oscar.oscarEncounter.oscarMeasurements.MeasurementFlowSheet.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for oscar.oscarEncounter.oscarMeasurements.MeasurementFlowSheet.java


 * Copyright (c) 2001-2002. Department of Family Medicine, McMaster University. All Rights Reserved.
 * This software is published under the GPL GNU General Public License.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 * This software was written for the
 * Department of Family Medicine
 * McMaster University
 * Hamilton
 * Ontario, Canada

package oscar.oscarEncounter.oscarMeasurements;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.commons.collections.OrderedMapIterator;
import org.apache.commons.collections.map.ListOrderedMap;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.drools.RuleBase;
import org.drools.WorkingMemory;
import org.drools.io.RuleBaseLoader;
import org.jdom.Element;
import org.oscarehr.util.MiscUtils;

import oscar.OscarProperties;
import oscar.oscarEncounter.oscarMeasurements.bean.EctMeasurementsDataBean;
import oscar.oscarEncounter.oscarMeasurements.util.MeasurementDSHelper;
import oscar.oscarEncounter.oscarMeasurements.util.Recommendation;
import oscar.oscarEncounter.oscarMeasurements.util.RuleBaseCreator;
import oscar.oscarEncounter.oscarMeasurements.util.TargetColour;

 * @author jay
public class MeasurementFlowSheet {

    private static Logger log = MiscUtils.getLogger();
    String name = null;
    private String displayName = null;
    private String warningColour = null;
    private String recommendationColour = null;

    Hashtable<String, String> indicatorHash = new Hashtable<String, String>(); //color map for severity
    private String topHTMLFileName = null;
    private boolean universal;
    private boolean isMedical = true;

    //ArrayList list = null;  // list of the measurements  ** replace with a asList Items. (maybe for first iteration condence down to string
    //ArrayList dsElements = null; //collection of ds xml elements  ** future replace function with just getted list
    //Hashtable dsHash = null; //hash of the rules  ** might not be needed if it's in the object
    RuleBase ruleBase = null; //ruleBase for the flowsheet   compile from list
    boolean rulesLoaded = false; //flag to trigger loading the rules
    //Hashtable measurementsInfo = null;            //Colectopm of EctMeasurementType objects  ** GET RID OF THIS
    //Hashtable measurementsFlowSheetInfo = null;   //Collenction of hash tables with details  ** CAN now be from itemList (Hoping)
    //Hashtable dsRulesHash = new Hashtable();   //Each items Rules ** Not sure what to do with yet
    //String demographic = null;   //not used
    String[] dxTriggers = null; // triggers that will cause this flowsheet to show up in a patients profice
    String[] programTriggers = null;

    private ListOrderedMap itemList = new ListOrderedMap();

    public FlowSheetItem addListItem(FlowSheetItem item) {
        log.debug("ITEM " + item.getItemName());
        String dsRules = item.getAllFields().get("ds_rules"); //ds_rules=
        log.debug("DS RULES " + dsRules);
        if (dsRules != null && !dsRules.equals("")) {
            RuleBase rb = loadMeasurementRuleBase(dsRules);
        } else if (item.getTargetColour() != null && item.getTargetColour().size() > 0) {
            RuleBase rb = loadMeasuremntRuleBase(item.getTargetColour());
        itemList.put(item.getItemName(), item);
        log.debug("ADDED " + item);
        return item;

    private List<MeasurementTemplateFlowSheetConfig.Node> itemHeirarchy = new ArrayList<MeasurementTemplateFlowSheetConfig.Node>();

    public void setItemHeirarchy(List<MeasurementTemplateFlowSheetConfig.Node> itemHeirarchy) {
        this.itemHeirarchy = itemHeirarchy;

    public List<MeasurementTemplateFlowSheetConfig.Node> getItemHeirarchy() {
        return this.itemHeirarchy;

    public void parseDxTriggers(String s) {
        dxTriggers = s.split(","); //TODO: what do about different coding systems.

    public void parseProgramTriggers(String s) {
        programTriggers = s.split(",");

    public String[] getDxTriggers() {
        return dxTriggers;

    public String[] getProgramTriggers() {
        return programTriggers;

    public String getDxTriggersString() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        boolean firstElement = true;
        if (dxTriggers != null) {
            for (String s : dxTriggers) {
                if (!firstElement) {
        return sb.toString();

    public String getProgramTriggersString() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        boolean firstElement = true;
        if (programTriggers != null) {
            for (String s : programTriggers) {
                if (!firstElement) {
        return sb.toString();

    /** Creates a new instance of MeasurementFlowSheet */
    public MeasurementFlowSheet() {

    public List<Recommendation> getDSElements(String measurement) {
        FlowSheetItem fsi = (FlowSheetItem) itemList.get(measurement);
        return fsi.getRecommendations();

    public void addFlowSheetItem(int i, FlowSheetItem item) {
        itemList.put(i, item.getItemName(), item);

    public FlowSheetItem getFlowSheetItem(String measurement) {
        MiscUtils.getLogger().debug("GETTING " + measurement + " ITEMS IN THE LIST " + itemList.size());
        FlowSheetItem item = (FlowSheetItem) itemList.get(measurement);

        return item;

    public Map<String, String> getMeasurementFlowSheetInfo(String measurement) {
        if (itemList == null) {
            //DO something
            itemList = new ListOrderedMap();
        log.debug("GETTING " + measurement + " ITEMS IN THE LIST " + itemList.size());
        FlowSheetItem item = (FlowSheetItem) itemList.get(measurement);

        return item.getAllFields();

    //If measurement is null. Add item to the end of the flowsheet.
    public void addAfter(String measurement, FlowSheetItem item) {
        int placement = itemList.size();
        if (measurement != null) {
            placement = itemList.indexOf(measurement);
        itemList.put(placement, item.getItemName(), item);

    public void setToHidden(String measurement) {
        FlowSheetItem item = (FlowSheetItem) itemList.get(measurement);

    public void updateMeasurementFlowSheetInfo(String measurement, Hashtable<String, String> h) {
        FlowSheetItem item = new FlowSheetItem(h);
        itemList.put(measurement, item);

    public void updateMeasurementFlowSheetInfo(String measurement, FlowSheetItem item) {
        itemList.put(measurement, item);

    public List<String> getMeasurementList() {
        return itemList.asList();

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String s) {
        name = s;

    public String getTopHTMLStream() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        if (topHTMLFileName != null) {
            try {
                String measurementDirPath = OscarProperties.getInstance()
                InputStream is = null;
                if (measurementDirPath != null) {
                    //if (measurementDirPath.charAt(measurementDirPath.length()) != /)
                    File file = new File(OscarProperties.getInstance().getProperty("MEASUREMENT_DS_HTML_DIRECTORY")
                            + topHTMLFileName);
                    if (file.isFile() || file.canRead()) {
                        log.debug("Loading from file " + file.getName());
                        is = new FileInputStream(file);

                if (is == null) {
                    is = MeasurementFlowSheet.class.getResourceAsStream(
                            "/oscar/oscarEncounter/oscarMeasurements/flowsheets/html/" + topHTMLFileName);
                    log.debug("loading from stream ");

                if (is != null) {
                    BufferedReader bReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
                    String str;
                    while ((str = bReader.readLine()) != null) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                MiscUtils.getLogger().error("Error", e);
        return sb.toString();

    public void loadRuleBase() {
        log.debug("LOADRULEBASE == " + name);
        ArrayList<Element> dsElements = new ArrayList<Element>();

        if (itemList != null) {
            OrderedMapIterator iter = itemList.orderedMapIterator();
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                String key = (String) iter.next(); //returns the key not the value.  Needed to advance the iterator
                FlowSheetItem fsi = (FlowSheetItem) iter.getValue();
                List<Recommendation> rules = fsi.getRecommendations();
                if (rules != null) {
                    log.debug("# OF RULES FOR " + fsi.getItemName() + " " + rules.size() + " key " + key);
                    for (Object obj : rules) {
                        Recommendation rec = (Recommendation) obj;
                } else {
                    log.debug("NO RULES FOR " + fsi.getItemName());

        log.debug("LOADING RULES2" + name + " size + " + dsElements.size() + " rulebase " + ruleBase);
        if (dsElements != null && dsElements.size() > 0) {

            log.debug("LOADING RULES21" + dsElements.size());
            RuleBaseCreator rcb = new RuleBaseCreator();
            try {

                log.debug("LOADING RULES22");
                ruleBase = rcb.getRuleBase("rulesetName", dsElements);
                log.debug("LOADING RULES23");
                rulesLoaded = true;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.debug("LOADING EXEPTION");

                MiscUtils.getLogger().error("Error", e);
        } else {

    public void loadRuleBase(String string) {
        try {
            boolean fileFound = false;
            String measurementDirPath = OscarProperties.getInstance().getProperty("MEASUREMENT_DS_DIRECTORY");

            if (measurementDirPath != null) {
                //if (measurementDirPath.charAt(measurementDirPath.length()) != /)
                File file = new File(
                        OscarProperties.getInstance().getProperty("MEASUREMENT_DS_DIRECTORY") + string);
                if (file.isFile() || file.canRead()) {
                    log.debug("Loading from file " + file.getName());
                    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
                    ruleBase = RuleBaseLoader.loadFromInputStream(fis);
                    fileFound = true;

            if (!fileFound) {
                URL url = MeasurementFlowSheet.class
                        .getResource("/oscar/oscarEncounter/oscarMeasurements/flowsheets/" + string); //TODO: change this so it is configurable;
                log.debug("loading from URL " + url.getFile());
                ruleBase = RuleBaseLoader.loadFromUrl(url);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            MiscUtils.getLogger().error("Error", e);
        rulesLoaded = true;

    public void loadRuleBase2(String string) {
        ruleBase = loadMeasurementRuleBase(string);
        if (ruleBase != null) {
            rulesLoaded = true;

    public RuleBase loadMeasuremntRuleBase(List<TargetColour> targetColours) {
        RuleBase measurementRuleBase = null;
        List<Element> dsElements = new ArrayList<Element>();
        RuleBaseCreator rcb = new RuleBaseCreator();
        try {
            int count = 0;
            for (TargetColour obj : targetColours) {
                TargetColour rec = obj;
                dsElements.add(rec.getRuleBaseElement("DD" + count));

            log.debug("loadMeasuremntRuleBase 1");
            measurementRuleBase = rcb.getRuleBase("rulesetName", dsElements);
            log.debug("loadMeasuremntRuleBase 2");
            rulesLoaded = true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.debug("loadMeasuremntRuleBase EXEPTION");

            MiscUtils.getLogger().error("Error", e);
        return measurementRuleBase;


    public RuleBase loadMeasurementRuleBase(String string) {
        RuleBase measurementRuleBase = null;
        try {
            boolean fileFound = false;
            String measurementDirPath = OscarProperties.getInstance().getProperty("MEASUREMENT_DS_DIRECTORY");

            if (measurementDirPath != null) {
                //if (measurementDirPath.charAt(measurementDirPath.length()) != /)
                File file = new File(
                        OscarProperties.getInstance().getProperty("MEASUREMENT_DS_DIRECTORY") + string);
                if (file.isFile() || file.canRead()) {
                    log.debug("Loading from file " + file.getName());
                    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
                    ruleBase = RuleBaseLoader.loadFromInputStream(fis);
                    fileFound = true;

            if (!fileFound) {
                URL url = MeasurementFlowSheet.class.getResource(
                        "/oscar/oscarEncounter/oscarMeasurements/flowsheets/decisionSupport/" + string); //TODO: change this so it is configurable;
                log.debug("loading from URL " + url.getFile());
                measurementRuleBase = RuleBaseLoader.loadFromUrl(url);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            MiscUtils.getLogger().error("Error", e);
        return measurementRuleBase;

    public void runRulesForMeasurement(EctMeasurementsDataBean mdb) {

        String type = mdb.getType();
        log.debug("GETTING RULES FOR TYPE " + type);
        FlowSheetItem fs = (FlowSheetItem) itemList.get(type);
        RuleBase rb = fs.getRuleBase();
        log.debug("RULEBASE FOR " + fs);
        //Is there a rule base for this
        if (rb != null) {

            try {
                WorkingMemory workingMemory = rb.newWorkingMemory();
                workingMemory.assertObject(new MeasurementDSHelper(mdb));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                MiscUtils.getLogger().error("Error", e);
                //throw new Exception("ERROR: Drools ",e);

    public MeasurementInfo getMessages(MeasurementInfo mi) throws Exception {
        if (!rulesLoaded) {
            throw new Exception("No Drools file loaded" + ruleBase);

        try {
            WorkingMemory workingMemory = ruleBase.newWorkingMemory();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            MiscUtils.getLogger().error("Error", e);
            //throw new Exception("ERROR: Drools ",e);
        return mi;

    public String getDisplayName() {
        return displayName;

    public void setDisplayName(String displayName) {
        this.displayName = displayName;

    public String getWarningColour() {
        return warningColour;

    public void setWarningColour(String warningColour) {
        this.warningColour = warningColour;

    public String getRecommendationColour() {
        return recommendationColour;

    public void setRecommendationColour(String recommendationColour) {
        this.recommendationColour = recommendationColour;

    void AddIndicator(String key, String value) {
        if (key != null && value != null) {
            indicatorHash.put(key, value);

    public String getIndicatorColour(String key) {
        String ret = null;
        if (key != null) {
            ret = indicatorHash.get(key);
        return ret;

    public Hashtable<String, String> getIndicatorHashtable() {
        return new Hashtable<String, String>(indicatorHash);

    public ArrayList sortToCurrentOrder(ArrayList nonOrderedList) {
        Collections.sort(nonOrderedList, new FlowSheetSort(getMeasurementList()));
        return nonOrderedList;

    public void setUniversal(boolean universal) {
        this.universal = universal;

    public boolean isUniversal() {
        return universal;

    public boolean isMedical() {
        return isMedical;

    public void setMedical(boolean medical) {
        isMedical = medical;

    public String getTopHTMLFileName() {
        return topHTMLFileName;

    public void setTopHTMLFileName(String topHTMLFileName) {
        this.topHTMLFileName = topHTMLFileName;

    class FlowSheetSort implements Comparator {

        List list = null;

        public FlowSheetSort() {

        public FlowSheetSort(List sortedList) {
            log.debug("SortedList " + sortedList);
            list = sortedList;

        public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
            log.debug(" o1 " + o1 + " o2 " + o2);
            int n1 = list.indexOf(o1);
            int n2 = list.indexOf(o2);
            // If this < o, return a negative
            if (n1 < n2) {
                return -1;
            } else if (n1 == n2) // If this = o, return 0
                return 0;
            } else // If this > o, return a positive value
                return 1;
