * Returns a secured DocumentBuilderFactory instance
     * @return DocumentBuilderFactory
    public static DocumentBuilderFactory getSecuredDocumentBuilder() {

        org.apache.xerces.impl.Constants Constants = null;
        DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
        try {
            dbf.setFeature(Constants.SAX_FEATURE_PREFIX + Constants.EXTERNAL_GENERAL_ENTITIES_FEATURE, false);
            dbf.setFeature(Constants.SAX_FEATURE_PREFIX + Constants.EXTERNAL_PARAMETER_ENTITIES_FEATURE, false);
            dbf.setFeature(Constants.XERCES_FEATURE_PREFIX + Constants.LOAD_EXTERNAL_DTD_FEATURE, false);
        } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
            log.error("Failed to load XML Processor Feature " + Constants.EXTERNAL_GENERAL_ENTITIES_FEATURE + " or "
                    + Constants.EXTERNAL_PARAMETER_ENTITIES_FEATURE + " or " + Constants.LOAD_EXTERNAL_DTD_FEATURE);

        SecurityManager securityManager = new SecurityManager();
        dbf.setAttribute(Constants.XERCES_PROPERTY_PREFIX + Constants.SECURITY_MANAGER_PROPERTY, securityManager);

        return dbf;

     * Logs an audit message on actions performed on entities (APIs, Applications, etc). The log is printed in the
     * following JSON format
     *  {
     "typ": "API",
     "action": "update",
     "performedBy": "admin@carbon.super",
     "info": {
     "name": "Twitter",
     "context": "/twitter",
     "version": "1.0.0",
     "provider": "nuwan"
     * @param entityType - The entity type. Ex: API, Application
     * @param entityInfo - The details of the entity. Ex: API Name, Context
     * @param action - The type of action performed. Ex: Create, Update
     * @param performedBy - The user who performs the action.
    public static void logAuditMessage(String entityType, String entityInfo, String action, String performedBy) {
        JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
        jsonObject.put("typ", entityType);
        jsonObject.put("action", action);
        jsonObject.put("performedBy", performedBy);
        jsonObject.put("info", entityInfo);;

    public static int getPortOffset() {
        ServerConfiguration carbonConfig = ServerConfiguration.getInstance();
        String portOffset = System.getProperty(APIConstants.PORT_OFFSET_SYSTEM_VAR,
        try {
            if ((portOffset != null)) {
                return Integer.parseInt(portOffset.trim());
            } else {
                return 0;
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            log.error("Invalid Port Offset: " + portOffset + ". Default value 0 will be used.", e);
            return 0;

    public static boolean isQueryParamDataPublishingEnabled() {
        return ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getAPIManagerConfigurationService().getAPIManagerConfiguration()

    public static boolean isHeaderDataPublishingEnabled() {
        return ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getAPIManagerConfigurationService().getAPIManagerConfiguration()

    public static boolean isJwtTokenPublishingEnabled() {
        return ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getAPIManagerConfigurationService().getAPIManagerConfiguration()

    public static String getAnalyticsServerURL() {
        return ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getAPIManagerConfigurationService()

    public static String getAnalyticsServerUserName() {
        return ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getAPIManagerConfigurationService()

    public static String getAnalyticsServerPassword() {
        return ServiceReferenceHolder.getInstance().getAPIManagerConfigurationService()