qupath.lib.algorithms.color.EstimateStainVectors.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for qupath.lib.algorithms.color.EstimateStainVectors.java


 * #%L
 * This file is part of QuPath.
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 * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2016 The Queen's University of Belfast, Northern Ireland
 * Contact: IP Management (ipmanagement@qub.ac.uk)
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 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
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 * #L%

package qupath.lib.algorithms.color;

import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.ConvolveOp;
import java.awt.image.Kernel;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;

import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.EigenDecomposition;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.MatrixUtils;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import qupath.lib.color.ColorDeconvolutionHelper;
import qupath.lib.color.ColorDeconvolutionStains;
import qupath.lib.color.StainVector;
import qupath.lib.common.ColorTools;

 * Code for estimating stain vectors automatically from an image, or to launch an editor for visually/interactively modifying stain vectors.
 * Aspects of the automated method take inspiration from Macenko's 2009 paper
 * although it also differs through its use of preprocessing and parameters, as well as its selection of an actual pixel value 
 * rather than projecting on the identified plane.
 * @author Pete Bankhead
public class EstimateStainVectors {

    final private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EstimateStainVectors.class);

    public static ColorDeconvolutionStains estimateStains(final BufferedImage img,
            final ColorDeconvolutionStains stainsOriginal, final boolean checkColors) {
        double maxStain = 1;
        double minStain = 0.05;
        double ignorePercentage = 1;
        return estimateStains(img, stainsOriginal, minStain, maxStain, ignorePercentage, checkColors);

    public static ColorDeconvolutionStains estimateStains(final BufferedImage img,
            final ColorDeconvolutionStains stainsOriginal, final double minStain, final double maxStain,
            final double ignorePercentage, final boolean checkColors) {
        int[] buf = img.getRGB(0, 0, img.getWidth(), img.getHeight(), null, 0, img.getWidth());
        int[] rgb = buf;

        float[] red = ColorDeconvolutionHelper.getRedOpticalDensities(rgb, stainsOriginal.getMaxRed(), null);
        float[] green = ColorDeconvolutionHelper.getGreenOpticalDensities(rgb, stainsOriginal.getMaxGreen(), null);
        float[] blue = ColorDeconvolutionHelper.getBlueOpticalDensities(rgb, stainsOriginal.getMaxBlue(), null);

        return estimateStains(buf, red, green, blue, stainsOriginal, minStain, maxStain, ignorePercentage,

     * Check colors only currently applies to H&E.
     * @param rgbPacked
     * @param redOD
     * @param greenOD
     * @param blueOD
     * @param stainsOriginal
     * @param minStain
     * @param maxStain
     * @param ignorePercentage
     * @param checkColors
     * @return
    public static ColorDeconvolutionStains estimateStains(final int[] rgbPacked, final float[] redOD,
            final float[] greenOD, final float[] blueOD, final ColorDeconvolutionStains stainsOriginal,
            final double minStain, final double maxStain, final double ignorePercentage,
            final boolean checkColors) {

        double alpha = ignorePercentage / 100;

        int n = rgbPacked.length;
        if (redOD.length != n || greenOD.length != n || blueOD.length != n)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("All pixel arrays must be the same length!");
        int[] rgb = Arrays.copyOf(rgbPacked, n);
        float[] red = Arrays.copyOf(redOD, n);
        float[] green = Arrays.copyOf(greenOD, n);
        float[] blue = Arrays.copyOf(blueOD, n);

        // Check if we do color sanity test
        boolean doColorTestForHE = checkColors && stainsOriginal.isH_E();
        //      boolean doColorTestForHDAB = checkColors && stainsOriginal.isH_DAB();
        boolean doGrayTest = checkColors && (stainsOriginal.isH_E() || stainsOriginal.isH_DAB());
        double sqrt3 = 1 / Math.sqrt(3);
        double grayThreshold = Math.cos(0.15);

        // Loop through and discard pixels that are too faintly or densely stained
        int keepCount = 0;
        double maxStainSq = maxStain * maxStain;
        for (int i = 0; i < rgb.length; i++) {
            float r = red[i];
            float g = green[i];
            float b = blue[i];
            double magSquared = r * r + g * g + b * b;
            if (magSquared > maxStainSq || r < minStain || g < minStain || b < minStain)
            // Check for consistency with H&E staining, if required (i.e. only keep red/pink/purple/blue pixels and the like)
            if (doColorTestForHE && (r > g || b > g)) {
            //         // Check for consistency with H-DAB staining, if required (i.e. only keep red/pink/purple/blue pixels and the like)
            //         if (doColorTestForHDAB && (r > g)) {
            //            continue;
            //         }
            // Exclude very 'gray' pixels
            if (doGrayTest && (r * sqrt3 + g * sqrt3 + b * sqrt3) / Math.sqrt(magSquared) >= grayThreshold) {
            // Update the arrays
            red[keepCount] = r;
            green[keepCount] = g;
            blue[keepCount] = b;
            rgb[keepCount] = rgb[i];
        if (keepCount <= 1)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not enough pixels remain after applying stain thresholds!");

        // Trim the arrays
        if (keepCount < rgb.length) {
            red = Arrays.copyOf(red, keepCount);
            green = Arrays.copyOf(green, keepCount);
            blue = Arrays.copyOf(blue, keepCount);
            rgb = Arrays.copyOf(rgb, keepCount);

        double[][] cov = new double[3][3];
        cov[0][0] = covariance(red, red);
        cov[1][1] = covariance(green, green);
        cov[2][2] = covariance(blue, blue);
        cov[0][1] = covariance(red, green);
        cov[0][2] = covariance(red, blue);
        cov[1][2] = covariance(green, blue);
        cov[2][1] = cov[1][2];
        cov[2][0] = cov[0][2];
        cov[1][0] = cov[0][1];

        RealMatrix mat = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(cov);
        logger.debug("Covariance matrix:\n {}", getMatrixAsString(mat.getData()));

        EigenDecomposition eigen = new EigenDecomposition(mat);

        double[] eigenValues = eigen.getRealEigenvalues();
        int[] eigenOrder = rank(eigenValues);
        double[] eigen1 = eigen.getEigenvector(eigenOrder[2]).toArray();
        double[] eigen2 = eigen.getEigenvector(eigenOrder[1]).toArray();
        logger.debug("First eigenvector: " + getVectorAsString(eigen1));
        logger.debug("Second eigenvector: " + getVectorAsString(eigen2));

        double[] phi = new double[keepCount];
        for (int i = 0; i < keepCount; i++) {
            double r = red[i];
            double g = green[i];
            double b = blue[i];
            phi[i] = Math.atan2(r * eigen1[0] + g * eigen1[1] + b * eigen1[2],
                    r * eigen2[0] + g * eigen2[1] + b * eigen2[2]);

         * Rather than projecting onto the plane (which might be a bit wrong),
         * select the vectors directly from the data.
         * This is effectively like a region selection, but where the region has
         * been chosen automatically.
        int[] inds = rank(phi);
        int ind1 = inds[(int) (alpha * keepCount + .5)];
        int ind2 = inds[(int) ((1 - alpha) * keepCount + .5)];

        // Create new stain vectors
        StainVector s1 = new StainVector(stainsOriginal.getStain(1).getName(), red[ind1], green[ind1], blue[ind1]);
        StainVector s2 = new StainVector(stainsOriginal.getStain(2).getName(), red[ind2], green[ind2], blue[ind2]);

        // If working with H&E, we can use the simple heuristic of comparing the red values
        if (stainsOriginal.isH_E()) {
            // Need to check within the stain vectors (*not* original indexed values) because normalisation is important (I think... there were errors before)
            if (s1.getRed() < s2.getRed()) {
                s1 = new StainVector(stainsOriginal.getStain(1).getName(), red[ind2], green[ind2], blue[ind2]);
                s2 = new StainVector(stainsOriginal.getStain(2).getName(), red[ind1], green[ind1], blue[ind1]);
        } else {
            // Check we've got the closest match - if not, switch the order
            double angle11 = StainVector.computeAngle(s1, stainsOriginal.getStain(1));
            double angle12 = StainVector.computeAngle(s1, stainsOriginal.getStain(2));
            double angle21 = StainVector.computeAngle(s2, stainsOriginal.getStain(1));
            double angle22 = StainVector.computeAngle(s2, stainsOriginal.getStain(2));
            if (Math.min(angle12, angle21) < Math.min(angle11, angle22)) {
                s1 = new StainVector(stainsOriginal.getStain(1).getName(), red[ind2], green[ind2], blue[ind2]);
                s2 = new StainVector(stainsOriginal.getStain(2).getName(), red[ind1], green[ind1], blue[ind1]);

        ColorDeconvolutionStains stains = new ColorDeconvolutionStains(stainsOriginal.getName(), s1, s2,
                stainsOriginal.getMaxRed(), stainsOriginal.getMaxGreen(), stainsOriginal.getMaxBlue());

        return stains;


     * Adapted from ImageJ's Tools class, which has the following note:
     *  Returns a sorted list of indices of the specified double array.
     *  Modified from: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/951848 by N.Vischer.
    static int[] rank(double[] values) {
        int n = values.length;
        final Integer[] indexes = new Integer[n];
        final Double[] data = new Double[n];
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            indexes[i] = new Integer(i);
            data[i] = new Double(values[i]);
        Arrays.sort(indexes, new Comparator<Integer>() {
            public int compare(final Integer o1, final Integer o2) {
                return data[o1].compareTo(data[o2]);
        int[] indexes2 = new int[n];
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            indexes2[i] = indexes[i].intValue();
        return indexes2;

    static String getMatrixAsString(final double[][] data) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (double[] row : data) {
            for (double d : row) {
        return sb.toString();

    static String getVectorAsString(final double[] data) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (double d : data) {
            sb.append(d).append(", ");
        return sb.toString();

    public static double covariance(final float[] x, final float[] y) {

        int n = x.length;
        if (n != y.length)
            throw new RuntimeException("Cannot compute covariance - array lengths are not the same");

        double xMean = 0;
        for (float v : x)
            xMean += ((double) v) / n;

        double yMean = 0;
        for (float v : y)
            yMean += ((double) v) / n;

        double result = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            double xDev = x[i] - xMean;
            double yDev = y[i] - yMean;
            result += xDev * yDev / n;
            //            result += (xDev * yDev - result) / (i + 1);
        return result;

     * Subsample an array so that it contains no more than maxEntries.
     * No guarantee is made that the resulting array will contain *exactly* maxEntries,
     * but rather equal spacing between entries will be used.
     * If arr.length <= maxEntries, the array is returned unchanged.
     * @param arr
     * @param maxEntries
     * @return
    public static int[] subsample(final int[] arr, final int maxEntries) {
        if (arr.length <= maxEntries)
            return arr;

        int spacing = (int) Math.ceil(arr.length / (double) maxEntries);
        int[] arr2 = new int[arr.length / spacing];
        for (int i = 0; i < arr2.length; i++) {
            arr2[i] = arr[i * spacing];

        logger.debug("Array with {} entries subsampled to have {} entries (max requested {})", arr.length,
                arr2.length, maxEntries);

        return arr2;

     * Smooth out compression artefacts by running 3x3 filter twice (roughly approximates a small Gaussian filter).
     * @param img
     * @return
    public static BufferedImage smoothImage(final BufferedImage img) {
        ConvolveOp op = new ConvolveOp(new Kernel(3, 3,
                new float[] { 1f / 9f, 1f / 9f, 1f / 9f, 1f / 9f, 1f / 9f, 1f / 9f, 1f / 9f, 1f / 9f, 1f / 9f }),
                ConvolveOp.EDGE_NO_OP, null);
        BufferedImage img2 = op.filter(img, null);
        return op.filter(img2, null);

     * Get the mode from an array of (packed) RGB pixel values.
     * @param rgb
     * @return an array with 3 entries giving the Red, Green & Blue values (in order) corresponding to the mode
     * of each channel from the packed RGB pixel array.
    public static int[] getModeRGB(final int[] rgb) {
        int[] rh = new int[256];
        int[] gh = new int[256];
        int[] bh = new int[256];
        for (int v : rgb) {
        int rMax = 0, gMax = 0, bMax = 0;
        int rMaxCount = -1, gMaxCount = -1, bMaxCount = -1;
        for (int i = 255; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (rh[i] > rMaxCount) {
                rMaxCount = rh[i];
                rMax = i;
            if (gh[i] > gMaxCount) {
                gMaxCount = gh[i];
                gMax = i;
            if (bh[i] > bMaxCount) {
                bMaxCount = bh[i];
                bMax = i;
        return new int[] { rMax, gMax, bMax };
