Source code

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 * copyright       : (C) 2011 by the members listed in the COPYING,        *
 *                   LICENSE and WARRANTY file.                            *
 * email           : info at matsim dot org                                *
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package playground.thibautd.analysis.joinabletripsidentifier;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory;
import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation;
import org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.BarRenderer;
import org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.StandardBarPainter;
import org.jfree.chart.title.TextTitle;
import org.matsim.api.core.v01.Coord;
import org.matsim.api.core.v01.Id;
import org.matsim.core.utils.charts.ChartUtil;

import playground.ivt.utils.WrapperChartUtil;
import playground.thibautd.analysis.joinabletripsidentifier.JoinableTrips.JoinableTrip;
import playground.thibautd.analysis.joinabletripsidentifier.JoinableTrips.TripRecord;
import playground.thibautd.utils.charts.BoxAndWhiskersChart;
import playground.thibautd.utils.charts.TwoCategoriesBoxAndWhiskerChart;
import playground.thibautd.utils.charts.XYLineHistogramDataset;

 * Class responsible for creating relevant plots from the data
 * contained in a {@link JoinableTrips} instance.
 * @author thibautd
public class DataPloter {
    private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DataPloter.class);

    private static final float TITLE_FONT_SIZE = 17;
    private static final boolean PLOT_STD_DEV = false;
    private static final boolean DEUTSCH = true;
    // 10% simul: all agents represent 10 individuals
    private static final int AGENT_WEIGHT = 10;

    private final JoinableTrips trips;

    public DataPloter(final JoinableTrips trips) {
        this.trips = trips;

    // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // plotting methods
    // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    public ChartUtil getBasicBoxAndWhiskerChart(final PassengerFilter filter, final DriverTripValidator validator) {
        List<JoinableTrips.TripRecord> filteredTrips = filter.filterRecords(trips);

        String title = "Number of possible joint trips per departure time\n" + filter.getConditionDescription()
                + "\n" + validator.getConditionDescription();

        BoxAndWhiskersChart chart = new BoxAndWhiskersChart(title, DEUTSCH ? "Zeit [h]" : "time of day (h)",
                DEUTSCH ? "Anzahl potentiell geteilter Wege" : "number of joinable trips", 1, PLOT_STD_DEV);

        for (JoinableTrips.TripRecord trip : filteredTrips) {
            int count = 0;

            for (JoinableTrips.JoinableTrip driverTrip : trip.getJoinableTrips()) {
                if (validator.isValid(driverTrip)) {

            chart.add(trip.getDepartureTime() / 3600d, count * AGENT_WEIGHT);

        return chart;

    public ChartUtil getBoxAndWhiskerChartPerTripLength(final PassengerFilter filter,
            final DriverTripValidator validator, final Network network) {
        List<JoinableTrips.TripRecord> filteredTrips = filter.filterRecords(trips);

        String title = "Number of possible joint trips per trip length\n" + filter.getConditionDescription() + "\n"
                + validator.getConditionDescription();

        BoxAndWhiskersChart chart = new BoxAndWhiskersChart(title,
                DEUTSCH ? "Lange der Fahrten [km]" : "trip length (km)",
                DEUTSCH ? "Anzahl potentiell geteilter Wege" : "number of joinable trips", 1, PLOT_STD_DEV);

        for (JoinableTrips.TripRecord trip : filteredTrips) {
            int count = 0;

            for (JoinableTrips.JoinableTrip driverTrip : trip.getJoinableTrips()) {
                if (validator.isValid(driverTrip)) {

            double tripLength = trip.getDistance(network);

            chart.add(tripLength / 1000d, count * AGENT_WEIGHT);

        return chart;

     * @param conditions a list of conditions to compare. they must implement
     * the equals and hashCode methods.
    public ChartUtil getTwofoldConditionComparisonChart(final PassengerFilter filter,
            final List<? extends TwofoldTripValidator> conditions) {
        String title = "Number of possible joint trips for different criteria";

        TwoCategoriesBoxAndWhiskerChart chart = new TwoCategoriesBoxAndWhiskerChart(title, "",
                DEUTSCH ? "Anzahl potentiell geteilter Wege" : "number of possible joint trips", PLOT_STD_DEV);

        Collections.sort(conditions, new ConditionComparator());

        for (TwofoldTripValidator validator : conditions) {
            List<JoinableTrips.TripRecord> filteredTrips = filter.filterRecords(trips);

            List<Integer> counts = new ArrayList<Integer>();
            for (JoinableTrips.TripRecord trip : filteredTrips) {
                int count = 0;

                for (JoinableTrips.JoinableTrip driverTrip : trip.getJoinableTrips()) {
                    if (validator.isValid(driverTrip)) {

                counts.add(count * AGENT_WEIGHT);
            chart.addItem(counts, validator.getFirstCriterion(), validator.getSecondCriterion());

        return chart;

     * @return a chart displaying the number of trips fulfilling the filter
     * conditions, per departure time.
    public ChartUtil getTripsForConditions(final List<PassengerFilter> filters) {
        double binWidth = 1d / 4d;
        XYLineHistogramDataset dataset = new XYLineHistogramDataset(binWidth);

        for (PassengerFilter filter : filters) {
            List<Double> departureTimes = new ArrayList<Double>();
            List<JoinableTrips.TripRecord> filteredTrips = filter.filterRecords(trips);

            for (JoinableTrips.TripRecord record : filteredTrips) {
                for (int i = 0; i < AGENT_WEIGHT; i++) {
                    departureTimes.add(record.getDepartureTime() / 3600d);

            dataset.addSeries(filter.toString(), departureTimes);


        JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart("departures histogram", DEUTSCH ? "Zeit [h]" : "time (h)",
                DEUTSCH ? "Anzahl Abfahrten" : "number of departure", dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, // display legend
                false, //no tooltips
                false); // no URLS

        return new WrapperChartUtil(chart);

    public ChartUtil getTripsForCondition(final PassengerFilter filter) {
        List<PassengerFilter> filters = new ArrayList<PassengerFilter>(1);
        return getTripsForConditions(filters);

     * @return a chart displaying the number of possivle passengers per driver,
     * as a function of the driver's trip length.
    public ChartUtil getBoxAndWhiskerChartNPassengersPerDriverTripLength(final PassengerFilter filter,
            final DriverTripValidator validator, final Network network) {
        List<JoinableTrips.TripRecord> filteredTrips = filter.filterRecords(trips);

        String title = "Number of possible passengers per driver trip\n" + filter.getConditionDescription() + "\n"
                + validator.getConditionDescription();

        BoxAndWhiskersChart chart = new BoxAndWhiskersChart(title,
                DEUTSCH ? "Lange der Fahrten der Fahrer [km]" : "driver trip length (km)",
                DEUTSCH ? "Anzahl Passagiere" : "number of possible passengers", 1, PLOT_STD_DEV);

        // collect data: parse passenger trips and update driver info
        Map<Id, Integer> counts = new TreeMap<Id, Integer>();
        Set<Id> passengersIds = new TreeSet<Id>();
        Set<Id> potentialPassengersIds = new TreeSet<Id>();

        for (JoinableTrips.TripRecord trip : filteredTrips) {
            Integer count;

            for (JoinableTrips.JoinableTrip driverTrip : trip.getJoinableTrips()) {
                boolean passengerKnown = false;
                if (validator.isValid(driverTrip)) {
                    if (!passengerKnown) {
                        passengerKnown = true;

                    count = counts.get(driverTrip.getTripId());

                    if (count == null) {
                        count = 1;
                    } else {

                    counts.put(driverTrip.getTripId(), count * AGENT_WEIGHT);

        // log info on really possible passenger trips"information for condition " + filter.getConditionDescription() + "\n"
                + validator.getConditionDescription() + "\n\n" + potentialPassengersIds.size()
                + " filtered potential passengers, " + passengersIds.size() + " have a joint trip opportunity");

        // create chart
        for (Map.Entry<Id, Integer> count : counts.entrySet()) {
            double tripLength = trips.getTripRecords().get(count.getKey()).getDistance(network);
            chart.add(tripLength / 1000d, count.getValue());

        return chart;

    public ChartUtil getTwoFoldConditionProportionOfPassengers(final PassengerFilter filter,
            final List<? extends TwofoldTripValidator> conditions) {
        String title = "proportion of passenger trips really having a joint trip opportunity";
        String xLabel = DEUTSCH ? "" : "condition";
        String yLabel = DEUTSCH ? "Anteil" : "proportion";

        DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset();

        Collections.sort(conditions, new ConditionComparator());

        for (TwofoldTripValidator validator : conditions) {
            List<JoinableTrips.TripRecord> filteredTrips = filter.filterRecords(trips);

            // step through the passenger trips, and count the number of trips
            // for which at least one joint trip is possible.
            int count = 0;
            passengerLoop: for (JoinableTrips.TripRecord trip : filteredTrips) {
                for (JoinableTrips.JoinableTrip driverTrip : trip.getJoinableTrips()) {
                    if (validator.isValid(driverTrip)) {
                        continue passengerLoop;
            dataset.addValue(((double) count) / filteredTrips.size(), validator.getFirstCriterion(),

        JFreeChart jFreeChart = ChartFactory.createBarChart(title, xLabel, yLabel, dataset,
                PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, // legend
                false, // tooltips
                false); // urls
        BarRenderer renderer = (BarRenderer) ((CategoryPlot) jFreeChart.getPlot()).getRenderer();
        renderer.setBarPainter(new StandardBarPainter());
        ChartUtil chart = new WrapperChartUtil(jFreeChart);
        return chart;

    // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // non-plotting analysis methods (which shoould be moved)
    // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     * Gets the list of locations which name matches a regexp, for agents for which
     * joint trips are identified with the given conditions.
    public List<Coord> getMatchingLocations(final PassengerFilter filter, final DriverTripValidator validator,
            final Network network, final boolean examineDepartures, final boolean examineArrivals,
            final String nameRegExp) {
        List<TripRecord> records = filter.filterRecords(trips);
        List<Coord> locations = new ArrayList<Coord>();

        for (TripRecord record : records) {
            boolean isValid = false;
            for (JoinableTrip joinableTrip : record.getJoinableTrips()) {
                if (validator.isValid(joinableTrip)) {
                    isValid = true;
            if (!isValid)

            if (examineDepartures && record.getOriginActivityType().matches(nameRegExp)) {
            } else if (examineArrivals && record.getDestinationActivityType().matches(nameRegExp)) {

        return locations;

    public void writeViaXy(final List<Coord> coords, final String fileName) throws UncheckedIOException {
        BufferedWriter writer = IOUtils.getBufferedWriter(fileName);

        try {
            for (Coord point : coords) {
                writer.write(point.getX() + "\t" + point.getY() + "\n");

        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new UncheckedIOException(e);

    // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // helper methods
    // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    private void formatChart(final ChartUtil chart) {

    private void formatChart(final JFreeChart chart) {
        TextTitle title = chart.getTitle();
        Font font = title.getFont();
        chart.getPlot().setBackgroundPaint(new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));

    // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // nested interface
    // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     * Provides a way to select the passenger trips actually taken into account.
     * This allows for example to only consider passenger doing a home work commute
    public interface PassengerFilter {
         * @param trips the instance containing raw data
         * @return a list of passenger trips satisfying the required criterion
        public List<TripRecord> filterRecords(final JoinableTrips trips);

        public String getConditionDescription();

     * Provides a way of checking whether a driver trip obeys to some criterion
     * (for example, focus on a given acceptability condition and only consider
     * commuting drivers).
    public interface DriverTripValidator {
         * Called before any validation work. Can be used to get additionnal
         * information about the driver trip.
        public void setJoinableTrips(final JoinableTrips joinableTrips);

         * @param driverTrip the potential driver trip
         * @return true if the driver trip is to be counted
        public boolean isValid(final JoinableTrips.JoinableTrip driverTrip);

        public String getConditionDescription();

     * Provides additional information for a DriverTripValidator which uses at least two criterions
     * (as for example distance and time difference) to proceed to filtering
    public interface TwofoldTripValidator extends DriverTripValidator {
        public Label getFirstCriterion();

        public Label getSecondCriterion();

    private static class ConditionComparator implements Comparator<TwofoldTripValidator> {
        public int compare(final TwofoldTripValidator v1, final TwofoldTripValidator v2) {
            int comp = v1.getSecondCriterion().compareTo(v2.getSecondCriterion());
            if (comp == 0)
                comp = v1.getFirstCriterion().compareTo(v2.getFirstCriterion());
            return comp;
