Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * stratum-proxy is a proxy supporting the crypto-currency stratum pool mining
 * protocol.
 * Copyright (C) 2014  Stratehm (
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with multipool-stats-backend. If not, see <>.
package strat.mining.stratum.proxy.utils.mining;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedList;

import strat.mining.stratum.proxy.utils.ArrayUtils;


 * An utility class for hashing.
 * @author Strat
public final class SHA256HashingUtils {

    public static final BigDecimal DIFFICULTY_1_TARGET = new BigDecimal(new BigInteger(

    // Array to prepand to a byte array to build a positive bigInteger
    private static final byte[] BIG_INTEGER_FAKE_SIGN_ARRAY = new byte[] { (byte) 0 };

    // The following constants are used to compute midstates.
    private static long A0 = 0x6a09e667L;
    private static long B0 = 0xbb67ae85L;
    private static long C0 = 0x3c6ef372L;
    private static long D0 = 0xa54ff53aL;
    private static long E0 = 0x510e527fL;
    private static long F0 = 0x9b05688cL;
    private static long G0 = 0x1f83d9abL;
    private static long H0 = 0x5be0cd19L;

    private static long K[] = { 0x428a2f98L, 0x71374491L, 0xb5c0fbcfL, 0xe9b5dba5L, 0x3956c25bL, 0x59f111f1L,
            0x923f82a4L, 0xab1c5ed5L, 0xd807aa98L, 0x12835b01L, 0x243185beL, 0x550c7dc3L, 0x72be5d74L, 0x80deb1feL,
            0x9bdc06a7L, 0xc19bf174L, 0xe49b69c1L, 0xefbe4786L, 0x0fc19dc6L, 0x240ca1ccL, 0x2de92c6fL, 0x4a7484aaL,
            0x5cb0a9dcL, 0x76f988daL, 0x983e5152L, 0xa831c66dL, 0xb00327c8L, 0xbf597fc7L, 0xc6e00bf3L, 0xd5a79147L,
            0x06ca6351L, 0x14292967L, 0x27b70a85L, 0x2e1b2138L, 0x4d2c6dfcL, 0x53380d13L, 0x650a7354L, 0x766a0abbL,
            0x81c2c92eL, 0x92722c85L, 0xa2bfe8a1L, 0xa81a664bL, 0xc24b8b70L, 0xc76c51a3L, 0xd192e819L, 0xd6990624L,
            0xf40e3585L, 0x106aa070L, 0x19a4c116L, 0x1e376c08L, 0x2748774cL, 0x34b0bcb5L, 0x391c0cb3L, 0x4ed8aa4aL,
            0x5b9cca4fL, 0x682e6ff3L, 0x748f82eeL, 0x78a5636fL, 0x84c87814L, 0x8cc70208L, 0x90befffaL, 0xa4506cebL,
            0xbef9a3f7L, 0xc67178f2L, };

     * Compute the SHA256 midstate of the given 64 bytes of data and return the
     * 32 bytes midstate. This algorithm is the Java implementation of the
     * Python implementation got from the Slush0 stratum proxy.
     * @param data
     * @return
    public static final byte[] midstateSHA256(byte[] data) {
        if (data.length != 64) {
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Data must be 64 bytes long");

        LinkedList<Long> w = new LinkedList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
            int dataIndex = i * 4;
            w.add(Longs.fromBytes((byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, data[dataIndex + 3], data[dataIndex + 2],
                    data[dataIndex + 1], data[dataIndex]));

        long a = A0;
        long b = B0;
        long c = C0;
        long d = D0;
        long e = E0;
        long f = F0;
        long g = G0;
        long h = H0;

        for (long k : K) {
            long s0 = rotateRight(a, 2) ^ rotateRight(a, 13) ^ rotateRight(a, 22);
            long s1 = rotateRight(e, 6) ^ rotateRight(e, 11) ^ rotateRight(e, 25);
            long ma = (a & b) ^ (a & c) ^ (b & c);
            long ch = (e & f) ^ ((~e) & g);

            h = addu32(h, w.get(0), k, ch, s1);
            d = addu32(d, h);
            h = addu32(h, ma, s0);

            long tempa = a;
            a = h;
            h = g;
            g = f;
            f = e;
            e = d;
            d = c;
            c = b;
            b = tempa;

            long w1 = w.get(1);
            long w14 = w.get(14);
            s0 = rotateRight(w1, 7) ^ rotateRight(w1, 18) ^ (w1 >> 3);
            s1 = rotateRight(w14, 17) ^ rotateRight(w14, 19) ^ (w14 >> 10);
            w.add(addu32(w.get(0), s0, w.get(9), s1));

        a = addu32(a, A0);
        b = addu32(b, B0);
        c = addu32(c, C0);
        d = addu32(d, D0);
        e = addu32(e, E0);
        f = addu32(f, F0);
        g = addu32(g, G0);
        h = addu32(h, H0);

        byte[] result = new byte[32];
        byte[] bytes = Longs.toByteArray(a);
        result[0] = bytes[7];
        result[1] = bytes[6];
        result[2] = bytes[5];
        result[3] = bytes[4];

        bytes = Longs.toByteArray(b);
        result[4] = bytes[7];
        result[5] = bytes[6];
        result[6] = bytes[5];
        result[7] = bytes[4];

        bytes = Longs.toByteArray(c);
        result[8] = bytes[7];
        result[9] = bytes[6];
        result[10] = bytes[5];
        result[11] = bytes[4];

        bytes = Longs.toByteArray(d);
        result[12] = bytes[7];
        result[13] = bytes[6];
        result[14] = bytes[5];
        result[15] = bytes[4];

        bytes = Longs.toByteArray(e);
        result[16] = bytes[7];
        result[17] = bytes[6];
        result[18] = bytes[5];
        result[19] = bytes[4];

        bytes = Longs.toByteArray(f);
        result[20] = bytes[7];
        result[21] = bytes[6];
        result[22] = bytes[5];
        result[23] = bytes[4];

        bytes = Longs.toByteArray(g);
        result[24] = bytes[7];
        result[25] = bytes[6];
        result[26] = bytes[5];
        result[27] = bytes[4];

        bytes = Longs.toByteArray(h);
        result[28] = bytes[7];
        result[29] = bytes[6];
        result[30] = bytes[5];
        result[31] = bytes[4];

        return result;

     * Used by the midstate calculation
     * @param i
     * @param p
     * @return
    private static final long rotateRight(long i, int p) {
        p &= 0x1F; // p mod 32
        return i >> p | ((i << (32 - p)) & 0xFFFFFFFFL);

     * Used by the midstate calculation
     * @param toAdd
     * @return
    private static long addu32(Long... toAdd) {
        long result = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < toAdd.length; i++) {
            result += toAdd[i];

        return result & 0xFFFFFFFFL;

     * Apply a single sha256 round over the given data.
     * @param data
     * @return
    public static final byte[] sha256Hash(byte[] data) {
        HashCode hashBytes = Hashing.sha256().hashBytes(data);
        return hashBytes.asBytes();

     * Apply two sha256 round over the given data.
     * @param data
     * @return
    public static final byte[] doubleSha256Hash(byte[] data) {
        return sha256Hash(sha256Hash(data));

     * Return true if the block header SHA256 hash is below the given target.
     * @param target
     * @param blockHeader
     * @return
    public static boolean isBlockHeaderSHA256HashBelowTarget(String blockHeader, BigInteger target) {
        BigInteger hash = getBlockHeaderHash(blockHeader);

        // Check that the hash is less than the target. (The hash is valid if
        // hash < target)
        boolean isBelowTarget = hash.compareTo(target) < 0;

        return isBelowTarget;

     * Compute the hash of the given block header
     * @param blockHeader
     * @return
    public static BigInteger getBlockHeaderHash(String blockHeader) {
        // The block header is just composed of the 80 first bytes (the
        // remaining is just padding)
        byte[] blockHeaderBin = BaseEncoding.base16().decode(blockHeader.substring(0, 160));

        // LittleEndian to BigEndian
        blockHeaderBin = ArrayUtils.swapBytes(blockHeaderBin, 4);

        // Compute the hash
        byte[] hashIntegerBytes = doubleSha256Hash(blockHeaderBin);

        // Convert the hashInteger to a 256 bits (32 bytes) bytes array
        byte[] hashBytes256Bits = new byte[32];
        Arrays.fill(hashBytes256Bits, (byte) 0);
        ArrayUtils.copyInto(hashIntegerBytes, hashBytes256Bits, 32 - hashIntegerBytes.length);

        // Then swap bytes from big-endian to little-endian
        hashBytes256Bits = ArrayUtils.swapBytes(hashBytes256Bits, 4);

        // And reverse the order of 4-bytes words (big-endian to little-endian
        // 256-bits integer)
        hashBytes256Bits = ArrayUtils.reverseWords(hashBytes256Bits, 4);

        // Build the integer (with a 0 value byte to fake an unsigned int (sign
        // bit to 0)
        BigInteger hashInteger = new BigInteger(
                org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils.addAll(BIG_INTEGER_FAKE_SIGN_ARRAY, hashBytes256Bits));

        return hashInteger;

     * Compute and return the real difficulty of this share.
     * @return
    public static Double getRealShareDifficulty(String blockHeader) {
        BigInteger realDifficulty = BigInteger.ZERO;
        BigInteger hash = getBlockHeaderHash(blockHeader);
        realDifficulty = DIFFICULTY_1_TARGET.toBigInteger().divide(hash);
        return realDifficulty.doubleValue();
