Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 *  PHEX - The pure-java Gnutella-servent.
 *  Copyright (C) 2001 - 2007 Phex Development Group
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 *  --- CVS Information ---
 *  $Id: 4365 2009-01-16 11:21:31Z gregork $
package phex.prefs;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import org.apache.commons.lang.SystemUtils;

import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings;

import phex.Res;
import phex.common.Environment;
import phex.common.collections.SortedProperties;
import phex.common.log.NLogger;
import phex.msg.GUID;
import phex.utils.VersionUtils;

 * @deprecated since Phex 3.0, drop support once 2.x is not in use anymore
@SuppressWarnings(justification = "Obsolete class will be dropped in the future.")
@Deprecated // since 3.0
public class OldCfg {

     * Settings which have to be defined, before you can define your own ones...
     * ... 
     * ...
    public final static String GENERAL_GNUTELLA_NETWORK = "<General Gnutella Network>";

     * settings you might want to change, 
     * if you want to create a private-network with Phex 

     * If you like to use a PRIVATE_NETWORK specify here your chosen network
     * name for a private Net by replacing null with "<Network Name>". 
     * If you do, please choose a short ID for your Network, which will 
     * be displaed in the Vendor-String. 
     * You might want to choose a name, which can last, for you can't know, 
     * how your network will exist. 
     * For better appearance, put a space in front of it 
     * and write it in lowercase. (Your privateversion.number will be appended) 
    public final static String PRIVATE_NETWORK = null;
    public final static String PRIVATE_BUILD_ID = "";

     * Assign here the default network to use. This can be the 
     * If you want to change something, do so above. 
            : PRIVATE_NETWORK;

     * The default value to indicate if this node is forced to be ultrapeer.
     * In a small private network you might want to make everyone an Ultrapeer. 
    public static final boolean DEFAULT_FORCE_TOBE_ULTRAPEER = false;

    /* Further settings, you might not want to change */
    private static final String BACKUP_CONFIG_FILENAME = "phex.bk";
    public static final int DEFAULT_SOCKS5_PORT = 1080;
    public static final int DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT = 80;
    public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 65536;
    public static final short DEFAULT_LOGGER_VERBOSE_LEVEL = 6;
    public static final boolean DEFAULT_ENABLE_HIT_SNOOPING = true;
    public static final boolean DEFAULT_IS_CHAT_ENABLED = true;
    public static final boolean DEFAULT_ALLOW_TO_BECOME_LEAF = true;
    public static final boolean DEFAULT_ALLOW_TO_BECOME_ULTRAPEER = true;
    public static final boolean DEFAULT_FORCE_UP_CONNECTIONS = true;
    public static final boolean DEFAULT_IS_NOVENDOR_NODE_DISCONNECTED = false;
    public static final int DEFAULT_FREELOADER_FILES = 0;
    public static final int DEFAULT_FREELOADER_SHARE_SIZE = 0;
    public static final int DEFAULT_HOST_ERROR_DISPLAY_TIME = 1000;
    public static final int DEFAULT_TTL = 7;
    public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_NETWORK_TTL = 7;
    public static final int DEFAULT_UP_2_UP_CONNECTIONS = 32;
    public static final int DEFAULT_UP_2_LEAF_CONNECTIONS = 31;
    public static final int DEFAULT_UP_2_PEER_CONNECTIONS = 0;
    public static final int DEFAULT_LEAF_2_UP_CONNECTIONS = 5;
    public static final int MAX_LEAF_2_UP_CONNECTIONS = 5;
    public static final int DEFAULT_LEAF_2_PEER_CONNECTIONS = 0;
    public static final int DEFAULT_PEER_CONNECTIONS = 4;
    public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECTTO_HISTORY_SIZE = 10;
    public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_SEARCHTERM_HISTORY_SIZE = 10;
    public static final boolean DEFAULT_ARE_PARTIAL_FILES_SHARED = true;
    private static final char LIST_PREFIX = '_';

    public static final short DEFAULT_URN_CALCUATION_MODE = 2;
    public static final short DEFAULT_THEX_CALCUATION_MODE = 2;

     * The default value of the X-Max-TTL header for dynamic queries. 
    public static final int DEFAULT_DYNAMIC_QUERY_MAX_TTL = 4;

     * The default max downloads that are allowed per IP.
    public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_DOWNLOADS_PER_IP = 1;

     * The default value to indicate whether upload queuing is activated or not.
    public static final boolean DEFAULT_ALLOW_UPLOAD_QUEUING = true;

     * The default max upload queue slots available.
    public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_UPLOAD_QUEUE_SIZE = 10;

     * The default min poll time for queued uploads.
    public static final int DEFAULT_MIN_UPLOAD_QUEUE_POLL_TIME = 45;

     * The default max poll time for queued uploads.
    public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_UPLOAD_QUEUE_POLL_TIME = 120;

     * The default setting if we accept deflate connections.
    public static final boolean DEFAULT_IS_DEFLATE_CONNECTION_ACCEPTED = true;

     * The default socket connect timeout.
    public static final int DEFAULT_SOCKET_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 60 * 1000;

     * The default socket read/write timeout.

     * The default number of maximum concurrent connection attempts allowed on
     * a XP system. (XP limits this to 10, leave 2 for other process)
    public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_CONCURRENT_CONNECT_ATTEMPTS_XP = 8;

     * The default number of maximum concurrent connection attempts allowed on
     * a other systems then XP. (XP limits this to 10, leave 2 for other process)

     * The default number of consecutive failed connection after which the servent 
     * is called as offline.
    public static final int DEFAULT_OFFLINE_CONNECTION_FAILURE_COUNT = 100;

     * The default setting of the last shown update info id from the Phex web
     * server.
    public static final int DEFAULT_LAST_SHOWN_UPDATE_INFO_ID = 0;

     * The default number of download worker per download.
    public static final short DEFAULT_MAX_WORKER_PER_DOWNLOAD = 9;

     * The default number of total download worker.
    public static final short DEFAULT_MAX_TOTAL_DOWNLOAD_WORKER = 27;

     * The max number of bytes to buffer per download file. When the buffer is 
     * exceeded the complete buffered data is written to disk.
     * Default: 128KB
    public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_WRITE_BUFFER_PER_DOWNLOAD = 128 * 1024;

     * The max number of bytes to buffer for all download files. When the buffer
     * is exceeded the complete buffered data is written to disk.
     * Default: 1MB
    public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_TOTAL_DOWNLOAD_WRITE_BUFFER = 1 * 1024 * 1024;

    public static final boolean DEFAULT_AUTO_READOUT_DOWNLOADED_MAGMA = true;
    public static final boolean DEFAULT_AUTO_READOUT_DOWNLOADED_METALINK = true;
    public static final boolean DEFAULT_AUTO_READOUT_DOWNLOADED_RSS = true;

     * The default limit of open files the FileManager uses.
    public static final short DEFAULT_OPEN_FILES_LIMIT = 0;

     * The default command to execute for video media types on systems other 
     * then Windows and Mac OSX (usually Unix systems).
    public static final String DEFAULT_OTHER_OS_VIDEO_COMMAND = "xterm -e mplayer %filepath%";

     * The default command to execute for image media types on systems other 
     * then Windows and Mac OSX (usually Unix systems).
    public static final String DEFAULT_OTHER_OS_IMAGE_COMMAND = "ee %filepath%";

     * The default command to execute for audio media types on systems other 
     * then Windows and Mac OSX (usually Unix systems).
    public static final String DEFAULT_OTHER_OS_AUDIO_COMMAND = "xterm -e mplayer %filepath%";

     * The default command to execute for browser media types on systems other 
     * then Windows and Mac OSX (usually Unix systems).
    public static final String DEFAULT_OTHER_OS_BROWSER_COMMAND = "mozilla -remote openURL(%filepath%,new-window)";

    public static final int UNLIMITED_BANDWIDTH = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    public static int MIN_SEARCH_TERM_LENGTH = 2;

     * The default segment size for a allocated segment.
    public static final int INITIAL_SEGMENT_SIZE = 16 * 1024; // 16Kb

     * When a segment has been downloaded by a candidate, the next segment for this candidate
     * should be such that (at the same rate as the previous segment) the segment takes 90 seconds
     * to complete
    public static final short SEGMENT_TRANSFER_TIME = 90;

     * If a segment is transferred at less than this speed (b/sec), refuse further downloads
     * from this candidate
    public static final int MINIMUM_ALLOWED_TRANSFER_RATE = 1;

     * Do not allow segment to be larger than this value, regardless of the previous
     * segment's download rate
    public static final int MAXIMUM_SEGMENT_SIZE = 10 * 1024 * 1024; // 10Mb

    public int initialSegmentSize;
    public int segmentTransferTime;
    public int minimumAllowedTransferRate;
    public int maximumSegmentSize;

    public GUID mProgramClientID = new GUID();
    public String mMyIP = "";
    public int mListeningPort = -1;
    public int mMaxUpload = 4;
    public int mMaxUploadPerIP = 1;
    public int mUploadMaxBandwidth = 102400;
    public int mNetMaxHostToCatch = 1000;
    public int mNetMaxSendQueue = 500;
    //public int mPingFrequency = 15000;
    public int mSearchMaxConcurrent = 10;

    public int mNetMaxRate = 50000;

    public int mDownloadMaxBandwidth = 102400;
    public boolean mDownloadAutoRemoveCompleted = false;
    public boolean autoReadoutDownloadedMagma = true;
    public boolean autoReadoutDownloadedMetalink = true;
    public boolean autoReadoutDownloadedRSS = true;
    public boolean downloadSubscriptionsSilently = false;
    public String mDownloadDir = ".";

    public boolean mAutoConnect = true;

     * Update-Uris for the various Systems
    public static final String UPDATE_URI_MAC_OSX = "magnet:?xs=";
    public static final String UPDATE_URI_WINDOWS = "magnet:?xs=";
    public static final String UPDATE_URI_OTHER = "magnet:?xs=";

     * Subscription-Uris
     * These should point to magma-files.  
    public ArrayList subscriptionMagnets;
    public static final String default_subscriptionMagnets = null; /* new String("magnet:?xs="); */

    public boolean mAutoCleanup = true;

     * The max of this value should be 255. The protocol is not able to handle
     * more.
    public int mUploadMaxSearch = 64;
    public boolean mShareBrowseDir = true;
    public int mPushTransferTimeout = 30 * 1000;

    public String mCurrentNetwork = DEFAULT_NETWORK_TO_USE;
    public ArrayList mNetNetworkHistory = new ArrayList();
    public boolean mAutoJoin = true;
    public boolean mDisconnectApplyPolicy = false;
    public int mDisconnectDropRatio = 70;
    public boolean mProxyUse = false;
    public String mProxyHost = "";
    public int mProxyPort = DEFAULT_SOCKS5_PORT;
    public boolean useProxyAuthentication = false;
    public String mProxyUserName = "";
    public String mProxyPassword = "";

     * @deprecated since - New variable called sharedDirectoriesSet.
    public String mUploadDir = "";

     * @deprecated since - New variable called libraryExclusionRegExList
    public String mUploadFileExclusions = "";

     * @deprecated since - New variable called libraryExclusionRegExList
    public String mUploadFileInclusions = "*";
    public boolean mUploadAutoRemoveCompleted = false;

     * @since
    public HashSet sharedDirectoriesSet;

     * @since
    public ArrayList libraryExclusionRegExList;

     * Determines the urn calculation speed mode. Values should range
     * from 0 for high speed (full CPU) calculation up to maybe 10.
     * A good value is 2 which is also the default. The value states
     * the wait cycles between each 64K segment. A value of 2 means
     * wait twice as long as you needed to calculate the last 64K. 
    public short urnCalculationMode;

     * Determines the thex calculation speed mode. Values should range
     * from 0 for high speed (full CPU) calculation up to maybe 10.
     * A good value is 2 which is also the default. The value states
     * the wait cycles between each 128K segment. A value of 2 means
     * wait twice as long as you needed to calculate the last 128K. 
    public short thexCalculationMode;

    public boolean monitorSearchHistory = false;

     * The file into which searches should be monitored.
    public String searchMonitorFile = "";
    public int searchHistoryLength = 10;

     * Indicates if the node is connected to a Local Area Network (LAN).
    public boolean connectedToLAN = true;

     * Indicates whether Phex minimizes to the background on close of the GUI. If set to
     * false it will shutdown. If set to true on windows system it will go into the
     * sys tray, on all other system it will just minimize.
    public boolean minimizeToBackground = true;

     * The status if a close options dialog should be displayed or not.
    public boolean showCloseOptionsDialog = true;

     * The directory where incomplete files are stored.
    public String incompleteDir = ".";

     * When the HostCatcher finds hosts it will first use the port filter
     * to see if it is allowed to use the host
    public ArrayList filteredCatcherPorts = new ArrayList();

     * The max number of parallel workers per download file.
    public short maxWorkerPerDownload;

     * The max number of total parallel workers for all download files.
    public short maxTotalDownloadWorker;

     * The max number of bytes to buffer per download file. When the buffer is 
     * exceeded the complete buffered data is written to disk.
    public int maxWriteBufferPerDownload;

     * The max number of bytes to buffer for all download files. When the buffer
     * is exceeded the complete buffered data is written to disk.
    public int maxTotalDownloadWriteBuffer;

     * Indicates whether upload queuing is allowed or not.
    public boolean allowUploadQueuing;

     * The maximal number of upload queue slots available.
    public int maxUploadQueueSize;

     * The minimum poll time for queued uploads.
    public int minUploadQueuePollTime;

     * The maximum poll time for queued uploads.
    public int maxUploadQueuePollTime;

     * The maximum number of downloads that are allowed per IP.
     * Changing this value is not recommended since most, if not all servents
     * only accept one upload per IP.
    public int maxDownloadsPerIP;

     * The total speed in kilo bits per second of the network connection the
     * user has available. This is not the bandwidth the user has available for
     * Phex.
     * The default of 256 matches a DSL/Cable connection.
    public int networkSpeedKbps = 256;

     * This is the maximal bandwidth in bytes per second Phex is allowed to use
     * in total. This means network, download and upload bandwidth combined.
     * The default of 16384 matches 50% of the bandwidth a 256kbs DSL/Cable connection
     * is able to offer.
    public int maxTotalBandwidth = 16384;

     * This is introduced to maintain the current version of Phex.
     * After a update of Phex the version in the cfg and the Phex version differs.
     * In this case we know that we need to upgrade the cfg or other stuff to the
     * new Phex version
    public String runningPhexVersion = "";

     * This is introduced to maintain the current build number of Phex.
     * After a update of Phex the build number in the cfg and the Phex build number
     * differs. In this case we know that we need to upgrade the cfg and maybe
     * also do some other stuff to reach the new Phex version.
    public String runningBuildNumber = "";

     * Defines if a http proxy is used for HTTP connections (not Gnutella
     * connections.
    public boolean isHttpProxyUsed = false;

     * Defines the name of the http proxy host.
    public String httpProxyHost = "";

     * Defines the port of the http proxy host.
    public int httpProxyPort = DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT;

     * Contains the version number of the last update check.
    public String lastUpdateCheckVersion = "0";

     * Contains the version number of the last beta update check.
    public String lastBetaUpdateCheckVersion = "0";

     * Contains the time in millis of the last update check.
    public long lastUpdateCheckTime = 0;

     * The status if a beta update notification dialog should be displayed or not.
    public boolean showBetaUpdateNotification = false;

     * The create socket default connect timeout. 
    public int socketConnectTimeout;

     * The sockets default read/write timeout.
    public int socketRWTimeout;

     * The number of maximum concurrent connection attempts allowed.
     * (XP limits this to 10)
    public int maxConcurrentConnectAttempts;

     * Timeout for network host connections.
    // TODO this field seems not to be used anymore that much.. (just chat and
    // browse host) maybe it should be dropped and alligned with the new fields.
    public int mNetConnectionTimeout = 8 * 1000;

     * the time after which a automatic candidate search times out
    public int searchRetryTimeout = 30000;

     * The LogBuffer size used for download candidates.
    public long downloadCandidateLogBufferSize = 0;

     * The LogBuffer size used for upload state.
    public long uploadStateLogBufferSize = 0;

     * Enables QueryHit Snooping.
    public boolean enableHitSnooping;

     * The max length a message is allowed to have to be accepted.
    public int maxMessageLength;

     * Indicates if the chat feature is enabled.
    public boolean isChatEnabled;

     * Indicates that the node is allowed to connect as a leaf to ultrapeers.
    public boolean allowToBecomeLeaf;

     * Indicates if the node is only accepting ultrapeer connections (as a leaf).
     * This value must always be checked together with allowToBecomeLeaf. If
     * allowToBecomeLeaf is false, a forceUPConnections value of true must be
     * ignored.
    public boolean forceUPConnections;

     * Indicates if this node is allowed to become a Ultrapeer.
    public boolean allowToBecomeUP;

     * Indicates if this node force to be a Ultrapeer.
     * This value must always be checked together with allowToBecomeUP. If
     * allowToBecomeUP is false, a forceToBeUltrapeer value of true must be
     * ignored.
    public boolean forceToBeUltrapeer;

     * The number of ultrapeer to ultrapeer connections the nodes is allowed to
     * have open.
     * TODO2 this value is used for the X-Degree header but to reach high out degree
     * for dynamic query the value should be maintained above 15. There is no
     * way to ensure this yet.
    public int up2upConnections;

     * The number of ultrapeer to leaf connections the nodes is allowed to
     * have open.
    public int up2leafConnections;

     * The number of ultrapeer to normal peer connections the nodes is allowed to
     * have open.

    public int up2peerConnections;

     * The number of leaf to ultrapeer connections the nodes is allowed to
     * have open. The max should be 3.
    public int leaf2upConnections;

     * The number of leaf to normal peer connections this node is allowed to have
     * open.
    public int leaf2peerConnections;

     * The number of normal peers the node is allowed to have as a normal peer.
    public int peerConnections;

     * Indicates if the peers has connected incomming the last time it was
     * shutdown. The value is only updated in case of a server shutdown, but  
     * the Server maintains and holds the state changes during runtime.
    public boolean hasConnectedIncomming;

     * The number of consecutive failed connection after which the servent 
     * is called as offline.
    public int offlineConnectionFailureCount;

     * Indicates if nodes with no vendor code are disconnected.
    public boolean isNoVendorNodeDisconnected;

     * The number of files a node need to share to not be called a freeloader.
    public int freeloaderFiles;

     * The number of MB a node need to share to not be called a freeloader.
    public int freeloaderShareSize;

     * The number of milliseconds a error is displayed in the connection table.
    public int hostErrorDisplayTime;

     * The TTL Phex uses for messages.
    public int ttl;

     * The maximim number of hops allowed to be seen in messages otherwise a
     * message is dropped. Also the highest ttl allowed to be seen in messages
     * otherwise the ttl is limited to Cfg.maxNetworkTTL - hops.
    public int maxNetworkTTL;

     * History of connectTo items.
    public ArrayList connectToHistory;

     * The max size of the connectToHistory list.
    public int maxConnectToHistorySize;

     * History of search items.
    public ArrayList searchTermHistory;

     * History of search items.
    public ArrayList browseHostHistory;

     * The maximum number of open files the file manager opens.
    public int openFilesLimit;

     * The command to execute for video media types on systems other then
     * Windows and Mac OSX
    public String otherOsVideoCommand;

     * The command to execute for image media types on systems other then
     * Windows and Mac OSX (usually Unix systems).
    public String otherOsImageCommand;

     * The command to execute for audio media types on systems other then
     * Windows and Mac OSX (usually Unix systems).
    public String otherOsAudioCommand;

     * The browser command to execute for none video, image, audio media types 
     * on systems other then Windows and Mac OSX (usually Unix systems).
    public String otherOsBrowserCommand;

    // if true, a request to preview the initial segment will first result
    // in a copy of it being made, and then the copy's filename passed
    // to the viewer. This is needed (I think) on windows platforms, at least
    public boolean copyBeforePreviewing;
    public static final boolean DEFAULT_COPY_BEFORE_PREVIEWING = true;

    public HashMap previewMethod;
    public String fallbackPreviewMethod;
    public static final String DEFAULT_FALLBACK_PREVIEW_METHOD = "";

    public String completionNotifyMethod;

    public long segmentMultiple;
    public static final long DEFAULT_SEGMENT_MULTIPLE = 4096;

     * The max size of the searchTerm list.
    public int maxSearchTermHistorySize;

     * Indicates whether partial downloaded files are offered to others for download.
    public boolean arePartialFilesShared;

     * The total uptime of the last movingTotalUptimeCount starts.
    public long movingTotalUptime;

     * The number of times the uptime was added to movingTotalUptime.
    public int movingTotalUptimeCount;

     * The maximal uptime ever seen.
    public long maximalUptime;

     * Last time Phex was shutdown. Needed for avg. daily uptime calculation.
    public long lastShutdownTime;

     * The last fractional uptime calculated. Needed for avg. daily uptime
     * calculation.
    public float fractionalUptime;

     * Counts the total number of Phex startups.
    public int totalStartupCounter;

     * Indicates if we accept deflated connections.
    public boolean isDeflateConnectionAccepted;

     * The id of the last shown update info from the Phex web server.
    public int lastShownUpdateInfoId;

    /// some persistent statistic values...

     * The total number of completed downloads tracked.
    public int totalDownloadCount;

     * The total number of uploads.
    public int totalUploadCount;

    // localization
     * The locale files to use.
    public String usedLocale;

    private File configFile;
    private Properties mSetting;

    public OldCfg(File cfgFile) {
        configFile = cfgFile;
        mSetting = new SortedProperties();

    public void load() {
        try {
            FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(configFile);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException exp) {
            // no config file found. Is there a backup?
            try {
                FileInputStream is2 = new FileInputStream(
                        new File(configFile.getParentFile(), BACKUP_CONFIG_FILENAME));
                NLogger.error(OldCfg.class, "Loading configuration from backup file");
            } catch (FileNotFoundException exp2) {
                // no backup file either
            } catch (Exception exp2) {
                NLogger.error(OldCfg.class, exp2, exp2);
        } catch (Exception exp) {
            NLogger.error(OldCfg.class, exp, exp);



        // no listening port is set yet. Choose a random port from 4000-63999
        if (mListeningPort == -1 || mListeningPort > 65500) {
            Random random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
            mListeningPort = random.nextInt(60000);
            mListeningPort += 4000;

        // count startup...

        // make sure directories exists...
        File dir = new File(mDownloadDir);
        dir = new File(incompleteDir);

    private void loadDefaultValues() {
        maxDownloadsPerIP = DEFAULT_MAX_DOWNLOADS_PER_IP;
        enableHitSnooping = DEFAULT_ENABLE_HIT_SNOOPING;
        maxMessageLength = DEFAULT_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH;
        isChatEnabled = DEFAULT_IS_CHAT_ENABLED;
        allowToBecomeLeaf = DEFAULT_ALLOW_TO_BECOME_LEAF;
        forceUPConnections = DEFAULT_FORCE_UP_CONNECTIONS;
        forceToBeUltrapeer = DEFAULT_FORCE_TOBE_ULTRAPEER;
        isNoVendorNodeDisconnected = DEFAULT_IS_NOVENDOR_NODE_DISCONNECTED;
        freeloaderFiles = DEFAULT_FREELOADER_FILES;
        freeloaderShareSize = DEFAULT_FREELOADER_SHARE_SIZE;
        hostErrorDisplayTime = DEFAULT_HOST_ERROR_DISPLAY_TIME;
        ttl = DEFAULT_TTL;
        maxNetworkTTL = DEFAULT_MAX_NETWORK_TTL;
        up2upConnections = DEFAULT_UP_2_UP_CONNECTIONS;
        up2leafConnections = DEFAULT_UP_2_LEAF_CONNECTIONS;
        up2peerConnections = DEFAULT_UP_2_PEER_CONNECTIONS;
        leaf2upConnections = DEFAULT_LEAF_2_UP_CONNECTIONS;
        leaf2peerConnections = DEFAULT_LEAF_2_PEER_CONNECTIONS;
        peerConnections = DEFAULT_PEER_CONNECTIONS;
        arePartialFilesShared = DEFAULT_ARE_PARTIAL_FILES_SHARED;
        allowUploadQueuing = DEFAULT_ALLOW_UPLOAD_QUEUING;
        maxUploadQueueSize = DEFAULT_MAX_UPLOAD_QUEUE_SIZE;
        minUploadQueuePollTime = DEFAULT_MIN_UPLOAD_QUEUE_POLL_TIME;
        maxUploadQueuePollTime = DEFAULT_MAX_UPLOAD_QUEUE_POLL_TIME;
        isDeflateConnectionAccepted = DEFAULT_IS_DEFLATE_CONNECTION_ACCEPTED;
        lastShownUpdateInfoId = DEFAULT_LAST_SHOWN_UPDATE_INFO_ID;
        initialSegmentSize = INITIAL_SEGMENT_SIZE;
        segmentTransferTime = SEGMENT_TRANSFER_TIME;
        minimumAllowedTransferRate = MINIMUM_ALLOWED_TRANSFER_RATE;
        maximumSegmentSize = MAXIMUM_SEGMENT_SIZE;
        urnCalculationMode = DEFAULT_URN_CALCUATION_MODE;
        thexCalculationMode = DEFAULT_THEX_CALCUATION_MODE;
        fallbackPreviewMethod = DEFAULT_FALLBACK_PREVIEW_METHOD;
        otherOsAudioCommand = DEFAULT_OTHER_OS_AUDIO_COMMAND;
        otherOsImageCommand = DEFAULT_OTHER_OS_IMAGE_COMMAND;
        otherOsBrowserCommand = DEFAULT_OTHER_OS_BROWSER_COMMAND;
        otherOsVideoCommand = DEFAULT_OTHER_OS_VIDEO_COMMAND;

        completionNotifyMethod = null;
        // TODO: detect OS and set initial value based on this
        copyBeforePreviewing = DEFAULT_COPY_BEFORE_PREVIEWING;
        segmentMultiple = DEFAULT_SEGMENT_MULTIPLE;
        socketConnectTimeout = DEFAULT_SOCKET_CONNECT_TIMEOUT;
        socketRWTimeout = DEFAULT_SOCKET_RW_TIMEOUT;
        offlineConnectionFailureCount = DEFAULT_OFFLINE_CONNECTION_FAILURE_COUNT;
        maxWorkerPerDownload = DEFAULT_MAX_WORKER_PER_DOWNLOAD;
        maxTotalDownloadWorker = DEFAULT_MAX_TOTAL_DOWNLOAD_WORKER;
        maxWriteBufferPerDownload = DEFAULT_MAX_WRITE_BUFFER_PER_DOWNLOAD;
        maxTotalDownloadWriteBuffer = DEFAULT_MAX_TOTAL_DOWNLOAD_WRITE_BUFFER;
        autoReadoutDownloadedMagma = DEFAULT_AUTO_READOUT_DOWNLOADED_MAGMA;
        autoReadoutDownloadedMetalink = DEFAULT_AUTO_READOUT_DOWNLOADED_METALINK;

        maxConnectToHistorySize = DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECTTO_HISTORY_SIZE;

        maxSearchTermHistorySize = DEFAULT_MAX_SEARCHTERM_HISTORY_SIZE;

        if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS_XP) {
            maxConcurrentConnectAttempts = DEFAULT_MAX_CONCURRENT_CONNECT_ATTEMPTS_XP;
        } else {
            maxConcurrentConnectAttempts = DEFAULT_MAX_CONCURRENT_CONNECT_ATTEMPTS_OTHERS;

        totalStartupCounter = 0;

    private String get(String key) {
        String value = (String) mSetting.get(key);
        if (value != null)
            value = value.trim();
        return value;

    private void deserializeSimpleFields() {
        Field[] fields = this.getClass().getDeclaredFields();

        for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
            String name = fields[i].getName();
            int modifiers = fields[i].getModifiers();
            Class type = fields[i].getType();
            String value = "";

            if (!Modifier.isPublic(modifiers) || Modifier.isTransient(modifiers) || Modifier.isStatic(modifiers)) {

            try {
                // if this is a map, don't continue after deserialising
                if (deserialiseMap(fields[i]))
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                // exception may be thrown if it's not a map. Nothing to worry about.

            try {
                // if this is a list, don't continue after deserialising
                if (deserialiseList(fields[i]))
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                // exception may be thrown if it's not a list. Nothing to worry about.

            try {
                // if this is a set, don't continue after deserialising
                if (deserialiseSet(fields[i]))
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                // exception may be thrown if it's not a list. Nothing to worry about.

            try {
                // Load value by field name.
                value = get(name);
                if (value == null) {
                    try {
                        value = (String) this.getClass().getDeclaredField("default_" + fields[i].getName())
                    } catch (NoSuchFieldException exp) {// no such field can be ignored..
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                    } // don't worry if there's no default
                if (value == null) {
                    continue; // no default value either, so don't do anything!

                if (type.getName().equals("int")) {
                    fields[i].setInt(this, Integer.parseInt(value));
                } else if (type.getName().equals("short")) {
                    fields[i].setShort(this, Short.parseShort(value));
                } else if (type.getName().equals("long")) {
                    fields[i].setLong(this, Long.parseLong(value));
                } else if (type.getName().equals("float")) {
                    fields[i].setFloat(this, Float.parseFloat(value));
                } else if (type.getName().equals("boolean")) {
                    fields[i].setBoolean(this, value.equals("true"));
                } else if (type.getName().equals("java.lang.String")) {
                    fields[i].set(this, value);
            } catch (Exception exp) {
                NLogger.error(OldCfg.class, "Error in field: " + name + ", value: " + value, exp);

    private boolean deserialiseMap(Field myField) {
        boolean isMap = false;
        try {
            if (myField.getType().getName().equals("java.util.HashMap")) {
                myField.set(this, new HashMap()); // create an empty list
                Map myMap = (Map) myField.get(this);

                String key;
                String prefix = myField.getName() + LIST_PREFIX;
                for (Enumeration e = mSetting.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
                    String foundName = (String) e.nextElement();
                    if (foundName.startsWith(prefix)) {
                        key = foundName.substring(prefix.length());
                        if (key.length() > 0 && mSetting.getProperty(foundName).length() > 0) {
                            myMap.put(key, mSetting.getProperty(foundName));

                isMap = true; // successfully processed the list
        } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
            isMap = false;
        return isMap;

    private boolean deserialiseList(Field myField) {
        boolean isList = false;
        try {
            if (myField.getType().getName().equals("java.util.ArrayList")) {
                myField.set(this, new ArrayList()); // create an empty list
                List myList = (List) myField.get(this);

                String value;
                int index;
                for (index = 1;; index++) {
                    value = get(myField.getName() + LIST_PREFIX + index);
                    if (value != null && value.length() > 0)
                if (index == 1) // no values read in, so check for default value
                    try {
                        Object defaultValue = this.getClass().getDeclaredField("default_" + myField.getName())
                        String buffer = (String) defaultValue;
                        StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(buffer, "|");
                        // create the empty list object
                        while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
                    } catch (Exception ex) { // no defaults found
                isList = true; // successfully processed the list
        } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
            isList = false;
        return isList;

    private boolean deserialiseSet(Field myField) {
        boolean isSet = false;
        try {
            if (myField.getType().getName().equals("java.util.HashSet")) {
                myField.set(this, new HashSet()); // create an empty set
                Set mySet = (Set) myField.get(this);

                String prefix = new String(myField.getName() + LIST_PREFIX + "SET");
                for (Enumeration e = mSetting.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
                    String foundName = (String) e.nextElement();
                    if (foundName.startsWith(prefix)) {
                        if (mSetting.getProperty(foundName).length() > 0) {
                isSet = true; // successfully processed the list
        } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
            isSet = false;
        return isSet;

    private void deserializeComplexFields() {
        try {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // ignore.  take the default created value as new client ID.
        } catch (Exception exp) {
            NLogger.error(OldCfg.class, exp, exp);

     * For a HTTPURLConnection java uses configured proxy settings.
    public void updateSystemSettings() {
        System.setProperty("http.agent", Environment.getPhexVendor());
        if (isHttpProxyUsed) {
            System.setProperty("http.proxyHost", httpProxyHost);
            System.setProperty("http.proxyPort", String.valueOf(httpProxyPort));
        } else {
            System.setProperty("http.proxyHost", "");
            System.setProperty("http.proxyPort", "");

        // cache DNS name lookups for only 30 minutes
        System.setProperty("networkaddress.cache.ttl", "1800");
        Security.setProperty("networkaddress.cache.ttl", "1800");

    private void handlePhexVersionAdjustments() {
        // first find out if this is the first time Phex is running...
        if ((runningPhexVersion == null || runningPhexVersion.length() == 0)
                && (runningBuildNumber == null || runningBuildNumber.length() == 0)) {
            // this seems to be the first time phex is running...
            // in this case we are not updating... we use default values...

            // unfortunatly there is a bug causing no set version number to be available
            // between 56 and 78
            // since b78 updates can be performed on any version without problems we execute
            // them always if no version is set.
        } else {
            // dropped update support of Phex 0.7 (2005-03-02)
            // dropped update support of Phex 0.8 (2005-11-19)
            // dropped update support of build 36 (2005-11-19)
            // dropped update support of build 42 (2005-11-19)
            // dropped update support of build 56 (2005-11-19)

            // update from Phex build <= 35
            if (runningBuildNumber == null || runningBuildNumber.length() == 0) {
                runningBuildNumber = "35";
            if ("78", runningBuildNumber) > 0) {
            if ("81", runningBuildNumber) > 0) {
            if ("87", runningBuildNumber) > 0) {
            if ("88", runningBuildNumber) > 0) {
            if ("92", runningBuildNumber) > 0) {

        runningBuildNumber = Environment.getInstance().getProperty("build.number");
        runningPhexVersion = Res.getStr("Program.Version");

     * Read in old ArrayLists with tokeniser
    private void updatesForBuild78() {
        runningBuildNumber = "78";
        u78("mNetNetworkHistory", " ");
        u78("filteredCatcherPorts", " ");
        u78("connectToHistory", " ");
        u78("searchTermHistory", ",");

    private void u78(String variable, String delim) {
        String buffer = get(variable);
        try {
            if (buffer != null) {
                List myList = (List) this.getClass().getDeclaredField(variable).get(this);
                StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(buffer, delim);
                while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
        } catch (NoSuchFieldException ex) {
            throw new Error("No such field: " + variable + "!");
        } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
            throw new Error("Cannot convert " + variable + " to a list!!");

    private void updatesForBuild81() {
        runningBuildNumber = "81";
        StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(mUploadDir, ";");
        while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
            File dir = new File(tokens.nextToken().trim());
            if (!sharedDirectoriesSet.contains(dir.getAbsolutePath())) {

    private void updatesForBuild87() {
        runningBuildNumber = "87";
        if (leaf2upConnections > MAX_LEAF_2_UP_CONNECTIONS) {
            leaf2upConnections = MAX_LEAF_2_UP_CONNECTIONS;

    private void updatesForBuild88() {
        runningBuildNumber = "88";
        if (totalStartupCounter < movingTotalUptimeCount) {
            totalStartupCounter = movingTotalUptimeCount;

    private void updatesForBuild92() {
        runningBuildNumber = "92";
        allowToBecomeLeaf = DEFAULT_ALLOW_TO_BECOME_LEAF;
        forceUPConnections = DEFAULT_FORCE_UP_CONNECTIONS;
        up2peerConnections = DEFAULT_UP_2_PEER_CONNECTIONS;
        leaf2peerConnections = DEFAULT_LEAF_2_PEER_CONNECTIONS;