Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 *                                                                           *
 *  Copyright 2014 Rice University                                           *
 *                                                                           *
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");          *
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.         *
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at                                  *
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 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software      *
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,        *
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. *
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and      *
 *  limitations under the License.                                           *
 *                                                                           *

package simsql.runtime;

import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Reducer;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileSplit;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.ref.*;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskInputOutputContext;

// this is the "innards" or core functionality of the Join's reduce operation.  It is not actually
// housed inside of the Join's reducer, because it can actually appear on the map side as well (during
// a pure merge join)

class JoinReducerInnards {

    // this is the dummy object we return with every output record
    private Nothing dummy = new Nothing();

    // this is where we pull records from in the case that we only sorted one of the input relations 
    private Iterator<Record> smallFile;

    // this is the guy that will allow us to put records through a pipeline
    private ObjectWithPipeNetwork myRecordProcessor;

    // this is the greatest join key that we've processed from the small file
    private long processedThruKey = -1;

    // this is the hash table used to store records from the small file
    private RecordHashTable myTable = null;

    // used to store recs that has not yet been added to the hash table
    private Record[] tabledRecs = new Record[10];
    private int numTabledRecs = 0;

    // this is the suffix of the file that we are supposed to join with
    String suffix;

    // the join type
    private JoinOp.JoinType joinType;

    // constructor... just remembers the RecordProcessor, so we can put records through the pipeline
    public JoinReducerInnards(ObjectWithPipeNetwork myRecordProcessorIn) {
        myRecordProcessor = myRecordProcessorIn;

    // double the amount of storage for the list of tabled recs
    private void doubleTabledRecs() {
        Record[] newRecs = new Record[tabledRecs.length * 2];
        for (int i = 0; i < numTabledRecs; i++) {
            newRecs[i] = tabledRecs[i];
        tabledRecs = newRecs;

    // get another rec that has been "tabled" or saved
    private Record peekAtNextTabledRec() {
        return (tabledRecs[numTabledRecs - 1]);

    // remove one of the tabled recs
    private void forgetLastTabledRec() {
        tabledRecs[numTabledRecs] = null;

    // save another rec
    private void addTabledRec(Record addMe) {
        tabledRecs[numTabledRecs] = addMe;
        if (numTabledRecs == tabledRecs.length)

    // see if there are saved recs
    private boolean areTabledRecs() {
        return numTabledRecs > 0;

    // sets up the iterator over the file to be merged, if applicable... first arg is the context, the 
    // second is the mapper that this is running as part of (or -1 if it is the reducer)
    public void setup(TaskInputOutputContext<?, ?, WritableKey, WritableValue> context, int whichMapper)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {

        // get the join type
        String myJoinType = context.getConfiguration().get("simsql.joinType", "natural").toUpperCase();
        joinType = JoinOp.JoinType.valueOf(myJoinType);

        // if necessary, we set up the iterator over the sorted file here... see if we have a sorted file 
        String whichFile = context.getConfiguration().get("simsql.sortedFileName", "");
        if (!whichFile.equals("") || whichMapper >= 0) {

            // this will let the join know that we have a merge on one side
            myTable = new RecordHashTable(0.60);

            // now we need to figure out the suffix of the file that we are going to process
            // if we are on the mapper, then we will get the name of the file that is being mapped...
            // by extracting the suffix of that file, we can figure out the suffix of the file we need
            // to merge with
            int whichOne;
            if (whichMapper >= 0) {
                whichOne = whichMapper;
            } else {
                whichOne = context.getConfiguration().getInt("mapred.task.partition", -1);

            // get the other info about the file to proess
            short whichTypeCode = (short) context.getConfiguration().getInt("simsql.sortedFileTypeCode", -1);
            int howManyAtts = context.getConfiguration().getInt("simsql.sortedFileNumAtts", -1);

            // now we need ro find the corresponding input flie
            FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(context.getConfiguration());
            Path path = new Path(whichFile);
            FileStatus[] fstatus = fs.listStatus(path, new TableFileFilter());

            // this is the file suffix we are trying to find
            String names = "";
            String suffix = RecordOutputFormat.getFileNumber(whichOne);
            for (FileStatus f : fstatus) {

                // first we see if this thing ends with the correct suffix
                names += f.getPath().getName() + ";";
                if (f.getPath().getName().contains(suffix)) {

                    // we found the file to open, so go ahead and do it
                    IteratorFactory myFactory = new IteratorFactory();
                    smallFile = myFactory.getIterableForFile(f.getPath().toString(), howManyAtts, whichTypeCode)

            smallFile = new EmptyRecordIterator();


    // this loads up the record hash table in case we are doing just a merge
    private void loadUpRecordHashTable() {

        // these are the two prototype records
        LeftIn left = new LeftIn();
        RightIn right = new RightIn();

        // create the new hash table
        if (!areTabledRecs()) {
            int k = 0;
            for (Record r : myTable) {

                AbstractRecord rr = (AbstractRecord) r;
                if (k > 16384) {

        // load up at least 10,000 records into it
        int i = 0;
        while (true) {

            // get the next record
            HashableRecord next;
            if (areTabledRecs()) {

                next = (HashableRecord) peekAtNextTabledRec();
                Record temp = peekAtNextTabledRec();

                // here, the pipe network does not have anything, but the file does
            } else if (smallFile.hasNext()) {

                // process the next record and remember all of the recs that come through
                Record temp =;
                while ((temp = myRecordProcessor.getResult()) != null) {

                    HashableRecord nnext = null;
                    if (temp.getTypeCode() == left.getTypeCode()) {
                        nnext = left.runSelectionAndProjection();
                    } else if (temp.getTypeCode() == right.getTypeCode()) {
                        nnext = right.runSelectionAndProjection();
                    } else {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Oh no!  I got a record type that I do not recognize!");

                    if (nnext != null) {


                // and keep going

                // there is no more data!
            } else {
                processedThruKey = Long.MAX_VALUE;

            // remember the next key

            // LL: this is an issue, have to check with
            long nextKey = next.getSortAttribute();
            /***      long nextKey = next.getHashKey(); ***/

            // and make sure they are not out of order!
            if (nextKey < processedThruKey)
                throw new RuntimeException("Got hash keys out of order!!");

            // if it has a different key, then see if we have added enough
            if (nextKey != processedThruKey && i > 10000) {

                // sanity check
                if (areTabledRecs()) {

                    // add the tabled records, without forgetting them
                    // or marking them as "processed"
                    for (int j = 0; j < numTabledRecs; j++) {
                        myTable.add(tabledRecs[j], ((HashableRecord) tabledRecs[j]).getSecondaryHashKey());


                // if we get here, it means that we are processing the rec, so note that we have processed it
            } else {

            // add it here!
            processedThruKey = nextKey;
            myTable.add(next, next.getSecondaryHashKey());


    private String print(AbstractRecord me) {
        String retVal = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < me.getNumAttributes(); i++) {
            retVal += me.getIthAttribute(i).print(33434);
        return retVal;

    private SoftReference<RecordHashTable> tempTableR = new SoftReference<RecordHashTable>(null);

    public void reduce(RecordKey key, Iterable<RecordWrapper> values,
            TaskInputOutputContext<?, ?, WritableKey, WritableValue> context) {

        // tells us we are joining
        boolean joining = false;

        // used to store all of the records from the first relation
        RecordHashTable tempTable = tempTableR.get();
        if (tempTable == null) {
            tempTable = new RecordHashTable(0.60);
            tempTableR = new SoftReference<RecordHashTable>(tempTable);
        } else {

        // now we loop through all of the values
        Record firstRecord = null;
        Record firstFromRight = new RightOut();

        for (RecordWrapper r : values) {

            // remember the very first record so we can check its typecode
            if (firstRecord == null) {
                if (joinType == JoinOp.JoinType.NATURAL) {
                    firstRecord = r.getWrappedRecord();
                } else {
                    firstRecord = firstFromRight;

            // if we have a record with a diffreent typeCode than the first one, it means that
            // we have moved on to the records from the 2nd relation... so we just scan all of 
            // the records in the first relation and output any hits
            if (!joining && (r.getWrappedRecord().getTypeCode() != firstRecord.getTypeCode())) {
                joining = true;

            // if we are currently joining, then compare the current record with the ones from the other relation
            if (joining || myTable != null) {

                // this is where we try to find matches for r1
                Record[] guyToPullFrom;
                HashableRecord next = (HashableRecord) r.getWrappedRecord();

                // there are two cases: either we are doing a full-on, MapReduce join, in which case we will match
                // with everyone who came through the mapper
                if (joining && myTable != null) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("How is joining true?");
                } else if (joining) {
                    guyToPullFrom = tempTable.find(next.getSecondaryHashKey());
                } else {
                    while (key.getKey() > processedThruKey) {
                    guyToPullFrom = myTable.find(next.getSecondaryHashKey());

                // is this a natural join?
                if (joinType == JoinOp.JoinType.NATURAL) {

                    // loop through all of the matches and run the join
                    if (guyToPullFrom != null) {
                        for (Record r1 : guyToPullFrom) {

                            // join the two records
                            Record output = Result.join((AbstractRecord) r1, (AbstractRecord) r.getWrappedRecord());
                            if (output != null) {
                                try {

                                    // remember the sort key and send it on its way
                                    context.write(dummy, output);


                                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                                    throw new RuntimeException(
                                            "died when trying to write a join output rec to the output stream (1)");
                                } catch (IOException e) {
                                    throw new RuntimeException(
                                            "died when trying to write a join output rec to the output stream (2)");

                // is this a semijoin/antijoin?
                else {

                    boolean someonePassed = false;
                    boolean testedOne = false;

                    Bitstring pred = BitstringWithSingleValue.FALSE;

                    if (guyToPullFrom != null) {

                        // not null? then traverse.
                        for (Record r1 : guyToPullFrom) {

                            // test
                            testedOne = true;
                            pred = pred.or(Result.test((AbstractRecord) r.getWrappedRecord(), (AbstractRecord) r1));

                            if (!pred.allAreFalseOrUnknown() && joinType == JoinOp.JoinType.SEMIJOIN) {

                                // if we are a running a semijoin, we write out and break out of the loop.
                                Record output = Result.compose((AbstractRecord) r.getWrappedRecord(),
                                        (AbstractRecord) r1, pred);
                                try {
                                    context.write(dummy, output);
                                } catch (Exception e) {
                                    throw new RuntimeException("Failed (1) ", e);


                    // if we are doing an antijoin and pred is false, it means that we could not exclude
                    // the current record and it will be included

                    // pred could be unknown here, if the current record had no match... 

                    // if it is an antijoin, then we see if we need to produce an output
                    if (joinType == JoinOp.JoinType.ANTIJOIN) {

                        // note that we let a record through if the truth value of the NOT EXISTS at this point is UNKNOWN, or
                        // if it is TRUE.  Strictly speaking, this is not correct.  If the NOT EXSITS is UNKNOWN, the record should
                        // not make its way through.  But this was a semi-necessary hack.  The way we deal with anti-join predicates
                        // when the LHS record has no potential match is to create a record with all NULLs and run the anti-join predicate
                        // on the pair.  If we come back with UNKNOWN, then the record survived the predicate.
                        if (!testedOne) {

                            // get a null record and test against it
                            pred = pred.or(Result.test((AbstractRecord) r.getWrappedRecord(),
                                    (AbstractRecord) RightOut.getNull()));

                        if (!pred.allAreTrue()) {
                            Record output = Result.compose((AbstractRecord) r.getWrappedRecord(),
                                    (AbstractRecord) r.getWrappedRecord(), pred.theseAreTrue().not());
                            try {
                                context.write(dummy, output);
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                throw new RuntimeException("Failed (2)", e);

                // remember that we just did a join
                firstRecord = null;

                // if we are not currently joining, then add the record into the list
            } else {
                HashableRecord next = (HashableRecord) r.getWrappedRecord();
                tempTable.add(next, next.getSecondaryHashKey());