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 *  PHEX - The pure-java Gnutella-servent.
 *  Copyright (C) 2001 - 2007 Phex Development Group
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 *  --- CVS Information ---
 *  $Id: 4046 2007-11-19 17:13:59Z gregork $
package phex.common.collections;

//Modified version (1.4 2007-06-11 15:37:09) of /java/org/limewire/collection/
//Copyright by Limewire

import org.apache.commons.collections4.iterators.EmptyIterator;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

 * An information reTRIEval tree, a.k.a., a prefix tree. A Trie is similar to a
 * dictionary, except that keys must be strings. Furthermore, Trie provides an
 * efficient means ({@link #getPrefixedBy(String)}) to find all values given
 * just a PREFIX of a key.
 * <p>
 * All retrieval operations run in O(nm) time, where n is the size of the
 * key/prefix and m is the size of the alphabet. Some implementations may reduce
 * this to O(n log m) or even O(n) time. Insertion operations are assumed to be
 * infrequent and may be slower. The space required is roughly linear with
 * respect to the sum of the sizes of all keys in the tree, though this may be
 * reduced if many keys have common prefixes.
 * <p>
 * The Trie can be set to ignore case, which is the same as making all keys and
 * prefixes lower case. Therefore, ignoring case means the original keys cannot
 * be extracted from the Trie.
 * <p>
 * Restrictions (not necessarily limitations)
 * <ul>
 * <li>Keys and values may not be null.
 * <li>The interface to this is not complete.
 * </ul>
 * <p>
 * See <a
 * href="">Tries</a>
 * for a discussion of Tries.
 * <p>
 * This class is not thread-safe.
 * <p>
 * <p>
 * @modified David Soh ( added getIterator() for enhanced
 * AutoCompleteTextField use.
public class StringTrie<V> {
     * Indicates whenever search keys are case-sensitive or not. If true, keys
     * will be canonicalized to lowercase.
    private final boolean ignoreCase;
     * Our representation consists of a tree of nodes whose edges are labelled
     * by strings. The first characters of all labels of all edges of a node
     * must be distinct. Typically the edges are sorted, but this is determined
     * by TrieNode.
     * <p>
     * <p>
     * An abstract TrieNode is a mapping from String keys to values, { <K1, V1>,
     * ..., <KN, VN> }, where all Ki and Kj are distinct for all i != j. For any
     * node N, define KEY(N) to be the concatenation of all labels on the edges
     * from the root to that node. Then the abstraction function is:
     * <p>
     * <p>
     * <blockquote> { <KEY(N), N.getValue() | N is a child of root and
     * N.getValue() != null} </blockquote>
     * <p>
     * An earlier version used character labels on edges. This made
     * implementation simpler but used more memory because one node would be
     * allocated to each character in long strings if that string had no common
     * prefixes with other elements of the Trie.
     * <p>
     * <p>
     * <dl>
     * <dt>INVARIANT:</td>
     * <dd>For any node N, for any edges Ei and Ej from N,<br>
     * i != j &lt;==&gt; Ei.getLabel().getCharAt(0) !=
     * Ej.getLabel().getCharAt(0)</dd>
     * <dd>Also, all invariants for TrieNode and TrieEdge must hold.</dd>
     * </dl>
    private TrieNode<V> root;

     * Constructs a new, empty tree.
    public StringTrie(boolean ignoreCase) {
        this.ignoreCase = ignoreCase;

     * Matches the pattern <tt>b</tt> against the text
     * <tt>a[startOffset...stopOffset - 1]</tt>.
     * @return the first <tt>j</tt> so that:<br>
     * <tt>0 &lt;= i &lt; b.length()</tt> AND<br>
     * <tt>a[startOffset + j] != b[j]</tt> [a and b differ]<br>
     * OR <tt>stopOffset == startOffset + j</tt> [a is undefined];<br>
     * Returns -1 if no such <tt>j</tt> exists, i.e., there is a
     * match.<br>
     * Examples:
     * <ol>
     * <li>a = "abcde", startOffset = 0, stopOffset = 5, b = "abc"<br>
     * abcde ==&gt; returns -1<br>
     * abc
     * <li>a = "abcde", startOffset = 1, stopOffset = 5, b = "bXd"<br>
     * abcde ==&gt; returns 1 bXd
     * <li>a = "abcde", startOffset = 1, stopOffset = 3, b = "bcd"<br>
     * abc ==&gt; returns 2<br>
     * bcd
     * </ol>
     * @requires 0 &lt;= startOffset &lt;= stopOffset &lt;= a.length()
    private static int match(String a, int startOffset, int stopOffset, String b) {
        // j is an index into b
        // i is a parallel index into a
        int i = startOffset;
        for (int j = 0; j < b.length(); j++) {
            if (i >= stopOffset)
                return j;
            if (a.charAt(i) != b.charAt(j))
                return j;
        return -1;

     * Prints a description of the sub tree starting with <code>start</code>
     * to <code>buf</code>. The printing starts with the given indent level.
     * (internal)
    private static void toStringHelper(TrieNode start, StringBuilder buf, int indent) {
        // Print value of node.
        if (start.getValue() != null) {
            buf.append(" -> ");
        // For each child...
        for (Iterator iter = start.labelsForward(); iter.hasNext();) {
            // Indent child appropriately.
            for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++)
                buf.append(' ');
            // Print edge.
            String label = (String);
            // Recurse to print value.
            TrieNode child = start.get(label.charAt(0)).getChild();
            toStringHelper(child, buf, indent + 1);

     * Makes this empty.
     * @modifies this.
    public void clear() {
        this.root = new TrieNode<>();

     * Returns the canonical version of the given string.
     * <p>
     * <p>
     * In the basic version, strings are added and searched without
     * modification. So this simply returns its parameter s.
     * <p>
     * <p>
     * Other overrides may also perform a conversion to the NFC form
     * (inter-operable across platforms) or to the NFKC form after removal of
     * accents and diacritics from the NFKD form (ideal for searches using
     * strings in natural language).
     * <p>
     * <p>
     * Made public instead of protected, because the public Prefix operations
     * below may need to use a coherent conversion of search prefixes.
    public String canonicalCase(final String s) {
        if (!ignoreCase)
            return s;
        return s.toUpperCase(Locale.US).toLowerCase(Locale.US);

     * Maps the given key (which may be empty) to the given value.
     * @return the old value associated with key, or <tt>null</tt> if none
     * @requires value != null
     * @modifies this
    public V add(String key, V value) {
        // early conversion of key, for best performance
        key = canonicalCase(key);
        // Find the largest prefix of key, key[0..i - 1], already in this.
        TrieNode<V> node = root;
        int i = 0;
        while (i < key.length()) {
            // Find the edge whose label starts with key[i].
            TrieEdge<V> edge = node.get(key.charAt(i));
            if (edge == null) {
                // 1) Additive insert.
                TrieNode<V> newNode = new TrieNode<>(value);
                node.put(key.substring(i), newNode);
                return null;
            // Now check that rest of label matches
            String label = edge.getLabel();
            int j = match(key, i, key.length(), label);
            assert j != 0 : "Label didn't start with prefix[0].";
            if (j >= 0) {
                // 2) Prefix overlaps perfectly with just part of edge label
                // Do split insert as follows...
                // node node ab = label
                // ab | ==> a | a = label[0...j - 1] (inclusive)
                // child intermediate b = label[j...] (inclusive)
                // b / \ c c = key[i + j...] (inclusive)
                // child newNode
                // ...unless c = "", in which case you just do a "splice
                // insert" by omitting newNew and setting intermediate's value.
                TrieNode<V> child = edge.getChild();
                TrieNode<V> intermediate = new TrieNode<>();
                String a = label.substring(0, j);
                // Assert.that(canonicalCase(a).equals(a), "Bad edge a");
                String b = label.substring(j);
                // Assert.that(canonicalCase(b).equals(b), "Bad edge a");
                String c = key.substring(i + j);
                if (c.length() > 0) {
                    // Split.
                    TrieNode<V> newNode = new TrieNode<>(value);
                    node.put(a, intermediate);
                    intermediate.put(b, child);
                    intermediate.put(c, newNode);
                } else {
                    // Splice.
                    node.put(a, intermediate);
                    intermediate.put(b, child);
                return null;
            // Prefix overlaps perfectly with all of edge label.
            // Keep searching.
            assert j == -1 : "Bad return value from match: " + i;
            node = edge.getChild();
            i += label.length();
        // 3) Relabel insert. Prefix already in this, though not necessarily
        // associated with a value.
        V ret = node.getValue();
        return ret;

     * Returns the node associated with prefix, or null if none. (internal)
    private TrieNode<V> fetch(String prefix) {
        // This private method uses prefixes already in canonical form.
        TrieNode<V> node = root;
        for (int i = 0; i < prefix.length();) {
            // Find the edge whose label starts with prefix[i].
            TrieEdge<V> edge = node.get(prefix.charAt(i));
            if (edge == null)
                return null;
            // Now check that rest of label matches.
            String label = edge.getLabel();
            int j = match(prefix, i, prefix.length(), label);
            assert j != 0 : "Label didn't start with prefix[0].";
            if (j != -1)
                return null;
            i += label.length();
            node = edge.getChild();
        return node;

     * Returns the value associated with the given key, or null if none.
     * @return the <tt>Object</tt> value or <tt>null</tt>
    public V get(String key) {
        // early conversion of search key
        key = canonicalCase(key);
        // search the node associated with key, if it exists
        TrieNode<V> node = fetch(key);
        if (node == null)
            return null;
        // key exists, return the value
        return node.getValue();

     * Ensures no values are associated with the given key.
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if any values were actually removed
     * @modifies this.
    public boolean remove(String key) {
        // early conversion of search key
        key = canonicalCase(key);
        // search the node associated with key, if it exists
        TrieNode<V> node = fetch(key);
        if (node == null)
            return false;
        // key exists and can be removed.
        // TODO: prune unneeded nodes to save space
        boolean ret = node.getValue() != null;
        return ret;

     * Returns an iterator (of V) of the values mapped by keys in this that
     * start with the given prefix, in any order. That is, the returned iterator
     * contains exactly the values v for which there exists a key k so that
     * k.startsWith(prefix) and get(k) == v. The remove() operation on the
     * iterator is unimplemented.
     * @requires this not modified while iterator in use.
    public Iterator<V> getPrefixedBy(String prefix) {
        // Early conversion of search key
        prefix = canonicalCase(prefix);
        // Note that canonicalization MAY have changed the prefix length!
        return getPrefixedBy(prefix, 0, prefix.length());

     * Same as getPrefixedBy(prefix.substring(startOffset, stopOffset). This is
     * useful as an optimization in certain applications to avoid allocations.
     * <p>
     * <p>
     * Important: canonicalization of prefix substring is NOT performed here!
     * But it can be performed early on the whole buffer using the public method
     * <tt>canonicalCase(String)</tt> of this.
     * @requires 0 &lt;= startOffset &lt;= stopOffset &lt;= prefix.length
     * @see #canonicalCase(String)
    public Iterator<V> getPrefixedBy(String prefix, int startOffset, int stopOffset) {
        // Find the first node for which "prefix" prefixes KEY(node). (See the
        // implementation overview for a definition of KEY(node).) This code is
        // similar to fetch(prefix), except that if prefix extends into the
        // middle of an edge label, that edge's child is considered a match.
        TrieNode<V> node = root;
        for (int i = startOffset; i < stopOffset;) {
            // Find the edge whose label starts with prefix[i].
            TrieEdge<V> edge = node.get(prefix.charAt(i));
            if (edge == null) {
                return EmptyIterator.INSTANCE;
            // Now check that rest of label matches
            node = edge.getChild();
            String label = edge.getLabel();
            int j = match(prefix, i, stopOffset, label);
            assert j != 0 : "Label didn't start with prefix[0].";
            if (i + j == stopOffset) {
                // a) prefix overlaps perfectly with just part of edge label
            } else if (j >= 0) {
                // b) prefix and label differ at some point
                node = null;
            } else {
                // c) prefix overlaps perfectly with all of edge label.
                assert j == -1 : "Bad return value from match: " + i;
            i += label.length();
        // Yield all children of node, including node itself.
        if (node == null)
            return EmptyIterator.INSTANCE;
            return new ValueIterator(node);

     * Returns all values (entire Trie)
    public Iterator<V> getIterator() {
        return new ValueIterator(root);

     * @return the number of values stored in the trie.
    public int size() {
        int ret = 0;
        for (Iterator<V> iter = getIterator(); iter.hasNext();)
        return ret;

     * Ensures that this consumes the minimum amount of memory. If
     * valueCompactor is not null, also sets each node's value to
     * valueCompactor.apply(node). Any exceptions thrown by a call to
     * valueCompactor are thrown by this.
     * <p>
     * <p>
     * This method should typically be called after add(..)'ing a number of
     * nodes. Insertions can be done after the call to compact, but they might
     * be slower. Because this method only affects the performance of this,
     * there is no <tt>modifies</tt> clause listed.
    public void trim(Function<V, ? extends V> valueCompactor) throws IllegalArgumentException, ClassCastException {
        if (valueCompactor != null) {
            // For each node in this...
            for (Iterator<TrieNode<V>> iter = new NodeIterator(root, true); iter.hasNext();) {
                TrieNode<V> node =;
                // Apply compactor to value (if any).
                V value = node.getValue();
                if (value != null)

     * Returns a string representation of the tree state of this, i.e., the
     * concrete state. (The version of toString commented out below returns a
     * representation of the abstract state of this.
    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
        toStringHelper(root, buf, 1);
        return buf.toString();

     * Defines the interface for passing a type as an argument to a method, with
     * a return value of a type.
    public interface Function<K, V> {
         * Applies this function to argument, returning the result.
         * @throws ClassCastException       the argument is of wrong type
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException the argument is of right type but violates some other
         *                                  precondition.
         * @modifies argument (if there there is a side effect).
        V apply(K argument) throws ClassCastException, IllegalArgumentException;

     * Returns all the (non-null) values associated with a given node and its
     * children. (internal)
    private class ValueIterator implements Iterator<V> {
        private final NodeIterator delegate;

        ValueIterator(TrieNode<V> start) {
            delegate = new NodeIterator(start, false);

        // inherits javadoc comment
        public V next() {

        public boolean hasNext() {
            return delegate.hasNext();

         * Throws UnsupportedOperationException
        public void remove() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public class NodeIterator implements Iterator<TrieNode<V>> {
         * Stack for DFS. Push and pop from back.
        private final ArrayList<Iterator<TrieNode<V>>> stack = new ArrayList<>();
        private final boolean withNulls;
         * The next node to return.
        private TrieNode<V> nextNode;

         * Creates a new iterator that yields all the nodes of start and its
         * children that have values (ignoring internal nodes).
        public NodeIterator(TrieNode<V> start, boolean withNulls) {
            this.withNulls = withNulls;
            if (withNulls || start.getValue() != null) {
                nextNode = start;
            } else {
                nextNode = null;
                // scan node children to find the next node

        // inherits javadoc comment
        public boolean hasNext() {
            return !stack.isEmpty() || nextNode != null;

        // inherits javadoc comment
        public TrieNode<V> next() {
            if (nextNode == null) {
                throw new NoSuchElementException();
            TrieNode<V> node = nextNode;
            nextNode = null;
            return node;

         * Scan the tree (top-down) starting at the already visited node until
         * finding an appropriate node with not null value for next(). Keep
         * unvisited nodes in a stack of siblings iterators. Return either an
         * empty stack, or a stack whose top will be the next node returned by
         * next().
        private void advance(TrieNode<V> node) {
            Iterator<TrieNode<V>> children = node.childrenForward();
            while (true) { // scan siblings and their children
                int size;
                if (children.hasNext()) {
                    node =;
                    if (children.hasNext()) // save siblings
                    // check current node and scan its sibling if necessary
                    if (withNulls || node.getValue() == null)
                        children = node.childrenForward(); // loop from there
                    else { // node qualifies for next()
                        nextNode = node;
                        return; // next node exists
                } else if ((size = stack.size()) == 0)
                    return; // no next node
                    // no more siblings, return to parent
                    children = stack.remove(size - 1);

         * Throws UnsupportedOperationException
        public void remove() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

 * A node of the Trie. Each Trie has a list of children, labeled by strings.
 * Each of these [String label, TrieNode child] pairs is considered an "edge".
 * The first character of each label must be distinct. When managing children,
 * different implementations may trade space for time. Each node also stores an
 * arbitrary Object value.
 * <p>
 * <p>
 * Design note: this is a "dumb" class. It is <i>only</i> responsible for
 * managing its value and its children. None of its operations are recursive;
 * that is Trie's job. Nor does it deal with case.
final class TrieNode<E> {
     * The list of children. Children are stored as a sorted Vector because it
     * is a more compact than a tree or linked lists. Insertions and deletions
     * are more expensive, but they are rare compared to searching.
     * <p>
     * <p>
     * INVARIANT: children are sorted by distinct first characters of edges,
     * i.e., for all i &lt; j,<br>
     * children[i].edge.charAt(0) &lt; children[j].edge.charAt(0)
    private final ArrayList<TrieEdge<E>> children = new ArrayList<>(0);
     * The value of this node.
    private E value = null;

     * Creates a trie with no children and no value.
    public TrieNode() {

     * Creates a trie with no children and the given value.
    public TrieNode(E value) {
        this.value = value;

     * Gets the value associated with this node, or null if none.
    public E getValue() {
        return value;

     * Sets the value associated with this node.
    public void setValue(E value) {
        this.value = value;

     * Get the nth child edge of this node.
     * @requires 0 &lt;= i &lt; children.size()
    private final TrieEdge<E> get(int i) {
        return children.get(i);

     * (internal) If exact, returns the unique i so that:
     * children[i].getLabelStart() == c<br>
     * If !exact, returns the largest i so that: children[i].getLabelStart()
     * &lt;= c<br>
     * In either case, returns -1 if no such i exists.
     * <p>
     * <p>
     * This method uses binary search and runs in O(log N) time, where N =
     * children.size().<br>
     * The standard Java binary search methods could not be used because they
     * only return exact matches. Also, they require allocating a dummy Trie.
     * <p>
     * Example1: Search non exact c == '_' in {[0] => 'a...', [1] => 'c...'};
     * start loop with low = 0, high = 1; middle = 0, cmiddle == 'a', c <
     * cmiddle, high = 0 (low == 0); middle = 0, cmiddle == 'a', c < cmiddle,
     * high = -1 (low == 0); end loop; return high == -1 (no match, insert at
     * 0). Example2: Search non exact c == 'a' in {[0] => 'a', [1] => 'c'} start
     * loop with low = 0, high = 1; middle = 0, cmiddle == 'a', c == cmiddle,
     * abort loop by returning middle == 0 (exact match). Example3: Search non
     * exact c == 'b' in {[0] => 'a...', [1] => 'c...'}; start loop with low =
     * 0, high = 1; middle = 0, cmiddle == 'a', cmiddle < c, low = 1 (high ==
     * 1); middle = 1, cmiddle == 'c', c < cmiddle, high = 0 (low == 1); end
     * loop; return high == 0 (no match, insert at 1). Example4: Search non
     * exact c == 'c' in {[0] => 'a...', [1] => 'c...'}; start loop with low =
     * 0, high = 1; middle = 0, cmiddle == 'a', cmiddle < c, low = 1 (high ==
     * 1); middle = 1, cmiddle == 'c', c == cmiddle, abort loop by returning
     * middle == 1 (exact match). Example5: Search non exact c == 'd' in {[0] =>
     * 'a...', [1] => 'c...'}; start loop with low = 0, high = 1; middle = 0,
     * cmiddle == 'a', cmiddle < c, low = 1 (high == 1); middle = 1, cmiddle ==
     * 'c', cmiddle < c, low = 2 (high == 1); end loop; return high == 1 (no
     * match, insert at 2).
    private final int search(char c, boolean exact) {
        // This code is stolen from
        int low = 0;
        int high = children.size() - 1;
        while (low <= high) {
            int middle = (low + high) / 2;
            char cmiddle = get(middle).getLabelStart();
            if (cmiddle < c)
                low = middle + 1;
            else if (c < cmiddle)
                high = middle - 1;
                // c == cmiddle
                return middle; // Return exact match.
        if (exact)
            return -1; // Return no match.
        return high; // Return closest *lower or equal* match. (This works!)

     * Returns the edge (at most one) whose label starts with the given
     * character, or null if no such edge.
    public TrieEdge<E> get(char labelStart) {
        int i = search(labelStart, true);
        if (i < 0)
            return null;
        TrieEdge<E> ret = get(i);
        assert (ret.getLabelStart() == labelStart);
        return ret;

     * Inserts an edge with the given label to the given child to this. Keeps
     * all edges binary sorted by their label start.
     * @requires label not empty.
     * @requires for all edges E in this, label.getLabel[0] != E not already
     * mapped to a node.
     * @modifies this
    public void put(String label, TrieNode<E> child) {
        char labelStart;
        int i;
        // If there's a match it is the closest lower or equal one, and
        // precondition requires it to be lower, so we add the edge *after*
        // it. If there's no match, there are two cases: the Trie is empty,
        // or the closest match returned is the last edge in the list.
        if ((i = search(labelStart = label.charAt(0), // find closest match
                false)) >= 0) {
            assert get(i).getLabelStart() != labelStart : "Precondition of TrieNode.put violated.";
        children.add(i + 1, new TrieEdge<>(label, child));

     * Removes the edge (at most one) whose label starts with the given
     * character. Returns true if any edges where actually removed.
    public boolean remove(char labelStart) {
        int i;
        if ((i = search(labelStart, true)) < 0)
            return false;
        assert (get(i).getLabelStart() == labelStart);
        return true;

     * Ensures that this's children take a minimal amount of storage. This
     * should be called after numerous calls to add().
     * @modifies this.
    public void trim() {

     * Returns the children of this in forward order, as an iterator of
     * TrieNode.
    public Iterator<TrieNode<E>> childrenForward() {
        return new ChildrenForwardIterator();

     * Returns the labels of the children of this in forward order, as an
     * iterator of Strings.
    public Iterator<String> labelsForward() {
        return new LabelForwardIterator();

     * Returns the children of this in forward order, as an iterator of
     * TrieNode.
     * public Iterator childrenBackward() { return new
     * ChildrenBackwardIterator(); }

     * Maps (lambda(edge) edge.getChild) on children.iteratorBackward().
     * private class ChildrenBackwardIterator extends UnmodifiableIterator { int
     * i = children.size() - 1;
     * public boolean hasNext() { return i >= 0; }
     * public Object next() { if (i >= 0) return get(i--).getChild(); throw new
     * NoSuchElementException(); } }

     * Maps (lambda(edge) edge.getLabel) on children.iteratorBackward()
     * private class LabelBackwardIterator extends UnmodifiableIterator { int i =
     * children.size() - 1;
     * public boolean hasNext() { return i >= 0; }
     * public Object next() { if (i >= 0) return get(i--).getLabel(); throw new
     * NoSuchElementException(); } }

    // inherits javadoc comment.
    public String toString() {
        Object val = getValue();
        if (val != null)
            return val.toString();
        return "NULL";

     * Maps (lambda(edge) edge.getChild) on children.iterator().
    private class ChildrenForwardIterator implements Iterator<TrieNode<E>> {
        int i = 0;

        public boolean hasNext() {
            return i < children.size();

        public TrieNode<E> next() {
            if (i < children.size())
                return get(i++).getChild();
            throw new NoSuchElementException();

         * Throws UnsupportedOperationException
        public void remove() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

     * Returns the labels of the children of this in backward order, as an
     * iterator of Strings.
     * public Iterator labelsBackward() { return new LabelBackwardIterator(); }

     * Maps (lambda(edge) edge.getLabel) on children.iterator()
    private class LabelForwardIterator implements Iterator<String> {
        int i = 0;

        public boolean hasNext() {
            return i < children.size();

        public String next() {
            if (i < children.size())
                return get(i++).getLabel();
            throw new NoSuchElementException();

         * Throws UnsupportedOperationException
        public void remove() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

     * Unit test.
     * @see TrieNodeTest

 * A labeled edge, i.e., a String label and a TrieNode endpoint.
final class TrieEdge<E> {
    private final String label;

    private final TrieNode<E> child;

     * @requires label.size() > 0
     * @requires child != null
    TrieEdge(String label, TrieNode<E> child) {
        this.label = label;
        this.child = child;

    public String getLabel() {
        return label;

     * Returns the first character of the label, i.e., getLabel().charAt(0).
    public char getLabelStart() {
        // You could store this char as an optimization if needed.
        return label.charAt(0);

    public TrieNode<E> getChild() {
        return child;