Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional
 * information regarding copyright ownership.
 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
 * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
 * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site:
package savant.view.tracks;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.geom.Arc2D;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D;
import java.awt.geom.Path2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import net.sf.samtools.Cigar;
import net.sf.samtools.CigarElement;
import net.sf.samtools.CigarOperator;
import net.sf.samtools.SAMRecord;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import savant.api.adapter.GraphPaneAdapter;
import savant.api.event.DataRetrievalEvent;
import savant.api.util.Resolution;
import savant.controller.GenomeController;
import savant.controller.LocationController;
import savant.exception.RenderingException;
import savant.util.*;

 * Class to perform all the rendering of a BAM Track in all its modes.
 * @author vwilliams
public class BAMTrackRenderer extends TrackRenderer {

    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(BAMTrackRenderer.class);
    private static final Font MISMATCH_FONT = LEGEND_FONT.deriveFont(8.0f);
    private byte[] refSeq = null;
    private DrawingMode lastMode;
    private Resolution lastResolution;
    private double arrowWidth; // Width (in pixels) of pointy bit

    public BAMTrackRenderer() {

    public void handleEvent(DataRetrievalEvent evt) {
        switch (evt.getType()) {
        case COMPLETED:
            if ((DrawingMode) instructions.get(DrawingInstruction.MODE) == DrawingMode.ARC_PAIRED) {
                int maxDataValue = Math.max(BAMTrack.getArcYMax(evt.getData()), 1);
                Range range = (Range) instructions.get(DrawingInstruction.RANGE);
                        new AxisRange(range, new Range(0, (int) Math.round(maxDataValue + maxDataValue * 0.1))));

    public void render(Graphics2D g2, GraphPaneAdapter gp) throws RenderingException {

        DrawingMode oldMode = lastMode;
        lastMode = (DrawingMode) instructions.get(DrawingInstruction.MODE);
        Resolution res = (Resolution) instructions.get(DrawingInstruction.RESOLUTION);

        if (res == Resolution.HIGH) {
            if (lastMode != DrawingMode.STANDARD && lastMode != DrawingMode.SEQUENCE) {
                // fetch reference sequence for comparison with cigar string
                Genome genome = GenomeController.getInstance().getGenome();
                if (genome.isSequenceSet()) {
                    AxisRange axisRange = (AxisRange) instructions.get(DrawingInstruction.AXIS_RANGE);
                    String ref = LocationController.getInstance().getReferenceName();
                    Range r = axisRange.getXRange();
                    try {
                        refSeq = genome.getSequence(ref, r);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new RenderingException(e.getMessage(), RenderingException.ERROR_PRIORITY);
                    if (refSeq == null) {
                        throw new RenderingException(
                                "No sequence data for " + ref + "\nSwitch to standard display mode",
        if (lastMode != DrawingMode.ARC_PAIRED && lastMode != DrawingMode.SNP
                && lastMode != DrawingMode.STRAND_SNP) {
            // For non-arc modes, we want to establish our interval height when we switch from coverage to non-coverage.
            if (lastResolution != res || oldMode == DrawingMode.ARC_PAIRED || oldMode == DrawingMode.SNP
                    || oldMode == DrawingMode.STRAND_SNP) {
                if (res == Resolution.HIGH) {
                    // We're switching from coverage (or arc mode) to high resolution.  The initial interval height
                    // will be taken from the slider.
                } else {
                    // We're switching to coverage.  Initially scaled by default.
                lastResolution = res;
        } else {
            // Arc mode and the SNP modes are always initially scaled to fit.
            if (oldMode != DrawingMode.ARC_PAIRED && oldMode != DrawingMode.SNP
                    && oldMode != DrawingMode.STRAND_SNP) {

        // Put up an error message if we don't want to do any rendering.
        // The pre-check is here so that necessary calls to setScaledToFit() have a chance to happen.

        switch (lastMode) {
        case STANDARD:
        case MISMATCH:
        case SEQUENCE:
            if (res == Resolution.HIGH) {
                renderPackMode(g2, gp, res);
        case STANDARD_PAIRED:
            if (res == Resolution.HIGH) {
                renderStandardPairedMode(g2, gp);
        case ARC_PAIRED:
            renderArcPairedMode(g2, gp);
        case SNP:
            if (res == Resolution.HIGH) {
                renderSNPMode(g2, gp, res);
        case STRAND_SNP:
            if (res == Resolution.HIGH) {
                renderStrandSNPMode(g2, gp, res);
        if (data.isEmpty()) {
            throw new RenderingException("No data in range", RenderingException.INFO_PRIORITY);

    private void renderPackMode(Graphics2D g2, GraphPaneAdapter gp, Resolution r) throws RenderingException {

        if (lastMode == DrawingMode.MISMATCH) {
            Genome genome = GenomeController.getInstance().getGenome();
            if (!genome.isSequenceSet()) {
                throw new RenderingException("No reference sequence loaded\nSwitch to standard display mode",

        AxisRange axisRange = (AxisRange) instructions.get(DrawingInstruction.AXIS_RANGE);
        Range range = axisRange.getXRange();

        //calculate breathing room parameter
        if (!gp.isScaledToFit()) {
            arrowWidth = gp.getUnitHeight() * 0.25;
        double pixelsPerBase = Math.max(0.01, (double) gp.getWidth() / (double) range.getLength());
        int breathingRoom = (int) Math.ceil(2 * (arrowWidth / pixelsPerBase) + 2);

        // TODO: when it becomes possible, choose an appropriate number for breathing room parameter
        List<List<IntervalRecord>> intervals = new IntervalPacker(data).pack(breathingRoom);

        int maxYRange;
        int numIntervals = intervals.size();
        // Set the Y range to the closest value of 10, 20, 50, 100, n*100
        if (numIntervals <= 10) {
            maxYRange = 10;
        } else if (numIntervals <= 20) {
            maxYRange = 20;
        } else if (numIntervals <= 50) {
            maxYRange = 50;
        } else if (numIntervals <= 100) {
            maxYRange = 100;
        } else {
            maxYRange = numIntervals;
        gp.setYRange(new Range(0, maxYRange));

        //resize frame if necessary
        if (gp.needsToResize()) {

        // scan the map of intervals and draw the intervals for each level
        for (int level = 0; level < intervals.size(); level++) {

            List<IntervalRecord> intervalsThisLevel = intervals.get(level);

            for (IntervalRecord intervalRecord : intervalsThisLevel) {

                BAMIntervalRecord bamRecord = (BAMIntervalRecord) intervalRecord;

                if (bamRecord.getSAMRecord().getReadUnmappedFlag()) {
                    // this read is unmapped, don't visualize it
                    recordToShapeMap.put(intervalRecord, null);
                } else {
                    Shape readshape = renderRead(g2, gp, bamRecord, level, range, gp.getUnitHeight());
                    recordToShapeMap.put(intervalRecord, readshape);


    private Shape renderRead(Graphics2D g2, GraphPaneAdapter gp, BAMIntervalRecord rec, int level, Range range,
            double readHeight) {

        SAMRecord samRec = rec.getSAMRecord();
        boolean reverseStrand = samRec.getReadNegativeStrandFlag();

        ColourScheme cs = (ColourScheme) instructions.get(DrawingInstruction.COLOUR_SCHEME);
        Color readColor = cs.getColor(reverseStrand ? ColourKey.REVERSE_STRAND : ColourKey.FORWARD_STRAND);

        Color override = rec.getColor();
        if (override != null) {
            readColor = override;
        if ((Boolean) instructions.get(DrawingInstruction.MAPPING_QUALITY)) {
            int alpha = getConstrainedAlpha(samRec.getMappingQuality());
            readColor = new Color(readColor.getRed(), readColor.getGreen(), readColor.getBlue(), alpha);

        // cutoffs to determine when not to draw
        double leftMostX = gp.transformXPos(range.getFrom());
        double rightMostX = gp.transformXPos(range.getTo() + 1);

        //y = gp.transformYPos(0) - (level + 1)*unitHeight;
        double x = gp.transformXPos(rec.getInterval().getStart());
        double y = gp.transformYPos(0) - (level + 1) * readHeight - gp.getOffset();
        double w = rec.getInterval().getLength() * gp.getUnitWidth();

        // cut off x and w so no drawing happens off-screen
        double x2;
        if (rightMostX < x + w) {
            x2 = rightMostX;
        } else {
            x2 = x + w;
        if (leftMostX > x) {
            x = leftMostX;
        w = x2 - x;

        Shape pointyBar = getPointyBar(reverseStrand, x, y, w, readHeight);

        // Only fill in the read if we're not going to slam bases on top of it.
        boolean baseQuality = (Boolean) instructions.get(DrawingInstruction.BASE_QUALITY);
        if (lastMode != DrawingMode.SEQUENCE && !baseQuality) {

        // Render individual bases/mismatches as appropriate for the current mode.
        if (lastMode != DrawingMode.STANDARD || baseQuality) {
            renderBases(g2, gp, samRec, level, refSeq, range, readHeight);

        // Draw outline, if there's room
        if (pointyBar.getBounds().getHeight() >= 4.0) {
        return pointyBar;


    private Shape getPointyBar(boolean reverseStrand, double x, double y, double w, double h) {
        double arrowHeight = h * 0.5;
        if (w > arrowWidth) {
            if (reverseStrand) {
                return MiscUtils.createPolygon(x, y, x + w, y, x + w, y + h, x, y + h, x - arrowWidth,
                        y + arrowHeight);
            } else {
                return MiscUtils.createPolygon(x, y, x + w, y, x + w + arrowWidth, y + arrowHeight, x + w, y + h, x,
                        y + h);
        return MiscUtils.createPolygon(x, y, x + w, y, x + w, y + h, x, y + h);

    private ColourKey getSubPileColour(VariantType snpNuc, VariantType genomeNuc) {
        if (snpNuc == genomeNuc || snpNuc == VariantType.INSERTION) {
            // We return REVERSE_STRAND here because that's the colour we want when we're
            // doing the non-stranded SNP mode.
            return ColourKey.REVERSE_STRAND;
        } else {
            switch (snpNuc) {
            case SNP_A:
                return ColourKey.A;
            case SNP_C:
                return ColourKey.C;
            case SNP_G:
                return ColourKey.G;
            case SNP_T:
                return ColourKey.T;
            case DELETION:
                return ColourKey.DELETED_BASE;
            case OTHER:
                return ColourKey.N;
                return null;

     * Render the individual bases on top of the read. Depending on the drawing
     * mode this can be either bases read or mismatches.
    private void renderBases(Graphics2D g2, GraphPaneAdapter gp, SAMRecord samRecord, int level, byte[] refSeq,
            Range range, double unitHeight) {

        ColourScheme cs = (ColourScheme) instructions.get(DrawingInstruction.COLOUR_SCHEME);

        boolean baseQualityEnabled = (Boolean) instructions.get(DrawingInstruction.BASE_QUALITY);
        boolean drawingAllBases = lastMode == DrawingMode.SEQUENCE || baseQualityEnabled;

        double unitWidth = gp.getUnitWidth();
        int offset = gp.getOffset();

        // Cutoffs to determine when not to draw
        double leftMostX = gp.transformXPos(range.getFrom());
        double rightMostX = gp.transformXPos(range.getTo()) + unitWidth;

        int alignmentStart = samRecord.getAlignmentStart();

        byte[] readBases = samRecord.getReadBases();
        byte[] baseQualities = samRecord.getBaseQualities();
        boolean sequenceSaved = readBases.length > 0;
        Cigar cigar = samRecord.getCigar();

        // Absolute positions in the reference sequence and the read bases, set after each cigar operator is processed
        int sequenceCursor = alignmentStart;
        int readCursor = alignmentStart;
        List<Rectangle2D> insertions = new ArrayList<Rectangle2D>();

        FontMetrics fm = g2.getFontMetrics(MISMATCH_FONT);
        Rectangle2D charRect = fm.getStringBounds("G", g2);
        boolean fontFits = charRect.getWidth() <= unitWidth && charRect.getHeight() <= unitHeight;
        if (fontFits) {
        g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);

        for (CigarElement cigarElement : cigar.getCigarElements()) {

            int operatorLength = cigarElement.getLength();
            CigarOperator operator = cigarElement.getOperator();
            Rectangle2D.Double opRect = null;

            double opStart = gp.transformXPos(sequenceCursor);
            double opWidth = operatorLength * unitWidth;

            // Cut off start and width so no drawing happens off-screen, must be done in the order w, then x, since w depends on first value of x
            double x2 = Math.min(rightMostX, opStart + opWidth);
            opStart = Math.max(leftMostX, opStart);
            opWidth = x2 - opStart;

            switch (operator) {
            case D: // Deletion
                if (opWidth > 0.0) {
                    renderDeletion(g2, gp, opStart, level, operatorLength, unitHeight);

            case I: // Insertion
                insertions.add(new Rectangle2D.Double(gp.transformXPos(sequenceCursor),
                        gp.transformYPos(0) - ((level + 1) * unitHeight) - gp.getOffset(), unitWidth, unitHeight));

            case M: // Match or mismatch
            case X:
            case EQ:
                // some SAM files do not contain the read bases
                if (sequenceSaved || operator == CigarOperator.X) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < operatorLength; i++) {
                        // indices into refSeq and readBases associated with this position in the cigar string
                        int readIndex = readCursor - alignmentStart + i;
                        boolean mismatched = false;
                        if (operator == CigarOperator.X) {
                            mismatched = true;
                        } else {
                            int refIndex = sequenceCursor + i - range.getFrom();
                            if (refIndex >= 0 && refSeq != null && refIndex < refSeq.length) {
                                mismatched = refSeq[refIndex] != readBases[readIndex];

                        if (mismatched || drawingAllBases) {
                            Color col;
                            if ((mismatched && lastMode != DrawingMode.STANDARD)
                                    || lastMode == DrawingMode.SEQUENCE) {
                                col = cs.getBaseColor((char) readBases[readIndex]);
                            } else {
                                col = cs.getColor(samRecord.getReadNegativeStrandFlag() ? ColourKey.REVERSE_STRAND
                                        : ColourKey.FORWARD_STRAND);

                            if (baseQualityEnabled && col != null) {
                                col = new Color(col.getRed(), col.getGreen(), col.getBlue(), getConstrainedAlpha(
                                        (int) Math.round((baseQualities[readIndex] * 0.025) * 255)));

                            double xCoordinate = gp.transformXPos(sequenceCursor + i);
                            double top = gp.transformYPos(0) - ((level + 1) * unitHeight) - offset;
                            if (col != null) {
                                opRect = new Rectangle2D.Double(xCoordinate, top, unitWidth, unitHeight);
                            if (lastMode != DrawingMode.SEQUENCE && mismatched && fontFits) {
                                // If it's a real mismatch, we want to draw the base letter (space permitting).
                                g2.setColor(new Color(10, 10, 10));
                                String s = new String(readBases, readIndex, 1);
                                charRect = fm.getStringBounds(s, g2);
                                g2.drawString(s, (float) (xCoordinate + (unitWidth - charRect.getWidth()) * 0.5),
                                        (float) (top + fm.getAscent() + (unitHeight - charRect.getHeight()) * 0.5));

            case N: // Skipped
                opRect = new Rectangle2D.Double(opStart, gp.transformYPos(0) - ((level + 1) * unitHeight) - offset,
                        opWidth, unitHeight);

            default: // P - passing, H - hard clip, or S - soft clip
            if (operator.consumesReadBases()) {
                readCursor += operatorLength;
            if (operator.consumesReferenceBases()) {
                sequenceCursor += operatorLength;
        for (Rectangle2D ins : insertions) {
            drawInsertion(g2, ins.getX(), ins.getY(), ins.getWidth(), ins.getHeight());

     * Render the black rectangle which indicates a deletion.
    private void renderDeletion(Graphics2D g2, GraphPaneAdapter gp, double opStart, int level, int operatorLength,
            double unitHeight) {
        double width = operatorLength * gp.getUnitWidth();
        if (width < 1.0) {
            width = 1.0;
        Rectangle2D opRect = new Rectangle2D.Double(opStart,
                gp.transformYPos(0) - (level + 1) * unitHeight - gp.getOffset(), width, unitHeight);

    private Color makeTransparent(Color c) {
        return new Color(c.getRed(), c.getGreen(), c.getBlue(), 90);

    private void renderArcPairedMode(Graphics2D g2, GraphPaneAdapter gp) {

        g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);

        LOG.debug("YMAX for ARC mode: " + ((AxisRange) instructions.get(DrawingInstruction.AXIS_RANGE)).getYMax());
        AxisRange axisRange = (AxisRange) instructions.get(DrawingInstruction.AXIS_RANGE);
        ColourScheme cs = (ColourScheme) instructions.get(DrawingInstruction.COLOUR_SCHEME);
        int discordantMin = (Integer) instructions.get(DrawingInstruction.DISCORDANT_MIN);
        int discordantMax = (Integer) instructions.get(DrawingInstruction.DISCORDANT_MAX);
        //"discordantMin=" + discordantMin + " discordantMax=" + discordantMax);

        // set up colors
        Color normalArcColor = makeTransparent(cs.getColor(ColourKey.CONCORDANT_LENGTH));
        Color invertedReadColor = makeTransparent(cs.getColor(ColourKey.ONE_READ_INVERTED));
        Color evertedPairColor = makeTransparent(cs.getColor(ColourKey.EVERTED_PAIR));
        Color discordantLengthColor = makeTransparent(cs.getColor(ColourKey.DISCORDANT_LENGTH));
        Color unmappedMateColor = makeTransparent(cs.getColor(ColourKey.UNMAPPED_MATE));

        // set graph pane's range parameters

        // iterate through the data and draw
        LOG.debug("BAMTrackRenderer.renderArcMatePairMode: " + data.size() + " records.");
        for (Record record : data) {
            BAMIntervalRecord bamRecord = (BAMIntervalRecord) record;
            SAMRecord samRecord = bamRecord.getSAMRecord();
            SAMReadUtils.PairedSequencingProtocol prot = (SAMReadUtils.PairedSequencingProtocol) instructions
            SAMReadUtils.PairMappingType type = SAMReadUtils.getPairType(samRecord, prot);

            if (samRecord.getReadPairedFlag() && type != null) {
                if (samRecord.getMateUnmappedFlag()) {
                    // Read with unmapped mate.
                    int alignmentStart = samRecord.getAlignmentStart();
                    double x = gp.transformXPos(alignmentStart);
                    double radius = 4.0;
                    double top = gp.transformYPos(axisRange.getYRange().getTo() * 0.25) + radius;
                    Path2D flower = new Path2D.Double();
                    flower.moveTo(x, gp.transformYPos(0.0));
                    flower.lineTo(x, top);
                    flower.moveTo(x - radius, top - radius);
                    flower.lineTo(x + radius, top + radius);
                    flower.moveTo(x - radius, top + radius);
                    flower.lineTo(x + radius, top - radius);
                    //flower.append(new Ellipse2D.Double(x - radius, top - radius, radius * 2.0, radius * 2.0), false);
                    recordToShapeMap.put(record, flower);

                    // mates map to different chrs
                } else if (!samRecord.getMateReferenceName().equals(samRecord.getReferenceName())) {

                    int alignmentStart = samRecord.getAlignmentStart();
                    double x = gp.transformXPos(alignmentStart);
                    double arrowWidth = 10;
                    double arrowHeight = 15;
                    double top = gp.transformYPos(axisRange.getYRange().getTo() * 0.9);

                    Path2D stem = new Path2D.Double();
                    stem.moveTo(x, gp.transformYPos(0.0));
                    stem.lineTo(x, top + arrowHeight);


                    Path2D pointer = new Path2D.Double();
                    pointer.moveTo(x, top);
                    pointer.lineTo(x - arrowWidth / 2, top + arrowHeight);
                    pointer.lineTo(x + arrowWidth / 2, top + arrowHeight);
                    pointer.lineTo(x, top);

                    pointer.append(stem, false);

                    //flower.append(new Ellipse2D.Double(x - radius, top - radius, radius * 2.0, radius * 2.0), false);

                    recordToShapeMap.put(record, pointer);

                    // mates map to the same chr
                } else {
                    // Paired read with normal mate.

                    int arcLength = Math.abs(samRecord.getInferredInsertSize());

                    // skip reads with a zero insert length--probably mapping errors
                    if (arcLength == 0) {

                    int alignmentStart;
                    int mateAlignmentStart = samRecord.getMateAlignmentStart();
                    if (samRecord.getAlignmentStart() > mateAlignmentStart) {
                        if (!(mateAlignmentStart < LocationController.getInstance().getRangeStart())) {
                            // this is the second in the pair, and it doesn't span the beginning of the range, so don't draw anything
                        } else {
                            // switch the mate start/end for the read start/end to deal with reversed position
                            alignmentStart = mateAlignmentStart;
                    } else {
                        alignmentStart = samRecord.getAlignmentStart();
                    // at this point alignmentStart/End refers the the start end of the first occurrence in the pair

                    int intervalStart;
                    switch (type) {
                    case INVERTED_READ:
                    case INVERTED_MATE:
                        intervalStart = alignmentStart;
                    case EVERTED:
                        intervalStart = alignmentStart;
                        // make sure arclength is over our threshold
                        /*if (threshold != 0.0d && threshold < 1.0d && arcLength < axisRange.getXRange().getLength()*threshold) {
                         else if (threshold > 1.0d && arcLength < threshold) {

                        intervalStart = alignmentStart;

                        if (arcLength > discordantMax || arcLength < discordantMin) {
                        } else {
                    int arcHeight = arcLength;

                    double rectWidth = arcLength * gp.getUnitWidth();
                    double rectHeight = arcHeight * 2 * gp.getUnitHeight();

                    double xOrigin = gp.transformXPos(intervalStart);
                    double yOrigin = gp.transformYPos(arcHeight);

                    Arc2D arc = new Arc2D.Double(xOrigin, yOrigin, rectWidth, rectHeight, -180, -180, Arc2D.OPEN);
                    recordToShapeMap.put(record, arc);

    private void renderSNPMode(Graphics2D g2, GraphPaneAdapter gp, Resolution r) throws RenderingException {

        Genome genome = GenomeController.getInstance().getGenome();
        if (!genome.isSequenceSet()) {
            throw new RenderingException("No reference sequence loaded\nSwitch to standard display mode",

        AxisRange axisRange = (AxisRange) instructions.get(DrawingInstruction.AXIS_RANGE);
        ColourScheme cs = (ColourScheme) instructions.get(DrawingInstruction.COLOUR_SCHEME);

        List<Pileup> pileups = new ArrayList<Pileup>();

        // make the pileups
        int length = axisRange.getXMax() - axisRange.getXMin() + 1;
        assert Math.abs(axisRange.getXMin()) <= Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        int startPosition = (int) axisRange.getXMin();
        for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) {
            pileups.add(new Pileup(startPosition + j));

        // Go through the samrecords and edit the pileups
        for (Record record : data) {
            SAMRecord samRecord = ((BAMIntervalRecord) record).getSAMRecord();
            updatePileupsFromSAMRecord(pileups, samRecord, startPosition);

        double maxHeight = 0;
        for (Pileup p : pileups) {
            int current = p.getTotalCoverage(null);
            if (current > maxHeight) {
                maxHeight = current;

        gp.setYRange(new Range(0, (int) Math.rint((double) maxHeight / 0.9)));

        double unitHeight = (Math.rint(gp.transformYPos(0) * 0.9)) / maxHeight;
        double unitWidth = gp.getUnitWidth();

        ColourAccumulator accumulator = new ColourAccumulator(cs);
        List<Rectangle2D> insertions = new ArrayList<Rectangle2D>();

        for (Pileup p : pileups) {
            int totalCoverage = p.getTotalCoverage(null);
            if (totalCoverage > 0) {
                double bottom = gp.transformYPos(0);
                double x = gp.transformXPos(p.getPosition());

                VariantType genomeNuc = VariantType.fromChar((char) refSeq[p.getPosition() - startPosition]);
                VariantType snpNuc = genomeNuc;

                // Only record a shape if we have at least some mismatches.
                if (totalCoverage > p.getCoverage(genomeNuc, null)) {
                    // Reduce height for insertions, since they don't contribute to the height.
                    double h = unitHeight * (totalCoverage - p.getCoverage(VariantType.INSERTION, null));
                    recordToShapeMap.put(new PileupRecord(p, false),
                            new Rectangle2D.Double(x, bottom - h, unitWidth, h));

                while ((genome.isSequenceSet() && (snpNuc = p.getLargestVariantType(genomeNuc)) != null)
                        || ((snpNuc = p.getLargestVariantType(VariantType.OTHER)) != null)) {
                    double h = unitHeight * p.getCoverage(snpNuc, null);
                    Rectangle2D rect = new Rectangle2D.Double(x, bottom - h, unitWidth, h);
                    accumulator.addShape(getSubPileColour(snpNuc, genomeNuc), rect);
                    if (snpNuc == VariantType.INSERTION) {
                    } else {
                        bottom -= h;

        for (Rectangle2D ins : insertions) {
            drawInsertion(g2, ins.getX(), ins.getY(), ins.getWidth(), ins.getHeight());

    private void renderStrandSNPMode(Graphics2D g2, GraphPaneAdapter gp, Resolution r) throws RenderingException {

        Genome genome = GenomeController.getInstance().getGenome();
        if (!genome.isSequenceSet()) {
            throw new RenderingException("No reference sequence loaded\nSwitch to standard display mode",

        AxisRange axisRange = (AxisRange) instructions.get(DrawingInstruction.AXIS_RANGE);
        int xMin = axisRange.getXMin();
        int xMax = axisRange.getXMax();
        ColourScheme cs = (ColourScheme) instructions.get(DrawingInstruction.COLOUR_SCHEME);

        List<Pileup> pileups = new ArrayList<Pileup>();

        // make the pileups
        for (int j = xMin; j <= xMax; j++) {
            pileups.add(new Pileup(j));

        // Go through the samrecords and edit the pileups
        for (Record record : data) {
            SAMRecord samRecord = ((BAMIntervalRecord) record).getSAMRecord();
            updatePileupsFromSAMRecord(pileups, samRecord, xMin);

        double maxHeight = 0.0;
        for (Pileup p : pileups) {
            int current1 = p.getTotalCoverage(Strand.REVERSE);
            int current2 = p.getTotalCoverage(Strand.FORWARD);
            if (current1 > maxHeight) {
                maxHeight = current1;
            if (current2 > maxHeight) {
                maxHeight = current2;
        int yMax = (int) Math.ceil(maxHeight / 0.9);
        gp.setYRange(new Range(-yMax, yMax));
        instructions.put(DrawingInstruction.AXIS_RANGE, new AxisRange(xMin, xMax, -yMax, yMax));

        ColourAccumulator accumulator = new ColourAccumulator(cs);
        List<Rectangle2D> insertions = new ArrayList<Rectangle2D>();

        double unitHeight = gp.getUnitHeight();
        double unitWidth = gp.getUnitWidth();
        double axis = gp.transformYPos(0.0);

        for (Pileup p : pileups) {

            if (p.getTotalCoverage(null) > 0) {
                VariantType snpNuc = null;
                double bottom = axis;
                double top = axis;
                double x = gp.transformXPos(p.getPosition());

                VariantType genomeNuc = null;
                if (genome.isSequenceSet()) {
                    genomeNuc = VariantType.fromChar((char) refSeq[p.getPosition() - xMin]);
                    snpNuc = genomeNuc;

                // Only record a shape if we have at least some mismatches.
                int totalCoverage = p.getTotalCoverage(null);
                if (totalCoverage > p.getCoverage(genomeNuc, null)) {
                    double h = unitHeight * (totalCoverage - p.getCoverage(VariantType.INSERTION, null));
                            .put(new PileupRecord(p, true),
                                    new Rectangle2D.Double(x,
                                            bottom - unitHeight * (p.getTotalCoverage(Strand.FORWARD)
                                                    - p.getCoverage(VariantType.INSERTION, Strand.FORWARD)),
                                            unitWidth, h));

                while ((genome.isSequenceSet() && (snpNuc = p.getLargestVariantType(genomeNuc)) != null)
                        || ((snpNuc = p.getLargestVariantType(null)) != null)) {

                    int forwardCoverage = p.getCoverage(snpNuc, Strand.FORWARD);
                    int reverseCoverage = p.getCoverage(snpNuc, Strand.REVERSE);

                    ColourKey col = getSubPileColour(snpNuc, genomeNuc);
                    if (forwardCoverage > 0) {
                        double h = unitHeight * forwardCoverage;
                        Rectangle2D rect = new Rectangle2D.Double(x, bottom - h, unitWidth, h);
                        accumulator.addShape(col == ColourKey.REVERSE_STRAND ? ColourKey.FORWARD_STRAND : col,
                        if (snpNuc == VariantType.INSERTION) {
                        } else {
                            bottom -= h;
                    if (reverseCoverage > 0) {
                        double h = unitHeight * reverseCoverage;
                        Rectangle2D rect = new Rectangle2D.Double(x, top, unitWidth, h);
                        accumulator.addShape(col, rect);
                        if (snpNuc == VariantType.INSERTION) {
                        } else {
                            top += h;


        for (Rectangle2D ins : insertions) {
            drawInsertion(g2, ins.getX(), ins.getY(), ins.getWidth(), ins.getHeight());

        g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(0, axis, gp.getWidth(), axis));

    private void updatePileupsFromSAMRecord(List<Pileup> pileups, SAMRecord samRecord, int startPosition) {

        // the read sequence
        byte[] readBases = samRecord.getReadBases();

        // Return if no bases (can't be used for SNP calling)
        if (readBases.length == 0) {

        Strand strand = samRecord.getReadNegativeStrandFlag() ? Strand.REVERSE : Strand.FORWARD;

        int alignmentStart = samRecord.getAlignmentStart();

        // the reference sequence
        //byte[] refSeq = genome.getRecords(new Range(alignmentStart, alignmentEnd)).getBytes();

        // get the cigar object for this alignment
        Cigar cigar = samRecord.getCigar();
        byte[] baseQualities = samRecord.getBaseQualities();

        // set cursors for the reference and read
        int sequenceCursor = alignmentStart;
        int readCursor = alignmentStart;

        // consider each cigar element
        for (CigarElement cigarElement : cigar.getCigarElements()) {

            int operatorLength = cigarElement.getLength();
            CigarOperator operator = cigarElement.getOperator();

            switch (operator) {
            case D:
                // Deletion
                for (int i = 0; i < operatorLength; i++) {
                    int j = i + sequenceCursor - startPosition;
                    if (j >= 0 && j < pileups.size()) {
                        Pileup p = pileups.get(j);
                        p.pileOn(VariantType.DELETION, baseQualities[readCursor - alignmentStart], strand);
            case I:
                // Insertion
                int insPos = sequenceCursor - startPosition;
                if (insPos >= 0 && insPos < pileups.size()) {
                    Pileup p = pileups.get(insPos);
                    p.pileOn(VariantType.INSERTION, readCursor - alignmentStart, strand);
            case M:
            case X:
                // Match or mismatch; we're only interested in mismatches.
                for (int i = 0; i < operatorLength; i++) {
                    int readIndex = readCursor - alignmentStart + i;

                    VariantType readN = VariantType.fromChar((char) readBases[readIndex]);

                    int j = i + sequenceCursor - startPosition;
                    if (j >= 0 && j < pileups.size()) {
                        Pileup p = pileups.get(j);
                        p.pileOn(readN, baseQualities[readIndex], strand);
            case N: // Skipped
            case P: // Padding
            case H: // Hard clip
            case S: // Soft clip

            if (operator.consumesReadBases()) {
                readCursor += operatorLength;
            if (operator.consumesReferenceBases()) {
                sequenceCursor += operatorLength;

    public void renderReadsFromArc(Graphics2D g2, GraphPaneAdapter gp, BAMIntervalRecord rec1,
            BAMIntervalRecord rec2, Range range) {

        int readHeight = gp.getParentFrame().getIntervalHeight();

        renderRead(g2, gp, rec1, 0, range, readHeight);

        if (rec2 != null) {
            renderRead(g2, gp, rec2, 0, range, readHeight);

    private void renderStandardPairedMode(Graphics2D g2, GraphPaneAdapter gp) throws RenderingException {

        AxisRange axisRange = (AxisRange) instructions.get(DrawingInstruction.AXIS_RANGE);
        ColourScheme cs = (ColourScheme) instructions.get(DrawingInstruction.COLOUR_SCHEME);
        Color linecolor = cs.getColor(ColourKey.INTERVAL_LINE);
        Range range = axisRange.getXRange();
        int effectiveEnd = range.getTo() + 1;
        int effectiveStart = range.getFrom() - 1;


        Map<Integer, ArrayList<BAMIntervalRecord>> mateQueue = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<BAMIntervalRecord>>();
        ArrayList<ArrayList<Interval>> levels = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Interval>>();
        levels.add(new ArrayList<Interval>());
        ArrayList<DrawStore> savedDraws = new ArrayList<DrawStore>();

        for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {

            BAMIntervalRecord bamRecord = (BAMIntervalRecord) data.get(i);
            Interval interval = bamRecord.getInterval();
            SAMRecord samRecord = bamRecord.getSAMRecord();
            SAMReadUtils.PairedSequencingProtocol prot = (SAMReadUtils.PairedSequencingProtocol) instructions
            SAMReadUtils.PairMappingType type = SAMReadUtils.getPairType(samRecord, prot);
            int arcLength = Math.abs(samRecord.getInferredInsertSize());

            //discard unmapped reads
            if (samRecord.getReadUnmappedFlag() || !samRecord.getReadPairedFlag() || samRecord.getMateUnmappedFlag()
                    || type == null || arcLength == 0) { // this read is unmapped, don't visualize it
                recordToShapeMap.put(bamRecord, null);

            //if mate off screen to the right, draw immediately
            if (samRecord.getMateAlignmentStart() > range.getTo()) {
                int level = computePiledIntervalLevel(levels, Interval.valueOf(interval.getStart(), effectiveEnd));
                savedDraws.add(new DrawStore(bamRecord, level,
                        Interval.valueOf(effectiveEnd + 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE), null));

            //check if mate has already been found
            BAMIntervalRecord mate = popMate(mateQueue.get(samRecord.getMateAlignmentStart()), samRecord);
            if (mate != null) {
                int level = computePiledIntervalLevel(levels,
                        Interval.valueOf(Math.min(interval.getStart(), mate.getInterval().getStart()),
                                Math.max(interval.getEnd(), mate.getInterval().getEnd())));
                savedDraws.add(new DrawStore(bamRecord, level, null, null));
                savedDraws.add(new DrawStore(mate, level, interval, bamRecord));


            //if mate not yet found, add to map queue
            if (mateQueue.get(interval.getStart()) == null) {
                mateQueue.put(interval.getStart(), new ArrayList<BAMIntervalRecord>());

        //if there are records remaining without a mate, they are probably off screen to the left
        Iterator<ArrayList<BAMIntervalRecord>> it = mateQueue.values().iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            ArrayList<BAMIntervalRecord> list =;
            for (BAMIntervalRecord bamRecord : list) {
                Interval interval = bamRecord.getInterval();
                int level = computePiledIntervalLevel(levels, Interval.valueOf(effectiveStart, interval.getEnd()));
                savedDraws.add(new DrawStore(bamRecord, level, Interval.valueOf(0, effectiveStart - 1), null));

        //resize frame if necessary
        gp.setYRange(new Range(0, levels.size() + 2));
        if (gp.needsToResize()) {

        //now, draw everything
        for (DrawStore drawStore : savedDraws) {
            Shape readshape = renderRead(g2, gp, drawStore.intervalRecord, drawStore.level, range,
            recordToShapeMap.put(drawStore.intervalRecord, readshape);
            if (drawStore.mateInterval != null) {
                connectPiledInterval(g2, gp, drawStore.intervalRecord.getInterval(), drawStore.mateInterval,
                        drawStore.level, linecolor, drawStore.intervalRecord, drawStore.mateIntervalRecord);

     * Find the mate for record with name readName in the list records. If mate
     * found, remove and return. Otherwise, return null.
    private BAMIntervalRecord popMate(ArrayList<BAMIntervalRecord> records, SAMRecord samRecord) {

        if (records == null) {
            return null;
        for (int i = 0; i < records.size(); i++) {
            SAMRecord samRecord2 = ((BAMIntervalRecord) records.get(i)).getSAMRecord();
            if (MiscUtils.isMate(samRecord, samRecord2, false)) {
                BAMIntervalRecord intervalRecord = records.get(i);
                return intervalRecord;
        return null;

     * Connect intervals i1 and i2 with a dashed line to show mates.
    private void connectPiledInterval(Graphics2D g2, GraphPaneAdapter gp, Interval i1, Interval i2, int level,
            Color linecolor, IntervalRecord ir1, IntervalRecord ir2) {
        Interval mateInterval = computeMateInterval(i1, i2);

        Stroke currentStroke = g2.getStroke();
        //Stroke drawingStroke = new BasicStroke(3, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_BEVEL, 0, new float[]{9}, 0);
        Stroke drawingStroke = new BasicStroke(1);
        double yPos = gp.transformYPos(0) - (level + 1) * gp.getUnitHeight() + gp.getUnitHeight() / 2.0
                - gp.getOffset();

        Line2D line = new Line2D.Double(gp.transformXPos(mateInterval.getStart()) + arrowWidth, yPos,
                gp.transformXPos(mateInterval.getEnd()) - arrowWidth, yPos);
        g2.setStroke(currentStroke);//reset stroke

        Rectangle2D bound = new Rectangle2D.Double(
                Math.min(gp.transformXPos(mateInterval.getStart()), gp.transformXPos(mateInterval.getEnd())),
                yPos - gp.getUnitHeight() / 2.0,
                Math.abs(gp.transformXPos(mateInterval.getEnd()) - gp.transformXPos(mateInterval.getStart())),
        if (ir1 != null) {
            artifactMap.put(ir1, bound);
        if (ir2 != null) {
            artifactMap.put(ir2, bound);


    private Interval computeMateInterval(Interval i1, Interval i2) {

        int start;
        int end;
        if (i1.getEnd() < i2.getEnd()) {
            start = i1.getEnd();
            end = i2.getStart();
        } else {
            start = i2.getEnd();
            end = i1.getStart();

        return Interval.valueOf(start + 1, end);


     * Determine at what level a piled interval should be drawn.
    private int computePiledIntervalLevel(ArrayList<ArrayList<Interval>> levels, Interval interval) {
        ArrayList<Interval> level;
        for (int i = 0; i < levels.size(); i++) {
            level = levels.get(i);
            boolean conflict = false;
            for (Interval current : level) {
                if (current.intersects(interval)) {
                    conflict = true;
            if (!conflict) {
                return i;
        levels.add(new ArrayList<Interval>());
        levels.get(levels.size() - 1).add(interval);
        return levels.size() - 1;

     * Store information for drawing a read so that it can be done later. Used
     * for piled interval mode
    private class DrawStore {

        public BAMIntervalRecord intervalRecord;
        public int level;
        public Interval mateInterval; //only set if line connection generated from this read
        public IntervalRecord mateIntervalRecord; //as above + mate in view

        public DrawStore(BAMIntervalRecord intervalRecord, int level, Interval mateInterval,
                IntervalRecord mateIntervalRecord) {
            this.intervalRecord = intervalRecord;
            this.level = level;
            this.mateInterval = mateInterval;
            this.mateIntervalRecord = mateIntervalRecord;

    public Dimension getLegendSize(DrawingMode mode) {
        switch (mode) {
        case STANDARD:
        case SEQUENCE:
            return new Dimension(168, LEGEND_LINE_HEIGHT * 2 + 6);
        case MISMATCH:
        case STANDARD_PAIRED:
            return new Dimension(168, LEGEND_LINE_HEIGHT * 4 + 6);
        case ARC_PAIRED:
            // Five lines, but not as wide as the others.
            return new Dimension(125, LEGEND_LINE_HEIGHT * 5 + 6);
        case SNP:
            return new Dimension(168, LEGEND_LINE_HEIGHT * 2 + 6);
        case STRAND_SNP:
            // A little wider because "Forward Strand" and "Reverse Strand" are on the same line.
            return new Dimension(180, LEGEND_LINE_HEIGHT * 3 + 6);
            return null;

    public void drawLegend(Graphics2D g2, DrawingMode mode) {
        g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
        int x = 6, y = 17;
        switch (mode) {
        case STANDARD:
            drawStrandLegends(g2, x, y);
        case MISMATCH:
        case STANDARD_PAIRED:
            drawStrandLegends(g2, x, y);
            y += LEGEND_LINE_HEIGHT * 2;
            drawBaseLegendExtended(g2, x, y, ColourKey.A, ColourKey.C, ColourKey.G, ColourKey.T, ColourKey.SKIPPED);
        case SEQUENCE:
            drawBaseLegendExtended(g2, x, y, ColourKey.A, ColourKey.C, ColourKey.G, ColourKey.T, ColourKey.SKIPPED);
        case ARC_PAIRED:
            drawSimpleLegend(g2, 30, 15, ColourKey.CONCORDANT_LENGTH, ColourKey.DISCORDANT_LENGTH,
                    ColourKey.ONE_READ_INVERTED, ColourKey.EVERTED_PAIR, ColourKey.UNMAPPED_MATE);
        case SNP:
            drawBaseLegendExtended(g2, x, y, ColourKey.A, ColourKey.C, ColourKey.G, ColourKey.T);
        case STRAND_SNP:
            drawBaseLegendExtended(g2, x, y, ColourKey.A, ColourKey.C, ColourKey.G, ColourKey.T);
            y += LEGEND_LINE_HEIGHT * 2;
            drawBaseLegend(g2, x, y, ColourKey.FORWARD_STRAND);
            x += 90;
            drawBaseLegend(g2, x, y, ColourKey.REVERSE_STRAND);

     * Draw two read-shapes: one for forward and one for reverse.
    private void drawStrandLegends(Graphics2D g2, int x, int y) {
        ColourScheme cs = (ColourScheme) instructions.get(DrawingInstruction.COLOUR_SCHEME);
        Shape pointyBar = getPointyBar(false, x, y - 12, 36.0, 12.0);

        pointyBar = getPointyBar(true, x, y - 12 + LEGEND_LINE_HEIGHT, 36.0, 12.0);

        g2.drawString(ColourKey.FORWARD_STRAND.getName(), x + 45, y);
        g2.drawString(ColourKey.REVERSE_STRAND.getName(), x + 45, y + LEGEND_LINE_HEIGHT);

     * Draw the legend for bases, but also the entries for insertions and
     * deletions.
    private void drawBaseLegendExtended(Graphics2D g2, int x, int y, ColourKey... keys) {
        drawBaseLegend(g2, x, y, keys);

        y += LEGEND_LINE_HEIGHT;
        g2.fillRect(x, y - SWATCH_SIZE.height + 2, SWATCH_SIZE.width, SWATCH_SIZE.height);
        g2.drawString("Deletion", x + SWATCH_SIZE.width + 3, y);
        x += 66;
        Shape s = drawInsertion(g2, x, y - SWATCH_SIZE.height + 2, 12.0, SWATCH_SIZE.height);
        g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(0.25f));
        g2.drawString("Insertion", x + 12, y);