Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


   Copyright 2012 John Cummens (aka Shadowmage, Shadowmage4513)
   This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
   Please see COPYING for precise license information.
   This file is part of Ancient Warfare.
   Ancient Warfare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.
   Ancient Warfare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.
   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with Ancient Warfare.  If not, see <>.
package shadowmage.ancient_warfare.common.vehicles;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;

import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase;
import net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItem;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP;
import net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB;
import net.minecraft.util.DamageSource;
import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper;
import net.minecraft.util.MovingObjectPosition;
import shadowmage.ancient_warfare.common.config.Config;
import shadowmage.ancient_warfare.common.interfaces.IEntityContainerSynch;
import shadowmage.ancient_warfare.common.interfaces.IMissileHitCallback;
import shadowmage.ancient_warfare.common.interfaces.IPathableEntity;
import shadowmage.ancient_warfare.common.inventory.VehicleInventory;
import shadowmage.ancient_warfare.common.npcs.NpcBase;
import shadowmage.ancient_warfare.common.pathfinding.Node;
import shadowmage.ancient_warfare.common.pathfinding.PathWorldAccess;
import shadowmage.ancient_warfare.common.pathfinding.PathWorldAccessEntity;
import shadowmage.ancient_warfare.common.pathfinding.navigator.Navigator;
import shadowmage.ancient_warfare.common.registry.VehicleRegistry;
import shadowmage.ancient_warfare.common.utils.ByteTools;
import shadowmage.ancient_warfare.common.utils.InventoryTools;
import shadowmage.ancient_warfare.common.utils.Pos3f;
import shadowmage.ancient_warfare.common.utils.ServerPerformanceMonitor;
import shadowmage.ancient_warfare.common.utils.Trig;
import shadowmage.ancient_warfare.common.vehicles.VehicleVarHelpers.DummyVehicleHelper;
import shadowmage.ancient_warfare.common.vehicles.armors.IVehicleArmorType;
import shadowmage.ancient_warfare.common.vehicles.helpers.VehicleAmmoHelper;
import shadowmage.ancient_warfare.common.vehicles.helpers.VehicleFiringHelper;
import shadowmage.ancient_warfare.common.vehicles.helpers.VehicleFiringVarsHelper;
import shadowmage.ancient_warfare.common.vehicles.helpers.VehicleMoveHelper;
import shadowmage.ancient_warfare.common.vehicles.helpers.VehicleUpgradeHelper;
import shadowmage.ancient_warfare.common.vehicles.materials.IVehicleMaterial;
import shadowmage.ancient_warfare.common.vehicles.missiles.IAmmoType;
import shadowmage.ancient_warfare.common.vehicles.types.VehicleType;
import shadowmage.ancient_warfare.common.vehicles.upgrades.IVehicleUpgradeType;


import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.IEntityAdditionalSpawnData;

public class VehicleBase extends Entity implements IEntityAdditionalSpawnData, IMissileHitCallback,
        IEntityContainerSynch, IPathableEntity, IInventory {

     * these are the current max stats.  set from setVehicleType().  
     * these are local cached bases, after application of material factors
     * should not be altered at all after vehicle is first initialized
    public float baseForwardSpeed;
    public float baseStrafeSpeed;
    public float basePitchMin;
    public float basePitchMax;
    public float baseTurretRotationMax;
    public float baseLaunchSpeedMax;
    public float baseHealth = 100;
    public float baseAccuracy = 1.f;
    public float baseWeight = 1000;//kg
    public int baseReloadTicks = 100;
    public float baseGenericResist = 0.f;
    public float baseFireResist = 0.f;
    public float baseExplosionResist = 0.f;

     * local current stats, fully updated and modified from upgrades/etc. should not be altered aside from
     * upgrades/armor
    public float currentForwardSpeedMax = 0.42f;
    public float currentPitchSpeedMax = 2.f;
    public float currentStrafeSpeedMax = 2.0f;

     * how many ticks is a reloadCycle, at current upgrade status?
     * the currentReload status is stored in firingHelper
    public int currentReloadTicks = 100;
    public float currentTurretPitchMin = 0.f;
    public float currentTurretPitchMax = 90.f;
    public float currentLaunchSpeedPowerMax = 32.321f;
    public float currentGenericResist = 0.f;
    public float currentFireResist = 0.f;
    public float currentExplosionResist = 0.f;
    public float currentWeight = 1000.f;
    public float currentTurretPitchSpeed = 0.f;
    public float currentTurretYawSpeed = 0.f;
    public float currentAccuracy = 1.f;
    public float currentTurretRotationMax = 45.f;

     * local variables, may be altered by input/etc...
    private float localVehicleHealth = 100;
    public float localTurretRotationHome = 0.f;
    public float localTurretRotation = 0.f;
    public float localTurretDestRot = 0.f;
    public float localTurretRotInc = 1.f;
    public float localTurretPitch = 45.f;
    public float localTurretDestPitch = 45.f;
    public float localTurretPitchInc = 1.f;
    public float localLaunchPower = 31.321f;

     * set by move helper on movement update. used during client rendering to update 
     * wheel rotation and other movement speed based animations (airplanes use for prop,
     * helicopter uses for main and tail rotors).
    public float wheelRotation = 0.f;
    public float wheelRotationPrev = 0.f;

     * the team number this vehicle was assigned to
    public int teamNum = 0;

     * used to determine if it should allow interaction (setup time on vehicle placement)
    private boolean isSettingUp = false;

     * set client-side when incoming damage is taken
    public int hitAnimationTicks = 0;

     * how many ticks until next move packet should be sent? Used when Client-side movement is enabled.
    public int moveUpdateTicks = 0;

    public NpcBase assignedRider = null;

     * complex stat tracking helpers, move, ammo, upgrades, general stats
    public VehicleAmmoHelper ammoHelper;
    public VehicleUpgradeHelper upgradeHelper;
    //public VehicleMovementHelper moveHelper;
    public VehicleMoveHelper moveHelper;
    public VehicleFiringHelper firingHelper;
    public VehicleFiringVarsHelper firingVarsHelper;
    public VehicleInventory inventory;
    public Navigator nav;
    public PathWorldAccessEntity worldAccess;
    public IVehicleType vehicleType = VehicleRegistry.CATAPULT_STAND_FIXED;//set to dummy vehicle so it is never null...
    public int vehicleMaterialLevel = 0;//the current material level of this vehicle. should be read/set prior to calling updateBaseStats

    public VehicleBase(World par1World) {
        this.upgradeHelper = new VehicleUpgradeHelper(this);
        this.moveHelper = new VehicleMoveHelper(this);
        this.ammoHelper = new VehicleAmmoHelper(this);
        this.firingHelper = new VehicleFiringHelper(this);
        this.firingVarsHelper = new DummyVehicleHelper(this);
        this.inventory = new VehicleInventory(this);
        this.worldAccess = new PathWorldAccessEntity(par1World, this);
        this.nav = new Navigator(this);
        this.stepHeight = 1.12f;
        this.entityCollisionReduction = 0.9f;
        this.onGround = false;

    public Random getRNG() {
        return this.rand;

    protected void entityInit() {
        this.dataWatcher.addObject(5, Byte.valueOf((byte) 0));//f in
        this.dataWatcher.addObject(6, Byte.valueOf((byte) 0));//s in  
        this.dataWatcher.addObject(7, Integer.valueOf(100));

    public ItemStack getPickedResult(MovingObjectPosition target) {
        return this.vehicleType.getStackForLevel(vehicleMaterialLevel);

     * overriden to help with vision checks for vehicles
    public float getEyeHeight() {
        return 1.6F;

    private int getHealthClient() {
        return this.dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectInt(7);

    public void setHealth(float health) {
        if (health > this.baseHealth) {
            health = this.baseHealth;
        this.localVehicleHealth = health;
        if (!worldObj.isRemote) {
            this.dataWatcher.updateObject(7, Integer.valueOf((int) health));

    private float getHealthServer() {
        return this.localVehicleHealth;

    public float getHealth() {
        if (this.worldObj.isRemote) {
            return this.getHealthClient();
        } else {
            return this.getHealthServer();

    public byte getForwardInput() {
        return (byte) this.dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectByte(5);

    public byte getStrafeInput() {
        return (byte) this.dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectByte(6);

    public void setForwardInput(byte in) {
        this.dataWatcher.updateObject(5, Byte.valueOf(in));

    public void setStrafeInput(byte in) {
        this.dataWatcher.updateObject(6, Byte.valueOf(in));

    public void setVehicleType(IVehicleType vehicle, int materialLevel) {
        this.vehicleType = vehicle;
        this.vehicleMaterialLevel = materialLevel;
        VehicleFiringVarsHelper help = vehicle.getFiringVarsHelper(this);
        if (help != null) {
            this.firingVarsHelper = help;
        float width = vehicleType.getWidth();
        float height = vehicleType.getHeight();
        this.setSize(width, height);
        for (IAmmoType ammo : vehicleType.getValidAmmoTypes()) {
        for (IVehicleUpgradeType up : this.vehicleType.getValidUpgrades()) {
        for (IVehicleArmorType armor : this.vehicleType.getValidArmors()) {
        this.inventory.setInventorySizes(vehicle.getUpgradeBaySize(), vehicle.getAmmoBaySize(),
                vehicle.getArmorBaySize(), vehicle.getStorageBaySize());

        if (this.localTurretPitch < this.currentTurretPitchMin) {
            this.localTurretPitch = this.currentTurretPitchMin;
        } else if (this.localTurretPitch > this.currentTurretPitchMax) {
            this.localTurretPitch = this.currentTurretPitchMax;
        this.localLaunchPower = this.firingHelper.getAdjustedMaxMissileVelocity();
        if (!this.canAimRotate()) {
            this.localTurretRotation = this.rotationYaw;
        this.nav.setCanGoOnLand(vehicleType.getMovementType() == VehicleMovementType.GROUND);

    private int setupTicks = 0;

    public void setSetupState(boolean state, int ticks) {
        this.isSettingUp = state;
        if (state) {
            setupTicks = ticks;
        } else {
            setupTicks = 0;

    public void setInitialHealth() {

    public void updateBaseStats() {
        //  Config.logDebug("updating base stats. server"+!worldObj.isRemote);
        IVehicleMaterial material = vehicleType.getMaterialType();
        int level = this.vehicleMaterialLevel;
        baseForwardSpeed = vehicleType.getBaseForwardSpeed() * material.getSpeedForwardFactor(level);
        baseStrafeSpeed = vehicleType.getBaseStrafeSpeed() * material.getSpeedStrafeFactor(level);
        basePitchMin = vehicleType.getBasePitchMin();
        basePitchMax = vehicleType.getBasePitchMax();
        baseTurretRotationMax = vehicleType.getBaseTurretRotationAmount();
        baseLaunchSpeedMax = vehicleType.getBaseMissileVelocityMax();
        baseHealth = vehicleType.getBaseHealth() * material.getHPFactor(level);
        baseAccuracy = vehicleType.getBaseAccuracy() * material.getAccuracyFactor(level);
        baseWeight = vehicleType.getBaseWeight() * material.getWeightFactor(level);
        baseExplosionResist = 0.f;
        baseFireResist = 0.f;
        baseGenericResist = 0.f;
        if (getHealth() > baseHealth) {

    public void onCollideWithPlayer(EntityPlayer par1EntityPlayer) {
        if (!worldObj.isRemote && par1EntityPlayer instanceof EntityPlayerMP && par1EntityPlayer.posY > posY
                && par1EntityPlayer.isCollidedVertically) {
            EntityPlayerMP player = (EntityPlayerMP) par1EntityPlayer;
            NetServerHandler serv = player.playerNetServerHandler;
            serv.ticksForFloatKick = 0;

     * return an itemStack tagged appropriately for this vehicle
     * @return
    public ItemStack getItemForVehicle() {
        ItemStack stack = this.vehicleType.getStackForLevel(vehicleMaterialLevel);
        stack.getTagCompound().getCompoundTag("AWVehSpawner").setFloat("health", getHealth());
        return stack;

     * used by soldiers to determine if they should try and 'drive' the engine anywhere 
     * (so that they won't try and turn stand-fixed varieties of vehicles)
     * @return
    public boolean isMoveable() {
        return !this.isSettingUp && this.isDrivable() && this.currentForwardSpeedMax > 0;

    public float getHorizontalMissileOffset() {
        return this.vehicleType.getMissileHorizontalOffset();

    public float getVerticalMissileOffset() {
        return this.vehicleType.getMissileVerticalOffset();

    public float getForwardsMissileOffset() {
        return this.vehicleType.getMissileForwardsOffset();

    public boolean isAimable() {
        return !this.isSettingUp && vehicleType.isCombatEngine();

    public boolean canAimRotate() {
        return !this.isSettingUp && vehicleType.canAdjustYaw();

    public boolean canAimPitch() {
        return !this.isSettingUp && vehicleType.canAdjustPitch();

    public boolean canAimPower() {
        return !this.isSettingUp && vehicleType.canAdjustPower();

     * used by inputHelper to determine if it should check movement input keys and send info to server..
     * @return
    public boolean isDrivable() {
        return !this.isSettingUp && vehicleType.isDrivable();

    public boolean isMountable() {
        return !this.isSettingUp && vehicleType.isMountable();

    public float getRiderForwardOffset() {
        return vehicleType.getRiderForwardsOffset();

    public float getRiderVerticalOffset() {
        return vehicleType.getRiderVerticalOffest();

    public float getRiderHorizontalOffset() {
        return vehicleType.getRiderHorizontalOffset();

     * should return the maximum range allowed in order to hit a point at a given vertical offset
     * will vary by vehicle type (power/angle/missile offset) and current ammo selection
     * need to figure out....yah....
     * @param verticalOffset
     * @return
    public float getEffectiveRange(float verticalOffset) {
        if (vehicleType == VehicleRegistry.BATTERING_RAM)//TODO ugly hack...
            return 5;
        float angle;
        if (currentTurretPitchMin < 45 && currentTurretPitchMax > 45)//if the angle stradles 45, return 45
            angle = 45;
        } else if (currentTurretPitchMin < 45 && currentTurretPitchMax < 45)//else if both are below 45, get the largest
            angle = currentTurretPitchMax;
        } else {
            angle = currentTurretPitchMin;//else get the lowest
        return Trig.getEffectiveRange(verticalOffset, angle, firingHelper.getAdjustedMaxMissileVelocity(), 0,
                ammoHelper.getCurrentAmmoType() != null && ammoHelper.getCurrentAmmoType().isRocket());

     * get a fully translated offset position for missile spawn for the current aim and vehicle params
     * @return
    public Pos3f getMissileOffset() {
        Pos3f off = new Pos3f();
        float x1 = this.vehicleType.getTurretPosX();
        float y1 = this.vehicleType.getTurretPosY();
        float z1 = this.vehicleType.getTurretPosZ();
        float angle = 0;
        float len = 0;
        if (x1 != 0 || z1 != 0) {
            angle = Trig.toDegrees((float) Math.atan2(z1, x1));
            len = MathHelper.sqrt_float(x1 * x1 + z1 * z1);
            angle += this.rotationYaw;
            x1 = Trig.cosDegrees(angle) * len;
            z1 = -Trig.sinDegrees(angle) * len;

        float x = this.getHorizontalMissileOffset();
        float y = this.getVerticalMissileOffset();
        float z = this.getForwardsMissileOffset();
        if (x != 0 || z != 0 || y != 0) {
            angle = Trig.toDegrees((float) Math.atan2(z, x));
            len = MathHelper.sqrt_float(x * x + z * z + y * y);
            angle += this.localTurretRotation;
            x = Trig.cosDegrees(angle) * Trig.sinDegrees(localTurretPitch + rotationPitch) * len;
            z = -Trig.sinDegrees(angle) * Trig.sinDegrees(localTurretPitch + rotationPitch) * len;
            y = Trig.cosDegrees(localTurretPitch + rotationPitch) * len;
        x += x1;
        z += z1;
        y += y1;
        off.x = x;
        off.y = y;
        off.z = z;
        return off;

     * called on every tick that the vehicle is 'firing' to update the firing animation and to call
     * launchMissile when animation has reached launch point
    public void onFiringUpdate() {

     * called every tick after the vehicle has fired, until reload timer is complete, to update animations
    public void onReloadUpdate() {

     * called every tick after startLaunching() is called, until setFinishedLaunching() is called...
    public void onLaunchingUpdate() {

     * reset all upgradeable stats back to the base for this vehicle
    public void resetCurrentStats() {
        this.currentForwardSpeedMax = this.baseForwardSpeed;
        this.currentStrafeSpeedMax = this.baseStrafeSpeed;
        this.currentTurretPitchMin = this.basePitchMin;
        this.currentTurretPitchMax = this.basePitchMax;
        this.currentTurretRotationMax = this.baseTurretRotationMax;
        this.currentReloadTicks = this.baseReloadTicks;
        this.currentLaunchSpeedPowerMax = this.baseLaunchSpeedMax;
        this.currentExplosionResist = this.baseExplosionResist;
        this.currentFireResist = this.baseFireResist;
        this.currentGenericResist = this.baseGenericResist;
        this.currentWeight = this.baseWeight;
        this.currentAccuracy = this.baseAccuracy;

    public void setDead() {
        if (!this.worldObj.isRemote && !this.isDead && this.getHealth() <= 0) {
            InventoryTools.dropInventoryInWorld(worldObj, inventory.ammoInventory, posX, posY, posZ);
            InventoryTools.dropInventoryInWorld(worldObj, inventory.armorInventory, posX, posY, posZ);
            InventoryTools.dropInventoryInWorld(worldObj, inventory.upgradeInventory, posX, posY, posZ);
            InventoryTools.dropInventoryInWorld(worldObj, inventory.storageInventory, posX, posY, posZ);

    public void onUpdate() {
        long t1 = System.nanoTime();
        if (this.worldObj.isRemote) {
        } else {
        if (this.hitAnimationTicks > 0) {
        if (this.isSettingUp) {
            if (this.setupTicks <= 0) {
                this.isSettingUp = false;
        if (this.assignedRider != null) {
            if (this.assignedRider.isDead || this.assignedRider.ridingEntity != this
                    || this.assignedRider.wayNav.getMountTarget() == null
                    || this.assignedRider.wayNav.getMountTarget() != this
                    || this.getDistanceToEntity(assignedRider) > Config.npcAISearchRange) {
                this.assignedRider = null;
        ServerPerformanceMonitor.addVehicleTickTime(System.nanoTime() - t1);

     * client-side updates
    public void onUpdateClient() {
        if (this.localVehicleHealth != this.getHealth()) {
            if (localVehicleHealth > this.getHealth())//only play hit animation when attacked
                this.hitAnimationTicks = 20;
            this.localVehicleHealth = this.getHealth();
        if (this.riddenByEntity instanceof NpcBase) {

     * server-side updates...
    public void onUpdateServer() {
        if (this.riddenByEntity instanceof EntityPlayerMP) {
            EntityPlayerMP player = (EntityPlayerMP) this.riddenByEntity;
            NetServerHandler serv = player.playerNetServerHandler;
            serv.ticksForFloatKick = 0;
            if (player.isSneaking()) {

    public void handleDismount(EntityLivingBase rider) {
        int xMin = MathHelper.floor_double(this.posX - this.width / 2);
        int zMin = MathHelper.floor_double(this.posZ - this.width / 2);
        int yMin = MathHelper.floor_double(posY) - 2;
        boolean foundTarget = false;
        searchLabel: for (int y = yMin; y <= yMin + 3; y++) {
            for (int x = xMin; x <= xMin + (int) width; x++) {
                for (int z = zMin; z <= zMin + (int) width; z++) {
                    if (worldObj.doesBlockHaveSolidTopSurface(x, y, z)
                            || this.worldObj.getBlockMaterial(x, y, z) == Material.water) {
                        if (worldObj.isAirBlock(x, y + 1, z) && worldObj.isAirBlock(x, y + 2, z)) {
                            rider.setPositionAndUpdate(x + 0.5d, y + 1, z + 0.5d);
                            foundTarget = true;
                            break searchLabel;

    public void updateTurretPitch() {
        float prevPitch = this.localTurretPitch;
        if (localTurretPitch < currentTurretPitchMin) {
            localTurretPitch = currentTurretPitchMin;
        } else if (localTurretPitch > currentTurretPitchMax) {
            localTurretPitch = currentTurretPitchMax;
        if (localTurretDestPitch < currentTurretPitchMin) {
            localTurretDestPitch = currentTurretPitchMin;
        } else if (localTurretDestPitch > currentTurretPitchMax) {
            localTurretDestPitch = currentTurretPitchMax;
        if (!canAimPitch()) {
            localTurretDestPitch = localTurretPitch;
        if (localTurretPitch != localTurretDestPitch) {
            if (Trig.getAbsDiff(localTurretDestPitch, localTurretPitch) < localTurretPitchInc) {
                localTurretPitch = localTurretDestPitch;
            if (localTurretPitch > localTurretDestPitch) {
                localTurretPitch -= localTurretPitchInc;
            } else if (localTurretPitch < localTurretDestPitch) {
                localTurretPitch += localTurretPitchInc;
        this.currentTurretPitchSpeed = prevPitch - this.localTurretPitch;

    public void updateTurretRotation() {
        float prevYaw = this.localTurretRotation;
        this.localTurretRotationHome = Trig.wrapTo360(this.rotationYaw);
        if (!canAimRotate()) {
            localTurretRotation = Trig.wrapTo360(this.rotationYaw);
            localTurretDestRot = localTurretRotation;
        } else {
            //    localTurretRotation += moveHelper.strafeMotion;
        if (Trig.getAbsDiff(localTurretDestRot, localTurretRotation) > localTurretRotInc) {
            while (localTurretRotation < 0) {
                localTurretRotation += 360;
                prevYaw += 360;
            while (localTurretRotation >= 360) {
                localTurretRotation -= 360;
                prevYaw -= 360;
            localTurretDestRot = Trig.wrapTo360(localTurretDestRot);
            byte turnDirection = 0;
            float curMod = localTurretRotation;
            float destMod = localTurretDestRot;
            float diff = curMod > destMod ? curMod - destMod : destMod - curMod;
            float turnDir = 0;
            if (curMod > destMod) {
                if (diff < 180) {
                    turnDir = -1;
                } else {
                    turnDir = 1;
            } else if (curMod < destMod) {
                if (diff < 180) {
                    turnDir = 1;
                } else {
                    turnDir = -1;
            localTurretRotation += localTurretRotInc * turnDir;
        } else {
            localTurretRotation = localTurretDestRot;
        if (Trig.getAbsDiff(localTurretDestRot, localTurretRotation) < localTurretRotInc) {
            localTurretRotation = localTurretDestRot;
        this.currentTurretYawSpeed = this.localTurretRotation - prevYaw;
        if (this.currentTurretYawSpeed > 180) {
            this.currentTurretYawSpeed -= 360.f;
        if (this.currentTurretYawSpeed < -180) {
            this.currentTurretYawSpeed += 360.f;

     * Called from Packet02Vehicle
     * Generic update method for client-server coms
     * @param tag
    public void handlePacketUpdate(NBTTagCompound tag) {
        if (tag.hasKey("input")) {
        if (tag.hasKey("upgrade")) {
        if (tag.hasKey("ammo")) {
        if (tag.hasKey("ammoSel")) {
        if (tag.hasKey("ammoUpd")) {
        if (tag.hasKey("pack")) {
        if (tag.hasKey("turret")) {
        if (tag.hasKey("moveData")) {

    public void sendCompleteTurretPacket() {
        if (this.worldObj.isRemote) {
        NBTTagCompound tag = new NBTTagCompound();
        tag.setFloat("p", localTurretPitch);
        tag.setFloat("r", localTurretRotation);
        Packet02Vehicle pkt = new Packet02Vehicle();

    protected void handleTurretPacket(NBTTagCompound tag) {
        this.localTurretPitch = tag.getFloat("p");
        this.localTurretRotation = tag.getFloat("r");
        this.localTurretDestPitch = this.localTurretPitch;
        this.localTurretDestRot = this.localTurretRotation;

    public void handleInputData(NBTTagCompound tag) {

     * spits out inventory into world, and packs the vehicle into an item, also spat into the world
    public void packVehicle() {
        if (!this.worldObj.isRemote) {
                    new EntityItem(this.worldObj, posX, posY + 0.5d, posZ, this.getItemForVehicle()));
            InventoryTools.dropInventoryInWorld(worldObj, inventory.ammoInventory, posX, posY, posZ);
            InventoryTools.dropInventoryInWorld(worldObj, inventory.armorInventory, posX, posY, posZ);
            InventoryTools.dropInventoryInWorld(worldObj, inventory.upgradeInventory, posX, posY, posZ);
            InventoryTools.dropInventoryInWorld(worldObj, inventory.storageInventory, posX, posY, posZ);

    public boolean attackEntityFrom(DamageSource par1DamageSource, float par2) {
        if (this.worldObj.isRemote) {
            return false;
        super.attackEntityFrom(par1DamageSource, par2);
        float adjDmg = upgradeHelper.getScaledDamage(par1DamageSource, par2);
        this.setHealth(getHealth() - adjDmg);
        //  Config.logDebug("Vehicle hit by attack.  RawDamage: "+par2+" : adjustedDmg: "+adjDmg+"  New health: "+localVehicleHealth);
        if (this.getHealth() <= 0) {
            return false;
        return true;

    public void applyEntityCollision(Entity par1Entity) {
        if (par1Entity != this.riddenByEntity && !(par1Entity instanceof NpcBase))//skip if it if it is the rider 
            double xDiff = par1Entity.posX - this.posX;
            double zDiff = par1Entity.posZ - this.posZ;
            double entityDistance = MathHelper.abs_max(xDiff, zDiff);

            if (entityDistance >= 0.009999999776482582D) {
                entityDistance = (double) MathHelper.sqrt_double(entityDistance);
                xDiff /= entityDistance;
                zDiff /= entityDistance;
                double normalizeToDistance = 1.0D / entityDistance;

                if (normalizeToDistance > 1.0D) {
                    normalizeToDistance = 1.0D;

                xDiff *= normalizeToDistance;
                zDiff *= normalizeToDistance;
                xDiff *= 0.05000000074505806D;//wtf..normalize to ticks?
                zDiff *= 0.05000000074505806D;
                xDiff *= (double) (1.0F - this.entityCollisionReduction);
                zDiff *= (double) (1.0F - this.entityCollisionReduction);
                this.addVelocity(-xDiff, 0.0D, -zDiff);
                par1Entity.addVelocity(xDiff, 0.0D, zDiff);

    public String getTexture() {
        return vehicleType.getTextureForMaterialLevel(vehicleMaterialLevel);

    public void updateRiderPosition() {
        double posX = this.posX;
        double posY = this.posY + this.getRiderVerticalOffset();
        double posZ = this.posZ;
        if (this.riddenByEntity instanceof NpcBase) {
            posY -= 0.5f;
        float yaw = this.vehicleType.moveRiderWithTurret() ? localTurretRotation : rotationYaw;
        posX += Trig.sinDegrees(yaw) * -this.getRiderForwardOffset();
        posX += Trig.sinDegrees(yaw + 90) * this.getRiderHorizontalOffset();
        posZ += Trig.cosDegrees(yaw) * -this.getRiderForwardOffset();
        posZ += Trig.cosDegrees(yaw + 90) * this.getRiderHorizontalOffset();
        this.riddenByEntity.setPosition(posX, posY + this.riddenByEntity.getYOffset(), posZ);
        this.riddenByEntity.rotationYaw -= this.moveHelper.getRotationSpeed();

    public boolean interactFirst(EntityPlayer player) {
        if (this.isSettingUp) {
            if (!player.worldObj.isRemote) {
                        "Vehicle is currently being set-up.  It has " + setupTicks + " ticks remaining.");
            return false;
        return this.firingVarsHelper.interact(player);

    public String toString() {
        return String.format("%s::%s @ %.2f, %.2f, %.2f  -- y:%.2f p:%.2f -- m: %.2f, %.2f, %.2f",
                this.vehicleType.getDisplayName(), this.entityId, this.posX, this.posY, this.posZ, this.rotationYaw,
                this.rotationPitch, this.motionX, this.motionY, this.motionZ);

    public void setPositionAndRotation2(double par1, double par3, double par5, float yaw, float par8, int par9) {


    public void addVelocity(double par1, double par3, double par5) {
        super.addVelocity(par1, par3, par5);

    public void setVelocity(double par1, double par3, double par5) {


    public boolean shouldRiderSit() {
        return this.vehicleType.shouldRiderSit();

    public AxisAlignedBB getBoundingBox() {
        return this.boundingBox;

    public AxisAlignedBB getCollisionBox(Entity par1Entity) {
        //  return par1Entity.canBePushed() ? par1Entity.boundingBox : null;
        return par1Entity.getBoundingBox();

    public boolean canBeCollidedWith() {
        return true;

    public void writeSpawnData(ByteArrayDataOutput data) {
        ByteTools.writeNBTTagCompound(upgradeHelper.getNBTTag(), data);
        ByteTools.writeNBTTagCompound(ammoHelper.getNBTTag(), data);
        ByteTools.writeNBTTagCompound(moveHelper.getNBTTag(), data);
        ByteTools.writeNBTTagCompound(firingHelper.getNBTTag(), data);
        ByteTools.writeNBTTagCompound(firingVarsHelper.getNBTTag(), data);
        if (this.isSettingUp) {

    public void readSpawnData(ByteArrayDataInput data) {
        IVehicleType type = VehicleType.getVehicleType(data.readInt());
        this.setVehicleType(type, data.readInt());
        this.localLaunchPower = data.readFloat();
        this.localTurretPitch = data.readFloat();
        this.localTurretRotation = data.readFloat();
        this.localTurretDestPitch = data.readFloat();
        this.localTurretDestRot = data.readFloat();
        this.firingHelper.clientLaunchSpeed = localLaunchPower;
        this.firingHelper.clientTurretPitch = localTurretPitch;
        this.firingHelper.clientTurretYaw = localTurretRotation;
        this.teamNum = data.readInt();
        this.localTurretRotationHome = data.readFloat();
        this.isSettingUp = data.readBoolean();
        if (this.isSettingUp) {
            this.setupTicks = data.readInt();
        this.setPosition(posX, posY, posZ);//this is to reset the bounding box, because the size of the entity changed during vehicleType setup 

    protected void readEntityFromNBT(NBTTagCompound tag) {
        IVehicleType vehType = VehicleType.getVehicleType(tag.getInteger("vehType"));
        int level = tag.getInteger("matLvl");
        this.setVehicleType(vehType, level);
        this.localTurretRotationHome = tag.getFloat("turHome");
        this.localLaunchPower = tag.getFloat("lc");
        this.localTurretPitch = tag.getFloat("tp");
        this.localTurretDestPitch = tag.getFloat("tpd");
        this.localTurretRotation = tag.getFloat("tr");
        this.localTurretDestRot = tag.getFloat("trd");
        this.teamNum = tag.getInteger("team");
        this.isSettingUp = tag.getBoolean("setup");
        if (this.isSettingUp) {
            this.setupTicks = tag.getInteger("sTick");
        this.setPosition(posX, posY, posZ);//this is to reset the bounding box, because the size of the entity changed during vehicleType setup

    protected void writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound tag) {
        tag.setInteger("vehType", this.vehicleType.getGlobalVehicleType());
        tag.setInteger("matLvl", this.vehicleMaterialLevel);
        tag.setFloat("health", this.getHealth());
        tag.setFloat("turHome", this.localTurretRotationHome);
        this.inventory.writeToNBT(tag);//yah..I wrote this one a long time ago, is why it is different.....
        tag.setCompoundTag("upgrades", this.upgradeHelper.getNBTTag());
        tag.setCompoundTag("ammo", this.ammoHelper.getNBTTag());
        tag.setCompoundTag("move", this.moveHelper.getNBTTag());
        tag.setCompoundTag("fire", this.firingHelper.getNBTTag());
        tag.setCompoundTag("vars", this.firingVarsHelper.getNBTTag());
        tag.setFloat("lc", localLaunchPower);
        tag.setFloat("tp", localTurretPitch);
        tag.setFloat("tpd", localTurretDestPitch);
        tag.setFloat("tr", localTurretRotation);
        tag.setFloat("trd", localTurretDestRot);
        tag.setInteger("team", this.teamNum);
        tag.setBoolean("setup", this.isSettingUp);
        if (this.isSettingUp) {
            tag.setInteger("sTick", this.setupTicks);

     * missile callback methods...
    public void onMissileImpact(World world, double x, double y, double z) {
        if (this.ridingEntity instanceof IMissileHitCallback) {
            ((IMissileHitCallback) this.ridingEntity).onMissileImpact(world, x, y, z);

    public void onMissileImpactEntity(World world, Entity entity) {
        if (this.ridingEntity instanceof IMissileHitCallback) {
            ((IMissileHitCallback) this.ridingEntity).onMissileImpactEntity(world, entity);

     * container sych methods
    public void handleClientInput(NBTTagCompound tag) {


    public void addPlayer(EntityPlayer player) {


    public void removePlayer(EntityPlayer player) {


    public boolean canInteract(EntityPlayer player) {
        return true;

    public void setMoveTo(double x, double y, double z, float moveSpeed) {
        this.moveHelper.setMoveTo(x, y, z);

    public boolean isPathableEntityOnLadder() {
        return false;

    public Entity getEntity() {
        return this;

    public void setPath(List<Node> path) {

    public void clearPath() {

    public PathWorldAccess getWorldAccess() {
        return worldAccess;

    public float getDefaultMoveSpeed() {
        return this.currentForwardSpeedMax;

    public void onStuckDetected() {
        if (this.riddenByEntity instanceof NpcBase) {
            ((NpcBase) this.riddenByEntity).onStuckDetected();

    public int getSizeInventory() {
        return inventory.storageInventory.getSizeInventory();

    public ItemStack getStackInSlot(int i) {
        return inventory.storageInventory.getStackInSlot(i);

    public ItemStack decrStackSize(int i, int j) {
        return inventory.storageInventory.decrStackSize(i, j);

    public ItemStack getStackInSlotOnClosing(int i) {
        return inventory.storageInventory.getStackInSlotOnClosing(i);

    public void setInventorySlotContents(int i, ItemStack itemstack) {
        inventory.storageInventory.setInventorySlotContents(i, itemstack);

    public String getInvName() {
        return inventory.storageInventory.getInvName();

    public boolean isInvNameLocalized() {
        return inventory.storageInventory.isInvNameLocalized();

    public int getInventoryStackLimit() {
        return inventory.storageInventory.getInventoryStackLimit();

    public void onInventoryChanged() {

    public boolean isUseableByPlayer(EntityPlayer entityplayer) {
        return inventory.storageInventory.isUseableByPlayer(entityplayer);

    public void openChest() {


    public void closeChest() {


    public boolean isItemValidForSlot(int i, ItemStack itemstack) {
        return inventory.storageInventory.isItemValidForSlot(i, itemstack);