Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.math.stat.regression.SimpleRegression;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.matsim.api.core.v01.Id;

import playground.boescpa.converters.vissim.ConvEvents;

 * Implements ConvEvents2Anm.TripMatcher with a simple linear regression as the similarity measure.
 * @author boescpa
public class TripMatcher implements ConvEvents.TripMatcher {

    private final static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(TripMatcher.class);

    private final static int TEN_PRCT_SCORE = 10000;

    private final static int LENGTH_SCORE = 1;
    private final static int INTERCEPT_SCORE = 100;
    private final static int SLOPE_SCORE = 100;
    private final static int MSE_SCORE = 100;

    private final static int NEG_OFFSET_IF_NOT_FOUNG = 1;

    public HashMap<Id<Trip>, Integer> matchTrips(HashMap<Id<Trip>, Long[]> msTrips,
            HashMap<Id<Trip>, Long[]> amTrips) {

        int matchesWithHighScores = 0;
        int matchesWithVeryHighScores = 0;
        int progressCounter = 0;
        int progressChecker = 2;

        HashMap<Id<Trip>, Integer> countsPerAnmTrip = new HashMap<>();
        for (Id<Trip> amTrip : amTrips.keySet()) {
            countsPerAnmTrip.put(amTrip, 0);
        List<Id<Trip>> amTripsKeySet = new ArrayList<>(amTrips.keySet());

        for (Id<Trip> msTrip : msTrips.keySet()) {
            Long[] msTripZones = msTrips.get(msTrip);

            Id<Trip> bestMatchingAmTrip = null;
            int bestMatchScore = Integer.MIN_VALUE;

            // Shuffle key set:
            for (Id<Trip> amTrip : amTripsKeySet) {
                Long[] amTripZones = amTrips.get(amTrip);

                // Linear regression between the to trips:
                SimpleRegression simpleRegression = new SimpleRegression();
                for (int i = 0; i < msTripZones.length; i++) {
                    boolean foundNone = true;
                    for (int j = 0; j < amTripZones.length; j++) {
                        if (msTripZones[i].equals(amTripZones[j])) {
                            simpleRegression.addData(i, j);
                            foundNone = false;
                    if (foundNone) {
                        int yPos = -(msTripZones.length - i) - NEG_OFFSET_IF_NOT_FOUNG;
                        simpleRegression.addData(i, yPos);

                // Scoring:
                int matchScore = 0;

                // Criterion 1.1: Difference in length of trips not greater than 10%.
                if (((double) Math.abs(msTripZones.length - amTripZones.length))
                        / ((double) msTripZones.length) <= 0.1) {
                    matchScore += TEN_PRCT_SCORE;
                // Criterion 1.2: The smaller the difference in length, the better.
                matchScore -= (Math.abs(msTripZones.length - amTripZones.length) * LENGTH_SCORE);

                // Criterion 2: The closer the intercept to zero, the better.
                matchScore -= (int) (Math.abs(simpleRegression.getIntercept()) * INTERCEPT_SCORE);

                // Criterion 3: The closer the slope to one, the better.
                matchScore -= (int) (Math.abs(1 - simpleRegression.getSlope()) * SLOPE_SCORE);

                // Criterion 4: The smaller the mean square error of the regression, the better.
                matchScore -= (int) (Math.abs(simpleRegression.getMeanSquareError()) * MSE_SCORE);

                if (matchScore > bestMatchScore) {
                    bestMatchScore = matchScore;
                    bestMatchingAmTrip = amTrip;

            countsPerAnmTrip.put(bestMatchingAmTrip, (countsPerAnmTrip.get(bestMatchingAmTrip) + 1));

            if (bestMatchScore >= 0.9 * TEN_PRCT_SCORE) {
                if (bestMatchScore >= 0.99 * TEN_PRCT_SCORE) {

            // log progress:
            if (progressCounter >= progressChecker) {
       + " trips matched.");
                progressChecker *= 2;
        }"Of total " + msTrips.size() + " trips, " + matchesWithHighScores
                + " were matched with a high score above " + 0.9 * TEN_PRCT_SCORE + " points.");"Of total " + msTrips.size() + " trips, " + matchesWithVeryHighScores
                + " were matched with a very high score above " + 0.99 * TEN_PRCT_SCORE + " points.");

        return countsPerAnmTrip;