Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright (C) 2014 BigLoupe
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License
/********************************************************* begin of preamble
** Copyright (C) 2003-2012 Software- und Organisations-Service GmbH. 
** All rights reserved.
** This file may be used under the terms of either the 
**   GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL)
**   as published by the Free Software Foundation
** and appearing in the file
**   LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of this file. 
** or the
**   Agreement for Purchase and Licensing
**   as offered by Software- und Organisations-Service GmbH
**   in the respective terms of supply that ship with this file.
********************************************************** end of preamble*/
package sos.settings;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.regex.*;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter;

import org.apache.commons.fileupload.DefaultFileItem;
import org.apache.commons.fileupload.DiskFileUpload;
import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadException;

import sos.connection.SOSConnection;

import sos.util.SOSClassUtil;
import sos.util.SOSDate;
import sos.marshalling.SOSExport;
import sos.marshalling.SOSImport;
import sos.util.SOSLogger;
import sos.util.SOSResourceBundle;
import sos.util.SOSStandardLogger;

 * Title: SOSSettingsDialog<br>
 * Description: Dialogklasse um Einstellungen fr eine Applikation zu verarbeiten<br>
 * im ACL-Betrieb werden zustzlich sos.user.jar und sos.acl.jar bentigt<br>
 * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004<br>
 * Company: SOS Berlin GmbH<br>
 * @author <a href="">Robert Ehrlich</a>
 * resource sos.connection.jar sos.util.jar servlet.jar commons-fileupload-1.0.jar
 * @version $Id$
public class SOSSettingsDialog {

    /** Debuglevel */
    private int debugLevel = 0;

    /** ConnectionSettings Objekt */
    private SOSConnectionSettings settings;

    /** SOSConnection Objekt */
    private SOSConnection connection;

    /** SOSUser Objekt */
    private sos.user.SOSUser user;

    /** Session Objekt */
    private HttpSession session;

    /** Request Objekt */
    private HttpServletRequest request;

    /** Response Objekt */
    private HttpServletResponse response;

    /** Ausgabe Objekt */
    public JspWriter out;

    /** Settingstabelle */
    private String source = "";

    /** HTML Titel */
    private String title = "Settings Dialog";

    /** Name der rufenden Applikation */
    private String applicationName = "";

    /** Titel der Liste aller Applikationen */
    private String dialogApplicationsTitle = "(Alle Einstellungen)";

    /** Titel fr neue Applikation */
    private String dialogApplicationsNewTitle = "(Neuer Bereich)";

    /** Titel fr Export einer Applikation */
    private String dialogApplicationsExportTitle = "(Alle Eintrge dieses Bereichs)";

    /** Titel der Liste aller Sektionen */
    private String dialogSectionsTitle = "Einstellungen des Bereichs";

    /** Titel fr neue Sektion */
    private String dialogSectionsNewTitle = "(Neue Sektion)";

    /** Titel fr Export einer Sektion */
    private String dialogSectionsExportTitle = "(Alle Eintrge dieser Sektion)";

    /** Titel fr neue Zhler-Sektion */
    private String dialogSectionsCounterTitle = "Nr. des letzten Eintrags fr Tabelle";

    /** Titel fr neue Schema-Sektion */
    private String dialogSectionsSchemaTitle = "(Schema des Bereichs)";

    /** Titel der Liste aller Eintrge */
    private String dialogEntriesTitle = "Einstellungen der Sektion";

    /** Titel fr neuen Eintrag */
    private String dialogEntriesNewTitle = "(Neuer Eintrag)";

    /** Verzeichnis der Graphiken */
    private String imgDir = "images/settings/";

    /** Graphik fr Navigation */
    private String imgNavigation = "arr_rightlr.gif";

    /** Graphik fr Aktionen */
    private String imgAction = "arr_rightb.gif";

    /** Graphik fr Seitenanfang */
    private String imgTop = "arr_upb.gif";

    /** Graphik fr Seitenende */
    private String imgBottom = "arr_downb.gif";

    /** Graphik fr Hilfe-Symbol */
    private String imgHelp = "icon_help.gif";

    /** Navigieren in Applikationen zulassen */
    private boolean enableApplicationNavigation = true;

    /** Applikationsverwaltung zulassen */
    private boolean enableApplicationManager = true;

    /** Sektionsverwaltung zulassen */
    private boolean enableSectionManager = true;

    /** Sektionsverwaltung zulassen */
    private boolean enableEntryManager = true;

    /** Listenverwaltung zulassen */
    private boolean enableListManager = true;

    /** Anzeige der Namen von Eintrgen in Listen zulassen */
    private boolean enableEntryNames = true;

    /** ndern der Werte von Eintrgen in Listen zulassen */
    private boolean enableEntryValues = true;

    /** Zwischenablage zulassen */
    private boolean enableClipboard = false;

    /** Anzeige des Buttons "Hilfe" zulassen */
    private boolean enableHelps = true;

    /** Anzeige des Buttons "Dokumentieren" zulassen */
    private boolean enableDocumentation = true;

    /** Export-Funktion zulassen */
    private boolean enableExport = true;

    /** Import-Funktion zulassen */
    private boolean enableImport = true;

    /** Import-Funktion: Dateigre beschrnken, -1 = beliebig */
    private long importMaxSize = -1;

    /** Name des Formular-Elements */
    private String form = "sos_settings";

    /** Name des Formular-Elements fr Zusatzaktionen */
    private String formActions = "sos_settings_actions";

    /** Name der Web-Seite */
    private String site = "";

    /** Query-Parameter fr Session-ID */
    private String sessionVAR = "JSESSIONID";

    /** Query-Parameterwert fr Session-ID */
    private String sessionID = "";

    /** Session-ID wird von PHP automatisch bergeben: aus php.ini */
    private boolean sessionUseTransSID = true;

    /** CSS-Klasse fr Aktionen via Link */
    private String styleLinkAction = "settingsLinkAction";

    /** CSS-Klasse fr Aktionen via Link */
    private String styleLinkNavigation = "settingsLinkNavigation";

    /** CSS-Klasse fr Aktionen via Link */
    private String styleLinkInactiveNavigation = "settingsLinkGrey";

    /** CSS-Klasse fr Aktionen via Font */
    private String styleFontAction = "settingsFontAction";

    /** CSS-Klasse fr Aktionen via Font */
    private String styleFontNavigation = "settingsFontNavigation";

    /** CSS-Style TABLE.settings = { .... } */
    private String styleTable = "settingsTable";

    /** CSS-Style: Tabellenrnder 1/0 */
    private String styleBorder = "1";

    /** CSS-Style TR.settings = { .... } */
    private String styleTr = "settingsTable";

    /** CSS-Style TH.settings = { .... } */
    private String styleTh = "settingsTable";

    /** CSS-Style TD.settings = { .... } */
    private String styleTd = "settingsTable";

    /** CSS-Style TD.settings = { .... } */
    private String styleTdLabel = "settingsTableLabel";

    /** CSS-Style TD.settings = { .... } */
    private String styleTdBackground = "settingsTableBackground";

    /** CSS-Style INPUT.settings = { .... } */
    private String styleInput = "settingsInput";

    /** Inhalt des Headers */
    private String headerContent = "<p>";

    /** Default: Anzahl Zeichen fr Eingabe eines Eintrags */
    private String defaultInputSize = "250";

    /** Default: Anzahl Pixel fr Anzeige eines Eintrags */
    private String defaultDisplaySize = "50";

    /** Benutzername */
    private String author = "";

    /** Anzahl Zeilen bei Darstellung von Textareas */
    private int displayTextareaRows = 4;

    /** Anzahl Zeilen bei Darstellung von Document (long_value) Textareas */
    private int displayDocumentTextareaRows = 10;

    /** Datei mit Hilfetexten */
    private String helpFile = "settings_show_help.jsp";

    /** Breite des JS-Hilfefensters */
    private int helpWinWidth = 600;

    /** Hhe des JS-Hilfefensters */
    private int helpWinHeight = 500;

    /** Breite des JS-Hilfefensters */
    private int helpsWinWidth = 600;

    /** Hhe des JS-Hilfefensters */
    private int helpsWinHeight = 500;

    /** Template fr die Generierung der Dokumentation */
    private String documentationFile = "settings_show_docu.jsp";

    /** ORDER BY fr die Doku-Anzeige */
    private String documentationSort = "\"APPLICATION\" asc, \"SECTION\" asc, \"NAME\" asc";

    /** Breite des JS-Hilfefensters */
    private int docuWinWidth = 1000;

    /** Hhe des JS-Hilfefensters */
    private int docuWinHeight = 500;

    /** Liste der verfgbaren Applikationen */
    private Vector dialogApplications = new Vector();

    /** aktuell selektierte Applikation */
    private Integer dialogApplicationIndex = new Integer(-1);

    /** Liste der verfgbaren Sektionen */
    private Vector dialogSections = new Vector();

    /** aktuell selektierte Sektion */
    private Integer dialogSectionIndex = new Integer(-1);

    /** Liste der verfgbaren Eintrge */
    private Vector dialogEntries = new Vector();

    /** aktuell selektierter Eintrag */
    private Integer dialogEntryIndex = new Integer(-1);

    private SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

    /** Anzeige des Buttons "Hilfe" zulassen */
    private boolean hasHelps = false;

    /** Nur Dokumentation exportieren */
    private int exportDocumentation = 0;

    /** Nur Dokumentation importieren */
    private int importDocumentation = 0;

     * Funktionsnamen fr die Dokugestaltung in der Template Datei
     * "$this->documentation_template_file"
    private String docuFuncNameApplication = "docu_application";

    private String docuFuncNameSection = "docu_section";

    private String docuFuncNameEntry = "docu_entry";

    /** Flag fr neue Datenstze */
    private boolean isNew = false;

    /** Aktion der Transaktion: show, new, insert, store, delete */
    private String action = "";

    /** Bereich der Transaktion: application, section, entry */
    private String range = "";

    /** Element der Transaktion */
    private String item = "";

    /** Eingabeformat aus Schemasektion */
    private int applicationType = 0;

    /** Eingabeformat fr Listen */
    private int sectionType = 0;

    /** Clipboard-Objekt (SOS_Clipboard) */
    // var $clipboard;
    /** Aktion der Zwischenablage: copy, paste */
    private String clipboardAction = "";

    private HashMap record = new HashMap();

    private boolean err = false;

    private String errMsg = "";

    private String msg = "";

    private String errLocation = "";

    private boolean enableDocuTemplateCss = false;

    private String inputQuery = "";

    private String replaceQuery = "";

    private String inputExport = "";

    private String inputImport = "";

    private Vector entriesLongValues = new Vector();

    /** Leserecht */
    private boolean hasReadRight = true;

    /** Schreibrecht */
    private boolean hasWriteRight = true;

    /** Recht zum Lschen */
    private boolean hasDeleteRight = true;

    /** Create Recht */
    private boolean hasCreateRight = true;

     * Attribute von Eingabefeldern (kein Schreibrecht -> this.disabled = "
     * disabled ")
    private String disabled = "";

    /** Tabelle ACL */
    private String tableAcls = "ACL";

    /** Settings benutzt ACL's */
    private boolean hasAcls = false;

    /** ACL-Betrieb mit Datenbank */
    private boolean hasAclDb = true;

    /** Alle ACL's mit Settingszuordnung */
    private HashMap allAcls = new HashMap();

    /** Bereich der ACL */
    private String aclRange = "application";

    /** Zeichen fr alle Applikationen|Sektionen|Entries fr eine ACL */
    private String allAclNote = "*";

     * ACL zum Schutzt der Anzeige von allen Applikationen bzw "neue
     * Applikation"
    private String topLevelAcl = "";

    /** Schreibrecht der this.topLevelAcl */
    private boolean hasTopLevelWriteRight = true;

    /** Create Recht der this.topLevelAcl */
    private boolean hasTopLevelCreateRight = true;

    /** Leserecht der this.topLevelAcl */
    private boolean hasTopLevelReadRight = true;

    /** FCK Web Editor benutzen */
    private boolean enableEditor = false;

    /** Names des Editors - Request variable */
    private String editorName = "sos_fckeditor";

    /** FCK Web Editor Hhe */
    private String editorHeight = "300px";

    /** FCK Web Editor Breite - wird an td Element angewandt, daswegen in % */
    //private String editorWidth = "800px";
    private String editorWidth = "100%";

    private Locale locale = Locale.UK;

    private SOSResourceBundle rb = null;

    /** Name der Properties Datei */
    //private String bundleName =
    // this.getClass().getPackage().getName()+".sos_settings";
    private String bundleName = "sos_settings";

    /** Sprache der Anwendung */
    protected String sosLang;

     * Automatisches Setzen in der DB von gerade aktiven LONG_VALUE bzw VALUE
     * zulassen (Funktion - set_dialog_entries_long_values)
    private boolean enableAutoSetLongValues = false;

     * Upload Element fr Document binary anzeigen, benutzt wird als
     * style="display:none"
    private String displayBinaryUpload = "none";

    /** long_value bei binary Dokumenten */
    private Hashtable hasBinaryValue = new Hashtable();

    /** Fleck fr show_dialog_value */
    private boolean isShowEntries = false;

    /** aktuelle Request, Session Daten anzeigen */
    private boolean enableShowDevelopmentData = false;

    private String divDevelopmentDataLeft = "850px";

    private String divDevelopmentDataTop = "10px";

    private String importOriginalFileName = "";

    private boolean isSourceDownloaded = false;

     * Konstruktor
     * @param sosConnection
     *            ein SOSConnection-Objekt
     * @param source
     *            Name der Tabelle fr Einstellungen
     * @param servletRequest
     *            Request Objekt
     * @param servletResponse
     *            response Objekt
     * @param out
     *            JspWriter Objekt
     * @throws Exception
     * @see #SOSSettingsDialog( SOSConnection, String)
    public SOSSettingsDialog(SOSConnection sosConnection, String source, HttpServletRequest servletRequest,
            HttpServletResponse servletResponse, JspWriter out) throws Exception {

        this.connection = sosConnection;
        SOSLogger logger = new SOSStandardLogger(SOSStandardLogger.DEBUG9);
        this.settings = new SOSConnectionSettings(sosConnection, source, logger);

        this.request = servletRequest;
        this.response = servletResponse;
        this.out = out; = this.request.getRequestURI();
        this.session = this.request.getSession(false);



     * Konstruktor
     * @param sosConnection
     *            ein SOSConnection-Objekt
     * @param source
     *            Name der Tabelle fr Einstellungen
     * @param logger
     *            Das Logger-Objekt
     * @param servletRequest
     *            Request Objekt
     * @param servletResponse
     *            response Objekt
     * @param out
     *            JspWriter Objekt
     * @throws Exception
     * @see #SOSSettingsDialog( SOSConnection, String,SOSLogger )
    public SOSSettingsDialog(SOSConnection sosConnection, String source, SOSLogger logger,
            HttpServletRequest servletRequest, HttpServletResponse servletResponse, JspWriter out)
            throws Exception {

        this.connection = sosConnection;
        this.settings = new SOSConnectionSettings(sosConnection, source, logger);

        this.request = servletRequest;
        this.response = servletResponse;
        this.out = out; = this.request.getRequestURI();
        this.session = this.request.getSession(false);



     * Konstruktor
     * @param sosConnection
     *            DBConnection
     * @param source
     *            Name der Tabelle
     * @param application
     *            Name der Anwendung
     * @param logger
     *            Das Logger-Objekt
     * @param servletRequest
     *            Request Objekt
     * @param servletResponse
     *            response Objekt
     * @param out
     *            JspWriter Objekt
     * @throws Exception
     * @see #SOSSettingsDialog( SOSConnection, String,String, SOSLogger )
    public SOSSettingsDialog(SOSConnection sosConnection, String source, String application, SOSLogger logger,
            HttpServletRequest servletRequest, HttpServletResponse servletResponse, JspWriter out)
            throws Exception {

        this.connection = sosConnection;
        this.settings = new SOSConnectionSettings(sosConnection, source, application, logger);

        this.request = servletRequest;
        this.response = servletResponse;
        this.out = out; = this.request.getRequestURI();
        this.session = this.request.getSession(false);



     * @param sosConnection
     *            DBConnection
     * @param source
     *            Name der Tabelle
     * @param application
     *            Name der Anwendung
     * @param section
     *            Name der Sektion
     * @param logger
     *            Das Logger-Objekt
     * @param servletRequest
     *            Request Objekt
     * @param servletResponse
     *            response Objekt
     * @param out
     *            JspWriter Objekt
     * @throws Exception
     * @see #SOSSettingsDialog( SOSConnection, String, String, String, SOSLogger )
    public SOSSettingsDialog(SOSConnection sosConnection, String source, String application, String section,
            SOSLogger logger, HttpServletRequest servletRequest, HttpServletResponse servletResponse, JspWriter out)
            throws Exception {

        this.connection = sosConnection;
        this.settings = new SOSConnectionSettings(sosConnection, source, application, section, logger);

        this.request = servletRequest;
        this.response = servletResponse;
        this.out = out; = this.request.getRequestURI();
        this.session = this.request.getSession(false);


     * @throws Exception
    private void setFeaturesLabels() throws Exception {

        /* Titel der Liste aller Applikationen */
        this.dialogApplicationsTitle = this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.dialog_applications_title");

        /* Titel fr neue Applikation */
        this.dialogApplicationsNewTitle = this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.dialog_applications_new_title");

        /* Titel fr Export einer Applikation */
        this.dialogApplicationsExportTitle = this.rb

        /* Titel der Liste aller Sektionen */
        this.dialogSectionsTitle = this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.dialog_sections_title");

        /* Titel fr neue Sektion */
        this.dialogSectionsNewTitle = this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.dialog_sections_new_title");

        /* Titel fr Export einer Sektion */
        this.dialogSectionsExportTitle = this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.dialog_sections_export_title");

        /* Titel fr neue Zhler-Sektion */
        this.dialogSectionsCounterTitle = this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.dialog_sections_counter_title");

        /* Titel fr neue Schema-Sektion */
        this.dialogSectionsSchemaTitle = this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.dialog_sections_schema_title");

        /* Titel der Liste aller Eintrge */
        this.dialogEntriesTitle = this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.dialog_entries_title");

        /* Titel fr neuen Eintrag */
        this.dialogEntriesNewTitle = this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.dialog_entries_new_title");


     * @throws Exception
    private void setDefaultLanguage() throws Exception {

        this.rb = new SOSResourceBundle();

        this.rb.setBundle(this.bundleName, this.locale);

        this.sosLang = this.locale.getLanguage().toLowerCase();
        SOSDate.locale = this.locale;


     * @param locale
     *            The locale to set.
    public void setLocale(Locale locale) throws Exception {

        if (locale != null) {
            this.locale = locale;

        if (this.rb == null) {
            this.rb = new SOSResourceBundle();

        this.rb.setBundle(this.bundleName, this.locale);
        SOSDate.locale = this.locale;
        this.sosLang = this.locale.getLanguage().toLowerCase();


     * @param locale
     *            The locale to set.
    public void setLanguage(String language) throws Exception {

        if (language != null && language.length() != 0) {
            if (language.equalsIgnoreCase("en")) {
                this.locale = Locale.UK;
            } else if (language.equalsIgnoreCase("de")) {
                this.locale = Locale.GERMANY;

        if (this.locale == null) {
            this.locale = Locale.UK;

        if (this.rb == null) {
            this.rb = new SOSResourceBundle();

        this.rb.setBundle(this.bundleName, this.locale);
        SOSDate.locale = this.locale;
        this.sosLang = this.locale.getLanguage().toLowerCase();


     * Aktionssteuerung
     * @throws Exception
     * @see #switchAction(String, String, String)
    public void switchAction() throws Exception {

        this.switchAction(null, null, null);

     * Aktionssteuerung
     * @throws Exception
     * @see #switchAction(String, String, String)
    public void switchAction(String action, String range) throws Exception {

        this.switchAction(action, range, null);

     * Aktionssteuerung
     * @param action
     *            Aktion
     * @param range
     *            Bereich der Aktion
     * @param item
     *            Transaktion
     * @throws Exception
     * @see #switchAction(String, String, String)
    public void switchAction(String action, String range, String item) throws Exception {

        this.sessionUseTransSID = this.request.isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie();
        if (this.session != null) {
            this.sessionID = this.session.getId();


        if (action != null) {
            this.action = action;
        if (range != null) {
            this.range = range;
        if (item != null) {
            this.item = item;


        String switchAction = this.action.toLowerCase() + "_" + this.range.toLowerCase();

        if (switchAction.equals("download_source")) {
            this.downloadSource(this.settings.application, this.settings.section,

        System.out.println("action = " + this.action + " range = " + this.range);

        this.debug(3, "switchAction : action = " + this.action + " range = " + this.range + " item = " + item);
        this.debug(3, "switchAction : application = " + this.settings.application + " section = "
                + this.settings.section + " entry = " + this.settings.entry);

        // Begin Aktionssteuerung
        if (switchAction.equals("show_applications")) {
            this.showDialogApplications(null, null);
        } else if (switchAction.equals("show_application")) {
            this.settings.section = this.settings.application;
            this.settings.entry = this.settings.application;
            if (this.recordGetKey(true)) {
            } else {
                this.showDialogApplications(null, null);
        } else if (switchAction.equals("new_application")) {
            this.isNew = true;
            this.dialogApplicationIndex = new Integer(-1);
            if (this.recordCreate()) {
            } else {
                this.showDialogApplications(null, null);

        } else if (switchAction.equals("insert_application")) {
            this.isNew = true;
            if (this.recordInsert()) {
                this.settings.application = this.record.get("application").toString();

                if (this.setDialogApplications(true)) {
                    this.showDialogSections(null, null);
            } else {
                //this.showDialogApplications(null, null);
        } else if (switchAction.equals("store_application")) {
            if (this.recordStore()) {
                this.settings.application = this.record.get("application").toString();
                this.settings.section = this.record.get("section").toString();

                this.showDialogSections(null, null);
            } else {
                this.showDialogApplications(null, null);
        } else if (switchAction.equals("delete_application")) {


            if (this.enableApplicationNavigation) {
                this.settings.application = "";
                this.settings.section = "";
                this.settings.entry = "";

                this.showDialogApplications(null, null);
            } else {
                this.isNew = true;
                this.dialogApplicationIndex = new Integer(-1);
                if (this.recordCreate()) {
                } else {
                    this.showDialogApplications(null, null);
        } else if (switchAction.equals("show_sections")) {
            this.showDialogSections(null, null);
        } else if (switchAction.equals("show_section")) {
            this.settings.entry = this.settings.section;
            if (this.recordGetKey(true)) {
            } else {
                this.showDialogSections(null, null);
        } else if (switchAction.equals("new_section")) {
            this.isNew = true;
            if (this.recordCreate()) {
            } else {
                this.showDialogSections(null, null);
        } else if (switchAction.equals("insert_section")) {
            this.isNew = true;
            this.showDialogSections(null, null);

        } else if (switchAction.equals("store_section")) {
            this.showDialogSections(null, null);
        } else if (switchAction.equals("delete_section")) {
            this.showDialogSections(null, null);
        } else if (switchAction.equals("schema_section")) {

            if (this.recordGetKey(true)) {
            } else {
                this.isNew = true;
                if (this.recordInsert()) {
                    this.isNew = false;
            this.showDialogEntry(1, 1);
        } else if (switchAction.equals("store_list")) {


            this.showDialogEntries(null, null);

            if (this.error()) {
            this.showDialogEntries(null, null);

        } else if (switchAction.equals("show_entries")) {
            this.showDialogEntries(null, null);
        } else if (switchAction.equals("show_entry")) {
            if (this.recordGetKey(true)) {
                this.showDialogEntry(0, 0);
            } else {
                this.showDialogEntries(null, null);
        } else if (switchAction.equals("schema_entry")) {
            if (this.recordGetKey(true)) {
                this.showDialogEntry(1, 0);
            } else {
                this.showDialogEntries(null, null);
        } else if (switchAction.equals("new_entry")) {
            this.isNew = true;
            if (this.recordCreate()) {
                this.showDialogEntry(1, 0);
            } else {
                this.showDialogEntries(null, null);
        } else if (switchAction.equals("insert_entry")) {
            this.isNew = true;
            this.showDialogEntries(null, null);
        } else if (switchAction.equals("store_entry")) {
            this.showDialogEntries(null, null);
        } else if (switchAction.equals("delete_entry")) {
            this.showDialogEntries(null, null);
        } else if (switchAction.equals("query_entries")) {
            if (this.queryEntries(this.inputQuery, 0, this.replaceQuery) != 0) {
                this.showDialogEntries(null, null);
            } else {
                if (!this.settings.section.equals("")) {
                    this.showDialogEntries(null, null);
                } else if (!this.settings.application.equals("")) {
                    this.showDialogSections(null, null);
                } else {
                    this.showDialogApplications(null, null);

                        + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.err_not_found_entries"), null);

        } else if (switchAction.equals("duplicate_entries")) {
            inputQuery = "";
            if (this.getRequestValue("name") != null) {
                inputQuery = this.getRequestValue("name").trim();
            if (this.queryEntries(inputQuery, 1, null) != 0) {
                this.showDialogEntries(null, null);
            } else {
                if (!this.settings.section.equals("")) {
                    this.showDialogEntries(null, null);
                } else if (!this.settings.application.equals("")) {
                    this.showDialogSections(null, null);
                } else {
                    this.showDialogApplications(null, null);
                        + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.err_not_found_entries"), null);
        } else if (switchAction.equals("export_entries")) {
            this.exportEntries(this.inputExport, null);
        } else if (switchAction.equals("import_entries")) {

            String error = "";

            this.importEntries(this.inputImport, null);

            if (this.error()) {
                error = this.getError();

            this.showDialogApplications(null, null);

            if (error.equals("")) {
                this.showMsg("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.msg_import"));

        } else if (switchAction.equals("show_help")) {
        } else if (switchAction.equals("show_helps")) {
        } else if (switchAction.equals("show_documentation")) {
        } else {
            this.showDialogApplications(null, null);


        // Ende Aktionssteuerung


        if (this.msg != null && this.msg.length() > 0) {
            this.msg = "";

        if (this.error()) {


     * Eintrge im Profil suchen
     * @param query
     *            Suchstring
     * @param range
     * @param replaceQuery       Replacement
     * @return int Grsse der dialogEntries
     * @throws Exception
     * @see #queryEntries(String, int)

    private int queryEntries(String query, int range, String replaceQuery) throws Exception {

        boolean isReplaceQuery = this.item.equals("replace") ? true : false;

        if (replaceQuery == null) {
            replaceQuery = "";

        this.dialogEntryIndex = new Integer(-1);
        this.dialogEntries = new Vector();

        StringBuffer sqlStmt = new StringBuffer("select * from " + this.settings.source + " ")
                .append(" where (\"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" <> \"" + this.settings.entrySection
                        + "\" and ")
                .append("       \"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\" <> \"" + this.settings.entryName + "\" and ")
                .append("       \"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\" <> '" + this.settings.entrySchemaSection
                        + "')");

        if (range == 0) {
            if (!this.settings.application.equals("")) {
                        " and \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" ='" + this.settings.application + "'");
            if (!this.settings.section.equals("")) {
                sqlStmt.append(" and \"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\" ='" + this.settings.section + "'");

            if (!query.equals("")) {
                if (isReplaceQuery) {

                } else {
                    sqlStmt.append(" and ( %lcase(\"" + this.settings.entryName + "\") like '%"
                            + query.toLowerCase() + "%'")
                            .append("    or %lcase(\"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\") like '%"
                                    + query.toLowerCase() + "%'")
                            .append("    or %lcase(\"" + this.settings.entryValue + "\") like '%"
                                    + query.toLowerCase() + "%'")
                            .append("    or %lcase(\"" + this.settings.entryTitle + "\") like '%"
                                    + query.toLowerCase() + "%' )");
        } else if (!query.equals("")) {
            if (isReplaceQuery) {

            } else {
                        " and %lcase(\"" + this.settings.entryName + "\") like '" + query.toLowerCase() + "%'");
        sqlStmt.append(" order by \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\",\"" + this.settings.entrySection
                + "\",\"" + this.settings.entryName + "\"");

        this.debug(3, "queryEntries: " + sqlStmt.toString());

        try {
            if (isReplaceQuery && query.length() > 0) {
                this.dialogEntries = new Vector();
                Vector dialog_entries = this.connection.getArrayAsVector(sqlStmt.toString());

                int j = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < dialog_entries.size(); i++) {
                    HashMap hm = new HashMap();
                    hm = (HashMap) dialog_entries.get(i);
                    String value = hm.get("value").toString();

                    Pattern p = Pattern.compile(query);
                    Matcher matcher = p.matcher(value);
                    if (matcher.find()) {
                        if (replaceQuery.length() > 0) {
                            hm.put("value", value.replaceAll(query, replaceQuery));
                        this.dialogEntries.add(j, hm);
            } else {
                this.dialogEntries = this.connection.getArrayAsVector(sqlStmt.toString());

            return this.dialogEntries.size();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());
            return 0;

     * Datensatz entfernen
     * @return boolean Fehlerzustand
     * @throws Exception
    private boolean recordDeleteKey() throws Exception {

        this.debug(3, "record_delete_key");

        try {
            this.connection.execute("delete from " + this.settings.source + " where \""
                    + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" = " + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application)
                    + " and \"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\" = " + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.section)
                    + " and \"" + this.settings.entryName + "\" = " + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.entry));

            if (this.range.equals("application")) {
                try {
                    this.connection.execute("delete from " + this.settings.source + " where \""
                            + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"=" + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application));
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());
            } else if (this.range.equals("section")) {
                try {
                    this.connection.execute("delete from " + this.settings.source + " where \""
                            + this.settings.entrySection + "\" = " + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.section)
                            + " and \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" = "
                            + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application));
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());
            } else {
                if (this.applicationType > 0) {
                    try {
                        Vector results = this.connection.getArrayAsVector("select \"SECTION\" from "
                                + this.settings.source + " where \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"= "
                                + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and \"" + this.settings.entrySection
                                + "\" <> '" + this.settings.entrySchemaSection + "' and \""
                                + this.settings.entryName + "\" = \"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\" and \""
                                + this.settings.entryName + "\" <> \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"");
                        for (Enumeration el = results.elements(); el.hasMoreElements();) {
                            HashMap result = (HashMap) el.nextElement();
                            try {
                                this.connection.execute("delete from " + this.settings.source + " where \""
                                        + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" = "
                                        + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and \""
                                        + this.settings.entrySection + "\" = "
                                        + this.dbQuoted(result.get("section").toString()) + " and \""
                                        + this.settings.entryName + "\" = " + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.entry));
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());

        } catch (Exception e) {
            this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());

        if (this.error()) {
            return false;
        } else {

        return true;

     * Record vorbereiten
    private void createRecord() throws Exception {
        this.debug(3, "createRecord");

        this.record = new HashMap();

        Date date = new Date();

        this.record.put(this.settings.entryApplication.toLowerCase(), this.settings.application);
        this.record.put(this.settings.entrySection.toLowerCase(), this.settings.section);
        this.record.put(this.settings.entryName.toLowerCase(), this.settings.entry);

        this.record.put("value", "");
        this.record.put("default_value", "");
        this.record.put("documentation", "");
        this.record.put("long_value", "");
        this.record.put("title", "");
        this.record.put("input_type", "");
        this.record.put("input_size", "");
        this.record.put("display_type", "");
        this.record.put("display_size", "");
        this.record.put("forced", "");
        this.record.put("created", this.dateFormat.format(date));
        this.record.put("modified", this.dateFormat.format(date));
        this.record.put("entry_type", "");

     * Datensatz einfgen
     * @return boolean Fehlerzustand
     * @throws Exception

    private boolean recordInsert() throws Exception {

        this.debug(3, "record_insert");

        // document binary
        boolean enableUploadFile = false;

        byte[] backUpLongValue = null;


        Iterator it = this.record.entrySet().iterator();

        while (it.hasNext()) {
            Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
            String param = entry.getKey().toString();
            String value = entry.getValue().toString();

            if (this.getRequestValue(param) != null) {
                if (param.equals("application") || param.equals("section") || param.equals("name")) {
                    if (this.getIgnoreCase()) {
                        this.record.put(param, this.getRequestValue(param).trim());
                    } else {
                        this.record.put(param, this.getRequestValue(param).trim().toLowerCase());
                } else {
                    this.record.put(param, this.getRequestValue(param).trim());


        boolean isSaveAs = false;
        this.record.put("original_name", "");
        String origName = this.getRequestValue("original_name");
        if (origName != null && origName.trim().length() > 0) {
            this.record.put("original_name", origName.trim());
            isSaveAs = true;

        HashMap backupRecord = (HashMap) this.record.clone();

        int entryType = 0;
        try {
            entryType = Integer.parseInt(this.record.get("entry_type").toString());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            this.record.put("entry_type", "0");

        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            this.record.put("input_type", "0");

        try {
            if (Integer.parseInt(this.record.get("input_size").toString()) <= 0) {
                this.record.put("input_size", this.defaultInputSize);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            this.record.put("input_size", this.defaultInputSize);

        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            this.record.put("display_type", "0");

        try {
            if (Integer.parseInt(this.record.get("display_size").toString()) <= 0) {
                this.record.put("display_size", this.defaultDisplaySize);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            this.record.put("display_size", this.defaultDisplaySize);

        StringBuffer sqlStmt = null;
        if (this.range.equalsIgnoreCase("application")) {
            this.record.put(this.settings.entryApplication.toLowerCase(), this.record.get("name").toString());
            this.record.put(this.settings.entrySection.toLowerCase(), this.record.get("name").toString());

            try {
                int forced = Integer.parseInt(this.record.get("forced").toString());
                if (forced != 1 && forced != -1) {
                    this.record.put("forced", "0");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                this.record.put("forced", "0");

            boolean isInserted = false;

            !!!!!!!!!!!schema ist nicht bercksichtigt 
                String count = this.connection.getSingleValue("select count(\"APPLICATION\") from "+this.settings.source+" where \"APPLICATION\" = "+this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("name").toString())+" and \"SECTION\" = \"APPLICATION\" and \"NAME\" = \"APPLICATION\"");
              this.setError(this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.err_available_application"), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());
              return false;
             catch(Exception e){
                this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());
                return false;

            if (entryType == 1) {
                sqlStmt = new StringBuffer(" insert into " + this.settings.source
                        + "(\"APPLICATION\", \"SECTION\", \"NAME\", \"VALUE\", \"TITLE\", \"INPUT_TYPE\", \"INPUT_SIZE\", \"DISPLAY_TYPE\", \"DISPLAY_SIZE\", \"FORCED\", \"ENTRY_TYPE\", \"CREATED\", \"CREATED_BY\", \"MODIFIED\", \"MODIFIED_BY\") ")
                                .append(" values (" + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("name").toString()) + ",'"
                                        + this.settings.entrySchemaSection + "','"
                                        + this.settings.entrySchemaSection + "',0,'"
                                        + this.dialogSectionsSchemaTitle + "', 1, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, %now, '"
                                        + + "', %now, '" + + "')");

                try {
                    isInserted = true;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());


            if (!this.error()) {

                if (!this.settings.application.equals("")) {
                    sqlStmt = new StringBuffer(
                            "select \"SECTION\",\"NAME\", \"VALUE\", \"TITLE\", \"DEFAULT_VALUE\", \"INPUT_TYPE\", \"INPUT_SIZE\", \"DISPLAY_TYPE\", \"DISPLAY_SIZE\", \"FORCED\", \"ENTRY_TYPE\" from "
                                    + this.settings.source + " ")
                                            .append(" where \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" = "
                                                    + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application));

                    try {
                        Vector results = this.connection.getArrayAsVector(sqlStmt.toString());
                        for (Enumeration el = results.elements(); el.hasMoreElements();) {
                            HashMap result = (HashMap) el.nextElement();

                            if (isInserted
                                    && result.get("section").toString().equals(this.settings.entrySchemaSection)
                                    && result.get("name").toString().equals(this.settings.entrySchemaSection)) {

                            StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("insert into " + this.settings.source
                                    + " (\"APPLICATION\", \"SECTION\", \"NAME\", \"VALUE\", \"TITLE\", \"DEFAULT_VALUE\", \"INPUT_TYPE\", \"INPUT_SIZE\", \"DISPLAY_TYPE\", \"DISPLAY_SIZE\", \"FORCED\", \"ENTRY_TYPE\", \"CREATED\", \"CREATED_BY\", \"MODIFIED\", \"MODIFIED_BY\") ");

                            String i_s = "";
                            String e_v = "";
                            String d_v = "";

                            if (result.get("input_size").toString().equals("")) {
                                i_s = "NULL";
                            } else {
                                i_s = result.get("input_size").toString();

                            if (result.get("value").toString().equals("")) {
                                e_v = "NULL";
                            } else {
                                e_v = this.dbQuoted(result.get("value").toString());

                            if (result.get("default_value").toString().equals("")) {
                                d_v = "NULL";
                            } else {
                                d_v = this.dbQuoted(result.get("default_value").toString());

                            sql.append("values (" + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("name").toString()) + ","
                                    + this.dbQuoted(result.get("section").toString()) + ", "
                                    + this.dbQuoted(result.get("name").toString()) + ", " + e_v + ", "
                                    + this.dbQuoted(result.get("title").toString()) + ", " + d_v + ", "
                                    + result.get("input_type").toString() + ", " + i_s + ", ")
                                    .append(result.get("display_type").toString() + ", "
                                            + result.get("display_size").toString() + ", "
                                            + result.get("forced").toString() + ", "
                                            + result.get("entry_type").toString() + ", %now, '"
                                            + + "', %now, '" + + "')");

                            try {

                                byte[] longValue = this.connection.getBlob("select \"LONG_VALUE\" from "
                                        + this.settings.source + " where \"" + this.settings.entryApplication
                                        + "\" = " + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and \""
                                        + this.settings.entrySection + "\" = "
                                        + this.dbQuoted(result.get("section").toString()) + " and \""
                                        + this.settings.entryName + "\" = "
                                        + this.dbQuoted(result.get("name").toString()) + " ");
                                if (longValue != null && longValue.length != 0) {
                                    this.connection.updateBlob(this.settings.source, "LONG_VALUE", longValue,
                                            " \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" = "
                                                    + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("name").toString()) + " and \""
                                                    + this.settings.entrySection + "\" = "
                                                    + this.dbQuoted(result.get("section").toString()) + " and \""
                                                    + this.settings.entryName + "\" = "
                                                    + this.dbQuoted(result.get("name").toString()) + " ");


                                byte[] documentation = this.connection.getBlob("select \"DOCUMENTATION\" from "
                                        + this.settings.source + " where \"" + this.settings.entryApplication
                                        + "\" = " + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and \""
                                        + this.settings.entrySection + "\" = "
                                        + this.dbQuoted(result.get("section").toString()) + " and \""
                                        + this.settings.entryName + "\" = "
                                        + this.dbQuoted(result.get("name").toString()) + " ");
                                if (documentation != null && documentation.length != 0) {
                                    this.connection.updateBlob(this.settings.source, "DOCUMENTATION", documentation,
                                            " \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" = "
                                                    + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("name").toString()) + " and \""
                                                    + this.settings.entrySection + "\" = "
                                                    + this.dbQuoted(result.get("section").toString()) + " and \""
                                                    + this.settings.entryName + "\" = "
                                                    + this.dbQuoted(result.get("name").toString()) + " ");

                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());

                        } // Enumeration

                        String sqlDel = " delete from " + this.settings.source + " where \""
                                + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" = "
                                + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("name").toString()) + " and \""
                                + this.settings.entrySection + "\" = " + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application)
                                + " and \"" + this.settings.entryName + "\" = "
                                + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application);
                        try {
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());


                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());

        } else if (this.range.equalsIgnoreCase("section")) {
            this.record.put(this.settings.entryApplication.toLowerCase(), this.settings.application);
            this.record.put(this.settings.entrySection.toLowerCase(), this.record.get("name").toString());

            try {
                int forced = Integer.parseInt(this.record.get("forced").toString());
                if (forced != 1 && forced != -1) {
                    this.record.put("forced", "0");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                this.record.put("forced", "0");

            if (entryType == 1) {
                sqlStmt = new StringBuffer(" insert into " + this.settings.source
                        + " (\"APPLICATION\", \"SECTION\", \"NAME\", \"VALUE\", \"TITLE\", \"INPUT_TYPE\", \"INPUT_SIZE\", \"DISPLAY_TYPE\", \"DISPLAY_SIZE\", \"FORCED\", \"ENTRY_TYPE\", \"CREATED\", \"CREATED_BY\", \"MODIFIED\", \"MODIFIED_BY\") ")
                                .append(" values ('" + this.settings.entryCounterApplication + "','"
                                        + this.settings.entryCounterSection + "','"
                                        + (this.settings.source + "." + this.record.get("name").toString())
                                        + "',0,'" + this.dialogSectionsCounterTitle + " "
                                        + this.record.get("name").toString() + "', 1, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, %now, '"
                                        + + "', %now, '" + + "')");

                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());


            if (!this.error()) {

                String entryValue = "value";
                boolean ok = (!this.settings.section.equals("")); // ..
                // Speichern
                // unter

                if (!ok) {
                    ok = (this.applicationType > 0); // bernahme aus einer
                    // Schema-Sektion
                    if (ok) {
                        this.settings.section = this.settings.entrySchemaSection;
                        entryValue = "default_value";
                if (ok) {
                    sqlStmt = new StringBuffer(
                            " select \"NAME\", \"VALUE\", \"TITLE\", \"DEFAULT_VALUE\", \"INPUT_TYPE\", \"INPUT_SIZE\", \"DISPLAY_TYPE\", \"DISPLAY_SIZE\", \"FORCED\", \"ENTRY_TYPE\" from "
                                    + this.settings.source + " ")
                                            .append(" where \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"="
                                                    + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and \""
                                                    + this.settings.entrySection + "\"="
                                                    + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.section) + " and \""
                                                    + this.settings.entrySection + "\"<>\""
                                                    + this.settings.entryName + "\"");

                    try {
                        Vector results = this.connection.getArrayAsVector(sqlStmt.toString());

                        if (results.size() > 0) {
                            for (Enumeration el = results.elements(); el.hasMoreElements();) {
                                HashMap result = (HashMap) el.nextElement();

                                sqlStmt = new StringBuffer(" insert into " + this.settings.source
                                        + " (\"APPLICATION\", \"SECTION\", \"NAME\", \"VALUE\", \"TITLE\", \"DEFAULT_VALUE\", \"INPUT_TYPE\", \"INPUT_SIZE\", \"DISPLAY_TYPE\", \"DISPLAY_SIZE\", \"FORCED\", \"ENTRY_TYPE\", \"CREATED\", \"CREATED_BY\", \"MODIFIED\", \"MODIFIED_BY\") ");

                                String i_s = "";
                                String e_v = "";
                                String d_v = "";

                                if (result.get("input_size").toString().equals("")) {
                                    i_s = "NULL";
                                } else {
                                    i_s = result.get("input_size").toString();

                                if (result.get(entryValue).toString().equals("")) {
                                    e_v = "NULL";
                                } else {
                                    e_v = this.dbQuoted(result.get(entryValue).toString());

                                if (result.get("default_value").toString().equals("")) {
                                    d_v = "NULL";
                                } else {
                                    d_v = this.dbQuoted(result.get("default_value").toString());

                                String db_application = (this.getIgnoreCase()) ? this.settings.application
                                        : this.settings.application.toLowerCase();
                                String db_name = (this.getIgnoreCase()) ? result.get("name").toString()
                                        : result.get("name").toString().toLowerCase();

                                sqlStmt.append(" values (" + this.dbQuoted(db_application) + ","
                                        + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("name").toString()) + ","
                                        + this.dbQuoted(db_name) + ", " + e_v + ", "
                                        + this.dbQuoted(result.get("title").toString()) + "," + d_v + ","
                                        + result.get("input_type").toString() + "," + i_s + ", ")
                                        .append(result.get("display_type").toString() + ", "
                                                + result.get("display_size").toString() + ", "
                                                + result.get("forced").toString() + ", "
                                                + result.get("entry_type").toString() + ", %now, '"
                                                + + "', %now, '" +
                                                + "')");
                                try {

                                    byte[] longValue = this.connection.getBlob("select \"LONG_VALUE\" from "
                                            + this.settings.source + " where \"" + this.settings.entryApplication
                                            + "\" = " + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and \""
                                            + this.settings.entrySection + "\" = "
                                            + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.section) + " and \""
                                            + this.settings.entryName + "\" = "
                                            + this.dbQuoted(result.get("name").toString()));
                                    if (longValue != null && longValue.length != 0) {
                                        this.connection.updateBlob(this.settings.source, "LONG_VALUE", longValue,
                                                " \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" = "
                                                        + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and \""
                                                        + this.settings.entrySection + "\" = "
                                                        + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("name").toString())
                                                        + " and \"" + this.settings.entryName + "\" = "
                                                        + this.dbQuoted(result.get("name").toString()));

                                    byte[] documentation = this.connection.getBlob("select \"DOCUMENTATION\" from "
                                            + this.settings.source + " where \"" + this.settings.entryApplication
                                            + "\" = " + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and \""
                                            + this.settings.entrySection + "\" = "
                                            + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.section) + " and \""
                                            + this.settings.entryName + "\" = "
                                            + this.dbQuoted(result.get("name").toString()));
                                    if (documentation != null && documentation.length != 0) {
                                        this.connection.updateBlob(this.settings.source, "DOCUMENTATION",
                                                " \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" = "
                                                        + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and \""
                                                        + this.settings.entrySection + "\" = "
                                                        + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("name").toString())
                                                        + " and \"" + this.settings.entryName + "\" = "
                                                        + this.dbQuoted(result.get("name").toString()));

                                } catch (Exception e) {
                                    this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());


                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());


        } else {
            this.record.put(this.settings.entryApplication.toLowerCase(), this.settings.application);
            this.record.put(this.settings.entrySection.toLowerCase(), this.settings.section);

            String inputType = this.record.get("input_type").toString();
            String displayType = this.record.get("display_type").toString();

            if (inputType.equals("5")) {// Dokument
                if (displayType.equals("4")) {// Vestreckt . Behandlung wie bei case 6
                    this.record.put("input_size", "");
                    this.record.put("display_type", "4"); // Hidden
                    this.record.put("value", "");

                    if (this.item.equals("upload")) {
                        if (this.inputImport != null && this.inputImport.length() > 0
                                && this.importOriginalFileName != null
                                && this.importOriginalFileName.length() > 0) {
                            backupRecord.put("long_value", this.inputImport);
                            enableUploadFile = true;
                        } else {
                            return false;
                } else {// Textarea             
                    this.record.put("input_size", "");
                    this.record.put("display_type", "3"); // Textarea
                    if (this.record.get("value").toString().trim().length() > 0) {
                        if (this.record.get("name").toString().trim().length() > 0) {
                            backupRecord.put("long_value", this.record.get("value").toString());
                    this.record.put("value", "");

            } else if (inputType.equals("6")) {// Dokument binr
                this.record.put("input_size", "");
                this.record.put("display_type", "4"); // Hidden
                this.record.put("value", "");

                if (this.item.equals("upload")) {
                    if (this.inputImport != null && this.inputImport.length() > 0
                            && this.importOriginalFileName != null && this.importOriginalFileName.length() > 0) {
                        backupRecord.put("long_value", this.inputImport);
                        enableUploadFile = true;
                    } else {
                        return false;

            if (isSaveAs && !enableUploadFile) {
                if (inputType.equals("5") || inputType.equals("6")) {
                    backUpLongValue = this.connection.getBlob("select \"LONG_VALUE\" from " + this.settings.source
                            + " where \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" = "
                            + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("application").toString()) + " and \""
                            + this.settings.entrySection + "\" = "
                            + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("section").toString()) + " and \""
                            + this.settings.entryName + "\" = "
                            + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("original_name").toString()));
                    if (backUpLongValue != null && backUpLongValue.length > 0) {
                    } else {
                        backupRecord.put("long_value", "");

            if (this.applicationType > 0) {
                try {
                    Vector results = this.connection.getArrayAsVector(" select \"SECTION\" from "
                            + this.settings.source + " where \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" = "
                            + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("application").toString()) + " and \""
                            + this.settings.entrySection + "\" <> '" + this.settings.entrySchemaSection + "' and \""
                            + this.settings.entryName + "\" = \"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\" and \""
                            + this.settings.entryName + "\" <> \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"");

                    if (results.size() > 0) {
                        for (Enumeration el = results.elements(); el.hasMoreElements();) {
                            HashMap result = (HashMap) el.nextElement();
                            String i_s = "";
                            String d_v = "";
                            String e_v = "";

                            if (this.record.get("input_size").toString().equals("")) {
                                i_s = "NULL";
                            } else {
                                i_s = this.record.get("input_size").toString();

                            if (this.record.get("default_value").toString().equals("")) {
                                d_v = "NULL";
                            } else {
                                d_v = this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("default_value").toString());

                            String input_type = this.record.get("input_type").toString();
                            if (input_type.equals("5") || input_type.equals("6")) { // dokument oder dokument binr
                                e_v = "NULL";
                            } else {
                                e_v = d_v;

                            String db_application = (this.getIgnoreCase())
                                    ? this.record.get("application").toString()
                                    : this.record.get("application").toString().toLowerCase();
                            String db_section = (this.getIgnoreCase()) ? result.get("section").toString()
                                    : result.get("section").toString().toLowerCase();
                            String db_name = (this.getIgnoreCase()) ? this.record.get("name").toString()
                                    : this.record.get("name").toString().toLowerCase();

                            sqlStmt = new StringBuffer(" insert into " + this.settings.source
                                    + " (\"APPLICATION\", \"SECTION\", \"NAME\", \"VALUE\", \"TITLE\", \"DEFAULT_VALUE\", \"INPUT_TYPE\", \"INPUT_SIZE\", \"DISPLAY_TYPE\", \"DISPLAY_SIZE\", \"FORCED\", \"ENTRY_TYPE\", \"CREATED\", \"CREATED_BY\", \"MODIFIED\", \"MODIFIED_BY\") ")
                                            .append(" values ( " + this.dbQuoted(db_application) + ","
                                                    + this.dbQuoted(db_section) + ", " + this.dbQuoted(db_name)
                                                    + "," + e_v + ", "
                                                    + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("title").toString()) + ", "
                                                    + d_v + "," + this.record.get("input_type").toString() + ", "
                                                    + i_s + ", " + this.record.get("display_type").toString() + ", "
                                                    + this.record.get("display_size").toString() + ","
                                                    + this.record.get("forced").toString() + ", "
                                                    + this.record.get("entry_type").toString() + ", %now, '"
                                                    + + "', %now, '" +
                                                    + "')");

                            try {
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());

                } catch (Exception e) {
                    this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());

            if (!this.error()) {

                if (this.sectionType > 0) {
                    try {
                        int sequence = this.settings.getSequence(this.settings.entryCounterApplication,
                                (this.settings.source + "." + this.settings.section).toLowerCase());
                        this.record.put(this.settings.entryName.toLowerCase(), new Integer(sequence));
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());

                    this.record.put("forced", "0");
                    if (this.error()) {
                        return false;


        Date date = new Date();
        this.record.put("created", this.dateFormat.format(date));
        this.record.put("modified", this.dateFormat.format(date));

        //this.record.put("documentation",""); // insert();

        // Kommt aus dem FKC Editor
        if (this.getRequestValue(this.editorName) != null) {
            this.record.put("documentation", "");
            backupRecord.put("documentation", "");

            String editorValue = this.getRequestValue(this.editorName).trim();
            if (!editorValue.equals("")) {
                // \z - endet damit
                String copy = editorValue.toLowerCase();
                //String pattern = "^(<p>(&nbsp;)+[\\s]*</p>[\\s]*)+\\z";
                String pattern = "^(<p>(&nbsp;)*((<[a-zA-Z]*>)*(</[a-zA-Z]*>)*)*[\\s]*</p>[\\s]*)+\\z";
                Pattern p = Pattern.compile(pattern);
                Matcher matcher = p.matcher(copy);
                if (!matcher.find()) {
                    this.record.put("documentation", editorValue);
                    backupRecord.put("documentation", editorValue);

        if (!this.error()) {

            String value = "";
            String defaultValue = "";
            String inputSize = "";

            if (this.record.get("value").toString().equals("")) {
                value = "NULL";
            } else {
                value = this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("value").toString());

            if (this.record.get("default_value").toString().equals("")) {
                defaultValue = "NULL";
            } else {
                defaultValue = this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("default_value").toString());

            if (this.record.get("input_size").toString().equals("")) {
                inputSize = "NULL";
            } else {
                inputSize = this.record.get("input_size").toString();

            String db_application = (this.getIgnoreCase()) ? this.record.get("application").toString()
                    : this.record.get("application").toString().toLowerCase();
            String db_section = (this.getIgnoreCase()) ? this.record.get("section").toString()
                    : this.record.get("section").toString().toLowerCase();
            String db_name = (this.getIgnoreCase()) ? this.record.get("name").toString()
                    : this.record.get("name").toString().toLowerCase();

            String created = this.record.get("created").toString();
            if (created.length() > 19) {
                created = created.substring(0, 19);
            String modified = this.record.get("modified").toString();
            if (modified.length() > 19) {
                modified = modified.substring(0, 19);
            sqlStmt = new StringBuffer("insert into " + this.settings.source + " ")
                    .append(" values(" + this.dbQuoted(db_application) + "," + this.dbQuoted(db_section) + ","
                            + this.dbQuoted(db_name) + "," + value + "," + defaultValue + ","
                            + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("title").toString()) + ",")
                    .append(this.record.get("input_type").toString() + "," + inputSize + ","
                            + this.record.get("display_type").toString() + ","
                            + this.record.get("display_size").toString() + ","
                            + this.record.get("forced").toString() + ",")
                    .append(this.record.get("entry_type").toString() + ",%timestamp_iso('" + created + "'),'"
                            + this.record.get("created_by").toString() + "',%timestamp_iso('" + modified + "'),'"
                            + this.record.get("modified_by").toString() + "')");

            try {
                String documentation = backupRecord.get("documentation").toString();

                byte[] longValue = null;
                if (backUpLongValue != null && backUpLongValue.length > 0) {
                    longValue = backUpLongValue;
                } else {
                    longValue = backupRecord.get("long_value").toString().getBytes();

                if (!documentation.trim().equals("")) {
                    try {
                        this.connection.updateBlob(this.settings.source, "DOCUMENTATION", documentation.getBytes(),
                                "\"APPLICATION\"=" + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("application").toString())
                                        + " and \"SECTION\" = "
                                        + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("section").toString()) + " and \"NAME\" = "
                                        + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("name").toString()));
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());

                if (longValue != null && longValue.length > 0) {
                    try {
                        if (enableUploadFile) { // document binary
                            //this.connection.update_blob_from_file($this->source,'"LONG_VALUE"',$backup_record['long_value'],'where "'.$this->entry_application.'"=\''.$this->db->str_quoted($this->record['application']).'\' and "'.$this->entry_section.'" = \''.$this->db->str_quoted($this->record['section']).'\' and "'.$this->entry_name.'" = \''.$this->db->str_quoted($this->record['name']).'\'');
                            //update from file      
                            this.connection.updateBlob(this.settings.source, "LONG_VALUE",
                                    "\"APPLICATION\"=" + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("application").toString())
                                            + " and \"SECTION\" = "
                                            + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("section").toString())
                                            + " and \"NAME\" = "
                                            + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("name").toString()));
                        } else { // document

                            this.connection.updateBlob(this.settings.source, "LONG_VALUE", longValue,
                                    "\"APPLICATION\"=" + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("application").toString())
                                            + " and \"SECTION\" = "
                                            + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("section").toString())
                                            + " and \"NAME\" = "
                                            + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("name").toString()));


                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());

            } catch (Exception e) {
                this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());

            if (this.error()) {
                this.record = backupRecord;
                return false;
            } else {
        } else {
            return false;

        this.msg = this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.msg_store");

        return true;

     * Datensatz speichern
     * @return boolean Fehlerzustand
     * @throws Exception

    private boolean recordStore() throws Exception {
        this.debug(3, "recordStore");

        StringBuffer sqlStmt = null;

        sqlStmt = new StringBuffer("select ")
                .append("\"ENTRY_TYPE\",\"CREATED\",\"CREATED_BY\",\"MODIFIED\",\"MODIFIED_BY\" ")
                .append(" from " + this.settings.source + " ")
                .append(" where \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"  = "
                        + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and ")
                .append("       \"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\"      = "
                        + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.section) + " and ")
                .append("       \"" + this.settings.entryName + "\"         = "
                        + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.entry));

        try {
            this.record = this.connection.getSingle(sqlStmt.toString());

            sqlStmt = new StringBuffer("select \"DOCUMENTATION\"").append(" from " + this.settings.source + " ")
                    .append(" where \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"  = "
                            + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and ")
                    .append("       \"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\"      = "
                            + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.section) + " and ")
                    .append("       \"" + this.settings.entryName + "\"         = "
                            + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.entry));

            try {
                byte[] documentation = this.connection.getBlob(sqlStmt.toString());
                if (documentation != null) {
                    this.record.put("documentation", new String(documentation));
                } else {
                    this.record.put("documentation", "");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());

        } catch (Exception e) {
            this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());

        if (this.error()) {
            return false;

        Iterator it = this.record.entrySet().iterator();

        while (it.hasNext()) {
            Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
            String param = entry.getKey().toString();
            String value = entry.getValue().toString();
            if (this.getRequestValue(param) != null) {
                if (param.equals("application") || param.equals("section") || param.equals("name")) {

                    if (this.getIgnoreCase()) {
                        this.record.put(param, this.getRequestValue(param).trim());

                    } else {
                        this.record.put(param, this.getRequestValue(param).trim().toLowerCase());
                } else {
                    this.record.put(param, this.getRequestValue(param).trim());


        // Kommt aus dem FKC Editor
        if (this.getRequestValue(this.editorName) != null) {
            this.record.put("documentation", "");
            String editorValue = this.getRequestValue(this.editorName).trim();
            if (!editorValue.equals("")) {
                // \z - endet damit
                String copy = editorValue.toLowerCase();
                //String pattern = "^(<p>(&nbsp;)+[\\s]*</p>[\\s]*)+\\z";
                String pattern = "^(<p>(&nbsp;)*((<[a-zA-Z]*>)*(</[a-zA-Z]*>)*)*[\\s]*</p>[\\s]*)+\\z";
                Pattern p = Pattern.compile(pattern);
                Matcher matcher = p.matcher(copy);
                if (!matcher.find()) {
                    this.record.put("documentation", editorValue);

        HashMap backupRecord = (HashMap) this.record.clone();

        int entryType = 0;
        try {
            entryType = Integer.parseInt(this.record.get("entry_type").toString());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            this.record.put("entry_type", "0");

        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            this.record.put("input_type", "0");

        try {
            if (Integer.parseInt(this.record.get("input_size").toString()) <= 0) {
                this.record.put("input_size", this.defaultInputSize);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            this.record.put("input_size", this.defaultInputSize);

        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            this.record.put("display_type", "0");

        try {
            if (Integer.parseInt(this.record.get("display_size").toString()) <= 0) {
                this.record.put("display_size", this.defaultDisplaySize);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            this.record.put("display_size", this.defaultDisplaySize);

        boolean isDocumentationUpdated = false;
        boolean emptyLongValue = false;

        if (this.range.equalsIgnoreCase("application")) {

            this.record.put(this.settings.entryApplication.toLowerCase(), this.record.get("name").toString());
            this.record.put(this.settings.entrySection.toLowerCase(), this.record.get("name").toString());

            try {
                int forced = Integer.parseInt(this.record.get("forced").toString());
                if (forced != 1 && forced != -1) {
                    this.record.put("forced", "0");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                this.record.put("forced", "0");

            String recordDocumentation = this.record.get("documentation").toString();

            backupRecord.put("documentation", "");

            if (!recordDocumentation.trim().equals("")) {
                if (!this.record.get("name").toString().equals("")) {
                    try {
                        this.connection.updateBlob(this.settings.source, "DOCUMENTATION",
                                "\"APPLICATION\"=" + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application)
                                        + " and \"SECTION\" = " + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.section)
                                        + " and \"NAME\" = " + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("name").toString()));
                        backupRecord.put("documentation", recordDocumentation);
                        //this.record.remove("documentation"); // wegen BLOB
                        // beim this->db->update($this->record)
                        isDocumentationUpdated = true;
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());


            if (!this.error()) {

                if (this.record.get("entry_type").toString().equals("1")) {
                    try {
                        String hasSchema = this.connection.getSingleValue("select count(*) from "
                                + this.settings.source + " where \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" = "
                                + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and \"" + this.settings.entrySection
                                + "\" = '" + this.settings.entrySchemaSection + "' and \"" + this.settings.entryName
                                + "\" = '" + this.settings.entrySchemaSection + "'");

                        if (hasSchema.equals("") || hasSchema.equals("0")) {
                            sqlStmt = new StringBuffer("insert into " + this.settings.source
                                    + " (\"APPLICATION\", \"SECTION\", \"NAME\", \"VALUE\", \"TITLE\", \"INPUT_TYPE\", \"INPUT_SIZE\", \"DISPLAY_TYPE\", \"DISPLAY_SIZE\", \"FORCED\", \"ENTRY_TYPE\", \"CREATED\", \"CREATED_BY\", \"MODIFIED\", \"MODIFIED_BY\") ")
                                            .append(" values (" + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("name").toString())
                                                    + ",'" + this.settings.entrySchemaSection + "','"
                                                    + this.settings.entrySchemaSection + "',0,'"
                                                    + this.dialogSectionsSchemaTitle
                                                    + "', 1, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, %now, '" +
                                                    + "', %now, '" + + "')");

                            try {
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                // break;
                                this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());

                if (!this.error()) {
                    sqlStmt = new StringBuffer("update " + this.settings.source + " set \""
                            + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" = "
                            + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("name").toString()) + " where \""
                            + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" = " + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application));
        } else if (this.range.equalsIgnoreCase("section")) {

            this.record.put(this.settings.entryApplication.toLowerCase(), this.settings.application);
            this.record.put(this.settings.entrySection.toLowerCase(), this.record.get("name").toString());

            try {
                int forced = Integer.parseInt(this.record.get("forced").toString());
                if (forced != 1 && forced != -1) {
                    this.record.put("forced", "0");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                this.record.put("forced", "0");

            String recordDocumentation = this.record.get("documentation").toString();

            backupRecord.put("documentation", "");

            if (!recordDocumentation.trim().equals("")) {
                if (!this.record.get("name").toString().equals("")) {
                    try {
                        this.connection.updateBlob(this.settings.source, "DOCUMENTATION",
                                "\"APPLICATION\"=" + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application)
                                        + " and \"SECTION\" = " + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.section)
                                        + " and \"NAME\" = " + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.entry));
                        backupRecord.put("documentation", recordDocumentation);
                        //this.record.remove("documentation"); // wegen BLOB
                        // beim this->db->update($this->record)
                        isDocumentationUpdated = true;
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());


            if (!this.error()) {

                if (this.record.get("entry_type").toString().equals("1")) {
                    sqlStmt = new StringBuffer("update " + this.settings.source + " set \"INPUT_TYPE\" = "
                            + this.record.get("input_type").toString() + ", \"INPUT_SIZE\" = "
                            + this.record.get("input_size").toString() + ", \"DISPLAY_TYPE\" = "
                            + this.record.get("display_type").toString() + ", \"DISPLAY_SIZE\" = "
                            + this.record.get("display_size").toString() + ", \"FORCED\" = "
                            + this.record.get("forced").toString() + ", \"ENTRY_TYPE\" = "
                            + this.record.get("entry_type").toString() + ", \"DEFAULT_VALUE\" = "
                            + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("default_value").toString()))
                                    .append(" where \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" = "
                                            + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and \""
                                            + this.settings.entrySection + "\" = "
                                            + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.section));

                    try {
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        // break;
                        this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());

                if (!this.error()) {
                    sqlStmt = new StringBuffer(
                            "update " + this.settings.source + " set \"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\" = "
                                    + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("name").toString()) + " where \""
                                    + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" = "
                                    + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and \""
                                    + this.settings.entrySection + "\" = " + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.section));

        } // end section 
        else {

            if (this.getRequestValue("binary_value") != null) { // checkbox binre inhalt leeren
                this.record.put("value", "");
                emptyLongValue = true;

            String input_type = this.record.get("input_type").toString();
            String display_type = this.record.get("display_type").toString();

            if (input_type.equals("5")) { // Dokument
                if (display_type.equals("4")) {// Versteckt . Behandlung wie bei input_type = 6

                    this.record.put("value", "");
                    this.record.put("input_size", "");
                    this.record.put("display_type", "4"); // Hidden

                    if (this.item.equals("upload")) {
                        if (this.inputImport != null && this.inputImport.length() > 0
                                && this.importOriginalFileName != null
                                && this.importOriginalFileName.length() > 0) {
                            try {
                                this.connection.updateBlob(this.settings.source, "LONG_VALUE", this.inputImport,
                                        "\"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" = "
                                                + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and \""
                                                + this.settings.entrySection + "\" = "
                                                + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.section) + " and \""
                                                + this.settings.entryName + "\" = "
                                                + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("name").toString()));
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());
                                return false;
                        } else {
                            return false;
                } // display_type = 4
                else { // textarea            
                    this.record.put("input_size", "");
                    this.record.put("display_type", "3"); // Textarea

                    if (this.record.get("value").toString().trim().length() > 0) {
                        if (this.record.get("name").toString().length() > 0) {
                            try {
                                this.connection.updateBlob(this.settings.source, "LONG_VALUE",
                                        "\"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" = "
                                                + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and \""
                                                + this.settings.entrySection + "\" = "
                                                + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.section) + " and \""
                                                + this.settings.entryName + "\" = "
                                                + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("name").toString()));
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());
                                return false;

                    } else {
                        this.record.put("long_value", "");
                        emptyLongValue = true;
                    this.record.put("value", "");
            } // input_type = 5 
            else if (input_type.equals("6")) { // Dokument binr

                this.record.put("value", "");
                this.record.put("input_size", "");
                this.record.put("display_type", "4"); // Hidden

                if (this.item.equals("upload")) {

                    if (this.inputImport != null && this.inputImport.length() > 0
                            && this.importOriginalFileName != null && this.importOriginalFileName.length() > 0) {
                        try {
                            this.connection.updateBlob(this.settings.source, "LONG_VALUE", this.inputImport,
                                    "\"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" = "
                                            + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and \""
                                            + this.settings.entrySection + "\" = "
                                            + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.section) + " and \""
                                            + this.settings.entryName + "\" = "
                                            + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("name").toString()));
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());
                            return false;
                    } else {
                        return false;
            } // input_type = 6
            else {
                emptyLongValue = true;

            sqlStmt = new StringBuffer("");

            this.record.put(this.settings.entryApplication.toLowerCase(), this.settings.application);
            this.record.put(this.settings.entrySection.toLowerCase(), this.settings.section);

            String recordDocumentation = this.record.get("documentation").toString();
            if (!recordDocumentation.trim().equals("")) {
                if (!this.record.get("name").toString().equals("")) {
                    try {
                        this.connection.updateBlob(this.settings.source, "DOCUMENTATION",
                                "\"APPLICATION\"=" + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application)
                                        + " and \"SECTION\" = " + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.section)
                                        + " and \"NAME\" = " + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.entry));
                        //this.record.remove("documentation"); // wegen BLOB
                        // beim this->db->update($this->record)
                        isDocumentationUpdated = true;
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());


            if (!this.error()) {

                if (this.applicationType > 0) {
                    try {

                        // wir sind nicht direkt in Schema, sondern in Sektions die Schema benutzen
                        if (!this.settings.section.equals(this.settings.entrySchemaSection)) {
                            // file_name aus schema
                            if (display_type.equals("4") && (input_type.equals("5") || input_type.equals("6"))) {
                                String sql_def_value = "select \"DEFAULT_VALUE\"  from " + this.settings.source
                                        + " where \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" = "
                                        + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and \""
                                        + this.settings.entrySection + "\" = '" + this.settings.entrySchemaSection
                                        + "' and \"" + this.settings.entryName + "\" = "
                                        + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("name").toString());
                                String def_value = this.connection.getSingleValue(sql_def_value);
                                this.record.put("default_value", def_value);

                        Vector results = this.connection.getArrayAsVector(" select \"SECTION\" from "
                                + this.settings.source + " where \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" = "
                                + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and \"" + this.settings.entrySection
                                + "\" <> '" + this.settings.entrySchemaSection + "' and \""
                                + this.settings.entryName + "\" = \"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\" and \""
                                + this.settings.entryName + "\" <> \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"");

                        if (results.size() > 0) {
                            for (Enumeration el = results.elements(); el.hasMoreElements();) {
                                HashMap result = (HashMap) el.nextElement();

                                String sqlAdd = "";
                                String i_s = "NULL";
                                String input_size = this.record.get("input_size").toString();

                                if (input_type.equals("5") || input_type.equals("6")) { //document & document binary 
                                    sqlAdd = ", \"DEFAULT_VALUE\" = "
                                            + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("default_value").toString());
                                } else {
                                    sqlAdd = ", \"DEFAULT_VALUE\"= "
                                            + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("default_value").toString()) + " ";
                                    sqlAdd += ", \"LONG_VALUE\"  = NULL ";

                                if (input_size.length() > 0) {
                                    i_s = input_size;

                                sqlStmt = new StringBuffer(" update " + this.settings.source + " set \"NAME\" = "
                                        + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("name").toString()) + ", \"TITLE\" = "
                                        + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("title").toString()) + ", \"INPUT_TYPE\" = "
                                        + this.record.get("input_type").toString() + ", \"INPUT_SIZE\" = " + i_s
                                        + ", \"DISPLAY_TYPE\" = " + this.record.get("display_type").toString()
                                        + ", \"DISPLAY_SIZE\" = " + this.record.get("display_size").toString()
                                        + ", \"FORCED\" = " + this.record.get("forced").toString()
                                        + ", \"ENTRY_TYPE\" = " + this.record.get("entry_type").toString() + " "
                                        + sqlAdd + " ")
                                                .append(" where \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" = "
                                                        + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and \""
                                                        + this.settings.entrySection + "\" ="
                                                        + this.dbQuoted(result.get("section").toString())
                                                        + " and \"" + this.settings.entryName + "\" ="
                                                        + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.entry));

                                try {
                                } catch (Exception e) {
                                    this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());

                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());



        Date date = new Date();
        this.record.put("modified", this.dateFormat.format(date));

        if (!this.error()) {
            String sqlDocumentation = "";
            String sqlLongValue = "";

            if (isDocumentationUpdated == false) {
                sqlDocumentation = ", \"DOCUMENTATION\" = NULL ";

            if (emptyLongValue == true) {
                sqlLongValue = ", \"LONG_VALUE\" = NULL ";

            String created = this.record.get("created").toString();
            if (created.length() > 19) {
                created = created.substring(0, 19);
            String modified = this.record.get("modified").toString();
            if (modified.length() > 19) {
                modified = modified.substring(0, 19);

            String value = "";
            String defaultValue = "";
            String inputSize = "";

            if (this.record.get("value").toString().equals("")) {
                value = "NULL";
            } else {
                value = this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("value").toString());

            if (this.record.get("default_value").toString().equals("")) {
                defaultValue = "NULL";
            } else {
                defaultValue = this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("default_value").toString());

            if (this.record.get("input_size").toString().equals("")) {
                inputSize = "NULL";
            } else {
                inputSize = this.record.get("input_size").toString();

            StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("update " + this.settings.source + " ")
                    .append(" set \"APPLICATION\"   = " + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("application").toString())
                            + ",")
                    .append("     \"SECTION\"       = " + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("section").toString())
                            + ",")
                    .append("     \"NAME\"          = " + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("name").toString()) + ",")
                    .append("     \"VALUE\"         = " + value + ",")
                    .append("     \"DEFAULT_VALUE\" = " + defaultValue + ",")
                    .append("     \"TITLE\"         = " + this.dbQuoted(this.record.get("title").toString()) + ",")
                    .append("     \"INPUT_TYPE\"    = " + this.record.get("input_type").toString() + ",")
                    .append("     \"INPUT_SIZE\"    = " + inputSize + ",")
                    .append("     \"DISPLAY_TYPE\"  = " + this.record.get("display_type").toString() + ",")
                    .append("     \"DISPLAY_SIZE\"  = " + this.record.get("display_size").toString() + ",")
                    .append("     \"FORCED\"        = " + this.record.get("forced").toString() + ",")
                    .append("     \"ENTRY_TYPE\"    = " + this.record.get("entry_type").toString() + ",")
                    .append("     \"CREATED\"       = %timestamp_iso('" + created + "'),")
                    .append("     \"CREATED_BY\"    = '" + this.record.get("created_by").toString() + "',")
                    .append("     \"MODIFIED\"      = %timestamp_iso('" + modified + "'),")
                    .append("     \"MODIFIED_BY\"   = '" + this.record.get("modified_by").toString() + "' ")
                    .append(" where \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"  = "
                            + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and ")
                    .append("       \"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\"      = "
                            + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.section) + " and ")
                    .append("       \"" + this.settings.entryName + "\"         = "
                            + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.entry));

            try {


                if (!sqlStmt.toString().equals("")) {
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());


        if (!this.error()) {
            this.msg = this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.msg_store");


        if (this.error()) {
            this.record = backupRecord;
            return false;

        return true;

     * Liste von Datenstzen speichern
     * @return boolean Fehlerzustand
     * @throws Exception

    private boolean recordStoreList() throws Exception {
        this.debug(3, "recordStoreList");

        HashMap applications = new HashMap();
        HashMap sections = new HashMap();
        HashMap names = new HashMap();
        HashMap values = new HashMap();
        HashMap binary_values = new HashMap();

        int cnt = 0;
        int numOfEntries = 100;

        if (this.getRequestValue("num_of_entries") != null) {
            try {
                numOfEntries = Integer.parseInt(this.getRequestValue("num_of_entries").toString());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                numOfEntries = 100;

        for (int i = 0; i < numOfEntries; i++) {
            if (this.getRequestValue("application_" + i) == null) {
            if (this.getRequestValue("section_" + i) == null) {
            if (this.getRequestValue("name_" + i) == null) {

            boolean has_value = false;
            boolean has_binary_value = false;

            // !!! Binary zuerst
            if (this.getRequestValue("binary_value_" + i) != null) {
                has_binary_value = true;
            } else if (this.getRequestValue("value_" + i) != null) {
                has_value = true;

            if (!has_value && !has_binary_value) {

            applications.put(new Integer(cnt), this.getRequestValue("application_" + i));
            sections.put(new Integer(cnt), this.getRequestValue("section_" + i));
            names.put(new Integer(cnt), this.getRequestValue("name_" + i));

            // binre dokumente leeren
            if (has_binary_value) {
                binary_values.put(new Integer(cnt++), "1");
            } else {
                values.put(new Integer(cnt++), this.getRequestValue("value_" + i));


        if (names.size() == 0 || (values.size() == 0 && binary_values.size() == 0)) {
            return false;

        StringBuffer error = new StringBuffer();

        for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) {
            if (names.get(new Integer(i)).toString().equals("")) {

            try {
                StringBuffer sqlStmt = new StringBuffer("update " + this.settings.source + " ");
                if (binary_values.containsKey(new Integer(i))) {
                    sqlStmt.append(" set  \"LONG_VALUE\"  = NULL, ");
                } else {
                    sqlStmt.append(" set  \"" + this.settings.entryValue + "\" = "
                            + this.dbQuoted(values.get(new Integer(i)).toString()) + ", ");
                sqlStmt.append("\"MODIFIED\" = %now, ").append("\"MODIFIED_BY\" = '" + + "' ")
                        .append(" where \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" = "
                                + this.dbQuoted(applications.get(new Integer(i)).toString()) + " and ")
                        .append("\"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\" = "
                                + this.dbQuoted(sections.get(new Integer(i)).toString()) + " and ")
                        .append("\"" + this.settings.entryName + "\" = "
                                + this.dbQuoted(names.get(new Integer(i)).toString()));

                String title = "";
                if (this.getRequestValue("title_" + i) != null) {
                    title = this.getRequestValue("title_" + i);
                } else {
                    title = names.get(new Integer(i)).toString();
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    error.append(title + " - " + e.getMessage() + "<br>");

            } catch (Exception e) {
                this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());
                return false;


        if (error.length() == 0) {
            this.msg = this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.msg_store");
        } else {
            this.setError(error.toString(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());
            return false;

        return true;

     * Debugging setzen
     * @param level
     *            Debug Level
     * @param msg
     *            Message
     * @see #debug(int, String)
    private void debug(int level, String msg) throws Exception {

        if (level <= this.debugLevel) {
            this.out.println("<font style=\"color: #009933;\">[debug" + level + "] [" + this.getClass().getName()
                    + "] " + msg + "</font><br>");

     * Dokumentation anzeigen
     * @throws Exception

    private void showHelps() throws Exception {
        this.debug(3, "showHelps");

        String orderBy = "";
        if (this.documentationSort != null && !this.documentationSort.equals("")) {
            orderBy = " order by " + this.documentationSort;

        String applicationsTitle = this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_all_apps_title");
        String sectionsTitle = "&nbsp;";

        StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer();
                " select s.\"APPLICATION\", s.\"SECTION\", s.\"NAME\", s.\"VALUE\",s.\"DEFAULT_VALUE\",s.\"TITLE\", s.\"INPUT_TYPE\",s.\"INPUT_SIZE\",s.\"DISPLAY_TYPE\",s.\"DISPLAY_SIZE\", s.\"ENTRY_TYPE\", s.\"FORCED\" ");
        sql.append(" from " + this.settings.source + " s ");

        StringBuffer appSql = new StringBuffer();
        appSql.append(" select s.\"TITLE\" ");
        appSql.append(" from " + this.settings.source + " s ");

        String section = "";
        String function = "";

        if (this.item.equalsIgnoreCase("application")) {
            sql.append("  where  s.\"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"  = s.\"" + this.settings.entrySection
                    + "\" and ");
            sql.append("         s.\"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"  = s.\"" + this.settings.entryName
                    + "\" ");

            function = "application";
        } else if (this.item.equalsIgnoreCase("section")) {
            sql.append("  where  s.\"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"  =  "
                    + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and ");
            sql.append("         s.\"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"  <> s.\"" + this.settings.entrySection
                    + "\" and ");
            sql.append("         s.\"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\"      =  s.\"" + this.settings.entryName
                    + "\" ");

            appSql.append(" where  s.\"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"  = "
                    + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and ");
            appSql.append("        s.\"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"  = s.\""
                    + this.settings.entrySection + "\" and ");
            appSql.append("        s.\"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"  = s.\"" + this.settings.entryName
                    + "\" ");

            try {
                applicationsTitle = this.connection.getSingleValue(appSql.toString());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());

            function = "section";
        } else if (this.item.equalsIgnoreCase("entry")) {

            section = this.settings.section;
            if (this.settings.section.equals(this.settings.entrySchemaSection)) {
                section = this.settings.entrySchemaSection;
            } else {
                if (this.dialogSections != null && this.dialogSections.size() != 0) {
                    HashMap hs = (HashMap) this.dialogSections.firstElement();
                    if (hs.containsKey("section")) {
                        if (hs.get("section").toString().equals(this.settings.entrySchemaSection)) {
                            section = this.settings.entrySchemaSection;

            sql.append("  where  s.\"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"  =  "
                    + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and ");
            sql.append("         s.\"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\"      =  " + this.dbQuoted(section)
                    + " and ");
            sql.append("         s.\"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\"      <>  s.\"" + this.settings.entryName
                    + "\" ");

            appSql.append(" where  s.\"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"  = "
                    + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and ");
            appSql.append("        s.\"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"  = s.\""
                    + this.settings.entrySection + "\" and ");
            appSql.append("        s.\"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"  = s.\"" + this.settings.entryName
                    + "\" ");

            try {
                applicationsTitle = this.connection.getSingleValue(appSql.toString());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());

            StringBuffer secSql = new StringBuffer();

            secSql.append(" select s.\"TITLE\" ");
            secSql.append(" from " + this.settings.source + " s ");
            secSql.append(" where  s.\"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"  =  "
                    + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and ");
                    "        s.\"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\"      = " + this.dbQuoted(section) + " and ");
            secSql.append("        s.\"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\"      =  s.\"" + this.settings.entryName
                    + "\" ");

            try {
                sectionsTitle = this.connection.getSingleValue(secSql.toString());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());

            function = "entry";


        Vector items = null;

        try {
            items = this.connection.getArrayAsVector(sql.toString());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());

        if (items != null) {
            for (Enumeration el = items.elements(); el.hasMoreElements();) {
                HashMap item = (HashMap) el.nextElement();

                byte[] documentation = null;
                try {
                    documentation = this.connection.getBlob("select \"DOCUMENTATION\" from " + this.settings.source
                            + " where \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" = "
                            + this.dbQuoted(item.get("application").toString()) + " and \""
                            + this.settings.entrySection + "\" = " + this.dbQuoted(item.get("section").toString())
                            + " and \"" + this.settings.entryName + "\" = "
                            + this.dbQuoted(item.get("name").toString()) + " ");
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());

                if (documentation != null) {
                    item.put("documentation", new String(documentation));
                } else {
                    item.put("documentation", "");
                if (item.get("documentation").equals("")) {
                    item.put("documentation", "&nbsp;");
                if (item.get("value").equals("")) {
                    item.put("value", "&nbsp;");
                if (item.get("default_value").equals("")) {
                    item.put("default_value", "&nbsp;");
                if (item.get("input_type").equals("")) {
                    item.put("input_type", "&nbsp;");
                if (item.get("input_size").equals("")) {
                    item.put("input_size", "&nbsp;");
                if (item.get("display_type").equals("")) {
                    item.put("display_type", "&nbsp;");
                if (item.get("display_size").equals("")) {
                    item.put("display_size", "&nbsp;");
                if (item.get("entry_type").equals("")) {
                    item.put("entry_type", "&nbsp;");
                if (item.get("forced").equals("")) {
                    item.put("forced", "&nbsp;");

                item.put("application_title", applicationsTitle);
                item.put("section_title", sectionsTitle);

                //kein schema
                 * if (!item.get("section").toString().equals(
                 * this.settings.entrySchemaSection) &&
                 * !item.get("name").toString().equals(
                 * this.settings.entrySchemaSection)) {
                if (function.equals("application")) {
                } else if (function.equals("section")) {
                } else if (function.equals("entry")) {

     * Dokumentation anzeigen
     * @throws Exception

    private void showDocumentation() throws Exception {
        this.debug(3, "showDocumentation");

        StringBuffer sqlStmt = new StringBuffer(
                "select \"TITLE\",\"APPLICATION\",\"SECTION\",\"NAME\",\"VALUE\",\"DISPLAY_TYPE\",\"INPUT_TYPE\" from "
                        + this.settings.source);

        String sqlAnd = " where ";

        String[] display_type_entries = this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.listbox_display_type_entries")
        String[] input_type_entries = this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.listbox_input_type_entries")

        if (this.settings.section.equals(this.settings.entrySchemaSection)) {
            this.settings.section = this.settings.entrySchemaSection;

        if (!this.settings.application.equals("")) {
            sqlStmt.append(sqlAnd + " \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" = "
                    + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application));
            sqlAnd = " and ";
        if (!this.settings.section.equals("")) {
                    sqlAnd + " \"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\" = " + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.section));
            sqlAnd = " and ";

        sqlStmt.append(" order by \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\",\"" + this.settings.entrySection
                + "\",\"" + this.settings.entryName + "\"");

        try {
            Vector results = this.connection.getArrayAsVector(sqlStmt.toString());

            LinkedHashMap applications = new LinkedHashMap();
            LinkedHashMap sections = new LinkedHashMap();
            LinkedHashMap entries = new LinkedHashMap();

            for (Enumeration el = results.elements(); el.hasMoreElements();) {
                HashMap result = (HashMap) el.nextElement();
                if (result.get("application").toString().equals(result.get("section").toString())
                        && result.get("application").toString().equals(result.get("name").toString())) {

                    applications.put(result.get("application").toString(), result);

                } else if (result.get("section").toString().equals(result.get("name").toString())
                        && !result.get("section").toString().equals(result.get("application").toString())) {

                    String key = result.get("application").toString();
                    LinkedHashMap section = new LinkedHashMap();

                    if (sections.containsKey(key)) {
                        section = (LinkedHashMap) sections.get(key);
                    section.put(result.get("section").toString(), result);
                    sections.put(key, section);

                } else {
                    String appKey = result.get("application").toString();
                    String secKey = result.get("section").toString();

                    LinkedHashMap section = new LinkedHashMap();
                    LinkedHashMap entry = new LinkedHashMap();

                    if (entries.containsKey(appKey)) {
                        section = (LinkedHashMap) entries.get(appKey);
                        if (section.containsKey(secKey)) {
                            entry = (LinkedHashMap) section.get(secKey);
                    entry.put(result.get("name").toString(), result);
                    section.put(secKey, entry);
                    entries.put(appKey, section);



            results = null;
            this.styleBorder = "1\" bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" bordercolorlight=\"#D2D2D2\" bordercolordark=\"#ffffff";

            if (applications.size() != 0) {
                Iterator appIt = applications.entrySet().iterator();
                while (appIt.hasNext()) {
                    Map.Entry application = (Map.Entry);
                    String app_key = application.getKey().toString();
                    HashMap app_value = (HashMap) application.getValue();
                    this.out.println("   <td colspan=\"3\" nowrap style=\"color:#808080;font-weight:bold;\">"
                            + app_value.get("title") + "</td>");
                    this.out.println("   <td nowrap>" + app_value.get("name") + "</td>");
                    this.out.println("   <td nowrap>&nbsp;</td>");
                    if (sections.containsKey(app_key)) {
                        HashMap appSections = (HashMap) sections.get(app_key);
                        Iterator secIt = appSections.entrySet().iterator();
                        while (secIt.hasNext()) {
                            Map.Entry section = (Map.Entry);
                            String sec_key = section.getKey().toString();
                            HashMap sec_value = (HashMap) section.getValue();
                            if (!sec_value.get("name").toString().equals(this.settings.entrySchemaSection)) {
                                this.out.println("   <td nowrap>&nbsp;</td>");
                                        "   <td colspan=\"2\" nowrap style=\"color:#808080;font-weight:bold;\">"
                                                + sec_value.get("title") + "</td>");
                                this.out.println("   <td nowrap>" + sec_value.get("name") + "</td>");
                                this.out.println("   <td nowrap>&nbsp;</td>");
                                if (entries.containsKey(app_key)) {
                                    HashMap secEntrie = (HashMap) entries.get(app_key);
                                    if (secEntrie.containsKey(sec_key)) {
                                        HashMap secEntries = (HashMap) secEntrie.get(sec_key);

                                        Iterator entIt = secEntries.entrySet().iterator();
                                        while (entIt.hasNext()) {
                                            Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
                                            String ent_key = entry.getKey().toString();
                                            HashMap ent_value = (HashMap) entry.getValue();

                                            this.out.println("   <td width=\"20\" nowrap>&nbsp;</td>");
                                            this.out.println("   <td width=\"20\" nowrap>&nbsp;</td>");
                                            this.out.println("   <td width=\"35%\" nowrap valign=\"top\">"
                                                    + ent_value.get("title") + "</td>");
                                            this.out.println("   <td width=\"10%\" nowrap valign=\"top\">"
                                                    + ent_value.get("name") + "</td>");
                                            this.out.println("   <td nowrap valign=\"top\">");
                                            if (ent_value.get("input_type").toString().equals("5")) { // long_value
                                                this.out.println("[ "
                                                        + this.rb.getMessage(
                                                        + " ]");
                                                if (ent_value.get("display_type").toString().equals("4")) {
                                                    this.out.println("&nbsp;" + display_type_entries[4]);
                                            } else if (ent_value.get("input_type").toString().equals("6")) { // binary versteckt
                                                this.out.println("[ " + input_type_entries[6] + " ]");
                                            } else {
                                                if (ent_value.get("display_type").toString().endsWith("3")) {
                                                    this.out.println("<pre>" + this.htmlSpecialChars(
                                                            ent_value.get("value").toString()) + "</pre>");
                                                } else {
                                                                    + "&nbsp;");
                                            this.out.println("   </td>");
            } // if applications
            else if (sections.size() != 0) {
                try {
                    HashMap application = this.connection.getSingle("select \"TITLE\",\"NAME\" from "
                            + this.settings.source + " where \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" = "
                            + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and \"" + this.settings.entrySection
                            + "\" = " + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and \""
                            + this.settings.entryName + "\" = " + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application));

                    Iterator secIt = sections.entrySet().iterator();
                    if (sections.containsKey(this.settings.application)) {
                        HashMap appSections = (HashMap) sections.get(this.settings.application);
                        Iterator secI = appSections.entrySet().iterator();
                        while (secI.hasNext()) {
                            Map.Entry section = (Map.Entry);
                            String sec_key = section.getKey().toString();
                            HashMap sec_value = (HashMap) section.getValue();
                                    "   <td colspan=\"3\" nowrap style=\"color:#808080;font-weight:bold;\">"
                                            + application.get("title") + "</td>");
                            this.out.println("   <td nowrap>" + application.get("name") + "</td>");
                            this.out.println("   <td nowrap>&nbsp;</td>");
                            this.out.println("   <td nowrap>&nbsp;</td>");
                                    "   <td colspan=\"2\" nowrap style=\"color:#808080;font-weight:bold;\">"
                                            + sec_value.get("title") + "</td>");
                            this.out.println("   <td nowrap>" + sec_value.get("name") + "</td>");
                            this.out.println("   <td nowrap>&nbsp;</td>");
                            if (entries.containsKey(this.settings.application)) {
                                HashMap secEntrie = (HashMap) entries.get(this.settings.application);
                                if (secEntrie.containsKey(sec_key)) {
                                    HashMap secEntries = (HashMap) secEntrie.get(sec_key);
                                    Iterator entI = secEntries.entrySet().iterator();
                                    while (entI.hasNext()) {
                                        Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
                                        String ent_key = entry.getKey().toString();
                                        HashMap ent_value = (HashMap) entry.getValue();

                                        this.out.println("   <td width=\"3%\" nowrap>&nbsp;</td>");
                                        this.out.println("   <td width=\"3%\" nowrap>&nbsp;</td>");
                                        this.out.println("   <td width=\"35%\" nowrap valign=\"top\">"
                                                + ent_value.get("title") + "</td>");
                                        this.out.println("   <td width=\"10%\" nowrap valign=\"top\">"
                                                + ent_value.get("name") + "</td>");
                                        this.out.println("   <td nowrap valign=\"top\">");
                                        if (ent_value.get("input_type").toString().equals("5")) { // long_value
                                            this.out.println("[ " + this.rb.getMessage(
                                                    "sos.settings.dialog.dialog_long_value_title") + " ]");
                                            if (ent_value.get("display_type").toString().equals("4")) {
                                                this.out.println("&nbsp;" + display_type_entries[4]);
                                        } else if (ent_value.get("input_type").toString().equals("6")) { // binary versteckt
                                            this.out.println("[ " + input_type_entries[6] + " ]");
                                        } else {
                                            if (ent_value.get("display_type").toString().endsWith("3")) {
                                                        + this.htmlSpecialChars(ent_value.get("value").toString())
                                                        + "</pre>");
                                            } else {
                                        this.out.println("   </td>");


                } catch (Exception e) {
                    this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());


        } catch (Exception e) {
            this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());


    * Sourcecode bei binren Dokumenten
    * @return   boolean  Fehlerzustand
    * @access   public
    * @author   Robert Ehrlich <>
    * @version  1.0-2004/03/17

    private void downloadSource(String application, String section, String entry) throws Exception {
                "download_source : application = " + application + " section = " + section + " entry = " + entry);

        if (application == null || application.length() == 0) {
            this.setError("application for download is empty", SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());

        if (section == null || section.length() == 0) {
            this.setError("section for download is empty", SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());

        if (entry == null || entry.length() == 0) {
            this.setError("entry for download is empty", SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());

        byte[] data;
        try {
            String sql = "select \"LONG_VALUE\" from " + this.settings.source + " where \""
                    + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" = " + this.dbQuoted(application) + " and \""
                    + this.settings.entrySection + "\" = " + this.dbQuoted(section) + " and \""
                    + this.settings.entryName + "\" = " + this.dbQuoted(entry);
            data = this.connection.getBlob(sql);
            if (data == null || data.length == 0) {
                this.setError("no data found for application <b>" + application + "</b> section <br>" + section
                        + "</b> entry <b>" + entry + "</b>", SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());

        String r_file_name = this.getRequestValue("file_name");
        String file_name = (r_file_name != null && r_file_name.length() > 0) ? r_file_name
                : this.settings.defaultDocumentFileName;

        String header_ext = "application/octet-stream";

        // da beim Download getOutputStream benutz wird(damit schreibt man binre Sachen)
        // kommt es ohne aufzurumen zu einer Exception (nur in Tomcate LOGs),
        // weil out bereits aktiv ist(es kann entweder OutputStream oder Writer geben)
        // muss auch in der jsp Datei gesetzt werden

        // keine Header mehr !!!
        this.response.setIntHeader("Content-length", data.length);
        this.response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + file_name);

        //this.response.getWriter().write(new String(data));

        this.isSourceDownloaded = false;

        try {

            javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream os = response.getOutputStream();

            this.isSourceDownloaded = true;
            System.out.println("--------------- Downloaded -----------------");

        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("EXCEPTION : " + e);

    private String htmlSpecialChars(String htmltext) {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        for (int i = 0; i < htmltext.length(); i++) {
            char elem = htmltext.charAt(i);
            if (elem == '<')
            else if (elem == '>')
            else if (elem == '&')
            else if (elem == '"')
        return sb.toString();

     * Template fr die Anzeige der Applikationsdoku
     * @param settings
     *            Werte fr die Doku
     * @see #docuApplication(HashMap)
    private void docuApplication(HashMap settings) throws Exception {
        this.debug(3, "docuApplication");

        if (!settings.get("documentation").toString().equals("&nbsp;")) {
            this.out.println("<p class=\"sos-doc-content\">");
            this.out.println("  <table class=\"sos-application-table\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\">");
            this.out.println("  <tr>");
            this.out.println("    <th align=\"left\" class=\"sos-application-th\">"
                    + settings.get("title").toString() + "</th>");
            this.out.println("  </tr>");
            this.out.println("  <tr>");
                    "    <td class=\"sos-application-td\">" + settings.get("documentation").toString() + "</td>");
            this.out.println("  </tr>");
            this.out.println("  </table>");

     * Template fr die Anzeige der Sektionsdoku
     * @param settings
     *            Werte fr die Doku
     * @see #docuSection(HashMap)

    private void docuSection(HashMap settings) throws Exception {
        this.debug(3, "docuSection");

        if (!settings.get("documentation").toString().equals("&nbsp;")) {
            this.out.println("<table class=\"sos-doc-table\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\">");
            this.out.println("  <th align=\"left\" class=\"sos-section-th\">");
            this.out.println("    <a class=\"sos-keyword\" name=\"" + settings.get("title").toString() + "\">");
            //this.out.println(" <a
            // href=\""+settings.get("title").toString()+"_doc.htm\">"+settings.get("application_title").toString()+"/"+settings.get("title").toString()+"</a>");
            this.out.println("      " + settings.get("application_title").toString() + "/"
                    + settings.get("title").toString());
            this.out.println("    </a>");
            this.out.println("  </th>");
                    "  <td class=\"sos-section-td\">" + settings.get("documentation").toString() + "</td>");

     * Template fr die Anzeige der Entriesdoku
     * @param settings
     *            Werte fr die Doku
     * @see #docuEntry(HashMap)

    private void docuEntry(HashMap settings) throws Exception {
        this.debug(3, "docuEntry");

        if (!settings.get("documentation").toString().equals("&nbsp;")) {
            String sectionTitle = "";

            if (!settings.get("section").toString().equals(this.settings.entrySchemaSection)) {
                sectionTitle = settings.get("section_title") + "/";

            this.out.println("<table class=\"sos-entry-table\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\">");
            this.out.println("  <th align=\"left\" class=\"sos-entry-th\">");
            this.out.println(settings.get("application_title").toString() + "/" + sectionTitle
                    + settings.get("title").toString());
            if (settings.get("forced").toString().equals("1")) {
                this.out.println("&nbsp;:&nbsp;" + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_mandatory_field"));
            this.out.println("  </th>");
                    "  <td class=\"sos-section-td\">" + settings.get("documentation").toString() + "</td>");

     * Hilfetexte anzeigen
     * @throws Exception

    private void showHelp() throws Exception {

        this.debug(3, "showHelp");

        if (this.settings.application.equals("")) {
            this.setError(this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.err_missing_apps"), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());

        if (this.settings.section.equals("")) {
        } else {
            if (this.settings.section.equals(this.settings.entrySchemaSection)) {
                this.settings.section = this.settings.entrySchemaSection;

        if (this.settings.entry.equals("")) {

        String title = "";
        byte[] help = null;
        String helpText = "";

        try {
            title = this.connection.getSingleValue("select \"TITLE\" from " + this.settings.source
                    + " where \"APPLICATION\" = " + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and \"SECTION\" = "
                    + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.section) + " and \"NAME\" = "
                    + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.entry));

            try {
                help = this.connection.getBlob("select \"DOCUMENTATION\" from " + this.settings.source
                        + " where \"APPLICATION\" = " + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application)
                        + " and \"SECTION\" = " + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.section) + " and \"NAME\" = "
                        + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.entry));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());

        if (help == null || help.length == 0) {
            helpText = this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.msg_helps");
        } else {
            helpText = new String(help);


        this.out.println("<tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");
        this.out.println("  <th align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTh + "\">");
        this.out.println("    " + title);
        this.out.println("  </th>");
        this.out.println("<tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");
        this.out.println("  <td valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTdLabel + "\">");
        this.out.println("    " + helpText + " ");
        this.out.println("  </td>");


        this.out.println("<table width=\"97%\" border=\"0\" align=\"center\">");
        this.out.println(" <tr>");
        this.out.println("  <td align=\"right\"><a href=\"javascript:window.close();\">"
                + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_close_window") + "</br></td>");
        this.out.println("  </tr>");


     * Alle Eintrge einer Sektion anzeigen
     * @param entriesTitle
     *            Titel
     * @param entries
     *            Werte(siehe getDialogEntries)
     * @return boolean Fehlerzustand
     * @throws Exception
     * @see #showDialogEntries(String, Vector)

    private boolean showDialogEntries(String entriesTitle, Vector entries) throws Exception {

        this.debug(3, "showDialogEntries : entriesTitle = " + entriesTitle + " entries = " + entries);

        // Fleck fr showDialogValues()
        this.isShowEntries = true;

        if (entriesTitle != null) {
            this.dialogEntriesTitle = entriesTitle;
        if (entries != null) {
            this.dialogEntries = entries;

        String imgLink = "<img src=\"" + this.imgDir + this.imgAction
                + "\" border=\"0\" hspace=\"4\" vspace=\"1\">";

        String thisCon = ('?') != -1) ? "&" : "?";
        String querySession = "?";
        if (!this.sessionUseTransSID && !this.sessionVAR.equals("")) {
            querySession = thisCon + this.sessionVAR + "=" + this.sessionID + "&";
        } else {
            querySession = thisCon;


        int columnCount = this.enableEntryNames ? 3 : 2;

        try {
            this.showNavigation(new Integer(columnCount), this.dialogApplicationIndex, this.dialogSectionIndex,
        } catch (Exception e) {
            this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());


        this.aclRange = "section";
        try {
            this.getRights(this.settings.application, this.settings.section, null);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            this.setError("ACL : " + e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());

        if (this.applicationType == 1) {
            if (this.hasCreateRight) {
                this.hasWriteRight = true;
                this.disabled = "";

        // JS Code schreiben

        if (this.enableEntryValues == true) {
            this.out.println("<form name=\"" + this.form + "\" action=\"" +
                    + "\" method=\"post\" onSubmit=\"return " + this.form + "_check_onSubmit()\">");

        if (this.dialogSectionIndex.intValue() >= 0 && this.enableEntryManager == true) {
            boolean showNew = false;
            if (this.applicationType == 1) {
                if (this.settings.section.equals(this.settings.entrySchemaSection)) {
                    if (this.hasCreateRight == true) {
                        showNew = true;
            } else {
                if (this.hasCreateRight == true) {
                    showNew = true;
            if (showNew == true) {
                this.out.println("  <tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");
                String link = "<a class=\"" + this.styleLinkNavigation + "\" href=\"" + + querySession
                        + "action=new&range=entry&application=" + this.response.encodeURL(this.settings.application)
                        + "&section=" + this.response.encodeURL(this.settings.section) + "&application_type="
                        + this.applicationType;
                if (this.sectionType > 0) {
                    link += "&section_type=" + this.sectionType;
                link += "\">";
                this.out.println("    <td class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\">" + link + imgLink
                        + this.dialogEntriesNewTitle + "</a>&nbsp;</td>");
                if (this.enableEntryNames == true) {
                    this.out.println("    <td class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\">&nbsp;</td>");
                this.out.println("    <td class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\">&nbsp;</td>");
                this.out.println("  </tr>");

        String linkEntry = "<a href=\"" + + querySession + "action=show";
        String linkSchema = (this.enableEntryManager == true)
                ? "<a href=\"" + + querySession + "action=schema"
                : linkEntry;
        int cnt = 0;
        String lastApplication = "";
        String lastSection = "";

        boolean hasTitle = false;
        if (this.action.equals("query") || this.action.equals("duplicate")) {
            hasTitle = true;

        HashMap application = new HashMap();
        HashMap section = new HashMap();

        application.put("entry_type", new Integer(this.applicationType));
        section.put("entry_type", new Integer(this.sectionType));
        String aclApplication = "";

        StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer();
        StringBuffer sqlHelp = new StringBuffer();
        StringBuffer sqlBinary = new StringBuffer();

        if (this.sectionType > 0 || this.applicationType > 0) { // aus der
                                                                // Schema
            sql.append(" select s.\"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\",s.\"" + this.settings.entrySection
                    + "\", s.\"" + this.settings.entryName + "\" ");
            sql.append(" from " + this.settings.source + " s ");
            sql.append(" where s.\"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"  = "
                    + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and ");
            sql.append("       s.\"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\"      = '" + this.settings.entrySchemaSection
                    + "' and ");
            sql.append("       s.\"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\"     <> s.\"" + this.settings.entryName
                    + "\" and ");

            sqlBinary.append(" select s.\"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\",s.\""
                    + this.settings.entrySection + "\", s.\"" + this.settings.entryName + "\" ");
            sqlBinary.append(" from " + this.settings.source + " s ");
            sqlBinary.append(" where s.\"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"  = "
                    + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and ");
            sqlBinary.append("       s.\"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\"      = "
                    + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.section) + " and ");
            sqlBinary.append("       s.\"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\"     <> s.\"" + this.settings.entryName
                    + "\" and ");
        } else {
            sql.append(" select s.\"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\",s.\"" + this.settings.entrySection
                    + "\", s.\"" + this.settings.entryName + "\" ");
            sql.append(" from " + this.settings.source + " s ");
            sql.append(" where s.\"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"  = "
                    + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and ");
            sql.append("       s.\"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\"      = "
                    + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.section) + " and ");
            sql.append("       s.\"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\"     <> s.\"" + this.settings.entryName
                    + "\" and ");

            sqlBinary = new StringBuffer(sql.toString());

        sqlBinary.append("  s.\"LONG_VALUE\" is not null");

        sqlHelp = sql.append("  s.\"DOCUMENTATION\" is not null");

        Hashtable helpTexts = new Hashtable();

        try {
            Vector helpText = this.connection.getArrayAsVector(sqlHelp.toString());
            if (helpText.size() > 0) {
                for (Enumeration el = helpText.elements(); el.hasMoreElements();) {
                    HashMap hm = (HashMap) el.nextElement();
                    helpTexts.put(hm.get("application").toString() + hm.get("section").toString()
                            + hm.get("name").toString(), "Help");
                this.hasHelps = true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());

        this.hasBinaryValue = new Hashtable();
        try {
            Vector binaryValues = this.connection.getArrayAsVector(sqlBinary.toString());
            if (binaryValues.size() > 0) {
                for (Enumeration el = binaryValues.elements(); el.hasMoreElements();) {
                    HashMap hm = (HashMap) el.nextElement();
                    this.hasBinaryValue.put(hm.get("application").toString() + hm.get("section").toString()
                            + hm.get("name").toString(), "1");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());

        Vector checkEntries = new Vector();
        int ce = 0;
        int index = 0;
        boolean isNotAllDisabled = false;

        String[] display_type_entries = this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.listbox_display_type_entries")
        if (display_type_entries.length != 5) {
            this.setError("\"sos.settings.dialog.listbox_display_type_entries\" expected 5 values, given : "
                    + display_type_entries.length, SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());
            return false;

        String[] input_type_entries = this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.listbox_input_type_entries")
        if (input_type_entries.length != 7) {
            this.setError("\"sos.settings.dialog.listbox_input_type_entries\" expected 7 values, given : "
                    + input_type_entries.length, SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());
            return false;

        for (Enumeration el = this.dialogEntries.elements(); el.hasMoreElements();) {
            HashMap entry = (HashMap) el.nextElement();

            this.aclRange = "entry";
            try {
                this.getRights(entry.get("application").toString(), entry.get("section").toString(),
                if (this.hasReadRight == false && this.hasCreateRight == false) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                this.out.println("  <tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");
                this.out.println("   <td valign=\"middle\" class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\" colspan=\"3\">");
                this.out.println("   <table width=\"100%\" border =\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">");
                this.out.println("   <tr>");
                this.out.println("     <td>");
                        "        " + entry.get(this.settings.entryTitle.toLowerCase()).toString() + "&nbsp;");
                this.out.println("     </td>");
                this.out.println("     <td align=\"right\" nowrap>");
                this.showError("ACL : " + e.getMessage());
                this.out.println("     </td>");
                this.out.println("   </tr>");
                this.out.println("   </table>");
                this.out.println("   </td>");
                this.out.println("  </tr>");
            // Acls end

            String link = "";
            if ((hasTitle == true) && (!entry.get(this.settings.entryApplication.toLowerCase()).toString()
                    .equals(lastApplication))) {
                try {
                    application = this.connection.getSingle("select \"NAME\",\"TITLE\",\"ENTRY_TYPE\" from "
                            + this.settings.source + " where \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" = "
                            + this.dbQuoted(entry.get(this.settings.entryApplication.toLowerCase()).toString())
                            + " and \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"= \"" + this.settings.entrySection
                            + "\" and \"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\"= \"" + this.settings.entryName + "\"");
                    if (application.size() == 0) {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                try {
                    section = this.connection.getSingle("select \"NAME\",\"TITLE\",\"ENTRY_TYPE\" from "
                            + this.settings.source + " where \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" = "
                            + this.dbQuoted(entry.get(this.settings.entryApplication.toLowerCase()).toString())
                            + " and \"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\"= "
                            + this.dbQuoted(entry.get(this.settings.entrySection.toLowerCase()).toString())
                            + " and \"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\"= \"" + this.settings.entryName + "\"");
                    if (section.size() == 0) {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                lastApplication = entry.get(this.settings.entryApplication.toLowerCase()).toString();
                lastSection = entry.get(this.settings.entrySection.toLowerCase()).toString();
                this.out.println("  <tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");
                link = linkEntry + "&range=sections&application=" + this.response.encodeURL(lastApplication)
                        + "\" class=\"" + this.styleLinkNavigation + "\">";
                this.out.println("    <th class=\"" + this.styleTh + "\" align=\"left\">" + link + imgLink
                        + application.get("title").toString() + "</a></th>");
                link = linkEntry + "&range=entries&application=" + this.response.encodeURL(lastApplication)
                        + "&section=" + this.response.encodeURL(lastSection) + "&application_type="
                        + application.get("entry_type").toString() + "&section_type="
                        + section.get("entry_type").toString() + "\" class=\"" + this.styleLinkNavigation + "\">";
                this.out.println("    <th class=\"" + this.styleTh + "\" align=\"left\" colspan=\""
                        + (columnCount - 1) + "\">" + link + imgLink + section.get("title").toString() + "</th>");
                this.out.println("  </tr>");


            if ((hasTitle == true)
                    && (!entry.get(this.settings.entrySection.toLowerCase()).toString().equals(lastSection))) {
                section = this.connection.getSingle("select \"NAME\",\"TITLE\",\"ENTRY_TYPE\" from "
                        + this.settings.source + " where \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" = "
                        + this.dbQuoted(entry.get(this.settings.entryApplication.toLowerCase()).toString())
                        + " and \"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\"= "
                        + this.dbQuoted(entry.get(this.settings.entrySection.toLowerCase()).toString()) + " and \""
                        + this.settings.entrySection + "\"= \"" + this.settings.entryName + "\"");
                lastSection = entry.get(this.settings.entrySection.toLowerCase()).toString();
                this.out.println("  <tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");
                this.out.println("    <th class=\"" + this.styleTh + "\" align=\"left\">&nbsp;</th>");
                link = linkEntry + "&range=entries&application=" + this.response.encodeURL(lastApplication)
                        + "&section=" + this.response.encodeURL(lastSection) + "&application_type="
                        + application.get("entry_type").toString() + "&section_type="
                        + section.get("entry_type").toString() + "\" class=\"" + this.styleLinkNavigation + "\">";
                this.out.println("    <th class=\"" + this.styleTh + "\" align=\"left\" colspan=\""
                        + (columnCount - 1) + "\">" + link + imgLink + section.get("title").toString() + "</th>");
                this.out.println("  </tr>");

            String linkHelp = "";


            this.out.println("  <tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");

            if (entry.get(this.settings.entrySection.toLowerCase()).toString()
                    .equals(this.settings.entrySchemaSection)) {
                linkHelp = "&nbsp;";

                String k = entry.get(this.settings.entryApplication.toLowerCase()).toString()
                        + this.settings.entrySchemaSection
                        + entry.get(this.settings.entryName.toLowerCase()).toString();

                if (helpTexts.containsKey(k)) {
                    String session = "''";
                    if (!this.sessionID.equals("")) {
                        session = "'" + this.sessionID + "'";
                    String helpHref = "source=" + this.settings.source + "&application="
                            + this.response
                            + "&section=" + this.response.encodeURL(this.settings.entrySchemaSection) + "&entry="
                            + this.response.encodeURL(entry.get(this.settings.entryName.toLowerCase()).toString());
                    linkHelp = "<a href=\"javascript:openHelpWin('" + helpHref + "'," + session + ");\"><img src=\""
                            + this.imgDir + this.imgHelp + "\" border=\"0\" title=\""
                            + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_help") + "\"></a>";

                String linkQuery = "&range=entry&application="
                        + this.response.encodeURL(
                        + "&section="
                        + this.response.encodeURL(entry.get(this.settings.entrySection.toLowerCase()).toString())
                        + "&entry="
                        + this.response.encodeURL(entry.get(this.settings.entryName.toLowerCase()).toString())
                        + "&application_type=" + application.get("entry_type").toString() + "\">";

                this.out.println("   <td valign=\"middle\" class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\">");
                this.out.println("   <table width=\"100%\" border =\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">");
                this.out.println("   <tr>");
                this.out.println("     <td>");
                this.out.println("       " + linkSchema + linkQuery + imgLink + "</a>");
                link = (entry.get(this.settings.entrySection.toLowerCase()).toString()
                        .equals(this.settings.entrySchemaSection)) ? linkSchema : linkEntry;
                this.out.println("        " + link + linkQuery
                        + entry.get(this.settings.entryTitle.toLowerCase()).toString() + "</a>&nbsp;");
                this.out.println("     </td>");
                this.out.println("     <td align=\"right\" nowrap>");
                this.out.println("       " + linkHelp);
                this.out.println("     </td>");
                this.out.println("   </tr>");
                this.out.println("   </table>");
                this.out.println("   </td>");
            } else if (this.sectionType > 0 || this.applicationType > 0) { // schema

                linkHelp = "&nbsp;";
                if (this.hasCreateRight) { // bei Schema reicht CREATE Recht
                    this.hasWriteRight = true;
                    this.disabled = "";

                String k = entry.get(this.settings.entryApplication.toLowerCase()).toString()
                        + this.settings.entrySchemaSection
                        + entry.get(this.settings.entryName.toLowerCase()).toString();
                if (helpTexts.containsKey(k)) {
                    String session = "''";
                    if (!this.sessionID.equals("")) {
                        session = "'" + this.sessionID + "'";
                    String helpHref = "source=" + this.settings.source + "&application="
                            + this.response
                            + "&section=" + this.response.encodeURL(this.settings.entrySchemaSection) + "&entry="
                            + this.response.encodeURL(entry.get(this.settings.entryName.toLowerCase()).toString());

                    linkHelp = "<a href=\"javascript:openHelpWin('" + helpHref + "'," + session + ");\"><img src=\""
                            + this.imgDir + this.imgHelp + "\" border=\"0\" title=\""
                            + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_help") + "\"></a>";

                String linkQuery = "&range=entry&application="
                        + this.response.encodeURL(
                        + "&section="
                        + this.response.encodeURL(entry.get(this.settings.entrySection.toLowerCase()).toString())
                        + "&entry="
                        + this.response.encodeURL(entry.get(this.settings.entryName.toLowerCase()).toString())
                        + "&application_type=" + application.get("entry_type").toString() + "&section_type="
                        + section.get("entry_type").toString() + "\">";

                this.out.println("   <td valign=\"middle\" class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\">");
                this.out.println("   <table width=\"100%\" border =\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">");
                this.out.println("   <tr>");
                this.out.println("     <td nowrap>");

                if (this.enableEntryValues == true) {
                    this.out.println("       " + linkEntry + linkQuery + imgLink + "</a>" + linkEntry + linkQuery
                            + entry.get(this.settings.entryTitle.toLowerCase()).toString() + "</a>&nbsp;");
                } else {
                            "       " + entry.get(this.settings.entryTitle.toLowerCase()).toString() + "&nbsp;");
                this.out.println("     </td>");
                this.out.println("     <td align=\"right\" nowrap>");
                this.out.println("       " + linkHelp);
                this.out.println("     </td>");
                this.out.println("   </tr>");
                this.out.println("   </table>");
                this.out.println("   </td>");
            } else {
                linkHelp = "&nbsp;";
                String k = entry.get(this.settings.entryApplication.toLowerCase()).toString()
                        + entry.get(this.settings.entrySection.toLowerCase()).toString()
                        + entry.get(this.settings.entryName.toLowerCase()).toString();
                if (helpTexts.containsKey(k)) {
                    String session = "''";
                    if (!this.sessionID.equals("")) {
                        session = "'" + this.sessionID + "'";
                    String helpHref = "source=" + this.settings.source + "&application="
                            + this.response
                            + "&section="
                            + this.response.encodeURL(
                            + "&entry="
                            + this.response.encodeURL(entry.get(this.settings.entryName.toLowerCase()).toString());
                    linkHelp = "<a href=\"javascript:openHelpWin('" + helpHref + "'," + session + ");\"><img src=\""
                            + this.imgDir + this.imgHelp + "\" border=\"0\" title=\""
                            + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_help") + "\"></a>";

                String linkQuery = "&range=entry&application="
                        + this.response.encodeURL(
                        + "&section="
                        + this.response.encodeURL(entry.get(this.settings.entrySection.toLowerCase()).toString())
                        + "&entry="
                        + this.response.encodeURL(entry.get(this.settings.entryName.toLowerCase()).toString())
                        + "&application_type=" + application.get("entry_type").toString() + "\">";

                this.out.println("    <td valign=\"middle\" class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\" nowrap>");
                this.out.println("   <table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">");
                this.out.println("   <tr>");
                this.out.println("     <td>");
                if (this.enableEntryValues == true) {
                    this.out.println("       " + linkSchema + linkQuery + imgLink + "</a>");
                    link = (entry.get(this.settings.entrySection.toLowerCase()).toString()
                            .equals(this.settings.entrySchemaSection)) ? linkSchema : linkEntry;
                    this.out.println("        " + link + linkQuery
                            + entry.get(this.settings.entryTitle.toLowerCase()) + "</a>&nbsp;");
                } else {
                    this.out.println("        " + entry.get(this.settings.entryTitle.toLowerCase()) + "&nbsp;");
                this.out.println("     </td>");
                this.out.println("     <td align=\"right\" nowrap>");
                this.out.println("       " + linkHelp);
                this.out.println("     </td>");
                this.out.println("   </tr>");
                this.out.println("   </table>");
                this.out.println("   </td>");

            if (this.enableEntryNames == true) {
                this.out.println("    <td valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\">"
                        + entry.get(this.settings.entryName.toLowerCase()) + "&nbsp;</td>");

            if ((this.enableEntryValues == true) && (!entry.get(this.settings.entrySection.toLowerCase()).toString()
                    .equals(this.settings.entrySchemaSection))) {

                if (this.disabled.equals("")) {
                    isNotAllDisabled = true;

                this.out.println("    <td valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\">");
                 * if (entry.get("input_type").toString().equals("5")) {
                 * this.out.println("[ " + this.rb
                 * .getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.dialog_long_value_title") + "
                 * ]"); } else { this.showDialogValue(entry, 1, index); if
                 * (!entry.get("forced").toString().equals("0") &&
                 * !entry.get("forced").toString().equals("") &&
                 * entry.get("display_type").toString().equals("0")) {
                 * checkEntries.add(ce, "value_" + index); ce++; } }
                 * this.out.println("&nbsp; </td> ");
                this.out.println("<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">");
                this.out.println("   <tr>");

                String hbv = "";
                if (this.hasBinaryValue.containsKey(entry.get("application").toString()
                        + entry.get("section").toString() + entry.get("name").toString())) {
                    hbv = this.hasBinaryValue.get(entry.get("application").toString()
                            + entry.get("section").toString() + entry.get("name").toString()).toString();

                if ((hbv != null && hbv.length() > 0 && !hbv.equals("0"))
                        || (entry.get("input_type").toString().equals("5")
                                || entry.get("input_type").toString().equals("6"))) {
                    if (entry.get("input_type").toString().equals("5")) { // Dokument

                        this.out.println("     <td>");
                        this.out.println("[ " + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.dialog_long_value_title")
                                + " ]&nbsp;");

                        if (entry.get("display_type").toString().equals("4")) { // versteckt
                            this.out.println(display_type_entries[4] + "</td>");
                            this.out.println("   <td align=\"right\">");
                            this.showDialogValue(entry, 1, index);
                        } else {
                            this.out.println(" </td>");
                            this.out.println("   <td align=\"right\">&nbsp;</td>");
                    } else { // Dokument binr oder wir machen zum Dokument
                             // binr
                        this.out.println(" <td>");
                        this.out.println("[ " + input_type_entries[6] + " ]");
                        this.out.println(" </td>");
                        entry.put("input_type", "6");
                        entry.put("display_type", "4");
                        this.out.println(" <td align=\"right\">");
                        this.showDialogValue(entry, 1, index);
                } else {
                    this.out.println(" <td colspan=\"2\">");
                    this.showDialogValue(entry, 1, index);
                    this.out.println(" </td>");
                    if (!entry.get("forced").toString().equals("0") && !entry.get("forced").toString().equals("")
                            && entry.get("display_type").toString().equals("0")) {
                        checkEntries.add(ce, "value_" + index);


            } else {
                this.out.println("    <td valign=\"middle\" class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\">"
                        + entry.get(this.settings.entryValue.toLowerCase()).toString() + "&nbsp;</td>");
            this.out.println("  </tr>");

        } // foreach

        this.out.println("<script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\">");
        this.out.println("  function " + this.form + "_check_onSubmit() {");
        this.out.println(" ");
        this.out.print("    var entries = Array(");
        for (int i = 0; i < checkEntries.size(); i++) {
            if (i > 0) {
            this.out.print("\"" + checkEntries.get(i) + "\"");
        this.out.println(" );");
        this.out.println("    for(var i=0; i<entries.length; i++) {");
        this.out.println("      if ( document." + this.form + ".elements[entries[i]].value == null || document."
                + this.form + ".elements[entries[i]].value == \"\" ) {");
                "        alert( \"" + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.alert_entry_empty") + "\");");
        this.out.println("        document." + this.form + ".elements[entries[i]].focus();");
        this.out.println("        return false;");
        this.out.println("      }");
        this.out.println("    }");
        this.out.println("    return true;");
        this.out.println("  }");

        if (this.enableEntryValues == true) {
            this.out.println("  <tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");
            this.out.println("    <td valign=\"middle\" colspan=\"" + columnCount + "\" class=\"" + this.styleTd
                    + "\">&nbsp;");

            if (isNotAllDisabled) {
                this.out.println("      <input type=\"image\" name=\"btn_store\"  src=\"" + this.imgDir
                        + this.sosLang + "/btn_store.gif\"  alt=\""
                        + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.btn_store_alt")
                        + "\" onClick=\"document.sos_settings.button.value=\'store\';\">&nbsp;");
                this.out.println("      <input type=\"image\" name=\"btn_cancel\" src=\"" + this.imgDir
                        + this.sosLang + "/btn_cancel.gif\" alt=\""
                        + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.btn_cancel_alt")
                        + "\" onClick=\"document.sos_settings.button.value=\'cancel\';\">&nbsp;");
                this.out.println("      <input type=\"image\" name=\"btn_reset\"  src=\"" + this.imgDir
                        + this.sosLang + "/btn_reset.gif\"  alt=\""
                        + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.btn_reset_alt")
                        + "\" onClick=\"document.sos_settings.reset(); return false;\">&nbsp;");
            } else {
                this.out.println("      <input type=\"image\" name=\"btn_cancel\" src=\"" + this.imgDir
                        + this.sosLang + "/btn_cancel.gif\" alt=\""
                        + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.btn_cancel_alt")
                        + "\" onClick=\"document.sos_settings.button.value=\'cancel\';\">&nbsp;");
            this.out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"button\">");
                    "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"application\"  value=\"" + this.settings.application + "\">");
                    "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"section\"      value=\"" + this.settings.section + "\">");
            this.out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"entry\"        value=\"\">");
            this.out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"range\"        value=\"list\">");
            this.out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"section_type\" value=\"" + this.sectionType + "\">");
                    "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"application_type\" value=\"" + this.applicationType + "\">");
            this.out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"num_of_entries\" value=\"" + cnt + "\">");

            this.out.println("    </td>");
            this.out.println("  </tr>");
            this.out.println("  </form>");

        this.showActions(new Integer(columnCount), this.dialogApplicationIndex, this.dialogSectionIndex, null);

        return true;

    private void showUpload() throws Exception {

        this.out.println("<script language=\"javascript\">");
        this.out.println(" ");
        this.out.println("   function importOnChange(){");
        this.out.println(" ");
        this.out.println("     var file_value      = document.getElementById('input_import');");
        this.out.println("     var default_value = document." + this.form + ".default_value;");
        this.out.println(" ");
        this.out.println("      if(typeof default_value != 'undefined'){");
        this.out.println("         var arr = file_value.value.split('\\\\');");
        this.out.println("         var el   = arr.length-1;");
        this.out.println("         default_value.value = arr[el];");
        this.out.println("      }");
        this.out.println("   }");
        this.out.println(" ");
        this.out.println(" ");
        this.out.println("<span id=\"sos_settings_import\" style=\"display:" + this.displayBinaryUpload + "\">");
                "   <input onchange=\"importOnChange()\" id=\"input_import\" valign=\"middle\" type=\"file\" style=\"height:20px;width:400px;alpha(opacity=0);\" name=\"input_import\" value=\"\">");


     * Eintrag anzeigen
     * @param displayMode
     *            Flag zur Darstellung mit/ohne Schema
     * @param displayType
     *            0=Eintrag, 1=Sektion, 2=Applikation
     * @return boolean Fehlerzustand
     * @throws Exception
     * @see #showDialogEntry(int, int)

    private boolean showDialogEntry(int displayMode, int displayType) throws Exception {

        this.debug(3, "showDialogEntry : displayMode = " + displayMode + " displayType = " + displayType);

        StringBuffer defaultJavascript = new StringBuffer();

        String labelDocument = "";

        String displayRange = (this.record.get(this.settings.entrySection.toLowerCase()).toString()
                .equals(this.record.get(this.settings.entryName.toLowerCase()).toString())) ? "section" : "entry";

        boolean readRight = true;
        this.aclRange = "entry";
        try {
            if (this.getRights(this.record.get("application").toString(), this.record.get("section").toString(),
                    this.record.get("name").toString()) == false) {
                readRight = false;

        } catch (Exception e) {
            this.setError("ACL : " + e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());
            readRight = false;

        if (this.settings.entrySchemaSection.equals(this.settings.section)) {
            if (this.hasCreateRight) {
                readRight = true;
                if (this.isNew) {
                    this.hasReadRight = true;
                    this.hasWriteRight = true;
                    this.disabled = "";

        if (this.applicationType == 1 || this.isNew == true) {
            if (this.hasCreateRight) {
                this.hasWriteRight = true;
                this.disabled = "";

        String formOnSubmit = " onSubmit=\"return sos_settings_onSubmit()\"";
        if (this.hasWriteRight == false) {
            formOnSubmit = "";

        this.out.println("<form enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" name=\"" + this.form + "\" action=\"" +
                + "\" method=\"post\"" + formOnSubmit + ">");

        this.out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"button\">");
        this.out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"application\"      value=\""
                + this.record.get(this.settings.entryApplication.toLowerCase()).toString() + "\">");
        this.out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"section\"          value=\""
                + this.record.get(this.settings.entrySection.toLowerCase()).toString() + "\">");
        this.out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"entry\"            value=\""
                + this.record.get(this.settings.entryName.toLowerCase()).toString() + "\">");
        this.out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"range\"            value=\"" + displayRange + "\">");
        this.out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"section_type\"     value=\"" + this.sectionType + "\">");
                "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"application_type\" value=\"" + this.applicationType + "\">");

        String lastAction = (this.getRequestValue("last_action") != null && !this.action.equals("schema"))
                ? this.getRequestValue("last_action").trim()
                : this.action;

        this.out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"last_action\"      value=\"" + lastAction + "\">");

        if (!this.isNew && this.record.containsKey("original_name")) {
            this.out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"original_name\"  value=\""
                    + this.record.get("original_name").toString() + "\" />");

        if (displayMode != 1 || this.sectionType > 0) {
            if (this.sectionType == 0) {
                this.out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"title\"        value=\""
                        + this.record.get("title").toString() + "\">");
            this.out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"default_value\"  value=\""
                    + this.record.get("default_value").toString() + "\">");
            this.out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"entry_type\"     value=\""
                    + this.record.get("entry_type").toString() + "\">");
            this.out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"input_type\"     value=\""
                    + this.record.get("input_type").toString() + "\">");
            this.out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"input_size\"     value=\""
                    + this.record.get("input_size").toString() + "\">");
            this.out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"display_type\"   value=\""
                    + this.record.get("display_type").toString() + "\">");
            this.out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"display_size\"   value=\""
                    + this.record.get("display_size").toString() + "\">");
            this.out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"forced\"         value=\""
                    + this.record.get("forced").toString() + "\">");


        this.showNavigation(new Integer(2), this.dialogApplicationIndex, this.dialogSectionIndex, null);

        if (readRight == false) {
            return false;

        this.out.println("<tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");
        this.out.println("  <th align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTh + "\" colspan=\"2\">"
                + this.record.get("title").toString() + "&nbsp;</th>");

        if (displayType == 0 && (!this.settings.section.equals(this.settings.entrySchemaSection))) {
            this.out.println("<tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");
            this.out.println("  <td width=\"20%\" valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTdLabel + "\">"
                    + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_value") + "&nbsp;</td>");
            this.out.println("  <td width=\"80%\" valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\">");

            this.showDialogValue(this.record, 0, 0);


            this.out.println("  &nbsp;</td>");
            if (this.record.get("display_type").toString().equals("0")) {
                defaultJavascript.append("document." + this.form + ".value.focus();");

        this.out.println("<tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");

        if (this.applicationType == 0 || this.settings.section.equals(this.settings.entrySchemaSection)) {

            if (this.sectionType == 0) {

                        "  <td width=\"20%\" valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTdLabel + "\">Name&nbsp;</td>");
                this.out.println("  <td width=\"80%\" valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\">");
                if (this.enableEntryManager == true) {
                    this.out.println("   <input " + this.disabled
                            + " name=\"name\" type=\"text\" size=\"80\" maxlength=\"100\" class=\""
                            + this.styleInput + "\" value=\"" + this.record.get("name").toString() + "\">");
                    if (defaultJavascript.length() == 0) {
                        defaultJavascript.append("document." + this.form + ".name.focus();");
                } else {
                    this.out.println("    <input name=\"name\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"" + this.record.get("name")
                            + "\">" + this.record.get("name").toString());
                this.out.println("  &nbsp;</td>");
            } else {
                this.out.println("  <td width=\"20%\" valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTdLabel + "\">"
                        + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_title") + "&nbsp;</td>");
                this.out.println("  <td width=\"80%\" valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\">");
                this.out.println("    <input " + this.disabled
                        + " name=\"title\" type=\"text\" size=\"80\" maxlength=\"100\" class=\"" + this.styleInput
                        + "\" value=\"" + this.record.get("title").toString() + "\">");
                this.out.println("    <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"name\"      value=\""
                        + this.record.get("name").toString() + "\">");
                this.out.println("  &nbsp;</td>");
                if (defaultJavascript.length() == 0) {
                    defaultJavascript.append("document." + this.form + ".title.focus();");

        this.out.println("</tr><tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");
        this.out.println("  <td width=\"20%\" valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTdLabel + "\">"
                + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_modified") + "&nbsp;</td>");
        this.out.println("  <td width=\"80%\" valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\">"
                + SOSDate.getLocaleDateTimeAsString(this.record.get("modified").toString()) + "&nbsp;"
                + this.record.get("modified_by").toString() + "&nbsp;</td>");
        this.out.println("</tr><tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");
        this.out.println("  <td width=\"20%\" valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTdLabel + "\">"
                + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_created") + "&nbsp;</td>");
        this.out.println("  <td width=\"80%\" valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\">"
                + SOSDate.getLocaleDateTimeAsString(this.record.get("created").toString()) + "&nbsp;"
                + this.record.get("created_by") + "&nbsp;</td>");
        this.out.println("</tr><tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");

        if (displayMode == 1 && (this.sectionType == 0 || displayType == 1
                || (this.settings.section.equals(this.settings.entrySchemaSection) && this.sectionType == 1))) {
            this.out.println("  <th align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTh + "\" colspan=\"2\">");
            if (displayType == 2) {
                this.out.println(this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_schema_range") + "&nbsp;</th>");
            } else if (displayType == 1) {
                this.out.println(this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_schema_section") + "&nbsp;</th>");
            } else {
                this.out.println(this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_schema_entry") + "&nbsp;</th>");

            this.out.println("</tr><tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");
            this.out.println("  <td width=\"20%\" valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTdLabel + "\">"
                    + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_title") + "&nbsp;</td>");
            this.out.println("  <td width=\"80%\" valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\"><input "
                    + this.disabled + " type=\"text\" name=\"title\" size=\"80\" maxlength=\"100\" class=\""
                    + this.styleInput + "\" value=\"" + this.record.get("title").toString() + "\">"
                    + "&nbsp;</td>");
            this.out.println("</tr><tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");
            this.out.println("  <td width=\"20%\" valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTdLabel + "\">"
                    + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_default") + "&nbsp;</td>");
            this.out.println("  <td width=\"80%\" valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\"><input "
                    + this.disabled + " type=\"text\" name=\"default_value\" size=\"80\" maxlength=\"250\" class=\""
                    + this.styleInput + "\" value=\"" + this.record.get("default_value").toString() + "\">"
                    + "&nbsp;</td>");
            this.out.println("</tr><tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");

            if (displayType > 0) {

                String[] input_type_apps = this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.listbox_input_type_apps")
                if (input_type_apps.length != 2) {
                    throw new Exception(
                            "\"sos.settings.dialog.listbox_input_type_apps\" expected two values, given : "
                                    + input_type_apps.length);

                this.out.println("  <td width=\"20%\" valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTdLabel + "\">"
                        + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_input_entries") + "&nbsp;</td>");
                this.out.println("  <td width=\"80%\" valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\">"
                        + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_format") + "&nbsp;<select " + this.disabled
                        + " name=\"entry_type\" size=\"1\" class=\"" + this.styleInput + "\">");
                this.out.println("     <option value=\"0\"");
                if (!this.record.get("entry_type").toString().equals("1")) {
                    this.out.println(" selected");
                this.out.println(">" + input_type_apps[0].trim() + "&nbsp;");
                this.out.println("     <option value=\"1\"");
                if (this.record.get("entry_type").toString().equals("1")) {
                    this.out.println(" selected");
                this.out.println(">" + input_type_apps[1].trim() + "&nbsp;</select></td>");
                this.out.println("</tr><tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");

            if (displayType < 2) {

                String[] input_type_entries = this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.listbox_input_type_entries")
                if (input_type_entries.length != 7) {
                    throw new Exception(
                            "\"sos.settings.dialog.listbox_input_type_entries\" expected 7 values, given : "
                                    + input_type_entries.length);

                labelDocument = input_type_entries[5];

                String[] display_type_entries = this.rb
                if (display_type_entries.length != 5) {
                    throw new Exception(
                            "\"sos.settings.dialog.listbox_display_type_entries\" expected 5 values, given : "
                                    + display_type_entries.length);

                this.out.println("  <td width=\"20%\" valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTdLabel + "\">"
                        + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_input") + "&nbsp;</td>");
                this.out.println("  <td width=\"80%\" valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\">"
                        + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_format") + "&nbsp;<select " + this.disabled
                        + " name=\"input_type\" class=\"" + this.styleInput
                        + "\" onChange=\"sos_settings_input_type_onChange()\">");
                this.out.println("     <option value=\"0\"");
                if (this.record.get("input_type").toString().equals("0")) {
                    this.out.println(" selected");
                this.out.println(">" + input_type_entries[0].trim() + "&nbsp;");

                this.out.println("     <option value=\"1\"");
                if (this.record.get("input_type").toString().equals("1")) {
                    this.out.println(" selected");
                this.out.println(">" + input_type_entries[1].trim() + "&nbsp;");

                this.out.println("     <option value=\"2\"");
                if (this.record.get("input_type").toString().equals("2")) {
                    this.out.println(" selected");
                this.out.println(">" + input_type_entries[2].trim() + "&nbsp;");

                this.out.println("     <option value=\"3\"");
                if (this.record.get("input_type").toString().equals("3")) {
                    this.out.println(" selected");
                this.out.println(">" + input_type_entries[3].trim() + "&nbsp;");

                this.out.println("     <option value=\"4\"");
                if (this.record.get("input_type").toString().equals("4")) {
                    this.out.println(" selected");
                this.out.println(">" + input_type_entries[4].trim() + "&nbsp;");

                this.out.println("     <option value=\"5\"");
                if (this.record.get("input_type").toString().equals("5")) {
                    this.out.println(" selected");
                this.out.println(">" + input_type_entries[5].trim() + "&nbsp;");

                this.out.println("     <option value=\"6\"");
                if (this.record.get("input_type").toString().equals("6")) {
                    this.out.println(" selected");
                this.out.println(">" + input_type_entries[6].trim() + "&nbsp;");

                this.out.println("&nbsp;&nbsp;" + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_number_of_tokens")
                        + "&nbsp;<input " + this.disabled
                        + " type=\"text\" name=\"input_size\" size=\"10\" maxlength=\"4\" class=\""
                        + this.styleInput + "\" value=\"" + this.record.get("input_size").toString() + "\">");
                String checked = (!this.record.get("forced").toString().equals("0")) ? " checked" : "";
                String unchecked = (!checked.equals("")) ? "" : " checked";
                        "&nbsp;&nbsp;" + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_mandatory") + "&nbsp;");

                this.out.println("<input " + this.disabled + " type=\"radio\" name=\"forced\" class=\""
                        + this.styleInput + "\" value=\"1\" " + checked + ">"
                        + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_yes") + "&nbsp;");
                this.out.println("<input " + this.disabled + " type=\"radio\" name=\"forced\" class=\""
                        + this.styleInput + "\" value=\"0\" " + unchecked + ">"
                        + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_no") + "&nbsp;");
                this.out.println("    &nbsp;</td>");

                this.out.println("</tr><tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");
                this.out.println("  <td width=\"20%\" valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTdLabel + "\">"
                        + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_display") + "&nbsp;</td>");
                this.out.println("  <td width=\"80%\" valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTd
                        + "\">Format&nbsp;<select " + this.disabled + " name=\"display_type\" class=\""
                        + this.styleInput + "\" onChange=\"sos_settings_display_type_onChange()\">");
                this.out.println("     <option value=\"0\"");
                if (this.record.get("display_type").toString().equals("0")) {
                    this.out.println(" selected");
                this.out.println(">" + display_type_entries[0].trim() + "&nbsp;");
                this.out.println("     <option value=\"1\"");
                if (this.record.get("display_type").toString().equals("1")) {
                    this.out.println(" selected");
                this.out.println(">" + display_type_entries[1].trim() + "&nbsp;");
                this.out.println("     <option value=\"2\"");
                if (this.record.get("display_type").toString().equals("2")) {
                    this.out.println(" selected");
                this.out.println(">" + display_type_entries[2].trim() + "&nbsp;");

                this.out.println("     <option value=\"3\"");
                if (this.record.get("display_type").toString().equals("3")) {
                    this.out.println(" selected");
                this.out.println(">" + display_type_entries[3].trim() + "&nbsp;");

                this.out.println("     <option value=\"4\"");
                if (this.record.get("display_type").toString().equals("4")) {
                    this.out.println(" selected");
                this.out.println(">" + display_type_entries[4].trim() + "&nbsp;");

                this.out.println("&nbsp;&nbsp;" + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_number_of_pixel")
                        + "&nbsp;<input " + this.disabled
                        + " type=\"text\" name=\"display_size\" size=\"10\" maxlength=\"4\" class=\""
                        + this.styleInput + "\" value=\"" + this.record.get("display_size").toString() + "\">");
                this.out.println("    &nbsp;</td>");
                this.out.println("</tr><tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");

            if (displayType == 0 || displayType == 1) {
                if (this.hasWriteRight) {
                    String height = (this.enableEditor) ? "height=\"" + this.editorHeight + "\"" : "";

                            "  <td width=\"20%\" " + height + " valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTdLabel + "\">"
                                    + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_description") + "&nbsp;</td>");
                            "  <td width=\"80%\" " + height + " valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\">");

                    if (this.enableEditor) {
                    } else {

                                "    <textarea rows=\"5\" cols=\"70\" wrap=\"off\" name=\"documentation\" class=\""
                                        + this.styleInput + "\">"
                                        + this.htmlSpecialChars(this.record.get("documentation").toString())
                                        + "</textarea>&nbsp;");
                    this.out.println("<tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");
                } else {
                    this.out.println("  <td width=\"20%\" valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTdLabel + "\">"
                            + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_description") + "&nbsp;</td>");
                    this.out.println("  <td width=\"80%\" valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\">");
                    this.out.println("  &nbsp;</td>");
                    this.out.println("<tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");

        this.out.println("  <td width=valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\">&nbsp;</td>");
        this.out.println("  <td valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\">");

        boolean isBreak = false;

        if (this.hasWriteRight == true) {

            this.out.println("<script language=\"javascript\">");
            this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println("   function checkImportFile(id){");
            this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println("      var btn_store       = document.getElementById(id);");
            this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println("      var file_span         = document.getElementById('sos_settings_import');");
            this.out.println("      var file_value       = document.getElementById('input_import');");
            this.out.println("      var default_value   = document." + this.form + ".default_value;");
            this.out.println(" ");
                    "      if(typeof file_span == 'undefined' || typeof file_value == 'undefined' || file_span == null){");
            this.out.println("         // kein file upload");
            this.out.println("      }");
            this.out.println("      else{");
            this.out.println("         var display_style =;");
            this.out.println("         if(typeof display_style != 'undefined' && display_style != 'none'){");
            this.out.println("            if(file_value.value != ''){");
            this.out.println("      = 'btn_import_file';");
            this.out.println("               if(id == 'btn_store_as'){");
            this.out.println("                  document." + this.form + ".last_action.value = 'new';");
            this.out.println("               }");
            this.out.println("            }");
            this.out.println("         }");
            this.out.println("      }");
            this.out.println("   }");
            this.out.println(" ");

            if (this.isNew == true) {
                this.out.println("    <input id=\"btn_store\" type=\"image\" name=\"btn_insert\" src=\""
                        + this.imgDir + this.sosLang + "/btn_insert.gif\"  alt=\""
                        + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.btn_insert_alt")
                        + "\" onClick=\"document.sos_settings.button.value=\'insert\';checkImportFile('btn_store');\">&nbsp; ");
            } else {
                this.out.println("    <input id=\"btn_store\" type=\"image\" name=\"btn_store\"  src=\""
                        + this.imgDir + this.sosLang + "/btn_store.gif\"  alt=\""
                        + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.btn_store_alt")
                        + "\" onClick=\"document.sos_settings.button.value=\'store\';checkImportFile('btn_store');\">&nbsp; ");
                if ((this.enableEntryManager == true) && (this.applicationType == 0
                        || this.settings.section.equals(this.settings.entrySchemaSection))) {
                    this.out.println("    <input id=\"btn_store_as\" type=\"image\" name=\"btn_insert\" src=\""
                            + this.imgDir + this.sosLang + "/btn_insert.gif\" alt=\""
                            + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.btn_store_as_alt")
                            + "\" onClick=\"document.sos_settings.button.value=\'insert\';checkImportFile('btn_store_as');\">&nbsp; ");
                    if (this.hasDeleteRight == true) {
                        this.out.println("    <input type=\"image\" name=\"btn_delete\" src=\"" + this.imgDir
                                + this.sosLang + "/btn_delete.gif\" alt=\""
                                + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.btn_delete_alt")
                                + "\" onClick=\"document.sos_settings.button.value=\'delete\'; return confirm(\'"
                                + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.confirm_delete_entry")
                                + "\');\">&nbsp; ");
                    if (this.sectionType == 0) {
                        this.out.println("    <input type=\"image\" name=\"btn_schema\" src=\"" + this.imgDir
                                + this.sosLang + "/btn_schema.gif\" alt=\""
                                + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.btn_schema_alt")
                                + "\" onClick=\"document.sos_settings.button.value=\'schema\';\">&nbsp; ");
                    this.out.println("    <input type=\"image\" name=\"btn_duplicate\" src=\"" + this.imgDir
                            + this.sosLang + "/btn_duplicate.gif\" alt=\""
                            + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.btn_duplicate_alt")
                            + "\" onClick=\"document.sos_settings.button.value=\'duplicate\';\">&nbsp; ");
                    isBreak = true;

            this.out.println("    <input type=\"image\" name=\"btn_cancel\" src=\"" + this.imgDir + this.sosLang
                    + "/btn_cancel.gif\" alt=\"" + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.btn_cancel_alt")
                    + "\" onClick=\"document.sos_settings.button.value=\'cancel\';\">&nbsp; ");
            this.out.println("    <input type=\"image\" name=\"btn_reset\"  src=\"" + this.imgDir + this.sosLang
                    + "/btn_reset.gif\"  alt=\"" + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.btn_reset_alt")
                    + "\" onClick=\"document.sos_settings.reset(); return false;\">&nbsp; ");

        } else {
            this.out.println("    <input type=\"image\" name=\"btn_cancel\" src=\"" + this.imgDir + this.sosLang
                    + "/btn_cancel.gif\" alt=\"" + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.btn_cancel_alt")
                    + "\">&nbsp; ");

        this.out.println("  </td>");

        if (this.hasWriteRight == true) {

            StringBuffer confirm = new StringBuffer();
            StringBuffer confirm_vals = new StringBuffer();
            boolean hasEntriesLongValues = false;

            if (this.entriesLongValues != null && this.entriesLongValues.size() > 0) {
                hasEntriesLongValues = true;

                for (int v = 0; v < this.entriesLongValues.size(); v++) {
                    HashMap hm = (HashMap) this.entriesLongValues.get(v);
                                    hm.get("section").toString(), hm.get("name").toString()));
                        labelDocument.trim(), confirm_vals.toString()));

            this.out.println("<script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\">");
            if (defaultJavascript.length() != 0) {
            this.out.println("function sos_settings_input_type_onChange()  {");
            this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println("   if(typeof document." + this.form + ".value   != \"undefined\"){");
                    "     document." + this.form + "                                 = '';");
            this.out.println("     document.getElementById(\"sos_settings_import\").style.display  = 'none';");
            this.out.println("   }");
            this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println("   var it = document.sos_settings.input_type;");
            this.out.println("   var is = document.sos_settings.input_size;");
            this.out.println("   var iv = it.options[it.selectedIndex].value;");
            this.out.println("   var dt = document.sos_settings.display_type;");
            this.out.println("   var ds = document.sos_settings.display_size;");
            this.out.println("   var dv = dt.options[dt.selectedIndex].value;");
            this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println("   //alert(iv+\"=\"+dv);");
            this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println("   switch (iv) {");
            this.out.println("     case '0'  :   if (dv == '2' || dv == '4'  ) { ");
            this.out.println("                     dt.value = '0';");
            this.out.println("                   }");
            this.out.println("                   else if (dv == '3') {");
            this.out.println("                     ds.value = '" + this.defaultDisplaySize + "';");
            this.out.println("                     is.value = '" + this.defaultInputSize + "';");
            this.out.println("                   }");
            if (hasEntriesLongValues) {
                this.out.println("                     if(confirm('" + confirm.toString() + "') == false){");
                if (this.record.get("input_type").toString().equals("5")) {
                    this.out.println("                         it.value  = '5';");
                    this.out.println("                         dt.value  = '3';");
                    this.out.println("                         is.value  = '';");
                    this.out.println("                         ds.value  = '100';");
                } else {
                    this.out.println("                         it.value  = '6';");
                    this.out.println("                         dt.value  = '4';");
                    this.out.println("                         is.value  = '';");
                    this.out.println("                         ds.value  = '';");
                this.out.println("                     }");
                this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println("                   break;");
            this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println("     case '1'  :");
            this.out.println("     case '2'  :");
            this.out.println("     case '4'  :   if (dv == '2' || dv == '4') { dt.value = '0'; }");
            if (hasEntriesLongValues) {
                this.out.println("                     if(confirm('" + confirm.toString() + "') == false){");
                if (this.record.get("input_type").toString().equals("5")) {
                    this.out.println("                         it.value  = '5';");
                    this.out.println("                         dt.value  = '3';");
                    this.out.println("                         is.value  = '';");
                    this.out.println("                         ds.value  = '100';");
                } else {
                    this.out.println("                         it.value  = '6';");
                    this.out.println("                         dt.value  = '4';");
                    this.out.println("                         is.value  = '';");
                    this.out.println("                         ds.value  = '';");
                this.out.println("                     }");
            this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println("                   break;");
            this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println("     case '3'  :   dt.value = '2';");
            if (hasEntriesLongValues) {
                this.out.println("                     if(confirm('" + confirm.toString() + "') == false){");
                if (this.record.get("input_type").toString().equals("5")) {
                    this.out.println("                         it.value  = '5';");
                    this.out.println("                         dt.value  = '3';");
                    this.out.println("                         is.value  = '';");
                    this.out.println("                         ds.value  = '100';");
                } else {
                    this.out.println("                         it.value  = '6';");
                    this.out.println("                         dt.value  = '4';");
                    this.out.println("                         is.value  = '';");
                    this.out.println("                         ds.value  = '';");
                this.out.println("                     }");
            this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println("                   break;");
            this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println("     case '5'  :");
            this.out.println("                   if(dt.value == '4'){");
            this.out.println("                     if(typeof document." + this.form + ".value != \"undefined\"){");
                    "                       document.getElementById(\"sos_settings_import\").style.display  = '';");
            this.out.println("                       document." + this.form
                    + "                         = 'none';");
            this.out.println("                     }");
            this.out.println("                     is.value  = '';");
            this.out.println("                     ds.value  = '';");
            this.out.println("                   }");
            this.out.println("                   else{");
            this.out.println("                     dt.value  = '3';");
            this.out.println("                     is.value  = '';");
            this.out.println("                     ds.value  = '100';");
            this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println("                     //!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
            this.out.println("                     if(typeof document." + this.form + ".value != \"undefined\"){");
                    "                       document." + this.form + "                = '';");
                    "                       document.getElementById(\"sos_settings_import\").style.display  = 'none';");
            this.out.println("                     }");
            this.out.println("                   }");
            this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println("                   break;");
            this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println("     case '6'    :");
            this.out.println("                   dt.value = '4';");
            this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println("                   if(typeof document." + this.form + ".value != \"undefined\"){");
                    "                     document.getElementById(\"sos_settings_import\").style.display  = '';");
            this.out.println("                     document." + this.form
                    + "                         = 'none';");
            this.out.println("                   }");
            this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println("                   is.value  = '';");
            this.out.println("                   ds.value  = '';");
            this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println("                   break;");
            this.out.println("   }// switch");
            this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println("function sos_settings_display_type_onChange() {");
            this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println("  var it = document.sos_settings.input_type;");
            this.out.println("  var iv = it.options[it.selectedIndex].value;");
            this.out.println("  var dt = document.sos_settings.display_type;");
            this.out.println("  var dv = dt.options[dt.selectedIndex].value;");
            this.out.println("  var ds = document.sos_settings.display_size;");
            this.out.println("  var is = document.sos_settings.input_size;");
            this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println("  //alert(dv+'='+it.value);");
            this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println("  switch (dv) {");
            this.out.println("    case '0' :");
            this.out.println("    case '1' :");
            this.out.println("    case '3' :");
            this.out.println("                if(it.value == '6'){");
            this.out.println("                  dt.selectedIndex = 4;");
            this.out.println("                }");
            this.out.println("                else if(it.value == '5'){");
            this.out.println("                  //!!!!!!!!!!!");
            this.out.println("                  if(typeof document." + this.form + ".value != \"undefined\"){");
                    "                    document." + this.form + "                = '';");
                    "                    document.getElementById(\"sos_settings_import\").style.display  = 'none';");
            this.out.println("                  }");
            this.out.println("                  dt.selectedIndex  = 3;");
            this.out.println("                  ds.value          = '100';");
            this.out.println("                  is.value          = '';");
            this.out.println("                }");
            this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println("                break;");
            this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println("    case '2'  :");
            this.out.println("                if(it.value == '6'){");
            this.out.println("                  dt.selectedIndex = 4;");
            this.out.println("                }");
            this.out.println("                else if(it.value == '5'){");
            this.out.println("                  dt.selectedIndex = 3;");
            this.out.println("                }");
            this.out.println("                else{");
            this.out.println("                  it.value = '3';");
            this.out.println("                }");
            this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println("                break;");
            this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println("    case '4'  :");
            this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println("                if(it.value == '6' || it.value == '5'){");
            this.out.println("                  dt.selectedIndex = 4;");
            this.out.println("                  ds.value          = '';");
            this.out.println("                  is.value          = '';");
            this.out.println("                }");
            this.out.println("                else{");
            this.out.println("                  it.value = '6';");
            this.out.println("                }");
            this.out.println("                if(typeof document." + this.form + ".value != \"undefined\"){");
                    "                  document.getElementById(\"sos_settings_import\").style.display  = '';");
            this.out.println("                  document." + this.form
                    + "                         = 'none';");
            this.out.println("                }");
            this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println("                break;");
            this.out.println("  } // switch");
            this.out.println("}// function");
            this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println("function sos_settings_onSubmit() {");
            this.out.println("  var submitFlag = true;");
            this.out.println("  var checkFlag  = false;");
            this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println("  var dt = document.sos_settings.display_type;");
            this.out.println("  if(typeof dt.options != 'undefined'){");
            this.out.println("       var dv = dt.options[dt.selectedIndex];");
            this.out.println("    }");
            this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println("  switch(document.sos_settings.button.value) {");
            this.out.println("    case 'import'           :");
            this.out.println("    case 'schema'           :");
            this.out.println("    case 'clipboard_copy'   :");
            this.out.println("    case 'clipboard_paste'  :");
            this.out.println("    case 'cancel'           :");
            this.out.println("    case 'reset'            : return submitFlag;");
            this.out.println("  }");
            this.out.println(" ");
            if (this.applicationType == 0 || this.settings.section.equals(this.settings.entrySchemaSection)) {
                if (this.sectionType == 0) {
                            "      if(submitFlag && ( == null || == '' )){");
                    this.out.println("        alert(\"" + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.alert_name_empty")
                            + "\");");
                    this.out.println("        submitFlag = false;");
                    this.out.println("      }");
                            "      if(submitFlag && ( document.sos_settings.title.value == null || document.sos_settings.title.value == '')){");
                    this.out.println("        alert(\""
                            + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.alert_title_empty") + "\");");
                    this.out.println("        document.sos_settings.title.focus();");
                    this.out.println("        submitFlag = false;");
                    this.out.println("      }");
                    this.out.println(" ");
                    this.out.println("          if(typeof dv != 'undefined'){");
                            "         if(submitFlag && ( dv.value == '4' && document.sos_settings.default_value.value == '')){");
                    this.out.println("          alert(\""
                            + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.alert_binary_default_value_empty") + "\");");
                    this.out.println("          document.sos_settings.default_value.focus();");
                    this.out.println("          submitFlag = false;");
                    this.out.println("         }");
                    this.out.println("          }");
                    this.out.println(" ");

            this.out.println("  if(document.sos_settings.forced.type == 'hidden' ){");
            this.out.println("    checkFlag = (document.sos_settings.forced.value == '1' );");
            this.out.println("  }");
            this.out.println("  else{");
            this.out.println("    checkFlag = document.sos_settings.forced[0].checked;");
            this.out.println("  }");

            if (displayType == 0 && !this.settings.section.equals(this.settings.entrySchemaSection)) {

                        "    if(submitFlag && checkFlag && ( document.sos_settings.value.value == null || document.sos_settings.value.value == '')){");
                        "      alert('" + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.alert_value_empty") + "');");
                this.out.println("      document.sos_settings.value.focus();");
                this.out.println("      submitFlag = false;");
                this.out.println("    }");


            this.out.println("return submitFlag;");

        return true;

     * Datensatz anlegen
     * @return boolean Fehlerzustand
     * @throws Exception

    private boolean recordCreate() throws Exception {
        this.debug(3, "recordCreate");

        this.record = new HashMap();

        Date date = new Date();

        this.record.put(this.settings.entryApplication.toLowerCase(), this.settings.application);
        this.record.put(this.settings.entrySection.toLowerCase(), this.settings.section);
        this.record.put("name", "");
        this.record.put("value", "");
        this.record.put("default_value", "");
        this.record.put("documentation", "");
        this.record.put("long_value", "");
        this.record.put("title", "");
        this.record.put("forced", "0");
        this.record.put("entry_type", "0");
        this.record.put("created", this.dateFormat.format(date));
        this.record.put("modified", this.dateFormat.format(date));

        int ok = 0;
        if (!this.range.equals("application")) {
            ok = 1;

        if (ok == 1) {
            if (!this.settings.section.equals(this.settings.entrySchemaSection)) {
                ok = 1;
            } else {
                ok = 0;

        if (ok == 1) {
            StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer();
                    " select \"INPUT_TYPE\", \"INPUT_SIZE\", \"DISPLAY_TYPE\", \"DISPLAY_SIZE\", \"FORCED\", \"ENTRY_TYPE\", \"DEFAULT_VALUE\" ");
            sql.append(" from " + this.settings.source + " ");
            sql.append(" where  \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"  = "
                    + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and ");
            sql.append("        \"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\"      = "
                    + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.section) + " and ");
            sql.append("        \"" + this.settings.entryName + "\"         = "
                    + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.section));

            try {
                HashMap defaults = this.connection.getSingle(sql.toString());
                if (defaults.size() > 0) {
                    this.record.put("input_type", defaults.get("input_type").toString());
                    this.record.put("input_size", defaults.get("input_size").toString());
                    this.record.put("display_type", defaults.get("display_type").toString());
                    this.record.put("display_size", defaults.get("display_size").toString());
                    this.record.put("forced", defaults.get("forced").toString());
                    this.record.put("entry_type", defaults.get("entry_type").toString());
                } else {
                    ok = 0;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());
                return false;

        if (ok == 0) {
            this.record.put("input_type", "0");
            this.record.put("input_size", this.defaultInputSize);
            this.record.put("display_type", "0");
            this.record.put("display_size", this.defaultDisplaySize);
            this.record.put("forced", "0");

        return true;

     * Alle Sektionen einer Applikation anzeigen
     * @param sectionsTitle
     *            Titel
     * @param sections
     *            Werte (siehe getDialogSections)
     * @return boolean Fehlerzustand
     * @throws Exception
     * @see #showDialogSections(String, Vector)

    private boolean showDialogSections(String sectionsTitle, Vector sections) throws Exception {

        this.debug(3, "showDialogSections : sectionsTitle = " + sectionsTitle + " sections = " + sections);

        if (sectionsTitle != null) {
            this.dialogSectionsTitle = sectionsTitle;
        if (sections != null) {
            this.dialogSections = sections;

        if (this.dialogSections == null) {
            this.dialogSections = new Vector();

        if (this.dialogSections.size() == 0) {
            if (this.error() == false) {


        String imgLink = "<img src=\"" + this.imgDir + this.imgAction
                + "\" border=\"0\" hspace=\"4\" vspace=\"1\">";

        String thisCon = ('?') != -1) ? "&" : "?";
        String querySession = "?";
        if (!this.sessionUseTransSID && !this.sessionVAR.equals("")) {
            querySession = thisCon + this.sessionVAR + "=" + this.sessionID + "&";
        } else {
            querySession = thisCon;

        this.showNavigation(new Integer(1), this.dialogApplicationIndex, null, null);

        this.aclRange = "application";
        try {
            this.getRights(this.settings.application, null, null);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            this.setError("ACL : " + e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());

        // JS Code fir's Help schreiben
        String link = "";
        if (this.dialogApplicationIndex.intValue() >= 0 && this.enableSectionManager == true) {
            if (this.applicationType == 1) { // Schema
                if (this.hasReadRight == true || this.hasWriteRight == true || this.hasCreateRight == true) {
                    this.out.println("<tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");
                    link = "<a class=\"" + this.styleLinkNavigation + "\" href=\"" + + querySession
                            + "action=new&range=section&application="
                            + this.response.encodeURL(this.settings.application) + "&application_type="
                            + this.applicationType + "\">";
                    this.out.println("    <td class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\">" + link + imgLink
                            + this.dialogSectionsNewTitle + "</a></td>");
                    this.out.println("  </tr>");
            } else {
                if (this.hasCreateRight == true) {

                    this.out.println("  <tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");
                    link = "<a class=\"" + this.styleLinkNavigation + "\" href=\"" + + querySession
                            + "action=new&range=section&application="
                            + this.response.encodeURL(this.settings.application) + "&application_type="
                            + this.applicationType + "\">";
                    this.out.println("    <td class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\">" + link + imgLink
                            + this.dialogSectionsNewTitle + "</a></td>");
                    this.out.println("  </tr>");

        String sqlHelp = " select \"APPLICATION\",\"SECTION\", \"NAME\" ";
        sqlHelp += " from " + this.settings.source + " s ";
        sqlHelp += " where s.\"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"  = "
                + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + "  and ";
        sqlHelp += "       s.\"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"  <> s.\"" + this.settings.entrySection
                + "\" and ";
        sqlHelp += "       s.\"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\"    =  s.\"" + this.settings.entryName
                + "\" and ";
        sqlHelp += "       s.\"DOCUMENTATION\" is not null ";

        Hashtable helpTexts = new Hashtable();

        try {
            Vector helpText = this.connection.getArrayAsVector(sqlHelp);
            if (helpText.size() > 0) {
                for (Enumeration el = helpText.elements(); el.hasMoreElements();) {
                    HashMap hm = (HashMap) el.nextElement();
                    helpTexts.put(hm.get("application").toString() + hm.get("section").toString()
                            + hm.get("name").toString(), "Help");
                this.hasHelps = true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());

        for (Enumeration el = this.dialogSections.elements(); el.hasMoreElements();) {
            HashMap section = (HashMap) el.nextElement();

            String linkHelp = "&nbsp;";
            String linkEntries = "";
            String linkSection = "";
            boolean hasRights = true;
            boolean isSchema = false;

            if (section.get("name").toString().equals(this.settings.entrySchemaSection)) {

                isSchema = true;

                if (this.hasCreateRight == true) { // Schema bearbeiten
                    linkEntries = "<a class=\"" + this.styleLinkNavigation + "\" href=\"" + + querySession
                            + "action=show&range=entries&application="
                            + this.response.encodeURL(this.settings.application) + "&section="
                            + this.response
                            + "&application_type=" + this.applicationType + "&section_type="
                            + section.get("entry_type").toString() + "\">";

                    linkSection = linkEntries;
                } else {
                    hasRights = false;
            } else {

                String k = this.settings.application
                        + section.get(this.settings.entrySection.toLowerCase()).toString()
                        + section.get(this.settings.entrySection.toLowerCase()).toString();

                if (helpTexts.containsKey(k)) {
                    String session = "''";
                    if (!this.sessionID.equals("")) {
                        session = "'" + this.sessionID + "'";
                    String helpHref = "source=" + this.settings.source + "&application="
                            + this.response.encodeURL(this.settings.application) + "&section="
                            + this.response
                            + "&entry=" + this.response
                    linkHelp = "<a href=\"javascript:openHelpWin('" + helpHref + "'," + session + ");\"><img src=\""
                            + this.imgDir + this.imgHelp + "\" border=\"0\" title=\""
                            + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_help") + "\"></a>";

                linkEntries = "<a href=\"" + + querySession + "action=show&range=entries&application="
                        + this.response.encodeURL(this.settings.application) + "&section="
                        + this.response.encodeURL(section.get(this.settings.entrySection.toLowerCase()).toString())
                        + "&application_type=" + this.applicationType + "&section_type="
                        + section.get("entry_type").toString() + "\">";
                linkSection = (this.enableSectionManager == true)
                        ? "<a href=\"" + + querySession + "action=show&range=section&application="
                                + this.response.encodeURL(this.settings.application) + "&section="
                                + this.response.encodeURL(
                                + "\">"
                        : linkEntries;

            this.aclRange = "section";
            try {
                this.getRights(section.get("application").toString(), section.get("section").toString(), null);
                if (this.hasReadRight == false && this.hasCreateRight == false) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                this.out.println("  <tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");
                this.out.println("    <td class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\">");
                this.out.println("    <table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">");
                this.out.println("    <tr>");
                this.out.println("     <td class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\" width=\"50%\">");
                this.out.println("       " + section.get(this.settings.entrySettingTitle.toLowerCase()).toString());
                this.out.println("     </td>");
                this.out.println("     <td>");
                this.showError("ACL : " + e.getMessage());
                this.out.println("         </td>");
                this.out.println("    </tr>");
                this.out.println("    </table>");
                this.out.println("    </td>");
                this.out.println("  </tr>");


            if (hasRights) {

                String sectionTitle = (isSchema)
                        ? this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.dialog_sections_schema_title")
                        : section.get(this.settings.entrySettingTitle.toLowerCase()).toString();

                this.out.println("  <tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");
                this.out.println("    <td class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\">");
                this.out.println("    <table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">");
                this.out.println("    <tr>");
                this.out.println("     <td class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\" width=\"50%\">");
                this.out.println("       " + linkSection + imgLink + "</a>" + linkEntries + sectionTitle + "</a>");
                this.out.println("     </td>");
                this.out.println("     <td>" + linkHelp + "</td>");
                this.out.println("    </tr>");
                this.out.println("    </table>");
                this.out.println("    </td>");
                this.out.println("  </tr>");

        } // enumeration

        this.showActions(new Integer(1), this.dialogApplicationIndex, null, null);


        return true;

     * Datensatz lesen
     * @param readDocumentation
     *            true-Blob lesen
     * @return boolean Fehlerzustand
     * @throws Exception
     * @see #recordGetKey(boolean)

    private boolean recordGetKey(boolean readDocumentation) throws Exception {

        this.debug(3, "recordGetKey : readDocumentation = " + readDocumentation);

        boolean autoSetLongValues = false;
        if (this.enableAutoSetLongValues && this.range.equals("entry")) {
            autoSetLongValues = true;

        StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer();

        sql.append(" from " + this.settings.source + " ");
        sql.append(" where \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" = " + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application)
                + " and ");
        sql.append("  \"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\" = " + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.section) + " and ");
        sql.append("  \"" + this.settings.entryName + "\" = " + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.entry));

        try {
            this.record = this.connection.getSingle(sql.toString());

            this.record.put("original_name", this.record.get("name").toString());
            this.record.put("long_value", "");
            this.record.put("documentation", "");

            if (this.record.size() == 0) {
                return false;
            } else {
                if (readDocumentation == true) {
                    try {
                        byte[] documentation = this.connection
                                .getBlob("select \"DOCUMENTATION\" from " + this.settings.source
                                        + " where \"APPLICATION\"=" + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application)
                                        + " and \"SECTION\"=" + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.section)
                                        + " and \"NAME\" =" + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.entry));
                        if (documentation != null) {
                            this.record.put("documentation", new String(documentation));
                        } else {
                            this.record.put("documentation", "");

                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());
                        return false;

                if (autoSetLongValues) {
                } else {
                    if (this.record.get("input_type").toString().equals("5")) { // Dokument
                        try {
                            byte[] longValue = this.connection
                                    .getBlob("select \"LONG_VALUE\" from " + this.settings.source
                                            + " where \"APPLICATION\"=" + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application)
                                            + " and \"SECTION\"=" + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.section)
                                            + " and \"NAME\" =" + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.entry));
                            if (longValue != null && longValue.length > 0) {
                                this.record.put("value", new String(longValue));

                                if (this.record.get("display_type").toString().equals("4")) { // hidden
                                            + this.record.get("section").toString()
                                            + this.record.get("name").toString(), "1");

                            } else {
                                this.record.put("value", "");
                            this.record.put("long_value", "");

                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());
                            return false;
                    } else if (this.record.get("input_type").toString().equals("6")) { // Dokument binr
                        String bv = this.connection.getSingleValue("select count(\"APPLICATION\") from "
                                + this.settings.source + " where \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" = "
                                + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and \"" + this.settings.entrySection
                                + "\" = " + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.section) + " and \""
                                + this.settings.entryName + "\" = " + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.entry)
                                + " and \"LONG_VALUE\" is not null");
                                + this.record.get("section").toString() + this.record.get("name").toString(), bv);

                this.entriesLongValues = new Vector();

                if (this.applicationType > 0 && this.action.equals("schema")) {
                    this.entriesLongValues = this.connection.getArrayAsVector("select \"SECTION\",\"NAME\" from "
                            + this.settings.source + " where \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" = "
                            + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and \"" + this.settings.entrySection
                            + "\" <> '" + this.settings.entrySchemaSection + "' and \"" + this.settings.entryName
                            + "\" =  " + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.entry) + " and \"" + this.settings.entryName
                            + "\" <> \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" and \"LONG_VALUE\" is not null ");


        } catch (Exception e) {
            this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());
            return false;

        return true;

     * Anzeige des Seitenkopfes
     * @param content
     *            Inhalt des Headers
     * @see #showDialogHeader(String)

    private void showDialogHeader(String content) throws Exception {
        this.debug(3, "showDialogHeader : content = " + content);

        if (content != null) {
            this.headerContent = content;


     * Alle Applikationen anzeigen
     * @param applicationsTitle
     *            Titel
     * @param applications
     *            Werte (siehe getDialogApplications)
     * @return boolean Fehlerzustand
     * @throws Exception
     * @see #showDialogApplications(String, Vector)

    private boolean showDialogApplications(String applicationsTitle, Vector applications) throws Exception {

        this.debug(3, "showDialogApplications : applicationsTitle = " + applicationsTitle + " applications = "
                + applications);

        if (applicationsTitle != null) {
            this.dialogApplicationsTitle = applicationsTitle;
        if (applications != null) {
            this.dialogApplications = applications;

        if (this.dialogApplications == null) {
            this.dialogApplications = new Vector();

        if (this.dialogApplications.size() == 0) {
            if (this.error() == false) {


        this.showNavigation(new Integer(1), null, null, null);

        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());
            return false;


        if (!this.hasTopLevelReadRight && !this.hasTopLevelCreateRight) {
            return false;

        // JS Code fir's Help schreiben

        //$normalize_field_name = $this->normalize_field_name;
        String imgLink = "<img src=\"" + this.imgDir + this.imgAction
                + "\" border=\"0\" hspace=\"4\" vspace=\"1\">";

        String thisCon = ('?') != -1) ? "&" : "?";
        String querySession = "?";
        if (!this.sessionUseTransSID && !this.sessionVAR.equals("")) {
            querySession = thisCon + this.sessionVAR + "=" + this.sessionID + "&";
        } else {
            querySession = thisCon;

        if (this.enableApplicationManager == true && this.hasTopLevelCreateRight) {
            this.out.println("  <tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");
            String link = "<a class=\"" + this.styleLinkNavigation + "\" href=\"" + + querySession
                    + "action=new&range=application\">";
            this.out.println("     <td class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\">");
            if (this.hasCreateRight == true) {
                this.out.println(link + imgLink + this.dialogApplicationsNewTitle + "</a>");
            this.out.println("     </td>");
            this.out.println("  </tr>");

        String sqlHelp = " select \"APPLICATION\",\"SECTION\", \"NAME\" ";
        sqlHelp += " from " + this.settings.source + " s ";
        sqlHelp += " where s.\"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"  = s.\"" + this.settings.entrySection
                + "\"  and ";
        sqlHelp += "       s.\"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"  = s.\"" + this.settings.entryName
                + "\" and ";
        sqlHelp += "       s.\"DOCUMENTATION\" is not null ";

        Hashtable helpTexts = new Hashtable();

        try {
            Vector helpText = this.connection.getArrayAsVector(sqlHelp);
            if (helpText.size() > 0) {
                for (Enumeration el = helpText.elements(); el.hasMoreElements();) {
                    HashMap hm = (HashMap) el.nextElement();
                    helpTexts.put(hm.get("application").toString() + hm.get("section").toString()
                            + hm.get("name").toString(), "Help");
                this.hasHelps = true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());

        try {
            for (Enumeration el = this.dialogApplications.elements(); el.hasMoreElements();) {
                HashMap application = (HashMap) el.nextElement();
                String linkSections = "<a href=\"" + + querySession
                        + "action=show&range=sections&application="
                        + this.response
                        + "&application_type=" + application.get("entry_type") + "\">";
                String linkApplication = "";

                if (this.enableApplicationManager == true) {
                    linkApplication = "<a href=\"" + + querySession
                            + "action=show&range=application&application="
                            + this.response.encodeURL(
                            + "\">";

                } else {
                    linkApplication = linkSections;

                String k = application.get(this.settings.entryApplication.toLowerCase()).toString()
                        + application.get(this.settings.entrySection.toLowerCase()).toString()
                        + application.get(this.settings.entryName.toLowerCase()).toString();

                String linkHelp = "&nbsp;";
                if (helpTexts.containsKey(k)) {
                    String session = "''";
                    if (!this.sessionID.equals("")) {
                        session = "'" + this.sessionID + "'";
                    String helpHref = "source=" + this.settings.source + "&application="
                            + this.response.encodeURL(
                            + "&section="
                            + this.response
                            + "&entry=" + this.response
                    linkHelp = "<a href=\"javascript:openHelpWin('" + helpHref + "'," + session + ");\"><img src=\""
                            + this.imgDir + this.imgHelp + "\" border=\"0\" title=\""
                            + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_help") + "\"></a>";

                try {
                    this.getRights(application.get("application").toString(), null, null);
                    if (this.hasReadRight == false && this.hasCreateRight == false) {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    this.out.println("  <tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");
                    this.out.println("    <td class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\">");
                    this.out.println("    <table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">");
                    this.out.println("    <tr>");
                    this.out.println("     <td class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\" width=\"50%\">");
                    this.out.println("       " + application.get(this.settings.entrySettingTitle.toLowerCase()));
                    this.out.println("     </td>");
                    this.out.print("     <td>");
                    this.showError("ACL : " + e.getMessage());
                    this.out.println("    </tr>");
                    this.out.println("    </table>");
                    this.out.println("    </td>");
                    this.out.println("  </tr>");


                this.out.println("  <tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");
                this.out.println("    <td class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\">");
                this.out.println("    <table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">");
                this.out.println("    <tr>");
                this.out.println("     <td class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\" width=\"50%\">");
                this.out.println(linkApplication + imgLink + "</a>" + linkSections
                        + application.get(this.settings.entrySettingTitle.toLowerCase()) + "</a>");
                this.out.println("     </td>");
                this.out.println("     <td>" + linkHelp + "</td>");
                this.out.println("    </tr>");
                this.out.println("    </table>");
                this.out.println("    </td>");
                this.out.println("  </tr>");

        } catch (Exception e) {
            this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());

        this.showActions(new Integer(1), null, null, null);

        return true;

     * JS Code zum ffnen von Hifsfenster

    private void openHelpWin() throws Exception {
        this.debug(3, "openHelpWin");

        this.out.println("<script language=\"JavaScript\">");
        this.out.println("  function openHelpWin(href,jsessionid){");
        this.out.println("    var session_str = \"\";");
        this.out.println("    if(jsessionid){");
        this.out.println("      session_str = \"&" + this.sessionVAR + "=\"+jsessionid;");
        this.out.println("    }");

        //this.out.println(" href = href.replace(\"\\\",\"\\\\\"); ");

        this.out.println("    helpWin =\"" + this.helpFile + "?action=show&range=help&locale="
                + this.locale + "&\"+href+session_str,\"_blank\",\"width=" + this.helpWinWidth + ",height="
                + this.helpWinHeight
                + ",status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,directories=no,location=no,scrollbars\");");
        this.out.println("  }");


     * JS Code zum ffnen von Hilfetexten Fenster

    private void openHelpsWin() throws Exception {
        this.debug(3, "openHelpsWin");

        this.out.println("<script language=\"JavaScript\">");
        this.out.println("  function openHelpsWin(href,jsessionid){");
        this.out.println("    var session_str = \"\";");
        this.out.println("    if(jsessionid){");
        this.out.println("      session_str = \"&" + this.sessionVAR + "=\"+jsessionid;");
        this.out.println("    }");
        this.out.println("    helpsWin =\"" + this.documentationFile + "?locale=" + this.locale
                + "&action=show&range=helps&\"+href+session_str,\"_blank\",\"width=" + this.helpsWinWidth
                + ",height=" + this.helpsWinHeight
                + ",status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,directories=no,location=no,scrollbars\");");
        this.out.println("  }");


     * JS Code zum ffnen von Hilfetexten Fenster

    private void openDocumentationWin() throws Exception {
        this.debug(3, "openDocumentationWin");

        this.out.println("<script language=\"JavaScript\">");
        this.out.println("  function openDocumentationWin(href,jsessionid){");
        this.out.println("    var session_str = \"\";");
        this.out.println("    if(jsessionid){");
        this.out.println("      session_str = \"&" + this.sessionVAR + "=\"+jsessionid;");
        this.out.println("    }");
        this.out.println("    documentationWin =\"" + this.documentationFile + "?locale=" + this.locale
                + "&action=show&range=documentation&\"+href+session_str,\"_blank\",\"width=" + this.docuWinWidth
                + ",height=" + this.docuWinHeight
                + ",status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,directories=no,location=no,scrollbars\");");
        this.out.println("  }");


     * Werte aller Applickationen lesen
     * @param refresh
     *            true Werte aus der Batenbank lesen
     * @return boolean Fehlerzustand
     * @throws Exception
     * @see #setDialogApplications(boolean)
    private boolean setDialogApplications(boolean refresh) throws Exception {
        this.debug(3, "setDialogApplications : refresh = " + refresh);

        if (this.dialogApplications == null || this.dialogApplications.size() == 0 || refresh == true) {

            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());
                return false;

        if (!this.settings.application.equals("") && this.dialogApplications != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < this.dialogApplications.size(); i++) {

                HashMap hm = new HashMap();
                hm = (HashMap) this.dialogApplications.get(i);

                if (this.settings.application
                        .equals(hm.get(this.settings.entryApplication.toLowerCase()).toString())) {
                    try {
                        this.applicationType = Integer.parseInt((String) hm.get("entry_type"));
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        this.applicationType = 0;
                    this.dialogApplicationIndex = new Integer(i);
        } else {
            this.dialogApplicationIndex = new Integer(-1);

        return true;

     * Werte aller Sectionen einer Applikation lesen und die Indexes setzen
     * @return boolean Fehlerzustand
     * @throws Exception
    private boolean setDialogSections() throws Exception {
        this.debug(3, "setDialogSections");

        if (!this.settings.application.equals("")) {
            try {
                this.getDialogSections(this.settings.application, null);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());
                return false;

        return true;

     * Werte aller Entries einer Sektion lesen und die Indexes setzen
     * @return boolean Fehlerzustand
     * @throws Exception

    private boolean setDialogEntries() throws Exception {
        this.debug(3, "setDialogEntries");

        if (!this.settings.section.equals("") && this.dialogSections != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < this.dialogSections.size(); i++) {

                HashMap hm = new HashMap();
                hm = (HashMap) this.dialogSections.get(i);

                if (this.settings.section.equals(hm.get(this.settings.entrySection.toLowerCase()).toString())) {
                    try {
                        this.sectionType = Integer.parseInt((String) hm.get("entry_type"));
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        this.sectionType = 0;
                    this.dialogSectionIndex = new Integer(i);
        } else {
            this.dialogSectionIndex = new Integer(-1);

        if (!this.settings.application.equals("") && !this.settings.section.equals("")) {

            try {
                 * if (this.enableAutoSetLongValues) {
                 * this.setDialogEntriesLongValues(); }

                this.getDialogEntries(this.settings.application, this.settings.section, null);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());
                return false;


        if (!this.settings.entry.equals("") && this.dialogEntries != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < this.dialogEntries.size(); i++) {

                HashMap hm = new HashMap();
                hm = (HashMap) this.dialogEntries.get(i);

                if (this.settings.entry.equals(hm.get(this.settings.entryName.toLowerCase()).toString())) {
                    this.dialogEntryIndex = new Integer(i);
        } else {
            this.dialogEntryIndex = new Integer(-1);

        return true;

     * Diese Funktion vermeidet Inhalt von inkonsistenten Daten.
     * Hintergrund : da es als Wert entweder "VALUE" oder "LONG_VALUE" benutzt
     * werden knnen, dient "INPUT_TYPE" Feld als Flag , um zu unterscheiden -
     * welches von den beiden Felder gerade aktiv ist. bei "LONG_VALUE" mssen
     * "INPUT_TYPE" = 5(Dokument) oder 6(Dokument binr) und "VALUE" = null
     * gesetzt werden. und ausserdem "DISPLAY_TYPE" 3(Textarea) bzw 4(Versteckt)
     * sein
     * bei Settingsaktualisierung durch die fremden Schnittstellen, kann
     * vorkommen , dass die "LONG_VALUE"s aktualisiert werden, ohne das
     * "INPUT_TYPE" auf 5,6 und "DISPLAY_TYPE" auf 3(Textarea) bzw 4(Versteckt)
     * zu setzen : das wird dazu fhren, dass die BLOBs dann (ohne diese
     * Funktion) als eine Zeichenkette betrachtet werden und verloren gehen.
    private void setDialogEntriesLongValues() throws Exception {

        StringBuffer sqlLongValue = new StringBuffer("select \"LONG_VALUE\" from " + this.settings.source)
                .append(" where \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" = "
                        + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and ")
                .append("   \"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\" = " + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.section)
                        + " and ")
                .append(" \"" + this.settings.entryName + "\" = " + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.entry));

        StringBuffer sql;

        try {

            byte[] longValue = this.connection.getBlob(sqlLongValue.toString());

            if (longValue != null && longValue.length > 0) {

                String defaultValue = (this.record.get("default_value").toString().indexOf('.') != -1)
                        ? this.record.get("default_value").toString()
                        : this.settings.defaultDocumentFileName;
                String inputType = this.record.get("input_type").toString();
                String displayType = this.record.get("display_type").toString();

                if (inputType.equals("5")) { // Dokument
                    if (displayType.equals("3") || displayType.equals("4")) {
                        //Textarea oder Versteckt - alles in Ordnung
                    } else {
                        sql = new StringBuffer(" update " + this.settings.source + " ")
                                .append(" set    \"" + this.settings.entryValue + "\"    = null    , ")
                                .append("         \"INPUT_TYPE\"                     = 5   , ")
                                .append("         \"DISPLAY_TYPE\"                  = 4 , ")
                                .append("         \"DEFAULT_VALUE\"                  = '" + defaultValue + "'   ")
                                .append(" where   \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"   = "
                                        + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and ")
                                .append("            \"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\"         = "
                                        + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.section) + " and ")
                                .append("            \"" + this.settings.entryName + "\"               = "
                                        + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.entry));


                        this.record.put("input_type", "5");
                        this.record.put("display_type", "4");
                        this.record.put("default_value", defaultValue);

                    this.record.put("value", new String(longValue));
                    this.record.put("long_value", "");

                    if (displayType.equals("4")) {
                                + this.record.get("section").toString() + this.record.get("name").toString(), "1");
                } //inputType = 5
                else if (inputType.equals("6")) { // Dokument binr
                    if (displayType.equals("4")) {
                        //Versteckt - alles in Ordnung
                    } else {
                        sql = new StringBuffer(" update " + this.settings.source + " ")
                                .append(" set    \"" + this.settings.entryValue + "\"    = null    , ")
                                .append("         \"INPUT_TYPE\"                     = 6   , ")
                                .append("         \"DISPLAY_TYPE\"                  = 4 , ")
                                .append("         \"DEFAULT_VALUE\"                  = '" + defaultValue + "'   ")
                                .append(" where   \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"   = "
                                        + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and ")
                                .append("            \"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\"         = "
                                        + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.section) + " and ")
                                .append("            \"" + this.settings.entryName + "\"               = "
                                        + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.entry));


                        this.record.put("input_type", "6");
                        this.record.put("display_type", "4");
                        this.record.put("default_value", defaultValue);
                    this.record.put("value", "");
                            + this.record.get("section").toString() + this.record.get("name").toString(), "1");

                } else {// wir machen Dokument Binr Versteckt
                    sql = new StringBuffer(" update " + this.settings.source + " ")
                            .append(" set    \"" + this.settings.entryValue + "\"    = null    , ")
                            .append("         \"INPUT_TYPE\"                     = 6   , ")
                            .append("         \"DISPLAY_TYPE\"                  = 4 , ")
                            .append("         \"DEFAULT_VALUE\"                  = '" + defaultValue + "'   ")
                            .append(" where   \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"   = "
                                    + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and ")
                            .append("            \"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\"         = "
                                    + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.section) + " and ")
                            .append("            \"" + this.settings.entryName + "\"               = "
                                    + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.entry));


                    this.record.put("value", "");
                    this.record.put("input_type", "6");
                    this.record.put("display_type", "4");
                    this.record.put("default_value", defaultValue);

                            + this.record.get("section").toString() + this.record.get("name").toString(), "1");

            } // if long value
            else {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());


     * Aktionen anzeigen: Suchen, Export, Import
     * @param columnIndex
     *            Anzahl Spalten der Darstellung
     * @param applicationIndex
     *            Index der aktuellen Applikation in dialog_applications()
     * @param sectionIndex
     *            Index der aktuellen Sektion in dialog_sections()
     * @param entryIndex
     *            Index des aktuellen Eintrags in dialog_entries()
     * @return boolean Fehlerzustand
     * @see #showActions(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer)

    private boolean showActions(Integer columnIndex, Integer applicationIndex, Integer sectionIndex,
            Integer entryIndex) throws Exception {
        this.debug(3, "showActions : columnIndex = " + columnIndex + " applicationIndex = " + applicationIndex
                + " sectionIndex = " + sectionIndex + " entryIndex = " + entryIndex);

        if (this.settings.section.equals(this.settings.entrySchemaSection)) {
            if (this.hasCreateRight == false) {
                this.enableExport = false;
                this.enableImport = false;
                this.enableDocumentation = false;
        } else {
            if (this.aclRange.equals("application")) { // Alle Applicationen
                if (this.hasTopLevelWriteRight == false) {
                    this.enableExport = false;
                    this.enableImport = false;
                    this.enableDocumentation = false;
                    //this.enableHelps = false;

            } else {
                if (this.hasWriteRight == false) {
                    this.enableExport = false;
                    this.enableImport = false;
                    this.enableDocumentation = false;
                    //this.enableHelps = false;

        if (this.action.equals("query") && this.settings.application.equals("")) { // Suche
            // bei
            // allen
            // Applikationen
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());

            if (this.hasTopLevelWriteRight == false) {
                this.enableExport = false;
                this.enableImport = false;
                this.enableDocumentation = false;
                //this.enableHelps = false;

        String inputQuery = "";
        String inputQueryReplace = "";
        String inputExport = "";
        String inputImport = "";

        String selected_meta = " selected ";
        String selected_value = "";
        String span_replace_style = " style=\"display:none\" ";
        int query_select_range = 1;

        if (this.request != null) {
            if (this.getRequestValue("input_query") != null) {
                inputQuery = this.getRequestValue("input_query");
            // kein trim wegen regul.ausdr usw
            if (this.getRequestValue("input_query_replace") != null) {
                inputQueryReplace = this.getRequestValue("input_query_replace");
            if (this.getRequestValue("input_export") != null) {
                inputExport = this.getRequestValue("input_export").trim();
            if (this.getRequestValue("input_import") != null) {
                inputImport = this.getRequestValue("input_import").trim();

            try {
                if (this.getRequestValue("query_select_range") != null) {
                    query_select_range = Integer.parseInt(this.getRequestValue("query_select_range").trim());
            } catch (Exception e) {

        switch (query_select_range) {
        case 2:
            selected_value = " selected ";
            selected_meta = "";
            span_replace_style = "";


        String[] listbox_translation = { "all settings", "values" };
        try {
            String[] listbox_translation_msg = this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.listbox_query_select_range")
            listbox_translation[0] = listbox_translation_msg[0];
            listbox_translation[1] = listbox_translation_msg[1];
        } catch (Exception e) {

        this.out.println("<tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");
        this.out.println("  <td class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\" colspan=\"" + columnIndex + "\">");
        this.out.println("    <table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\"><tr>");

                "      <form name=\"" + this.form + "_query\" action=\"" + + "\" method=\"post\">");
        this.out.println("      <td class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\" valign=\"top\">");
        this.out.println("        <input type=\"image\" name=\"btn_query\" src=\"" + this.imgDir + this.sosLang
                + "/btn_query.gif\" alt=\"" + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.btn_query_alt") + "\">");
        this.out.println("     </td>");

        this.out.println("       <td>");
                "       <select name=\"query_select_range\" onchange=\"document.getElementById('span_query_replace').style.display = (this.selectedIndex == 1) ? '' : 'none';\">");
                "         <option value=\"1\" " + selected_meta + ">" + listbox_translation[0] + "</option>");
                "         <option value=\"2\" " + selected_value + ">" + listbox_translation[1] + "</option>");
        this.out.println("       </select>");
        this.out.println("       </td>");

        this.out.println("      <td class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\" valign=\"top\" colspan=\"2\" nowrap>");
        this.out.println("        <input type=\"text\"  name=\"input_query\" class=\"" + this.styleInput
                + "\" value=\"" + inputQuery + "\">");

        this.out.println("        <span id=\"span_query_replace\" " + span_replace_style + ">");
        this.out.println("        <input type=\"text\"  name=\"input_query_replace\" class=\"" + this.styleInput
                + "\" value=\"" + inputQueryReplace + "\">");
        this.out.println("         &nbsp;" + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_query_replace_store"));
        this.out.println("        </span>");

        boolean hasEntries = false;
        if (applicationIndex != null) {
            if (applicationIndex.intValue() == 0 || applicationIndex.intValue() > 0) {
                this.out.println("&nbsp;" + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_search_range"));
                hasEntries = true;
        if (sectionIndex != null && hasEntries == false) {
            if (sectionIndex.intValue() == 0 || sectionIndex.intValue() > 0) {
                this.out.println("&nbsp;" + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_search_range"));

                "        <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"application\" value=\"" + this.settings.application + "\">");
                "        <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"section\" value=\"" + this.settings.section + "\">");
        this.out.println("      &nbsp;</td></form></tr>");

        if (this.enableExport == true) {
            this.out.println("    <tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");
            this.out.println("      <form name=\"" + this.form + "_export\" action=\"" +
                    + "\" method=\"post\" onSubmit=\"if (document." + this.form
                    + "_export.input_export.value != '' ) { document." + this.form
                    + "_export.sos_headers_off.value=0; } return true;\">");
            this.out.println("      <td class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\" valign=\"top\">");
            this.out.println("        <input type=\"image\" name=\"btn_export\" src=\"" + this.imgDir + this.sosLang
                    + "/btn_export.gif\" alt=\"" + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.btn_export_alt")
                    + "\">&nbsp;");

            this.out.println("      </td>");
            this.out.println("      <td class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\" valign=\"top\">");
            this.out.println("         <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"export_documentation\" value=\"1\"");
            if (this.exportDocumentation == 1) {
                this.out.println(" checked");
            this.out.println(">&nbsp;" + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_only_docs"));
            this.out.println("       </td>");
            this.out.println("      <td class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\" valign=\"top\" width=\"40%\"><nobr>");
            this.out.println("        <input type=\"text\"  name=\"input_export\" class=\"" + this.styleInput
                    + "\" value=\"" + inputExport + "\">&nbsp;");

            boolean hasExportTitle = false;
            if (sectionIndex != null) {
                if (sectionIndex.intValue() == 0 || sectionIndex.intValue() > 0) {
                    hasExportTitle = true;

            if (applicationIndex != null && hasExportTitle == false) {
                if (applicationIndex.intValue() == 0 || applicationIndex.intValue() > 0) {

            this.out.println("      &nbsp;</nobr></td>");
            this.out.println("      <td class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\" width=\"40%\">");
            this.out.println("        <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sos_headers_off\" value=\"1\">");
            this.out.println("        <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"application\" value=\""
                    + this.settings.application + "\">");
                    "        <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"section\" value=\"" + this.settings.section + "\">");
            this.out.println("      &nbsp;</td></form></tr>");

        if (this.enableImport == true) {
            this.out.println("    <tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");
            this.out.println("    <form name=\"" + this.form + "_import\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" action=\""
                    + + "\" method=\"post\">");
            this.out.println("      <td class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\" >");
            this.out.println("        <input type=\"image\" name=\"btn_import\" src=\"" + this.imgDir + this.sosLang
                    + "/btn_import.gif\" alt=\"" + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.btn_import_alt")
                    + "\">&nbsp;");

            this.out.println("      </td>");
            this.out.println("      <td class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\" valign=\"top\">");
            this.out.println("         <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"import_documentation\" value=\"1\"");
            if (this.importDocumentation == 1) {
                this.out.println(" checked");
            this.out.println(">&nbsp;" + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_only_docs"));
            this.out.println("       </td>");
            this.out.println("      <td class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\" width=\"40%\">");

            //$input_import = isset($_FILES['input_import']) ?
            // $_FILES['input_import']['name'] : $_REQUEST['input_import'];
            inputImport = "";

            this.out.println("        <input type=\"file\"  name=\"input_import\" class=\"" + this.styleInput
                    + "\" value=\"" + inputImport + "\">&nbsp;</td>");
            this.out.println("      <td class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\" width=\"40%\">");
            this.out.println("        <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"application\" value=\""
                    + this.settings.application + "\">");
                    "        <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"section\" value=\"" + this.settings.section + "\">");
            this.out.println("      &nbsp;</td></tr></form>");

        if (this.enableHelps == true) {
            String helpsHref = "source=" + this.settings.source;

            if (this.settings.application.equals("") && this.settings.section.equals("")) {
                helpsHref += "&item=application";
            } else if (!this.settings.application.equals("") && this.settings.section.equals("")) {
                helpsHref += "&item=section&application=" + this.response.encodeURL(this.settings.application);
            } else if (!this.settings.application.equals("") && !this.settings.section.equals("")) {
                String section = this.settings.section;

                if (this.settings.section.equals(this.settings.entrySchemaSection)) {
                    section = this.settings.entrySchemaSection;
                helpsHref += "&item=entry&application=" + this.response.encodeURL(this.settings.application)
                        + "&section=" + this.response.encodeURL(section);

            String session = "''";
            if (!this.sessionID.equals("")) {
                session = "'" + this.sessionID + "'";

            this.out.println("    <tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");
            this.out.println("      <td class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\" colspan=\"4\">");
            if (this.hasHelps) {
                this.out.println("        <a href=\"javascript:openHelpsWin('" + helpsHref + "'," + session
                        + ");\"><img src=\"" + this.imgDir + this.sosLang + "/btn_help.gif\" alt=\""
                        + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.btn_help_alt") + "\" border=\"0\"></a>");
            } else {
                this.out.println("<img src=\"" + this.imgDir + this.sosLang + "/btn_help.gif\" alt=\""
                        + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.btn_help_not_found_alt") + "\" border=\"0\">");
            this.out.println("      </td>");
            this.out.println("     </tr>");

        if (this.enableDocumentation == true) {
            String docuHref = "source=" + this.settings.source;

            if (this.settings.application.equals("") && this.settings.section.equals("")) {
                docuHref += "&item=application";
            } else if (!this.settings.application.equals("") && this.settings.section.equals("")) {
                docuHref += "&item=section&application=" + this.response.encodeURL(this.settings.application);
            } else if (!this.settings.application.equals("") && !this.settings.section.equals("")) {
                String section = this.settings.section;

                if (this.settings.section.equals(this.settings.entrySchemaSection)) {
                    section = this.settings.entrySchemaSection;
                docuHref += "&item=entry&application=" + this.response.encodeURL(this.settings.application)
                        + "&section=" + this.response.encodeURL(section);

            String session = "''";
            if (!this.sessionID.equals("")) {
                session = "'" + this.sessionID + "'";

            this.out.println("    <tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");
            this.out.println("      <td class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\" colspan=\"4\">");
            this.out.println("        <a href=\"javascript:openDocumentationWin('" + docuHref + "'," + session
                    + ");\"><img src=\"" + this.imgDir + this.sosLang + "/btn_docu.gif\" alt=\""
                    + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.btn_docu_alt") + "\" border=\"0\"></a>");
            this.out.println("      </td>");
            this.out.println("     </tr>");

        this.out.println("     </table>");
        this.out.println("   </td>");

        return true;

     * Eintrag anzeigen
     * @return boolean Fehlerzustand
     * @throws Exception

    private boolean showDialogApplication() throws Exception {
        this.debug(3, "showDialogApplication");

        this.out.println("<form name=\"" + this.form + "\" action=\"" +
                + "\" method=\"post\" onSubmit=\"return sos_settings_onSubmit()\">");


        this.showNavigation(new Integer(2), this.dialogApplicationIndex, null, null);

        this.out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"button\">");
        this.out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"application\" value=\""
                + this.record.get(this.settings.entryApplication.toLowerCase()) + "\">");

        boolean checkAcl = true;
        if (this.range.equalsIgnoreCase("application")) {
            this.out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"range\"       value=\"application\">");
            this.out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"section\"     value=\""
                    + this.record.get(this.settings.entryApplication.toLowerCase()) + "\">");
            this.out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"entry\"       value=\""
                    + this.record.get(this.settings.entryApplication.toLowerCase()) + "\">");

            if (this.isNew) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());
                    return false;
                this.hasCreateRight = this.hasTopLevelCreateRight;

                if (this.hasCreateRight) {
                    this.hasWriteRight = true;
                    this.hasReadRight = true;
                    this.disabled = "";
                } else {
                    if (this.user != null) {
                                this.user.getFullName()), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());
                        return false;

                checkAcl = false;


        } else if (this.range.equalsIgnoreCase("section")) {
            this.out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"range\"       value=\"section\">");
            this.out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"section\"     value=\""
                    + this.record.get(this.settings.entrySection.toLowerCase()) + "\">");
            this.out.println("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"entry\"       value=\""
                    + this.record.get(this.settings.entrySection.toLowerCase()) + "\">");

        if (checkAcl) {
            this.aclRange = this.range;

            try {
                this.getRights(this.record.get("application").toString(), this.record.get("section").toString(),
            } catch (Exception e) {
                this.setError("ACL : " + e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());

            if (this.hasCreateRight) {
                if (this.isNew || this.applicationType == 1) {
                    this.hasWriteRight = true;
                    this.disabled = "";

            if (this.applicationType == 1) { // schema
                if (this.isNew) {
                    this.hasWriteRight = true;
                    this.disabled = "";

        this.out.println("<tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");
        this.out.println("  <th align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTh + "\" colspan=\"2\">"
                + this.record.get("title") + "&nbsp;</th>");
        this.out.println("</tr><tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");

        this.out.println("<td width=\"20%\" valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTdLabel + "\">Name&nbsp;</td>");
        this.out.println("  <td width=\"80%\" valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\">");
        this.out.println("   <input " + this.disabled
                + " name=\"name\" type=\"text\" size=\"80\" maxlength=\"100\" class=\"" + this.styleInput
                + "\" value=\"" + this.htmlSpecialChars(this.record.get("name").toString()) + "\">");
        this.out.println("  &nbsp;</td>");

        this.out.println("</tr><tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");
        this.out.println("  <td width=\"20%\" valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTdLabel + "\">"
                + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_title") + "&nbsp;</td>");
        this.out.println("  <td width=\"80%\" valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\"><input " + this.disabled
                + " type=\"text\" name=\"title\" size=\"80\" maxlength=\"100\" class=\"" + this.styleInput
                + "\" value=\"" + this.htmlSpecialChars(this.record.get("title").toString()) + "\">&nbsp;</td>");
        this.out.println("</tr><tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");

        if (this.enableListManager == true) {
            if (this.range.equalsIgnoreCase("application")
                    || (this.applicationType == 0 && this.range.equalsIgnoreCase("section"))) {

                String[] input_type_apps = this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.listbox_input_type_apps")
                if (input_type_apps.length != 2) {
                    throw new Exception(
                            "\"sos.settings.dialog.listbox_input_type_apps\" expected two values, given : "
                                    + input_type_apps.length);

                this.out.println("  <td width=\"20%\" valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTdLabel + "\">"
                        + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_input_format") + "&nbsp;</td>");
                this.out.println("  <td width=\"80%\" valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\"><select "
                        + this.disabled + " name=\"entry_type\" size=\"1\" class=\"" + this.styleInput + "\">");
                this.out.println("     <option value=\"0\"");
                if (!this.record.get("entry_type").equals("1")) {
                    this.out.println(" selected");
                this.out.println(">" + input_type_apps[0].trim() + "&nbsp;");
                this.out.println("     <option value=\"1\"");
                if (this.record.get("entry_type").equals("1")) {
                    this.out.println(" selected");
                this.out.println(">" + input_type_apps[1].trim() + "&nbsp;</select></td>");
                this.out.println("</tr><tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");

        if (this.hasWriteRight) {

            String height = (this.enableEditor) ? "height=\"" + this.editorHeight + "\"" : "";

            this.out.println("  <td width=\"20%\" " + height + " valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTdLabel
                    + "\">" + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_description") + "&nbsp;</td>");

            this.out.println("  <td width=\"80%\" " + height + " valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\">");

            if (this.enableEditor) {
            } else {
                this.out.println("    <textarea rows=\"5\" cols=\"70\" wrap=\"off\" name=\"documentation\" class=\""
                        + this.styleInput + "\">"
                        + this.htmlSpecialChars(this.record.get("documentation").toString()) + "</textarea>&nbsp;");
            this.out.println("<tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");
        } else {
            this.out.println("  <td width=\"20%\" valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTdLabel + "\">"
                    + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.label_description") + "&nbsp;</td>");
            this.out.println("  <td width=\"80%\" valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\">");
            this.out.println("  &nbsp;</td>");
            this.out.println("<tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");

        this.out.println("<td width=valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\">&nbsp;</td>");
        this.out.println("<td valign=\"top\" class=\"" + this.styleTd + "\">");

        if (this.hasWriteRight == true) {
            if (this.isNew == true) {
                this.out.println("    <input type=\"image\" name=\"btn_insert\" value=\"insert\" src=\""
                        + this.imgDir + this.sosLang + "/btn_insert.gif\"  alt=\""
                        + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.btn_insert_alt")
                        + "\" onClick=\"document.sos_settings.button.value='insert';\">&nbsp;");
            } else {
                this.out.println("   <input type=\"image\" name=\"btn_store\"  value=\"store\"  src=\""
                        + this.imgDir + this.sosLang + "/btn_store.gif\"  alt=\""
                        + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.btn_store_alt")
                        + "\" onClick=\"document.sos_settings.button.value='store';\">&nbsp;");

                this.out.println("    <input type=\"image\" name=\"btn_insert\" value=\"insert\" src=\""
                        + this.imgDir + this.sosLang + "/btn_insert.gif\" alt=\""
                        + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.btn_store_as_alt")
                        + "\" onClick=\"document.sos_settings.button.value='insert';\">&nbsp;");

        } // hasWriteRight

        if (this.hasDeleteRight == true) {
            this.out.println("    <input type=\"image\" name=\"btn_delete\" value=\"delete\" src=\"" + this.imgDir
                    + this.sosLang + "/btn_delete.gif\" alt=\""
                    + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.btn_delete_alt")
                    + "\" onClick=\"document.sos_settings.button.value=\'delete\'; if ( confirm(\'"
                    + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.confirm_delete_apps_1") + "\') ) { return confirm(\'"
                    + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.confirm_delete_apps_2")
                    + "\') } else { return false; }\">&nbsp;");

        if (this.hasWriteRight) {
            if (this.range.equals("section") && this.applicationType == 0) {
                this.out.println("    <input type=\"image\" name=\"btn_schema\" src=\"" + this.imgDir + sosLang
                        + "/btn_schema.gif\" alt=\"" + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.btn_schema_alt")
                        + "\" onClick=\"document.sos_settings.button.value='schema';\">&nbsp;");
                    "    <input type=\"image\" name=\"btn_cancel\" value=\"cancel\" src=\"" + this.imgDir + sosLang
                            + "/btn_cancel.gif\" alt=\"" + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.btn_cancel_alt")
                            + "\" onClick=\"document.sos_settings.button.value='cancel';\">&nbsp;");
            this.out.println("    <input type=\"image\" name=\"btn_reset\"  value=\"reset\"  src=\"" + this.imgDir
                    + sosLang + "/btn_reset.gif\"  alt=\"" + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.btn_reset_alt")
                    + "\" onClick=\"document.sos_settings.reset(); return false;\">&nbsp;");
        } else {

            if (this.hasCreateRight) {
                if (this.range.equals("section") && this.applicationType == 0) {
                    this.out.println("    <input type=\"image\" name=\"btn_schema\" src=\"" + this.imgDir + sosLang
                            + "/btn_schema.gif\" alt=\"" + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.btn_schema_alt")
                            + "\" onClick=\"document.sos_settings.button.value='schema';\">&nbsp;");
                    "    <input type=\"image\" name=\"btn_cancel\" value=\"cancel\" src=\"" + this.imgDir + sosLang
                            + "/btn_cancel.gif\" alt=\"" + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.btn_cancel_alt")
                            + "\" onClick=\"document.sos_settings.button.value='cancel';\">&nbsp;");

        this.out.println("  </td>");


        if (this.hasWriteRight == true) {
            this.out.println("<script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\">");
            this.out.println("  var on_load = 1; if ( on_load == 1 ) { document." + this.form
                    + ".name.focus(); document." + this.form + ".name.focus();}");
            this.out.println("  function sos_settings_onSubmit() {");
            this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println("    var submitFlag = true; on_load = 0;");
            this.out.println(" ");
            this.out.println("    switch( document." + this.form + ".button.value ) {");
            this.out.println("     case 'cancel' :");
            this.out.println("     case 'reset'  : return submitFlag;");
            this.out.println("   }");
            this.out.println("    if ( submitFlag && ( document." + this.form + ".name.value == null || document."
                    + this.form + ".name.value == \"\" ) ) {");
                    "      alert( \"" + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.alert_name_empty") + "\");");
            this.out.println("      document." + this.form + ".name.focus();");
            this.out.println("      submitFlag = false;");
            this.out.println("    }");
            this.out.println("    if ( submitFlag && ( document." + this.form + ".title.value == null || document."
                    + this.form + ".title.value == \"\" ) ) {");
                    "      alert( \"" + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.alert_title_empty") + "\");");
            this.out.println("      document." + this.form + ".title.focus();");
            this.out.println("      submitFlag = false;");
            this.out.println("    }");
            this.out.println("    return submitFlag;");
            this.out.println("  }");


        return true;

     * Navigationsleiste anzeigen
     * @param columnIndex
     *            Anzahl Spalten der Darstellung
     * @param applicationIndex
     *            Index der aktuellen Applikation in dialog_applications()
     * @param sectionIndex
     *            Index der aktuellen Sektion in dialog_sections()
     * @param entryIndex
     *            Index des aktuellen Eintrags in dialog_entries()
     * @return boolean Fehlerzustand
     * @throws Exception
     * @see #showNavigation(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer)

    private boolean showNavigation(Integer columnIndex, Integer applicationIndex, Integer sectionIndex,
            Integer entryIndex) throws Exception {
        this.debug(3, "showNavigation : columnIndex = " + columnIndex + " applicationIndex = " + applicationIndex
                + " sectionIndex = " + sectionIndex + " entryIndex = " + entryIndex);

        String imgLink = "<img src=\"" + this.imgDir + this.imgAction
                + "\" border=\"0\" hspace=\"4\" vspace=\"1\">";
        String imgFont = "<img src=\"" + this.imgDir + this.imgNavigation
                + "\" border=\"0\" hspace=\"4\" vspace=\"1\">";
        String imgLink2 = "&nbsp;<img src=\"" + this.imgDir + this.imgAction
                + "\" border=\"0\" hspace=\"1\" vspace=\"1\"><img src=\"" + this.imgDir + this.imgAction
                + "\" border=\"0\" hspace=\"1\" vspace=\"1\">&nbsp;";
        String imgFont2 = "<img src=\"" + this.imgDir + this.imgNavigation
                + "\" border=\"0\" hspace=\"1\" vspace=\"1\"><img src=\"" + this.imgDir + this.imgNavigation
                + "\" border=\"0\" hspace=\"1\" vspace=\"1\">&nbsp;";
        String imgLink3 = "&nbsp;<img src=\"" + this.imgDir + this.imgAction
                + "\" border=\"0\" hspace=\"1\" vspace=\"1\"><img src=\"" + this.imgDir + this.imgAction
                + "\" border=\"0\" hspace=\"1\" vspace=\"1\"><img src=\"" + this.imgDir + this.imgAction
                + "\" border=\"0\" hspace=\"1\" vspace=\"1\">&nbsp;";
        String imgFont3 = "<img src=\"" + this.imgDir + this.imgNavigation
                + "\" border=\"0\" hspace=\"1\" vspace=\"1\"><img src=\"" + this.imgDir + this.imgNavigation
                + "\" border=\"0\" hspace=\"1\" vspace=\"1\"><img src=\"" + this.imgDir + this.imgNavigation
                + "\" border=\"0\" hspace=\"1\" vspace=\"1\">&nbsp;";

        String title = "";

        if (applicationIndex == null || applicationIndex.intValue() < 0) {

            if (this.enableApplicationNavigation == true) {
                title = "";
                for (Enumeration e = this.settings.sources.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
                    String settingsSource = (String) e.nextElement();
                    String settingsTitle = (String) this.settings.sources.get(settingsSource);

                    String styleLink = (settingsSource.equalsIgnoreCase(this.settings.source))
                            ? this.styleLinkNavigation
                            : this.styleLinkInactiveNavigation;
                    title += "<a class=\"" + styleLink + "\" href=\"" +
                            + "?action=show&range=applications&settings_source=" + settingsSource + "\">" + imgLink
                            + settingsTitle + "</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";

            } else {
                title = "";
        } else {
            if (this.enableApplicationNavigation) {
                title = "<a class=\"" + this.styleLinkNavigation + "\" href=\"" +
                        + "?action=show&range=applications\">" + imgLink + this.dialogApplicationsTitle
                        + "</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
            } else {
                title = "";

            try {
                HashMap hm1 = (HashMap) this.dialogApplications.get(applicationIndex.intValue());
                String entrySettingsTitle = hm1.get(this.settings.entrySettingTitle.toLowerCase()).toString();
                if (sectionIndex == null || sectionIndex.intValue() < 0) {
                    title += "<p style=\"margin: 2px 0px;\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class=\""
                            + this.styleLinkNavigation + "\" href=\"" +
                            + "?action=show&range=application&application="
                            + this.response.encodeURL(this.settings.application) + "\">" + imgLink2
                            + "</a><a class=\"" + this.styleLinkNavigation + "\" href=\"" +
                            + "?action=show&range=sections&application="
                            + this.response.encodeURL(this.settings.application) + "\">";
                    title += entrySettingsTitle;
                    title += "</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>";
                } else {
                    title += "<p style=\"margin: 2px 0px;\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class=\""
                            + this.styleLinkNavigation + "\" href=\"" +
                            + "?action=show&range=application&application="
                            + this.response.encodeURL(this.settings.application) + "\">" + imgLink2
                            + "</a><a class=\"" + this.styleLinkNavigation + "\" href=\"" +
                            + "?action=show&range=sections&application="
                            + this.response.encodeURL(this.settings.application) + "\">";
                    title += entrySettingsTitle;
                    title += "</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>";
                    String entryType = hm1.get("entry_type").toString();
                    String section = hm1.get("section").toString();
                    String range = (entryType.equals("0") || (!section.equals(this.settings.entrySchemaSection)))
                            ? "section"
                            : "entries";

                    try {
                        HashMap hm2 = (HashMap) this.dialogSections.get(sectionIndex.intValue());

                        if (hm2.get("section").toString().equals(this.settings.entrySchemaSection)) {
                            entrySettingsTitle = this.rb
                        } else {
                            entrySettingsTitle = hm2.get(this.settings.entrySettingTitle.toLowerCase()).toString();
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());

                    if (entryIndex == null || entryIndex.intValue() < 0) {
                        title += "<p style=\"margin: 2px 0px;\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class=\""
                                + this.styleLinkNavigation + "\" href=\"" + + "?action=show&range="
                                + range + "&application=" + this.response.encodeURL(this.settings.application)
                                + "&section=" + this.response.encodeURL(this.settings.section) + "\">" + imgLink3
                                + "</a><a class=\"" + this.styleLinkNavigation + "\" href=\"" +
                                + "?action=show&range=entries&application="
                                + this.response.encodeURL(this.settings.application) + "&section="
                                + this.response.encodeURL(this.settings.section) + "\">";
                        title += entrySettingsTitle;
                        title += "</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
                    } else {
                        title += "<p style=\"margin: 2px 0px;\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class=\""
                                + this.styleLinkNavigation + "\" href=\"" + + "?action=show&range="
                                + range + "&application=" + this.response.encodeURL(this.settings.application)
                                + "\">" + imgLink3 + "</a><a class=\"" + this.styleLinkNavigation + "\" href=\""
                                + + "?action=show&range=sections&application="
                                + this.response.encodeURL(this.settings.application) + "\">";
                        title += entrySettingsTitle;
                        title += "</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";

            } catch (Exception e) {
                this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());
        this.out.println("<tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\"><th align=\"left\" valign=\"top\" colspan=\""
                + columnIndex + "\" class=\"" + this.styleTh + "\">" + title + "</th></tr>");
        return true;

     * Requestvariablen lesen
    private void checkRequest() throws Exception {
        this.debug(3, "checkRequest");

        this.settings.sources.put(this.settings.source, this.dialogApplicationsTitle);

        this.settings.application = "";
        this.settings.section = "";
        this.settings.entry = "";

        this.inputQuery = "";
        this.inputExport = "";
        this.inputImport = "";
        this.importOriginalFileName = "";

        // Daten aus fileUpload
        LinkedHashMap requestMultipart = new LinkedHashMap();

        if (this.request != null) {
            String contentType = this.request.getHeader("Content-type");
            if (contentType != null && contentType.startsWith("multipart/")) { // ob Import
                try {
                    DiskFileUpload upload = new DiskFileUpload();

                    upload.setSizeThreshold(0); // nicht im Memory sondern als
                    // Datei speichern

                    List items = upload.parseRequest(this.request);
                    Iterator iter = items.iterator();

                    while (iter.hasNext()) {
                        //FileItem item = (FileItem);
                        DefaultFileItem item = (DefaultFileItem);
                        if (item.isFormField()) {
                            requestMultipart.put(item.getFieldName(), item.getString());
                            this.request.setAttribute(item.getFieldName(), item.getString());
                        } else { // aus upload
                            if (item.getName() != null && !item.getName().equals("")) {
                                this.importOriginalFileName = item.getName();
                            } else {
                                requestMultipart.put(item.getFieldName(), "");
                                this.request.setAttribute(item.getFieldName(), "");


                } catch (FileUploadException e) {
                    this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());
            } // MULTIPART Form

            if (this.getRequestValue("application") != null) {
                this.settings.application = this.getRequestValue("application");
            if (this.getRequestValue("section") != null) {
                this.settings.section = this.getRequestValue("section");
            if (this.getRequestValue("entry") != null) {
                this.settings.entry = this.getRequestValue("entry");
            if (this.getRequestValue("application_type") != null) {
                try {
                    this.applicationType = Integer.parseInt(this.getRequestValue("application_type"));
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    this.applicationType = 0;
            if (this.getRequestValue("section_type") != null) {
                try {
                    this.sectionType = Integer.parseInt(this.getRequestValue("section_type"));
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    this.sectionType = 0;

            if (this.getRequestValue("action") != null) {
                this.action = this.getRequestValue("action");

            if (this.getRequestValue("range") != null) {
                this.range = this.getRequestValue("range");
            if (this.getRequestValue("item") != null) {
                this.item = this.getRequestValue("item");
            if ((this.getRequestValue("btn_store.x") != null) && (this.getRequestValue("btn_store.y") != null)) {
                this.action = "store";
            } else if ((this.getRequestValue("btn_insert.x") != null)
                    && (this.getRequestValue("btn_insert.y") != null)) {
                this.action = "insert";
            } else if ((this.getRequestValue("btn_delete.x") != null)
                    && (this.getRequestValue("btn_delete.y") != null)) {
                this.action = "delete";
            } else if ((this.getRequestValue("btn_schema.x") != null)
                    && (this.getRequestValue("btn_schema.y") != null)) {
                this.action = "schema";
            } else if ((this.getRequestValue("btn_duplicate.x") != null)
                    && (this.getRequestValue("btn_duplicate.y") != null)) {
                this.action = "duplicate";
                this.range = "entries";
            } else if ((this.getRequestValue("btn_cancel.x") != null)
                    && (this.getRequestValue("btn_cancel.y") != null)) {
                this.action = "show";
                if (this.range.equals("application")) {
                    this.range = "applications";
                } else if (this.range.equals("section")) {
                    this.range = "sections";
                } else {
                    this.range = this.range.equals("list") ? "sections" : "entries";
            } else if ((this.getRequestValue("btn_query.x") != null)
                    && (this.getRequestValue("btn_query.y") != null)) {
                this.action = "query";
                this.range = "entries";

                if (this.getRequestValue("query_select_range") != null
                        && this.getRequestValue("query_select_range").equals("2")) {
                    this.item = "replace";

            } else if ((this.getRequestValue("btn_export.x") != null)
                    && (this.getRequestValue("btn_export.y") != null)) {
                this.action = "export";
                this.range = "entries";
            } else if ((this.getRequestValue("btn_import.x") != null)
                    && (this.getRequestValue("btn_import.y") != null)) {
                this.action = "import";
                this.range = "entries";
            } else if ((this.getRequestValue("btn_clipboard_copy.x") != null)
                    && (this.getRequestValue("btn_clipboard_copy.y") != null)) {
                if (this.getRequestValue("last_action") != null) {
                    this.action = this.getRequestValue("last_action");
                } else {
                    this.action = "show";
                this.clipboardAction = "copy";
            } else if ((this.getRequestValue("btn_clipboard_paste.x") != null)
                    && (this.getRequestValue("btn_clipboard_paste.y") != null)) {
                if (this.getRequestValue("last_action") != null) {
                    this.action = this.getRequestValue("last_action");
                } else {
                    this.action = "show";

                this.clipboardAction = "paste";
            } else if ((this.getRequestValue("btn_import_file.x") != null)
                    && (this.getRequestValue("btn_import_file.y") != null)) {

                this.action = ((this.getRequestValue("last_action") != null)
                        && this.getRequestValue("last_action").equals("new")) ? "insert" : "store";
                this.range = "entry";
                this.item = "upload";

            if (this.getRequestValue("input_query") != null) {
                this.inputQuery = this.getRequestValue("input_query");

            if (this.getRequestValue("input_query_replace") != null) {
                this.replaceQuery = this.getRequestValue("input_query_replace");

            if (this.getRequestValue("input_export") != null) {
                this.inputExport = this.getRequestValue("input_export");

            if (this.getRequestValue("export_documentation") != null) {
                this.exportDocumentation = 1;

            if (this.getRequestValue("input_import") != null) {
                this.inputImport = this.getRequestValue("input_import");

        if (this.applicationName.equals("")) {
            this.applicationName = this.settings.application;

        if (this.enableShowDevelopmentData) {


     * @param name
     * @return
    public String getRequestValue(String name) {
        String value = null;
        if (this.request.getParameter(name) != null) {
            return this.request.getParameter(name);
        } else if (this.request.getAttribute(name) != null) {
            return (String) this.request.getAttribute(name);

        return value;

     * Anzeige des Werts eines Eintrags
     * @param entry
     *            HashMap mit Feldern des Eintrags
     * @param type
     *            Typ 0=Eintrag, 2=Listeneintrag
     * @param index
     *            Reihenfolgeindex
     * @see #showDialogValue(HashMap, int, int)

    private void showDialogValue(HashMap entry, int type, int index) throws Exception {
        this.debug(3, "showDialogValue : entry = " + entry + " type = " + type + " index = " + index);

        String inputName = (type > 0) ? "value_" + index : "value";

        try {
            int inputSize = Integer.parseInt(entry.get("input_size").toString());
            if (inputSize < 0 || inputSize == 0) {
                entry.put("input_size", this.defaultInputSize);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            entry.put("input_size", this.defaultInputSize);

        try {
            int displaySize = Integer.parseInt(entry.get("display_size").toString());
            if (displaySize < 0 || displaySize == 0) {
                entry.put("display_size", this.defaultDisplaySize);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            entry.put("display_size", this.defaultDisplaySize);

        String checked = "";
        String unchecked = "";

        int textareaRows = this.displayTextareaRows;

        if (entry.get("input_type").toString().equals("5")) { // long_value
            entry.put("input_size", "");
            textareaRows = this.displayDocumentTextareaRows;

        switch (entry.get("display_type").toString().charAt(0)) {

        case '4': // hidden bei Document binr

            String has_binary_value = "";
            try {
                has_binary_value = this.hasBinaryValue.get(entry.get("application").toString()
                        + entry.get("section").toString() + entry.get("name").toString()).toString();
            } catch (Exception e) {

            if (has_binary_value != null && has_binary_value.length() > 0 && !has_binary_value.equals("0")) {

                String session = (this.sessionID.length() > 0) ? "&" + this.sessionVAR + "=" + this.sessionID : "";
                String entry_href = (this.settings.entry.length() > 0) ? "&entry=" + this.settings.entry : "";

                String default_value = entry.get("default_value").toString();
                String file_name = (default_value.length() > 0) ? default_value
                        : this.settings.defaultDocumentFileName;

                String source_href = "file_name=" + file_name + "&application="
                        + this.response.encodeURL(this.settings.application) + "&section="
                        + this.response.encodeURL(this.settings.section) + "&download_entry="
                        + this.response.encodeURL(entry.get("name").toString());
                source_href += "&application_type=" + this.applicationType + "&old_action=" + this.action + session
                        + entry_href;

                this.out.println("<a href=\"" + + "?action=download&range=source&" + source_href
                        + "\"><img src=\"" + this.imgDir + "icon_download.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Download "
                        + file_name + "\" title=\"Download " + file_name + "\"></a>");

                String js = "if(typeof document." + this.form + "." + inputName + "  != 'undefined'){";
                js += " if(this.checked == true){";
                js += "   document." + this.form + "." + inputName + ".disabled = true;";
                js += " }";
                js += " else{";
                js += "   document." + this.form + "." + inputName + ".disabled = false;";
                js += " }";
                js += "}";

                this.out.println("<input onclick=\"" + js + "\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"binary_" + inputName
                        + "\"  value=\"1\" />");
            } else {

            if (!this.isShowEntries) {
                        "<textarea " + this.disabled + " style=\"display:none;width:600px;height:300px\" name=\""
                                + inputName + "\" class=\"" + this.styleInput + "\">"
                                + this.htmlSpecialChars(entry.get("value").toString()) + "</textarea>&nbsp;");

            this.displayBinaryUpload = "";

        case '3':
            // textarea

            this.out.println("<textarea " + this.disabled + " name=\"" + inputName + "\" class=\"" + this.styleInput
                    + "\" rows=\"" + textareaRows + "\" cols=\"" + entry.get("display_size").toString()
                    + "\" maxlength=\"" + entry.get("input_size").toString() + "\">"
                    + this.htmlSpecialChars(entry.get("value").toString()) + "</textarea>&nbsp;");

        case '2':
            // radiobutton
            //checked = ( !entry.get("value").toString().equals("") ||
            // !entry.get("value").toString().equals("0")) ? " checked" : "";
            checked = (entry.get("value").toString().equals("1")) ? " checked" : "";
            unchecked = (!checked.equals("")) ? "" : " checked";

            this.out.println("<input " + this.disabled + " name=\"" + inputName + "\" type=\"radio\" class=\""
                    + this.styleInput + "\" value=\"1\" " + checked + ">Ja&nbsp;");
            this.out.println("<input " + this.disabled + " name=\"" + inputName + "\" type=\"radio\" class=\""
                    + this.styleInput + "\" value=\"0\" " + unchecked + ">Nein&nbsp;");


        case '1':
            // listbox

            StringTokenizer options = new StringTokenizer(entry.get("default_value").toString(), ";");

                    "<select " + this.disabled + " name=\"" + inputName + "\" class=\"" + this.styleInput + "\">");
            while (options.hasMoreTokens()) {
                String next = options.nextToken();
                String selected = (entry.get("value").toString().equals(next)) ? " selected" : "";
                this.out.println("<option value=\"" + next + "\" " + selected + ">" + next);


            // input
            this.out.println("<input " + this.disabled + " name=\"" + inputName + "\" type=\"text\" class=\""
                    + this.styleInput + "\" size=\"" + entry.get("display_size").toString() + "\" maxlength=\""
                    + entry.get("input_size").toString() + "\" value=\"" + entry.get("value").toString() + "\">");

        if (type > 0) {
            this.out.println("<input name=\"application_" + index + "\" type=\"hidden\" value=\""
                    + entry.get("application").toString() + "\">");
            this.out.println("<input name=\"section_" + index + "\" type=\"hidden\" value=\""
                    + entry.get("section").toString() + "\">");
            this.out.println("<input name=\"name_" + index + "\" type=\"hidden\" value=\""
                    + entry.get("name").toString() + "\">");
            this.out.println("<input name=\"title_" + index + "\" type=\"hidden\" value=\""
                    + entry.get("title").toString() + "\">");


     * Alle Applikationen lesen
     * @param source
     *            Name der Tabelle
     * @return Vector Zweidimensionale Liste der Applikationen
     * @throws Exception
     * @see #getDialogApplications(String)

    private Vector getDialogApplications(String source) throws Exception {
        this.debug(3, "getDialogApplications : source = " + source);


        if (source != null) {
            this.settings.source = source;

        this.dialogApplications = new Vector();

        StringBuffer sqlStmt = new StringBuffer();

        sqlStmt.append(" select s.\"APPLICATION\", s.\"SECTION\", s.\"NAME\", s.\"TITLE\", s.\"ENTRY_TYPE\" ");
        sqlStmt.append(" from " + this.settings.source + " s ");
        sqlStmt.append(" where s.\"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"  = s.\"" + this.settings.entrySection
                + "\"  and ");
                "       s.\"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"  = s.\"" + this.settings.entryName + "\" ");
        sqlStmt.append(" order by s.\"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"");

        return this.dialogApplications = this.connection.getArrayAsVector(sqlStmt.toString());

     * Alle Sektionen einer Applikation lesen
     * @param application
     *            Name der Applikation
     * @param source
     *            Name der Tabelle
     * @return Vector Zweidimensionale Liste der Sektionen
     * @throws Exception
     * @see #getDialogSections(String, String)

    private int getDialogSections(String application, String source) throws Exception {
        this.debug(3, "getDialogSections : application = " + application + " source = " + source);

        if (application != null) {
            this.settings.application = application;
        if (source != null) {
            this.settings.source = source;

        this.dialogSections = new Vector();

        String sqlStmt = "select s.\"APPLICATION\", s.\"SECTION\", s.\"NAME\", s.\"TITLE\", s.\"ENTRY_TYPE\" from "
                + this.settings.source + " s where s.\"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"="
                + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and s.\"" + this.settings.entryApplication
                + "\"<>s.\"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\" and s.\"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\"=s.\""
                + this.settings.entryName + "\" order by s.\"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\" asc";

        this.dialogSections = this.connection.getArrayAsVector(sqlStmt);

        return this.dialogSections.size();

     * Alle Eintrge einer Sektion lesen
     * @param application
     *            Name der Applikation
     * @param section
     *            Name der Applikation
     * @param source
     *            Name der Tabelle
     * @return Vector Zweidimensionale Liste der Entries
     * @throws Exception
     * @see #getDialogEntries(String, String, String)

    private Vector getDialogEntries(String application, String section, String source) throws Exception {
        this.debug(3, "getDialogEntries : application = " + application + " section = " + section + " source = "
                + source);

        if (application != null) {
            this.settings.application = application;
        if (section != null) {
            this.settings.section = section;
        if (source != null) {
            this.settings.source = source;

        this.dialogEntries = new Vector();

        StringBuffer sqlStmt = new StringBuffer();

        sqlStmt.append(" from " + this.settings.source + " ");
        sqlStmt.append(" where \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\"  = "
                + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application) + " and ");
        sqlStmt.append("       \"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\"      = "
                + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.section) + " and ");
        sqlStmt.append("       \"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\"     <> \"" + this.settings.entryName + "\" ");
        sqlStmt.append(" order by " + this.getEntryOrder() + "");

        return this.dialogEntries = this.connection.getArrayAsVector(sqlStmt.toString());

     * Tabellenkopf ausgeben
     * Um gleichmssige Einrckungen auf einer Seite zu erhalten, wird ein
     * Tabellenkopf geschrieben und nicht beendet

    private void showTableBegin() throws Exception {
        this.debug(3, "showTableBegin");

        this.out.println("<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" class=\"" + this.styleTable + "\">");
        this.out.println("  <tr class=\"" + this.styleTr + "\">");
        this.out.println("    <td width=\"1%\">&nbsp;</td>");
        this.out.println("    <td width=\"98%\" class=\"" + this.styleTdBackground + "\">");
        this.out.println("      <table width=\"100%\" border=\"" + this.styleBorder
                + "\" cellPadding=\"5\" cellSpacing=\"1\" class=\"" + this.styleTable + "\">");

     * Tabellenfu ausgeben
     * Um gleichmssige Einrckungen auf einer Seite zu erhalten, wird ein
     * Tabellenkopf beendet, der zuvor begonnen wurde

    private void showTableEnd() throws Exception {
        this.debug(3, "showTableEnd");

        this.out.println("      </table>");
        this.out.println("    </td>");
        this.out.println("    <td width=\"1%\">&nbsp;</td>");
        this.out.println("  </tr>");

     * Eintrge exportieren
     * @param file
     *            Ausgabedatei
     * @param source
     *            Name der Tabelle
     * @return boolean Fehlerzustand

    private void exportEntries(String file, String source) throws Exception {
        if (source != null) {
            this.settings.source = source;

        StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer();
        file = file.trim();

        if (this.exportDocumentation == 1) {
                    "select \"APPLICATION\",\"SECTION\",\"NAME\",\"DOCUMENTATION\" from " + this.settings.source);
        } else {
                            + this.settings.source);

        String sqlAnd = " where ";

        if (!this.settings.application.equals("")) {
            sql.append(" " + sqlAnd + " \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" = "
                    + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.application));
            sqlAnd = " and ";

        if (!this.settings.section.equals("")) {
            sql.append(" " + sqlAnd + " \"" + this.settings.entrySection + "\" = "
                    + this.dbQuoted(this.settings.section));
            sqlAnd = " and ";

        sql.append(" order by \"" + this.settings.entryApplication + "\" asc,\"" + this.settings.entrySection
                + "\" asc,\"" + this.settings.entryName + "\" asc");

        this.debug(3, "exportEntries: file = " + file + " source = " + source + " stmt = " + sql.toString());

        //SOSStandardLogger logger = new
        // SOSStandardLogger("c:/settings_import_log.txt",SOSStandardLogger.DEBUG9);
        SOSStandardLogger logger = new SOSStandardLogger(SOSStandardLogger.DEBUG9);
        try {

            SOSExport export = new SOSExport(this.connection, file, this.applicationName, logger);
            export.query(this.settings.source, this.settings.entryApplication + "," + this.settings.entrySection
                    + "," + this.settings.entryName, sql.toString());

            String rc = export.doExport();

            if (!rc.equals("") && file.equals("")) {
                this.response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=settings.xml");

        } catch (Exception e) {
            this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());


     * Eintrge importieren
     * @param string
     *            $file Eingabedatei
     * @param string
     *            $source Name der Tabelle
     * @return boolean Fehlerzustand
     * @version 1.0-2002/10/20

    private void importEntries(String file, String source) throws Exception {

        if (file == null || file.trim().equals("")) {
                    "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.err_import_file_missing"),

        if (source != null) {
            this.settings.source = source;

        try {
            //file = "c:/settings.xml";
            //SOSStandardLogger logger = new
            // SOSStandardLogger("c:/settings_import_log.txt",SOSStandardLogger.DEBUG9);
            SOSStandardLogger logger = new SOSStandardLogger(SOSStandardLogger.DEBUG9);

            SOSImport imp = new SOSImport(this.connection, file, null, null, null, logger);
            //SOSImport imp = new SOSImport(
            // this.connection,"c:/1.xml",null,null,null,logger);

            if (this.importDocumentation == 1) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            this.setError(e.getMessage(), SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());

     * Klasseneigenschaften zurcksetzen
    private void destroy() throws Exception {
        this.debug(3, "destroy");

        this.dialogSections = new Vector();
        this.dialogEntries = new Vector();
        this.isNew = false;
        this.record = new HashMap();
        this.dialogApplicationIndex = new Integer(-1);
        this.dialogSectionIndex = new Integer(-1);
        this.dialogEntryIndex = new Integer(-1);
        this.hasHelps = false;
        this.entriesLongValues = new Vector();
        this.hasAcls = false;
        this.hasCreateRight = true;
        this.hasDeleteRight = true;
        this.hasReadRight = true;
        this.hasWriteRight = true;
        this.topLevelAcl = "";
        this.hasTopLevelCreateRight = true;
        this.hasTopLevelReadRight = true;
        this.hasTopLevelWriteRight = true;
        this.aclRange = "application";
        this.isShowEntries = false;
        this.hasBinaryValue = new Hashtable();


     * HTML Header setzen
     * @param title
     *            Html Element Titel
     * @throws Exception
     * @see #showHeader(String)
    public void showHeader(String title) throws Exception {
        this.debug(3, "showHeader : title = " + title);

        if (title != null) {
            this.title = title;


        this.out.println("  <head>");
        this.out.println("     <meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\">");
        this.out.println("    <meta name=\"generator\"   content=\"FrameWork Factory 1.0\">");
        this.out.println("    <meta name=\"author\"      content=\"SOS GmbH\">");
                "    <meta name=\"publisher\"   content=\"Software- und Organisations- Service GmbH (SOS), Berlin\">");
                "    <meta name=\"copyright\"   content=\"Copyright 2004 SOFTWARE UND ORGANISATIONS-SERVICE GmbH (SOS), Berlin. All rights reserved.\">");
        this.out.println("    <meta name=\"description\" content=\"Document Factory\">");
        this.out.println("    <meta name=\"keywords\"    content=\"Java\">");
        this.out.println("    <title>" + this.title + "</title>");
        this.out.println("    <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"site.css\">");
        if (this.enableDocuTemplateCss) {
            this.out.println("    <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"settings_docu_template.css\">");
        this.out.println("    <style type=\"text/css\"><!--");
        this.out.println("      @import url(settings.css);");
        this.out.println("     //--></style>");
        this.out.println("    <script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"site.js\"></script>");

     * HTML schlissen
    public void showFooter() throws Exception {
        this.debug(3, "showFooter");


     * Fehler auslsen
     * @param msg
     *            Text der Fehlernachricht
     * @see #setError(String, String)

    private void setError(String msg) {
        this.setError(msg, null);

     * Fehler auslsen
     * @param msg
     *            Text der Fehlernachricht
     * @param location
     *            Klassenname und die Zeile
     * @see #setError(String, String)

    private void setError(String msg, String location) {

        this.err = true;
        this.errLocation = "";

        if (msg != null && !msg.equals("")) {
            this.errMsg = msg;

        if (location != null && !location.equals("")) {
            this.errLocation = location;


     * Fehlerzustand feststellen
     * @return boolean Fehlerzustand

    private boolean error() {

        return this.err;

     * Fehlermeldung liefern
     * Liest einen Fehlerzustand und liefert einen Meldungsstring bestehend aus
     * den Eigenschaften der Basisklasse SOS_Class mit Fehlercode, -meldung,
     * exception.
     * @return string Fehlermeldung oder null, falls kein Fehler

    private String getError() {

        if (this.err == true) {
            String location = "";
            if (this.debugLevel > 0) {
                if (this.errLocation != null && !errLocation.equals("")) {
                    location = " [" + errLocation + "]";
            return this.errMsg + location;
        } else {
            return null;

     * Fehler zurcksetzen

    private void resetError() {

        this.err = false;
        this.errMsg = "";
        this.errLocation = "";

     * Fehlermeldung anzeigen
     * @param msg
     *            Text der Nachricht ber fehlende Berechtigung
     * @see #showError(String)

    private void showError(String msg) throws Exception {

                "<table width=\"100%\"><tr><td width=\"5\">&nbsp;</td><td><font style=\"color: #FF6347; font-size: 14px;\">"
                        + msg + "</font></td></tr></table>");

     * Nachricht anzeigen
     * @param msg
     *            Text der Nachricht ber fehlende Berechtigung
     * @see #showMsg(String)

    private void showMsg(String msg) throws Exception {

        this.out.println("<table width=\"100%\"><tr><td width=\"5\">&nbsp;</td><td><font style=\"color: #009933;\">"
                + msg + "</font></td></tr></table>");

     * ACL pro bestimmte Applikation|Sektion|Entrie definieren
     * @param aclName
     *            ACL Identifier
     * @param settings
     *            HashMap der ACL Geltungsbereichen <br>
     *            gltige HashMap Keys : "application","section","entry" <br>
     *            Beispiele :<br>
     *            <br>
     *            1)fr alle Applikationen <br>
     *            settings.put("application","*"); <br>
     *            setAcl("acl_name",settings); <br>
     *            um die Anzeige von allen Applikationen zu schtzen <br>
     * @see #setTopLevelAcl(String) <br>
     *      <br>
     *      2) eine Bestimmte Applikation schtzen <br>
     *      settings.put("application","applikation_name"); <br>
     *      setAcl("acl_name",settings); <br>
     *      <br>
     *      3)eine bestimmte Sektion einer bestimmten Applikation schtzen <br>
     *      fr alle Sektionen einer Applikation kann statt "section_name" ->
     *      "*" angegeben werden <br>
     *      settings.put("application","applikation_name"); <br>
     *      settings.put("section","section_name"); <br>
     *      setAcl("acl_name",settings); <br>
     *      <br>
     *      4)einen bestimmten Wert einer bestimmten Sektion einer bestimmten
     *      Applikation schtzen <br>
     *      fr alle Entries einer Sektion einer Applikation kann statt
     *      "entrie_name" -> "*" angegeben werden <br>
     *      settings.put("application","applikation_name"); <br>
     *      settings.put("section","section_name"); <br>
     *      settings.put("entrie","entrie_name"); <br>
     *      setAcl("acl_name",settings); <br>
     *      <br>
     * @throws Exception
     * @see #setAcl(String, HashMap)
    public void setAcl(String aclName, HashMap settings) throws Exception {
        this.debug(3, "setAcl : aclName = " + aclName + " settings = " + settings);

        if (aclName == null || aclName.equals("")) {
            throw new Exception(this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.err_acl_missing_name"));

        if (settings == null || settings.size() == 0) {
            throw new Exception(this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.err_acl_undefined_scope", aclName));

        if (settings.containsKey("application")) {
            int count = settings.size();
            if (count == 1) { // Applikations
                this.allAcls.put("[" + settings.get("application").toString() + "][application]", aclName);
            } else if (count == 2) { // Sektions
                if (settings.containsKey("section")) {
                    this.allAcls.put("[" + settings.get("application").toString() + "][section]["
                            + settings.get("section").toString() + "]", aclName);
                } else {
                    throw new Exception(
                            this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.err_acl_undefined_section", aclName));
            } else if (count == 3) { // Entries
                if (settings.containsKey("section") && settings.containsKey("entry")) {
                    this.allAcls.put("[" + settings.get("application").toString() + "][entry]["
                            + settings.get("section").toString() + "][" + settings.get("entry").toString() + "]",
                } else {
                    throw new Exception(
                            this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.err_acl_undefined_section_or_entry", aclName));
            } else {
                throw new Exception(this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.err_acl_invalid_scope", aclName));

        } else {
            throw new Exception(this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.err_acl_undefined_application", aclName));

        if (this.allAcls != null && this.allAcls.size() != 0) {
            this.hasAcls = true;


     * Rechte fr die erste Ebene (Alle Applikationen) lesen
     * @return boolean Fehlerzustand

    private boolean getTopLevelRights() throws Exception {
        this.debug(3, "getTopLevelRights");

        this.hasTopLevelWriteRight = true;
        this.hasTopLevelCreateRight = true;
        this.hasTopLevelReadRight = true;

        if (!this.topLevelAcl.equals("")) {
            if (this.user == null) {
                throw new Exception(this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.err_acl_missing_user"));

            try {
                sos.acl.SOSAcl acl = new sos.acl.SOSAcl(this.topLevelAcl);


                if (this.debugLevel > 0) {


                acl.access(this.user.getUserId(), this.user.getUserGroupIdList(), "rwdc");
                String op = acl.getResultOperations();

                if (op.indexOf('w') == -1) {
                    this.hasTopLevelWriteRight = false;
                    this.disabled = " disabled ";

                if (op.indexOf('c') == -1) {
                    this.hasTopLevelCreateRight = false;

                if (op.indexOf('r') == -1) {
                    this.hasTopLevelReadRight = false;
            } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
                throw new Exception("Class not found (sos.acl.jar) : " + e.getMessage());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new Exception(SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + " : " + e.getMessage());

        return true;

     * Rechte auf Default-Werte setzen
    private void resetRights() throws Exception {
        this.debug(3, "resetRights");

        this.hasWriteRight = true;
        this.hasReadRight = true;
        this.hasDeleteRight = true;
        this.hasCreateRight = true;
        this.disabled = "";


     * Rechte setzen

    private void setRights(sos.acl.SOSAcl acl) throws Exception {

        if (acl == null) {
            throw new Exception(
                    this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.err_acl_missing_acl", SOSClassUtil.getMethodName()));
        if (this.user == null) {
            throw new Exception(this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.err_acl_missing_user"));

        acl.access(this.user.getUserId(), this.user.getUserGroupIdList(), "rwdc");

        String aclName = acl.getIdentifier();

        String op = acl.getResultOperations();

        if (op.indexOf('w') == -1) {
            this.hasWriteRight = false;
            this.disabled = " disabled ";

        if (op.indexOf('d') == -1) {
            this.hasDeleteRight = false;

        if (op.indexOf('c') == -1) {
            this.hasCreateRight = false;

        if (op.indexOf('r') == -1) {
            this.hasReadRight = false;

        this.debug(3, "setRights : acl(" + aclName + ") resultOperations = " + op);
        this.debug(3, "setRights : write = " + this.hasWriteRight + " delete = " + this.hasDeleteRight
                + " create = " + this.hasCreateRight + " read = " + this.hasReadRight);

     * Rechte lesen
     * @param application
     *            Name der Applikation
     * @param section
     *            Name der Sektion
     * @param entry
     *            Name des Entries
     * @return boolean Fehlerzustand
    private boolean getRights(String application, String section, String entry) throws Exception {
        this.debug(3, "getRights : application = " + application + " section = " + section + " entry = " + entry
                + " this.aclRange = " + this.aclRange);


        if (this.hasAcls) {
            if (this.aclRange.equals("application")) {
                //  Rechte einer bestimmten Applikation
                if (this.allAcls.containsKey("[" + application + "][application]")) {
                    String identifier = this.allAcls.get("[" + application + "][application]").toString();
                    try {
                        sos.acl.SOSAcl acl = new sos.acl.SOSAcl(identifier);


                        if (this.debugLevel > 0) {


                    } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
                        throw new Exception("Class not found (sos.acl.jar) : " + e.getMessage());
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new Exception(e.getMessage());

                } // Rechte fr alle Applikationen
                else if (this.allAcls.containsKey("[" + this.allAclNote + "][application]")) {
                    String identifier = this.allAcls.get("[" + this.allAclNote + "][application]").toString();
                    try {
                        sos.acl.SOSAcl acl = new sos.acl.SOSAcl(identifier);


                        if (this.debugLevel > 0) {


                    } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
                        throw new Exception("Class not found (sos.acl.jar) : " + e.getMessage());
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new Exception(e.getMessage());

            } // range application
            else if (this.aclRange.equals("section")) {
                // Rechte fr eine bestimmte Sektion einer bestimmten
                // Applikation
                if (this.allAcls.containsKey("[" + application + "][section][" + section + "]")) {
                    String identifier = this.allAcls.get("[" + application + "][section][" + section + "]")
                    try {
                        sos.acl.SOSAcl acl = new sos.acl.SOSAcl(identifier);


                        if (this.debugLevel > 0) {


                    } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
                        throw new Exception("Class not found (sos.acl.jar) : " + e.getMessage());
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new Exception(e.getMessage());
                } //Rechte fr alle Sektionen einer bestimmten Applikation
                else if (this.allAcls.containsKey("[" + application + "][section][" + this.allAclNote + "]")) {
                    String identifier = this.allAcls.get("[" + application + "][section][" + this.allAclNote + "]")
                    try {
                        sos.acl.SOSAcl acl = new sos.acl.SOSAcl(identifier);


                        if (this.debugLevel > 0) {


                    } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
                        throw new Exception("Class not found (sos.acl.jar) : " + e.getMessage());
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new Exception(e.getMessage());
                } //  Rechte einer bestimmten Applikation
                else if (this.allAcls.containsKey("[" + application + "][application]")) {
                    String identifier = this.allAcls.get("[" + application + "][application]").toString();
                    try {
                        sos.acl.SOSAcl acl = new sos.acl.SOSAcl(identifier);


                        if (this.debugLevel > 0) {


                    } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
                        throw new Exception("Class not found (sos.acl.jar) : " + e.getMessage());
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new Exception(e.getMessage());
                } // Rechte fr alle Applikationen
                else if (this.allAcls.containsKey("[" + this.allAclNote + "][application]")) {
                    String identifier = this.allAcls.get("[" + this.allAclNote + "][application]").toString();
                    try {
                        sos.acl.SOSAcl acl = new sos.acl.SOSAcl(identifier);


                        if (this.debugLevel > 0) {


                    } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
                        throw new Exception("Class not found (sos.acl.jar) : " + e.getMessage());
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new Exception(e.getMessage());
            } // range section
            else if (this.aclRange.equals("entry")) {
                //Rechte fr einen bestimmten Entry in einer bestimmten Sektion
                // einer bestimmten Applikation
                if (this.allAcls.containsKey("[" + application + "][entry][" + section + "][" + entry + "]")) {
                    String identifier = this.allAcls
                            .get("[" + application + "][entry][" + section + "][" + entry + "]").toString();
                    try {
                        sos.acl.SOSAcl acl = new sos.acl.SOSAcl(identifier);


                        if (this.debugLevel > 0) {


                    } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
                        throw new Exception("Class not found (sos.acl.jar) : " + e.getMessage());
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new Exception(e.getMessage());
                } //  Rechte fr alle Entry in einer bestimmten Sektion einer
                  // bestimmten Applikation
                else if (this.allAcls
                        .containsKey("[" + application + "][entry][" + section + "][" + this.allAclNote + "]")) {
                    String identifier = this.allAcls
                            .get("[" + application + "][entry][" + section + "][" + this.allAclNote + "]")
                    try {
                        sos.acl.SOSAcl acl = new sos.acl.SOSAcl(identifier);


                        if (this.debugLevel > 0) {


                    } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
                        throw new Exception("Class not found (sos.acl.jar) : " + e.getMessage());
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new Exception(e.getMessage());
                } // Rechte fr eine bestimmte Sektion einer bestimmten
                  // Applikation
                else if (this.allAcls.containsKey("[" + application + "][section][" + section + "]")) {
                    String identifier = this.allAcls.get("[" + application + "][section][" + section + "]")
                    try {
                        sos.acl.SOSAcl acl = new sos.acl.SOSAcl(identifier);


                        if (this.debugLevel > 0) {


                    } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
                        throw new Exception("Class not found (sos.acl.jar) : " + e.getMessage());
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new Exception(e.getMessage());
                } //Rechte fr alle Sektionen einer bestimmten Applikation
                else if (this.allAcls.containsKey("[" + application + "][section][" + this.allAclNote + "]")) {
                    String identifier = this.allAcls.get("[" + application + "][section][" + this.allAclNote + "]")
                    try {
                        sos.acl.SOSAcl acl = new sos.acl.SOSAcl(identifier);


                        if (this.debugLevel > 0) {


                    } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
                        throw new Exception("Class not found (sos.acl.jar) : " + e.getMessage());
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new Exception(e.getMessage());
                } //  Rechte einer bestimmten Applikation
                else if (this.allAcls.containsKey("[" + application + "][application]")) {
                    String identifier = this.allAcls.get("[" + application + "][application]").toString();
                    try {
                        sos.acl.SOSAcl acl = new sos.acl.SOSAcl(identifier);


                        if (this.debugLevel > 0) {


                    } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
                        throw new Exception("Class not found (sos.acl.jar) : " + e.getMessage());
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new Exception(e.getMessage());
                } // Rechte fr alle Applikationen
                else if (this.allAcls.containsKey("[" + this.allAclNote + "][application]")) {
                    String identifier = this.allAcls.get("[" + this.allAclNote + "][application]").toString();
                    try {
                        sos.acl.SOSAcl acl = new sos.acl.SOSAcl(identifier);


                        if (this.debugLevel > 0) {


                    } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
                        throw new Exception("Class not found (sos.acl.jar) : " + e.getMessage());
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new Exception(e.getMessage());

            } // range entry
            else {
                throw new Exception(this.rb.getMessage("sos.settings.dialog.err_acls_invalid_scope"));

        } // if hasAcl

        return true;

     * @param value
     * @throws Exception
    private void showEditor(String value) throws Exception {

        if (value == null) {
            value = "";

        try {
            sos.fckeditor.SOSFCKEditor editor = new sos.fckeditor.SOSFCKEditor(this.editorName);

  , this.out);

        } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
            throw new Exception("class not found : " + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new Exception("editor : " + e.getMessage());


     * !!! unter Produktion mu nich verwendet werden <br/>Anzeige von aktuellen
     * Request,Session usw Variablen
     * @param request
     * @param out
     * @throws IOException
    public void showDevelopmentData(LinkedHashMap requestMultipart) throws Exception {

                "<div id='div_temp_request' style=\"background-color:#ffffff;width:400px; overflow: auto; POSITION: absolute; Z-INDEX: 20; VISIBILITY: visible; TOP: "
                        + this.divDevelopmentDataTop + "; LEFT: " + this.divDevelopmentDataLeft
                        + "; border:solid 2px #dddddd;\">");

        this.out.println("<table width=\"100%\" cellPadding=\"0\" cellSpacing=\"0\">");

        this.out.println("   <td colspan=\"2\"><b>action</b> = " + this.action + " <b>range</b> = " + this.range
                + " <b>item</b> = " + this.item + "</td>");

                "   <td colspan=\"2\"><b>application</b> = " + this.settings.application + " <b>section</b> = "
                        + this.settings.section + " <b>entry</b> = " + this.settings.entry + "</td>");

        this.out.println("<tr><td colspan=\"2\">&nbsp;</td></tr>");

        this.out.println("   <td colspan=\"2\"><b>REQUEST PARAMETER: </b></td>");
        this.out.println("   <td>");
        this.out.println("   <table width=\"100%\" cellPadding=\"0\" cellSpacing=\"0\">");
        Enumeration en = this.request.getParameterNames();
        while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
            String a = (String) en.nextElement();
            this.out.println("   <td><b>" + a + "</b></td>");
            this.out.println("    <td>" + this.request.getParameter(a) + "</td>");
        this.out.println("   </table>");
        this.out.println("   </td>");
        this.out.println("   <td>&nbsp;</td>");
        this.out.println("<tr><td colspan=\"2\">&nbsp;</td></tr>");

        this.out.println("   <td width=\"50%\"><b>REQUEST ATTRIBUTE</b></td>");
        this.out.println("   <td><b>MULTIPART-REQUEST</b></td>");
        this.out.println("   <td>");
        this.out.println("   <table width=\"100%\" cellPadding=\"0\" cellSpacing=\"0\">");
        Enumeration ena = this.request.getAttributeNames();
        int r = 0;
        while (ena.hasMoreElements()) {
            String a = (String) ena.nextElement();
            this.out.println("   <td><b>" + a + "</b></td>");
            this.out.println("    <td>" + (String) this.request.getAttribute(a) + "</td>");
        this.out.println("   </table>");
        this.out.println("   </td>");
        this.out.println("   <td>");
        int m = 0;
        if (requestMultipart != null && requestMultipart.size() > 0) {
            this.out.println("   <table width=\"100%\" cellPadding=\"0\" cellSpacing=\"0\">");
            Iterator it = requestMultipart.entrySet().iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
                this.out.println("   <td><b>" + (String) entry.getKey() + "</b></td>");
                this.out.println("    <td>" + (String) entry.getValue() + "</td>");
            this.out.println("   </table>");
        this.out.println("   </td>");
        this.out.println("<tr><td>" + r + "</td><td>" + m + "</td></tr>");
        this.out.println("<tr><td colspan=\"2\">&nbsp;</td></tr>");

        this.out.println("   <td colspan=\"2\"><b>Session: </b></td>");
        this.out.println("   <td colspan=\"2\"><b>ID = </b>" + this.session.getId() + "</td>");
        if (this.request.isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie()) {
            this.out.println("   <td colspan=\"2\">Session aus Cookie</td>");
        if (this.request.isRequestedSessionIdFromURL()) {
            this.out.println("   <td colspan=\"2\">Session aus URL</td>");

        this.out.println("   <td colspan=\"2\">");
        if (this.session.isNew()) {
            this.out.print("neue Session");
        } else {
            this.out.print("alte Session");
        this.out.println("   </td>");

        Enumeration sessionAttributeNames = this.session.getAttributeNames();

        //this.session.setAttribute("SOS 1","SOS value");
        //String[] a = {"aa","bb","cc"};
        //this.session.setAttribute("SOS 2",a);

        this.out.println("   <td colspan=\"2\">");
        while (sessionAttributeNames.hasMoreElements()) {
            String sessionAttribute = (String) sessionAttributeNames.nextElement();
            Object obj = this.session.getAttribute(sessionAttribute);
            this.out.print("<b>" + sessionAttribute + "</b>  = " + obj + "<br />");
        this.out.println("   </td>");



     * Liefert Debuglevel
     * @return debugLevel Debuglevel.
    public int getDebugLevel() {
        return debugLevel;

     * Debuglevel setzen
     * @param debugLevel
     *            Debuglevel.
    public void setDebugLevel(int debugLevel) {
        this.debugLevel = debugLevel;

     * Liefert Sprache der Anwendung (de,en ...)
     * @return sosLang default : de
    public String getLanguage() {
        return sosLang;

     * Liefert Voreinstellung fr created_name, modified_name bei nderung von
     * Einstellungen
     * @return Name des Autors.
    public String getAuthor() {
        return author;

     * Voreinstellung fr created_name, modified_name bei nderung von
     * Einstellungen
     * @param author
     *            Name des Autors.
    public void setAuthor(String author) { = author;

     * Liefert HTML Titel
     * @return title Titel
    public String getTitle() {
        return title;

     * HTML Titel setzen
     * @param title
     *            Titel
    public void setTitle(String title) {
        this.title = title;

     * Liefert Titel der Liste aller Applicationen
     * @return dialogApplicationsTitle Titel z.B:(Alle Einstellungen).
    public String getDialogApplicationsTitle() {
        return dialogApplicationsTitle;

     * Titel der Liste aller Applicationen setzen
     * @param dialogApplicationsTitle
     *            Titel z.B:(Alle Einstellungen).
    public void setDialogApplicationsTitle(String dialogApplicationsTitle) {

        this.dialogApplicationsTitle = dialogApplicationsTitle;

     * Liefert Titel fr neue Applikation
     * @return dialogApplicationsNewTitle Titel z.B: (Neuer Bereich)
    public String getDialogApplicationsNewTitle() {
        return dialogApplicationsNewTitle;

     * Titel fr neue Applikation setzen
     * @param dialogApplicationsNewTitle
     *            Titel z.B: (Neuer Bereich)
    public void setDialogApplicationsNewTitle(String dialogApplicationsNewTitle) {
        this.dialogApplicationsNewTitle = dialogApplicationsNewTitle;

     * Liefert Titel der Liste aller Sektionen
     * @return dialogSectionsTitle Titel z.B: Einstellungen des Bereichs
    public String getDialogSectionsTitle() {
        return dialogSectionsTitle;

     * Titel der Liste aller Sektionen setzen
     * @param dialogSectionsTitle
     *            Titel z.B: Einstellungen des Bereichs
    public void setDialogSectionsTitle(String dialogSectionsTitle) {
        this.dialogSectionsTitle = dialogSectionsTitle;

     * Liefert Titel fr neue Sektion
     * @return dialogSectionsNewTitle Titel z.B: (Neue Sektion)
    public String getDialogSectionsNewTitle() {
        return dialogSectionsNewTitle;

     * Titel fr neue Sektion setzen
     * @param dialogSectionsNewTitle
     *            Titel z.B: (Neue Sektion)
    public void setDialogSectionsNewTitle(String dialogSectionsNewTitle) {
        this.dialogSectionsNewTitle = dialogSectionsNewTitle;

     * Setzt Titel fr neue Schema-Sektion
     * @return dialogSectionsSchemaTitle Titel z.B: (Schema des Bereichs)
    public String getDialogSectionsSchemaTitle() {
        return dialogSectionsSchemaTitle;

     * Titel fr neue Schema-Sektion setzen
     * @param dialogSectionsSchemaTitle
     *            Titel z.B: (Schema des Bereichs)
    public void setDialogSectionsSchemaTitle(String dialogSectionsSchemaTitle) {
        this.dialogSectionsSchemaTitle = dialogSectionsSchemaTitle;

     * Liefert Titel fr neue Zhler-Sektion
     * @return dialogSectionsCounterTitle Titel z.B: Nr. des letzten Eintrags
     *         fr Tabelle
    public String getDialogSectionsCounterTitle() {
        return dialogSectionsCounterTitle;

     * Titel fr neue Zhler-Sektion setzen
     * @param dialogSectionsCounterTitle
     *            Titel z.B: Nr. des letzten Eintrags fr Tabelle
    public void setDialogSectionsCounterTitle(String dialogSectionsCounterTitle) {
        this.dialogSectionsCounterTitle = dialogSectionsCounterTitle;

     * Liefert Titel der Liste aller Eintrge
     * @return dialogEntriesTitle Titel z.B: Einstellungen der Sektion
    public String getDialogEntriesTitle() {
        return dialogEntriesTitle;

     * Titel der Liste aller Eintrge setzen
     * @param dialogEntriesTitle
     *            Titel z.B: Einstellungen der Sektion
    public void setDialogEntriesTitle(String dialogEntriesTitle) {
        this.dialogEntriesTitle = dialogEntriesTitle;

     * Liefert Titel fr neuen Eintrag
     * @return dialogEntriesNewTitle Titel z.B: (Neuer Eintrag)
    public String getDialogEntriesNewTitle() {
        return dialogEntriesNewTitle;

     * Titel fr neuen Eintrag setzen
     * @param dialogEntriesNewTitle
     *            Titel z.B: (Neuer Eintrag)
    public void setDialogEntriesNewTitle(String dialogEntriesNewTitle) {
        this.dialogEntriesNewTitle = dialogEntriesNewTitle;

     * Liefert Titel fr Export einer Applikation
     * @return dialogApplicationsExportTitle Titel z.B: (Alle Eintrge dieses
     *         Bereichs)
    public String getDialogApplicationsExportTitle() {
        return dialogApplicationsExportTitle;

     * Titel fr Export einer Applikation setzen
     * @param dialogApplicationsExportTitle
     *            Titel z.B: (Alle Eintrge dieses Bereichs)
    public void setDialogApplicationsExportTitle(String dialogApplicationsExportTitle) {
        this.dialogApplicationsExportTitle = dialogApplicationsExportTitle;

     * Liefert Titel fr Export einer Sektion
     * @return dialogSectionsExportTitle Titel z.B: (Alle Eintrge dieser
     *         Sektion)
    public String getDialogSectionsExportTitle() {
        return dialogSectionsExportTitle;

     * Titel fr Export einer Sektion setzen
     * @param dialogSectionsExportTitle
     *            Titel z.B: (Alle Eintrge dieser Sektion)
    public void setDialogSectionsExportTitle(String dialogSectionsExportTitle) {
        this.dialogSectionsExportTitle = dialogSectionsExportTitle;

     * Liefert Name der Web-Seite
     * @return site Name der Web-Seite
    public String getSite() {
        return site;

     * Name der Web-Seite setzen
     * @param site
     *            Name der Web-Seite
    public void setSite(String site) { = site;

     * Anzeige von "Dokumentieren" Button zulassen
     * @return enableDocumentation false - nicht zulassen
    public boolean isEnableDocumentation() {
        return enableDocumentation;

     * Anzeige von "Dokumentieren" Button zulassen
     * @param enableDocumentation
     *            false - nicht zulassen
    public void setEnableDocumentation(boolean enableDocumentation) {
        this.enableDocumentation = enableDocumentation;

     * Liefert Name der JSP Datei fr die Anzeige der Dokumentation
     * @return documentationFile default settings_show_docu.jsp
    public String getDocumentationFile() {
        return documentationFile;

     * JSP Datei fr die Anzeige der Dokumentation
     * @param documentationFile
     *            default settings_show_docu.jsp
    public void setDocumentationFile(String documentationFile) {
        this.documentationFile = documentationFile;

     * Liefert Order by in dem Dokufenster
     * @return documentationSort default : "APPLICATION" asc, "SECTION" asc,
     *         "NAME" asc
    public String getDocumentationSort() {
        return documentationSort;

     * Order by in dem Dokufenster
     * @param documentationSort
     *            default : "APPLICATION" asc, "SECTION" asc, "NAME" asc
    public void setDocumentationSort(String documentationSort) {
        this.documentationSort = documentationSort;

     * Liefert Hhe des Dokufensters
     * @return docuWinHeight Hhe in px
    public int getDocuWinHeight() {
        return docuWinHeight;

     * Hhe des Dokufensters
     * @param docuWinHeight
     *            Hhe in px
    public void setDocuWinHeight(int docuWinHeight) {
        this.docuWinHeight = docuWinHeight;

     * Liefert Breite des Dokufensters
     * @return docuWinWidth Breite in px
    public int getDocuWinWidth() {
        return docuWinWidth;

     * Breite des Dokufensters
     * @param docuWinWidth
     *            Breite in px
    public void setDocuWinWidth(int docuWinWidth) {
        this.docuWinWidth = docuWinWidth;

     * Template CSS Datei fr die Dokuanzeige importieren
     * @return enableTemplateCss default false : nicht importieren
    public boolean isEnableDocuTemplateCss() {
        return enableDocuTemplateCss;

     * Template CSS Datei fr die Dokuanzeige importieren
     * @param enableTemplateCss
     *            default false : nicht importieren
    public void setEnableDocuTemplateCss(boolean enableDocuTemplateCss) {
        this.enableDocuTemplateCss = enableDocuTemplateCss;

     * JSP Datei fr die Anzeige von Hilfetexten
     * @return helpFile Name der Datei default : settings_show_help.jsp
    public String getHelpFile() {
        return helpFile;

     * JSP Datei fr die Anzeige von Hilfetexten
     * @param helpFile
     *            Name der Datei default : settings_show_help.jsp
    public void setHelpFile(String helpFile) {
        this.helpFile = helpFile;

     * Hhe des Hilfefensters
     * @return helpWinHeight Hhe in px
    public int getHelpWinHeight() {
        return helpWinHeight;

     * Hhe des Hilfefensters
     * @param helpWinHeight
     *            Hhe in px
    public void setHelpWinHeight(int helpWinHeight) {
        this.helpWinHeight = helpWinHeight;

     * Breite des Hilfefensters
     * @return helpWinWidth Breite in px
    public int getHelpWinWidth() {
        return helpWinWidth;

     * Breite des Hilfefensters
     * @param helpWinWidth
     *            Breite in px
    public void setHelpWinWidth(int helpWinWidth) {
        this.helpWinWidth = helpWinWidth;

     * Applikationsverwaltung zulassen
     * @return enableApplicationManager default true : zulassen
    public boolean isEnableApplicationManager() {
        return enableApplicationManager;

     * Applikationsverwaltung zulassen
     * @param enableApplicationManager
     *            default true : zulassen
    public void setEnableApplicationManager(boolean enableApplicationManager) {
        this.enableApplicationManager = enableApplicationManager;

     * Navigieren in Applikationen zulassen
     * @return enableApplicationNavigation default true : zulassen
    public boolean isEnableApplicationNavigation() {
        return enableApplicationNavigation;

     * Navigieren in Applikationen zulassen
     * @param enableApplicationNavigation
     *            default true : zulassen
    public void setEnableApplicationNavigation(boolean enableApplicationNavigation) {
        this.enableApplicationNavigation = enableApplicationNavigation;

     * Sektionsverwaltung zulassen
     * @return enableSectionManager default true : zulassen
    public boolean isEnableSectionManager() {
        return enableSectionManager;

     * Sektionsverwaltung zulassen
     * @param enableSectionManager
     *            default true : zulassen
    public void setEnableSectionManager(boolean enableSectionManager) {
        this.enableSectionManager = enableSectionManager;

     * Eintragsverwaltung zulassen
     * @return enableEntryManager default true : zulassen
    public boolean isEnableEntryManager() {
        return enableEntryManager;

     * Eintragsverwaltung zulassen
     * @param enableEntryManager
     *            default true : zulassen
    public void setEnableEntryManager(boolean enableEntryManager) {
        this.enableEntryManager = enableEntryManager;

     * Anzeige der Namen von Eintrgen in Listen zulassen
     * @return enableEntryNames default true : zulassen
    public boolean isEnableEntryNames() {
        return enableEntryNames;

     * Anzeige der Namen von Eintrgen in Listen zulassen
     * @param enableEntryNames
     *            default true : zulassen
    public void setEnableEntryNames(boolean enableEntryNames) {
        this.enableEntryNames = enableEntryNames;

     * ndern der Werte von Eintrgen in Listen zulassen
     * @return enableEntryValues default true : zulassen
    public boolean isEnableEntryValues() {
        return enableEntryValues;

     * ndern der Werte von Eintrgen in Listen zulassen
     * @param enableEntryValues
     *            default true : zulassen
    public void setEnableEntryValues(boolean enableEntryValues) {
        this.enableEntryValues = enableEntryValues;

     * Export zulassen
     * @return enableExport default true : zulassen
    public boolean isEnableExport() {
        return enableExport;

     * Export zulassen
     * @param enableExport
     *            default true : zulassen
    public void setEnableExport(boolean enableExport) {
        this.enableExport = enableExport;

     * Import zulassen
     * @return enableImport default true : zulassen
    public boolean isEnableImport() {
        return enableImport;

     * Import zulassen
     * @param enableImport
     *            default true : zulassen
    public void setEnableImport(boolean enableImport) {
        this.enableImport = enableImport;

     * Inhalt des Headers setzen
     * @param headerContent
     *            Inhalt
    public void setHeaderContent(String headerContent) {
        this.headerContent = headerContent;

     * Liefert Anzahl Pixel fr Anzeige eines Eintrags (default 50)
     * @return Default: Anzahl Pixel fr Anzeige eines Eintrags
    public String getDefaultDisplaySize() {
        return defaultDisplaySize;

     * Anzahl Pixel fr Anzeige eines Eintrags setzen (default 50)
     * @param defaultDisplaySize
     *            Anzahl Pixel.
    public void setDefaultDisplaySize(String defaultDisplaySize) {
        this.defaultDisplaySize = defaultDisplaySize;

     * Liefert Anzahl Zeichen fr Eingabe eines Eintrags (default 250)
     * @return defaultInputSize Anzahl Zeichen.
    public String getDefaultInputSize() {
        return defaultInputSize;

     * Anzahl Zeichen fr Eingabe eines Eintrags setzen (default 250)
     * @param defaultInputSize
     *            Anzahl Zeichen.
    public void setDefaultInputSize(String defaultInputSize) {
        this.defaultInputSize = defaultInputSize;

     * Liefert Anzahl Zeilen bei Darstellung von Textareas
     * @return displayTextareaRows Anzahl Zeilen
    public int getDisplayTextareaRows() {
        return displayTextareaRows;

     * Anzahl Zeilen bei Darstellung von Textareas setzen
     * @param displayTextareaRows
     *            Anzahl Zeilen
    public void setDisplayTextareaRows(int displayTextareaRows) {
        this.displayTextareaRows = displayTextareaRows;

     * Liefert Anzahl Zeilen bei Darstellung von Document (long_value) Textareas
     * @return displayDocumentTextareaRows Anzahl Zeilen
    public int getDisplayDocumentTextareaRows() {
        return displayDocumentTextareaRows;

     * Anzahl Zeilen bei Darstellung von Document (long_value) Textareas setzen
     * @param displayDocumentTextareaRows
     *            Anzahl Zeilen
    public void setDisplayDocumentTextareaRows(int displayDocumentTextareaRows) {
        this.displayDocumentTextareaRows = displayDocumentTextareaRows;

     * Liefert Imageverzeichnis der Anwendung
     * @return imgDir Name des Verzeichnisses
    public String getImgDir() {
        return imgDir;

     * Imageverzeichnis der Anwendung setzen
     * @param imgDir
     *            Name des Verzeichnisses
    public void setImgDir(String imgDir) {
        this.imgDir = imgDir;

     * Graphik fr Aktionen
     * @return imgAction Dateiname
    public String getImgAction() {
        return imgAction;

     * Graphik fr Aktionen
     * @param imgAction
     *            Dateiname
    public void setImgAction(String imgAction) {
        this.imgAction = imgAction;

     * Graphik fr Seitenende
     * @return imgBottom Dateiname
    public String getImgBottom() {
        return imgBottom;

     * Graphik fr Seitenende
     * @param imgBottom
     *            Dateiname
    public void setImgBottom(String imgBottom) {
        this.imgBottom = imgBottom;

     * Graphik fr Hilfe
     * @return imgHelp Dateiname
    public String getImgHelp() {
        return imgHelp;

     * Graphik fr Hilfe
     * @param imgHelp
     *            Dateiname
    public void setImgHelp(String imgHelp) {
        this.imgHelp = imgHelp;

     * Graphik fr Navigation
     * @return imgNavigation The imgNavigation to set.
    public String getImgNavigation() {
        return imgNavigation;

     * Graphik fr Navigation
     * @param imgNavigation
     *            The imgNavigation to set.
    public void setImgNavigation(String imgNavigation) {
        this.imgNavigation = imgNavigation;

     * Graphik fr Seitenanfang
     * @return imgTop Dateiname
    public String getImgTop() {
        return imgTop;

     * Graphik fr Seitenanfang
     * @param imgTop
     *            Dateiname
    public void setImgTop(String imgTop) {
        this.imgTop = imgTop;

     * CSS-Style: Tabellenrnder 1/0
     * @return styleBorder default : 1
    public String getStyleBorder() {
        return styleBorder;

     * CSS-Style: Tabellenrnder 1/0
     * @param styleBorder
     *            default : 1
    public void setStyleBorder(String styleBorder) {
        this.styleBorder = styleBorder;

     * CSS-Klasse fr Aktionen via Font
     * @return styleFontAction CSS-Klasse
    public String getStyleFontAction() {
        return styleFontAction;

     * CSS-Klasse fr Aktionen via Font
     * @param styleFontAction
     *            CSS-Klasse
    public void setStyleFontAction(String styleFontAction) {
        this.styleFontAction = styleFontAction;

     * CSS-Klasse fr Aktionen via Font
     * @return styleFontNavigation CSS-Klasse
    public String getStyleFontNavigation() {
        return styleFontNavigation;

     * CSS-Klasse fr Aktionen via Font
     * @param styleFontNavigation
     *            CSS-Klasse
    public void setStyleFontNavigation(String styleFontNavigation) {
        this.styleFontNavigation = styleFontNavigation;

     * CSS-Style INPUT.settings
     * @return styleInput CSS-Klasse
    public String getStyleInput() {
        return styleInput;

     * CSS-Style INPUT.settings
     * @param styleInput
     *            CSS-Klasse
    public void setStyleInput(String styleInput) {
        this.styleInput = styleInput;

     * CSS-Klasse fr Aktionen via Link
     * @return styleLinkAction CSS-Klasse
    public String getStyleLinkAction() {
        return styleLinkAction;

     * CSS-Klasse fr Aktionen via Link
     * @param styleLinkAction
     *            CSS-Klasse
    public void setStyleLinkAction(String styleLinkAction) {
        this.styleLinkAction = styleLinkAction;

     * CSS-Klasse fr Aktionen via Link
     * @return styleLinkInactiveNavigation CSS-Klasse
    public String getStyleLinkInactiveNavigation() {
        return styleLinkInactiveNavigation;

     * CSS-Klasse fr Aktionen via Link
     * @param styleLinkInactiveNavigation
     *            CSS-Klasse
    public void setStyleLinkInactiveNavigation(String styleLinkInactiveNavigation) {
        this.styleLinkInactiveNavigation = styleLinkInactiveNavigation;

     * CSS-Klasse fr Aktionen via Link
     * @return styleLinkNavigation CSS-Klasse
    public String getStyleLinkNavigation() {
        return styleLinkNavigation;

     * CSS-Klasse fr Aktionen via Link
     * @param styleLinkNavigation
     *            CSS-Klasse
    public void setStyleLinkNavigation(String styleLinkNavigation) {
        this.styleLinkNavigation = styleLinkNavigation;

     * CSS-Style TABLE.settings
     * @return styleTable CSS-Klasse
    public String getStyleTable() {
        return styleTable;

     * CSS-Style TABLE.settings
     * @param styleTable
     *            CSS-Klasse
    public void setStyleTable(String styleTable) {
        this.styleTable = styleTable;

     * CSS-Style TD.settings
     * @return styleTd CSS-Klasse
    public String getStyleTd() {
        return styleTd;

     * CSS-Style TD.settings
     * @param styleTd
     *            CSS-Klasse
    public void setStyleTd(String styleTd) {
        this.styleTd = styleTd;

     * CSS-Style TD.settings
     * @return styleTdBackground CSS-Klasse
    public String getStyleTdBackground() {
        return styleTdBackground;

     * CSS-Style TD.settings
     * @param styleTdBackground
     *            CSS-Klasse
    public void setStyleTdBackground(String styleTdBackground) {
        this.styleTdBackground = styleTdBackground;

     * CSS-Style TD.settings
     * @return styleTdLabel CSS-Klasse
    public String getStyleTdLabel() {
        return styleTdLabel;

     * CSS-Style TD.settings
     * @param styleTdLabel
     *            CSS-Klasse
    public void setStyleTdLabel(String styleTdLabel) {
        this.styleTdLabel = styleTdLabel;

     * CSS-Style TH.settings
     * @return styleTh CSS-Klasse
    public String getStyleTh() {
        return styleTh;

     * CSS-Style TH.settings
     * @param styleTh
     *            CSS-Klasse
    public void setStyleTh(String styleTh) {
        this.styleTh = styleTh;

     * CSS-Style TR.settings
     * @return styleTr CSS-Klasse
    public String getStyleTr() {
        return styleTr;

     * CSS-Style TR.settings
     * @param styleTr
     *            CSS-Klasse
    public void setStyleTr(String styleTr) {
        this.styleTr = styleTr;

     * Import-Funktion: Dateigre beschrnken, -1 = beliebig
     * @return importMaxSize Dateigrsse
    public long getImportMaxSize() {
        return importMaxSize;

     * Import-Funktion: Dateigre beschrnken, -1 = beliebig
     * @param importMaxSize
     *            Dateigrsse
    public void setImportMaxSize(long importMaxSize) {
        this.importMaxSize = importMaxSize;

     * Liefert ACL Identifier
     * @return Returns the topLevelAcl.
    public String getTopLevelAcl() {
        return topLevelAcl;

     * Setzt ACL fr die Anzeige von allen Applikationen bzw "neue Applikation"
     * @param topLevelAcl
     *            ACL identifier.
    public void setTopLevelAcl(String topLevelAcl) {
        this.topLevelAcl = topLevelAcl;

     * Liefert User Objekt
     * @return User Objekt.
    public sos.user.SOSUser getUser() {
        return user;

     * Setzt ein SOSUser Objekt
     * @param user
     *            SOSUser Objekt.
     * @throws Exception
    public void setUser(Object user) throws Exception {

        try {
            this.user = (sos.user.SOSUser) user;
        } catch (ClassCastException e) {
            throw new Exception("user is not valid SOSUser Object." + e.getMessage());
        } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
            throw new Exception("Class not found (sos.user.jar) : " + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new Exception(e.getMessage());


    private String dbQuoted(String value) {
        if (value == null)
            return "NULL";

        value = value.replaceAll("'", "''");

        if (this.connection instanceof sos.connection.SOSMySQLConnection) { // nur
            // bei
            // MySQL
            value = value.replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\"); // einfache durch
            // doppelte

        return "'" + value + "'";

     * Liefert Tabelle der ACLs
     * @return Tabelle der ACLs.
    public String getTableAcls() {
        return tableAcls;

     * Setzt Tabelle der ACLs
     * @param tableAcls
     *            Tabelle der ACLs.
    public void setTableAcls(String tableAcls) {
        this.tableAcls = tableAcls;

     * Liefert Zeichen fr alle Applikationen|Sektionen|Entries (default "*")
     * bei der Verwendung von ACLs
     * @return Returns the Zeichen fr alle Applikationen|Sektionen|Entries.
    public String getAllAclNote() {
        return allAclNote;

     * Setzt Zeichen fr alle Applikationen|Sektionen|Entries (default "*") bei
     * der Verwendung von ACLs
     * @param allAclNote
     *            Zeichen fr alle Applikationen|Sektionen|Entries.
    public void setAllAclNote(String allAclNote) {
        this.allAclNote = allAclNote;

     * Liefert Zustand Anzeige von Hilfetexten zulassen
     * @return Returns the enableHelps.
    public boolean isEnableHelps() {
        return enableHelps;

     * Setzt Zustand Anzeige von Hilfetexten zulassen
     * @param enableHelps
     *            The enableHelps to set.
    public void setEnableHelps(boolean enableHelps) {
        this.enableHelps = enableHelps;

     * Listenverwaltung zulassen
     * @return Listenverwaltung zulassen.
    public boolean isEnableListManager() {
        return enableListManager;

     * Listenverwaltung zulassen
     * @param enableListManager
     *            Listenverwaltung zulassen.
    public void setEnableListManager(boolean enableListManager) {
        this.enableListManager = enableListManager;

     * Liefert Name des Formular-Elements
     * @return Name des Formular-Elements.
    public String getForm() {
        return form;

     * Setzt Name des Formular-Elements
     * @param form
     *            Name des Formular-Elements.
    public void setForm(String form) {
        this.form = form;

     * Liefert Hhe des JS-Hilfefensters
     * @return Hhe des JS-Hilfefensters.
    public int getHelpsWinHeight() {
        return helpsWinHeight;

     * Setzt Hhe des JS-Hilfefensters
     * @param helpsWinHeight
     *            Hhe des JS-Hilfefensters.
    public void setHelpsWinHeight(int helpsWinHeight) {
        this.helpsWinHeight = helpsWinHeight;

     * Liefert Breite des JS-Hilfefensters
     * @return Breite des JS-Hilfefensters.
    public int getHelpsWinWidth() {
        return helpsWinWidth;

     * Setzt Breite des JS-Hilfefensters
     * @param helpsWinWidth
     *            Breite des JS-Hilfefensters.
    public void setHelpsWinWidth(int helpsWinWidth) {
        this.helpsWinWidth = helpsWinWidth;

     * Liefert aktuelle Session ID
     * @return Returns the sessionID.
    public String getSessionID() {
        return sessionID;

     * Setzt Session ID
     * @param sessionID
     *            The sessionID to set.
    public void setSessionID(String sessionID) {
        this.sessionID = sessionID;

     * Liefert Query-Parameter fr Session-ID (default JSESSIONID)
     * @return Query-Parameter fr Session-ID.
    public String getSessionVAR() {
        return sessionVAR;

     * Setzt Query-Parameter fr Session-ID (default JSESSIONID)
     * @param sessionVAR
     *            Query-Parameter fr Session-ID.
    public void setSessionVAR(String sessionVAR) {
        this.sessionVAR = sessionVAR;

     * Liefert Sortierfeld(er) fr Anzeige der Eintrge
     * @return Sortierfeld(er) fr Anzeige der Eintrge.
    public String getEntryOrder() {
        return this.settings.getEntryOrder();

     * Setzt Sortierfeld(er) fr Anzeige der Eintrge
     * @param entryOrder
     *            Sortierfeld(er) fr Anzeige der Eintrge. Default : NAME
    public void setEntryOrder(String entryOrder) {


     * Liefert den Name der Anwendung
     * @return Name der Anwendung.
    public String getApplication() {
        return this.settings.getApplication();

     * Setzt den Name der Anwendung
     * @param application
     *            Name der Anwendung. Default : Leerstring
    public void setApplication(String application) {

     * Liefert den Name der Applikation fr Zhlervariablen
     * @return Name der Applikation fr Zhlervariablen.
    public String getEntryCounterApplication() {
        return this.settings.getEntryCounterApplication();

     * Setzt den Name der Applikation fr Zhlervariablen
     * @param entryCounterApplication
     *            Name der Applikation fr Zhlervariablen. Default : counter
    public void setEntryCounterApplication(String entryCounterApplication) {

     * Lifert den Name der Sektion fr Zhlervariablen
     * @return Name der Sektion fr Zhlervariablen.
    public String getEntryCounterSection() {
        return this.settings.getEntryCounterSection();

     * Setzt den Name der Sektion fr Zhlervariablen
     * @param entryCounterSection
     *            Name der Sektion fr Zhlervariablen. Default : counter
    public void setEntryCounterSection(String entryCounterSection) {

     * Liefert den Name der Sektion fr Master Schemata
     * @return Name der Sektion fr Master Schemata
    public String getEntrySchemaSection() {
        return this.settings.getEntrySchemaSection();

     * Setzt den Name der Sektion fr Master Schemata
     * @param entrySchemaSection
     *            Name der Sektion fr Master Schemata. Default : **schema**
    public void setEntrySchemaSection(String entrySchemaSection) {

     * Liefert das Feld fr Titels der Eintrge
     * @return Returns the entrySettingTitle.
    public String getEntrySettingTitle() {
        return this.getEntrySettingTitle();

     * Setzt das Feld fr Titels der Eintrge
     * @param entrySettingTitle
     *            Feld fr Titels der Eintrge.
    public void setEntrySettingTitle(String entrySettingTitle) {

     * @return Returns the dateFormat.
    public SimpleDateFormat getDateFormat() {
        return dateFormat;

     * @param dateFormat
     *            The dateFormat to set.
    public void setDateFormat(SimpleDateFormat dateFormat) {
        this.dateFormat = dateFormat;

     * @return Returns the enableEditor.
    public boolean isEnableEditor() {
        return enableEditor;

     * @param enableEditor
     *            The enableEditor to set.
    public void setEnableEditor(boolean enableEditor) {
        this.enableEditor = enableEditor;

     * @return Returns the source.
    public String getSource() {
        return source;

     * @param source
     *            The source to set.
    public void setSource(String source) {
        this.source = source;

     * @return Returns the editorHeight.
    public String getEditorHeight() {
        return editorHeight;

     * @param editorHeight
     *            The editorHeight to set.
    public void setEditorHeight(String editorHeight) {
        this.editorHeight = editorHeight;

     * @return Returns the editorName.
    public String getEditorName() {
        return editorName;

     * @param editorName
     *            The editorName to set.
    public void setEditorName(String editorName) {
        this.editorName = editorName;

     * @return Returns the locale.
    public Locale getLocale() {
        return locale;

     * Setzt den Schalter fr die Bercksichtigung von Gro/Kleinschreibung
     * @param ignoreCase
    public void setIgnoreCase(boolean ignoreCase) {

        this.settings.ignoreCase = ignoreCase;

     * liefert den Schalter fr die Bercksichtigung von Gro/Kleinschreibung
     * @param ignoreCase
    public boolean getIgnoreCase() {

        return this.settings.ignoreCase;

     * Setzt den Messagetext
     * @param ignoreCase
    public void setMsg(String msg) {

        this.msg = msg;

     * liefert den Messagetext
     * @param ignoreCase
    public String getMsg() {

        return this.msg;

     * Automatisches Setzen in der DB von gerade aktiven LONG_VALUE bzw VALUE
     * zulassen (Funktion - set_dialog_entries_long_values)
     * @return Returns the enableAutoSetLongValues.
    public boolean isEnableAutoSetLongValues() {
        return enableAutoSetLongValues;

     * Automatisches Setzen in der DB von gerade aktiven LONG_VALUE bzw VALUE
     * zulassen (Funktion - set_dialog_entries_long_values)
     * @param enableAutoSetLongValues
     *            The enableAutoSetLongValues to set.
    public void setEnableAutoSetLongValues(boolean enableAutoSetLongValues) {
        this.enableAutoSetLongValues = enableAutoSetLongValues;

     * FCKEditor Breite
     * @return Returns the editorWidth.
    public String getEditorWidth() {
        return editorWidth;

     * FCKEditor Breite
     * @param editorWidth The editorWidth to set.
    public void setEditorWidth(String editorWidth) {
        this.editorWidth = editorWidth;

     * Aktuelle Request, Session Daten anzeigen
     * @return Returns the enableShowDevelopmentData.
    public boolean isEnableShowDevelopmentData() {
        return enableShowDevelopmentData;

     * Aktuelle Request, Session Daten anzeigen
     * @param enableShowDevelopmentData The enableShowDevelopmentData to set.
    public void setEnableShowDevelopmentData(boolean enableShowDevelopmentData) {
        this.enableShowDevelopmentData = enableShowDevelopmentData;

     * DIV Positionierung Left
     * @param divDevelopmentDataLeft The divDevelopmentDataLeft to set.
    public void setDivDevelopmentDataLeft(String divDevelopmentDataLeft) {
        this.divDevelopmentDataLeft = divDevelopmentDataLeft;

     * DIV Positionierung Top
     * @param divDevelopmentDataTop The divDevelopmentDataTop to set.
    public void setDivDevelopmentDataTop(String divDevelopmentDataTop) {
        this.divDevelopmentDataTop = divDevelopmentDataTop;

     * @return Returns the isSourceDownloaded.
    public boolean isSourceDownloaded() {
        return isSourceDownloaded;