pipeline.plugins.cell_manipulation.BallSegmentation.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for pipeline.plugins.cell_manipulation.BallSegmentation.java


 * Parismi v0.1
 * Copyright (c) 2009-2015 Cinquin Lab.
 * All rights reserved. This code is made available under a dual license:
 * the two-clause BSD license or the GNU Public License v2.
package pipeline.plugins.cell_manipulation;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.commons.collections.primitives.ArrayIntList;

import pipeline.PreviewType;
import pipeline.GUI_utils.PluginIOHyperstackViewWithImagePlus;
import pipeline.GUI_utils.PluginIOView;
import pipeline.data.ClickedPoint;
import pipeline.data.IPluginIO;
import pipeline.data.IPluginIOList;
import pipeline.data.InputOutputDescription;
import pipeline.data.PluginIOCells;
import pipeline.misc_util.IntrospectionParameters.ParameterInfo;
import pipeline.misc_util.ProgressReporter;
import pipeline.misc_util.Utils;
import pipeline.misc_util.Utils.LogLevel;
import pipeline.misc_util.parfor.ILoopWorker;
import pipeline.misc_util.parfor.ParFor;
import pipeline.parameters.AbstractParameter;
import pipeline.parameters.MultiListParameter;
import pipeline.parameters.TableParameter;
import pipeline.plugins.AuxiliaryInputOutputPlugin;
import pipeline.plugins.FourDPlugin;

 * From a set of seeds, add to each seed a segmentation with a ball centered on the seed.
public class BallSegmentation extends FourDPlugin implements AuxiliaryInputOutputPlugin {

    public String getToolTip() {
        return "From a set of seeds, add to each seed a segmentation with a ball centered on the seed";

    @ParameterInfo(userDisplayName = "Use embedded diameter", stringValue = "FALSE", noErrorIfMissingOnReload = false)
    private boolean usedEmbeddedDiameter;

    @ParameterInfo(userDisplayName = "Diameter in microns", stringValue = "TRUE", noErrorIfMissingOnReload = false)
    private boolean inMicrons;

    @ParameterInfo(userDisplayName = "Diameter", floatValue = 2, permissibleFloatRange = { 0,
            10 }, noErrorIfMissingOnReload = false)
    private float diameter;

    @ParameterInfo(userDisplayName = "Disk with same Z as seed", stringValue = "FALSE", noErrorIfMissingOnReload = true)
    private boolean diskOnly = false;

    public String operationName() {
        return "BallSegmentation";

    public String version() {
        return "1.0";

    public int getFlags() {
        return SAME_AS_BINARY;

    public Map<String, InputOutputDescription> getInputDescriptions() {
        HashMap<String, InputOutputDescription> result = new HashMap<>();
        InputOutputDescription desc0 = new InputOutputDescription(null, null, null, 0, 0, false, false);
        desc0.name = "Seeds";
        result.put("Seeds", desc0);
        return result;

    public List<PluginIOView> createOutput(String outputName, PluginIOHyperstackViewWithImagePlus impForDisplay,
            Map<String, IPluginIO> linkedOutputs) {
        Utils.log("Creating seeds", LogLevel.DEBUG);
        IPluginIOList<?> out = (IPluginIOList<?>) getInput("Seeds").duplicateStructure();
        PluginIOView view = out.createView();
        pluginOutputs.put("Cells", out);
        ArrayList<PluginIOView> views = new ArrayList<>();
        return views;

    public Map<String, InputOutputDescription> getOutputDescriptions() {
        HashMap<String, InputOutputDescription> result = new HashMap<>();
        InputOutputDescription desc0 = new InputOutputDescription(null, null, null, 0, 0, true, false);
        desc0.name = "Cells";
        desc0.pluginWillAllocateOutputItself = true;
        result.put("Cells", desc0);
        return result;

    public String[] getInputLabels() {
        return new String[] { "Seeds" };

    public String[] getOutputLabels() {
        return new String[] { "Cells" };

    public void run(ProgressReporter r, MultiListParameter inChannels, TableParameter outChannels,
            PreviewType previewType, boolean inputHasChanged, AbstractParameter parameterWhoseValueChanged,
            boolean stayInCoreLoop) throws InterruptedException {

        final PluginIOCells inputCells = (PluginIOCells) pluginInputs.get("Seeds");

        final PluginIOCells outputCells = (PluginIOCells) pluginOutputs.get("Cells");

        float rad = 0;
        if (!usedEmbeddedDiameter) {
            if (inMicrons) {
                if (inputCells.getCalibration() == null || inputCells.getCalibration().pixelDepth == 0) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Calibration information not present");
                rad = (float) ((diameter / inputCells.getCalibration().pixelWidth) / 2);
            } else
                rad = diameter / 2;
        final int xyradius = (int) rad;
        final float zradius = (float) (rad
                * (inputCells.getCalibration().pixelWidth / inputCells.getCalibration().pixelDepth));
        final int width = inputCells.getWidth();
        final int height = inputCells.getHeight();
        final int depth = inputCells.getDepth();

        ParFor parFor = new ParFor(0, inputCells.getPoints().size() - 1, r, threadPool, true);
        for (int i = 0; i < parFor.getNThreads(); i++)
            parFor.addLoopWorker(new ILoopWorker() {
                int localRadius = xyradius;
                int localRadiusSq = xyradius * xyradius;
                List<ClickedPoint> pointList = inputCells.getPoints();

                public final Object run(int loopIndex, int threadIndex) {
                    ClickedPoint p = pointList.get(loopIndex);
                    ClickedPoint pCloned = (ClickedPoint) p.clone();
                    pCloned.listNamesOfQuantifiedProperties = outputCells.getQuantifiedPropertyNames();
                    pCloned.userCellDescriptions = outputCells.getUserCellDescriptions();

                    if (usedEmbeddedDiameter) {
                        localRadius = (int) p.getQuantifiedProperty("localRadius");
                        localRadiusSq = localRadius * localRadius;
                    int x = (int) p.x;
                    int y = (int) p.y;
                    int z = (int) p.z;

                    int z0 = (int) (diskOnly ? 0 : Math.min(z, zradius));
                    int z1 = (int) (diskOnly ? 0 : Math.min(depth - 1 - z, zradius));

                    int y0 = Math.min(y, localRadius);
                    int y1 = Math.min(height - 1 - y, localRadius);

                    int x0 = Math.min(x, localRadius);
                    int x1 = Math.min(width - 1 - x, localRadius);

                    ArrayIntList xCoord = new ArrayIntList(500);
                    ArrayIntList yCoord = new ArrayIntList(500);
                    ArrayIntList zCoord = new ArrayIntList(500);

                    for (int k = -z0; k <= z1; k++) {
                        int kSq = k * k;
                        for (int j = -y0; j <= y1; j++) {
                            int jSq = j * j;
                            for (int i = -x0; i <= x1; i++) {
                                int iSq = i * i;
                                if (kSq + jSq + iSq > localRadiusSq)
                                xCoord.add(x + i);
                                yCoord.add(y + j);
                                zCoord.add(z + k);
                    pCloned.imageFullSegCoordsX = xCoord.getIntArrayFast();
                    pCloned.imageFullSegCoordsY = yCoord.getIntArrayFast();
                    pCloned.imageFullSegCoordsZ = zCoord.getIntArrayFast();

                    return pCloned;

        for (Object p : parFor.run(true)) {
            outputCells.addDontFireValueChanged((ClickedPoint) p);

        outputCells.fireValueChanged(false, false);
