springapp.web.controller.theme.ProcessThemeController.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for springapp.web.controller.theme.ProcessThemeController.java


 * Theme Builder for ExtJS framework Project.
 * Copyright (c) 2009 - 2011 Sergey Chentsov. All rights reserved.
 * License: LGPL_v3
 * Author: Sergey Chentsov (extjs id: iv_ekker)
 * mailto: sergchentsov@gmail.com

package springapp.web.controller.theme;

import cesium.factory.ResourcesProcessorFactory;
import cesium.holder.ResourcesHolder;
import cesium.holder.ThemeParametersHolder;
import cesium.op.ExtJSRescaleOp;
import cesium.op.ForegroundShiftOp;
import cesium.pool.ResourceHolderPool;
import cesium.processor.ResourcesProcessor;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.web.context.support.WebApplicationContextUtils;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.Controller;
import springapp.constants.ApplicationConstants;

import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.AffineTransformOp;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImageOp;
import java.util.HashMap;

public class ProcessThemeController implements Controller {
    protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());

    private ResourceHolderPool holder23Pool;
    private ResourceHolderPool holderPool;
    private ResourceHolderPool holder31Pool;
    private ResourceHolderPool holder32Pool;
    private ResourceHolderPool holder33Pool;
    private ResourceHolderPool holderGray23Pool;
    private ResourceHolderPool holderGrayPool;
    private ResourceHolderPool holderGray31Pool;
    private ResourceHolderPool holderGray32Pool;
    private ResourceHolderPool holderGray33Pool;

    private ResourceHolderPool holderToolsetPool;
    private ResourceHolderPool holderDrawablePool;
    ResourcesProcessorFactory resourcesProcessorFactory;

    public ModelAndView handleRequest(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest,
            HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse) throws Exception {
        HttpSession session = httpServletRequest.getSession();

        String templateIdString = httpServletRequest.getParameter(ApplicationConstants.TEMPLATE_ID);
        byte templateId = 0;

        int oldColor = 0;
        int newColor = 0;
        int oldHeaderColor = 0;
        int newHeaderColor = 0;
        int oldBgColor = 0;
        int newBgColor = 0;
        int oldFontColor = 0;
        int newFontColor = 0;
        int oldHeaderFontColor = 0;
        int newHeaderFontColor = 0;
        int oldBorderColor = 0;
        int newBorderColor = 0;
        int oldTransp = 0;
        int newTransp = 0;
        byte sizeHeaderFontDiff = 11;
        byte sizeFontDiff = 11;

        ThemeParametersHolder themeParametersHolder = null;
        String toolsetName = httpServletRequest.getParameter(ApplicationConstants.TOOLSET_NAME);

        String versionString = httpServletRequest.getParameter(ApplicationConstants.VERSION);
        String version = (null == versionString) ? ApplicationConstants.DEFAULT_EXTJS_VERSION : versionString;
        String familyHeaderFont = httpServletRequest.getParameter(ApplicationConstants.FAMILY_HEADER_FONT);
        String familyFont = httpServletRequest.getParameter(ApplicationConstants.FAMILY_FONT);
        String weightHeaderFont = httpServletRequest.getParameter(ApplicationConstants.WEIGHT_HEADER_FONT);
        String weightFont = httpServletRequest.getParameter(ApplicationConstants.WEIGHT_FONT);
        try {
            templateId = null != templateIdString ? Byte.parseByte(templateIdString) : 0;

            String oldColorString = (0 == templateId) ? "#DFE8F6" : "#F1F1F1";
            String newColorString = httpServletRequest.getParameter(ApplicationConstants.NEW_COLOR);

            String oldHeaderColorString = (0 == templateId) ? "#CDDEF3" : "#D7D7D7";
            String newHeaderColorString = httpServletRequest.getParameter(ApplicationConstants.NEW_HEADER_COLOR);

            String oldBgColorString = "#FFFFFF";
            String newBgColorString = httpServletRequest.getParameter(ApplicationConstants.NEW_BG_COLOR);

            String oldFontColorString = "#000000";
            String newFontColorString = httpServletRequest.getParameter(ApplicationConstants.NEW_FONT_COLOR);

            String oldHeaderFontColorString = (0 == templateId) ? "#15428B" : "#222222";
            String newHeaderFontColorString = httpServletRequest

            String sizeHeaderFontString = httpServletRequest.getParameter(ApplicationConstants.SIZE_HEADER_FONT);

            String sizeFontString = httpServletRequest.getParameter(ApplicationConstants.SIZE_FONT);

            String oldBorderColorString = (0 == templateId) ? "#99BBE8" : "#D0D0D0";
            String newBorderColorString = httpServletRequest.getParameter(ApplicationConstants.NEW_BORDER_COLOR);

            String oldTranspString = "255";
            String newTranspString = httpServletRequest.getParameter(ApplicationConstants.NEW_TRANSP);

            themeParametersHolder = new ThemeParametersHolder(templateIdString, newColorString,
                    newHeaderColorString, newBgColorString, newFontColorString, newHeaderFontColorString,
                    familyHeaderFont, weightHeaderFont, sizeHeaderFontString, familyFont, weightFont,
                    sizeFontString, newBorderColorString, newTranspString, toolsetName, version);

            oldColor = null != oldColorString ? Integer.parseInt(oldColorString.replaceFirst("#", ""), 16) : 0;
            newColor = null != newColorString ? Integer.parseInt(newColorString.replaceFirst("#", ""), 16) : 0;
            oldHeaderColor = null != oldHeaderColorString
                    ? Integer.parseInt(oldHeaderColorString.replaceFirst("#", ""), 16)
                    : 0;
            newHeaderColor = null != newHeaderColorString
                    ? Integer.parseInt(newHeaderColorString.replaceFirst("#", ""), 16)
                    : 0;
            oldBgColor = null != oldBgColorString ? Integer.parseInt(oldBgColorString.replaceFirst("#", ""), 16)
                    : 0;
            newBgColor = null != newBgColorString ? Integer.parseInt(newBgColorString.replaceFirst("#", ""), 16)
                    : 0;
            oldFontColor = null != oldFontColorString
                    ? Integer.parseInt(oldFontColorString.replaceFirst("#", ""), 16)
                    : 0;
            newFontColor = null != newFontColorString
                    ? Integer.parseInt(newFontColorString.replaceFirst("#", ""), 16)
                    : 0;
            oldHeaderFontColor = null != oldHeaderFontColorString
                    ? Integer.parseInt(oldHeaderFontColorString.replaceFirst("#", ""), 16)
                    : 0;
            newHeaderFontColor = null != newHeaderFontColorString
                    ? Integer.parseInt(newHeaderFontColorString.replaceFirst("#", ""), 16)
                    : 0;

            oldBorderColor = null != oldBorderColorString
                    ? Integer.parseInt(oldBorderColorString.replaceFirst("#", ""), 16)
                    : 0;
            newBorderColor = null != newBorderColorString
                    ? Integer.parseInt(newBorderColorString.replaceFirst("#", ""), 16)
                    : 0;

            oldTransp = null != oldTranspString ? Integer.parseInt(oldTranspString) : 0;
            newTransp = null != newTranspString ? Integer.parseInt(newTranspString) : 0;

            sizeHeaderFontDiff = (byte) ((null != sizeHeaderFontString ? Byte.parseByte(sizeHeaderFontString) : 11)
                    - 11);
            sizeFontDiff = (byte) ((null != sizeFontString ? Byte.parseByte(sizeFontString) : 11) - 11);
        } catch (Exception e) {

        int oldR = (oldColor >> 16) & 0xff;
        int oldG = (oldColor >> 8) & 0xff;
        int oldB = oldColor & 0xff;

        int newR = (newColor >> 16) & 0xff;
        int newG = (newColor >> 8) & 0xff;
        int newB = newColor & 0xff;

        int oldHeaderR = (oldHeaderColor >> 16) & 0xff;
        int oldHeaderG = (oldHeaderColor >> 8) & 0xff;
        int oldHeaderB = oldHeaderColor & 0xff;

        int newHeaderR = (newHeaderColor >> 16) & 0xff;
        int newHeaderG = (newHeaderColor >> 8) & 0xff;
        int newHeaderB = newHeaderColor & 0xff;

        int oldBgR = (oldBgColor >> 16) & 0xff;
        int oldBgG = (oldBgColor >> 8) & 0xff;
        int oldBgB = oldBgColor & 0xff;

        int newBgR = (newBgColor >> 16) & 0xff;
        int newBgG = (newBgColor >> 8) & 0xff;
        int newBgB = newBgColor & 0xff;

        int oldFontR = (oldFontColor >> 16) & 0xff;
        int oldFontG = (oldFontColor >> 8) & 0xff;
        int oldFontB = oldFontColor & 0xff;

        int newFontR = (newFontColor >> 16) & 0xff;
        int newFontG = (newFontColor >> 8) & 0xff;
        int newFontB = newFontColor & 0xff;

        int oldHeaderFontR = (oldHeaderFontColor >> 16) & 0xff;
        int oldHeaderFontG = (oldHeaderFontColor >> 8) & 0xff;
        int oldHeaderFontB = oldHeaderFontColor & 0xff;

        int newHeaderFontR = (newHeaderFontColor >> 16) & 0xff;
        int newHeaderFontG = (newHeaderFontColor >> 8) & 0xff;
        int newHeaderFontB = newHeaderFontColor & 0xff;

        int oldBorderR = (oldBorderColor >> 16) & 0xff;
        int oldBorderG = (oldBorderColor >> 8) & 0xff;
        int oldBorderB = oldBorderColor & 0xff;

        int newBorderR = (newBorderColor >> 16) & 0xff;
        int newBorderG = (newBorderColor >> 8) & 0xff;
        int newBorderB = newBorderColor & 0xff;

        ServletContext servletContext = session.getServletContext();
        WebApplicationContext context = WebApplicationContextUtils.getRequiredWebApplicationContext(servletContext);

        ResourcesProcessorFactory resourcesProcessorFactory = (ResourcesProcessorFactory) context

        ResourcesHolder schemaHolder;
        ResourcesProcessor processor;
        /*        schemaHolder = getResourcesHolderForProcessing(templateId, "");
                processor = resourcesProcessorFactory.getResourcesProcessor(schemaHolder, context);*/

        //operation definition
        HashMap hints = new HashMap();
        hints.put(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY);
        hints.put(RenderingHints.KEY_DITHERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_DITHER_ENABLE);
        hints.put(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
        hints.put(RenderingHints.KEY_COLOR_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_COLOR_RENDER_QUALITY);

        RenderingHints renderingHints = new RenderingHints(hints);

        int rDiff = newR - oldR;
        int gDiff = newG - oldG;
        int bDiff = newB - oldB;
        int rHeaderDiff = newHeaderR - oldHeaderR;
        int gHeaderDiff = newHeaderG - oldHeaderG;
        int bHeaderDiff = newHeaderB - oldHeaderB;
        int rBgDiff = newBgR - oldBgR;
        int gBgDiff = newBgG - oldBgG;
        int bBgDiff = newBgB - oldBgB;
        int rFontDiff = newFontR - oldFontR;
        int gFontDiff = newFontG - oldFontG;
        int bFontDiff = newFontB - oldFontB;
        int rHeaderFontDiff = newHeaderFontR - oldHeaderFontR;
        int gHeaderFontDiff = newHeaderFontG - oldHeaderFontG;
        int bHeaderFontDiff = newHeaderFontB - oldHeaderFontB;

        int rBorderDiff = newBorderR - oldBorderR;
        int gBorderDiff = newBorderG - oldBorderG;
        int bBorderDiff = newBorderB - oldBorderB;

        float transparencyDiff = newTransp - oldTransp;

        float[] offsets = { rDiff, gDiff, bDiff, 0f };
        float[] offsetsHeader = { rHeaderDiff, gHeaderDiff, bHeaderDiff, 0f };
        float[] offsetsBg = { rBgDiff, gBgDiff, bBgDiff, 0f };
        float[] offsetsFont = { rFontDiff, gFontDiff, bFontDiff, 0f };
        float[] offsetsHeaderFont = { rHeaderFontDiff, gHeaderFontDiff, bHeaderFontDiff, 0f };
        float[] offsetsBorder = { rBorderDiff, gBorderDiff, bBorderDiff, 0f };
        float[] offsetsTranceparency = (0 == transparencyDiff) ? null : new float[] { 0, 0, 0, transparencyDiff };
        float[] offsetsShadowTransparency = { 0, 0, 0, transparencyDiff / 5 };

        float liteDivider = 2.5f;
        float[] liteoffsets = { rDiff / liteDivider, gDiff / liteDivider, bDiff / liteDivider, 0f };
        float[] scaleFactors = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
        ExtJSRescaleOp brightenOp = new ExtJSRescaleOp(scaleFactors, // 1  ,1   ,1
                offsets, renderingHints);

        ExtJSRescaleOp headerOp = new ExtJSRescaleOp(scaleFactors, // 1  ,1   ,1
                offsetsHeader, renderingHints);

        ExtJSRescaleOp liteOp = new ExtJSRescaleOp(scaleFactors, // 1  ,1   ,1
                liteoffsets, renderingHints);

        ExtJSRescaleOp bgOp = new ExtJSRescaleOp(scaleFactors, // 1  ,1   ,1
                offsetsBg, renderingHints);

        ExtJSRescaleOp fontOp = new ExtJSRescaleOp(scaleFactors, // 1  ,1   ,1
                offsetsFont, renderingHints);

        ExtJSRescaleOp headerFontOp = new ExtJSRescaleOp(scaleFactors, // 1  ,1   ,1
                offsetsHeaderFont, renderingHints);

        ExtJSRescaleOp borderOp = new ExtJSRescaleOp(scaleFactors, // 1  ,1   ,1
                offsetsBorder, renderingHints);

        ExtJSRescaleOp transparencyOp = (0 == transparencyDiff) ? null
                : new ExtJSRescaleOp(scaleFactors, // 1  ,1   ,1
                        offsetsTranceparency, renderingHints);

        ExtJSRescaleOp shadowTransparencyOp = null/*new ExtJSRescaleOp(
                                                  scaleFactors,// 1  ,1   ,1

                ShiftOp shiftOp = new ShiftOp(new float[]{1, 1, 1, 1}
            , offsets, renderingHints, true);
                int csRGB = ColorSpace.CS_sRGB;
                int csGRAY = ColorSpace.CS_GRAY;
                ColorSpace srcCS = ColorSpace.getInstance(csRGB);
                ColorSpace destCS = ColorSpace.getInstance(csGRAY);
        //operation with inversion of color #for heading font color
        ForegroundShiftOp foregroundOp = new ForegroundShiftOp(newR, newG, newB);

        AffineTransformOp affineTransformOp = null/*new AffineTransformOp(
                                                  AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(2,2), AffineTransformOp.TYPE_BICUBIC)*/;
        //end operation  definition

        //get toolset holder
        ResourceHolderPool holderToolsetPool = this.holderToolsetPool;
        ResourcesHolder toolsetSchemaHolder = holderToolsetPool.checkOut();
        //get drawable holder
        ResourceHolderPool holderDrawablePool = this.holderDrawablePool;
        ResourcesHolder drawableSchemaHolder = holderDrawablePool.checkOut();
        /*        process(processor, templateId, schemaHolder, brightenOp, foregroundOp, liteOp, bgOp,
            fontOp, transparencyOp, session, borderOp, affineTransformOp, headerFontOp,
            shadowTransparencyOp, headerOp, toolsetSchemaHolder,
            toolsetName, familyHeaderFont, weightHeaderFont, sizeHeaderFontDiff,
            familyFont, weightFont, sizeFontDiff,
            drawableSchemaHolder, "3.2"*//*version*//*);
                                                     if (!"3.2".equals(version)){*/
        schemaHolder = getResourcesHolderForProcessing(templateId, version);
        processor = resourcesProcessorFactory.getResourcesProcessor(schemaHolder, context);
        process(processor, themeParametersHolder, templateId, schemaHolder, brightenOp, foregroundOp, liteOp, bgOp,
                fontOp, transparencyOp, session, borderOp, affineTransformOp, headerFontOp, shadowTransparencyOp,
                headerOp, toolsetSchemaHolder, toolsetName, familyHeaderFont, weightHeaderFont, sizeHeaderFontDiff,
                familyFont, weightFont, sizeFontDiff, drawableSchemaHolder, version);

        /*        }*/

        logger.info("ProcessThemeController ! IP=" + httpServletRequest.getRemoteAddr());

        return new ModelAndView("json/success");

    public ResourcesProcessorFactory getResourcesProcessorFactory() {
        return resourcesProcessorFactory;

    public void setResourcesProcessorFactory(ResourcesProcessorFactory resourcesProcessorFactory) {
        this.resourcesProcessorFactory = resourcesProcessorFactory;

    protected ResourcesHolder getResourcesHolderForProcessing(byte themeTemplateId, String version) {
        ResourceHolderPool resourceHolderPool = null;
        if ("3.0".equals(version)) {
            resourceHolderPool = 1 == themeTemplateId ? this.holderGrayPool : this.holderPool;
        } else if ("3.1".equals(version)) {
            resourceHolderPool = 1 == themeTemplateId ? this.holderGray31Pool : this.holder31Pool;
        } else if ("3.2".equals(version)) {
            resourceHolderPool = 1 == themeTemplateId ? this.holderGray32Pool : this.holder32Pool;
        } else if ("2.3".equals(version)) {
            resourceHolderPool = 1 == themeTemplateId ? this.holderGray23Pool : this.holder23Pool;
        } else {
            resourceHolderPool = 1 == themeTemplateId ? this.holderGray33Pool : this.holder33Pool;

        return resourceHolderPool.checkOut();

    protected void process(ResourcesProcessor processor, ThemeParametersHolder themeParametersHolder,
            byte themeTemplateId, ResourcesHolder schemaHolder, ExtJSRescaleOp brightenOp,
            ForegroundShiftOp foregroundOp, ExtJSRescaleOp liteOp, ExtJSRescaleOp bgOp, ExtJSRescaleOp fontOp,
            ExtJSRescaleOp transparencyOp, HttpSession session, ExtJSRescaleOp borderOp,
            AffineTransformOp affineTransformOp, ExtJSRescaleOp headerFontOp, BufferedImageOp shadowTransparencyOp,
            ExtJSRescaleOp headerOp, ResourcesHolder toolsetSchemaHolder, String toolsetName,
            String familyHeaderFont, String weightHeaderFont, byte sizeHeaderFontDiff, String familyFont,
            String weightFont, byte sizeFontDiff, ResourcesHolder drawableSchemaHolder, String version) {

        ResourcesHolder resultHolder = processor.process(schemaHolder, themeParametersHolder,
                (ExtJSRescaleOp) brightenOp, (ForegroundShiftOp) foregroundOp, (ExtJSRescaleOp) liteOp,
                (ExtJSRescaleOp) bgOp, (ExtJSRescaleOp) fontOp, transparencyOp, borderOp,
                (AffineTransformOp) affineTransformOp, (ExtJSRescaleOp) headerFontOp, shadowTransparencyOp,
                headerOp, toolsetSchemaHolder, toolsetName, familyHeaderFont, weightHeaderFont, sizeHeaderFontDiff,
                familyFont, weightFont, sizeFontDiff, drawableSchemaHolder);
        ResourceHolderPool resourceHolderPool = null;
        ResourceHolderPool holderToolsetPool = this.holderToolsetPool;
        ResourceHolderPool holderDrawablePool = this.holderDrawablePool;

        if ("3.0".equals(version)) {
            resourceHolderPool = 1 == themeTemplateId ? this.holderGrayPool : this.holderPool;
        } else if ("3.1".equals(version)) {
            resourceHolderPool = 1 == themeTemplateId ? this.holderGray31Pool : this.holder31Pool;
        } else if ("3.2".equals(version)) {
            resourceHolderPool = 1 == themeTemplateId ? this.holderGray32Pool : this.holder32Pool;
        } else if ("2.3".equals(version)) {
            resourceHolderPool = 1 == themeTemplateId ? this.holderGray23Pool : this.holder23Pool;
        } else {
            resourceHolderPool = 1 == themeTemplateId ? this.holderGray33Pool : this.holder33Pool;

        resourceHolderPool.checkIn(schemaHolder);//return holder to pool of unlocked
        holderToolsetPool.checkIn(toolsetSchemaHolder);//return holder to pool of unlocked
        holderDrawablePool.checkIn(drawableSchemaHolder);//return holder to pool of unlocked

        session.setAttribute(ApplicationConstants.CURRENT_SCHEMA_ATTRIBUTE_NAME/*+version*/, resultHolder);


    public ResourceHolderPool getHolderPool() {
        return holderPool;

    public void setHolderPool(ResourceHolderPool holderPool) {
        this.holderPool = holderPool;

    public ResourceHolderPool getHolderGrayPool() {
        return holderGrayPool;

    public void setHolderGrayPool(ResourceHolderPool holderGrayPool) {
        this.holderGrayPool = holderGrayPool;

    public ResourceHolderPool getHolderToolsetPool() {
        return holderToolsetPool;

    public void setHolderToolsetPool(ResourceHolderPool holderToolsetPool) {
        this.holderToolsetPool = holderToolsetPool;

    public ResourceHolderPool getHolderDrawablePool() {
        return holderDrawablePool;

    public void setHolderDrawablePool(ResourceHolderPool holderDrawablePool) {
        this.holderDrawablePool = holderDrawablePool;

    public ResourceHolderPool getHolder31Pool() {
        return holder31Pool;

    public void setHolder31Pool(ResourceHolderPool holder31Pool) {
        this.holder31Pool = holder31Pool;

    public ResourceHolderPool getHolderGray31Pool() {
        return holderGray31Pool;

    public void setHolderGray31Pool(ResourceHolderPool holderGray31Pool) {
        this.holderGray31Pool = holderGray31Pool;

    public ResourceHolderPool getHolderGray32Pool() {
        return holderGray32Pool;

    public void setHolderGray32Pool(ResourceHolderPool holderGray32Pool) {
        this.holderGray32Pool = holderGray32Pool;

    public ResourceHolderPool getHolder32Pool() {
        return holder32Pool;

    public void setHolder32Pool(ResourceHolderPool holder32Pool) {
        this.holder32Pool = holder32Pool;

    public void setHolder33Pool(ResourceHolderPool holder33Pool) {
        this.holder33Pool = holder33Pool;

    public ResourceHolderPool getHolder33Pool() {
        return holder33Pool;

    public void setHolderGray33Pool(ResourceHolderPool holderGray33Pool) {
        this.holderGray33Pool = holderGray33Pool;

    public ResourceHolderPool getHolderGray33Pool() {
        return holderGray33Pool;

    public void setHolder23Pool(ResourceHolderPool holder23Pool) {
        this.holder23Pool = holder23Pool;

    public ResourceHolderPool getHolder23Pool() {
        return holder23Pool;

    public void setHolderGray23Pool(ResourceHolderPool holderGray23Pool) {
        this.holderGray23Pool = holderGray23Pool;

    public ResourceHolderPool getHolderGray23Pool() {
        return holderGray23Pool;