Source code

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 * GNU GPL v3 License
 * Copyright 2016 Marialaura Bancheri
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package Richards1DSolver;

import java.util.HashMap;

import oms3.annotations.*;

import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.interpolation.LinearInterpolator;
import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.polynomials.PolynomialSplineFunction;
import richards_classes.*;

@Description("Solve the Richards equation for the 1D domain.")
@Author(name = "Aaron Iemma, Niccolo' Tubini, Francesco Serafin, Michael Dumbser and Riccardo Rigon", contact = "")
@Keywords("Hydrology, Richards, Infiltration")
@Bibliography("Casulli (2010)")
@License("General Public License Version 3 (GPLv3)")
public class Richards1DSolver {
    @Description("The hydraulic conductivity at saturation")
    public double ks;

    @Description("Saturated water content")
    public double thetaS;

    @Description("Residual water content")
    public double thetaR;

    @Description("Exponent of Van Genuchten model")
    public double n;

    @Description("Parameter of Van Genuchten model")
    public double alpha;

    @Description("Exponent of Brooks and Corey model")
    public double lambda;

    @Description("Parameter of Brooks and Corey model")
    public double psiE;

    @Description("Median pore radius of the pore size-distribution for Kosugi Model")
    public double rMedian;

    @Description("Standard deviation of the pore size-distribution for Kosugi Model")
    public double sigma;

    @Description("It is possibile to chose between 3 different models to compute "
            + "the soil hydraulic properties: Van Genuchten; Brooks and Corey; Kosugi unimodal")
    public String soilHydraulicModel;

    @Description("Depth of the soil column")
    public double spaceBottom;

    public double spaceTop = 0;

    @Description("Number of control volume for domain discetrization")
    @Unit(" ")

    @Description("It is needed to iterate on the date")
    int step;

    @Description("Time amount at every time-loop")
    public double tTimestep;

    @Description("Space step")
    double[] spaceDelta;

    @Description("Tolerance for Newton iteration")
    public double newtonTolerance;

    @Description("Initial condition for the soil suction")
    public double[] iC;

    @Description("Slope of the soil")
    public double delta;

    @Description("Depth at which the initial condition is defined")
    public double[] depth;

    @Description("The HashMap with the time series of the boundary condition at the top of soil column")
    public HashMap<Integer, double[]> inTopBC;

    @Description("It is possibile to chose between 2 different kind "
            + "of boundary condition at the top of the domain: "
            + "- Dirichlet boundary condition --> Top Dirichlet" + "- Neumann boundary condition --> Top Neumann")
    public String topBCType;

    @Description("The HashMap with the time series of the boundary condition at the bottom of soil column")
    public HashMap<Integer, double[]> inBottomBC;

    @Description("It is possibile to chose between 2 different kind "
            + "of boundary condition at the bottom of the domain: "
            + "- Dirichlet boundary condition --> Bottom Dirichlet"
            + "- Neumann boundary condition --> Bottom Neumann")
    public String bottomBCType;

    @Description("The first day of the simulation.")
    public String inCurrentDate;

    @Description("Path of output folder")
    public String dir;

    @Description("Control parameter for nested Newton algorithm:" + "0 --> simple Newton method"
            + "1 --> nested Newton method")
    public int nestedNewton;

    @Description("Maximun number of Newton iterations")
    final int MAXITER_NEWT = 50;

    @Description("Top boundary condition according with topBCType")
    double topBC;

    @Description("Bottom boundary condition according with bottomBCType")
    double bottomBC;

    @Description("Psi values")
    double[] psis;

    @Description("Hydraulic conductivity at the top of the soil column")
    double k_t;

    @Description("Hydraulic conductivity at the bottom of the soil column")
    double k_b;

    @Description("Vector collects the hydraulic conductivity of each cell")
    double[] kappas;

    @Description("Vector collects the adimensional water content of each cell")
    double[] thetas;

    @Description("Vector collects the lower diagonal entries of the coefficient matrix")
    double[] lowerDiagonal;

    @Description("Vector collects the main diagonal entries of the coefficient matrix")
    double[] mainDiagonal;

    @Description("Vector collects the upper diagonal entries of the coefficient matrix")
    double[] upperDiagonal;

    @Description("Right hand side vector of the scalar equation to solve")
    double[] rhss;

    @Description("Hydraulic conductivity at the cell interface i+1/2")
    double kP;

    @Description("Hydraulic conductivity at the cell interface i-1/2")
    double kM;

    @Description("Risidual of the outer iteration of Nested Newton method")
    double outerResidual;

    @Description("Risidual of the inner iteration of Nested Newton method")
    double innerResidual;

    @Description("Vector containing the z coordinates of the centres of control volumes")
    double[] zeta;

    double time = 0;

    NestedNewton nestedNewtonAlg;

    PrintTXT print;

    SoilParametrization soilPar;

    BoundaryCondition topBoundaryCondition;
    BoundaryCondition bottomBoundaryCondition;

    public void solve() {

        System.out.println("RICHARDS 1D " + inCurrentDate);

        if (step == 0) {

            iC = iC.getClass().cast(checkIC(depth, iC, depth));

            NUM_CONTROL_VOLUMES = iC.length;

            psis = new double[NUM_CONTROL_VOLUMES];
            k_t = 0.0;
            k_b = 0.0;
            kappas = new double[NUM_CONTROL_VOLUMES];
            thetas = new double[NUM_CONTROL_VOLUMES];
            lowerDiagonal = new double[NUM_CONTROL_VOLUMES];
            mainDiagonal = new double[NUM_CONTROL_VOLUMES];
            upperDiagonal = new double[NUM_CONTROL_VOLUMES];
            rhss = new double[NUM_CONTROL_VOLUMES];
            kP = 0.0;
            kM = 0.0;
            zeta = new double[NUM_CONTROL_VOLUMES];
            spaceDelta = new double[NUM_CONTROL_VOLUMES + 1];

            print = new PrintTXT();

            SimpleSoilParametrizationFactory soilParFactory = new SimpleSoilParametrizationFactory();
            soilPar = soilParFactory.createSoilParametrization(soilHydraulicModel, alpha, n, psiE, lambda, rMedian,
                    sigma, thetaR, thetaS, ks);

            nestedNewtonAlg = new NestedNewton(nestedNewton, newtonTolerance, MAXITER_NEWT, NUM_CONTROL_VOLUMES,

            SimpleBoundaryConditionFactory boundCondFactory = new SimpleBoundaryConditionFactory();
            topBoundaryCondition = boundCondFactory.createBoundaryCondition(topBCType);
            bottomBoundaryCondition = boundCondFactory.createBoundaryCondition(bottomBCType);
            // Initial domain conditions
            /* da rivedere: forse  meglio mettere z=0 alla superficie anzich alla base della colonna di suolo
            *  oltre a rivedere la definizione della variabile spaceDelta  da rivedere anche il file della condizione iniziale
            *  in cui la profondit deve essere data come negativa
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CONTROL_VOLUMES; i++) {
                psis[i] = iC[i];
                zeta[i] = spaceBottom - depth[i];
            for (int i = 0; i <= NUM_CONTROL_VOLUMES; i++) {
                if (i == 0) {
                    spaceDelta[i] = zeta[i];
                } else if (i == NUM_CONTROL_VOLUMES) {
                    spaceDelta[i] = spaceBottom - zeta[i - 1];
                } else {
                    spaceDelta[i] = zeta[i] - zeta[i - 1];

            // conversion from degree to radiant of slope angle
            delta = delta * Math.PI / 180;

        } // chiudi step==0

        time = time + tTimestep;

        topBC = 0.0;
        if (inTopBC != null) {
            if (topBCType.equalsIgnoreCase("Top Neumann") || bottomBCType.equalsIgnoreCase("TopNeumann")) {
                topBC = (inTopBC.get(1)[0] / 1000) / tTimestep;
            } else if (topBCType.equalsIgnoreCase("Top Dirichlet")
                    || bottomBCType.equalsIgnoreCase("TopDirichlet")) {
                topBC = inTopBC.get(1)[0] / 1000;
        bottomBC = 0.0;
        if (inBottomBC != null)
            bottomBC = inBottomBC.get(1)[0];

        // Compute hydraulic conductivity and water content
        k_t = soilPar.hydraulicConductivity(topBC);
        k_b = soilPar.hydraulicConductivity(bottomBC);
        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CONTROL_VOLUMES; i++) {
            thetas[i] = soilPar.waterContent(psis[i]);
            kappas[i] = soilPar.hydraulicConductivity(psis[i]);

               a lower diagonal
               b main diagonal
               c upper diagonal
               RIGHT HAND SIDE */
        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CONTROL_VOLUMES; i++) {
            if (i == 0) {

                kP = 0.5 * (kappas[i] + kappas[i + 1]);
                if (bottomBCType.equalsIgnoreCase("Bottom Free Drainage")
                        || bottomBCType.equalsIgnoreCase("BottomFreeDrainage")) {
                    kM = kappas[i];
                } else {
                    kM = 0.5 * (kappas[i] + k_b);
                lowerDiagonal[i] = bottomBoundaryCondition.lowerDiagonal(-999, kP, kM, spaceDelta[i + 1],
                        spaceDelta[i], tTimestep, delta);
                mainDiagonal[i] = bottomBoundaryCondition.mainDiagonal(-999, kP, kM, spaceDelta[i + 1],
                        spaceDelta[i], tTimestep, delta);
                upperDiagonal[i] = bottomBoundaryCondition.upperDiagonal(-999, kP, kM, spaceDelta[i + 1],
                        spaceDelta[i], tTimestep, delta);
                rhss[i] = thetas[i] + bottomBoundaryCondition.rightHandSide(bottomBC, kP, kM, spaceDelta[i + 1],
                        spaceDelta[i], tTimestep, delta);

            } else if (i == NUM_CONTROL_VOLUMES - 1) {

                if (bottomBCType.equalsIgnoreCase("Top Neumann") || bottomBCType.equalsIgnoreCase("TopNeumann")) {
                    kP = kappas[i];
                } else {
                    kP = 0.5 * (kappas[i] + k_t);
                kM = 0.5 * (kappas[i] + kappas[i - 1]);
                lowerDiagonal[i] = topBoundaryCondition.lowerDiagonal(-999, kP, kM, spaceDelta[i + 1],
                        spaceDelta[i], tTimestep, delta);
                mainDiagonal[i] = topBoundaryCondition.mainDiagonal(-999, kP, kM, spaceDelta[i + 1], spaceDelta[i],
                        tTimestep, delta);
                upperDiagonal[i] = topBoundaryCondition.upperDiagonal(-999, kP, kM, spaceDelta[i + 1],
                        spaceDelta[i], tTimestep, delta);
                rhss[i] = thetas[i] + topBoundaryCondition.rightHandSide(topBC, kP, kM, spaceDelta[i + 1],
                        spaceDelta[i], tTimestep, delta);

            } else {

                kP = 0.5 * (kappas[i] + kappas[i + 1]);
                kM = 0.5 * (kappas[i] + kappas[i - 1]);
                lowerDiagonal[i] = -kM * tTimestep / (spaceDelta[i] / 2 + spaceDelta[i + 1] / 2) * 1 / spaceDelta[i]
                        * 1 / Math.pow(Math.cos(delta), 2);
                mainDiagonal[i] = tTimestep / (spaceDelta[i] / 2 + spaceDelta[i + 1] / 2) * 1 / spaceDelta[i] * 1
                        / Math.pow(Math.cos(delta), 2) * kM
                        + tTimestep / (spaceDelta[i] / 2 + spaceDelta[i + 1] / 2) * 1 / spaceDelta[i + 1] * 1
                                / Math.pow(Math.cos(delta), 2) * kP;
                upperDiagonal[i] = -kP * tTimestep / (spaceDelta[i] / 2 + spaceDelta[i + 1] / 2) * 1
                        / spaceDelta[i + 1] * 1 / Math.pow(Math.cos(delta), 2);
                rhss[i] = thetas[i] + tTimestep / (spaceDelta[i] / 2 + spaceDelta[i + 1] / 2) * kP
                        - tTimestep / (spaceDelta[i] / 2 + spaceDelta[i + 1] / 2) * kM;


        nestedNewtonAlg.set(psis, mainDiagonal, upperDiagonal, lowerDiagonal, rhss);
        psis = nestedNewtonAlg.solver();

        //// PRINT OUTPUT FILES ////
        print.PrintTwoVectors(dir, "Psi_" + step + ".csv", "Psi values at time: " + inCurrentDate,
                "Depth[m],Psi[m] ");

        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CONTROL_VOLUMES; i++) {
            thetas[i] = soilPar.waterContent(psis[i]);
        print.PrintTwoVectors(dir, "Theta_" + step + ".csv", "Theta values at time: " + inCurrentDate,
                "Depth[m],Theta[-] ");


    } //// MAIN CYCLE END ////

    private Object checkIC(double[] from_depth, Object iC, double[] to_depth) {
        if (iC instanceof Double || iC instanceof Float) {
            return iC;
        } else if (iC instanceof double[]) {
            return checkIClength(from_depth, (double[]) iC, to_depth);
        } else {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    private Object checkIClength(double[] from_depth, double[] iC, double[] to_depth) {
        if (to_depth.length == iC.length) {
            return iC;
        } else if ((to_depth.length + 1) == iC.length) {
            return linearInterp(from_depth, iC, to_depth);
        } else {
            String msg = "Cannot process " + iC.length + " values of IC";
            msg += " for " + to_depth.length + " vertices";
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(msg);

    private double[] linearInterp(double[] x, double[] y, double[] xi) {
        LinearInterpolator li = new LinearInterpolator(); // or other interpolator
        PolynomialSplineFunction psf = li.interpolate(x, y);

        double[] yi = new double[xi.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < xi.length; i++) {
            yi[i] = psf.value(xi[i]);
        return yi;
} /// CLOSE Richards1d ///