Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package SciTK;

import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation;

import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYBlockRenderer;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot;

import org.jfree.chart.renderer.LookupPaintScale;
import org.jfree.chart.title.PaintScaleLegend;
import org.jfree.chart.axis.SymbolAxis;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;

import org.jfree.chart.plot.PiePlot;

import org.jfree.ui.RectangleEdge;
import org.jfree.ui.RectangleInsets;

import org.jfree.chart.block.LineBorder;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Paint;
import java.awt.BasicStroke;

// for adding to menu bar:
import javax.swing.JMenuBar;
import javax.swing.JMenu;
import javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem;
import javax.swing.AbstractButton;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

/** Implement a class which uses JFreeChart
 * to make a generic XYZ plot using "blocks".
 * This is a 2-D representation of a 3-D dataset using
 * a color scale for the third dimension.
 * @package SciTK
 * @class PlotXYZBlock
 * @brief Implement a 'block' (i.e. color-map) chart.
 * @author Alex Zylstra
 * @date 2013/04/21
 * @copyright Alex Zylstra
 * @license SciTK / MIT License
public class PlotXYZBlock extends Plot {
    private DefaultXYZDataset data;
    /** JFreeChart dataset for this plot */
    private PaintScaleLegend psl;
    /** Scale bar for the color mapping */
    private LookupPaintScale paintScale;
    /** Lookup table for the color mapping */
    int num_labels; /** Number of labels to use for the scale bar */

    // ---------------------------------------
    //   Constructors taking minimal things
    // ---------------------------------------
    /** Constructor for a single set of data 
     * @param data_in the data to plot (must be an array with length 3, containing three arrays of equal length, the first containing the x-values, the second containing the y-values and the third containing the z-values).
    public PlotXYZBlock(float[][] data_in) {
        // call other constructor:
        this(ArrayUtil.convertFloatDouble(data_in), DEFAULT_NAME, DEFAULT_XLABEL, DEFAULT_YLABEL, DEFAULT_TITLE);

    /** Constructor for a single set of data 
     * @param data_in the data to plot (must be an array with length 3, containing three arrays of equal length, the first containing the x-values, the second containing the y-values and the third containing the z-values).
    public PlotXYZBlock(double[][] data_in) {
        // call other constructor:

    /** Constructor for a single set of data 
     * @param data_in the data to plot (must be an array with length 3, containing three arrays of equal length, the first containing the x-values, the second containing the y-values and the third containing the z-values).
     * @param name the data set's name
    public PlotXYZBlock(float[][] data_in, String name) {
        // call other constructor:
        this(ArrayUtil.convertFloatDouble(data_in), name, DEFAULT_XLABEL, DEFAULT_YLABEL, DEFAULT_TITLE);

    /** Constructor for a single set of data 
     * @param data_in the data to plot (must be an array with length 3, containing three arrays of equal length, the first containing the x-values, the second containing the y-values and the third containing the z-values).
     * @param name the data set's name
    public PlotXYZBlock(double[][] data_in, String name) {
        // call other constructor:

    /** Constructor for multiple sets of data 
     * @param data_in the data to plot, for m series each must be an array with length 3, containing three arrays of equal length, the first containing the x-values, the second containing the y-values and the third containing the z-values).
     * @param name the data set's names in a String array
    public PlotXYZBlock(float[][][] data_in, String name[]) {
        // call other constructor:
        this(ArrayUtil.convertFloatDouble(data_in), name, DEFAULT_XLABEL, DEFAULT_YLABEL, DEFAULT_TITLE);

    /** Constructor for multiple sets of data 
     * @param data_in the data to plot, for m series each must be an array with length 3, containing three arrays of equal length, the first containing the x-values, the second containing the y-values and the third containing the z-values).
     * @param name the data set's names in a String array
    public PlotXYZBlock(double[][][] data_in, String name[]) {
        // call other constructor:

    // ---------------------------------------
    //    Constructors taking some things
    // ---------------------------------------
    /** Constructor for a single set of data 
     * @param data_in the data to plot (must be an array with length 3, containing three arrays of equal length, the first containing the x-values, the second containing the y-values and the third containing the z-values).
     * @param name the data set's name
     * @param x_label the label for the abscissa
     * @param y_label the label for the ordinate
    public PlotXYZBlock(float[][] data_in, String name, String x_label, String y_label) {
        // call other constructor:
        this(ArrayUtil.convertFloatDouble(data_in), name, x_label, y_label, DEFAULT_TITLE);

    /** Constructor for a single set of data 
     * @param data_in the data to plot (must be an array with length 3, containing three arrays of equal length, the first containing the x-values, the second containing the y-values and the third containing the z-values).
     * @param name the data set's name
     * @param x_label the label for the abscissa
     * @param y_label the label for the ordinate
    public PlotXYZBlock(double[][] data_in, String name, String x_label, String y_label) {
        // call other constructor:
        this(data_in, name, x_label, y_label, DEFAULT_TITLE);

    /** Constructor for multiple sets of data 
     * @param data_in the data to plot, for m series each must be an array with length 3, containing three arrays of equal length, the first containing the x-values, the second containing the y-values and the third containing the z-values).
     * @param name the data set's names in a String array
     * @param x_label the label for the abscissa
     * @param y_label the label for the ordinate
    public PlotXYZBlock(float[][][] data_in, String name[], String x_label, String y_label) {
        // call other constructor:
        this(ArrayUtil.convertFloatDouble(data_in), name, x_label, y_label, DEFAULT_TITLE);

    /** Constructor for multiple sets of data 
     * @param data_in the data to plot, for m series each must be an array with length 3, containing three arrays of equal length, the first containing the x-values, the second containing the y-values and the third containing the z-values).
     * @param name the data set's names in a String array
     * @param x_label the label for the abscissa
     * @param y_label the label for the ordinate
    public PlotXYZBlock(double[][][] data_in, String name[], String x_label, String y_label) {
        // call other constructor:
        this(data_in, name, x_label, y_label, DEFAULT_TITLE);

    // ---------------------------------------
    //     Constructors taking everything
    // ---------------------------------------
    /** Constructor for a single set of data 
     * @param data_in the data to plot (must be an array with length 3, containing three arrays of equal length, the first containing the x-values, the second containing the y-values and the third containing the z-values).
     * @param name the data set's name
     * @param x_label the label for the abscissa
     * @param y_label the label for the ordinate
     * @param window_title a label for the window title
    public PlotXYZBlock(float[][] data_in, String name, String x_label, String y_label, String window_title) {
        // call other constructor:
        this(ArrayUtil.convertFloatDouble(data_in), name, x_label, y_label, window_title);

    /** Constructor for a single set of data 
     * @param data_in the data to plot (must be an array with length 3, containing three arrays of equal length, the first containing the x-values, the second containing the y-values and the third containing the z-values).
     * @param name the data set's name
     * @param x_label the label for the abscissa
     * @param y_label the label for the ordinate
     * @param window_title a label for the window title
    public PlotXYZBlock(double[][] data_in, String name, String x_label, String y_label, String window_title) {
        data = new DefaultXYZDataset();
        data.addSeries(name, data_in);

        // common routine:
        init(x_label, y_label, window_title);

    /** Constructor for multiple sets of data 
     * @param data_in the data to plot, for m series each must be an array with length 3, containing three arrays of equal length, the first containing the x-values, the second containing the y-values and the third containing the z-values).
     * @param name the data set's names in a String array
     * @param x_label the label for the abscissa
     * @param y_label the label for the ordinate
     * @param window_title a label for the window title
    public PlotXYZBlock(float[][][] data_in, String name[], String x_label, String y_label, String window_title) {
        // call other constructor:
        this(ArrayUtil.convertFloatDouble(data_in), name, x_label, y_label, window_title);

    /** Constructor for multiple sets of data 
     * @param data_in the data to plot, for m series each must be an array with length 3, containing three arrays of equal length, the first containing the x-values, the second containing the y-values and the third containing the z-values).
     * @param name the data set's names in a String array
     * @param x_label the label for the abscissa
     * @param y_label the label for the ordinate
     * @param window_title a label for the window title
    public PlotXYZBlock(double[][][] data_in, String name[], String x_label, String y_label, String window_title) {
        data = new DefaultXYZDataset();
        // iterate over input data sets:
        for (int i = 0; i < data_in.length; i++) {
            data.addSeries(name[i], data_in[i]);

        // common routine:
        init(x_label, y_label, window_title);

    // ---------------------------------------
    //     Actual Routines:
    // ---------------------------------------
    * Update a single set of data 
    * @param new_data the data to plot. n x 2 size, eg new_data[i] = [x_i,y_i]
    * @param name the data set's name
    public void updateData(float[][] new_data, String name) {
        // convert data to double, and call next function:
        updateData(ArrayUtil.convertFloatDouble(new_data), name);

    * Update a single set of data 
    * @param new_data the data to plot. n x 2 size, eg new_data[i] = [x_i,y_i]
    * @param name the data set's name
    public void updateData(double[][] new_data, String name) {
        // add series:
        data.addSeries(name, new_data);

    * Update multiple sets of data 
    * @param new_data the data to plot. m x n x 2 size, eg new_data[0][i] = [x_i,y_i]; m data sets of n points.
    * @param name the data set's names in a String array of length m
    public void updateData(float[][][] new_data, String[] name) {
        // convert data to double, and call next function:
        updateData(ArrayUtil.convertFloatDouble(new_data), name);

    * Update multiple sets of data 
    * @param new_data the data to plot. m x n x 2 size, eg new_data[0][i] = [x_i,y_i]; m data sets of n points.
    * @param name the data set's names in a String array of length m
    public void updateData(double[][][] new_data, String[] name) {
        // loop over all data sets given:
        for (int i = 0; i < new_data.length; i++) {
            // add series:
            data.addSeries(name[i], new_data[i]);

    /* Common Initialization routine */
    private void init(String x_label, String y_label, String window_title) {
        chart = ChartFactory.createScatterPlot("", x_label, y_label, data, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, true,

        // turn off borders of the plot:
        XYPlot p = chart.getXYPlot();

        // --------------------------------------------
        //          set up a lookup table
        // --------------------------------------------
        // this is how we render the block plots:
        XYBlockRenderer renderer = new XYBlockRenderer();
        // need to find max and min z of the data set:
        double min = 0;
        double max = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < data.getSeriesCount(); i++) // iterate over data sets
            for (int j = 0; j < data.getItemCount(i); j++) // iterate over points in dataset
                if (data.getZValue(i, j) < min)
                    min = data.getZValue(i, j);
                else if (data.getZValue(i, j) > max)
                    max = data.getZValue(i, j);
        // create paint scale using min and max values, default color black:
        LookupPaintScale paintScale = new LookupPaintScale(min, max,;
        // set up the LUT:
        double step_size = (max - min) / 255.; // step size for LUT
        for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
            paintScale.add(min + i * step_size, new Color(i, i, i, 255));
        // set this renderer to the plot:

        // --------------------------------------------
        //          set up a color bar
        // --------------------------------------------
        // create an array of display labels:
        num_labels = 10; // default to 10 labels on color bar
        double display_step_size = (max - min) / ((double) num_labels);
        String[] scale_bar_labels = new String[num_labels + 1];
        // to format numbers in scientific notation:
        DecimalFormat formater = new DecimalFormat("0.#E0");
        // create list of labesl:
        for (int i = 0; i <= num_labels; i++) {
            scale_bar_labels[i] = formater.format(min + i * display_step_size);
        // create axis:
        SymbolAxis scaleAxis = new SymbolAxis(null, scale_bar_labels);
        scaleAxis.setRange(min, max);
        scaleAxis.setPlot(new PiePlot());
        // set up the paint scale:
        psl = new PaintScaleLegend(paintScale, scaleAxis);
        psl.setBackgroundPaint(new Color(255, 255, 255, 0)); // clear background
        // set up frame with buffer region to allow text display
        psl.setFrame(new LineBorder((Paint) Color.BLACK, new BasicStroke((float) 1.0),
                new RectangleInsets(15, 10, 15, 10)));
        // display on right side:
        // margin around color scale:
        psl.setMargin(new RectangleInsets(20, 15, 20, 15));
        // add to the chart so it will be displayed by default:

        // --------------------------------------------
        //          WINDOW-RELATED UI
        // --------------------------------------------
        // set up the generic plot UI:
        super.window_title = window_title;

        // add another menu item
        JMenuBar mb = super.getJMenuBar(); // get the menu bar
        // find menu named "Plot"
        JMenu menu_plot = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < mb.getMenuCount(); i++) {
            if (mb.getMenu(i).getText() == "Plot")
                menu_plot = mb.getMenu(i);
        // Add a new checkbox for the color scale bar
        JCheckBoxMenuItem menu_plot_scalebar = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Color Scale");
        menu_plot_scalebar.setToolTipText("Show color scale bar?");
        menu_plot_scalebar.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
                AbstractButton aButton = (AbstractButton) event.getSource();
                boolean selected = aButton.getModel().isSelected();
        // set appropirate checkbox state:
        if (menu_plot != null) // sanity check


    /** Set the color bar display  status
      * @param enabled true enables color bar display, false disables
    public void setScaleBar(boolean enabled) {
        // action taken depends on enabled boolean:
        if (enabled) {
        } else {

    /** Get a string representation of the plotted data 
    * @return the data plotted in CSV format.
    public String toString() {
        String s = "";
        // iterate over all data series:
        for (int i = 0; i < data.getSeriesCount(); i++) {
            // iterate over items in the series:
            for (int j = 0; j < data.getItemCount(i); j++) {
                // add x,y then new line:
                s = s.concat(Double.toString(data.getXValue(i, j)));
                s = s.concat(SciTK_Text.TOOLKIT_CSV_DELIM);
                s = s.concat(Double.toString(data.getYValue(i, j)));
                s = s.concat(SciTK_Text.TOOLKIT_CSV_DELIM);
                s = s.concat(Double.toString(data.getZValue(i, j)));
                s = s.concat(SciTK_Text.TOOLKIT_NEWLINE);
            // add another line break after series is done:
            s = s.concat(SciTK_Text.TOOLKIT_NEWLINE);
        return s;