pipeline.plugins.cell_manipulation.ExpandPerimeter.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for pipeline.plugins.cell_manipulation.ExpandPerimeter.java


 * Parismi v0.1
 * Copyright (c) 2009-2015 Cinquin Lab.
 * All rights reserved. This code is made available under a dual license:
 * the two-clause BSD license or the GNU Public License v2.
package pipeline.plugins.cell_manipulation;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

import org.apache.commons.collections.primitives.ArrayIntList;

import pipeline.data.ClickedPoint;
import pipeline.data.IPluginIOHyperstack;
import pipeline.data.IPluginIOList;
import pipeline.data.InputOutputDescription;
import pipeline.data.PluginIOCells;
import pipeline.data.PluginIOImage.PixelType;
import pipeline.misc_util.IntrospectionParameters.ParameterInfo;
import pipeline.misc_util.Utils;
import pipeline.misc_util.Utils.LogLevel;

public class ExpandPerimeter extends CellTransform {

    public String getToolTip() {
        return "From a segmentation, expand permiter outwards; used for membrane quantification using "
                + "active contours that did not always quite reach the edge";

    private AtomicInteger missingSegmentation = new AtomicInteger(0);

    protected void preRun(PluginIOCells inputCells, IPluginIOHyperstack inputImage) {

    protected void postRun(PluginIOCells outputCells) {
        if (missingSegmentation.get() > 0) {
            Utils.displayMessage("Warning: " + missingSegmentation.get() + " had a missing segmentation"
                    + " and could not be recentered.", true, LogLevel.WARNING);

    private class Point {
        public int x, y, z;

        public Point(int x, int y, int z) {
            this.x = x;
            this.y = y;
            this.z = z;

        public int hashCode() {
            int hash = 23;
            hash = hash * 31 + x;
            hash = hash * 31 + y;
            hash = hash * 31 + z;
            return hash;

        public boolean equals(Object p) {
            if (!(p instanceof Point))
                return false;
            Point q = (Point) p;
            return x == q.x && y == q.y && z == q.z;

    @ParameterInfo(userDisplayName = "Radius in microns", floatValue = 0.2f, noErrorIfMissingOnReload = false)
    private float boxRadius;

    @ParameterInfo(userDisplayName = "Only expand outwards", stringValue = "FALSE", noErrorIfMissingOnReload = true)
    private boolean onlyExpandOutwards;

    protected ClickedPoint transform(ClickedPoint point, IPluginIOList<ClickedPoint> allInputPoints,
            IPluginIOHyperstack inputImage, int pointIndex) {

        ClickedPoint pCloned = (ClickedPoint) point.clone();

        if (point.imageFullSegCoordsX == null || point.imageFullSegCoordsX.length == 0) {
            return pCloned;

        Set<Point> innerPoints = new HashSet<>();

        int nInnerPoints = point.imageFullSegCoordsX.length;

        if (onlyExpandOutwards)
            for (int i = 0; i < nInnerPoints; i++) {
                float x = point.imageFullSegCoordsX[i];
                float y = point.imageFullSegCoordsY[i];
                float z = point.imageFullSegCoordsZ[i];
                innerPoints.add(new Point((int) x, (int) y, (int) z));

        int nPoints = point.imagePerimsegCoordsX.length;

        int xyRad = (int) (boxRadius / point.xyCalibration);
        int zRad = (int) (boxRadius / point.zCalibration);

        int width = ((PluginIOCells) allInputPoints).getWidth();
        int height = ((PluginIOCells) allInputPoints).getHeight();
        int depth = ((PluginIOCells) allInputPoints).getDepth();

        ArrayIntList xCoord = new ArrayIntList(500);
        ArrayIntList yCoord = new ArrayIntList(500);
        ArrayIntList zCoord = new ArrayIntList(500);

        for (int ii = 0; ii < nPoints; ii++) {
            int x = point.imagePerimsegCoordsX[ii];
            int y = point.imagePerimsegCoordsY[ii];
            int z = point.imagePerimsegCoordsZ[ii];

            innerPoints.add(new Point(x, y, z));


            int z0 = Math.min(z, zRad);
            int z1 = Math.min(depth - 1 - z, zRad);

            int y0 = Math.min(y, xyRad);
            int y1 = Math.min(height - 1 - y, xyRad);

            int x0 = Math.min(x, xyRad);
            int x1 = Math.min(width - 1 - x, xyRad);

            for (int k = -z0; k <= z1; k++) {
                for (int j = -y0; j <= y1; j++) {
                    for (int i = -x0; i <= x1; i++) {

                        Point candidate = new Point(x + i, y + j, z + k);
                        if (innerPoints.contains(candidate))
                        xCoord.add(x + i);
                        yCoord.add(y + j);
                        zCoord.add(z + k);
                        // add point to innerPoints so it doesn't get added more than once to the new perimeter

        pCloned.imagePerimsegCoordsX = xCoord.getIntArrayFast();
        pCloned.imagePerimsegCoordsY = yCoord.getIntArrayFast();
        pCloned.imagePerimsegCoordsZ = zCoord.getIntArrayFast();

        return pCloned;

    public String operationName() {
        return "Cell recenter";

    public Map<String, InputOutputDescription> getInputDescriptions() {
        Map<String, InputOutputDescription> result = super.getInputDescriptions();
        result.put("Default source",
                new InputOutputDescription(null, null,
                        new PixelType[] { PixelType.FLOAT_TYPE, PixelType.SHORT_TYPE, PixelType.BYTE_TYPE },
                        InputOutputDescription.NOT_SPECIFIED, InputOutputDescription.NOT_SPECIFIED, false, false));
        return result;

    public int getFlags() {
